t TAXI For Q 9 miln ..:.V.'b' , " FISH P.Market R. Phone yf Fresh Third White Avcnua Fish Fresh Alaska Herring neel'Servlce nnd PRINCE RUPERT FresK Local Beef "neat Car In the Clly Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 071 it XIII. N" PJIINCK IlL'I'nfVT, ll. (I, TIM. HHDAV. JAMAhY 20. 1(22. vturi circui.tion 1T02. su..t s.u. n PRICK FIVE CENTS Population of Province is Announced dIISparticipation in reief work payment extended WIFE UK FORMER BANKER SEEKS EVIDENCE IN CANADA. w Federal Government Will Bear OLIVER WILL Large Share the Cost of Relief CARRY CASE TO OTTAWA Work Given By Municipalities Discriminatory Freioht Rates i Should Be Abolished Now OTTAWA, "-Tin? government passed mruMire-i,' NEW ROUTE TO i He Thinks. lne relief of llic unemployed jiroviding fur per ccui. my-, . ; mi public work undertaken by llic imiiiielpalilirs where IIilv VltrroiHA, Jan. iO.--Premier Oliver, add renins tloti'-fldbcral 1. or 1 It v physically 111 ex-oldlcrs i concerned, (lie province FORT NORMAN l!lul here, oiinouueed Ihal he ;i miiincipalily Ut share llic remaining rtt per i ciiL. wa xoinp lo Ottawa lo present Tiicmploynient work for oilier lliiin Mddirrs will be asitcd the rth(s of Ihe province before Proposal Being Considered to Go iu lit extent of uiit'-lliinJ (lie normal rol ami onc-bulf (In- exlru! In by Way of Prlnee Rupert the railway commission, tdiowinz that the province is en-tilled tin province lo pay one-half llic exlru iM and the; and Llard River. to equal freight rales under .pahly oucilh. the Act of Union. - J-nJiTui relict i conditioned un (lie province asiiiiiiig onc-iii IMPERIAL OIL IS ANXIOUS The firal. minister' expressed I o llic normal col ami (fit approval of (lie work by the confidence that now there is a Liberal administration in power lr - uutborilics. Matter Has Been Considered by at Ottawa, justice would he done Where work -4iii 110I be provided, llic federal goerninriil Minister of Public Works and the matter amicably settled. c ' 1 : one third of (lie relief funds. Ihe province must pay one-1 for B. C. He gaid Britih Columbia had iSsssssHssHflsssssssssHiSsa. I 1 00,000.000 in the last 30 i lid Ihe mono ipalily oiie-lhird. - I II 1 - I - II .- 1 paid YlCTOlHA. Jan. Hon. 4. II. year. through discriminatory KiiiK. a iiiiniier of i'ubliti.workf f reign I rales. Urt. -iasa A. SUlJaae, wife of lh forrn-r Pr-jMeet of h Nitlonal atr Bank, the world's largest B. C. FARMERS MILLIONS for HrilUh fioliiinbia. haV now -beaklns Institution, U In Canada, where he t klnt new e-den to help her in her divorce proceed iindiT ronniileralion plan fur Ihe ln. ThU picture ahows tfrom left to rtsntH Philip J. O'Brien, coun-el of Mrs. SUllman. Mrs. Kifl Potter rtiunlriieloin of a route aeron Still man. Fred BeauraJ and Mayor Jeane Crete of Crandes Piles at a bearing whlcb ia belne beld La POPE BENEDICT WILL. DECIDE WILL DIE Hrilifth lUtluiuhtadruiii I'rinre llu- MontreaL perl lo the head water of the' Fori Nrleon llher to ive UiC LAID TO REST of B.C. AS TO ACTION Maekeiifie lliver oil liehU ronnec. Population League of Nations Told Too LIBERALS ARE NOT 1 100 Willi ihe world und brine ull Late Save Many Russian YET DECIDED ON . 14' Jj2itHi y,t Ulje.lM.leveJop-nieiufriiiVnTlli'- . CA Bl N ETM E8ERS r. Interment Was. Solenyi and. Impressive ' ticlad Will Be Known This Starving. pri,vl" ! Is 523.369 Pfihce and Attendance Was When heyVneV t'TgOttaw'jJ and Exclusive. Murnoon Whether or Not viinoitiA, Jan. irt.- Very OENEVA, Jan. 26 Nineteen joiiiM Hie iVotninioii cabinet r. Will Enter Politics. The Liberal caut-o held u Ty million people are suf-, KIiib will lilllld over lh.eheme lo ItOMK. Jan. iC. 'The remains pndoutfcd meelinif yesJer-day. 1 ferlng Intensely for want of hot here and then take Has 'V iOtVF.lt, Jun. i Mireeor. coiitiuuiiiK llieir de. Rupert 6,378 or lope ll'-iiedlcl XV. were this In food Russia and fifteen tep lo brilllt the Ontitiliion KoV-eruiuenl ill arternooii enlouibed wilh solemn midnight, W lilH-ratloiH nn after ir mil Hie I. uitcd million will die ; certainly in line, with Ihe proposal. and imnix'.ssive ceremonies. Tlie of It. i;. will enter I In-1 unless thev are alven relief' without havitiK come Tlii i Hie nlitioiinremenl from. binly of I lie lale I'onlifr was eji- ) arena nnd atfiliulc willii Immediately, said Fritjof V. A. line, former member to nny decision in rtifnrd OTTAWA, Jan. SO.- The population of Prince Ituperl as elosed iu three caskets and I' ..fraaite- - -- narl will imdi- Nasan to the League of Nations (1'eare Itivpr in the Alberta I.epj- lo cabinet Hppoinlmeiilt. given mil olliciully by Ihe rcnsii.s Imnviii i now li:i7S, an increase dressed in the poiitiriral robe. ij. . i.I' d lair thi. after-V committee. Thlrt- The fallen l being I a lure, who lias ueen mirrviewiiiK coiilinuetl of S1HS over Ihe cciimis iflurti- of leu yi-ars ago. Il -now lies m the crypt under long and warm di-eu--- three millions are affected Oliver and lr. Kintf about . today. Hasiltea or SI. Peter' Premier the great pccleil fin Jliere is a Vancouver has a Kipulaliini of ll,7oo, an inereuse of I0.SU! and now It Is too late to Tho historic and 0nillK up Hie liew route. cathedral. of opinion mii"lU lite save them all. he declared. t .1,: I I 1 over llic HU I relurns. ritualistic services I niitittt miu beaulirul were lb i lltfM lil 9 of Ilia local organua- It will only be possible to overnmeiil, Mr. Hue mini. l ne j Vicloria lia ttN.OHS, an increase ol 7os over ihe count of witnessed Only by Hie member move sufficient grain between proviueinl eubiliel liiiuioterK all THE CLINTON leu vein's ago.'- or Ihe Sacred College and the now and the neit harvest ore Iho Wl-eut benefit it will be lo Ureutar Ystui ouver, including the iinmii ipalihes or Point apal household, the nobility and OPPOSITION millions.lo save six or seven Ihe roiiulry ami lo llriti'h Otliim-bia. (irey, SoiilhVMiicouver, Ihe city of .oiili Vancouver nnd district, diplomats. but they feel that Ihey .should IS LOCATED has a population of I ?::,ii:id. thai Hie have come nxioiraiire; GRENVILLE COUNTY TO ORIENTALS PILOT ASSOCIATION route will be ulflUed'ulid that Nitiiaimo nnd fiilmrb relitriis tmSo, an incieuse of 71!). uitfh Oduuibia will beiielil by Was Almost Cut In Two by Princess Nelson's popiilalion is ."SMil, an iiicrco-e of 7liJ. BY-ELECTION TODAY WILL COMPETE FOR the rcderul governmcnl Mipplien Royal When Collision The (Herniation of llrilish Colnmliia by elccloral dilricls While Farmers Would Make It GENERAL BUSINESS and partiei Koiiir in from here. Occurred. shows dial the lol-ul for Ihe whole province is 5Sy,H.0',J, an increase Ex-Premier Meighen Is Seeking Difficult for Yellow Competitors (!ive;i thai u;urunce the money over Hie I'.Ul ccnstis relurn 01 i.iu,nM. I ins is tuuuc up us Seat In Commons There-Opposed to Do Business. will be uulhorMcd und the new A. K. Patterson VANHOUVKlt. .Ian, fi, The ' by VANCtU'VI'.ll. .tan. ,rt. The roule iiKSim-d. lollows: , XiIOI VF.lt. Jan. 20. The ..fflii.iU oT I In- ihw iiIIim' nr. If Hie new road U oiwiied up lug two, I'.liulon,has been utmost fnilud ill severed 10" feel in Huimril. Ult.S.S'.t; increase Sl.aso. PlllVtUJTT. Jan. ;!. II ap ' il I-miner in convention tiaiiiiJilioii wild 1-nil. II. I., llnb-rutn mvlllers und bnsine men iu the of water at Hie enlrnitrc In the liiliboo, 18,1177; iucreust; IS, tail. pears likely that there will be a 'Jopfrd u resolution ye.ler. or I'rinri- lluj.erl a! il northern purl of llrltlsli Columbiu harbor by Hie di-edgiug company tkmiox-Alhenii, ;tS,07; ini'rouse IS,27. heavy vole today in the by-election ' oi-ring the evrluiou of hi-tici und Gupl. Harney Jnhnun will have the opportunity of reup-fnst Otl (lie spot where olie utlk leu 1'raser Valley, S3.7C5; increase (5IS1. ror OrcnvHlo county where ' fr-in Canada and Gi jt (.((.ijiry klil. Hint lliere i Hie adNHOtaK"- fron Iruvel days ngo in i-'!iiinn with the lix-Premier Arthur Metglieit Is Members for Province. Idea f Ihe new usinH-lation the routa. Two More lius iiousc of - 'be rigid of Oriental I" il" over I'rincesH Itoyal. nuiimi' oteeliioi lo ') land 111 llrilish Columbia. liixliliilinpr a rule war. The "Willi lhl roule il wjll be po- The undei-wiilers hope lo be The increase in the population or Urilish Columbia, as shown Commons. He U opposed by A. I farmer also favored the members winiply ludiexe Hint ible to fel ill lo (he oil liehJs und able lo ruise Ho- tug. iu tilt: census rcluriis, also means increased reiireseiilaliou for lite K. Pallercon, Progrc..lvc. iioin u of ull produce friilil there in hiiine enmuli t warrant lo varloUH minerul prospects two province iu Hit House of Commons following the next redistribution. sides have campaigned aggressively :i ') held ,y QrlentuU In di-u exigence of Ihe new eon-eern montliw earlier than at present for more than a rorluight. Willi Ihe PORTUGAL WILL NOT At present llrilili Columbia sends !') members to the ti il from llitil grown by without interferons mid nl much reduced costs, tjn hifineHM of Ihe llrilixh Coluiuldu the present Alberta route iiciuss Ijouiiuoiis. but iU population of 5S;).:ti'J will entitle il tu.15 CATCH PAY CHARLES' BOARD TOTAL FISH Tin- ii)iiii fu-ed Hie I'ilolue AKnoeiation. Hieut .)uve Iike the ice iihh mil members an increase of two, buetl on Ihe ralio of population to inuvul or Hie i.eriotinl prp-nnd There I no eoiiiiuloiy lnu- KO out uiilil Ule iu July each year. thai of Ouebcr us provided under the llrilish Norlb America Act MONTH OF DECEMBER Hie liiiofilin of 1111 asje 1111 ine iinii"ii ."iiiiniu Willi Ihe North II. O. roule und Notifies Allied Council of Am. "iMimiiiihI tai on lund held fi'i i'(al, und coiieiueutly Ihe work using Ihe Fort .Nelson und I.lard bassadors Tpat It Will Not J. Lawrence, of Ibis clly, ap Take Larger uiatnm. U oeii lo nny who wimi in undertake river II will be possible to follow, Stand ex-Emperor's Expense PROVINCIAL COURT Halibut and Herring iicai i (i i or i JiMi-rii iuieresi& Year. I for Previous il(r'ul ttieliiMI I he-is II und mn uJve the t-erv- Ihe ice out in Ihe curly part of at Medelra. np RFvivinrJ nnNPiscck.n redtielion on land on Than deuuled today. ire requlliMl by Iho ewilllip Muy." Vi IV4JIfcIV41 VVIIU,. I.,.- Inland. The reduction i i,i i.iii-t OTTAWA, Jail. 2ft Tho total Jun. JO. The porfu. LISHON. - ojiralor. Mr. Hue Ihe Imperial Oil say" had been made, however, before both (he Atlantic OCEAN Ilolh Hani. iiuiieron uiu i.im. Company, bus already given us- nucso (lovernmenl has notified Concluded Its Sessions This catch of fish on FALLS In- appeared court. DOCTOR in I y SliuUlortll liuvr iiiukIit Mirunces lliat il will use (he new (he Allied Couneil of Ambassu. -16 Dismissals and and I'acillc coasU i December fertlflcule in both dor.s Ihal il will uol stand Hu amounted to 553.020 cwts.. valued iniiilnern LEAYING NEXT MONTH route uh i( will give the company Reductions. 'u mi und suil. u scusou one-third longer tor exnense of Hie maintenance of DISORDERS IN ul St.213,025, compured with their development work in Ihe llx-F.inperor ilharle. of Aulrla-lluugary, Hie provincial government 473,710 cwl., vupied ul ?'jou,nu, Dr- John Christie Resigning His SOUTH AFRICAN Noiih. und Ins fumily 011 Ihe court or revision b.r Prince Hope Tor December. IJ2(I, r-otiuon to Take Up Special Island or Mud'-iru. it asscssmwiil dislricl roiiclud-ed CAIRO AGAIN On the Hacillo Coast there an Work In England. MINERS ARE STILL DESTROYSllG its itesilon I his morning when u great im-'rease in the .catch of FROST hulibul. Uiera twins'. 23.205 cwti. DR. BAKER DENIES all ciikcs were Hnally disponed MMJOCVKH, Jun. 20. Word OUT ON STRIKE oL U'liere were about 25 cases 'LONDON. Jan. 20. A despatch taken as against 0000 cwls. iu PORTION FRUIT CROP nu 1m.,.m received here Hint li CHARGES BROUGHT altogether handled by John Dyh. fron Home says fresh disorders pisjember, tV?0r t.hiUHe of oeenn Fall U imii v wiisill HO. Jan. Srt- Th SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA luiMlPlho judge-. Or this num. have broken out in Cairo, Kgypl. The catch ot herring on the l'a- '"'triiHiK ti j.oslllon ut tho rout mid Kohl mineiH in AGAINST HIMSELF her 18 were dis.uirsscil and iu the and -js a result IU0 persons k'lve eillo wasS.SIH cwts, compared I'llttl Iheie and will leave ntrike of .INlrlct i. "'ill " f"11 1.0s a.(ii:li:s. Jan. :o. remaining seven some slight ru-duclhins been killed and more than one with 3IU.03V cwts. takeij u tlie ""'I,wui .1... ,., ,lf Mu,.t., foP i:K II,e lliiud und rirorlH iltul hut beeii About half of (he orange und VANCOl'VF.H. J". 20.--Hi'. were mude. thousand injured. Hritisli troops sumo period in. 1020. t,al whore he will take up pe rwlMir mu.le to briii ' lo; oue-lhlrd or Hie lemon crop In Haker iu his evidence lie fore the K. S. Illchardsoii, ir Tlrll, ap. have quelled Ihe iiisurreelieui. t i- .. 'rk In the hoinlluU. ..11 have failed. Tin" "ten went Southern California box been destroyed commUilon to impiire into the pealed beorc the courf (his , Ulilclul iiuutlers here nie Inclined Ten halibut1 boaV with loir r," l.hrillo hus been ill Oceun tlimi ubo us u pro by a recent rroat. The udminislrutiou or Ihe (iame Act iiiorniiig seeking reduction in to discredit Ihe seriousness 000 pound of fifth reuched port "uii 11 Ioiik tlmu und will hu on 1..-1 strike....i...i nome ihe nioi'Oidlion lo in I'rull F.xrhungc ealimute place denied ull charges muda iigaiust valuation or laud in iho vieinily of Ihe reported trouble. lust night and MiiU morning and MiKad ul the paper town. 1 uinilier or colored Ihe monetary loss at ubout 817 himself. The Inquiry Is ex-peided ol Tlell. He was successful In are holding over until 'fomorrow Mircesnor hut not yet been 1.1 rmr 5HO.O00. lo i-ourlude b'day. -ettiiu SV.50 nu acre taken off Advertise in the Daily Nows. for sale. worker" 01 the """