p PAGE EL THU DAILY NEWS Monday, rcbrunry?, , CHILDREN ASSIST RUSSIAN REFUGEES HeaJBBaJjBjjjja G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public POLICE FINDING IN CONSTANTINOPLE WESTHOLME DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE in tin; very limit oT STOLEN LIQUOR UTTERLY DESTITUTE THEATRE lie retail district seldom conic on llic innt-kcl. Tn close an Tonight and, Tomorrow Mtalo we arc enabled to offer Hie one adjoining the Post Office Seventh Case Was Locate) by CO.NSTAM I.N'OI'I.F, Fob. 33. corneik'Third Avenue and Third til roc t, fur vale at a very reasonable Chief Vlckers Yesterday Hitter cold weather and heavy price and on exceptionally easy terms. Price and Afternoon with Assistance falls of now are intensifying (lie MARSHALL terms on application. Carl Smith. ttufferiiie's. of Hie legions uf Hus- sian rofU!rees who have soukIiI shelter and food within the Turkish Yeslerday afternoon wilh Hie H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. a-)ilaiiee of lillle Carl Vlncenl capital and its environs. NEILAN Rentals Insurancs sniflli, on .of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Their misery is fU'cat. They .1. .Sinilli, Chief VicKers, of llio haunt the dark streets and alleys rejenArRandall oily police, located another case al nits-lit begin? alms and bread. ParriiKr of whiskey of the thirteen which There are nearly 50.000 who are were stolen on Thursday nlftlit utterly destitute. The American Bob "The Store of Satisfaction" from Olier llosner . bonded I!oil Cross, left here a short Hampton warehouse on First Avenue Wosl. Backache nine awo. I lie rorujrers. are now Canada's Best TIMBER SALE X23S7. t'he find was made when Hip iiirniu? Iheir attention lo the Sealed lender- will l.'v rrrclwd by I tin chief was out payinsr a visit of Hackaclte is (he outstanding mba-sies. Of Placer Minister r .. tl Victoria nut later linn HARTT Shoes ll.i.il) i.11 I lie I Mil (My l.f March, IVH. Tut inspection lo his new residence. "ymptom of kidnry du--rap. F.iitoi'laiiniieiils, balls nml Kit I a lino piircuasc nr License .i'W7, rtn I'he lad ran up lo him and said Womrn performances mv boiiiv f.'hen . often male ttic mirtaLe of 1 1 i is.lino net .ir ni hil.m k. spruce, iiaisaiii ii-il.ii awl pilinsr. mi l.n Allrn Arm, that lie had found a case of attributing other causes anJ overlook by cliiiiitable pi-rsuns In an effort :a!"iar one (I.Land ear inirlci.will be allowed for re whiskey. Following Iiilii, Hie tl;e derangement of the kidneys tit raise money for the unfortunate $12.50 moval nr i hiiIkt. hief found a case of House of until reriotu developmentJ Uiissiau outcasts, bul sui-thcr tuiiiieiiiar.s of llie t:hii-r Fore's Iit. Victoria. H. i:.. or liisiriri lorcsli-r, Lord's Scotch, in a coal sack have made it difficult to obtain the response 1 yory feeble. 'I'he I'rinrp nnMTi. it. i:. under a walk. Mr. IJesiier was permanent relief. Irulh is life in Constanliiioph-is IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH notified ami, upon his idoiilify-imr so dear thill only Hie well-to-do Harvard COLUMBIA. the liiiuor, il was relumed Thii letter points to a treatment fan afford lo five any sub-slant III 1 1"' nmlti-r t.r THE AliMIMSTIlATloV his warehouse. he-h Iiai been o lliorougbly ial help lo others. I iiml in I lie matter or llh.MIV III II ried and eifective in llie ItAllll IU l 1.. lIciVMM'll. Six full cases and one empty proven so The plight of Hie Itiissian women Shoes T.Ul; Mi in.i: inui mi tin- '.'Mli liny or one or the Ililrlonii have now rent r.iaintity of rases that you mid fhiblreii and old men January, lusl. tellers i.r administration anno! afford to overlook it when last iceii round hi i mere remain six is pathetic to the decree. were irrmiti'il In JiiImi II M.-.111,1111. onirlai nri-cs for it! to bo loealed. ,Xo .arrests have ause use. There is iliiilnilr.Hnr. I'rlnre laus-ll, lirll lli shorlave of wood and i-iliimlila. been made ami definite clues Mr. R.R. No. oilier fuel and $9.50 All per-ons having claims a tr.i 1 1 1 t III.1 no Albert Brunei. many are dyi'iia to $11.00 ald estate nn- required In II Ir Mine Willi have been found' as yet. ', Ottawa, Onl., writes: Inily of exposure. nn- iiiiiJi'I-kIviii'ii wiiiiiii iiurly days rroin The last case was found sev-ral Also Armenians. in.1 date iicrcor am all ierous owiiiii "I have U'td Dr. Cn"t Ki-Jney-Liver debt in nn ald cslalo an required to blocks from wherv the aVay In addition In the lirsjaii. It Hi.' -aim- In I he iiiiucMimcd rnrlliwlth. v PilU for llie pant two monlhii. Iiav hmmi nil" "in iiai ur renruarv. ivr: Iher six were pickeil up. i in 8 Keen aflicled wilk Vidney trouble. I (!roek anil Turkish refugees, KIRKPATRICK Joll.v oniriJl II. lr.MOU.IN,Adminlsiralnr. .tred two uoelon medicine previous lo whoso tiuiiil-i-r run into lens of ACCIDENT l!)is, witl.out any good reiulti. A I'riend thousands. Constantinople has o AUTO IN PROBATE. 'old me lo urt Dr. Chaie's Kidacy-Liver provide food and shelter for ,llie A and the teconJ Kot made feci I. THE SII'IIK.MK ClirilT OF UlllTI.-l! Pill., me ; COI.DMIUA. a food deal belter, I have now tred At'iiieuian refugees of Cilicia. One Man Killed and Two Injured about six or eight boxet, and am completely Appeals are plaearded about the Ill the mailer ..r TIIF.. AoMIMSl IIATIo.N Near Victoria 1 Ai:T and In the matter or the fcsTATh Yesterday. relieved." ily to move llie population lo or ,li:IIOL.S MAIisK.V. February inicslale. deceased, YIOTOISIA, Feb. 27, Itoberl Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, siiceor Iheir destitute brothers T.UK MiTICK I luil In order i.r III" tanners was killed and Frank one pill a doe. 25c a box, all bul nobody seoiiis lo worry-aboiil lliinur K. Mill. Ynunfr. made I tl- Hlh ilnv persbolt anil W. Teadale were deajers, or Edmanson, Dates ii them. " I,ot the rich AmoH.oans of February. AH. lot. I was apioititcd Limited. Toronto. or llie l.e.-t'-'tlo or .UII(HIH.' MKe Administrator In Ihi' Ffl.it' ir .Nicholas injured when an nut'omobile was Co., Discount Sale j claims MaiNvn.ayaln.st ileri'a-e.l.tlii- anil Mhl all psiate parties arc herein having" wreekeil nn Hie Parsons llriile are of thorn" js 'ilii- (L-nioral s'arring , ri'iiiilicil l rurnish same, properly verified. nail near Colwood early Sunday, i respoiise. In mo. mi iii lipriirp Hip tr.lh day ir Sir Samuel doitily biah lloarp, Barrie & James 'March. A.O. tsi-.'i. unit nil parties Indebted wi other men, one of whom was BRITISH GOVERNMENT Wesley KirkwooJ In Uie estate are reiinln il M pay tlic e nmmissioiior ror the League ol 20 off all Irlvintf the car, have been de per cent, aliment nf their indebtedness In nip Nalions, is bore in coiincclion forthwith. tained by the police pi-mlimr an HAS STAGGERING BLOW joii.v ii Mimih.lin. willt Hie International llolief Wallpapers ' nTFri Oil- IMh irrii-ial d.n ..r AdmniKlralor.iviimarv. I09 impiest. Fund for Itiissian ItefiiKces, with Charlie CHAPLIN Loses Election In Cornwall Fol wliiclt Dr. Fridljof Nanscii is Mrs. I,. A. Jirown and Mrs. V. 10 per cent, off lowing Loss at Clayton conneoled. His arrival has It; Jteiil tr llyiler reached Hie city in and Camborwell. rtreally Ju-arlen'od the ItussJaus. else in Everything our on Saturday afternoon. especially (ienoral W'ranvel and "THE EMIGRANT" Store. UiMKJ.Y l-Yb. i?. Cumin? on other Itiissian officials upon SYNOPSIS OF lop of adverse results for Hu whom a jrroal part of the task Admission, 15c and 35c fioveriiinCnt in' Clayton and Cain-herwell of carina for the refugees has TKMlKIIS r.u Ml-i-.-lliilifnil Supplies al SILVERSIDES I'rlnri- lluperl. II. ... In !1it. and lliib-IKhmenl'i LAND ACT AMENDMENTS by-elections the defeat of fallen. M-rHie of ir Canada the ripiuirtineiil and oilier Canadian r the Naval Hov- Hie Ooveniinem' candidate in the It is hoped here the League eminent ieparlineiil-i, at well -i to Ship Ilodiuiii division of Cornwejl on will lake oiierKeHo liii-astn-es to r tlie liniH-rlalioverniiieiit al Ihelr opllnn. BROS. Sealnl leiiilern. oiMrriM-d to Hie imder- and Saturday is " regarded as a ameliorate ' Iho Krave rondilioiis Minimum prl.t of (Irat-ciass Second Street lKiii'il. will m- received up lo iiimn on lliti ; dnred to Ig'iD acre: aecond elase to smashing blow to the (iovorn- tliat exist. DENTISTRY sxiii niiriiary. iss. ror AUppnpit or ll iiiidennriitJi inert f t'-nt-r SIM an air meiit . Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 r-ie-Pii)i-ilnn now confined to nr-veyed For period or thrta montha, from 1t April lands only. berwoJI by-election in the Hod Adverllso In ll.e, Dallv Nws, to 4uin junti liszz, Records! wljl l eranied cjvermj jmy lon'l neglect yuur tcclh. One decayed or missing- k-'l ai Fieuli MeiM. mill division of Cormvell Sat land rulmble for otrkuliural punM" on (ii) rrpii n-.ii. lowers vitality. your ir) l.-e-ili .Milk. and whirr. In non.ttmlier land urday Is r??nrded as a smasliiii; I'arlntriihlp pre-emptlona bollihert. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY fll i rrnll eitrlahles. USE. 'n'' llvmii and Lard. hut imrlles of not mor! than four may blow at he tioveriuncnl. DR. BAYNE r) liread. arranir for adjacent pre-emption. bul each making-neeefwary Willi Joint rexidenre, iiri liiilter. F(Ml SAI.F. Weber piano lu oak ill;. MKridlaneoH I'rovlilomi. rlaltiiH. Improvementi on renpeetive NO TRACE FOUND with Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 101 Shamrock 1 1 l'-e. piano stool; almost new. J Urtrx. I're-cmpiora munt occupy c;alnl loi Olllee Hours: Mornings. 'J-lil, Aflci I ,JD-u.J0i rive and make Improvement lu 1'liolie lied 51 noons, For the Fitcal Vaar commencing lat April, yearn clear-ma OF MISSING MAN value or I0 per acre, Includlm lAcniiiKs. 7-V. . and cultivation of at least re-before ik) Wa-dilnir i.r Meililintr, clotliln?. l-H'. recelvlni Cronn Urant. WANTF.I) l'iano soooud-baiiil. I final fur Shin-. r BACON Kni'iii or lendi r and all Infm iii-ill.iii may Where than 8 re-emptor yeara. ar-d In han tici-upalioii made nrv n-lew General Opinion at Terrace Is I'hoiii! Illtick MIMJ. Till he ohiained liy applylnir lo the nuder--lirni'd. I HAM Applieanl'. ror roriiu are rciiui'.ni-d ,caue lrlioiiRte or "lll-heaflh,linprovementa.or otliei he rauee may. be That Joe Lapley Lost His WATER NOTICE. In Male rti-llhitely tlie Hem. ur Items, on Diversion and Use, whli-h they wish lo tender. Viol led t- lerinedlate rertlflvale ol nn Way and Perished In and transfer his claim. I BUTTER The lowest or any tender not neressarlly l-roemenl Record wlinout ticrmunent rex-i.-ni-e the Bush Take nollrn Ihat James A. llrnwu. wlaise aeritdi il. mni lie Issneil, provided appli ainircas is fori Kssliori.-ii. it. i; will apply I EGGS f Slimed- IIFSTI.N Aisil, vaM makes Improvementa to enent of for a lli-i-nen lo lake and tue ,1 cirblit feel Naval Store nnicei'. TF.iniACK, see I of waler out or Iti-owns Creek, S3QH p.-r ionium nd recordu nam ear, February 17. l-r II, M. f:. I..i k.vHiil. I'.siiiliitall, II, C. year 'Failure lo make Improvementa Willi li Hows iHjrlheasleily and ilraiu.- lulu E LARD Mill lehruary. Iltii. No Ir.'irf- has been found of IS .r rynrd same will operate an to, -loo IPs-sail Diver about nine miles frininoutli r Mlre. Title cannot be obtained In l.apley, the man who has been r IIoi-miii tiiver. kh- than C ears. m-ri hnprovemeo.' he water will be ilm-rleil rroni' the ol 3h.:i0 ier acre. Ineludiu a acie uiissin? here since .lanuary ID, Iri'Hin at a miul alsmt feel lnnivllili' cleared and cultlvaie1. and residence and waler on but til. Ilaiurc fi. Cns-l hl-nli L Hie search has been ?isen The Empire's Standard. of ai len-t 2 jenr are rc'iulred. and will be um-d Tor power imri-iiMi upon Prc-empior holding Crown (Iraiit up. I.arjre ' search parties lie i.iiin iii-srrii'i-il as 1.01 tsri, iianyii 6, P. BURNS CO., LTD. Just the Thing may record Hiiolher pre-emption, if he i;imii illrlel. Skeeim Itlver Oislrhl. leouliT-- land In conjunction with his scoillei Hie eoiiuti-y in all direr nils tiotlee was l-li.l 011 llie looiind on r.'irtn without actual occupation, pro lions from lln-ispiilii-lwi-i-ii here llie Itllli day or January, IViv'. tided statutory Improvementa. made a copy or on iii.ine aim an ai-piirallon these cold days :tnd r.-ddeiire maintained on Crown ami Homo where traces w'ere last pursuant llu-rclo and to Uhi "WhIit Arl, granted land. IUII." will be llleil In the olllee or llie of 1ml their olTorlK LliusurveyeU areaa. not eteeedim 0 seen I.apley Waler Iteeorder al I'rlnec lluperl, II. C. FRESH PIO HOCKS iieien, may l.e leaned aa home-dta, were uniiieoessful. All Ihul was oiiierlloiis 10 llie appliralion mas be II li d From the Farm title lo he ohtalnrd after fuirilllnr real. Willi llie said Waler lieronli-r ur Willi the 2 lbs. for 25c deotl.il and Improvement conditions found was the man's park. The i:oinii oiler or Water lllglili., I'ai liainetii to the Table Kor KraKlntT and inddati-ial iiurrnwea general ojiiuion is that l.apley, liulliliuirs, Victoria, II. C. wllliln tliliii area exceedinit 9 acrea may be da.ti aricr llie IU apH-arunee of On-nollrc CALIFORNIA NEW ni i-ii b' one person or coiopaiiy. who was a man well on in years, ill a local new simper. CABBAGE, 10c lb. mibei Mill, factory land not or eiceedlm industrial 0 altea acres on lost bis way in the woods and The dale j.A.vir.of llie rt.llrtl i-ii"v,i,publication.iptuii-iiiii.of llil- BulkleyValley ii.a..'n.Miieiil le- of purcpHsed:atumppije.co-idillona include perished. Constable Maneor notlei. Is January g, tOtit. W7 V Natural nay meadows Inaccessible lliinks thai his body may be in a LAND ACT, BEEF SPECIAL -v c.vtNiIng ro-ids may puichaacd ditch covered with snow near -ondil tonal uin conatnidlon of a road Notice of Intention to Apply to Least Land. PORK o them. Rebate of nna-linlf of coat ot the road, In that cast; il may In Skeeim Land lusirirl, llci-oroinif Ins-triri loud, not eieeedinu half of p-jrcliaae or Prlmn lluperl, II, 1:., ami situate In MUTTON for a Few Days rice, la mad. not be found until I lie sprint.'. khull Inlet, second bllrM from riilraui-c 011 distinction VEAL P.E EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. cast side. to the IMPERIAL SMOKED I like nolice Hull in far Harold r.rawrord. FRESH KILLED POULTRY The uopi of thii- Act Is enlarged u oi-rupallon loKKer, In It-mis in a-,i f..i KIPPERS iicluila all persona Jolnlna nnd serv-iiijt PUBLIC FUNERAL FOR is-rinlssion to lease the folloulng described "PC costume Skeena River Farm Produce with Ilia Majesty s l-'orcea. The lands: Commencing al a pusi planled In mie wttlilo which the heirs or devHeea Uih seeniid liialit from the entiaurve of 2 lbs. for 25c 9 lbs. for VANDERHOOF CREAMERY $1 f a deceased pre-emptor miy aimly FORMER SPEAKER OF cast side or kliiili Inlet, thence tn I'lnihi-011II1, BUTTER for title under the Act la eiteuded IIii-iicp if) chains east, Ihrme tn 50 POUNDS CRANBERRIES from for ona year from the death or chains iiorlh. tliencp tn rhalns west aim HERB is a feeling of genuine satisfaction In iuch person, aa formerly, until one B. C. LEGISLATURE roniatnlnir 411 acres morp or less. 1 NORTHERN INTERIOR AT HALF PRICE v.iit after the conclualon of the (ieat kiiomi 1iAit01.11 laiAwroiin. Arpllrsnt the possession of stylishly clad feet. Whether vur. This privilege la alto made re Haled lierefiiber 4. I9x - at home ovon th vacation. CLASSIC Shof CO-OPERATIVE 2 lbs for 35c 6 lbs. for S1 'roeallve.Nn fees relating to pre-emptions are M:I,S0.. Feb. -.'7.--John Keen, will give you the service you should have and thi Phone 81 due or payable recorded by after aoldlera.tune on 26, ml pre-i-mplloiM former speaker oT the Legislature smartness that is admired. We buy American Currency. Taxes are remitted for five years. and latterly clerk of the same, Provision for return of moneys ao. Highest prices for paid tTued. due and been paid alnce August was accorded public funeral ul Money Orders, Bills or Sliver i. l'.'H, on account of payments, ,'ees Kaslo on Sunday. Premier Oliver, r taxes on aoldlera' l-re-emptlons. Intereet on areerrinta to purchase lion. T. 1). 1'aUiillo. .Hon. John town city lota held by members of or EDSON COAL Table Mlled Forces, or dependents, acquired Hart, lion. F. 1 1, Harrow ami Hon. Rupert Supply Co. direct or to Indirect,March 31,remitted 1920. from enlistment W. .1. Sloan were pallbearers by COMPANY Phones 211-212 SUB.PURCHASERS LANDS OF CROWN proxy. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Provli-lon mad for Issuance of Crosn grants to sub.purchasers o( HINTON RETIRES Crown Uinds. acquiring rights from purchaser who failed to complete For your next Purchase, Involving forfeiture, on ful. fillment of conditions of purchase. In. A spi'i-jal despatch In Hie Vim. The "CLASStC" Best Coal Inren and taxes. Where aub-purchaa .w era do not claim whole of original parrel, couvor Province says Ihat W. I. Ball Strap Otfofd, with Shoo Repair Job be purchase distributed price proportionately due and taiea over may Million is rrtiriiifr from llie trov- Wo carry largu slocks of pcrtorated to. whole area. Application! must be mad uiiieitl service at the end of this clean Bcrooiicd Lump und by May 1, 1920. at try CRAZING mouth. He has recently been KKef-slml Coal. ITo hot, J, C. EMERTON Grating Act, Ills), for ayatematlo technical adviser to Iho receiver cosl8 less less smoke, development of livestock Lowest Prices vldea for Erasing districts industry and range pro. of the (I. T. I'.-system. The de You'll like It. Champion Shoe Repair Shop administration under Comm'.aslouer. spatch hls..'rolrcuieiit Is on says Emad Ulock, Third Avenuo on llahad Annual number owners.gracing ranged permits Stock-owner; priority Issued for ealab based may account of (be. uiiccrluiiily which Consumers Goal Co. Lid. Jabour Bros., Ltd. prevails in both Canadian Nulional Order Now! Phone 58 "Repairs while you wait" form Associations for range manage Phone 7 inent. Free, or partially free, permit and (I rand Trunk circles rcgard- PhOtlC CnrnPf TUirA nnrl Sfivs-ntK for settlers, camper or traveller, us J. Lome MacLaren, Manager tt ten fcead. 1 U St Hie erinifiip-' hlel'lT ti-