1 V January 30, 10?2 ..... Sl.mdar THE DAILY NFAVfl PAOB TIIHEK v LOCAL MILL Local and Personal I "The Regent" MAY REOPEN l or a Taxi, phoiiu 07. If Remember! Remember! If Arranoementr. can be Wade to George Leek, Auctioneer. If Have Q. a. M. M. Vessels t. Tli.n n splendid iiinlrnuicnl ImiIIi Jrum Call at. Port. JJ. O. Undertakers. ihone 41. tf In tllll'll'Minl of T-'lie llrprndlirlion and intuit 1 11.'I'! 14 .oniii-nilili- i f r 1 1;i ii I Appearance, li 14 r.iili..-l willi a Launch "Oh Baby.1" Blue E48. ill I l prcm-nt till)- from Hie FEBY. 1 it m "i;ii lone unn Hint play nil makes "i f it f iiiarti-lfft Hayticrs, Undertakers, l'lione WEDNESDAY, r nls mill iiImi h Wooden I(Mil Im-iiiI.m), liiiniicr, ami il i int.. 351. tl in i . Ilclng a calilni'l iutriiindit, ii d"ll I HlMl I III' Prince liupert ha n placo roHieeplug the vt'in. I J Lumber i;i,., which own Ihe hist fur Victory Uond. Tims. IS modern mill al Heal Cove, i nut ui .11 moderate price. Wc have no McClyinoiiU tf taking tep in hiiiii. of IhJ. li -iiiiliini in nayintr il U the bef mod. miiin-. especially for hemlofK -TMtV ia1i3"prir"- on lrap.-ry. Canada's National i .it. u -n-ii-t plmuopropli nn I It market IiiiiiIht. .Tin. main difficulty lUufl, I.ltiOlfiiiii-. i-n ally unuatinl m I in for the money. eni in In- dial of Irnimporlaf 'v li.in .if llir' nroiliiH ami In rfii- Mr. T. Ilowaid arrii'd on tin- 'ily ilii Hu' c o-opcrnlioii of lln Only $110.00 "Sh Canadian iiii-tiiiiii'ii Merchant Inlt'l.Vi'iiliin- lat nuhl from Surf FISH DAY Mm in.' miiJ bi nblaincd. II If lielnv.il i lm I if it mill In- ar-fiinji-tl I.nl wffk if Sale Itnriiiit. In finve tin-.- C. ii. M. M. Iiiiffeli., rliairn and lablr al iiiuiiirirf call here fur lumber I'ili'V. l'ii (i k' . Hit' IokiiI mill would n. iji' ii ut once. The mailer i lit tiuy naiiui.' primt! ni.-i-r lak.-n hu al . an early nu-eimx lwf. SallsfaClion guaraiilrt-d' "t flu- ltari nf 'I'rsulf, it i unite: -l...iJ. t:iy '.Market. ; II VqovayOv 1 1 i'iU, iipriii?. iniiiiii-.. .lii-ci. iCovvvmuwvy i MINING COMPANY IS Manki-lis liMinrpr-ad. al l' .peri ial ial? jirir.-.-. 1, TAKING OVER FIDDLER CREEK GOLD MINES LTD. arrived W. II.In.I;iiiii-H,llic rily and from II. II.1'lii-lan Juno- V EAT on Saturday afd-i-noon. Boost The Industry FISH 'I'll'- Tn-dwii) Mine. Ltd.. wa "f mri.i n.i Hli-il hil week for the JIHJ- VAI.l.'KS I lii Ial wr.'k l.urp..M- of taking over Ihe prop-'rljr Till.' Sali' lri'.-i.ri. iiilnli.ti-r-'d jf, Ut'e. Fidler Dnvk Onld racy lialr and rocker. 20 on February 1, 1922, filial Mine, belter pnmerly..known tinier a the Ihe Loiii rc-rxHiitxnlioii lit'orvr MrAfci-. innn;u'i-r of tin by Eating More Fish il -xpeled tef- ilrori'town fawmill, readied I In Canada's National Fish Day lenivr work will be done mi llir rily on Saturday aflt'ruoon. property. "CANADA EXPECTS THAT . I'. Wlii'der, of tin- Soii'i EVERY MAN THIS DAY NOTICE. Srll li-nii-iit l!oiii., n-iitfln-il 111 WILL DO HIS DUTY" Anyone having ar count rily lal i--iilii from Tt-lkwa. Atlin Fisheries, Limited - Prince Rupert gainl the Traveller' Club I.hi., I'liili-d .ffrf alway i-.n-i. EafFish and Support Your Own Industry will kimlly pres.nl I hem ttiitrin.J. I too I for flll and liuv inorr of lately (n .lame N. Killn, Prince il. CANADA'S NATIONAL FISH liupert, II.C, DAY, IVbruary Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 2 t Dated, January JAMKS 23.X. 1922.KILI.AS? A. IS. llakrr. arrived la1 niulii MEMORIAL TO LATE SERVICE ARCHDEACON from I'rtnw liewrire nnd i re PRINCE RUPERT Peter Judge, found guilly il-r'd al llir Hotel I'rince llu- Lumber & Lath intoxication. vcs fined $50 perl. , Metlakatla Indians Take Part in tin' polii'f r.iiirl I 111 niorniii?. Solemn and Impressive Mr. and Mr. W. Clarke and Event. FULLER'S SPECIALS Mr. -J. I.itf1ili were arrival Shiplap-Boards and frmirJliini Lake on 1at iilsht' - On Sunday evening, a pe.-ial Irani. Memorial SerTr wa held, in Dimension Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. Fry'" Uai-iin, upwiut . 3740 l. Paul'. Clmn li. Mrllakalla. in I'arihr Milk, pnr ra' $5.50 J. S lllek. of Tliird liibin. memory of I In- lale Arrlidearon Thoroughly Air Dried and stored Under Coyer, Carnal Mill and SI. ('.Iiarl. Yukon Telejrraph Line, arrived iVdlUon. who was ordained and Until ihat time we will olTer Pt cr $7.25 from lite Injprior on lal iiiyhf erved (he flrf, three yrar of , Infill- S.mii. Iif ai 25c train. til minftryv in Metlakatla. The Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling, Siding Specials in Several Lines No. I AppliK. -piTial $2.85 Mellakalla Silver' Hand wa in l.aiinilry Slarrli. J pkx. 25c l'lione lllaek 'tin for1 frtv ilem illi-mlaiice and contributed an and Finish i:miiii' Mnriiiiiladi' 90c onslralion of Ide Ui-.-e Ytii-iium itieuiu? voluntary mid a very CHOCOLATES ttur llA.-l-ttfU- Ti-a. 2 lb for 95c Cleaner. Jjiier to ue lliau beautiful funeral march al the SPRUCE LATH French SM-rial llriniirry ItHlli-r 40c broom. (f Hoe of the .ervirc. The villai!.- llrookfiHd mid I'.. :. I 45c council wa al.o prevent, a 1111 1 Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices and Kr.-i.li tUtfttV II'". fr $1.00 Calk fib, buy fili, rook fi-li. fficiql binly. 'Short memorial ii-niii of ii-nl 25c ami eat flli on eiieilay. Kfb apprerialion of Ihe lale arch-1 Ivory STATIONERY :iirilie' Sda. Itai -.'- 65c rii.icy 11. CANADA'S NATIONAL lenroii were iven by Ihe llev. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Mai Making powder. - 95c FISH DAY. A. (iarlirk, Calerln! I'eier Hai uiei-ieaii r.off.- 55o tian'. Mallbew Auckland, Alln-ri Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 .-.l.lina llienkfa! 55c Alex Xoble. of lori Kinvion. l.eililou l.cn, Cliarlc Powell These will bo sold at cost to clear. ll.ii:.-l'Syill. 2' 25c ml Waller II I'lley, of llayporl mid I'eier Venn. The CI1ur. l1 i.orn. Ion lin. ;i for ooc Weii arrival in Hie rily on Ial-i wa lllteil, everyone 111 Hie u-lae Two in I lidili 12'ic IUkIiI" I rain. no'l preentMl by .ickiie. ORMES LIMITED Slii-.d IVaeli. per Un 25c bein pre.enl. Pun- Olixe Oil, tral $5.50 Ki-.li. Fi-li, Fih. I vi I more X.i. I Jan Hire. .1 lb, for 25c fili and boo i riic filiiu." in. BENEFIT DANCE. ThcPionecr DruggisU? The RcxallJStore inpre-. l!KHa, H lb 25c diilry. CANADA'S, NATIONAL II. I-.. fresh Vjtu 50c FISH DAY, February l.f, lH 'i. The Women's Auxiliary of ih GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY llul.iri.i i;io-i-i per lb 25c O. II. I . will fine a bi-ll llt tl.iiii 1 S. S, PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday for Ktuio-i-. lloffee, 55c The fire i.-i;irliMeii bu.l a eall in the .Mclnl re Hall on W'eiln.---! Anyox. Midnight Thursday Tor Swaiitfun Hay, Ocean Falls, f"f - lai nitMil af 7 o'clock In a day, IVbruary I. al U::(o p.m. Powell Itivcr, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Cakes Iced Order. ANNOUNCEMENTS rliiliiney fire at tin- Prince Itu-perl Ladie oOc, vciitlcini-n $1- S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all points on Northern ami to Hitlel. Then was no dam-aye. Southern ouci-n Cbarlolie Islands January 30, February 13 Klkx. Iloyal I'urpli-, ami In- 7ACKS THE THOROUGHBRED. and 27. For Stewart. February 2 and 16. Individual Mince Plea, Pumpkin Plea, Etc. iil iuel Itaiin- Tui-MJay Hie Train Service. tie! in (In- 1'Uli'. iSame for a belwecn Kaniouii ilc Valera . Cakes lUI in Klk ll-nii. ri-om V::in lo Vasseifer WbDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:15 Specialist In Birthday and Wedding MONDAY, tlay and lon tjit- Fi.'binjr In- ln-Mii(j I. and Mike Collm we're on u in. For Smitlters. prince Oeorge, Fdmonlon and '.Villi..-eg. OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED lulry on WViliui!ay' Fi-briiary! ill.' riliman. I .li-.lo Itladc. making direct connection for all points i Eastern UI. CANADA'S NATIONAL FISH Canada and United Stales. "The Home of Domestic Bread" Iton'l forget. OratlK'1 Social and Dance. IVbruary 2nd. DAY. ! Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. 1 THE LACASSE BAKERY City Ticket Office, 52C Third Avenue Phone 260 Adair liar Cliapier, I.O.I).K. t'be New ICiiylaml l'ib Cnu-i Over Twelve Phone 190 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 of am and Midwinter Carnival, February 3. pany iincr. Soiiib! lloon ia been reini-orporaledl Thousand Watches KiHuIiIn of Koliuiibii Annual a an extra-provincial si.nuo.oon Da ep our froifii lieirlng bait la conceded by finbrnnen Uaurei February 22. orporalioii. Repaired. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY j0 ,o (in; finest piocurabliat any 1'aciflo Ckjusl Un aceounl of ,liow ami ire B.C. Coast Services ''"l and il fa. "fishy." Price. 30 per Ion. troubles in I lie vicinity of Kwin- Our repair book shows that Ipp Tli beiil way of Insuring a good quality trip Is Ufa 1.11 ilium k iratii wa tte- we have had Ihat number of to have plenty of our hard froien ice I'rlce, Mayi'd and did noi. arrie until customers' watches in or Sailings from Prince Rupert per (on. , 2 oi-oe.k tlii uioriitiis-. ' repairs. Olltfifc 0,,p well-ninippfd fUne can nupply fishing gear, We make our chaw jusl For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway .UHllS fl,,er,,u-na clolliing. groceries and provisions Tin- new orKanunrfoii if pllol a low as we can. January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. Uld Jiurdwaio. lieaded by Capt. Itoberxon and We have facilities for iinder-' NEW wiiii ImIIU. Harney 011119.011 tnkiu? most any kind of a For Vancouver, Victoria and teattl ENGLAND FISH Company KiM-relary have iiinorporalfd a job, from living break in January 7, 21 February 4, 18. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch 'Yaneoiiver IMIols, I.Id." Th t'iup. eyc;lai.ei. yjicns. etc.. tf'new coiiipany i rapitalled al to the most delicate timepiece. Agency for all Steamship Lines. ' (t 1 0.000. Full information from We. can also manufacture DENTISTRY JJEAUTY of the SKirc I inter Hie aiipiie of lln I. () most any kind of iewcllecy I W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent l tli. Dilur.l ilnilr of nmry woman, II. 1.., Colonel t-ornter will sive you need in a hurry Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, . ud U niihUual.lv by ) u ol lr. CbaM'tOlaUornt. iniuplM.blaralir.da, an adilre in (lie Cliurcli of TRY US ''"il iicglfcl your leelli. Oim decayed or missing loot" Irrllil..n roiuliuMia an.l mlnna ol Ih. akin. ICtiiilaiid on Tin-Mhi)- ci'nin al ami mavuw diaa.ir. and lowers your itallly. Mi. akin la Mjuxi, auwolh and vrlvrtjr. 8 o'clock. All liicjiilicr lirued to John Bulger, All Uuillwl,ilmilara,Ton.olo.or KJmanoi,Hau.pl ItaWa Irm If Oo..jou attend. "Ailullii uuif Jlluli School UNION STEAMSHIP CO OF B.C., LIMITED. DR. BAYNE luenUou Uila ivr :KMidi-ni cordially . inviled, 25 The Jeweller SSILIN0S For Vancour, lallln at saiM,a Way o.iuii lull, 'ru-.l.iy, s pjii. 109 Far Port Simpaon, N.n llivn uvu ami Allcv Arm, fun.luv. Iiiiaiilvlil, "ooms phone 4, G, e, Helgerson'Blook . CANADA'S NATIONAL FISH THAT LAST 1 altuiar al n.i-aui. anil aj liaibur mi aaillni Jan. U. tb. If. ft. Manii tl. GIFTS til. callinir al Koiuvrvllle. kunmnt and Mill Hay Millinya Yt-U. , y, Mufcli 'Hlleo 1:30-5:30; DAY will Hours: AflVrmtnus. be roiiiijYefiiijraleir on MuniiiiKt. 1-1 2; j i. IV ami Ai'iH . KvenhiK. 7-0. ! Wcilnoilay, February lt. Iloost, S23 Saeond .nu JACK BARNIIIV, Aj.ni Prlnc. Rupart. B. O. mum jll'-.t. Jloost. 1 i "