Ivomtay. February 1922. TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE FTYB POPULAR TYPES OF WESTMINSTER KE7?FlEirclW"SHOV. ISLANDS ARE I ' BEING BOOSTED ! GREAT BRITAIN! I Queen Charlottes As Field Fool Emigrants Told About In i Cut Brier London Tekgraph. i -1 A welcomes Mvon a mill Iho nnd ulloltiO'iil mil hail,workor so MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY lj Iho nversoas lirllnn welonines men nnd nol jolisoekors. ami llio Sntilh ATrioan ndvorl isoiur-ni ror men who will "work hard" voice f ho necessities nf nil Hie Dinniiu lons, says a special forrespond-onl in Iho London Daily Telegraph, INDHOWtt writ in? nu Hie Oueon Sky Hi (.hailollo Ishiinls as a future ANHI VON HUMBOLDTPARrt OP field for Hrilish emiranliou. To Bain bridge draw n funlasy-ldplure nf a laud .jij Sl'flH whore milk ami honey will flow - Canada's Best Buy - ft The annual do show of the Wstnilii..feP Kfimel CJJ n It, which Imported.ly two of tho They greatest are Welsh doss Scout ever hy firavily inlo imom'k nioulhs is m the economy package ftfifl fM Wm W tiaa Just .ppeneil in .Mo ill Ron and Miss Springtime, a pair a sure moans nf fjlliiix liumitiiou Square flanlea, promise in l,e a shown In England by George 8. cilies wilh iinoiiiployaliles. On oiii!fr If the flrrt day's activity Thomas and sold by him to Homer Iho nllier limit wiMj an Kmpire It any Initli .'illnii. So many ia-nliioa B. of Gage Worcester, Mass. This sli'elcliiu from Itacin I. ami in Imvfl lieen Kent to the ox-l,lbl( pair took the highest possible that fear Is expressed for honors In England during the last Hie Notlheril ieo.d'iin, through tlielr homln?. Kxhiliftcrs froni two years, and on several occasions Hie Inri'jd seas, and' on lo far all parts'tn of 'tlie country are cnu-tlntilnr were rated best la the Mneipiaiie Island, Iho citizen of nrrlve with their rib-tmn show. Canines of nine foreign nations' Ihis .wtirld-ompifo is disposed lo rluneri). Tlio Western State are In the exhibit, and competition ire well represented this year promises to be keen seek for some spot so smiled liraham lhal would appear lo be Amon? the Cniwdlan exhlbllnrs among the foreign breeds.' upon hy ,alit'o (hat lie may fri'l suitable fur setllenionl. Us mod. J re Joseph '.lusaell or Toronto Iho realesl. rT'liirn fur his hard est and yet adequate, rainfall! who lias, noma very good Airedales, and W. J, ,wlnr of Ottawa work compatible wilh a climate makes il by far llio liirrsl comfortable Lumber & Lath wllli Ills fox terriers Tliere suilcd to his constitution, l-'ow. climate to ho found re two wire haired fox terrier.. if any, iutendm? migrants liavo norlli nf Victoria. A lower temperature In the hot of which very little the funds at I heir disposal to limn IK ili'fii'i'es is unlikely been said, but which are real- CM, VarlancDitto admit, nf a personal visit lo all iii winter, and the hii-'li-es Shiplap-Boards and Hie possible ,or oven ()ie most recorded in iho 'summer of cluijivoil, southern advanced " probable, spots available, with a Hi 1 8 was. 77 degrees. Snow very FUR AUCTION por conl. view to makimr their own choice riici'ly io5 in Hie winter ami Dimension skin-, as between llioir rival merits. summer fro sis are jinkuown. Tlio Ifiicftioli, 38,02! a Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Hover viinooil 25 por conl. .Many innsl, pi'rforoe, rely upon ciillivalde land is reporlod as AT NEW YORK Hie of those wImi have Itnliliils, Ausli'itlian ami Now reports "i.15,non acres, nil in one bbi:k, .onlaiiil, 212,82!) poiniils; Turriors pons before them In spy nut Iho and this forms (lie largest such I Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding ailv.'iurcil laud. area within illfl miles uf Hie i,;.iiri: ur itnmsii on.r miii . iinrliunpi'il, liallors l lillt.ST llll Wi ll. Advances In Price of Most Skins por oonl. I'he merits of Ihe llllle.known prowing city of l'rince Ituperl. and Finish :I"AHTJII:.T ill' I.AMH. Rop'orted In Summary Hussian salilo, 12811 skins, mi Queen Cliarlolle Islands, off the a sure market,' wjlh Its railway iv:ivuiii. ton tiik rnsiTinx coast of .Northern llrilish Co connection In the oast fur Iho Just Issued. i'MSTAM HHlKST rlnt'.iKoil. SPRUCE LATH' llW'illl. lumbia, have lately been hrnuirhl island's produce. Iln'if seal, (1022 skins, iiilvnnooil Objtct. befuro Ihe Knipiro Development Naden Harbor. 'rlll1 llf lllO fl'Pl'lll fur 20 V;nl. in Prince and at Lowest Prices .'lamina Hun. are for the inrri' SMIIIIMMI'y por Manufactured Rupert selling I'arliauienlary Ci'iiiimilloo with n Xaden Harbor is si. miles long; :? pt-e.eiil varanrlp anrl tn etinlile nuoli.iii nt New York imiirnlcs Sipiirrol, 18,731 skins, ail i.' iiei in inmiiry fur future varani'l view In llioir wnler niiprocial inn by two broad, ami il is entered by I ill ,, .1-en in lnir. Hint -.tlicro I tin ailviuirn in priro vancoil 25 pr oonl. Aiilatant Form Rangart. iinnnpr intendm? migrants. on between Hie 'lam liirefl li.iiirein arc empliiyeil nf most furs. Tho followim; is Skunk, l3,riM skins, ailvancoil Graham Island. narrow, passage less PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Hie 'lire Mavni -May In Si-MhiiImt sombre spruce trees than lult or lurtt year ami Oils ihHoiI In tliv il.'lail: in por conl. Silualed snuie 150 miles north half a mile w)de, I tins providing iMiilrtt vlnti' f..-.jll.tr iy work-in lin-iniM'iii, It;nl?rr, 5 7.'III. skins, iloi'Sincil 20 Wolf, 1)355 skins, ailvnncod 30 of Vancouver Harbor and eiphly Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Mirh'iM trall ele. lieapKln. a land-locked fsalt-wn'ler lakV it f tntnle 'euitii ii'ar n. luiiir ait all'- pot- crnlJ por oonl. miles wosl of l'rince Itupert, Hie comparable to Iho llrilish Invor-gordon.' i'ir wrvire Riven, rminmlim to the lii'nvor, skins, ilfi'liiii'il 5 nlvorino, i.ii skins, nn- waitrni Waff ri. ciMile liy turrit anil M- ;is and iiiosl norlherly railway Hut Miisset Intel, Iwolvo 'uiiin a ierninii offer. 1 lie .iiary i P'M' i'.''".'.'. .... ohanoil. loruiiiius on the l';icific,,iind Jhe ' miles furlher oast, willi Massol per iimnili llie nrnt '.war aim aim in .hi n tin- Ms-mul jt-ar ami also Itie Iliai'k hriir, I IK skiiis, tin. Vancouver or ;iho -'fiiluro, the village al its entrance, forms a il ear Travellinir i.uieiioa are aln I. fliaiiK'"'!. HISTORICAL PICTURE yroiip have an' area rouphly half' narrow river-liko channel for Our frozen herring bail is conceded by fishermen iriiliil.ile Qualifications fiiii.-! In for IimiimIi Candldaua.Miiltli'rH resl. I'filnr hoar, 5)0 skins, iiiu'IiiuikoiI lhal. of Wales, (iraliam Island, no less than seventeen miles, BAIT to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast i'l In Itrlll-H !ihniilil;i fur at lrat ihh' Cliitii'liilia, IIH . skins, tin AT THE WESTHOLME Ihe larposl of the jrroup, and the and IIh'ii opens nut inlo an in Port and il is "Fishy." Price. 130 per ton. nr kimhI rli:irarrr. wkhI Mivulea cull Ikhi aiul Willi win, eierleni'e. oliunoil. bes adapled for otillivalion ami land sea six miles liroiul and "7 The liesl way of insuring a good finality trfp is Il hey MmiiiIiI have etiierlem-e In lire II tr ti I Iloiisi' t-al, 1 0,1 (iii 'kills, ;ul- selllemonl. Is a lilllo- smaller ; MtN ihh anility . Hi'raiue work Bob Hampton of Placer Colorful eighteen long, dolled wilh isl to have plenty of our. hard frozen Ice. Price, IjihIIi- men, an.I have Liiow li'ilrt' of vnni'oil Bo por rout. Story of Love, Adventure than Lincolnshire. This island ands. On Ihis inland s.ea is $1 per ton. 1 1 lie loreft evniiiiiiatlnnM Art. are parlir w rllten (livi't t-al, ih.:i?o skins, nil- and Indian Life. the writer visited in .November, situated llio growing township uf a.ra. Our well-equipped store can supply fishing gear, inly ura I ,anl are ilolaned in ei the Miiii'oil II) per oonl. I !)!!', wilh a view In Ihe consid I'ort Clemouls. -'U' fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions filiate ahlllli alnuir I he aiKn Iiih'k lateineiiii. inaile liy aiipheanln a to W'ililoaU"! I.H70 skins, nihaiii-ril VIal may w oil In- iloscrjliod a eration by the Knipiro Resources Forest Growth. and hardware. I'i'rieiire. eiliirailnn anil lllllew are iiu .111 por oi'iil. a classic nr mo siioul ilrnmii is Comuiilloe of its merits for the 'I'he forest growl Ii is remarkable H in verlllealliui b Die evaiiillilinr Imaril ll'ierereiiee i alien In reliirni'il Mililier Ilinplail ml, IH5!t skins, :nl- Marshall Noilaii's spoolnciilar purposes of posl-wnr settlement. in several ways. Apart from NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Hlh Hie -.,av iliallllralliHi nee Tho Eaamlnatlona. Mllll'l'll .10 pl'l' fl'lll. . colorful and HioillinK proiliiclion I'ho writer has continually borne its dense character, the lrees are Ketchikan, Alaska Branch I1M- ami e'aminalh on Hie n date-u ill named lu tH-lnw.held at Km the h r.iiiiini-, ii(i,3l8 skins, ailvancoil Iloii iiiimpiou or I'lacor, winch in mind tha.1 the solller desired very oflon large, reaching, in inv eiihdiil.ile huiild ai'hlv In tin1 i'O por ern. will In- shown at ll:o Woslimlnu is the man atmeii wiinafrrioui- some cases, a circlimffirence of liri i ! iiilil"riin-.li ami r nf nn III-.inrortiia illMirlrt inn for reaarn a I lM- Kishor, 3ti5 skins; lulvanci'il 25 liuijyhl. ( ii i-3i I implements, and, not w''h oO feet, willi a lenglli of 250 to Hi lumr nf id. riaiiilnntlnii mid the per oi'nl. .Vol siuro "TJio lliilh of a Nn. pun ami roil oise u nail noon .'KID. .The principal species was taken lo (iraliam Island hy n Columbia, mid' a regular steamer kuiiit In v.hli li II will lie hehl. AMilIra and the settler who. afterwards abandoned service to Mussel, the fulurn nf h iiiiiih "hoiild. in earn imc. lie lined l'iloli,';i7K skins, iiilvnnooil III Jinny has' any siihjocl wild a'por. easy to expatiate, on which occur are llio Sitka spruce ' iid nailed in I lie IHilrli'1 rnrekter In " ' opportunities afforded for unL his land and loft the cattle. those islands is undoubtedly rosy. Ihe ifianl red and cedars cent. yellow resell Him lea-t twn iwyi iM rnn1 por lion, in ,.iiiorioan iilstnry as a jiiin.i I ion. ItliiO fox, 51.1 skins, aiviiiio;i liaokprtuind ' heeu sn siiloudiijly mon Irolliny, trout fishing, wild Ihe Norlliwesi cosl pine, and tin These, soon lieoame wild, and, Annlv tn 111 Ihe flat meadows DIOGENES' FIND. motor rneinfr grazing over iW Hale. Irli l l iirester at 10 per oonl. iiiado inlo a million iiicliirc. and fowliui-', and even I'acific yew. In addition to those P" 'h i.'r Mari Mll'li I 1 t.i 1 Vanronver kaillliMill: tll'oss fox, 121 skins, ilei'linod n tijany ways (tin Noilan master. on llio natural track provided by Ihe alder grows lo a large size, of the norlhensl, increased in " "You have ended y o;uest number until nl hard beach-on lime Iho IliilTIt Uaivh 111 Prime lliineri 10 pi-r oonl pioco otin;ivais t no tiriiiuii prn- Hie fifloon-tnile sandy Often having. a diameter of from one fpr an honest man?" " 'UH ' wai i n vii I'l llii'i' llini'i l Hie porlh shore. herd amounted In 300 head. They ' f' i'ier.re Marrhff I'r hue iienrm firoy fox, -.51110. skin, ailviinroil 11110.14011, 12 inches lo 20 inches, or even "Yea,"- said iUi-Ogoiies us lie lws viarrliyi'i . .elnii ho dividing line between the. Hie willow- is oflon fair were then hunted for beer for 10 per rout, Olio of' 1 1 1 innsl piclui'osiiun Inrger; of litil hi lantern away. Ual'i'li I'll William. I .Ikl. I'liuiii, lake .Marl'h.lii Wlllinnm I nk lloil fox, 1.1,381 skins, iKlVtincri ioiioi.s of American history (Iff Hrilish and American possession,, size, and Iho Oregon crab apple the mining camps on Hie mainland "Where did ynu, fjnr .lifnt?.'' . fi. ii. .ih:n. llio Dixon onl ranee lo I'nnoe nnd exterminated; but Hut Iiif'iiv Miil-li r nr l.amK. 2(1 pi'r oonl. uros in "Itnh Ilampfou of I'laoor' rows along some uf the inland "Molding public office. Instead iniles wble, lo fact t'liat I hey were able lo Increase Uuporl fnrly-five streams, nnd also llio t'encho.- Tie'' .wrisKervth. Iho' Sllior fpx,..rnii skips, , ; iiainci.v, i n o iiiiiian uprisings on of saying noilli ofwiilch Iho Prince u .multiply, and thrive tin-' Hie isnniliy fnx, I l.i'Jtl .-.Kirist. which fidlnwod Urn Civil War. ind forms a ureal impediment tn people al a great personal srtcri-. W'luilo fox, 2'0 skins, ailyaiwoil And in Iho climax lo this proline Wales archipelaao is Americuti, Iravol .owing- o its wpiky or cared for for twenty years is fice be said if he hadn't landed uifil the southern sliore of which sUfficiojjl proof of (lie virtue nf tie starved! thorny character. jjjto job might have 25 oonl. lion, which is adaiei frnm llan per Ihe land fur stock-breodiiig nnd is formed by rultam Island. Aiislralian fox, M.735 skins. lit 1 1 I'arnisii s slnry or Iho same Agricultural Possibilities. grazing without shelter. In death." Hiriiiingham Age-Herald. Climate. Wililer An Equable Mr. in his Humphreys report oonl. Ooiioral t'.uslor's faiiious 20 iiilvnnooil liaino, pM' half II is Hie iioi'Uioastorn of Fisheries. Kolinsky, 1 1,735 skins, ail- slam! tiKaiiist I lie Sioux is lo llio siirveynr-generi',1, provin i and cial I if it I survey in lOii'.t, said. I'he Indian population was or novixci: .TirMnittisit com:mm. aiii'oi 35 por oonl. lopi'odnoed iiiiiiiiiilali''il on LAUNDRIES AND CHEMICALS; KHUKSIVHIIAACII. "This laud can bo easily iginally some 1)000 to 7000, bull ml Iho in mosl Bad very l...Xl!t. I'oisian lamli, 7151 jskin- sci'oon ii raM'iiia.liny Had Cough iit:i'Aiif.if.vr in uncoil 50 oonl. ' -.1' and dramatic manner. idea rod, ns tho trees do n ot has decreased In a present 700, nor mituivc-i - vir tiii: rt llSITlnN or v ... . ... i. .i and ocelli to be ory deeply rooted who from the middle of June The telephone tinkled Hie other Inlerwnven skilfully tin llii )nlKViiv.iiiJi. Mill.!., 4liii SMil-i, inn mii-j-ii and I hero is no rock, ami hardly lo Hie .middle or end of August day,. and a, fcinftiino voice aid., ' lil'illinK-)iack(j;nuiii is iin ab0l'h 5 oonl. Tiir.e efsinrinAUiiin-rtOblact. per Sore Throa any boulders'," , modern don desert tlio island on masse for "1 It nve been reading your snivel'-' fiir Hie miriuise ai-i' I.ooiianl. 332' skins, mlvnhood inif ani loaulifii slnry of fnilhrul uiiiiiir h- rnn.i.ii.t' flit.t n. .nniii rniuii. key-engine will 'handle, under the mainland, whorn they are em. l(s lift lately, (ml ilin'f Hie laundries Hle u, and . oomradoliip and love, us well us nimiirfci'fne eiWui- iHi-nni'le 5 nor cent. n ' '" - 111 AlLH. cxpcrionccil guidance .lliese same ployed in Iho salmon canneries. iiso rhoiuienls . In their Lynx. OS.1: skins, ailvancoil Tt of nilveiilure. Never iicKlcct " roiiKlt or "1U however j ' lAMt Riiiiiih ng;s. ns though they were sef. Xaden, bidngr nearer Hi Iho groat washing',' .rnre-l - full UiKht. ir yini ! It tin liave but one re- 1 namrera enihlnveil Hie are coin. per folding, polos. J'nrlheriniiro, this Pacific halibut banks than Yes, w do use chemicals; so 'jr. The Ury 'Is s IKi.ftil per inmilh ml Mill; It li'u vi'S Hie tliroat or linmi, ur lioth, any "1 Held en-!(.. Thu u inrresned In Mannol. los),H7! skins, PRINCE JOHN HAD alTi-i tol. A aliiKla doite of dense forest only fringe tho other pori, is bound presently. to does your baker, and o dues every ii'iUiii M.'in t p,.r inniim i,m,i,ii,the ni,Ihlnl accund year year provided and vanccil 35 por oonl. DR. WOOD'S shores ami liilcHf to a depth of Iiocoiiii the I.oweskiu Of the housewife when she.m'akes those 'ik-"Nrarinry are (il,i;iin,l sirvloe n u the iriveu exninliialli.il;and minieletil alo ll.iniii iiiarlon. I7'i skins, ail- SLIGHT ACCIDENT NORWAY PINl SYRUF. 30(1 lit toil yards, and behind it is West.. ,t present the great delicious hot biscuits you enjoy iure im rii.i.niiiiiiiiiatt r.. i.fi.nii.iimi In vanci'il 25 por Oonl. will liflp tn ilii the "hi(-11. aonthe ttio rutin I it Ihitl is, generally speak I'rlnco ntiperl cold storage plant, so much. - "Kkt-r rail In thrnat, ami if !! rouh or ouM liti U-rome piimiiiMis. liaiiai'i'M ulm 'luiny rne tlu hiiri.i.i, iii.i..a in Hiaii ni'Kt Slnno ninrlon, Soul skins, in Trip North Has Been Cancelled ai'ltlpil mi the lung! ttie tirallnir tlrluwi ot ing, composed nf large flat areas Iho larjjosl in Ihe Knipiro, Wo shall have tuofo to say nn ' UiiIii at .limit may haiejiu (ippni iumty In iln vanccil 20 por coin. but Other Vessels Will llio .Norway pine tree alotur with the tooth- of laud, wot and swampy in handles Hie g'real mass of llio cheniicnls later; nieanwhilo, don't Qualincatlona iiheiiii ni, ranxer loe Candldam.eniinilnallnns. Minion. 3(171 sMns, iiilvnnooil Take Service Inn ami enpntoranl properties or other places, enverod wjlh small scrub fish thai is brought in from be you think this Is an almost ideal .ni ?i" '"' "rtliKli nihJerU H"l 30 per conl. exiellenl licrln, root and bark promptly pine and sumce. This land is yond the Oueon CharloHes, and Irealmi-nl for your llannel and , ,.n,llealwfl tin, tiait elTiti'la. ami tltA upr. Ik i..ii , 'i fni, i.i ner. pi i'' Mink, 11,102 skins, nuvanoou easily cleared ,and I he' only prob laily sepds them east in special woollen garments? . "rni.n uiiunili a ror at easl one year Owiiiir lo ii slight, nocldenl, ,ij,fn. u,e 'ril,mot 1)U, Wp to triiii ahout 111 fllariieier.' irfifiil pliysleul eiuidlllnh 10 per cent. which makes II necessary for relief. lent is drainage and the conver rrfrigeraling cars.- i First Bath Uso abundance of , -iK lai'V Muillhl."'hi Ln expeiieiiee,rainllliir ..lilt Hi,, itrir .Miiskral, lnown, 2IV,tH7 skins, the Prince .lohn lo doek in Iho Mr. Alt.ert Marsh. Lower L'Arrtoise, M. S., sion of Ihe muskeg' into soil. As In his ii'poil in lOO'.i, Mr. warm, water 100 dpys. Fahr.j qdd ll'4J .,lf, ., I iit"i.i , , l,,ui,lriir."Piinia,liri'ieriirini iiiiiiirr lluil.i.1. ii 1'iilt.liiir piiiei.unr.a nilvanocii in por cciu, ; souili, the northbound tun or rlte:"About a jtr airo 1 contracted a rejruriis ho funnel", Ihern U no Humphrey remarked thai lie neutral soap solution to make a nf...l.., , bail and r0(, s,.,.un,rallll,j by Very cough Ihiiii.i .mi nrran."i ine wink mrext and).ct li,inutn anil nir Miiskral, lilaok, V'lOH skins, ail thill Aossol Is oanoclloil. Ihe .., ti,roai. i ent for Ihe doctor, but difficulty, as llio levels are comfortably found 'Mil settlers already on good suds; run 15. Th, fnainliiu it...... n.. ....H.i.. ineiu vancoil 15 or oonl. l'rince Albert, which lias JustLiut be prvHcrlbed did me to little tqod above high-water, nnd. (Irahain Island well pleased with Second Bath Fill machine with Jlhll.il.a 1 7 ' T . i'i irti i Miiskral, eiitiUK'rn, iw.'Hi oon'ii! nul it drydook, will mako I btiruii to ire diirourared. A frlenJ came mice, drained hy surface ditches, (heir lands and prospects and ho water same temperature as first tikitis. mlvnncoiJ 5 por oonl. llio IHH In Hie islands lcavinu on w " ' ",u u ' Iho uMial procedure is In "burn added, "Thuro, would undoubtedly bath (100 degs. Fahr.), run three " nriwin uh f(r W()oa,4 .orw,y ,.je gjrup, , ,0l4 t..VawlUtn are I ii' IfrUloal Cin Lv thu. .vunilnliiir Ltuni Molo., 301,771) nkliiai, uilvanctii cilnesilay after Hie arrival IhUii I Imd nut anid sent liltu rl'irrit away to over' the muskeg, following ie many niprc (here today, only, minutes. Extract In spinning basket Tf n.ri4i. ..7.V7. "IT .7 .7. in ii... tu 'piifrii in rfiiinifMi ititiHrii ?0 per oonl,' lie I'rilicn Ituperl. I til me a bottle. I Hurled using- it, and which crops have boon sown there being no steamer service of five minutes and finish drying i w,l,0e: An.lniliiDH Will luko nlii Nnlrla, 27i"'ii smiis, u'miiiix-'i I'he Stewart run will be iiiado after a rouple of daya l found I wti net- within Hireo weeks, and good rev tiny kind lo Mussel, il is impossible at moderate temperature, No uiinbi. itiiiirii.." . nil. -. iiti'i'ii' livin...... anil l-rinco lhal vessel re ic a a suits uhtifjucd willi leltuces, radishes for Ipliinding sclllers to "ilia ' arni ii. I'm- rnrlher par 20 por oonl. by Iho llupefl. , wringing, no fubblng, no extremes lh niidllrt 'nreler. Amor can opossum, i h-.'-in .11 I vlnitlntr both Stewart and Aityns leanus me, o I rcolvd n rutilluue lu ,and auirh-likc gui'don pro yel (hero aiul lake a look round of temperature, hence no broken v It M.iivrtt skins, iuJviinoc.1 30 por rout, Tlio Jluperl will leave nl Ion line, nd after I h;p u() live bolllei) bofl duce. Tho pnialni" of llralmnt ip reasonable time ipn ; at reasonable buttons op shrinking of you CIMI Sim i'i Cmiiinliiiilniier. Auslraliau'.. opossum, 0307 skins, it clock Wednesday iifKhl norlh-bound my m're throat and couirh'wfre Koue. I Island are pnrlicularly ago iu cost." Later came Hie garments. 1 CXPOel n vilinlti nrlt-Kpllan- advancer! 30 por oonl.. . would not be without 'fir. Wondv for any fine, and famim along the coast. war, draining llio islands of ev This service Is at your disposal. skins. .... ..... .. uiimey." part from Agriculture, II may ery available man; luil with the '"nt 20.3KO Tt lo Ilitiffliiiil npossuui, t I'rlee, 35c S0e boltlaj put up puy is .s friolUh n In fut CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY be tiiorilinnoil tliut soino Ihlrly Adlatil f t AAM ta lit t.'li fi I It il r''B Ift KfriU' fnt from Din nffeel twlvuneoi! ?!i por I'rnitpnroiiH adverlisitifr means only by The T. Mlllnirti Co., Limited, I' III! (I 4" -- IW UK t 'j' , III" I axeal, Oiler, 1727 Lini; norincrii un- rogulur continuous advertuintf. Toronto, Out. j years ago a small liord of cattle dawn of prosperity in llrilish Phone fl, (advt.j a