PAflTVTAVO TTTn DAILY NEWS fnidivy, January v The Daily News f HEALTH MESSAGE NORTHCUFFE pnixcii nuPKirr - mutism cot.minu . "WW Tiil1Ifici Kvrry Afternoon, exrept Sunday, by The New.r TQ TfiEWORLD ABOUT Pritilinp and Publishing liompany, Thinl Avenue f " II. F. PUl.l.KX. Mnnngiiig Kditnr. , IMMGRATION Support Boost Tske 'f niit-a-te" And -Hake . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Well Yourself flity Jiclivery, by mail or carrier, per month s . . . . iI.Of Tells What Australia Is Doing to Hy mail In All parts of le Hritisli Kmpire avA Ihe United Mat's 'Fruit-tite",theirTelkAuf. Fill Up Her Vacant Lands, j Home The Fish ft.0ft Km maJ front fruit and tonics, in advance, ikt vir In view of ih- miiiiisral i..n U the most liractirial mrvbeicat sfrnt To all other countries. advance, '. . .$t.rG ii per year inoviinii:. txlbS iiuiMvorMtett that to msnkio J. hJ tfr Imi given Just at oranpe, applet? flfs an J Hon. T. II. Pallull . il is inl-r-itiiig FISH Business TELEPHONE 9S prunes arts luturr's own nedleine, to note that l.ord North-cllffe Industry "Fruit-UV oisde fiom Wx- i a'ilvociiiiii a similar -Transient Hisplav Alvrliitir. . ,-. .l.lft per inch per insertion fruit Jaicrft lwt coneestrated mxl niosVincnr to Auiralia. In an Transient Advert'c-ing tin rTirt Pfr - ?.RO-pr lltrKj inteasitltd 1 lA frralnt Stomach mJ article in hU aier. The lioiulou ,nral nailer-, per insertion i?jc per line Li.rr Xtdsime, lie frntnl Xi-Luy fillies, Ifvrnl Northcliffi' slims Ul Classified 'Advertising. jer insertion. . . . , 2r per won! vtd BUddrt ilrJtcime ie frrclai Blood the iinniisratiou edicy of Australia jl.ejral Notices, each insertion .d"c jcr agale line i'ur&rlk $rmlnt rr Jot llrod-Tori, a follows: ON ' v Contract Rales on Application. CoUipoUom, loJrtttoo.AWim Trie Scheme. j.MI altertiinjr should f in The" llsily News Office on day pre-feeing acM mad Bad Completion i lA world. An Immigration movement can publication. All ndvcrlisiiig received subject to approval. To bo well, Uke "Fruit-a-llTes" only prosper if i main principles Canada's Eighth Annual " Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 60c a box,C for 3 JO, trial site 25c. are slrirlh adher.l to:-- Jit dealers or. seat postpaid hj I Th i.firitiii of all .lilt ! DAILY KDITION rf-pj-yto Moiday. January .10. 19? Fruit a-Ure Limited, UtUca. tuitntilc jH-pe only. j i?. The iniviiii of enii..y- MHfiiUor In nil. br all immiBraiils 1 Daylight Saving SUITCASES jo-'at least head of familo-s. on- J National Fish Day Throughout Cities. TRUNKS (imliatel) aHer their arrival in, j Vancouver has already taken a vole on daylight saving and Australia. II luay set-in harli ! m-oi-; "Uie system is In be adopted there this coming summer. Already CLUB BAGS at borne lhal Australia. f.'ll.iin Mhe mailer is to be( discussed in Yn-loria with a view lo its ilie ! exauiple of Cdnada an.I. adoption. The cilieJ-scem generally agreed Hint they prefer lo Large Stock on hand. ihe I nit'st Stale, should insist Wednesday, February 1 rjc nii hour earlier. In Prince Hiipcrl lber a movcmeii! Prices very low. 9pn elecllHg only lloise tvbo or fir.t-rlas moral anl r toward, (lie same end. 11 is fell here that it js best for Prince J. P. MAGUIRE physical are iualily. Hut iimliiz.-a-lion Rnnerl In have the same lime, a Vancouver and' also. Ihe advan within the Fjnpire is in the tages' of the -advanced summer lime are being discussed. Next tbePrhtt 3opert Motel nlerei of' the Umpire as a v The main argument for daylight.saving is the opportunily it wliolf. and il i or no le nn-IMirtalwe Buy and Eat Fish ! Australia to Knclamt that gives for sport fliid game. Prince Ruiert jeopte have iiol very shonld he Lpl whitr and f ninrh leillre exeept on Vwlnesilaj- aflernooiis. and Sundays. H In the Letter Box j itrilish tliall il i lo the C.4ini-nioiiwcallb ! putting Ihe elork one Inmr ahead lljere is one hour more of day-. itsir. For that r-a-son Boost the Business that Boosts Youl light eaeh-eveniug anil lhal allows all snr'Is of sporls and game PHILOSOPHY. it is net-essary that iiurtu- to be played and it abn allows people Who wish to gu swimming at cralits slioUld le almve t!ti-nii in etiaraeier and in the salt lakes after dinner. II gives opportunities for boating and Editor- Daily .: piiiue. Are Best Agents. other oulings and it seems as if it would be to the advantage of uoiii.i yoti ,kindly. tiiul spare For thes vf initiiiirranls , Prince Hiipert lo adopt it. , lo say a death few anil wml in or rfftrrt Ihe la-nieuietl jtt I here must he iioiimtiale employ-' Sinclair Fisheries, Ltd. - Prince Rupert The only argument against the plan is lhal il shortens the the late Mr. Kdward Iars4in? Hieni. or lan.L Th chief au-'ni nighl for etiildreu. II is difliehlt to "get the youngsters to go to With all Ihe trading and flour, in an immigration movement i Hie ucressful iniiMigranl. bed before dark, and al mfdsummer il i nearly midnight before isliinz of knotritL'e, we irally tecs written by imiiiigranis ! it lieromes dark tinder the daylight saving rhem know anttunzT itheir old homes have mnre infli:. m -. rio'rtish we ilo positively assert has lioo and upw-trd. and actually voee in swelling Hie streaui than ourselves in knowing, yet dV we settled a great numlier r Fish Day on . i . : v any amount of puMieily. t'he . Wednesday.' ' , uol ncalivcljr cin found mr. shortest mad. Ihererjre, to a men who had" ohiaoiially ls- Canadian National Railways selves 1 is then irtis. 1 lhatlwe 111 View of tl imKirUnce we wih- onee more to draw the strram which will she Australia than this sum. Western Australia, attention jf the publie to the fart that Wednetay is Fish Ilay, leni judsmeiii, anil In that toil.fKK! rilizeiu a year by im-inigrallon in particular, offers a is kept throughout Itie to draw nsc we are reasnabt7wie. trreat opening ror farm laJKUfr. ;the anuiiareveujvvhirji country i at the outt to attention to the value of tib as a diet and the value of the IJsh Preferinp to say I may not procee.1 cautiously and soundly. to engage in what is known as Prince Rupert intimately know Ihe late Mr. industry lo (ianada. Argument? often have been 2dvaneed in Il wa nrqje.1 in II"m-o7 that shares fanninir, whirh is Ihe Parson. 1 do wish to wish to en-ilnrse favor of ll-h ealing. -jtif-;rr'opelijsivr IjJibown. that well rooktd the movement UV swtdl ntpiilly recognized bridge between larni the public sense of bis fih has all the elements of a perfect food and it is also said lo he if the people are ot.god cJass, laboring and iiidepenilent farming. ' valuable as a brain fiMKi. Prince Rupert people are asked to rt-: siMMiness, as goodness may te and if they find pneperily am Under this shares ysleni Shipyards estimated In principle and silent opende and do (heir bit by eating fish on Fish Day and by talking scrutiny-. . :., , . ' huppiness in Itie (tiiniuiiwea!lh the farminir Ulrer rind imple. , flslu and also they.ire, a-ked b take nn intere-t in the Joral Kven ttioijglf Hie iitllitle rriaj-asl Selected Immigrants. iiient and a team of horse, and Ihe work. There all doe are industry w;liirh is of .o .niueh value (o us. N its verdict, the greater The Australian inimiyralloii hundreds or Australian landowner Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock moveuieiii give I forms wo o iiMlKinent iasse undesxtanding, eatrer lo -raul such men Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, ptur a.ftanee: One hy setectmu, the , City Manager for how i ir, tjial a death ileal. othfr hy nomination. To lake Ihe u-e or land for cultivation makers, Founder, Woodworkers, Etc i as Executive. ins inslriiHieul ,i eoiniiaralively on the basis of a division of The benefits of having a city manager instead of making the nannies in the fianil or one these select immigrants first a the harvest. Thousands of tiro-1 Electric and Acetylene Welding. . mayor and ronm-i) executives of the departments of civic activi man. while in the mere iaing i present Ihese are-X -4 . Australia, tanners in tiRtay, ties are being drawn lo the attention of eople o the country or lhal wearwui to another '.1 Fanners. jteroits as in' New Zealand, have Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of . Iruni time to lime by means of concrete examples. When a citj takes thai dearer lire with swift '2; People Willioitl agrieulluf- begun in this Wheal ! al experience, hut with way fcis iuoi iinanciiti oiuictuiies, me government alwiiys. appoints a execution. capital gmvvinv: orfer special oppJr-' MARINE AND who wih to take farming. commissioner, who is really rity lo administer the up a manager, iieaori may be the supreme ' tupilie in share rarniiug to! affairs nutil urh lime as the finances or Ihe city are again on a ujiMiintnienl and cjrvalion above' KxpMieured farm latmrers slnsle men, while ilairying is I COMMERCIAL WORK sound bais. That is what fi; I.abonrs witlioul fariuiii' happened at South Vanronver. A Hie ihouxhl in mind. vually favorable lalxirers commissioner was appointed there and he was rapidly getting the Il is wetl to Ihfnk. thai- life is MIMTieiice, who will tindertaL'- l with families nbl euouh lo lend PHONES 43 AND 3SS financial condition of the place Iwck to normal, but the jH-opIe a ijetit we owe after all, if then go on the land. eo. (5 1 bad for rami work. became dissatisfied with'hint and Ihe government had bTmake a uiitler any cireumsiajieiss we pay change, Plfjer cities have -been re:uieraleil by appointing a dHu with a hope of ruJ-iufilRin Doine.iic. aixl "lady managers. Obi competent'-man can always do Ihe work better how much -erener- is -yie liberation helps." The Man in the Moon To a very rest rieleil ite or the soul and we may f It is the. same with a private business. Il could never be say or Hie late Mr. Kdward Par gree, special artisan unobtain SAYSs- i 'DEMERS' C able in Australia. uccfss fully managed by a soviet. One man may be wrong sometimes, son. Thanking you. Fir all the above" classes, ex 1 but he is, never so much wrong as is a committee of i.iue 11. AVItbillT FKW women liave a hi-ad for rr ten. Wbeit a council committee a cepl the aril,an, there is al figures and few bin have manages department everyone men an ore sf'iil in IhA Ovmmoiiweallh al Great Slaughter kJ JL JL C is (he boss as well as Ihe superintendent of Ihe department. CONFERENCE PRESIDENT most unliniite.i demand. The eye ror a fijMirei The system i cumbersome and leads lo all sorts of abuses. The modem method is for the city council to be a purely VISITS OCEAN FALLS wages I , F.xpericnceil paid for the rami wofkers workers,are: illh same man.that ran make to make room (or new Btock legislative lnly ami for them lo engage a competent manager l(u" a Ineomollve lender iiuplu lo be rrom 30s lo week with uli. will run Hie affair of the rity a he would or able U rook a Prince Ituperl H private huiue, Former In hoard and Chaplain Army Gives bulging, and inerejises leak. Another method of city government which is said to he EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! nil Address at Paper Town. ifli lo CO per week at harvest improvement inrour system is for the people jo elect a mayor And time. v .vi.vrv always wants to ee one or two commissioners who shall administer civic alfairs OCKAX FALLS. It. i'., Jani 30 (S; Juexierienee men ror the manicurist before he decbie wlfi.n'l ihe aid of a city council and with one commissioner retiring On the request at llev. II r. fariiin; from 2(Min Z ier week whether tr not his nail in-eil In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS each year u as lo make the bod continuous. (Itivernmru'i HuslifieM and meinbern of the and "keen," with advances a trimming. and all Ladles' institutions are usually expensively operated, but this should not local Union Church, the llev. earneii, t . wearing; apparel be. Tneorelirally government work should be as economical a J. Wright, president of the (.1 l,als for farios; (viniineno. li the farmer are the hack- Everything in the store reduced. that of a private organization, but it seldom i. II. ('.. MelliiMjist Conference and Ilitf wage, 10 o 12s Cj (M.r week hone or I lot .country, who i the paslof of the HoImoii Memorial and "keep," with advance Un jawbone? Call and see our priced. Church. Vancouver, II, C, visilco" earned. Ocean i'alln- and preachetl here (I, Ilojoestii-ji: from IS l I UK worst pain some people "DEMERS" last get rrom a sickne is when Ihe 3rd Ave. Phone 27 Sunday. 30 per week and "keen." wllli Dr. Jos. MAGUIRE Social galherlnfs were held snlisianl tally hJxher rales for loelor sends in his bill. during Ihe week, and n Thurs conks arul other special workers. A poslailklresM might lo be day evening the llev. Mr. Wrighl Probably ipiile ito per rent or the best un1ified person in th Dentist trave an interesting llluslrateil prosperous Australian rarinen. . . . world for handling male. addresH. began lire as rann laborers. The CUT PRICES in all Merchandise is paying a visit to Vancouver and will return on Mr. Wright, though over age poHiiinu lor advaiiecmenl has cniisieit ami went oversea an n never sen tx-ller "than il is to- February 15 to his private aif.l was eventually n)hd lay. Kven lads of IX and itft- Ten Years Ago Rooms cuapiain. ills son, - who was perienred laborer who begin In Prince Ruprt YOUJl DOLLAR Office, 7 and 8 Smith Block unuer ne, enilhleit also mill nc work on rarms wju, wunin two rompanied Dim. year ul the tuol, he recrivlnir -ran i .viouiey was unanimous Gets Quality and Value. an average wage of Jin per week ly elected prenjilepi or the Ibmnl iieniernner mat iii i nnd their "tucker." This enables fif Trade at lb annual tiieriinu j "s"sssesssssseBssBsssssBssSB rikH his lire lo cuftii the fish thrifty man to nave fully- did last evening, rj. n x.d-n Phon Green 41 H for your table, flhow your up. year. Hy (lie hitimale knowl STEVE HART nt-OCK KING Ire president and .1. Uirne Me , , - - THIRD AVENUE Nanako-WeilingtonfO A 1 prerlallon of ihU nisnly calling edge Hiey soon p.ieii of laud .arcn, kerretari and the council and eat fih We.lnemlny, February n and llv.e.flock values and farming rhosen is as follow. A. J. Morris AT REDUCED PRICES VvilL 1st, CANADA'S NATIONAL practice, coupled with Ihe w. 4. N. Minlals, Il.p. WiUon, J. FISH DAY. nermis financial nssinlance . Moan, J, il. Pillsbury, I.. W. THEQ NOTARV LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE COLLART LTD. NOTICE. jrranled by the Slate, a man I a I more, . a. While. F. ij. - ponuc Walch your monthly hill and you must admit able to rouuuenre a farmer with NANAIMO-WELLINQTON Is TAKE .NOTICE that trier IIm tiubllrallim law son, Oenrge Tile and j. i We have 2H7 Jots to sell rnment in o'' the Cheapest and Best. it Oil. luillra f.r ihh- iuiidiIi I lie Lakr rapllftl of a few hundred Mrl.ennan. t for the Dominion flove llui sprinit. l lmlud ulll nplr t iu pounds. In Western Amtralii, parts of the rity. including" taction I. Term to le nmnf." noiw rlunirt'il in ilio UkrlM' , Srli ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. lMiliiin iniifuiiijr l.liiill(l, for example, Ihe t)overnmenl will The city U considering Ihe For fnrthrr Information rail al our olllrc MIM' lr f Jawuary, A. grant land and supply Hie no-rrssary advisability of appealing the Rentals Phones 116 and 6C4 Reel EstaU Qsneral Insurance willlAM. VMS 4 r.OMMXi, asllanre in udgiiient given avnlnsi it in ihe Phone Blue 60 Weethotmo Theatre Block P. 0. Bo lll Tlll liiuilf.L any experienced man owning WaUon K Kelly conlrari ea