TAXI QQ FEBRUARY 1. Phone &Jyl Order Your Supply of FRESH FISH NOW! Beit;Srlce and PRINCE RUPERT Phone 671 Best the City P.R.Fish Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Market vol XIII. NO. 21. PIIIXCE Itll'EltT, II. i, .yo.ND.W, JAXLAHY 30, 1022. s.i-m' oirt.i.tion mi. itrttl 4M. PRICK FIVE CEKTS Intrepid Explorer Dies on Ship Quest 108PEOPLE PERISH AS THEATRE IN WASHINGTON COLLAPASES EDITORIAL tNothins. but Good came of LATE SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON 1 Terrible Tragedy i taaeai araTaTaTaTBBTaTaTaTaTaaBai Disarmament Conference AID FOR DI8TRE88. Tlic new executive of tin F.Iks Says Lieui.Colonel Forster at Washington as u.-Jit ill this 'ily has limJ In its ntlfiil ion 1 fit fact c ighl The Vahington disarmament coufcreiiec did a n;al deal Theatre Collapses Uu there on: a number uf cases 1,1 destitution III the rily which of iylernational good, allliougli onie people might have expel led .dioiilu1 reerhc Immeiliiilc alien-' more lhaii win really aeeompIilied. ilcrlMird Lienlenum-tiolone! Sonic of the mm Jiuvc. I). Fooler, (, H.S.U., of london, Kngliifid, u meiiiher of (he WAKIIIXfSTOX. Jan. The dcalli. list numbers 107 from investigated already uml military M--lioii of the HrilWli delegation al the eoufercnee, who ihe collapse or the Knickerbocker Theatre here following the p-H miliary unl ha hern given, leaehed the city hy Ihe Venture lat evening. "At Ihe hegUmiriK worst fall or snow in twenty years. The roof of the great moving Mu re an- oilier nml doiild-i, without word tif picture palace collapsed a warning when several lookeil the fere exeri-meiit, many people njion run neei a dangerous will he found. Ii liiniT order to oarry out the work hut whale er danger there wa. has heen averted. .Such ( hundred people were watching a comedy lilnt. i if. iivclv il i" niHicJ hi '-,. iiietion as were hroughl up there are.nlwayfi of a dariKerons The balconies collapsed simultaneously aml'lhere was little i.i Hie whole community for mi I n re Iml, forlinmlely. imUiinir hance of escape Tor Ihe people inside the huiliting. yet about one j. Thoc readily accessible Iml o"d cmne as n re-mlt." Un. lo.-led thai at thai lime lie would Hundred gol away unhurt. Another hundred were slightly injured (' iilln) mi nml uked for Hit in an offleial eanarily. Oil. tell more f Hie proceed iii-r . und Ihirty-roiir were seriously hurl and are in the hospital. ir liiiitiin- and thoe tint mi IVirsler was tuiw illloic lo discuss whfeh IihiV place at the coofer-ene.. I The police and boy nrmii are continuing the work or rescue and j bed ore ukcd lo do their li t any parlieiilnr (Ue,.ll'in on he. I i is hoped that many will yet be found alive in the wreckage. ending in contributions for IliK inlelviewrj) bul loniorrow lie Cd. Firtei l u iiiemher of . li' 'J he theatre cost a million dollars. It was built in 1116 and was is H.Mrrm lli Canadian Cfnli the milllary oieralions branch 'ie lo Hie secretary of lo i'tirMie a modern structure. There is no explanation for the collapse except and tin- liiiprnal Order liausli-lers of the llrilMh War Office, and h Flk in thi city, j rum the weight of snow on the roof.. It stands iu the fashionable ..f Ihe Kmpir.- "Tlie itlMlde.l Ihe conference undc VVIini the Ciirislinns Hirer, on Mplomalic section of the city. Many olliciaU of the foreign undertaken World Snustion ' and he inli- Lord tlaHir who is to he.elih'f ,f k was being .-mbasics were among the victims. the Imperial Oeneral ilaff in jim'lniig like Iwo thousand WASIIIMSTOX. Jan. 30. i.Noon The dealh list in the.. Uu ir worth of good were soceeosimi lo Field Marehnl Kir Knickerbocker Theatre disaster, caused the-heavy ORE BODY AT Henry Wil-"ll, lie will "he here by snowstorm of ' ilitilril, yet only one family be- I Saturday, this morning hud it-ached 108 and the injured 132. i until Wrdued.iy morning Vlieo id ig In lite F.Iks nnler re-d he will fast lo llnlifav viu go (: Ui in At present it me jr. ina en mule all the inTtrc Jm- 14- INDIANS RIOT i: ' among Hie Klk Unit Hie port no I. military bcudtjuarier.s MONUMENT MADE ii !! is fouiitl, mi the cxccil-Xi' juibbr feel rue justified uul. tn going,.t to., jhe VERY LARGE. such IVirLXrllnirw.Minifre'al.gofiwi.tHnliUi as,JUoni'uh,-Wlnnijr,loiiM 1! -' MEMORY' WHO FELL-IN OF THOSE WAR - AT-JUTE MILL The people v ho art- fn ili Ills missiioi is in lenro- au lie 1 I'AllIS, Jan. 30. l'aris ihi those not tm 'why As Result of New Strike euii a If tut (anadiaii oiilitary uf Demand Release of Men ncwspairs jmblish a re- Who I" their MilTrring. ifsnally fair, slid he will later 'reirt t tsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH J 1 ' Bald to e tSO.000.000 oriHiuclioii of Uie monu- Assaulted Manager Police linn is lurk of cniploj mciiL i tic War Office on what he ha ti T In UghL mcul the Canadian Gov- llml lhrmelvr in adverse seen. Quell Disturbance. meiil is creel ins iu mem- jif-liiin through no finill Aareeably Surprised. Fiiioou explorer wlio dieo aboard the little hfp Uuesl when on flier Jan. 30. According on- of Canadians who fell r own. Al oeli a time VICTORIA, way lo the Antarctic Ocean. The body Is being sent to Filmland CALCUTTA, Jan. 30. Four This i lid. F"isler's first vii.-il tn word received the French to war. T'M' thousand workers Iu the Standard ;!e should he ready lo help for burial. here from Stewart the famous lo the Amcripau cioitiiient and opinion is general that c feel (tun everyone will. Jute Mills al Tilteghur engaged in Premier Mine now has he said (hat he! Is trj"3mprrcil Vimv is Hie" most proper -which l riot Ihe - tiol lei it lie tni4 thai a was quelled by $80,000,000 worth of ore Irf" with Hip iMissibtlill'eH Ijf Hie fo-lore or all the sites MiKgcslcd Hie norlh police, but only alter nuinerous w arr on-X Ernest Shackleton Sir to sb.irr Willi llio-r who sight as the result of striking of the llrilish Odumia Tor the monument, which casualties had bcpn inflicted. The 1 Ur?e ore body In the I'rfiasl. He hail come lo Prince is commended Tor its trouble, arose when ihe workers tunnel. The mine officials tloperi after hain l"eo lll Died on Board Quest on fcevcrc .simplicity or design. demanded release or two com. at the department here are Dial II was jifwiiy. rainy and . raJes who had been arrcsled on a surprised at the new estimate foSK.v liere and lie was agreeably ' LUMBER EXPORT as this Is double the siirprisil to find nch fine Way to Antarctic Region charge which was of assaulting refused. the manager, previous valuation. tvealher as there really win, Oil. Fonder, alllionsli by to. SWITCHMEN JOIN THE IS ON INCREASE FISH ARRIVALS meiins an old man in years, has MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. Jan. 30- Sir Ernest Shackleton AMERICAN UNION AND EVACUATION had long experience in military died aboard the Quest on January 5 off Che South George Islands affairs. As a t-ltiff officer of Ho-Itoyat en route the Antarctic seas on an exploration expedition. A sudden LEAVE BROTHERHOOD ToUl Walerborne Shipment for doe liiKJilre.l and 11 1 lee u llioil- I.n2lnecrs he has been in rearlicd seizure of angina pectoris (heart trouble) ended.his life. OF IRELAND halibut Sutli ATrico, of x.iii.l pouiMls ire Fiiplaud, Last Year In Excess of cr in LONDON. Out.. Jan. 30. Tho Previous Year. pint oxer Mm week.end and all liuiln and lhn-mah Tor twenty-five Sub-commander Frank will assume direction of the expedition, .switchmen of Hie I.omlou division but U0(Hi pound or it was koiu ai years and also took part in with Professor Gruvel in the scientific department. f Hie Canadian National and Leavlnq With Great VII TOlllA, Jan. -Out. of a Hie Tih Kxehaiize Hits moriiiuK Ihe Ureal War. In lllt Hri-uade. he. Captain Hussey of the Quest Intercepted a tramp steamer, Canadian Pacini: lines voted to Military 8peed From All Ports of - air ( qii wm.mI mill luin- lo Ihe local bidder. servi'd with the liarliwiil which is returning here with Shackleton's body en route to secede rrom the brolJicrhood t Country, The arrivals and ale wen as an unit, as Staff rail mail affiliate trainmen ilni-i h of (lie mill of llril- Captain and in t V 1 5 wen! lo Ihe England. Military honors will be paid the body on its arrival by and follows; with the swilchuicu of America. ' iirulim Imit amount-I. DUDLIN. Jan. 30. The withdrawal yi'til- In until the body (iladstone, S5.00O. iiuiimU, old new Twenly-firsl division in the government and the government charge I. t. Murray or Vancouver, Can Jim. ()(io feet, there of the military from Ire-laud ii(ii). to (he Canadian I'isli and Cold lime ror Ihe Haltle or l.oos Is shipped to England, probably on February 11 on the steamer adian representative to the inifli'il III foreign CoUO- is proceeding more speedily Cilortiye Co. at Cv and IC. where Hie llrilisli forces had Andes. Sir Ernest was 48 year's of age. 1 1 rand Lodge addressed the meel- than giving wnirrliiirne shipment Ilttiel, 7000 pounds, and Ade. surh a bad lime. Then ho weni MONTREAL, Jan. 30. Great surprise was expressed here at the-Hng ycslcMay explaining mat was anticipated, feet. of the adherence of lo tHHjaa.'-'vy plain proof 'in,' sold lo Hie to' the FifHp1' liviiou as chief receipt of the new of the death of Sir Ernest Shackleton.. There being made to pounds, campaign 11 T l. Palliill't. minuter. of line. 75"0 a was the Dritish (iov eminent to tho iiimoimre1 on Saturday Canadian Fish and Cold Slorasc staff officer, .rtcr nye wounded oays in wore general expressions of sorrow. The newspapers give great irel the switchmen lined Up with terms of the Anglo-Irish treaty and le. this capacity he was prominence to his career. Hie t'nited States lodge. 7c - I'leveii eenl of the Cm. at selling up an Irish Free State. 4 si-nln. In per m.'ii llin water Sherman, I&.000 Mjuiid. and and fpent lliree nioulhs in went A year ago Shackleton was In Canada for the purpose of asking Most or the local- men have Each day sees a large batch of duiilm-iiU amounted lo Alice II., miOO pounds, sold lo the Following this he the Canadian Government to finance an expedition Into the last jgued, it is said. troops depart from all ports. 1 t nun reel. Paeinc FMicrica al 7.c and e. with the Thirty-lhirU Hivlston unexplored tract of the sea, namely Beaufort Sea to the extreme The departure of the Dublin Mildred No. 2 10.000 pound, In a similar capacity and oerveij north of Canada. The goverr.mnt told him If he could finance half garrison Is duo to begin this and Imperial, lO.tmo pounds, sold al the battle of Ihe Somme and the cost privately the government would do the rest, but the money BIG RECEPTION week. COLDEST WEATHER lo the Jloyal FUh Co. at 7.8e Arias and on the Hclgian roast. was not forthcoming and he was compelled to give up the Idea fin In September, I1M7, he was YET THIS SEASON and Kvolullon,te. UU00 pounds; Vet-fjoid. ally battle"knocked of pres out"ami al speni tho niej VICTORIA POLICEMAN PLANING MILL IS FOR MINISTER TO CHOOSE POPE - HOOd pounds, and Cape I'm in-eni'iil nap i I lie eotJ-'f Spencer. 0000 pounds, sold to the rest of and the Ivuglund.war ill hospital Since the fnj DROPS DEAD ON STREET DESTROYED BY FIRE Preparations Being Made for France Citizens Out to Greet Hon. A. M. Sacred Conclave of Cardinals. 1 1 Fisheries til 7.Ko and te. i !li" winter. Hie llierniiiii: -r A 1 1 Armistice he ha own attached Manson, Who Returned This ailing IliU moruins al Woodrow. with 0000 pitunds. lo Ihe Klaff or Hie War .tlfflcc. VICTOItlA, Jan. :u). Kx-de-puly NCW WICSTMIXS l l'.ll, Jan. 30. Afternoon. IIOMK, Jan. 30.- Final preparations a.m. liuvintr heen 17 dettreeit ileared for Seattle. During the war lie was promoted Chief of I'oiicti Thomas Palmer Fire destroyed the saw mill weru begun today for Ihe iIidv The roll weallwr i rrom Hie rank or major and is dropped dead On Saturday and planing mill of the Hruhetto BAND IN ATTENDANCE. convening on Thursday of Hie I'1 niirlt) al iiii'iiiiuiiinii I lie ami 8 GERMANY MAKES now officially brevet lieutenant afternoon while alighting from a Saw Mills Co.. the ilaiua?c being conclave uf cardinals of the Ho. 1 alonjf ln cial. Al colonel with Ihe army allhoilKh sliccl car. He wm Oh years of estimated at close to $500,000. Just as this paper is going lo man Catholic Church which will l';'"-k' Hint iiinrnlny Hie leud rclainlnif the old rank of major age and had served with the local As a result L'OO men are thrown press the. C.P.Il, -steamer is ar-flvhg ohoosu the successor to the lata t'oint reailinsr wan IB.ubove. ANOTHER OFFER on (he Mtaff. force for -'0 years. out of work. with Hon. A el. Manson Pope lieuedict. Wrote Military Book. ; , aboard and there is a big crowd GOES TO REFORMATORY. In hospital fa 11HH he, lo. of cilUcus lo meel him, beaded Reparations tfclher wilh Col. Franklin, C.H. by the, Mayor and tiouric.ll.. The "IIKIIIHlOOKi:,Huiil. Jan. :i0. Jos-''h Latest Proposal Sent Regarding on to Allied '. D.S.O., of Newfoundland, pro CANADIAN CLUB LUNCHEON O.W.V.A. bind is iu allendaucn NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS cloven years of awe. duecd a book of lactical exercises and the new minister will be lm beea MenU'iiued to four year Powers. known as "Mind and TUESDAY. JANUARY 31. 1922 made to understand the honor All to its dog licences a in (lie reformatory on tho evl-J,,,,'' Alllfd Method in Modern Minor Tactics," At 1 O'clock. Prince Rupert Hotel the city has received iu his selection due mid payable at the Hiowintr llial tin- hoy re-fiiei l'AIIIS. Jan. :i0.--The Police Station. Dogs decided This work has had a con-sldcrablo for Ihe important position. City ti, Kll j Bcimoi, n would lleparations Commission circulation, 2000 copies Guest of Honor: without licences jitter February n,"l""I listen i-oiuahied to Ills molluM'N advice lo Iransnilt proposal neniiaii,a t" tole.t th allied re-parnllons having been iMied lo military Lieut-Colonel D. Forster, It Is understood that u ban-iiii'I 28th, 1VS2, will bo out lalo at nllfht. units In Canada. will he aiveo some time Impounded.. uovernmrtils and await their will decision Col. Forutur, In the course of Delegate to the Washington Conference during the week in honor of Mr. W. II, VICKF.ItS, they E'kS. Roval Purnla and In. as lo Nvhetlu'r Subjecti ''World Politics in General1' to Chief of Police. Manson and 1 red lld with (leriiiony his lour through this country-is Stork, prior Quests Dance, Tuosday the Heal the question buck to Ihu Klvlng addresses lo the Can-atiuu Tickets 1, on sale ut Hotel und.Pane's Drugstore. their leaving to take up their 20 ''t Ih ri'fi'- II Elks' themselves or Homo from 8:30 to new work, 1 ''ondh'. llii in tho various cities. 25 romnilSHioi'