Thursday, Jnnuni-r PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS BOWSER CLINGS INCORPORATION FEES G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public TO BE MADE HIGHER IN WESTHOLME THEATRE WE ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOr'tHE SALE OF 237 TO LEADERSHIP MANITOBA PROVINCE Tonight, Thurdy LOTS IN THIS CITY winch comprise the Thoraeh holdings. '1 here urn many very desirable double corners, both business WIXNlPIHi. Jan. 10. Aiiioiik and residential, included -in this property. The prices Says Everyone Knocks In Oppo Ihe new sources of revenue lo nrc. right uud my terms can be, made. The Empress Hotel sition but With Victory a bo soughl by (he provincial government. properly la included in this offering, as well ns n line double Man Baoontes Hero. II wits learned on hlih Charles Ray corner on Third Avenue near the l'osloliicc. Prices mid authority Unlay, will be a radicul terms will be given on application to our oHico. VICTOIUA, Jan. SO Kvcrybod)- increase in the charges made. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. i.t alwttyix out In knock mid Hud tinder the (.'.mnpaities net, oper- fault Willi a parly leader when ln al'd by the department of Ihe Insurance Rentals Real Estate forces are in opiioNiUon, AV. J proviiii'ial secretary. Ilowxer, K.C., leader tf the (Uiu The lolnl revenue derived , WATER NOTICE. cervntive parly in llrilixh (otiiiu from this source last year wun The ! 1 biu, tuld Victoria Oon.scrvittive.i Could Eat approximately o(l,(i00, inul II Is Not Divtrilon and Usa. proiiDsi'il lo raise (In- rules on ut llieir annual ineetiiirT, in refer lake milire Umi Jali" A. Ilrown. whoc fei-s, iiteorporal ions und liceu Lunch ence to the (tllnckri made on him VILLAGE Special . aihln- I I'nri rXliurion. H. (... will auply Constipation ti caused by to being a mtifli bitjlter I..i a llrciirv lo lake autl li 51 ruble tret welf-by aii'inbers of hist own parly torpid condition of the liver. Dewing mm. .,,,,d uf water out uf limwns trerk. revenue for IV.'.. 1 lie fee pruv- !whl'h flow iiorilea'ierly ami drain Into and others. n with aalls. castor oil, etc., to Unreal) Hlver hImmiI nine miles trutn Mum til iuly. for filing Hiiiitiiil relurits I "I knew leader of afford never a an move tlie bowels, cannot !ut IIm vail timer. was t. when 'he raldlul of a Sleuth ) The water Kill lie diverted frisn IIh opposition in any rotiutrv to kc! more than temporary relief. l-ii.aui at a imiul about 3T feel above (MJe- eniiip.tiiy dill nut exceed I(MI.- 40c WKllM Ml l.lll 11. lUllKT i. (JMKt IMMrlrt, aiiylliins but crilici.-iin, Mr. How. If you are to rid yourself of IKIO, ami "III when the eupltal-izalion ;ami Mill Im iimI rur iwit piirrwe uiii ser tuid. "Hut when he becomes of this ailment and the annoying itlle Ullil llrM-rllicvl a let 11, I Unite a. scores exreedtMl thai uiiiouul. I i.iiaii tililml Kkeena Hirer Innricl. u successful leader and ttels intt and diseases symptoms Tin' provincial .government ban I Till- nntll ! Hell Ml tin- rollhl Ull 1922 power there i. iiiilliiliv too t-'imil which in its wake, it it FRIDAY, JAN. 27, liln lotli day nr January. I9SS. come 'iiiiiiiiiili'iili-il Willi lite pl'ii. 'piir-iiiini; , cufiv Ihcrelo r llii notice ami In and the an"Walrr iillralioii Art;" fur him. necessary to gel the liver right by Iiees "f Kaskatehewail, Alherlit Buster Keaton Comedy nip MOM ' will Im- filed III thf nnirr uf the "Why. lake the recent cae of such treatment as is suggested in ami Hritish Columbia. reiti"sliiip Witter llecorilcr al I'riiin- llliil. It. C Clam Chowder ' I bjn'llllW Ik the alHlUcatloll IIU be llll-J Mti.-keiizie Kinp. The Liberal this letter: iiiformation regarding llieir Willi the alil Water licconler ir with the Iheiii.tclve u iimutli agu had no "The Scarecrow" Fish Salad .1 li Iter r Water lUshl. Parliament Mrs. Alvin Richards. R. R. ale i,f fees. The fres for ili- Choice or mnlillliirv Victoria. II. f... within thirty use for Mackenzie Kinp. Liberal No. I, Seeley'a Bay. Ont, writes: rurpiiralioii in lhoe provliiPi's Boiled Halibut, Parsley rtav notice arier In a local tlH' lint ncwi'SI"-'appearance uf this ull over I'.ifj'.aila were praying that "For two yean L was allicteJ wilh nir iiiiii-Ii higher than in Multiloba, Paramount Magazine Sauce i JAMKS V filtoWV Applicant. .Mackenzie Kinp would be defeuted. hJigetlio, aad m th amniHit when I ami Ihe government inlinl Boiled and Mashed Potatoes Tin- i date January or lis-il.Iirsl tvii ixibliratimi uf till-.nolle,- You know what Liberal in !lrilili sl up my btaalh waa kaL I had a incrt'iisiiig ilicorjMirHllon fees lo Admission, 15c und 35c (Uilumbiii were sayinp about him. poor appet'X. and juit felt lit ahj (heir level, 'lite litcmasetl rr-poralioit Lima Beans LAND REOI8TRT ACT. certaia food,. I uarj auiiy diffwra! Mackenzie "llul Ihe moment fi-es will ulmosl dtnilile Corn Starch Pudding heaeBl.' aaediciaet laiativt without i rile i ilk 65S7.Mitick that lie Application aniillcatlMii No.hat I4J0I.been Kinp squeezeil through and be aad she doctor,at a medicine did not help the revenue of the depart iiienl, il' Friday and Saturday WALLACE REID in "The. iiwili- in register llulffM . t:rew. ir Cnnce came Premier he beeume a hero. me at all. Finally I tried Dr. Chatt'a a llllilerslood. Harold l:i:Tt. B- ):.. under eight Tax Sale Herds und the next'wcefc tlicy were tipeti- KidasyLmr PUU. aad foaad thea better Hell Diggers" and Lloyd Comedy Good Eats Cafe Iimi-m tnrtii the hearmir Collector dale uf We the".ciijr S8lh ut day rrlnce of tuc Mackenzie Kin? clubs in Toronto. thaa aaythmg 1 had ever tried. I AUCE ARM ...vimIkt. to IT. ur aU anil ainruiar Ilia I can hiflily reroiamead the) to aay Who knows but what thai .-.r.M.i. ii-Mtl nr tract ut land anil Dreiulac -ii'ial-frtnr.- Unpen,lylur. ami mure bvinit pariicuiari;In lle tll.v kiiottd fit niiplit possibly happen lit. me?" oae trouble."trouhled wiS cooatipatioa or kidney , very u-cewful basket im-uiI mm tiiTtilrl l-"t thlrty-irtw SII ami Puzzle of Intelligence. and dance was sloped here lal inirtv-twn M . Hluck thirty rlirlii (Hill Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver and i.itf mciilv iwi to twrnty-fevn Mr. How sit said it ofleti niade Saturday itighl in honor of (he . iHitti Inclusive. Block riirt-4o ti Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box. From the Farm hini wonder to the iiitclliKi'iice linen who have lieen on n eiiguir-d all ill section etalit iS Slap 93. all dealers, or Edmanson. Bates & Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main Office, Central Hotil the' Table i Von an- n-ouired to conitMt tne claim or of some people when they pay at-tenliou Hie eiiiistriief ion of Hie ihx-k. Tin-luiii to iIIh lax pnrrliaM-r wllliln 3i ilts rrum ihr Co., Ltd., Toronto. date or the ervire or ihn mitlre 'which to editorials in the Victoria of ailHI was realized for Ho-IScIiimiI Prince Rupert Coal Company loa be etrrclert hy penuMUl "service or Times and the Vancouver l-ultd. There wer- two .diri-eliMl . . and vnur allcnllon callHl M BULKLEY VALLEY m i imhi sr. or the l-and Herit-v Ac: wlih Vurld (ellinp how Ihe Liberals londies(nts mid the liahel wer- i .-li..i.. It'pr- - !U' : ianiemliuenl!.. ami to the follow Inr tracts are held lo be onlrnry lo the ' anxious lo him kept as auclimieil by II. I'. Kerpin, M.I..A. lliereTriHH- were see provisions of I lie Inilialive and LAD YSMITH-WELLINGTON, PEMBINA PEERLESS and of certificate of ileraiili raveal or i-4iid jm a BEEF .ii. iH-iuli-ii- Ix'uis lllcil berorr the rallra- leader uf Ihe Conservalive party, Jleferendum act. under which the YELLOWHEAD COALS PORK i lion a owiH-r of the penum enlltlert under as then (hat party would have no Louis llcyuiiids III!" teluriied nrh tax sale, all -roii o crpd with appeal is being made. lWent for MUTTON .mm.-. anil ino?e rialnilnr Ihmuxh I'hanre Of rominsr back lo power. here ufler a viil of some llllii- (he measure wds forecas( clearly REDUCTION ANOTHER all clalinlnf ami eroii .or iiikKt llM-ln. VEAL "Conservatives who read lhee in I'finee Ituperl. laiix tnliTf.Ji in Hie land by irirlue or any by a canvass among members. FRESH KILLED POULTRY tiinr-irtMi'red iimlrunieiil. and all perwD editorials should pet wise and not Initiative Itefei-eiidtim The and 'lainiuir -tin inti-re!! in in, lanu ny arwrni who has Skeena River Farm Produce whov Oil' i- not nilstcrt-rt under the allow themselves to lake their ad Ihe Angus Mcl.etMl, lui-u IN acl passetl1 by prom-lorn or tlu Act. liall be for ever was. govern for some mouths in Prince Ituperl. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY rntopr-d add ileuarretl rnan wllina up any vice froiu'Libcrol newspapers ami ment in I VIC nhd provided thai 'lalm to ur In rrpert of tlie land o Mild relumed here lasl week and who around lalk-ins BUTTER ror uirv and I lie IterWIrar sliall rrriter pussyfoolers po if .a pelitioii.. signed by eight left Kilsaull where for the. Upper IIm- Hereon rnllllerl u.nlcr nurh tat Hie at On I lie Ktreets all with the cvf.L of tli electors whose Ladysmith NORTHERN INTERIOR l.iww-r or Hie land sold tor ta tea." per he will Wiirk tm Ihe Surprise -Wellington And wlien-an appbcallnn ht been mad? purpose in view of breakinp tlowu names appeared on Ihejasl lis', " ' ror a certificate of Imtfcasible Title t Group. the CO-OPERATIVE illie abne-iiienliHie1 landi. In tue name of Conservative party." of voters, were subiuilled t the Phone 81 ;ilnlMrt the o -title i:rew.II and amiear whorea that prior on tnveall-nilnr to tue ,'overnmenl asj,inp fur a pro The people of Alice Arm are ' Uli thy of" oeiolier, lOK. 'Ihe dale oo MANITOBA GOVERNMENT posed law, Ihe .government was anxiously nwuiliug tlevelopmenl-iu Ton Prices which tlx vald Und were wild for overdue me", vimi were tm- a'eil owner lo submit the mailer to thr pen regard li lite future of the .iliermif.nrtlH-r uke or nlherwiv nitlce tliat a al Klatftl the me below:time STAYS WITH LIQUOR ult' bv way of referendum. The Holly Vurtlen Mine. There ha On Dock Delivered 'The Store of Satisfaction" il -thall eltrct rea-islralMMt in pursuance r act declared ullru vires by was In'en 'ito news here for loonllts as nirli application ami luc a Orlinrate f Mine Screened Lump. MO 7C !luil. fealliH' Title to the aid Und-l In Ihe LAWS ON PRINCIPLE the privy runril r beyond the lo llti' standing and condition of ylL.ID $14.25 We have In stock InanK' O. iinlesn in bulk .a complete nr lliitierl lire you take of the Icginlulurc, and and execute Ihe proper proceed mn In powers Ihe Taylor Mining lit. bur u is range of etalillili your claim. It any. to I lie Mid WIX.MPKO, Jan. 20. Moder-iliott Ihe government linen declared confidently expected dial oper-ofious Double Hand Screened 01 O 7 ! or pari to prevent uru roiue(l action Icupue protosals for do. il would ubjde , by the principle will be resumed this season. Lump, in sacks ylO I D $16.00 HARTT i lialeil al Ihr ljiiwl'lleHlry onice. Prince iiiff away wilh the present teni-perunce uf lite measure, whether il was ilimrt. n. i:.. ihl ttb day or October. I he lidysinlh- elliugtoli i.ollieru- lluctlig Me -years 191. lepislalion and sellinir on Ihe slaltlle books or not. The ' have ireeti conltmiously toiinpp i-oal und It u II. F. Macl.Kon, llcji-trar ut Tlllei. up povcrnmenl liiiunr slores, at government of Manitoba will op THE BEST COAL lished for pi'tMlui'iug r.. VM. J. kKNt.MT.II. Prince liuoerl. It. present before the legislature. any .change in the law. u i-eptlliitioii SHOES (.. reirllered owner: AIITIILH C. pose Creamery BUTTER healing purposes whether for hnusehold ur MITi:ilKI I . I'rlm-e llupert, II. C reK-! len-d ami aeii owneil: HIM:i plants . The ijliutlly lf this -plelidld roul IIAV-i lull-n ii i .rare mriaaire II. i. crew. Prince HALIFAX EXPLOSION BOUNDARIES FOR 3 Iba. for $1.15 tiiixorpassed' Thin is our famous M;ill WE GUARANTEE FULL WEIOHT WRECKED NORWEGIAN VICE-CONSUL i,r Clover Creuinery lluiter tn $12.50 bulk, which we will sell all For next your DEFINED HER NERVES this week wilh fresh meal orders of 50r or mure. We per pair. Job Shoe Repair The reader will, no doubt, remember John Oybhavn . .orwegjan limit purchases lo 0 pounds Apculs fur tan a re jcafa hq litre VWi a eolUjian v ice-eoiisiii ln'i uiiniiiiiii s Ilia! ' There will be no advances in in the llalirat, M. 8.. Harbor and one or Hobberlin and Semi-Ready here has been a re-derinilion of Ihe price of lio-uls. try the munition blown eiuiliir tlilps was up. Made-to-Measure Clothing. J. C. EMERTON frrcal lou of life ami laylnr a larte icrllon he lerrilory coming under his B. C. FRESH EGOS Tapestry, Cretonne, Chintz, of the city In ruin, and eauilnr a rrrat iffieial supervision. Where be GUARANTEED Champion Shoe Repair Shop deal of auBcrlnr and (llalre;t aniou I lie fore the district was indefinitely Scrim and Lace Curtain 3 Doien for $1.35 I'lnad lllock, Third Avenue liilMbilaiili. described as Prince Unpen and J. A. KiPkoalri c lr. AVInfleld Dill, now or Windsor, ft. lly purchasing I pound oi boundaries have now vicinity, was llxlnr lo llalirat al On I time aud more of Hum or Huron yon "Repairs while you wait" went Ibrourb UU trylnr riperlence and been definitely set out so thai will be entitled lo the uboVi SALE Ibe abuck wrecked ber uervea. She writes the business of Ihe local office as fulki:- waa llYlnr in llallfai at lakes in about three-tuarters of price tin our best eggs. We tlie lline of I lie etploaloo, aud It wrecked limit the ubove (o six dozen tlie area of Die province or the my nerves o that I could not do uiy hits. bouaework. I would uke such nervous electoral districts of I'rince Ituperl. sim-IU I would be under the doctor's care. Atlin, Fori Oeorgc aud EXTRA SPECIAL ON TEA -I aaw Wlburu'a Heart and Xtrve PI1U Omliii-ca. ollll pounds Cireut esl Starts Thursday, Jan. 26 H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED took boxes, aud liter adrertUrd. so 1 two Ihe .Norwegian government lied Label Tea. regular ulin helped me o niucli 1 look sli more, and MONTH consul in Ibis province. line pound-Extra AND CONTINUES TO THE END OF THE has uuw I am completely relieved. I can vile C. G. MINNS, Manager recommend them to anyone tufferlnf from C. II. Stuhlsliniidt. of Nuiicouver. Special per lb. 46c lleiup through "ilh "in iuv-iiiiry. w round tliui we a heart aud nerve trouble.'. I'here are four vice-consuls, This special will positively loaded wild the live lines, and liring nui llril To. all Iuom who suffer from uervous uppei be wilhdrawn Saturday night there uffice being al uncou-vcr. ut wc ailS rpcotmicr.d cur johhf'fr tttli? tit! e !!!! !tl!" l' W I'. Victoria, Nanaiino and We have 300 Cohoe Salmon Pre-Inventory Clearance MILSURN'S " 7 liieetuig the market by reducing our prices on Ur HEART AND NIRVe FILLS prince Hupcrt. . to sell Taking whole considerably. ai Ihe beat remedy lo tone up the enure Salmon, 75c each; taking ened nervous ori-m.nyaleni sillburn'sud slreurtuen Heart and the weak erve WIRELESS REPORT half Salmon, 50c. I'IIIa are the orlftual heart and nerve food, With each Salmon we will Grasp the Chance! bavinr been on tbe market for I lie paat 17 sell 10 Una Pacific Milk $1. Some Special years. Price. iOc a boi at all dealers, or S a.m. With each half aalmon we mailed direct on receipt of price by Tbe I.LAI) TllIU: POINT Hunting. T. Mllburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Oat. will sell 5 Una Pacific Milk BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, GOOD AND EXTRA QUALITY. calm; buromeier, Icmper- at 50c. AT LOWER PRICES uturc. '.'7; sea smooth. ! ARRIVING WEDNESDAY 1U I.1. IIAHHJIII.Jvercasl, calm BOAT TAPESTRY, n gulm . ;& ami down to below ' Attractions barometer. S0AUI tcmperalurc. New CuhhUPL'. IluilUllus, CRETONNE, ropulur Our. down lo 10;- sea suiootU. l-'resit Tomatoes, Celery. Lettuce, CRETONNE, ieglilai Hie. down lo J? IHOll.V IriLAXD riirowjnir. CRETONNE, regular l uud l.l&. down tt '! Parsley, (iaulillowcr. F.nest Swiss Embroidered VOILE light aoutliuaat wind; baroiiioler Ilhubarb, Sweel 1'ntiitues SCRIM, llowcred, regular ,l& down lo 3??$ $5.50 2u.?i': temperature, ao; ecu SCRIM, white, regular One, down to 3 yards for WAISTS, values to $11.50, now. . . . smooth. elc. Also 25 boxes unwrapped SCRIM, cecum, regulur 5c. down lo Jumble pack Wlnesap Special VOILE WAISTS, values to$4.f0 'Noon. which 8CRIM, cream, regular l. down lo POINT Ilaronio-tr, Apples we are going now -. $2.25 )KAI Tlli:i-: to move quickly at $1.90 One-third off regular price of Lace Curtains. S.V.VT: tdear, .calm, tcinpor- AN0 olurc, Jit; sea nioollt. per box. FLANNELETTE, WOOLLTEN BLANKETS, OOMFORTCRS GEORGETTE WAISTS, these embody JiULL llAllllOll Clear, in-mi; The above are only u few EIDERDOWNS ARE ON SALE TOO. the latest styles and colorings, Q 7fi southwest wind, barou-fler. 2U,-t8: of Ihe specials which you $35.00 Eldordown lo sell ut values to $12.50, now PO -O teinperuiurca i I; sea iiolli; will Dud this week in the $8.50 Comforter on sulr for ... WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 8:V a.m., apoko Cunititun,ieaY-ing hnseuieiil gnn!ery. We specialize A limited number of Comforters to tleur at. BOYS' JAEGER N JERSEYS, grey, navy fco firk four curs of slrulplit I'out-lillU Namu iiorthbouiid. in fast service and $14.00 Woollen Blanket on sale for and white, special pO,0J Slovo or rlfeg-slied DKillY IKUNl Cloudy, light courteous uttenlloii tn all. Flannelette Blankets lul l. $2.25; 11,1. $2.76; 1: i Coal, Just like wbal wo southeast wind; buromeier. 2V.-; Walk Downstairs and Save Ufcd lu gut, tt'inperuturc, 32; sea ainoOth. Money Dresses, Suits, Coats, Skirtr, at clearance Ltd. prices for balance of this etc.,month Consumers Goal Co. Ltd. Advertising is often expensive, Rupert Table Supply Co. Jabour Bros., but it is nothing like as expensive 11' SEE WINDOWS Phone 7 as an empty store and idle Phones 211-212 Phone 646 P. 0. Pot J. Lome MacLaren, Manager clerk. t' e