J For TAXI Fish Market RED COD FILLETS Phone FRESH HERRING SPRING SALMON CRABS, SHRIMPS Bct Servico'and IlctlCnr.ln lite City PRINCE RUPERT SALT MACKEREL. "i. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 07I -l-Jt-XJ. -LJ J. I ... . . VOl, XIII NO. iS, PIUXCK lUPKIlT, II. i, MONDAY. l'EHHL'AHY 2.7, 11)22. ttturdar'i Circulation 1,773. Strut ! 42S PHICK FIVK CLOTS Mill Report is Very Favorable SHINGLE AND PLANNING ILL IS SOLD AND WILL BE OPERATED Lumber Manufacturing and Shingle WHERE PRINCESS MARY, MAY v SPEND HONEYMOON. CANADA BARRED Mills Here are Sold and Will be Supreme Court of United States Operated in about a Month's Time WASIIIN.iTO.V Gives Judgment Feb.In Case 27. -The j Meiehanl Marine .el nf l!ii.0, known as Ihe Jones' Law. pro-,hibils Major Haines, who has been acting here for the receiver of Ihe traiisjiiiAatlnn of mer. the Charlotte Islands Spruce Products Limited, has received word chandise between Alaskan ports 500 BOOKS FOR that the planing mill and shingle mill erected by that concern PUBLIC LIBRARY .and Continental I'nited Slates by here has been sold and will be operated In a month from now. ALREADY DONATED Canadian rail and" water lines, !lhi- Supreme Court of lle L'nited Tho chief owners of the business were the Whalens, the founders 4 jstales announced loday. The of the Whalen Pulp and , (i. V. Wilkinsi'ii reioils Paper Company. IjudRinent is from Hie case The plant has scarcely been used, the company going to the '(hat the number f Imoks Jiroujilit by Ihe territory of Ala'ka Alonali'd for the use of the wall directly after it was ready to operate. fr:e pulille lihrary has al-1 and llio Juneau Hardware Co. jagainsl Ihe collector of customs 1fady icachcil 5t0. The ! for Alaska . yard. Thero Is a complete lumber manufacturing plant there and buys weal nut on Siilurilay its operation will mean a great Impetus to business here. and ijislriloiled dodders, Roberge Wood, commission agents of this city, have received ami next Saturday 'Ihcy VEREGIN IS enquiries ror over a minion apple boxes for Australia and New will he round In gather . REALLY P-CL! Zealand, to be delivered 200,000 a month, and also they have had suel) books as have mil enquiries for spruce lumber of various grades for the offshore trade. yet been sent in. Those The first part'ot Princess Mary's REPENTANT who can do so lire asked to snd Viscount Laatcles's huney-moon cae Die hooks al Urine's may bo spent at Weston Park, near Slilfnal. England, tho Drui; Stores. Shropshire home of the Earl and Says is Surprised Canadian People DELEGATION AT Countess of Bradford, whose Took Him So OTTAWA MAKING tauchter. Lady Diana iJrldse-man, Seriously. PARTY WAS IN is to be one of the brides-tiaidj. SLOW PROGRESS SOVIET AND Here the royal bride and NKI.SON, Veto. $7 l'eler Vere- "irldegroom are expected to.re-,uo gin, leader or the poukhobnrs, 'I'll is nioi'iiiii'. W. K. In for about' three weeks be apolbsfzeH' (o I'.auuiliaus Tor bavins BAD ACCIDENT .ore proceeding; to Italy. VY Illinois re'ejet! tYf Idler CONFERENCE xa.usj;U.a,imsJi'f4viU!.u.vby;.liii. from 'hliluwiii'tli'i; .t. iisserllons Ihal Ihe Poukhobors Car In Which They Were Riding loriiey - Ki'iicriil - iMn'iiMiii, would Jiave to kill off the chitd-ren sliitiliv llml Hie ilcleiiliiili icw and infirm as a protest Rolled Down Embankment Delegates Will Be Instructed Re-gardlnq FROM was making low jtro'res against 'luxation." lie East of Drockvlllo Attitude: Loan CR.OUNDJ expresses ami il wonlil In n week S HOWI rsi& surprise that Canadian women Is Wanted. ye I lii-fori llioy slarled Tur WESTON will not utteiiipl lo lynch hint Douglas !lork lliis morning hoini'. MOSCOW. Keh. The Sov. Hi ere for. crcivrd u teller from hi" father. Mr. Malir-on is tin special iel ilelf-ralloil lo lieiioa will carry field at Terrace will depend Mr. Vcroain noinls out I hat I ro Sun k. M.l., wlm with the Built and Drill in Place si of Mir imrly arrived at Ot- ili'lcalc frimi the cily iiilriicions lo srant all concesJ Camp largely on the results obtained iulilie Doukbobors liad to kill off ciiiiiicil. (he nlhers i-cire-c'iiii'' sions ilemamleil, lii'ov.iiled Hie hill Itlie hob which is aboul lo be their cows in order to pay their ha'd awn.arrow lie. ;i-jh-says Ihcy fur I heir n lives very I lie lliianl nf Trmle for rceonsl rucl Ion clni he oh. at Terrace; Will Sink for Oil commenced. U oil is found, liixes in I'.CJU and therefore tho ami ilher inlereils. laineil. . IT a loan cannot In ar-I'iiiii-il furlher drilling will perhaps he children were deprived or milk. lioek illc. Tin' I iimI of t-ii i i a .then from llm llussiun (unnecessary at the present, hi He asks Tor a commission lo .11 oil Hie hack and irlit cars, This for Boiler ! one of winch Hit' Prince llu- poinl of view the conference will Week; Waiting case no oil is found al. the present investigate the conditions wilh ami have only the moral value of the location, another hole will a view to Ordering a rcTimd oT liiii iy was riding, upset DIED AT. VANCOUVER. recognition oT the present f?ov-eriiiiieiil probably be sunk further in tho $y0,000 spent by Hie Doukbobors 'lli'ij down tin' cinbuukihcnl 10 . Actual oil drilling operations by the Terrace Oils Limited is Interior towards Ihe Kitsumkal-itm on roads Tor which they alio S.'l VA.N'Cl.lt Yl'.M. Keh. I';. Mrs. II. The basic irasnii for this at', to commence on Weilne'sdny on Ihe Keith, ranch about one mile lake. have lo pay taxes. time of The imrly liii'l at (lie Miik ali'i'aily had an i nl !-w Charles Sloddarl, Hie well known lilmle is Ihe fainirie. Unly wilh-in- southwest of llie lown nl Terrace, The camp is now built ami (lie The people of Terrace are en-Ihusiaslic The Doukhohors also ask a local wrilcr ml aelive welfare about oil possibilities loan or 9!ili.(i(iU lo launch ir-' it Ihe last few week have I lie an with ll"ii. V. I.. Mackenzie drill is in place ready lo cuter Ihe ground. All (hat is holding worker, ilieil here at Hie week-end leuilers of Ihe Snvicl realizeil how ud (here is a chance that that ligation scheme. h a. liui Hoy liail lo await the IhiiiL's hack now is Ihe fai l Ihal the boiler, which ii being made olace will be Hie biggest oil situation. rrniii iiirti moil ta. desjierale is the food Mil in i In city of om or in Prince. Ijnpcrl and wjiicli wu to have been delivered lo lloyle "tin in .N'orlh America in a w-lied of. lo Mil-interview.'minister whom llu'y Bros., the drilling contractors, al Terrace last week, was nol reudj couple of months.. If oil or MANY FAILURES indications round, there Tin' OHuwu people vi'li parli-iliuiy Mill as expected and may njil reach Terrace till early Ibis week. I.. iHiU are Pulp Likely will he a i great boom there. pleased ut the victory In Jcseu, manager for lhjyle Hros., who is supei-vising Ihe starling The presence or oil in a hole STOCK EXCHANGE i - const ilueney as Ihcy hardly or operations at Terrace, arriv thai is tieiav drilled is usually ;ii i nl Mi-. Shirk would win ed from the. interior Jasl night indicated first by was which, on lUJaiiiHl sue It strenuous opposi- Will Commence in PETITION IS lo hurry along the' boiler which being released, Torres the water NKVy YOltK, Feb. The is to be completed here, (lien up Ihe drill bole. Al Ibis time cunsoidaleil slock cxi-hauc today Hash, who came from Anyox recently, all open lUhts or inTlammablu. announces ihe suspension of INVESTIGATION IS Very Short Time WITHDRAWN is already on the job at material is ' removed Troiii Ihe Mustier & Wallace .brokers, also Terrace and moved there with vicinity before trie drilling continues Thomas 11. Cowley of Thomas II. HELD UP BY ACTION his family last week. The crew in case oil may come Cowley Co. Chief Justice Decides Favor, of drill men is also ready. A lir the surface. Depending on Another involuntary pelitiou in HOLDING PRISONERS 11, - Iluhy, local inanuKOi of the Prince llupcrt 1'ulji .mil or Martin O'Reilly carload of coal 'arrived al the J he subterranean pressure, (ho bankruptcy lias been filed a-gainst Il I'..mil.mi- i ill rieeitit nf ;iilviee TeiOn cvv 'llI'k UUIIOIIIIC. Against Peck. scene on Saturday lb be used in oil may come out in a gusher, (iulhric & Co., brokers, is Ulster Government Is on It3 Dignity week Ihe boiler. Caplain James. An. may ooze through or it may be annouuecd. iii(j that a ileal will probably be put through lliis whereby VANCOUVER, Feb. 27. dersou, of Victoria, direclur of lo it. In any Rocent Occurrences. a necessary pumu Over Chief Justice Hunter this coiislriictioii on llie inilp and puper mill ut Weal Cove nlay com-nieoee Hie company will be here on case, (be field will have to be fuliiro. The nreiniralion of iilans uud all morning granted the application GOLD STRIKE SOUTH in Ihe vcrv near Wednesday and will go on to proved, for the withdrawal of the IIKI.IAST. Veil. -'7. The Ul--!"f Hie local work in connection wilh the slnrljug of coiislniflioii urc petition filed by Martin Terrace. Many Indications OF PRINCE GEORGE government inTonus the ready hi-ro ami all lluu m holding mailers back is the arrange mem O'Reilly against Cy Peck and Commence March 1, There have been many interesting lii-it i ta (loveinnieut Dial i nvt(t i-u The lloyle ltros.' contract with indications tins nf iliiiini'i's In which Ihe niessowe I'ecoiveil unulies. II is under R. W. Cameron of Skeena, pf pre. Sunday Arrivals In Interior Town 1 1 o 1 1 nilo llie recent Clones dls-iii'ilers the Terrace Oils Limited, calls scare or nil in the Terrace and Tell of Discovery Near cannot be begun n a I i 1 the stood lli.it when the Prince lliiperl Pulp ami Paper Company returning officer, on behalf of for the commencement of drilling Kflsiimkalum . field. There have Woodpecker, P.O.E. Fred Stork, complaining of "veil I'Uer constables cIhIiiiuiI starts out it will gru aiieau wiiii, ,. ,- by March I, and had il not beeji Murfaci seepage In the Railways ' he Blilf imprisoned are rc- the la rye r plan for the establishment I lie .worst now and Ihi-re Is a alleged Irregularities at several been ror the' Unroresecn delay in district accompanied by gas ii'iisr J, of .a pulp ami paper Kieal deal ot. ice on Ihe river. polling stations. connection wilh the boiler they which. -II is sjiid, may be actual PKLNCi: (iF.UIKIF., Feb. 27.--News mill mud the develoinnenl of II Hows down in small chunks When the action was would have slatted this morning ly III at some places. Then lias been brought to this PERSHING COMING hydro.electric ' power from one and would nut, il is believed, launched It was believed Peck for all else is ready. The Iheie is Dragon Lake, 75 miles eily of a bi gold strike near or the bi sources .of power burnt lly. piers of suck a line, might win the election. present contract is ror 1 500 reel In Inwards llie Naas Valley, Woodpecker, a station on tho near the mouth or Ihe Skeena when llie spriiijf break-up comes The caso will be dropped or dianond drilling. The outfit which has been known lo llie Pacific Crcat Kastern Hallway, Famous American Commander." river. il is also believed that tint ice now that Stork has established will work three shift a day and Indians ror years. I hey nave south or hero . Arrivals from the In-Chief to Visit Alaska Visited Tyee conn's down in small ph'ccs and the victory. from Ti lo "0 reel may be sunk viewed tills placo with supe. south Sunday told of the dis In Summer. Mr. Ihiby and II. I'. Crowell, does not Jam, per shift. Al this rate, ihe fir.stj stiliou which accounts tor tho covery and a number uf prospectors W ASM IN(IT(7. D.C., Feb. rcsidenl enifiueer r llie eoiu-panv Transmission Line HAND TO HAND FIGHT hole should be finished in Iwo" name given il. Tim ice ha been are hurrying to the "'iieral John .1. Pershiiu -7 i .vinileil lyre stalion, 17 The. transmission line crossing mouths ut leasl. Five men will known lo crack and lieave up tu scene. oltiimi hit a I rin Jn Alaska be fur miles from here, mi Saturday Ihe river will likely be pul POLICEAND STRIKERS lie .engaged Unlil bed rock is the' wilder lime ami geologists cMiminlntf the lee on In ' near Tyee station where the struck and after. Hiat the full ascribe Ibis lo gas and oil. OH MANY DELEGATES ii it I ai it i ii. He will niako the- ariernooii ''' In Willi j'reshlcnl Ihe Skcena river in regard to river is a mile and a half wide. JOIIA.NMCSHLIIO, Feb. 27. -The crew of eight or ten men will be Is also believed lo exist low'ards (lunlintr.company If the chief . executive lls-ell'ccl on the proposed power This will ncccssltatu the pullint.' first Alibiing in coiincellon employed, When Jhe .drill gels the (Iround I lutr eoal fields. Another GRIT CONVENTION transiiiissloii line across the in nf six law concrete piers, willi Ihe milling strike in Hie down lo a depth. or 500 feel or slory goes the rounds at -'f ie-till)North,lll'iwl.ll.lllllll or in ll'll'lv Anglic!fllllU alone it river. Mr. Duby, telling this possibly 100 feet wide al Ihe Hand dlsl.rjcl occurred today so a derrick will be biilll, this Terrace of how a man in the ONTARIO PROVINCE mornliis of what he had ceen, base, They would lie about ISO when the police -charged two being necessary to fucllllale KiUumkalum Lake country when """possible Per. 1 1 1 1 llilnks to go. General commander said thai it was. Ids opinion that feet hiah and 1500 feel apart. parties or sinkers al lloksburg, Hie drilling at the greater depth digging u well was. overcomo with TOHO.N'TO, Feb. '!!. About COO the w llml us ice would present little dir. Aluuir the toji of tho poles using club to quell (hu disorder. when iiuie.ker changes will have gas apd ihed in tho pit. All delegates are expected lo alleiai the "J Sules armies of thu United lo II"'' construction of the would be, slruoj,' the copper Fierce hand lo hand righting to be made wil" more uu- llieso indications are coupled Ihu Liberal convention o chooso ho ficulty wii.li the should he fumilliir line. Conditions, us far as the trai'iiiulssion wires which do not ensued In which many casualties wieldly drill. with favorable reports of emin a Liberal leader. It will open oa great American terrl- t,.r k concerned, a-' nl ul'OU' allow of niueli siij.! were iu tiered by both side Fqture operation In the oil ent geologist. Wednesday.