TWHEN YOUIWANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA 99 in a hurry CAFE Phone HOME OAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NF.W CARS Phone - - - - 636 . Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper " V0l Mil. NO. 12,'J. t PHINCH ItUPKUT, 11. (i. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1022. RuUrdar'a Circulation 1604 Btraat Salt 428 PRICK FIVE CUNTS f Lloyd George Scores Another Victory CONSERVATIVE LEADERS ATTACK FIELDING BUDGET IN COMMONS British Premier's Conference IRON AND STEEL budget Debate Starts in CANADA ON HIS THIS nKTRIPT House of Commons But is Gets House oi Policy Support Adjourned Until Monday WAYTOPACIFIC C. Cards Prepares Data by Splendid Margin 235 to 26 Submission Ottawa OTTAWA. .May 27. -Tlie first broadside in Hie budget debate B. C. Aqon't General Says He Is was delivered by Sir Henry Drayton, former minister of finance, Sure That the Cattle Embargo Tlie geographical survey de: who Is the chief opposition critic. He moved,, and Hon. r Will Be Lifted. purlmenl of the Dominion (iov- Arthur Meigliuii, former premier, -econdeil, that the House record LONDON, May 27. Following Premier Lloyd George's ex that the had broke its election pledges ernmenl 1ia.s decided lo send Dr. its conviction government n position of his Russian policy and analysis of the Genoa confer- f ROUND WORLD FLYERS Ol F.1IKC, May 27.- !". C. Wude (i. A. Young', one or their best and failed in its promises regarding Die tariff. Hon. J. A. llobb ence as a basis for further conference at The Hague, the House OFF FOR TURIN, ITALY agent general for nrilish Columbia iualifii'il iron experts, on a trlpjniid O. Turgeon replied on behalf of the-government und It. J. of Commons last night voted down the motion of no-confidence Ml London, arrived here yes-lerihn or reconnaissance Ibroirj i Woods and D. W. Warner, Progressives, criticized, while J. A. on Mm- Kliiju'r- of Scof-linid Ibe llrilish Conservative, member for Yh!, made, a long syeccli vote of 253 l.i; IHIlKiKT, France. province or Cdiim- .McKclvie, In the government's policy by a to 26 thus constitut- .May 27. Major W. T. from Knglaud and is now on liia lo invest ignle Die resources deiiouuciug Hie removal of lliel of confidence in the Ing a vote government. I.uki, the llrilish aviator, his way lo Ibc wcsti'm province. of iron and other mineral de-nosils. (lumping elause which lie said had Rupert Gwynne, Unionist, mover of the vote of no-eonfi- aild Ills companion re. Mr. Wade said I li:i 1 economic wjth Ibe idea or establishing been effective in tin." building up ULSTER IS cnce, Hon. H. H. Asquith, former Premier, Lord Robert Cecil sumcd their flight ai'ouml condition in Fugla'nd were Ini. a steel and iron smelter oT llie fruit industry. Mr. Mc-K'elvie and John Robert Clynes, Labor member, all criticized Lloyd (lie world this morning. proving. in the province. . also crilisized Hie removal Ocorge's Hiking off from here for He was ccrluin Dial rattle Dr.. Young is: especially noxious of Hie Herman exchange restrictions DENOUNCED policy umJ Hit result ol llie (icnna t Turin. Ilaly. The uirinen embargo would Ik- removed, Kng- that mi iron, oc other mineral which he said would ptll conference. The ULTIMATUM pre-; llaud having given Jut promise ijetiosils ol prospective Canada's workmen in competi micr answered arc now tit! days bebind Ihein point by. schedule. to Ibal erred, she' would not go value be ovcrlookc'd. eiul be will tion with tlie Hermans. lion. Scathing Open Letter Written to point and thundered buck hisi had; on il. ln, gled if Hie owners or any Charles Stewart adjourned llie debate Premier Cralq by Sister of TO GERMANY Willi answers while tile Hollse buzzed Mr. Wade said I hat lion. P. C. siieli deposits will send him all and will reply on behalf Of British General. excitement occasionally I.arkiu, the new Canadian llili the iini'liculnrs at their command. T the government on .Monday. breaking Jut cheers. HOLDERNESS WINS ('omuiissiuiier, highly was Such information as lo DL'IU.IN. May 27,- Mrs. Charlotte Ilcfcrring lo Hie criticism Ibougbl of in KiiglauiJ and was To Qet Billion Dollar Loan Must of France in'ccrlain GOLF CHAMPION loealioii. elevation, means of access, Despard, sister of Field quar-Icrs, giving the provincial legislatures tyni. of ore. probable o-nage. FIREBUGS Marshal Viscount l'rench hits ad. Acced to Reparation Demands. the Premier declared llial in the Did Country a status and rererence In former TITLE BRITAIN dressed Idler to Sir all open' Itrilnin could mil sclllc (In- ii'-paralious llbal they. had never before en-I reporls will be inosl valuable. .lames 'Craig, Premier of Dlster, question unless France joyed. IN BELFAST Dr. Young has. staled Up(..,an denouncing; Luster's, treatment of was carried along and (but could REPORTED PIIKSTWICK. Scotland. Mav GERMANY iron industry of. in-ca'lculablefbi'iieriUnOtloiily the Calbolics.' The teller not be iIoim! by flouting I''rnhc(J".7... ,y V, llold.eriiess of Valhu, tiiihc con GETS BRITISH LOAN hind iKiiocinx . the Versailles loday won the" Itiitisli PRIESTS ARE NOT-- cludes: (Jo (ill as you are, go- Seventeen Fires'Started Last ' ilife,' giving" 'carte 'Tjlaiiche-V IIT I'AWjv Jluy 2J. Jb-Ji.r! uU Oolnton'of"Russlt.'t&i Aiialrur (i(ibij". liiU!MdislUi by EVEN TRUSTED IN" ' inn io.iue win.i. oi i.; nana. Night -School Destroyed ' your legalized gunmen, shoot, dfejltin John Cavaii in one up journiiig unlil May 31 lo await Local Data. maim and insult fellow Tlie said that (be llus-sian Girl Shot. Dead your jneiiiHT the final round. TROUBLOUS ERIN All Ibe data lo the pertaining flic decision of Ocrinany, Hie In-teiiiaHunal Koveriimeut knew unite well townsmen, destroy homes' and Committee of Hankers, thai (be policy .of repudiating iron, coal ami fluxes, adjacent lo BELFAST,, May 27. Seventeen keep -thousands iyt men idle and QUAKES ARE FELT Cardinal Loouo Was at Prince lluperl. has been coin considering reparations, drills would not K' and fore- Stopped fires were started In an awful retribution will surcjy served a noli; on (icrniauy loday caslcd thai llie Mod.Mates ill llie Border Yesterday, and Searched plleil hv A. C. (,alie, .M.i... in a the campaign of Incendiarism lie yours." IN ITALIAN TOWN lengthy report coiilaiViiug all the Casualties. hilbnalliig dial Millier ronshl-ralli.ii Snxiel would eventually fall in Day's that was waged throughout of a billion dollar loan line Willi business ri' of interest and giving the city last night. a colnluoiisense SEAMAN FINED AT In (i( rriiany was conditioned upon policy. lie said Dial I lie IIUMK, May 27. There yere IIKI.IAST. May 27. Six are a clear illustration of Die iron Six fire bombs were used I In- Herman acceptance in full of lalk of communism in, lliissia four violent earthnuakes today in dead and fourteen wounded as a and coal .situation in northern in starting a blaze that destroyed OCEAN FALLS FOR I In' cuiitJilioiis uf Hie ultimatum miles resu'i "T yesierday's sniping. llrilish Colombia. Mr. (ianle, was. all iiummitf. I lie country Ibis vjriiiily or 'J'ei ney, fifty the model school. A uf llii' reparations commission by was more iudit idualist ie than rrom Itniiie. 'I'be population of an Cardinal l.ogue. primate or all in tils report, lias particularly constable was shot In the leg' LIQUOR POSSESSION May :i ami also adciiuali' y Marantic Ireland, was sloiied at Hie Ulster pointed out llie great advantages Knslaiid itself, in facl. it vras area of several miles wan terror- while on duty at the firo. Ibal (ierinany's border and bis effects were carefully that the district in Hoi vicinity currency a parauox ol inuiviunansm talk i.ed but no reports of damage A girl, aged 10, was shot OCKAN FALLS, U.C., .May 27. -J. will uol b fin I lii-c lurialcd. searched. of Prince lluperl has over any , ing eonimuiifsiii. Tlie premier have yet been received. dead and another girl, a man Fraser, of ibe C. O. M. other section of Hie entire province. seaman, Oets British Loan. J he believed the Soviet could and wounded said a woman were M. S.S. 'Canadian Farmer" was COPF.NHAOFIt, May -.'7. control property sufficiently lo PHILADELPHIA BALL during the night's, outbreak. Newspaper ,lalc I lull iiegolia-(ii:iis STILLMAN DIVORCE In addition to this geographi apprehended by provincial Constable between Herman ami I'li'-UMi provide adeipialc security for PLAYER IS CASUALTY cal survey by the Dominion government Ucavau ror having unsealed business dealings willi oilier nations, ACTION NOW CLOSED in his and bankers have rcsulled in lieerring lo llu'ssin's it is 'interesting to iiole CABARET DANCE liquor possession , Yorkshire lluaraulee A came before Stipendiary Magistrate thill the (ierinany llie obtaining of I be reparation means installment fori memorandum of MaV tl, lie said SONKKIIS. N. C, May 27. A I Plin.ADKl.PlllA, May 27. Trust Co., of Vancouver, are AT OCEAN FALLS Tys.on Wednesday morning paying :JI. Ibal1 it was so foolish Dial il a conference beld here at the Wilbur Itiibbell. the pitcher for commencing diamond drilling ami vv;is given Ibe option of a Tine ' due May Thej on been wrilb-n by a GREAT SUCCESS negotiation are said lo bave must have offices oT .lobn K. Itrenan. counsel Philadelphia in the Null una I operations early in June on the of fifty dollars and costs or thirty . licen comlucled Ibronb a Danish very clever man. for .Mr. Anne I'. Stillmaii, il League team, was struck by a extensive coal holdings in Hie days. intermediary. was decided lo consider Ibe divorce batted ball yesterday. lie sustained Copper lliver country, situated OCKAN FALLS, LLC., May 27. LONDON, May 27. The "icr-j POST OFFICE action 'closed and to submit a fractured skull and concussion approximately I Hi miles from The lllue-llird cabaret 5ind danco AGED CLERGYMAN man vovermuenl, lias nccepleilj Hie ease immediately lo llef-eree 1 oT the brain has developed. Prince lluperl, on llie proposed s-laged in Die local hall Wednesday lie Allies' reparations proposition. Daniel .1. (ileason for deei-iuu. cut. orf over the Copper River evening was attended with HAS ARM CUT OFF i reared in official MOVES TODAY between Copper Cily and Telkwa. similar success lo llie previous tii'des however. Ibal llie prop-M.tilion SEATTI.F. SALESMAN one given a few weeks ago. Over KLNiiSTON,, Out., May 27. bus been accepled IRISH BUSINESS three hundred Ticket were sold. only FOUND MURDERED & A-M,NM!5 Surgeon al Kingston Oeneral Latest hits were rendered by an liasls discussion while a for Quarters Will Bo UospiL'il found il to Bloc necessary Federal IS ON DECLINE APPOINTED Misses II. King, Wardle, A. Null, tlie iJelcriuinaliini of (be commission This LIQUOR amputate Hie left arm of Itev, Finally Vacated i i i.';..i.... ..I,,. n..,.,,.,,i,.l II,., was Ibal Ibey conslilu-teil Body of A. A. Almour Discovered .tn.tnnn m mnnn on "oil v "'l"'" Dr. (iracey, Jusl below the shoulder, Evening. VfcNDUK Al I fcKKAlfc chorus and were assisted by M, tlie last vvoi'd. Dl'IU,IN, May 20. -There is a In Woods Near Stanwood. in Virtler lo arrest the spreud, Cm-kill and O. McFarlauc, t. marked fall in the price of Irish of bluo4 poisoning-. Dr. Oracey' PROTESTANTS AS The old post office in' tlie produce and an increase of for KKATTLK, May 27. A. A. Almour. The appointment of D. A. Me- Newroiubo look cure of the general wus. brought, lo Hie hospital two lllock will lie closed at reiedal ii a If eign couiK'tilion willi Irish produce a Seattle salesman, lias Kiuuoii as liquor vendor al I er-race management. weeks ago. lie is over 80 years; BADLY OFF AS lonlglil mr me iast nine not only In Hrilih markets been round dead in the woods is announced in the II. C. Ilefrcslnneiits were served in of ugn. r and tomorrow mail will lie re- cafeteria style. Musiu was supplied Stanwood. lie had Ouxcllc this week, 'llie store i . ii... I. ..... . ..I II, Illn,,L- bill in Ireland itself. near apparently THE CATHOLICS celveij in no" i'- "" " The imports of food into lie. been murdered. being out in readiness al the by the lllue-lliid trio, GEOLOGISTS GETTING lluildiiiif. Ibe general delivery and will be laud are in many cases heavier strawberry town open lir.l.l ASI-. May l?7. llie I I-bler and Ibe new oilier premise wieKejs on opening Monday in Hum before the war. FINE BUILDINGS for few business days. in tin; course of u PROJECTILE HITS READY TO TAKE FIELD Associution has sent a mess, iiRuniug. Tonight and tomorrow TREE; FOUR DEAD NORTH OF PROVINCE uyi-- lo 1 Ion. Winston Churchill the slarr will work overtime removing SON OF LEADER GANDHI ARE DESTROYED , ".marking Ibal I be Catholic pro-tiTllon Hi'' hoies and 'sellllng TUCKS INLET CANNERY AND FOUR WOUNDED coiuniitlee in its lelegrum themselves in Ibe new ipiurler. GETS 18 MONTHS PRISON Fires Started by Bombs In Bol-fast A thorough mineral reconpais-sauce In (ileal .llritain last week lelU (i. II. Clarke, post office iu-spcclor. Cause of Much Damage. WILL START SEASON'S of Northern Dritisli Columbia i"r of CalliolicH inurder.cil did arrived today from Vle-loria AI.I.AIIAHAD, llrilish India. SHORTLY FAYF.TTKVII.I.F.,, May 27. will be undertaken by OPERATIONS "'t refer to the fuel thai len to supervise the Irausfcr May 2".--Dewadas (iaudlii, son HKI.I'AS I', May 27. A number Four men were killed upd four Dr. (Jeorge Hanson, of the Geological J'l'Lteanl bad been uiurdcred of opcralnns. of Mohandas K. (iaiulhi, Ibe nou-co-opcralionisL of fires were slarled by were wounded- when u, projedile Survey of Canada, "; this hi four several Plant Will Run About struck a tree and preuialiiiely ami plans lo start the day and thai leader, has been bombs last nighl and mapy, fine During June t'argel summer others bad ieen Ibroateiied with CIMpRESljLTS senlenc-eil lo IH iiiouths' simple buildings were destroyed. An Hour a Day, The Season exploded during' a irue-lice work are ul ready well udvahced. It'alli In on Ilia field of lb artillery Dr. Hanson will be wbiie the premises of H Imprisonment. Oponlng Fully July specially on I'lolestautij iad been set afire. slallon here. the lookout willi his party this Sussex I.earWonesler by innings BOY IS KILLF.D FORMER GOLF CHAMP The Canadian Fish and Cold year for truces or petroleum de BRITISH SOLDIER and VTi runs. VANCllL'VKII, May 27. Allen DIES IN VICTORIA Storage Co. is making preparations MISTOOK FUNGUS FOR posit in Ibe district. 7i of the, t.ul- All in Ibe province wilt Hampshire beat (llouceslcf by 'liilcoinb, an eleven year old fur the opening surveys IS MURDERED IN runs. W boy, was killed today wbeif he Harvey Combo, Late Court Registrar, moii running season and tint MUSHROOMS; THREE OF be under Hie general-supervision llssex beat Middlesex on first was thrown from an embankment Was Pioneer of Capital Tucks' Inlet cannery, il is expect, LITTLE FAMILY DEAD ir Dr. J. D. Muckeiuht, bead, uf CITY OF DUBLIN innings. ' eight feel high off a bicjele in City. ed, will cominenco operuthuu the the survey in Ilrillsli Columbia. Nolls lieal Warwick by ni' Slaniey Park. week after liexl. For the first iil.l.I AHT, May 27.-A Itritish wirkeU. YICTOIWA,. May 27. Harvey few weeks the plant will only run fsAULT SIT.- MAUH'v May ?7. ' BIRTH;, - ni'lilier beat Kuiuerset I'y ,. Mrs. I ' I'orllunce, and !iaby, Combe, nine limes champion about nn hour a day getting the Joseph I.uwton, Ills wife ami was murdered and another Surrey U a j r .. t .' . .t left on this morning', irnin for golfer of llrilish Columbia, is machinery wanned upamlpUtling daughter died yesterday morning There' was born lo Mr. ami neiiousiy vvouilileil Ul ll(! I'llIIM. ' (12. Deceased It will prob ufler having eaten fungus, in Mrs, Harry I.ipselt, of J-oui'lh I"t office beat Leicester by four (Iriscome to join bee husband dead, aged came up n few springs. ufteinoon uu Colleao Oreen this Uncushlro who recently tool. tint n .million here in IHBi uiul wus appointed ably lie about July t before can. mistukc for piuahroom. (If the Avenue West. I'rlneo lluperl. at "ubliu. Tlio BUy a dixpulch from wickets.Yorkshire beat Cumbridgo Unl-U'r-ity with the iWscome Snwlbill Coin, registrar of Hit) Supremo Court. iiiug operations start in run former family of four only a St. Paul's Hospital, Vuncouver, shooting wus done II. wa.- up.' unuatej tn 1 U 10. v in-. small son now survive n Muy '0. u daughter. u civilian, by nine wickets. puny.