f ' For P.R.Fish Market TAXI Pork, Beef, Liver and Phone Blood Sausage " Freth Killed fll'Srlc and PRINCE RUPERT Local Poultry Beet Cart In the City Phone B71 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Y .I XIII NO. 35. PIUVCE ntl'EllT. H. a, S.TiUl)AY, FEIlriL'AnY 11. 1022. Mti' Circulation, 1.T1S. tlrttt UIm 42S. PRICE FTVK CENTS Britain Guts Down Her Expense Bill COMMITTEE REG01WMENDT SPEND IBS ON ARMY AND NAVY Cutting Down Expenses RAILWAY IS SENATE BEGINS ' HELD i ON.Mil SERIOUS- -CHARGE.. ALASKA FISHERffiFN H4L1BUT F1V0R FREE STATE IS Government in Great Britain j CLEAR AGAIN : CONSIDERATION PACIFIC TREATY OF a closed se'soni TAKING STEPS Reductions Recommded 1 WASJILNUTON. Yr. . Owners of eighteen llstnnn vessels, TO KEEP Slide at KwlnlUa Opened at Mid -Consideration .of tin at a meeting held at Juiumii. PEACE night Latt Night Engine Off : four-jwer tri'aly wm Im-tiuri (Jpi-Iarcd for closed unanimously a LONDON. Fcli. M Hcdurlion In the personnel und csli-n Track Made Further Oelay, ! tMlay by the Snat4 season fur Imlibnl from November -j.tr n (or the maintenance of the army ami navy mid air force coHiiiiil n fr'in rla-tloio. Cancels Amnesty for Those Com-, I 1.. February I earli year, covering ., Ilrfaiii I rreomnicniJcii In a rcMrl of the eommillec on Hh- miw Midi' I'll tli f Canadian The countricH in. the spawning period of tbe mlttlng Hostile Acts Against - ui:iJ economy heuded by Hir Kric Uedde. Thi i tlic com-jr Niiiional Unit way a,l Kwin-ita volved ari Jlrhalu, CnlUnl llsli. A telegram to lliis effect was Any i'rlsh People. wax cliiril out ll niirbt SUti-fi. France and Japan Delesatc l)an SutheHand ",,'r .which asked (o shoyv jurliimi'lit and (lie people how sen! to rould he from the national al 1? ii'rlitrk and lb- (rain arc 1 .and th" treaty ii tl?i!nid iaud Ihe Seal lie Fisbins VesseU' LONDON. Feb. II. The pro-'iional I : mv0i,lM)0 dipped expenses. all !iitinc airalli. ft. 3 fl- to rrplwr lb" AnsliuJiip. Aoeiafoii. II will also be elil Irish povernmejit ha While lh committee h.i not been whoHy successful, it bu due Ikt' j bound. on Thurday ane pact. lo secretaries of Ibo FishernienV unclled Iin Timncsly for all I ulile lo Miggest how there might he reductions in the es-j, v-iiinsr, l rxeled in Muwn I nion in Alaska. men of the naval, police or .mil. - of the nation amounting to ITw.OOO.OUO spread over the 3 and Slil ibi arirrnoon and 4. 4 ! The Seattle organization desire! 'Inry services who commit auts No. t, wbleli wn held un al llo-j .: 'f lowards March' hostility aiiyIrish - department of tbe administration. ....!... " flsbin? lo cease until 15. Tni are liiuli in llrilafit and Ihe. drop In price i making I tic rriw of 111' flbli fr wo 'lay? but those pre.seni claimed Hint people. A despatch from. Jlel-faM . restless under tbe burden. There is a gcner) demand fur ix aaiiin in-liii calw-ard.;LONG CHASE spawning season is now- over and ay there js no change in ; 1 lie tram wiiirn wa o navi- Mie Irish situation. No more of -XM'iiJiture but this economy in lending to accentuate they decided lo continue llsbinr. ;iy svur it thi morniui; i potted: word has been received of the times. Men dismissed from tbe public service join the army Present al t be meeting were. . .,i o'el'ocS lo pull out at V loiiior-l HAS ENDING! kidnapped Ulslermen who were ::iployetl and reduced salaries matif leu lnoncy lo spend. I Charles l. (larlicld. secretary of row 111. rnins. Territorial Fisb released and both sides are i: :: niiy t-n-l (o iecrrae in auiouui or money sjteni.. Tin clearing of the nowi.id' . tbe Commission: wailing watchfully. Oliver Oramrc of the Juneau Cold al kwinlUa did not end Ihe jft-r Tan Thouaand Mil urulti und Ma Storage (Comjiany, sore RAILWAY STRIKE lr-)ubl4 of Ihe railway, for 1 1 , Mounted Policeman Locate CONSERVATIVES Goldstein, besij.-s tbe following nsini' of the .Miowplbw from ! Fugitive In Meitco. boat ownera: YUKON IS IN AT CORK IMPROVED Pacific went otf tbe track be. 1 ORGANIZING IN (ween Salvus and"Addition Kwlnija twelve and PRINCE RUPERT BELIEVED I.ewHI.Martin piU-rim:Ilorlich.K. Uypv;Hilda, Avona:Julin GRIPOF COLD Lorry of Rifles Salted and Taken occasioned au REFERRED TO IN MISTAKE K. Aisled, Thelma: Olar Winters, liour lititekin? of the line. Kol-l.rwins From Police In Neighborhood. iliayrmy Henry Larsen, ijlya: John GREAT BRITAIN I he ri?hlin? of tbi tbe SN KIIAM'Ifwy), -Feb. II. t -C'COrce L ("Tex") Ilickard, 'JacVeon, Ocean; llrnry Hunsen. train were enabled to move. tatfrnaUon.l ha Thermometer Registers 62 Below COItK. Feb. II.--A lorry1 load Sen-'eaut M. M. Sleidien of Un- ficht promoter, Wild Hose; Tom ss Kuima; The rifly men- from Ihe city lern arretted in -connection wilh Iloyal l-aiiiidiiii. Mounted J'tiliep Zero Blizzard In Newfoundland police travelling from Marroon Axel of Pelerson, Valballa; Peter relief wrk and Ihe equipment charge rotde by the Children's viyiv r..i.. II. Tli l.lnon. to Ilraudoii was tliU morning held enl out to arrixed heri yeerday wilh lUiow Society of New York that he at-jUeVed llildre. Norland; John I'oudT-r. Blocks Traffic. cleajtbe ubi who.u" by armed men. The atlackwri which wa CliiniMtoke. wlmnavltUn in con. a 15-year-old cirl, and impaired meisler, Ida; Oscar Oberir, T-t - r ra of parliament Kwiiitla irube returned here the morals of another four Idy al Meslco I'.ily arter a rliase RUPERT COLDEST YET. the wtlb rille nptl Marlin Hoist. Annie 11.: Johu- iii-;ewpturnl ear il Mir pledge to aland as early tit a morning. Superintendent lalin;r tlve aio I'loillialf inoiilbs years younger. He hag been released A - ami imtlfMluipiiifiit. There were nu . X. II. Walton, OUtriet on bail for a hearing. eon, Fane , and rerinir In.OOlT mile-. Cbi- . mnX&3'ir, ii.. minion ualtiri. jr. . of. Hir yllualiiuantintimahaWw.r,11tpTfd-jt. rKlrhatrlelr of Newfoundland I again"Deseised Jaiift tjcmt nn - ituuu L.iii.M .f Slui.f .Inti.irt. t'tul cat I" IiiunU-r al Prince lliipert , II. C. SCOTSMAN CHECKER by .now anl . ice. A blizzard i turn are nrmniziiiK h." r t Mnillirr. and Ili'Odliiafler It. Af ile"wa taken mrlb loday by an TEX RICKARD Ibe country' last night swept over future uay railway Mrifctrrs ! chj. 'the mJ disru.sliisr Hie ny Harlowe were all al xcvne. CHAMPION OF WORLD other Canadian o nicer. and yesterday and blocked all i , anmii nunilMfrn atKut ke"l lew aeule (inlay. Jo ailetiii of Ihe tie-ui und uperinteinied The rbase for tbe fupitii led traffic everywhere." wrrr inaJO lo llll,'r wiui mi Them wa no dam. of 1hi 0nrrlie rolling hlork or S- uj t-niii In nitr peralin.eguipmeot and no one was across (uiatla. Ilinmli llie.1 l. OUT ON BAIL (iLASCOW, Scotland, Feb. II. DAWSON, Feb. II. The Yu mil ' lanlie (miI slater fnon Malde (n Hubert Slewarl, the Scottish kon territory is in ihe grip of Ibc iillf ioeumoin'i'd. blockade. uf Hie I Tollourd III'' rtrrtiitn burl a a result Florida, and theuec from New,Or. clo-eker champion. Iday won thejMie y-e king. After an unusually ' riWrnl of i.iiiri-r ai leon to .Metieo. The dd ailage. Famous Promoter Is Held Sports international riianipiousiiip oy oe- nuiu wiuier mere na? ifo a :r al at a i-.jtit Mitloii uf RELEASE PRISONERS CORKLE BOXES Ibal I In- ftoyal (Canadian Mounted on Ten Thousand Dollar fealins the (Anieriran champion,j sudden drop in temperature the Ibr NVItilr 1.-1.1 Iipit I police always ?el their man ap. Bond. N.W. Hanks 'of Detroit in a series ; thermometer registerinjir as low iciV)rnin nt i liH HELD IN ENGLANDi !jear to have Ieen tmrne mil in' of forty i'aiaes. Slewart won two as i- aesrees below jiero. - n and will coilliniK' (" JOHN MORGAN III is ruse. M:W YOHK. Feb. n. Tex (-aloes. Hanks won o'ie and Coldest Yet Here. a liurt tour. Him- may LuMHlN. Feb. Jl. T rolo- Ilickard, the sorls promoter, li- Ihirty-seven were iras. Siwjrl Th'e lowest lemperalurr reading any da and tKdb h-"ilU ,,.e vnuounred t'Mlav ttial; The aboecase seem luoi'c Or day wtis held in JO.Ono bail fr is thus the world's rhumpion. or the winter was registered J IIIB KM' III" lll-l IMfc puruaul lo the tiulborit wrf't'i'sii-round Go at Anyox Results less of a mystery to all tb,e poliee Ibe aclion of the pnnul jury' on a this morning at 7 o'clock at the iih-m. lurli may emm by tbe llritiitb cabinet eleps are In a Draw It Was a here, Iloyal Canadian, provlin-ial charge of assault preferred by a loeal Dominion Government Met- ..isill may t" d- bein taken to release prisoners Real Fight. and city. None of them know of o-year-old K'irl. Alice Hock, and BRITISH CATTLE ARE eorological Hurpau when the, in taken into custody for ouners n crime as described having been Ihe Children' Aid Society. SAID TO BE DISEASED strument dropped to 9 degree! rommilled in Ireland from Iriuli A.NYO.V. Feb. II. -Anyox siorts committed here, nor do they know above zero. IHililiciil motives prior to the Irish wen- treated to a feast of boxing of Cliow (Ulilili'o?ke. The Mounted Telegraph reports for 8 o'clock. IRISH REPORTS truce. on Friday uu-'bl under the uiii. rolice have no ci-eonl of Ibe olll- JIM FLYNN LONDON. Feb. tl. The. inipor-Uition Ibis morning give the following of live sliK-k from the readings at various outlying M. l. nor picex.if the CoiiiiiMinity I-eat'iie in ccr, fcergeanl fclepiiens, have record Of the. crime. I inleil Kingdom lias been,prohibit points; i , Ihey a I tec real ion Hall, with Floy Halt as CONFLICTING KOOTENAY ELECTION chairman. The main boul was II is llioualii by Inspector Aclund BEATEN UP id Jiy the department of acricul-turi! Hiuellori. 10 below. of Ihe I'nion of South Africa Dawson, 52' below. that Prince Albert may lie the I between 0. X. Corklu oT Anyo referred to and that II owiiif.- o an outbreak of foot and Terrace, 3 below. and place was Writ to Be Issued Today by mine, formerly of Prince llupert. Correspondent, of London Times misjakeii in tbu despatch for Original White Hope Punishes mouth disease. Prince George, ff below. Election Late In March. and John Morsan of Ladymultli. at Dublin Kidnapping Who Knocked Out Man Say It was a na! flslit from the llrsl mice llupert. la Deplored. OTTAWA. Feb. 11. The wril oiind of the sons 111 eaeh round. Jack Dempsey. PRICE OF WINE IS MANY WILL GIVE , . The men mixed well and there CATTLE BREEDER IS MOX. Feb. 11. -Coll flict I UK I wr Hie lO-e.r,..o w,.r,. fy .itelo JIm. lirenk FOHT WOItTII. Tex.. Feb. It REDUCED BY VENDOR BOOKS FOR LIBRARY - are eom.uK out or Jn-land , V' . r,. . . were clean. SENT TO THE SENATE Jim Flynu of Puebla. (be only man .. of thr Jr. !C. wilh wilh knoekimc out the aUltude Sva decided, ye.terda) 1 but . GorMa missed heavy rights to ever credited is searching for YlirrolUA, Feb. tl. 'The price G. V. Wilkinson Says Many Have Kovern.,.et Jack n provisional Dempsey. m-4 the recent of '-Id pending the .pn I r be Hie jaw. lauding body blows. Mori OTTAWA, keb. 11. Arthur C. leeches to relieve the swelling,of certain brands of sherry ami Promised to Bring In Volumes. .'nl ll,tcruieu. "lhnwhole!'veruor.generul, who is out of Kan leil Ihe left well, playing the Hardy, the noted callle hreder of around both his exes as a rcsull port xvine have been reduced in that : (fry of the provisional Bov.j'n' . jw in each round. Ontario, has been appointed to ..r . ..r.ni.. i,.v.tmr n.lininif.tei-ed l'Hce from it.50 to $1.25 abollle. G. V. Wilkinson reports s The dale will 1 The match was a humdinper, Ibe vacant seat ill tbe senate. number of people hav promised nenl . being employed to ,e- V"f I to him last niuht bv Carl Morris H'e acting premier announceu tb. J the end o second or endiiif? in a draw. Al the close of He is Ibe son of a late Premier the oriymal white hope to bring in books for the commencement release of ll.e me.,.." ac-!wa' of Tulsa, ... il.le-l u-ont in I It IV 11. tbe six rounds each of the boxer of Ontario. of a free public library ; 'K to tbe correspondent oi,'"" - The bout went ten rounds. WORKS ON BIRTHDAY was us fresh a al the beginning. and he expects to huve a god T ines at Dublin, who soy the referee. to early In tho wee-1. I jj Wall was many report 0- are that deplored by ever)' mem-? BENNY LEONARD GETS SEATTLE WINS FOOD FOR RUSSIA Thomas A. Edison on Job Today They have suggested that Ihey eminent. Ai;aini uo from DECISION OVER KANSAS SPRING ASSIZES IN YESSEL Although 75 Years of Age. will look over their bookcases tliU in a report BURNED WHEN during the wcek.end, and there " the her sou provisional ire. oleuibly government,.friendly PRINCE RUPERT MAY 5 HOCKEY MATCH DESTROYED AT SEA WKST OIlA'tJi; X. J.,I Feb. 11. should be tioiiiclhing mure definite NF.W YOHK. Feb. II. Heiiny Sex-enty.llvc years ago today In say wilhln a fcxv days. " ,,vijf tUv belief that the t ol-adiuinlstriillon I.evmard retained the lightweight Thomas lCdison was born. He Hooks should be sent to cither had forehand cbainpioiisbip lasl night when he VlirmillA. Feb. 11.--The date Team Is Now League Leader CHIIISTIANTA, Feb. it The mad Jio plans to take the day olf. of Oriuea' drug store. , ifwiedno of Ihe luidd and could decision after of Ihe spriiiif assUe were announced Lowlands, bound steamer the JudxeV Drilish received Artec Beating Victoria Two Al the great Kdisoit panl be ami ": lediulely accure the release of flfleeii round ffu wilh yesterday. Court will U for Murmansk wilh a cargo of a to Nothing. his xvorkers fuced or "1! army fellow; ICE IS HANDICAP pnonera by giving u direct llocky KntisBe. in Prince llupert April 57 for the food for starving Ilussiaiis. was the uuual. same ryutinc as trial uf both civil and criminal ICT01llA, Feb, 11, Seattle burned at ea. The crew escaped. cases and at Prince George, on North of Elbe Interferes With. SEND DELEGATES TO hockey team pulled itseir back in ELECTION NOT DELAYED. PROFESSIONALISM IS May 5. tbe leadership or ihe. Pacific Commerce Port of Hamburg. ECONOMIC CONFERENCE Hockey I.eugue lust ulhl by beat. BONOMI IS STILL , VICTOUIA. Feb. II. Acting RIFE IN FAR EAST COMOX LOGGING CO. Ing the Victoria Aristocrats twu ITALY Premier J. D. McLean denies the HAMHUlta, Feb, !. Jce at the LONDON. Feb. 11- In l'1' to nothing. PREMIER OF,. . 1 rumor (hat the Ominccu by-clec mouth 6r llie "Kibe Is proving a IN AMATEUR SPORTS MACHINE SHOPS BURN t? 1- Houso oT Comiiioim yesterday The gamed this year arp the Hon will be postponed. most serious handicap lo navigation. announced that most closely contested the league hOMF. Feb. It - King Vlclwr Ships are lludlng II dinicull "M.II , A.V, Feb, tl.-'IVo bun Lloyd neorg-e its Xo has not accepted the lesiBiiutlon I to enter und clear und have and Austruliu were VICTOUIA, Feb. 11. The mil has keen since Inception. Piclro Ciol, of Anyox, leaving many iui'i itMiio umuu-ur athletes in the S..11II1 Afilra i. .1,.millions which o fur eliiiio shops of (be Coiuox Log. team holds the leadership for any of Premier llonomi, xxllcli wan the city shortly in order to been froicn in so that Ice breaker " Nova provinces, most of them neceiiled Invilalioiis to aefnl glng Co. near Couilenay were length of lime. Victoria seems to presented on February 2. The fall from St. John on February are unable lo release llifm. """'-"s KciKIa, have to face loot to the C.cnou economic almost, wholly destroyed by fire ho missing the aid of Moose llonomi ministry is expected to be 18 aboard the sleamcr Scandinavian, The season is unusually cold, f )i'ofesioiiulUiii which re'i.re.cntullve which meet In The almna were equipped with Johnson, who recently left the In its place next lhui'day when die Is returning la his Hie worst that has been exx.'. '-'oiiipuuled by nworii ulll- conference muebinevy valued at JM',000. !fame rarrlauieii! oimjii home p Italy rienced here in tliu pant 00 years, ""' ulint Covey lBte. Mareli.