rfcr February II, ID?2. Pal' the dAilt mtvrs PAGE FlYR SB lon Ihrmish lf fa(ioi ft Ins- it boroyic poydT djlvd ii, waicr in mlMakP for milk FIRE OR THIEVES poiapiHinit. When ilio- fntem Im 'M (xmiplolod, and if Jhf o.yfljrlil i nol ,o .prp. ft will bo ro-lirodiiord .at May lioinc.rob yon nf your valuables If in Whiff. Prince Rupert Druggists W. A P., Caplnln fionfKo A SAI'KTY DlWOSl? BOX will CsL. b.fi ,,oM f,n Wvdnenulay f hiornin for Mio "liiah n(.ol.-iMiHnjf y.lvc you every protection. Animal hi sojourn in jroH Cap rental ti and upward. h Non huvy rnfilliHir bi in-lof.r t hi. floalintf rioino. Tho culinar)- dopartfuefif lia im.lcr- THE ROYAL BANK OF GANADA roHi ni a a brand oxii.M now ranformalion.of willow patlorn diction Iiah ltoon iiMiail. Tell of Years I If tako I ho plav of Ilie Iwo Many kim and tnnoh worn online ulonil which havo' roolinod for a ln period on llio nni?.un lo.in. Experience with Tho jionib, fiiplaln Adopho yaterfront Whiffs Prlnoo, arrived in n'nA carlv in llio wook wllh a bumpor earjrn oi iialibnt, and cloarori aaln on Dorii ot the Mosquito Fleet Which Ii the Chief Source l'riday to ronow acspinlnlnnoo of Prince Rupert Prosperity lh hm doop oa frtond4. DR. CHASE'S Tbf Vniinl-cr i in noH al In Admiral report, lhal I ho Niiality. Cap i now biiy over, Vw flay nndorgnln? maohinory ropair prior In Joavinar a?ain for of the Mo(uitA 111 .j, are jhaiilin rrafl and conferri. Iho "hijjh pof." ' in " iiaie. imih a rcpardslplalox Iavinfr port uuuiu in the .lie nr me crew ami iho near future for oilier- field of .jwr(Jiine of lln" vcel, fur exploitation. (afdain Dinly Mooro lia ar- MEPICINES rivod in nnii aboard Iho Joo ally Ih entire feit hav. llakof ami nndor lh walobful at impieiea uicir winier over- - 'I'll Wlswam. (Villain Claude oyo of tho coorol aorviro of tho ii.t Ninety per en of ihi iKetchum with lil. rirsi male. l iool. Upon- landin? fl wan no-tirod ra' are out o.f port liitlinz alJimmy Tboma. arrived fD nort i, .: i.. i.. ii . . K. . Hinly luckod ..inplhlntr wtitj V" ' h irriT mi iiii wees I ruin Alrllii. vory ornarlly inlo lii' innor M fniiit report to- lintwl lliejkalla. where a loom of lng wa pookot, but aftor a prnlonjrod f',,-i'IX wirh wa Wind,unc the yarurr lal la day ineucil orf lor llio ..eorsetown mill. di'ooorod hadowin? by Iho rt. ,s. ji wa Mr. W. J. McCutcheon ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Mr. Cyril H. Orme, lhat Iho nrticli' lurk- Prince B. od away wa jiixt tho jokor from ".My eiK'rieneo Rupert, with writes:Dr. Che. HE KNOWS Druggists, Prince Rupert, B. C, Tun mo in the-prlre or TUh I ''r ''''" T",fU,l w'""!4 a park of card, and if i MediciiieM hvo been of a mol writes: v , Mi. week l.a.t a Mi.nuU!"1 J1" ?" WCk Ihoiicht hi wa Mklllfujly ro-(ain.d iatifarliry nature. Having If a medicine gives satisfaction he is the "It ha alway.the been a pleasure to handle Dr. Chase line of fU, , I upon the puUew of Lr " ... "V i'".uiai , iniral by Ointy whon the Ad. handled Ihi line for a conidcr.-alile first to hear about it. proprietary medicines, for the ' ff1tf n, and an air of (n-, fi,.UKl con floated hi (.pocia) nTimlier of I ean honestly -n ii'jujii prnalU aluua tli lately, which could only be written pack. Kvidnllj Dinly Ik inakinir ay thai at year all' time "Dr. If it does not possess merit the customer reason that customer are saLi-IJed b) hiinof aboard the luy-ut Iho col led ion of joker with llio results obtained, and a paU does not back for and the in blule privacy, ami a lirno. Cliae" ha been the Hall Mark of come more, druggist to frive satis ruction, is the soul of hatifactkm. From the results finds his shelves loaded with armaW hav boon a eoneuencc hi business let- an unprofitable business. We have always recojr. on- obtain.! euilomeri 1 consider r up io tii opriaMon ofi er It at been pnsed up. Tho (Uiplaln lac Jar of iho N. A Dr. Cha-e'i by investment. nixed the Dr. Chase products a .Med'K'ine lo be one and the thai i Keyed in Ihi industry. I,u " iu ,"a' U!ui uni wa;- ha been promoted dunnjt f Hi.' ino.l reliable of all Iho No one is so well qualified to tell you which staple sellers, fact & . ii everal largp Cnlrh i",nl " ''I1 prxuad I'looie th wrk to rhlf rnsinr of (h so many repeat order aro received .a::d d dui4tiR th wrrk lh halt'" "'k" i"" notnlnoi' on lierlFWI. ThU i a vrry popular my jirorietary lore." nieilieinet handled in medicines are the good ones, as your druggist. testifle lo the entire rru 4 iK i now a thing if Iho i.iiiorwoiHi ror iiiin lhat ho coiildj promotion for tho well known For this reason we consider that these liability placed on these medicine itoi hi letlor wrilinjr up lo dalclokinitor. a Iho tari liad alwam The Vancouver Drug letters from druggists are the highest compliments by Hie buying' public' Tint ik tho bu-ino.4 rivlr The j bom ono of ihn flrd lo rondor W ... luro ari a nuinlor nf ory iKronal lot lor aro troini? firl aid lo disabled vooln. I - Co., Limited that can be paid to any medicinesv rafl hMII nut of jiort ul in ark rulU on ovory al ha a wondorful iiiorhanical mind Vancouver, B. C, writes: For over a quarter of a century Canadian v " a...(fi;f bonl. tho arrival of bound train. and it i "aid ho i buxy in hi "Dr. Cha.e'e Medicin are nl-way druggists have been selling Dr. CHASE'S Dr. Chase's: Medicines '.tt ihi rntf tho j.at wrok havo T llirtTor, FIoio ha lvon up paro time 'buildinir a lin litio. in demand, and tlure are i n ho tljrht ido. It I o hor d'unini.o tlckliiiif activitio, whjch will bo onliroly coiitmctod many re-at onlert.. There I a MEDICINES. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver IiH, ?d Uial a numbor of llio umiI lold Cap that if bo a from an alarm clock hi wife rean -Dr. Cluie'i Medicine are Such expressions as "best sellers " "Many 2Se a box. t Ri. r bnali ongUKod in ihi preparod to turn hi boat mrrjturew on tho rul.bi-li heap, and a reliable." repeat orders from some people," "Reliable Dr. Chase.' Ointment, COc a ft will mato M.rl rarly in In hor wtfTi oiiio money to boot:packet of pin. Tho whool an bos. V k front Hank Maud and he would cotiidr iloiux I lie tn bo romdrucfed wilh old ro(on The Owl Drug Co.. remedies," Good Medicines," etc,, indicate Dr. ChaieV Nerve Food, 80c " uI)iok ilni for ii.o loiter wrilinjr. (Utu l now il- reel and elalie band for lir!. that the druggists have the greatest confidence a box. llliii' up nulif "fiyiirW out if The lli.ilive ptiwer will be furbished Limited in these medicines a confidence built up Dr. Chase's Syrup .of Linseed . iuii( on provision, am;I (Hie pr..M..i(..ii i a Morth hil by the une of the Hurt Vancouver, B. C, writes: - on many years of experience, with doctor's and Turpentine; 35c 'n bottle;1 - x . r rcpalrtr. no or nol. .Uranlim llio ro- main prin?. If it prove a one-eon V. have b-en handlinp Dr. prescriptions and proprietary medicines. family size, 75c m f. iMirin to hand tho trap rfpfonl of Iho prnal mail t tho Cap will be a .formidable Cha'J") Meificinen for a pood it i. born particularly iiliiis up nislil rouditiK tho competitor nf Henry Kord. many year and wo have always In almost every issue of this paper you will Dr. Chase's . Catarrh- Powder, u o.. and tho prico nf fur epilio4 o ably innod by the found lliejii atifaeiory from the find further endorsement of Dr. CHASE'S 25c a box. ; 4 "is i tnarkot ha proo ooribe of llio lluperl Illxio. The Mayflower, Captain Jud public' standpoint. We consider Dr. Chase-'.. Uiver jledicino, MEDICINES from people who have used ' ( frmiirral jo tiiijnoiit Tlurrber. i out of jtort on fih them one of the larjrot sellinz $1.25 a botlK I' daio f(i' mink hax Iwon Iho Hush IloowHI, liookkeeper of in bent. propriolarj- article that vvn them with splendid satisfaction. Edmanson, Dr. Chase's Tlaukache P Taster, v- n...a',iiit ralcli uhilo quitp tho noorpoinun mill, arrived in carry." Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. 25c each. 4 : "f martin and Nher Iho rlty on Tueoday aboard Iho Captain Charlie Iratt of th . (,0.-n landed. mill launeh fllady II. Mr. and lieleu f), think there i money Mr. Jirl. tiiton wore aUo in eword fih catrhinv. and wilh Ik' fv-brWn aro vry rltel aluxird. The (ilad II. cleare'ii till object In view i refitling h t mporf of havinir frrfh for Iter liomo jjrl on Vo.n.da") hi boat in regular pirate fah aid. Of course llii would be Seattle, a ditanee of approximately ijiiiii nkt&ri it I u.-av morning:. in. Charii. ay . ho can ell minus engine. I5U0 mile. alone; and if n.:i bandy roaoh of lh IhibIo the wir.l to tho Cauadlon - ' oije will take the trouble to ' ' 'umnrrd lhat the oily, will Tho lliit ILiy l.Umbor Com militia and make money on 'ein ,f The Narbelhon?, Captain 1'ree. study a nautical 'chart I hey will i:.m.co on IhU work tn tho pany rylvoii a ro load of fih 'Iho weapon of offence will be a nian, it cauinx some apprehen-)on pet a hazy Idea of what the ven-lure ' f,''nre aud thai the hdrant hove for the Pacific and f loyal mahuie sun flrinsr an armor anmnir Iho fiheniien. This meant,' and will understand piai'Od on tho wharf noar fih hou04. and a cnw load. Of pUrcint biUt, and be i now .well known old aiajrer ha been what a deal of faith I he skipper u d Jlrclrio Imtldinir. Tho lumlier for local runoumptlnti, bu fiiitur up tho frun turret on rfbcenl from port for a Ion? lime must have in the seattpin? pos-i u if frth driukiuu walor early la Iho ,ook.' from Iho lop of the pilol lion-e. Cap ha know, and no on.yfeehi Jo have sibililies'of his little era ft. C.apj .1 t( u- su iirru (ieortrelown. mill. rotlecled all the old plate any inea a in II wiiereabontfi. also sailed from Skidcprato Ibj crr i in Iholr hoartn for . around Iwwit and will nail Ihein Cap's movements aTi a mystery U'rinco Kuperl when the wenhfer' JUST ARRiVEp oar-' UM ftani. wfltor ia only Captain !. llury. ovor of arouihl the. hull lo prevent any hind lie certainly ha the S.S. vva so rounh that lh Princess 'inai.p .for prrcinal uc at the halibut echnouer M. l.loi. M holllo vriinl fih fmm siullina Raffled. All ouljrihS boats. Iiave Mary put back to Ketchikan and 2000 lbs. Valentine Tea ' LnitCfhftio hoo.'oino nov'on conteinplalinir a xalmon irt'llinif anylhinjc over oa hi in and rain b'jen m ues fed to keep" a watch would oof face. Hits . element.. m hhurrd. yard- diianl from tho, etofdilb.n In tho early prjrlK, inioB a";bobt b-luw .k'ck. ful eye for Ihe-.Tvarbeihonfr and This speak fty ilselp' a to I lie Regular Price 60c per IU and iould IhU become iho Si. i:ioi i al present out o ir rejxirt. its whereabouts lo the fearlessness.it llitj Seoul's skip-.er. 'fu tnlroduee this lea, vve will pis FpirONE WEEK ONLY "f-n Hunoor room Ik tho Jho halilmt bank In rharroof riierp I -fniirh weepinjr and Ifice of I lie Admiral.immediate. iJi'f "mrrjUK WHICH I Captain 'iIoit, but on hor Kiia-hiiiz ofl' teMh .-ilui.ir.l the piaco, . , , , The LivinU.tQB.aptain Tony 2 lbs. B.C. Granulated Sugar fine umianrn from mo turn lo port win onuerKo an Scrub- Iheeo' day." The rook ha - y Wednes, left Jjfon Marlinseu, Vh'n tho. inxlallalion of overhaul ami wiU bo okipperei) Mtniethinz allinif him and the - trcii waior )4ui l an by hor owner ia lbe fnlure. skipper wonder -if. he ha been Ul .eirmplotid her reiair.'l at. day niornjnS tfnr a pern'ral with everjf ,two lbs. of Valentine Tja.for pSc, Mhr-d fart thcrft will bo no Juul tone and Kt Uitn Inyo some (J'Y1 N' ; M, McLean yards' and uverhaul. .Her dijvlinalioii i the BUY NOW lyo LIIWIT TO. . ii- iiiiiHi'imi" " On plain PelorHOh' of the I 1Jui-e. II i ai. thai al meal giimo nff the. slip on ; Wednes halihul grounds'.w ".v-. QUALITIES j ' iik:ii jiatinff noltilnir tnutd 1.ipel uait Iho rfriplont nl (Jiiic lie' pill Iho -4J!-'ar inlo lha day monin. Now that every The hillowins boafj are at very beautiful flajj for hi new efreo pot ami the coffee Inlo little UirtK i O.Kv aboanL Cop prewen! in port: Spot, Scrub; FULLERS, LIMITED raft at Iho hand of iiarry Iho cup, and: that he I often imiini? mr me -uifrii-xpots Viola, Kuby Mae, Vixen. Anj-es ln 1 hlifllilli fulling 1n.lni.lrv l.inclt dtirinir tho week. ln een with paper and pencil draw, immediately. 1.4 Dart. Keel. Volunteer. P, I Phone 45 wkou a Humn with tho in maUlen of ih now haliiml ins the (cat iye of a beautiful Dorreen, Vela, Imterial. Iran-u. '"vrinonl of (ho halibnl fl.hinif. boat will lake place early in the female. The' kippr say lhat lliisiness 1 sure hummins at! Tyee, W'ipwaio and Prnvinr UQ Mia .......I ... , ,. co'uuiv wwk. with Ibo coming nf prin;r there Iho McLean shipyard These days. rial. - '"nuiiru m ii,i fniornrine I evidently an epidemici of fu. new keel will Jin laid lovvn ive born, , qyerhaulod anil aro rio.4ln Flirt and Jack Toner male worship brcakiiu.' out along riahl away for Iho ljur Hro, ROOF REPAIRS , .nUlnir rr .llinlr l.ulir InJ. ...I tli..M" videtdly aftiire lo become well the waterfront he havinp receiv It is In. he a halibut boa I, and 'irpn .... !lUillK i t r KrOI04. IIIOM' known in Iho literary worm ed everal complaint.H. of a like duilu.'ale of Ihe K Llpsett. 'I 'h "III- nr,-." I... . I. I'oeirv I I tie bai of their coin. nature. recently built for Captain pel Don't put lhat roof repairing job off any longer. I't u look-it ;6wp. fubLn during tbi lack in renown, and thoe two bud. rrsen., over and uive you ipjotallon. roport that they Uavu litiff wriler, are Uad at worn on Tho Viola; Capt. Clia. f trach. An order haw Jul bn receiv. MATERIAL FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ROOF IN STOCK xlill ha her hor.' d for lhrie new row bonis for ' 'ii viwi.i uii .i r ik. bwiiiliful and poetic iumr an, par lying . .. .. I...1.II.. i.41 j .i cai retutll fiUjiioiiKi.r and are which. whn coiupu'ieu. wiu no ituiuuiiy uiaivui oi on a oiiu-ai Iho Marine' Department, and. a .kii.ri.wi ...in. entitled "Who I'ut Sand ia the place, and It Ik rumored that pleasure boat for Captain Kaun. Rowe's Sheet Metal Works llabyt MiUt" It will be palenfc the. Adnitml Of the Heel bait der of DiKby Island. mi v.irpn IJIV lUIU.. 'I'Ulnjr .donarlmanl nf li Mnt. o any well Known rin-r mm made particular note of lif fact. llitensioii. will made In Phone 340 Hoot ha coino to flay, nlot of Hit natlIr wwn wv- There I a heavy fine In "7he Uh'M) shlpyarvls aw soon s Mae I off njrmlli of tho n (oifethur by inyxlor)' fleet If I he njar of any boat ran' Ret a few nmmenU to uparc vnr haiul r.f u-h clover wrller as lien at a horizontal uriale over If Sotel urn afore iiienltnned, would lorni a certain period o lhat Cap Cnplaiw A, Slwiiland of the if TORONTO UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. :r.,nin Tnl n rviiii wonderful bai for ennrr a had belter watch hi. tep. Sroil, a small t rolllrifr boat. Is m In Centre of Shopping U aiLiNoe of b'e.d rurd,lli. reputed to havo made- one nf and Buiinets District U Fe Vncous, filllnf ii 3wuihiJ tuy. Omq Falls. Tumdiv, t Pin. 4 in nun intf iinnA rrANi iw melHrama Fee Fori llnpioii, Miv.r. inyo and Allrr Aim. Suiidiiv. iriMnlflit. "."'"' trapping nrpwlitlon fft or fur a inovLag pktUra Tbo Viking, which Cup. Pelar. ibo tomrewt voyaww durinir Ihe 100 ZJ0 wtll ROOMS Orlvtl Bath M rIUni it Orr.uir nd hi llilir u MUlorn Jjb. . IS, . Mvrrti it. weather o?anyfi.h IB IS. Ctlllnt ik hnuettHK Kuiurnn t!,x Mill Say mUU tb. i, l. .Vjn ll nil Ulatid and tllv-era In. rrVI tl much. b'autv en. hu turnvU down for bin heavy- winter . &CHUPEM PLAN M . te ius t.ni . aod laiidoa flflon mink and t.fj..l lliielf 10 nrisnie worn riindru vraft tb K. Llp&ett wa erman on Jh I'aeifio coust4 He UJ WINNCM inOMPION,MAN'O.OI. Ml 23 tn anu JACK AMNSLCV, Afl Prl Rupwl. B. C. her it Uler'a baby ni tuu.-, recently aold fo o it U sailed from SeVard, Alawka to ..