May 27, 1922.
Saturday,                                                                                           TBI VAIL1 MIWi                                                                                            PAGE TORE?


                                                                                                Local and Personal


                                                                                               11. G. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf

                                                                                                                                                      The Tire That Means Most in Long
                                                                                               Hayuers, Undertakers.  Phone
                                                                                             351.                         If                          Mileage,      Economy and Comfort to
                                                                                                                                                      Canadian Motorists These Days is:
                                                                                               Phone 210 for Cody's Trans-

                                                                   $rtnce &eorg;e            fer.                         If

               Having Just ostabllshod a Picture Framing Department,                         Market.l'aiisie. $1.00 a dozen. Cily If. DUNLOP TRACTION CORD

                     wo aro now able to oTfcr to the public a            TORONTO
                                                                     In Centre of Shopping
           first-class servlco In this connection and at a reasonable and Business District    Tiller! dozen, eggs  for  $1,
                                                                         250 ROOM3           guaranteed   Cily Murk el.   If.       J Dunlop Cords, with Dunlop Extra Heavy Service Tubes, make the ideal tire equipment (or
                   prlco.                                              100 with Privata Rath.
                                                                       BUROriiAN PLAN                                              every car, any" place and in all weathers.
                                                                   WINNItT THOMPSON.MAN'S. DIR. John Thomas, of the Nan, arrived
               Bring In your pictures and have thorn framed.    xvttitwumtitirxuttxKtsxisxxuK      in Hie city lasl night.           "
                                                                                                                                    l  Some two years ago 1 purchased two Dunlop Traction Cord Tires, 32x4. Since placing

           If you have a good negative, havo It enlargod In our                                                                    them on my Columbia Car I have covered 18.500 miles. In view of the almost uninterrupted

           Enlarging Department, Ihen framed.                   No fish was sold al iiio Fish to llo I s .1 winie.00. Iloyal running Shoe shoes,Store.It service they have given,and still are giving, I feel it is my duty to inform you of the great satis

                                                              Kxehaiigc this morning.'                                             faction I have received from their use. Also, I must congratulate your Company on the high

               You will be satisfied Thero's a reason, We       lather Cocola lert for the interior T. A. Sandisou, of Haysporl.   standard of.quality that is putinto the manufacture of tires,to enable them to give such service.

           know how to do It just right.                            on Hi is morning's train. is registered til t lie I'rinee lluperl

                                                                         -. ,                     Hotel.
                                                                J. C. McLennan lejt gn tin;                                         I In Dunlop Cord Tires you have "Traction" and " Ribbed " to choose from.

                                                              for Kaslbnuhd Caviar. Iraiu"'' 'this1" morning' Shoes.Hoys' Heavy heavy Ilrown sole and Canvass heel, J In Dunlop Fabric Tires you hav '"Traction," "Ribbed." "Special," "Clipper Tlain.'

                                                                                             S-'.OU. Iloyal Shoe Store.

                                                              left Archbishop for Siiiilhc'r F. on 1 lu 1 1 i Verncl morning's K. Townson and l!. Halfpenny, Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited

                                                                    train.                   of Port Siifipsoii, are registered
                                                                           -                 al the Prince llup?r( Hotel.         ' Hfd Office and Factnrle t: Toronts                         Branches In the Ltadrnf Cities

                                                                llislmp liiiuoz left for I he interior
                                                                   on. the caslbound train this y. J. Smith, of this eily, was
                                                                                             registered early in the week at
                                                              morning.                       Hie Dominion Hotel, Victoria.

  Concentration                           SALE!                 Harry Lipsett relumed from                                    Launch"Oh Baby       Blue 548.
                                                              Vancouver on the Prince lluperl  .1, J. Muldoou, of I'rinee lluperl,

                                                              tins morning,                       was re-elected stale treasurer Cash for Victory Uonds Thos,
                                                                                                   of the  provincial council
                                                                                             of the Knights of Columbus at McClymonl.                     tf                 RUPERT BRAND
                                                                                                                                                                       .  .                                   .  .
                                                                Itev. W. I i:n ns and Miss Deans
  Rexall Hair Tonic                                                                          tin' convention  held  in  New
                                                              returned from (be south on Hie                                   A. D. Matiieson, arrived from i
                                                              I'rinee lluperl this moriljng and Wes.lminsler this week.      Port Fssiugloit yesterday.

  $1.00, and Emulsified       $1.00                           lef fin the train for Telkwa.                                                                 !                         and Bloaters
                                                                                               The rriends or Mrs.   V.   S.                                     Kippers
                                                                                                                               D. M. Stewart, of Vancouver,
          Coconut Oil                                                                        Morehouse wife of Capl. Morehouse
                                                                W.  A.  MeKinnon,  of  Ocean                                 is In tin? cily on business.
                                                                                                   of the liner I'rinee Ccorjje,
                                                              Falls, has been appointed a Jusl-let.
  Shampoo both for                                                                           will be glad to know that she
                                                                 of (be peace according o an-noiineenient                      II. S. Morris,, of Juneau, was
                                                                         in (lie II. C. Cazetle is now convalescent after her an arrival on the Princess J.ouise                      for Sale at
                   for this week.                             this week.                  .  recent illness and has returned last night.
                                                                                             to her home hi Kitsilano. Province.                                              ALL RETAIL STORES

                                                                11. I.. Mcintosh, who was postmaster                           All women's   and  children's

           ORMES LIMITED                                             in I'rino lluperl for                                   Classic Shoes at cost price. Iloy  The Most Tasty Breakfast Food
                                                                                               Caplaiu Mcllae, a well known
                                                              some years, arrived in I lie city                              ai Slio,. Store.           ISJ
                                                                                             navigator of these .parts. Is in                                                      Obtainable
                                                              today aboard (lie Prince lluperl
                 Phones      200 and
                          82,          134                                                   the. Ketchikan lio-pilal suffering
                                                              from Toronto.                                                    Mrs, C. Klkinglon, ami daiiuh-
  THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS             TWO REXALL STORES                                        from Hie effects of a broken ler. of Telegraph Creek, are vis
                                                                                             thigh sustained in    fall from
                                                                Colonel .1. M. Itolslnn. arrived                a            ilors In the eily. '                                 SmokedJDaily by
                                                                                             the dock at Ketchikan' to a float
  MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT                                       the Prince
                                          ATTENTION.          on           Huiierl loday

                                                              Victoria, and will proceed witli charge below. of Captain the barge Mellae-Talymara.was in j. i.. I'liKiugiou, or Ainu, arrived Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd.

                                                              i survey  parly lo  the Queen                                       in (lie city on Hie I'rincess
                                                              Charlotte Islands.                            T                l.ouisu last night.                            PRINCE           RUPERT
                                                                                               'Mrs. S. I'. Me.Mordicsailcd last
                                                                                             it is lit" on the I'rincess I.ou'ise for
                                                                II. A. Sainpere, slorckcepjer al,                              A. K. MaeKeuzie, of Ketchikan,
                                                              Kilwanga who Jias been in (In  Vancouver wnere.iiexi xverK, as arrived in the eily lasl night on
                                                                                                    of the            Muni
                                                             eily for the past week on busi  regent       I'rincelluperl     the Princess Louise.

   GRAND TRUNK              PACIFIC RAILWAY                   ness, returned home on llii cipal i.haplcr.    Imperial Order
                                                                                             Daughter  of  the  Ian pi re, sin
                                                             morning's train.                                                  Orange Lodge   Wliist  Drivi
 S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail Thursday                                    will represent the local chapter and Dunce. Melropole Hall, June
         Sunday al I- o'clock Midnight fur Swanson    Bay,                                   at Hie annual convention of the
                                                               Itev. .1. Knov Wright, of the                                 I al 8 p.m. Season'  final.
 Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, I'reshylerian Wide Society,' ar National and Kmpirc Chapter,                                      Lumber & Lath

 l or Anyox Wednesday, 11, Tor Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. rived on the Prince lluperl llii            -                   Mrs.  H. A.  Phitpott left for
                                                                                                      music    Junior Choir
                                                                                               Special      by
                                                             morning from Vancouver ami will                                Victoria on Hie Princess Louise
 S. S. PRINCE JOHN    lor all point Northern mid Southern                                    al Melbodisl  Church   morning
 Queen Charlotto Islands, May nth and 27lh, June iotli and.     il Hie interior- towns,      service at 1 1 a.m.  tomorrow. last nighl on a holiday trip.               Shiplap-Boards and

 . Uh, Jujy Hlh and ii'nd, August Dili and 1'Jlh, .Sept. 2nd, 1 0 lit                        Soloists, Miss Cathie Irvine) .am
                                                               II. Tomliuson. chief aci.unlanl                                Captain .lames Anderson, who
 and 30lh.                                                                                   Miss Winifred  Dibb.   Sulijecl
                                                             of Hie   lialeu Pulp and Paper                                 is interested in several lining                     Dimension
                       Train Service
                                                                                             Ohrisl        friend."
                                                             Company, of Swausnn Hay. ar             ns a           Kvcning prospects in Stewart, left on Hie
 Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11.15                                           service at , :;iO. speaker, llev. W
                                                             rived in Hie eily today aboard                                 Princess Louise last night for           Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover
 a.m. tor Siuithei, Prince (ieorge, Kijinonluii, and Winnipeg, Hie I'rinee lluperl en roule to II. Itedniaii. Subject, "Tin Vancouver.

 making direct connections fur all points in Iasli!in Canada Nadeii Harbor on company busi  World witliout Christ."

 and L pjied Slates.                                         ness.                             Miss Carolina                  All accounts against Hie HIks'  Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding
 ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME                                                                       of llii C   lillee for  1 1 Is May, Kmpire

           Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines                         NOTICE.             city, was a meiuber of. the coin     Day, should be mailed before                     and Finish
                                                                                                    in charge of Ihe Van
 City Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave.            Phone 260.                                                                       Tuesday next lo Frnesl jU'n-
                                                               nii: hood cats caik win couver .Normal school picnic to                     -JOO,
                                                                                                                            wm, P. 1). Ilos     Prince llu
                                                             In reopened under new maiiagi  llowen Island, Howe Sound, last perl, II, C.                                      SPRUCE LATH

                                                             llieul on    We dnesday.  John Saturday.  Ihe spring session of
                                                             (irnrgc will be in charge and Hie Normal    School closes thi                                    Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices
                                                                                                                              U'.            general
                                                                                                                                 C. Orchard,         agent
             CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY                                    1                  week and several of Hie students here for the Canadian. Pacific;
                                                             of cooking . Patron of Hie Cood there from this eily will be, back
                                                                                                                                    and             left
                                                                                                                            Hallway     Steamships,     on
             B.C. Coast Services                        4    Kuls -can depend upon p t-1 1 i 1 1 home next, Wednesday.      Ihe Princess Louise last nigiii. on PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO.
                                                            what they waul done right.   If.
                                                                                                                            i combined business and pleas     Seal Cove, Prince Rupert                   Telephone 381
                                                                                              I lie new  C. I'. II. coaster ure trip to Vancouver.
             Sailings from Prince Rupert                       It o s c hushes and  bedding Princess l.oujse. Captain Slater,

                                                            plants.  Cily Market.        If was in port last night from IO:JO
                                                                                                                              llev, Father McOralh and M.
  For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau    Skagway
                                                                                              midnight returning south from
                                                                                                                            P. McCaffery  returned     tin
      April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2.                                                      Alaska       lo                                        on
                                                                                                   ports    Vancouver and
                                                                   ANNOUNCEMENTS                                           Prince Itupcrl this morning from
  For           Victoria and Seattle
                                                                                            Victoria. The
                                                                                                           steamer brought Vancouver, after having attended
      April 25, May 5, 1G, 26; June 6.
                                                              Cinderella l)ance in l)e l.uxo severaUpassengcrs here from (he the convention of Ihe Knights of                  SEED           POTATOES
 S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE     For Butodale, Swanson, Bay,
                                                                                            north, some of them bound for
                                                            Hall, June 5 from J tu II'. Ad                                 Columbus in New Westminster
                     Ocean       Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell
      East Bella Bella,    Falls,                           mission 50c.                    r.usirni ponns ami oiners to re

         River and Vancouver, evory Saturday at 1 p.m.                                      main  in tlie district. A  few   P. Oilgauy, who xvas discovered

             Agency for all Steamship Lines.                                                passengers boarded  the, vessel on board the I'rinee deorge and                        Chemical Fertilizers

                  Full infnrmallon from                                                     here going south.              handed over lo Chief Minly, of
                                                                                                                                                                                            of all kinds
             W, C. ORCHARD, General Agent,                  EARLIEST                                                       the provincial police, on tlie ar
 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C.                                   .larvis II. Mcl.cod, local collec rival ' of tho boat from Auyox     B & K CHICK FOOD

                                                                                            or or custom,     returned  in oi  Ihursuay nigiii as a siovva-                    B & K DEVELOPING FOOD
                                                                                           town on ihe Princess l.ouisu last                be lore .Magistrate
                                                            with the Latest                night mini Ivelchikau where he way, was McMulliu brought,(ids morning and Insist on B & K goodsgoods that have been analysed

THEO COLL ART, LTD.                           PUBLIC NOTARY                                spent several days in connection fined double fare and costs.                   by experts and proved the best.

                                                                                           Willi.. .. departmental. affairs. Cap.                                 We retail everything for Poultry and Stock
                                                                   v e are   receiving new I I  II  i II    r .1..  i
                                                                                           linn ii. .lui.uo, pi inn iisueries
    FOR SALE;        Six Room House, 5th Ave.                   goods all the time, mrw           steamer
                                                                                                           Thiepval,  who
                                                                                                                                                             THE BRACKMAMER MILLING
.                East, $25CO.OO terms.                            laniio iii ami iook urouiiu. was was alo norlli on similar Church Notices I                                                            CO.,
                                                                See  t lie new thin  model Iiusiness.
                                                                                                     returned as well and
                                                                                                                                                              P.O. Box 745     Prince Rupert. B.C.      Phone 350
      ReiUalt    Real Estate     General Insurance              Wnllhuui Men's waicnes in continued hrouu i on the l.nnise

Phone Blue 69    Westholme Theatre Block    P. O. Box 66        winie anil green gold.     lo  aneouvcr to rejoin his sliln   First Presbyterian Church,
                                                                  iM'w ixechieis or gold and mere.
                                                                beads.   '                                                  Morning Service at I I o'clock.

                                                                                                                                       Second Mile." Sun
                                                                  iew designs in Silverwaro.l Dan Keiin, well known in (his Subject, "Tho
                                                                  New China,               city, is lying in Hie hospital ut day School al K',30. Fveninj
                                                                  New Far                  Ketchikan                      service at 7:30. Subject "Hind                                Ladysmith-
        DENTISTRY                                                          lungs,                   siiflering from tho ef.
                                                                  AH  soi ls of 1 1 It lo new feels of a broken leg which he rances to Christian Develop
                                                                things.                   I sustained in the wilds east of ment."  Preacher, Hey. II.  It   COAL                                   Wellington
I'oii I uieglect your leeln. One decayed or missing tooth                                  Ketchikan while prospecting, in. (Irani, I). D,                                                         and

                  lowers your vi la lily.-                     John        Bulger,            .beqauie infected before lie

                                                                                          rould reach medical assistance       EMORRHOIDS                                                   Yellowhead

              DR. BAYNE                                               The Jeweller        and, as a result, it was necessary H
                                                                                             .i   i H .        ,   . . . -                another duy with.
                                                                                          io yuisci inc none anu put Hi a      Da not Buffer
"corns 4, 6, 0, Helgerson Block               Phone 105                                                                        Itchlntf, JJIevdlnir, or rrotrudlnf Prince                      Coal Co.
                                                            5'GIFTS THAT LAST             silver plate, Ahiputution of the     tMab nr Hemorrhoids.   o                        Rupert
  Olllco Hours; Murnings, 0-12, Afternoons. 1:30.5:30;                                    I f 1 1 1 1 1 will nol .be .necessary but urslcg operation required. Dr. Chime and
                                                                                    U3                                    Ointment will relieve you at oiioo
                     hvenings, 7-9.                                                       it vvlll'bo an Inch or so shorter afford laatlnit benefit. 6o a box t all Office, Hotel Central                 Phone 15
                                                                                                                          dealers, or Edmanson, Ilatea & L.O.,
                                                                                          limn before.
                                                                                                                          Limited, Toronto. Saniplu box free