s PAGE FOOT. Saturday. ffty 1022. ii BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMaftu, i i..- fir CCLfft I'M DYin' Ot31 HELLO JOE ' ThAT'j TH V??5JHINJ W Kf !JJr TH.NcTT i Maple FEft MOKfcM'LL I LIKE A VJ A ClCAft . TT I THE H WT.ME IVE WHAT I'M LOQK.IN' CALUONALWMNONb J FA EVER -ftECN -TOO J L-lT TOR , OLD TiF! rVfib 1 ' MAT lb IT ,tft AR INDOOR Syrap ' Sugar and I NEW ARRIVAL just deceived from Eastern Canada, purs Syrup of this year's run. Quality guaranteed, at 0 1922 ImT'L FiTk StftviCV, Inc. j lowest price in years. .- E. EMAD HOUSE WARMING NEW J gravity of 0.810. PrriiuinaryjJ'hn-alysis showed it contains Ibetfol-lowing ST. ANDREW'S ROOMS parts: $ News Classified Ads. TO" RENT duly and furni-I.ed Aug,,.,,fr rive,,;iv.tll. i asoin'. 1.1 percent; keros'ene. Daily ed modern hoiie. r.l,(. 25 per cent; gas oil, .15 per cent: Apply Box 25 For Sale Delightful Evening Spent In dnhriral jng nil, 25 percent, 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than OOc fire. Daily S.,- 0f Music, Son" and Refreshments. r. Hi 10 II RENT- WANTED I OR SAI.E-I0xl2.0r, -Tug fishhoal, riirnutpil in.i... Practically new modern Sport Chat :v N. S. engine, keeping sule. Apply (() The SI. Am I rows' Society hold Sixlh KAISER OF TIRED WANTED- Aveniie East. residence, in excellent residential an .official., and hijrlily success Men and women to ?,oon.oo. Pli..n hi,,. section, splendid harbor fill "house wwriiKM"" in llioir new SAWING WOOD NOW learn the Barbe,r Trade by Ihe l ug .17x10x4 32 II.IV N ft S, zlh : It Willi the ground very muddy only method in the world (tint home nn Fulton Slreel lasf nlnlil engine. 2,0iM.00. HOOD Clean Beds from view. Central lUMper healing. ami covered with Wilier in places PLANTING GARDEN will save you lime and money I'birly font general boat, when a record attendance of purpose week, rUherinen's tP.t, jlt Offered at less limn cost. the lojkwa and and fit Sinilhers for poslllnn football yo:i a 5 II.P. Vale, dynamo, mouthers and Iheir friend en storage Pioneer Booms. 107 3rd Avc.K. joyed music, vocal selection and eleven struggled through worth while. We guarantee, eletflrio lichl. H00.00. Agents for inlrninenla numbers, frnru,H:30 a slow -draw game ar Ihe SniiUi. TIIK H.Uil.T.. .May 20. Ac sfeady employment at good Tug r.7 It r0 II. P. rnfrhnnkT' " """'"rn apsrh.il lo Norwegian American Line-Swedish unlil 11 ii.oi. ers Polo (rounds last Thursday cording In Ihe latest reports from wage.. Write now for beautiful semi-cliesel engine. Power iynl. Apply Sinilh Mntleii. American Line i-iiiny, eacn leaill lavinv llifee Doom, -llrV! former kaiser has illustrated catalogue. Moler windlass. Auxiliaries, Scandinavian American Delirious refreshments were goals lo I her credit. While the tired of his wood sawing, nf which Barber College, 300 Mnin St., Loggers 21x00 I'lAT for Rent in Hesner Apart, stern wheel served a I. 10:30 when everylindy Line. other" hobbies have Taken Hie mcnl.. M. M. Sleplien. if game was niade'uninleresling hv Vancouver, B. G. ioined in lo administer In the scow, 40 11.P. sleam boiler anil die pooc coiiiiillon or the playing place. This spring- he has busied I Oliver Typewriters , 'inner man." i.: . r i. !RELIABLE agent wanted for Rupert winch with house 20xt0. May AGENTS WANTED. fieiii, it ,va not without B iiioir'u i-trr iikh w ii ii iini;; Kar- Cary Safes 'Hie art is Is taking iarl in Ihe District.' The be used as namp nnd donkey. brighl spots, ,nrfd several clever dening, mowing Hie seeds nf many Sovereign UBi PROFITS are Iwinu m.1,1. FIRE INSURANCE musical program were Miss Cur. I.ifo Assurance $1750. exiiitnlioim of iiitsslng and dr-lh-Iding flowers. He is especially inter. Company. Head selling Aladdin Portable" Movn lie, Mrs. .las. I.ee, Mrs. Miller, office, Winnipeg, Man1. Write 3 11.P. Fairbanks V. lynx stnlion-i were witnessed by Ilie esied in Japanese ami I'nglish machines In lumber ciiik, Sam Massic, Robert Dnwlher, W. ary engine, Willi pump Iwi Cha8. Dybhavii & Hanson speelalnrs who braved the cliillv seeds and aln in crafting. A new A, Pyne, Prince Henrge, churches, schools. Y.MC.A,', ft, Dennis, II. Robertson, V. Itohh manager for Northern British uunurea- pouniis pressure weather In allend; (linedv was hot house has hech buill in the lodges and homes, j( and A. geared $250.00 Clapperlon. up. Third Avenue ilso jniersperseil AVhen Ihe con- warden where he works daily Columbia. Pile Driver and 10 H.P. donkey ilealer's price.i Mid,! V,n,.r Prince Rupert, B. C. lesl.-mls would liimhle into a spading iitso appears io appeal to TRAVI-:i.l.ER wanted; calling up engine, 2100 lb. hammer. $1,-250.00. from enionstrallons ami SONS OF ENGLAND pool of water, 'several of the Hie former kaiser who, on ar on Orocery and Drug Trade In orders loo. Write AlaiMin players emerging from the game um! of his withered ami, has handle Cinema Co. Lid. .1.15 Ci-ji, WERE HOSTS LAST gnnd celling side line 7 II.P. (luaranlee marine engine TERRACE reseinjding, "Old Hill," of Ypres had a spade made for hjm. His for eslnhlihed firm. I". f!, 350.00. Wesl. Montreal, NIGHT TO ORANGE saljenl fame. Iwn adjutants are obliged In help (irantham i Co., I.hi., Vancou li.i fntlinuis 3-1 Inch lesieii an ST. ELMO HOTEL FRUIT him in his gardening. II was while ver, II. C. 12:1 chor chain,-" LANDS Kxoil'emenl galore was crowded he, was using his spade recently Other boats nnd engines. Rooms lo let from S3 per wk up. Ten acre lot, 2Va miles from The Sons of England were into the nine innings of baseball that a U.S. film operator tried to FOR SALE M. M. STEPHENS. Running hot nnd cold unhr ia Town. 5 acres cleared including 1 hosts last night al an "At Home" serve,) up by Ihe Tolkwa anili photograph lino from an automo I-OR SALE .10x10 all rooms, 20 h.p. work acre of hearing strawberry plants; in honor of Ihe Orange Lodge at Smllhers nines -ill Ihe tlarbCriic bile. W illiam has talked lately boa I-'OR SALE 1 roomed house, two Halh. Steam Healed. Modern I, I,X00.no; .llxHVi 15 h. 10 apple trees set nut this spring. liie Knights of Pythias Hall. The groumls at Telkwa last Sunday wilh iwo (iermau journalists who cabin lots and all in garden, $1700, Phone Grean 510 p. cruiser, $I,Kon.no 2K. function look Ihe form, of an on afternoon, and allhousll 'the C-crmany ; half cash or $1500 nil cash. ame especially from In '.4 acre clover, l'rnmed cabin 12 7 'i H h.p. salmon holler, joyable social evening and there TAXI former retu'rueil rpiarlcllc were 7 roomed house wilh additional x 10 feel. T.and all level, partly see lijiu. ;i hese visits are supposed ijil.'iO.OO. 2K8 5 h.p.' salmon fenced was a large crowd in attendance winners hy a score of fi lo r, u to he. In connection with 5 room apartment, on- cement and on main wagon road. Iroller, $5.-n.00; ,IKxK 10 h.p. Phone 693 Cards, music ami dancing were was only inflei-one f 'the mosi piles,' halh, etc., excellent con-; book. Hie publication of a ' Price $1,550, small 'amount on work (Cnil Oeorge Ross or pleasure hoal, 350.-00; Ihe order of Ihe evening's program. hair-raising finishes seen there diliou pud good local ioo $3,- terms. 30x10 20 Touring Car h.p. auto rating Flve.paDcnger for some lime. Both trams play 000 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET - steamboat, 8750.00: 22x0 nn easy payments; Prompt Day and Night Sorw In Ihe whist drive Ihe. ladies' ed nice hall, l.nne. for Smllhers RUSSIAN ACTORS ARE .114 I room linuse, Inl in pnrden, Four room house, I mile from cabin Third Avenui li.p. pleasure boat, :i(!0; Stand: Boston Qrlll, first prize was won by Mrs. Bob and Mnlheson for Telkwn hurling chicken house, etc., King ywn, all furnished. Can be bad COMING TO AMERICA 22x0 t h.i. cabin pleasure hoal, near Warrior. Mrs. I',. S. Allislnne win a sleady game hacked hy Edward School, $1700, terms. CLOTHES CLEANED nun rjciojior 1st. A rmc iilxlll 10 work nppor-lunily ' 350.nO; h.p. ning the consolation prize. Iii nir-lighl infielding nf Iheir K room house, 2 lots in garden, for anyone wishing: lo the gentlemen's, Dick Howe look leam-males, Smilliers ' scored Troupe Which Plan Visit to This boat. Price on application. 2 fenced, chicken house, close in nnd pressed by latest STFAK spend the summer at Terrace. the first and S. M. Newlnn cut Ihe Iwn runs in Ihe second nnd third Continent Considered Best In h.p. Caille, inboard, $00.00; Willi bath, 2500. Eay terms. pressing process, For full particulars, address cards with Then I.eck for Ihe consolation iuiiiiiirs, hut Hie winners came Soviet Co.ntry 10 h.p. I'ay and Bnwen, $250.. Lots 11 nnd 35, Block 3, Sec. S tills called for nnd delivered. Ihe right hack two counters in the 00; Hi h.p. Palmer, 300.00; Phono 649 KENNEY BROS. & CO. prize, former. winJj T.I-1 2, View lot on Allln Avenue. IS h.p. I'errn, $200.00; 5 ning- the cut. - fourth frame, ihree in the fifth MOSCOW, May 20. The Mns- A perfect homesite, .$750. half LINO. The Tailor Terrace, B. C. AfU-r Ihe whist' drive dancing and-one in Ilie sixth, leaving Ihe h.p. Murrain, .1.700.ilil, 5 h.p. cow Art I healer which will semi cash. One lot on Hoard Place, ORIENTAL Q00DS Gray, $0(1.00. 12 to 10 h.p. Reverse was indulged in in ilie music of score hoard registering i-'-. This i company nf players In America for $325, a beauly. Lots 08 and Arthur's orchestra. Between the was Ihe situation when ' the late this summer is considered in gear, 50.00. 30 h.p. 0!l, block 12, section 2, 70, Japanese Kinionas, C.reik'ry. PACIFIC GARTAB E Idances, songs ami recitations Smilliers hoy.s came to hat in Itussiu lo produce the highest Sludebak'r and -en wilh magnet o, pro. terms or $750 cash. At. M, Bamboo I'urjiilure. Ornnmeni-. $ pellnr sled, I 10.00. Hie first of the ninth. Some jwere given hy Corporal Ncwnham,; form of dramatic art.. 20 h.p, Sliiibhakcr, filled fnr Stephens. Baskets, Children's Homers ! Eddie llnss and It. Davis, these, loose playing on the part of It is a government subsidized Toys, Etc Limited fl.eing much appreciated. ' Telkwa In the ninth while Smith, institution and maintains a number slat binary work, $150.00. FOR SALE I 5 h.p. Yale marine LOWEST PRICKS. look good advantage 'of all Also magnetos, stern hearings, engine, late! type, complete ers new, Dainty refreshments worn of studios where plays are F. K. AKASE Phone 93 served al II o'clock by Mrs. Cox, opportunities brought the final relieai'seil and actors trained he-fore stuffing boxes, new and second outrit. Price $380.00. I P. O. Box 0 Tel. Red 1 icnnvennr, Mrs. J. Howe, Mrs. score In fi-5. Smilliers having per.nillled In batiil propcllors, scales, 0 h.p. Automatic, rebuilt with Ihey arn Furniture, Piano and appear Third Avenue port lights, electric stoves, two lied Ihe complete Ificliidinsr Columbia nearly score. outfit, Alexander nnd Mrs. Conk. at the main theater. In snme instances, Safe Moving Perfect inn cook slnves with Peerless 22x22 propel, 8HOE REPAIRS The committee in charge were. jdays have been rehearsed Probably Ihe largest brass oven,' settlers fnr gas tanks, ler and 0 fee I I -I Inch 'I'ohJ General Cartage Joe Howe, chairman. Jack Fuller. as many as 2bo times Coal hand assenihled, brass mwlncks. Iwn Priiim nil in broiuo shaft. Price $300.00. Umbrella Repairs ever numbering Snndand Gravel II. 11. Hepimiims, D. S. Cook, and and more than a year spent in de ed. Percy Cameron. 1000 pieces, . will parade the tailed scenic preparation before slnves, two coal healers, axe I, 10.12 b. p. Buffalo, rebuilt; rlolhna flnnneil nnd ITf hn.ri.ie ,d retch nf the linliartapnlis handles, elc, at low prices. wilh new I l-i inch To bin Suits calleii for nnd iblivftfiL Ihe first, performance at lb? main inoNuv'siieedway during Ihe lialf ' ! : Pronngraph wilh 53 records in bPon.e shaft; 22x21 Peerless Phone Blue ?!)i Night Phones - J. G; 8teen 371 II RINK DANCE LAST iifiur Immediately preceding the theater. , fine condition, cost $150,000 propeller. Price $550.00 Rupert LEM JOHN W. Longwill, Ulue 270 If present,, plan's are materialized, for 55,oo Northern Exchange. lentil .annual HOO-mile lulerna-Honal Marine rlnnworks nnd 844 Third Avenue Day Phone 6 NIGHT ENJOYABLE ihe Hiissian arlnrs would Sweepstakes race next Supply Co., Agents fop Yale leave Moscow early in August. In I-'OR SALE Sixty cords lieinlonk CLOCK REPAlM. AND Friday afternoon. The musicians nnd Alias Imperial engines. If WATCH STEEN& LONG WILL America, Ihey wnubl present Iheir and cedarciii fine, 1.50 per A very enjoyahle dancr was will be under Ihe leadership in the Russian cord or $5 f.n.b. W. Sirns.Inp wnU:h, dock and pieces language. I'OR SALE- IK Wlnlnn-slx Exoerl Sheet Metal Works held in Ihe Auditorium last night, of W. S. Mitchell, director or Hie Pnrcher h.p. Inlet, Island. If miikrr. when .some .lo ciouples indulged aiilnmnbile engine, complete chrotiomeler Indianapolis Military' Hand, and for Agent McClary Furncaes - y i ' , in the art of icrpsirhorc until the the organization will consist of GOTHENBURG, SWEDISH I-'OR SALE Twenty-six fnol with Bosch magiieln, Paragon Wnlch and dowellcry imp-"" Sanitary and early hours or this ' morning. nenrly forty separate hands, all raised deck cabin cruiser; 0 reverse gear, Universal coupler, . specaly.' PTPCiited. Heating Engineer Prior lo Ilie arrival of Ihe YVcst-linlmo of Ihem responding lo the wave PORT, PREPARING TO h.p.; $15(i;oo. Phone nine Columbia propellor, brass Mail order? promptly Etb Street and Fraaer Street orchestra. Miss Ornre of Director .MilcbrUV bulon. 52U. tf tail shaft and stern bearing, A GEO, GIBB 7i Prince Rupert - - P.- C, BUILD AIR HARBOR Suitable for nnaf! Office (P. 0. Box Ciirliu, al Hie piano, and Clare During the parade around Ihe all in good shape. Opp. If Dickenson, at Ihe drums, furnished speedway the. band will bf pre. ELITE Cafe for sale, furnished opeedbo.it. Price 200.00. C. Prince Rupert. the music. fJOTHl-.NBUIlO, complete. Phone 173. tf L. Ileindel, Seal Cove. If. ceded by a guard of marines Sweden, May CYCLE REPAIRS. Delightful refres.hmepls were ami the colors of. all Ihe conn. 2!. This cily with its extensive ' l-'.OR SALE float, KltOO feet; 3 H. PATTINSON sened at II o'clock upstairs. ,. Iries represented in llm race Will jSliipping facililies and its new off. h.p. type , I'alrbanks-Morso Cycles of all makes repaid A corporation has been found Miri'd .1. Marren performed Hie duties he carried, according 'lo the plans 5 free port is now preparing In I inch nnd babv ciirriaw slalionary engine: centrifugal to build Ihe air station and Electrical and of master of -ceremonies in a by veterans nf the armies which ibtiibL an ni-rial harbor. II will oper 2 h. boiler, Oycle Accessories-J. ate it in conjunction with the citv pump, p. very capable manner. A. A. defended those colors mi llm have all the facililies required by OAWTHORN Apply P. O. Box 113. 123 Mechanical Engineer Donohoe look tickets a) Hie door. field nf hallle. Most of Hie band- sl:v pilots, an up-to-date service authorities nf Oollienburg. Has removed In rear of rnr Dynamos, Motors in the major organization will department nnd Ihe lal-esl con-come It iil proposed that the cilv I-'OR HALE I'wo . cows fresh Rupert Music Store Magnetos OIL DISCOVERED from Indiana cities. veniencts for landing and taking shall have Hie privilege nf buying milkers. W. Sims, Jnp Inlet, Third Avenue Ihe company s shares in the Repaired and Rewound enterprise Porclier Island. If Storage (latteries Repaired NEAR EDINBURGH after 10 years and thus HYDE TRANSFER and Recharged take over full control of Ihe nir!E')R SALE- Niirbelhong" $1000. I need the II, K Freeman. Phone 5SH Phone B90 P.O.Box 164 Great Interest Aroused In British port. money. Isles Over Strike Among Hie founders of Hie air If Baggage and Express NABOB port project are Ooverimr Oscar nnd EDINBURGH, May 27.--Discovery LOST. Wood. vnu ryiow of (iothenburc and Coal and (or of oil near this eily has Dilrl When in.Terr Bnhus province, Dun Bioslroem. Aprils llunerl and ace nrnusotl interest thrnuRh the LOST (inbl nugget brooch' (lizard), Tubes. Sweden's greatest Globe Airless British Isles, Kiip owner between Exhibition nnd stop at Prices are high here compared iind ninny of Ihe rnosl prominent O. T. P. wharf. Finder please Secnnil Avcnii with the United Stales, in view of business men nf the city. return lo Dally News Office. BAGQAGE and EXPRESS Tourist Hotel the necessity for importation of TE by BOATS FOR HIRE. practically all .the .gasoline used Id. Col. and Mrs, j. r. haum. WAKEFIELD'S FAST PARCEL befl, who were recently matried Heat Hooms and Dining Room in the country. iu the south, have returned lo LAUNCH "Nurbethoug" Wo hHi DELIVERY Service In the North 'Ihe oil which was struck on Princi. Oenrge. Service. Phone Black 400. tf Prompt Service, Tea.- it aHer their Room from $1 00 up Ihe estate of llm Mnripiis of a.s fol. honey, Phone 67. Meals from 85c up Lothian a Dalkeith last Should ho moon. Camphidl is a land BOARD. Rland: Oil's Cigar Shir" Mineynr In the Interior and he P. DUOORD, Prop. week has been analysed, II and bis bride will reside In HOARD Inlander, 830 Second PUBLIO aTENOORAPHE" hag base a parafiue of Prince George. Avenue. Phone 137. tf E. M. Earl. Phone DM