Monday, February 27, 1022. THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREf Cut riowers. Pol Plants in lilooin. Cfly Market. If Best BOOKS Local and Personal J. Aiilhouy of Ileum reached (ho city on lat night's train. s For a Taxi, phone 07. tf II. II. Frivel arriel in the cilv Goorge Leek, Auctioneer. If last illicit I from Kilwangn. $2.00 each Eastern Prices : Launch "Oh Baby." Blue E4S. (Icorpetuwn arrivals un Satur NAVY CUT day afternoon .included Sirs. M. The Best Sellers of Today. Mills mid M. I.. Clark. II. C. Undertakers, phone 41. tf ' IF WINTER COMES Ilulihiilson Huyncrs, Undertakers. Phono Overseas o runner. F.xlru special CIGARETTES THE SHEIK K. M. Hull y5l. if .rj. per case or 75c per THE LAST MAN Zulu; Orcy dozen, regular Fuller. If SPOILERS OF THE VALLEY Walsoii Mure ineaL fur vuiir mont-V. ' MAIN STREET Sinclair Uily Market. & II iMrund Jack Itarnsiey reliirneil HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER (I. S. purler lo ilie 'city Jiy the Venture last MORE LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS T. IHirku J. Lome arrivctl on last ninlil's night lifter havinp spent a li.rief RILLA OF INGLESIDE I,. M. Mniitpimcry Iruin from I'aeiile. holiday in Vancouver, FUNDAMENTALS OF PROSPERITY iM.5i Itabsou MAKING GOOD IN BUSINESS l.rr llahson S. liuro arrivi'il mi I;i I n iu li I'm Skeeiia lliver arrivals on last OUTLINES OF HISTORY .'.:jn Wells Haiti from Pitman Spur. nilit I rain included .). Ceiilriipri, Books fop tho Prospector, Plumber, Electrician, llaysport; II. It. .lames, Phclaii; Carpenter Biggest seloction of Technical Books 0crsen. uraues, Kxlra spc- II. II. Sclilll. and X. Wo.ney, Sal. I IU for JJnd in tins in British Columbia. 'lul $17,511 ner case or 75e ner mis; it. w . Miiciair, Inverness; dozen, regular Fullers, tf Mr. ami Mrs.Hall, Kwinllsa, and of 50& lOO . .1. O. Peterson, Shames, The llccves Vacuum Gleaner costs itiily $lii.iiiu, ami 1 1 I li i 1 1 The lirancli of the provincial j U operate. Phone Jilack 71)0. tf police ollici! lias Iieen reopened at - Port Simpson and dominion Cou-.slahle. SI. Daid's I lav. Wcilueilav A. J. Watkinson is temporarily March I. Whist Drive ami Dunce in charge. The iuarler.s will In' held in he K. nf P. Hall there are lo he renovated and put al H 11. in. . 50 in shape for occupancy upaiu. . Tin1 movinp iictiire culcrlaiii-liienl ' Specials in Columbia atimiuiiceil fur Hie Church of BIG LIST OF Filmland loiiiphl has Iieen postponed Grafonalas & Records indcllnilcly. FISH TODAY J. A Klrkpalriek returned n liihl friuii Kilstinikalum where to clear PlS I Hie week-end visllinp Out of 342,000 Pounds Offered j Wl'n vtia." Week.-. Here, 267,000 Pounds Sold One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 Price Is Low. Mr, (i. A. Taylor ami daiiphtcr One $55.00 $40 l'cppy of Port Kssinptou urrivnl (r :n.,.O0ll pounds or halibut ' ijOI't;,,ily last niphl ami are rep-islcrcd offered ill the Fish Kxrhalipe here One $75.00 $60 al the Prince lliiiert. loday, i'Hi.iuiO was markeled here Snverb 2ualih m and cleared for 55,000 Seattle, not Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 y MS?.:.,.' " ii' ilB .'I,.,.till.- .-IIJ...... ,J ll'rtt satisfied with Hie price, which was manager or Hie OrmeJScoll-Our-yirh rather lower (ban of usual, none Value All other Records in proportion. We wish to clear 9recrfest coal mine al Kdson. 'I'lie mine the lisli bavilip hroiiplil a higher out this line. is now opcralinp as (he ilemami price than 10c. in IfwWoria ff) Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? warrants. 'I lie followinp were (he arrivnls; Anna J., t'5,000 poiinils, sold lo We have " a ' clleVil Willi will the lloyal Fish C... al 10c ami ict ORMES LIMITED creel a "concrete parage huildiiiu Forward, iii.ouo pounds, ami 50 feel by 100 feel Tor a responsible -Mali, pounds, sold to Hie 200 and Phones 82, 134 leiianl. McCaffery & Oib-bons, (anadiaii l isli ami Cold Sloi-iipe The Pioneer Druggists The Recall Store Limited. 50 Co. at U.lic and i.5e. - Moreiice, I 1,000 poiinils. and Tallier Wndfe arrived last niulil Lincoln '.1,0011 pounds, sold to The Man. in the Moon from Terrace where lie is now the Canadian Fisli ami Cohl Canadian National Railways stationed havinp succeeded Slorape Co. al and 1.5e. j SAYS:- . J 1 Fat he I.eray who has pone to .Voiuad, 0.000 noiimls and Tyee t Wehave on hand a; very, limited Prince (ieorpiv .17,1)011.pounds, iMvld li ifie Ciina- 'I'll lvc silent SvaTc.lie.i--f the diai.i Fish and Cold Slorape Co of niplil an the ones Hint run Prince supply The Rupert Hospital Women's Auxiliary al Sl.lo and ie. down because Hie owper forpol needs new members. Come Mermaid, 5,omi pounds; Hi (o wind lliem ami join al the regular monthly (iill, 7,000 pofinds; Vdlunleer, up. meeting in Ilie Council Chamhci- ti.OdO jHiuuds and Apnes, i,000 IIL'K.VOS Aires lias 500 drop Edson Coal on I iiesday al I 18 hipyards p.m. pounds , ulditii llirj C.aiiiiiluin slores ami 1500 lieaiily parlor, and Cold' 4 Slorape,'Co. at and that is where Hill "Lynch Hoy Lancaster wlio spent .icv- 8.Hc. and ie " ' ' is . eral days in the city visiiiup wilii .Mars, 1:1,000 ' ioumls, ami pone. ... Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock which we are offering at the liis parenl, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Fram, 10,000 'pounds, old lo I-'OII eM-ryuue who poes up in Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern I.aiii'iisler, relurned on Saliir-day Ilie lloval l''ish'Co. at 'J.'Je and Ilie world there is another one makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. following prices to Sinillier. where lie is em. ic. poes down. Electric and ployed in tjie elation. .Ndriien, F.'.ooo poiimls, ami Acetylene Welding. MINE RUN, in bulk $10 7 Marpalice, ll.OOll pounds,, sold to CAP. Freeman wauls to shoot per ton, delivered p O .lohu lloon, 4'harved under the Ilie lloyal Fish Co. a 0.7c and If. ill prohibitionists. If someone Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of Imliaii Act with siippl.viijp liipmr Ilestiliilion. I i.OOii pounds, and .should start off with Cap's Nnr-j SCREENED LUMP, sacked dl o C( 1 all Imliiih pirl, Louise Kluil, Involution. 10,000 jioumls, sold bi'lhoup while lie is away he 1 MARINE AND per ton, delivered P A O.DXJ aiipe'a'red in (lie police coui-l tiii lo (lie Pacific Fisheries at 11.5c. would then lie in favor of pro-j First Come, First Served nioiiiing before Magislrulc MuCly nml ic. hiliiliiiii of slealiup. - 1 COMMERCIAL WORK imliit and was dismissed. liefcnce, I!l,oMi p'oiiinls, and 1 W. IT would 1 i 1 1 be Ilie prohilii- PHONES 43 AND 385 and S 1(1,0110 pounds, sold lo ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. W. Ilinns, imiliaper of lln Ilie Pari He Fisheries at U.5e and tiousl I he Cap. would waul lo Phones 116 and 564 KiiliiNu al Cannery near i'ort Iv Sc. ' shoot. .o by a jupfiil. sinuloli, arrived last niplil from I'liiiins, I 1,000 pounds, ami A bliml pip is a mail who VancoiVver and is repislered al tin California. 1 1,0(10 pound sold ocn blind from drinkiiip wood Mlilel ' I'rince llliperl lie i pi to Ilie (Sooth Fisheries at U.5c alcohol. Phone C6 P. O. Box 743 out In the plant on WciiCMla,v ami ic. ilmriiinp's train. Aupusta, I5,ii6ii iioiimls, and FOLLOWLW. oul Iheir peneral JAMES HUNTER Caypeoii .H.iinil iioiinds, sold lo policy or eoucealiiip very Utile, FIRE! Horace Mil Vernel, aeeompaij ilie Allin Fisheries at 11.5c mid ic some Hie lluppers of today do GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY it'll by his ihree chlldri'ii, arrived Kmlilcui ,0,000 pounds; Fremont, not even conceal llieir ipuorance. BUILDER The lire inspectors luive lieeu round ami we know jusl whal lasl uiplil from ivitwanpa ami pounds, anil lloyal 'I'll same mipbl be said of some you need in prolrcl, oil i- walls, pail it ions ami ccilinjis. will spend the week ill Ilie city 0,000 pounds, sold to A I lin Fisheries of the .older people. Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks ii.5c, anil ic. Terms can be uiranped fur purchasers. We make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection Ilie of Ills parents, llisltop al . v (Hailstone, i;',oiiil pohuds, and TIIK man who is always look-inp against fire. ami Mrs . I-'. II. iMiVernel, Fourth First Avenue and Cow Bay for pold does not usually I'orlumi, 1:1,0011 pounds, cleared pel Avenue .Mrs. Ilu Vernel Prince B- c- Rowe's Sheet Metal Works is in the hospital in lltur.c Hoii for Sealtle, . : e'uoiiph u ninke a poldeu rule Rupert, The Pioneer willi (15,000 lbs., with. Phone 340 I wisli to (hank all my friends lint iiii'llldeit in Ilie above loluls. SO.MK men olijecl lo Iheir erv sincerely for llieir conliiiued was in 1 1 ollereil a price here ami wives siiioUiup ciparelles ami yet tuilrouape of my slore diiriup pas lefl yesterday for Seal lie (hey think uolhiiip of smokiup Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central years. From .March i (Wednes. eipar. thai smell worse 1 1 1 a 1 1 a the lie PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. lay lmsiucs will eon- WIRELESS REPORT museum THEO COLLART, LTD. PUBLIC NOTARY tiuued'lls I'l i.zi'll's l.imileil al Ilu There wilt always be some one to take them. old stand on Third Avenue next lo 8 a.m. Prince Rupert Coal Company Hie llnynl Hotel. I respectfully House and Bath FOR SALE Six Room near Ill.'LL IIAIIIIUIl Clear, calm; ODDS Hip . solicit continuation of your McBride St., $1900.00 easy terms esleemed support. barometer, yo.US ; teniperature Exclusive Representatives LadysmithWelllngton, Pembina, JH; sea smootli. Peerless and Yellow Heitd Coals. 50 (ii:oii(ii: .i. Kui.zKi.i.. AND Rentals Real Estate General Insurance I)FAD TUFF. POINT Clear, Phone Blue 69 Wostholme Theatre Block P, O. Box 66 Cash for Victory Uonds. Thos. aim; barometer, :to, it; lempera- Yellowhead Coal MclJIymont. tf lure, i'Sj sea smooth. ENDS IHdllY ISLANM (Jlejir, calm; Our slocklakiiiK is over ami Oil Dock Delivered baromeler, .'lo..'Jo; temperature, an1 cleariiip oul a lot of ANNOUNCEMENTS ;'K; sea smoolh. LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 ' Hoods at prices that are Sacked 11.75 14.00 Noon. , LUMP, Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE SI. Andrew's Sale of Work and llt'l.l. IIAIIHOII Clear, linht bound to make them sell. MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 Home CookiiiK, April 5, St. Andrew norlbwist wind: Iiuroiui'ler,'ao.y5; An excellent opportunity for NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.50 DENTIST Hall. leiiiperalure, 18; heavy swell. (be Ibririy. Analysis -Fixed Carbon, ID.2 per cent: xidalile mailer, II7.I llFAO Til KM POINT Clear. percent; ash, U.(! per cent; moisture. L8 per real; sulphur, Visit his Ofhco Rooms 7 and 8 Smith noti?d",l!!ul!,"ll": baromeler, :io.y8; teniiiera- John Bulger, u.l'j per cent; II. T. I', air dried, 11.050. Block or phone for an appointment. 1 lo h I nir. ilw.l- lure, 10: sea .hiiiooHi, The Jeweller This Is 11 1 1 i.u It (irade IliUimiiious Sleamiup Coal, especially Phone 675 PILES Inn Imr. I' I'roirud No KKillV ISLAM.-Clear, calm; suitable for lliph Pressure Hollers and Furnaces, The lump Olllco bouts: U-12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 aiioo urnloal rwiuirea.oir- baromeler, a(U'li; leinpi'ruhire. is a very Superior Slow Coal. Let us send you a trial load of evcnliiUH. Dr. rh&R.'a Olntmunt Ill relisTO you al ones 51; sea .smoolh: 1 1 : 1 u.m, spoke Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your and attord Ustinir beutftt. Aki. a boi 1 all Sunday Appointments l-1"1 Assistant dealer, or KduiaiiKiui, Jlalri tc Co.. Limited, Princess Mary due Prince ltupei-t heating stove. -i Knuiln. Haimila Hoi Irna II vou meiiuon lull rerr and enclos iw itasp 10 pay ixMt. V p.m. northbound,