" TH1 DAIET HIWS PAGE FIVE Waterfront Whiffs j Doings of the Mosquito Fleet Which Is the Chief Source of Prince RupertV Prosperity j "Oninjrty I llm sij?naV flyiriK'lhc fiiwuaary repnir. jthi week froin Hie flnKsliip of' - ,. IJi Klccl which i MiKnifiPiint! The I'uir .of lack, fiplain IH, jwhcn -mi rend ihr figure. Soni),lvjirnn. made riorl on Monday ,..ii,oiio Minds or halllmt lias Willi l.'I.OOn potin.ls of (he best "He left ut nothing but debts" it ;hcti rjiiirkclrd ?ilp to 'lliiirsilay fislrriu n- sea; T V IHrly wealhor iriiRhl, ami lakintf into account was experienced Kmosl . of Hie Debt j I lut I l :niiir' I lay h;i lnlf rv oncil lime. 5., ; W' in the innal nrlivilie of Hip Mo- t 1 I'JOI'I, III lMI lllH Wlllllt Of 't his I'rince .lnlm'is exioctci to Debt, grinding debt, whose iron face the BUTCHER widow and the orphan fear and hate; debt, llw Admiral, "Thai's Koinjf .some." arrive over lhAveek end with a r which consumes so much time, which so carload of shingles aTid a car load and disheartens, is a teacher whose Kujfiirp Day 'was hVfilliitaiy of double dresseif lumber for cripples ccrcliralfd iy (In- M i,-ti II i t o Med Allierl. nnd McCaffery.. lessons cannot be forgotten. U.J "I Am So Tired" mi Wednesday ami Ihe Admiral It is incumbent on all right-thinking people irporls that I lie Kfiml lifliavioiif The Flliel .lune, Captain Ilil-chie, to do more than avoid debt. It is necessary (if tin-' crrVN wu'h lieyoh'd all ex-i''i;iliiiiiH. arrie in pnrl early in Ihe to accumulate a competence for one's THIS teaching seems to wonder if Dr. Chase's Nerve The fishing craft In week with 3,5(10 pounds or liiili. dependent years. If, with a definite earning Food would do at ? keep one's nerves me any good Mirl' all flew the Union .luck anil hut. Cap'H sturdy lioal Ts undergoing power you find it hard to live within your high tension all day long. "Strange 1 thought how could wife the never several "aJionies" . weije in;ljl a niinoroverhaiil on the income, your support The children do worry me of it for I know that death of ' before, home in the of aiMumi, it'll ih'iiik 1 1 i u i'f i an over Ward KJeelrie slijis. event your deprived Iterribly at times. lots of teachers depend on (In flour at the Alnir Up hy .lacl? ' your earning power? "Your salary stops tw seem to lose all in it in; the spring to carry Toner, The Ouilford, Captain Ioh with your pulse' terest in their lessons in the them through and keep up u Several parlies of fishermen Hobs, and firsl male T. Ilanbury. Avlanufacturers Life policy provides for jprin?, and how I will ever their time.energy during this trying am) lln'ir families hit out. early in bad an exciting emwiunler wilh a all these contingencies. Systematic saving ret that Entrance Class the imiriiinir for fields of exploration ca lion vvhib miiig Hiri.nigli will keep you out of debt, and build a competence through their exams, is more "If I could only get the taking as haMast well filled lliN'ale Straits en route. In port. f6r the sunset of life. Should you not than 1 can guess. mothers to give it to their lunch haskcls. Cpou hauling iu Hie gear something live to old age, your life insurance will create "If I could only rest and nervous, irritable children I There was to have, lie'en a hit; pretty lioaiy seemed to be an estate for your dependents. luleep at night it would not be am sure that would help swimming contest across Ihe bay pulling it further out ami it became, x-Write, giving us your age at nearest birthday, bo bad. uut i cannoi. my some, too." helween Captain "Frennhy" of necessary lo make the gear and we will submit a proposition to ycu amjetite is gone, and I feel Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is "The ynip"e" and' CapUin I.amlije fast lo the guidy. On getting the which will not place you under any obligation. Icompletely discouraged. the greatest of nerve restorers; of "The Mauritania," Ihe winner gear over the side it was discovered "I believe it is all from my 50c a box, all dealers, hi'iiiK t'hen free, ural is and for that a sea 'lion of large proportions R. E. HARRAP, Ml 1 . f - J? iLJ. milliiiiK real liril colossal howl Supervisor for Northern British-Columbia, Prince Rupert. 1 -zasmiimsmmm nerves, ine strain oi mis or Edmanson, Bates & a was tangled up in it. The school is too much for me. I Co, Ltd., Toronto. of Jack's famous clam chowder. monster commenced to put up a However, the PonlesL had to he ferocious scrap. In fact il x - I railed off nl the last moment as so fierce in ils attack lhal striking "," jsomenne svrpoil I.amide's fur- it wilh clubs had no effect will he i ihe foreground, or. at . nw ,.,. ,, and il. was necessiiry for Ihe skip Lower garden leas), no) hidden Ihe i hy stronger and laller refuseif lo 'raei' Ihe 'eol.l wmlern per In run for his rifle and put a ine. oT I lie hay wilhiiit. it, an ordinary couple of shots into il. A considerable PLANTING NOW costume not heiny warm enough. ipiantity of Ihe gear had DRAMA AND COMEDY There were preal rejoicings at to be cut away before the car Wi-dnesday around Cow Hes Omcs - IbaeHm Camaba. noon on cass could he released. Ilanbury ON WEEK END BILL Hay when the ' fleel coastguard reports lhal he had noticed sev Plants do sown now. jy may M''Jhlei Flossie's launch, jraily eral sea lions just previous lo Hie tome Varieties Not Just Yet WESTHOLME THEATRE jlieilec).ed with flaps, hitliiK a mer happening swimming around the stricken craft up bodily, and af ry clip for port. " i;pon the Olympic hoat and it Is evident the maur-ader ter plugging Hie holes, laid her lie annual ilefitiht lo flower Appcalinply dramatic and at plidin lo her herlli nd Flossie lipcamp entangled in the gently down on-Ihe sailcy waves i rs it r piaiiiinjr ine parucn is nine, nij:niy pauieiio is ine ineme hejng seen on Ihe hridfrc, Ihe lines. However, Ihey were very ugain. Tliev- also saw lo it that FIRE OR THIEVES Si t In he experienced as sprinRiof W illiam de.Mille new Para- joy of the old 'iin.i knew no proud of their killing as Ihe sea Mickey's crafl was put in Ihor-I r-ri'. nflen Ihe desire In plant, 'mount picture production of "Af- hounds, in fact, so hct up did Ihey lions are doing immense damage ouglr goo,I shape. lhls is just. , m.v it. i so strung Hint certain ter the miow, whicii was shown hecome Hial three of them fell in to the fish. ' annllier .occasion that has cme May rob you of your valuables, if kept . are set ot in the frarden a! tilit: W'oslholinn Theatre last in nje salt chuck wilh the excile- o light of I lie,real practical ami liefnre Ihpy should he with ni?hl. The slory, written hy inenl. However, as Flossie, smiled A number of families arrived worth while friendship thai ex at home. result that many plants are, Itila Wedman, deal s with the. down upon them in the water in port on Wednesday morning ists between the good felbiws. of I Uy late sprinir frosts. sUkc. and Jack Molt, I.ila I.ec andiiiiev were clad it hanoened from C.corgetown nboanl the Ihe Mosnuilo Fleet. A SAFETY DEPOSIT;' BOX will! re is no amuiiiaKe, ami ureui i:naries u'ie are ine, icatiireu The fleet are working on Ihe Wake to visit the cPlebraliorts on give you every protection.- Annual per in planting Keraniums, players. Thn scenario .svus writ ,j A rPipiest was recently received the exhibition grounds. Among case and already there is a man i instance. lief(ire Ihe lal wtpU ten hy lluiel .MaeIonaild nnd Vi hy the Canadian authorities that the visitors were Mr.' nnd Mrs,- O. umer suspicion for executing rental and upwards. lay aieNenier plants are al-!anna Kiipwllon. I he export of .salmon for canning Pixon and family, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Hot worthless deed, If, Hie culprit Il certain lo he killed. L Kileen a chorus eirl is Ihe pro. purposes should he prohihiled. Clark, and Weldoiv McAfpeJ' II.A. is caught it will be. a sorry planting Ihe flower garden lejjee of I'op, an a;ed sla(ie door Wliocxcr thought that this would I'lie- )iariy returned on Ihe Wake day for him thai he. ever tried to THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA lioiilii always lie kept in mind keeier, who suards her jealously find siipporl at Ottawa was doomed to Ccorgctown on Thursday molest Mickey's worldly possession, (ireen Krass is one of the from'the intriKues in winch stape lo disappointment for, oflcr" morning. , . ' pleain sights ahoul a par- fiirls and wealthy hounder.s lartre. publication on Ihe coast of the i. a flowers willioul prass to iy fis;ure, to the ilisailvaniajre of movement afoot, the department Captain .Mick Sullivan, of Ihe Captain Waldron of the Dream-1 It hem off may lie compared Ihe former. When Kileen meets was inundated Willi protests from er has just rintsiicij overiiaui'ingi Amy S paio a visit lo (lie fleet n picturiv willioul a frame. I.arry,Taylor, who wins her loe, fishermen so i-js likely lhal no (hiring the week from .lap Inlet. iml altering his staunch lillle; flower pardon then should he l'op is susjiicjous of (he truth of thing will he done. Cap has run into some vessel. All (lie doodads am gad, I PROSPECTORS' BOUND FOR planned thai the will sentiments. towarls his pxass l.arry'H hap! luck jusl lately. ,Whip his gets are polished and in place. he much cut up hy flower ward. When ha finds her slip-. The Secret Service of the lileeti CEDAR CREEK 1 luring the week a scow load of boat was anchored wilh a .Tii Sue (hat the places for aut of his life, I'op, resorts "excited pins liecamc very last week) boxes for the Atlill Fisheries and anchor fallumj rope some evilly Tho besl. quickest and cheapest roula from all northern ts are alontr the houndaries, io a daring expedient wtiich lias when Cap. was noticed to be car-! lumber for the llig Hay I.umber llspose person cuV I lie rope points is via llio Fraser Itiyer.' ' close lo the house,', dramatic finale.' Ilul, happily, , iriiei'x, or eying certain boxes ami tin tubes; V arrived from Oeorgetown per with the coneiiience lhal I lit' intr as much grass as possl-'after a period of dark ilouht, true almard. One of Ihe s.s. borrow-1 Ihe tug Wake. Amy S. became stranded on the Prince George-Quesnel Motor Boat 'Rounder1 hi nil unlirdki ii area. Ilove- has lis innings nnd all are ... rucks mfferiii" considerable cd a magnifying gloss and an inch. What to Plant Now Iremlered happy. The Commonwealth. Cnpl. damage. However, Mickey 'jias l"'escope rrom the Admiral and Navigation Now Open Leaves, her Dock for Quesnel every II liei'haccoiiA perennials llialj Charlie Chaplin Ilernnian, broke tier tail shaft some staunch friends who, as.1''1' exhaustive studies discover-sonn Tuesday and Friday at' 8.30 p.m. gainir to he, planted thi In addition to "After The while mak1nf for port Piirly in as Ihey heard of Ihe das!-.''.I tlal these articles were not Carries His Majesty's Mails, Making connection in? should Tie'splNml as soon Show," Ihe showing of Uliarlie JNe.laken" in and ""I10 '"niainers, urn Hie week and had In ilrdly deed. got. lordlier Passengers and Express. with all transportation. rnssihle now as llie more Chaplin in "I'ay lay" makes a low liy Ihe gashoal Inverness. She headed by .lack llradhury and .I.ieri) nothing less than the snip ivih they have mndn before double attraction. Iteing-.almost is now in Cow Hay undergoing Xcwell hikol mil and picked the pumji and halleries'. I. ulins llje Jess ,nllfaclory .drowned alie in a halhtuh full i.- ance, Ihel .June, Tyee. lCmma I)., the results Ihe first year. of waler is one of Ihe sacrifices Flossie l-'llrl. Ihe lady oil pros Ileliaih'e, Viuuie, Venus, Daily, "ps should he .planted as Charlie makes, in Ihe nalmi of art pector, having reiirnei' from X. V S. Yellowstone, Kidsvulil, let Us Advise You V.v as possihle. and if the nlanlsiin this, his latest concedy. One of Porche.r (slalid oil strict husj Horeen, Fram, .Norma, .Margalice mi ury wlien Hie the rioioiisiy scenes snows Iwilli, a llfelimo'.s pxperi-ence uri'lVe prune ninny BAPCO ness there has been much' speculation I'etrel and I'olaris, nly and lHiry llimii iii'moUt the slar waOsiiig in Ihe lull, feeling jo Admiralty circles as In -'; (n all hr.'ijielips of tlie for ji i-oiipleJ-nf days before cod arid lurningi on the hoi Ihe outcome of the prolonged Ilie. W. A rrt..(:adain l.r V, ItitUjling Trade)-. til ina-. water jusf. to waiin things up, boring operations. II is Hioiighf .laeobscp, wilh ,!lVllKi).wiii idk.Of Brickwork f"iae of the. hardiest annual I'dna Puniaiice atipears pi!posile Marine Paints that oil has been struck 'by the halih'ul inadc poj) early in llie M-rs. I he w.ed "of which enn lie Chaplin and .Sidney Chaplin, Cow Hay Amazon, the young week; "Thorn were 'o .uulowi(rd. Stonewdrk, ' ; nled outside t.ai4y in May. are Charlie's hridher, i also in the lady's handkerchief smelling of occurrences on jh'e 'llv'ji nnd pV-erhlng p' Myssunn Calljopsis, C.in. cast. and Varnishes lhal commodity. Nothing dfiii-lle ahoard'iheltL timer is Concrete, etc. ifl. Cnlendula or l'ot Mari- is known yet however. Flossie VjaliP(;" '..'.'' '' ' Plans nncj Speciffcations I. fMphlnhlm Kscholliia, TEA AND HQME COOKING was seen hy Hie sccrel service in frert to all our cicnl. P". I'ldox Vir-ii be hard work aboard Ihe flag, nfummondii, at ' n Slocks, and Yvrhena, whila SALE BAPTIST LADIES The superior quality of Bapco Marine Paints, ship on the typewriter, and, in there l'nhle:amis Once'upon an "Usher in a a Hroad-lime William Watts & Co. host results Pwecl l'eas Varnishes and Enamel could hardly be better expressed her absence from Hie machim wny I heal re who positively, re. "dil he planted as soon as Hip Afternoon Was than in the many letters received from leading Il was discovered lhal Ihe writ fuscit o arcept a lip. "Aesop's Builders and Contractors Affair Yesterday P.O. Jinx 823. Phone 482. Bind is dry enough, hut good ing was the foundation of tier 1'ilin lkahles." jff-s will ho obtained In nn av- Pretty and Successful. shipowners. Some of these letters are no w published oil prospectus. Tlic title at Hie Office: 1017 3rd Av,o. -i' year eveip if there in delay A very succpssful lea and sale in a booklet entitled "The Evidence." Ask forta head "f the page read 'Flossie Jobbing Work of all Kinds. I'lanKng for a few. weeks. of work and hmne cooking was also color card. Flirt's Mosoulln Fleet Oil Co. of a descriptive What Not to Plant held in lh' Hapllsl church yc-(erday copy ICanada, I.Id." This il is though! r initials that arc afrecleij )iy aflcinoon frmn .') In tt, PRINCE RUPERT AGENTS was a had slarl. ihe shares are TIMBER SALE X 3971. V lillle frost, should not he large attendance. LTD. lo he raffled off at the Mug I'p, there being a THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., SphImI teinlr will lm rwelvpil hy lh "I'M before (he latter Tnrl of The church was beautifully decorated according to the prospectus al niilrlrt Koienier nut laier llian iumjii uii Hie Slid tiny r June, I fr the pur-rlme EDSON COAL v "i1- In iiddillnn lo Hioir proh. wilh cherry blossom, Ash lor a rc ti throw. ut l.li ciu e X am I. near AIUr ' heine killed' hv frost, lliese creating a deliglilful summery Of course Flossie does not crerk, I.. II. I, ut rut 438 .M.H.M. reel ul I")"! "IllingaVln Tinl succee, we almosphei-p. Tea and if'1 iTpam copy o I know that we know what wo do Minnie.1i l) yar will Im illnwcd for re- COMPANY ' Ihe ti-mneinliif.. nf llio end Was served during Ihe aflPinoon. "THE know about this private business iimvul l urlln-r tit lliiitipr.mo t ni ars or tlm ruler Fiirpii. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. f,'i'ly hish. This applies also Thn ciiliip- arraiigfrnenls 'were so keep Ihe information to ynur-s?df s,,oI lender II. M, Now-pII. EVIDENCE'' and wr'll let you in on Ihe Mrs. plants os Cannas in the hands of "alillas, llladioll Jip ground floor on this oil,proposition may iileii j,nv iim in .., .Mrs. A. II. Haync and Mr, if you get kicked out of the Best Coal i,n PInntlllir.Jhe. flnw'e'p Pflrden lleorge .lohnson tuok chargp of back door, ,a TIMBER ML! X3787. 1" very desinible, U) plan it in the leu laid.!.. Jlrs. A. Iverson B'li The following boats have marketed RmIIpiI Ipmlera will tut rncolved Lv tile a way that there, will bo a iiikI -Mr, Clef, llihbaid supervised Mlnlttfr or LiLt.i, it VlcturU, not liWt at H'-rosMio,, of bloom from enrlv Hih ImiiM choking lahle and Mrs. fish during the week, the lluu noon on Urn lti day or Join?, lvt, having since cleared for fop tlin piirrlni.oa or Lii'riu'c X8797. to cut "" liiajorily spring unlJI lain in Ihe mi. J. IliimpI'MI looked after the Moving I.SOO.UOO Ifl of Snrure. CnUr. Ileuiloik Lowest Prices "in. Care I lie high spots a?aiu: mid tialnaiu, liuuid on in irri oa the ulall, -' Km i Arm of (money lulet, llinte X, arrange ,11,, xalc A. Hunter Lincoln, Kouyosii, SHma, Uiit l and Ill.lrlrl. pjam (n fuit n During Ihn -Mr. liaale, Pair of Jack, Ingred 1I lo ii yjr Mil) h !li)Wi for re-nn, V that, thorn ienfjerfd Hcvpral vocal selec nl or Umber. H,,. ; " pn-iisiiiK imietP Valid, Morciificn. nntli. .Nidaros, I'urdiHP pjillrnltrn of the CbM Fcre. Order Now! Phone 58 a mat np nrVfiuffasU in color?, lioii wiiioh were appreciated. II. & K Guilford, W'. & T Alli Jr, victoria, no.; or Puirlct foraater. the lbwer growing plants '