Vo Pad tt Rte % 4 2 : : Saturday, November 12 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS geo ts Cr 12, 9p2 —=ea yo - ow —- ~ —— oh = aoa Ss ee. Unvarying Quality—Always SALADA TEA “Fresh from the Gardens” Fifteen Little Girls Will Get Beautiful Christmas Presents in Ormes Drug Store Doll Contest Little girls are already looking longingly into the win- dow of Ormes Drug Store where 15 beautiful dolls, one doll’s trunk and three doll carriages are on display. The dolis, the trunk and carriages are the prizes to be given away in connection with a contest commencing next week- end and earrying on until Christmas Eve. The awards will be made Christmas morning at 10 o'clock. time of sale of the goods. Any bal- A SATURDAY SERMON Ail Alone | ipt. Ruby Steele, Salvation Army) rodden the winepress alone.” There aré persons who can achieve great victories when | they have plenty of helpers on their side-but such persons! are seldom known to go into darkhéss oF on to the battle- field or fate creat difficilties single-handed and alone. They prefer being with and in the crowd. In'Isaiah 63. we rR tate > .O4 fF Isaiah 63:3: “I have ‘SHOOTING | SUPPLIES All Dominion Ammunition has Soper. Clean Noen-Corrosive Priming — For Sale By — THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD, tack hed citens Ges e Insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”—The Original with dyea garments traveling in : z | A & For Sale at Vendors or direet from **Mail Order the “grez tness of His strength” and, Armistice Day $OLD EVE YWHERE Dept.’ Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C. being “mighty to save.” We see at . : 10.0 : a ba : - nna Alnew _ * ye he mae) PA 4 ah and HOF) Dance Held By . commy wit! all speed from heaven ee nilisbrance Day. ‘fiué-@ea Cadets ove vo ear, pence to sek at) Natal ReSeFVE hove tne paris tic" erenine I Lave trodde the winepre Sei ee pom otal Will Dé I ind we see from Revelatior An .eniovabk dance was given — ee . winep! he “W i Roya! Canadian Na- Tl i train, due from the f God.” We remempcr now, in all y Reserve headquarters by the east n reported tl f he Datties ior our redemption our R.C.N.V.R. ratings to celebrate Re- ternoon to be on time orious Redeemer was alone. It e wilderness with the enemy h alone. In the garden H efi tle farther alone. Before Pilate’s ba And on the Cros Disciples and went “a lit so as to be He stood alone CHURCH NOTICES The dolls are most attractive and lots showing any trace of change i : , : : ; ; ; : : Ait nough between two thieve > was the carriages just the kind that the number of votes marked will be ‘ us ae : a ; 7 S athens little girls like. They are’ valued at destroyed and cannot be counted “% -H a: Ses, Soe ee from $1.25 up to $16.50 each and In the event of a r any prize ee ore ; RICHEST 106 PIER J a i t hic lone ess was are to be given away. For each cent offered, a prize identical with that ,“" at one point nis foneln we FIRST UNITED CHURCH HIGHLAND MALT spent at the store between Novem- tied for will be awarded to each ty- © nd > He cried ou My Rev. C. D. Clarke, Pastor Mx » , t thon for- ber 19 and the evening of December ing contestant re aoe. E ; ae one . 7 : a ‘ and ; 4 : n me 3 ever for « mo- i. - 24 each customer gets one vote. One The great thine about this con- a , af 7:30 P.M.. A Service of Remembrance Bottled and guaranteed by William 1dred tes for a dollar Ridiee eds tte hak g \ v little oir) Ment aia n ‘ ) > con un ‘ Grant & Sons Limited Glenfiddich and hundred votes for lar. These test is to start early. Any little girl snes’ selene: te sae "4 Anthem, “O Dayspring Balvenie-Glenlivet Distilleries, Dufi votes can be giver any little girl in the city has a chance to win. The ; ae ‘ - oe ae i ae ares see’ Tea fia ; cee “now to every no evervél Solo, “There is no Death,” Dr. R. G. Large inder 12 ye ge and the girls thing. for hex io is to interest getting most votes wil friends in the contest and get the e authorize say: “Behold the Address, “THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER SPEAKS prizes, one for The to write her name he bal i nb of God which taketh away th Welcome to All I thhished or displayed of the goods writ pers when they buy anything in of ti ld" for He and He Conti r the Government of British ( the name of the gir! he store. One dollar spent in the store one x 1e wh mign m , “ - — -—— -——— - — to vote for entitles the purchaser to one hun- “#Y® ST. ANDREW S CATHEDRAL m ; onill 7 (Charch of Englanc Nominations commence Monday red votes. Ret : { In Christ in The I i > oe morning, November 14. and each Starts next Saturday and continue found, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean girl nominat 100 votes with until 10 o'clock Christmas Eve And fou in Thee al ° 9 2 onin Katie atte th +h ‘ the , oucht so lone _ at 10mir Any gir] in the * I he joy, I ) lon 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon city un s of age may be Advertise in the Dailv N T now knowr pA ' ee ; js Sut t, “THE RIVERS OF DAMASCUS ea sila re ‘ ; 12:30. Sunday School . . irse eve itt rl ir e . oi " . 7:30 P.M., Evening Pr and Sermon E t § al city wl carriage. Pains Around Her Heart | a Pa prea reager:s xtra opeci She ha ng one of ° . subject TRE MOS 2OPULAR SIN IN THE WORLD ; s oO i Sul Cor ting OL toree pieces aha te + shad Tired Out After Doing Rousework ; 7 haohair, reversible dpetilori age and if she ¢an induce noug! Mrs Henry Ranch Mariel Lake, Alta, I . re S160 0 people to vote f her. She : " writes :—*‘ Last fall 1 had bad pains around my F; RST) PRESBYT ERI AN CHURCH . ie F ine price . 9 74) canvas for vote e store but beart, and each morning, after doing a little Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. , vary archment shade, reguar pri $ 12.5 . f iz i ! housework, I seemed to get dizzy and feel all ; : Or Vo Ena Table—Regular price S$ 2350 may ao so anywhere Bal tired out. Organist, John E. Davey me Wail Ena Tabie—t ‘ar pri > ode blanks must not be taken from the Seeing that Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills be pare Retr q = - | store and b ist be were good for these troubles I sent for a box, 11 A.M., Sermon Subjet. “WHAT’S THE GOOD OF RELIGION? oACra s pecia tamped by the proprietor or one of and after taking the Pills for a few days J é , . ‘ Sosit ’ his assistants Wo hallot felt a whole lot better. Since then I have had 12:15. Sunday School Tt a eae is Rete, Lane. 135 00 iS assistan NO Dallot may be no return of the dizzy spells and pains around ap S i : ] y SEE OUR WINDOW . F placed in the box before November the heart.’ p DS Rumeay Deno fa, Weatelow: Gcume : ‘ . : . a 7: . Sor ns >t IPC rr . +o "7 ; . » 775 19 or after 10 o'clock Christmas Fve For sale at al! drug and genera! stores: put ap only by The T Milburn Co., Lad. 7:30 P.M, Sermon, Subjec . "A FIRST LESSON IN FIRST AID | 327 Third Avenue I hone a Ballots will ishe Oo ; ived Vv the qunor \ t or he Gove n ‘ Veitis Colur hia Fstabilshed 1849 LAMB’S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS “Lamb’s Fine Old Navy” PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! ' Ask the British Navy! Complete with On sale’at Liquor Vendors or New Type G-E Radiotrons direct from Government Li- | quor Control Mail Order, De- partment, Victoria, BC. | This advertiseqent is aot pub- lished or displayea by the Liquor Contro] Board or by Government of British British Columbia the > -A--N A err improvements in General Electric Radios inclade G-E Radiotrons of an entirely new design. The result is greater fidelity of greater efficiency— quieter operation and reduced power consumption. tone Ten of these new tubes combine with other G-E engineering advances to make Model J-107 outstanding. New “Twin-Push” Amplification gives a remarkable inerease in elimi- nating the “blurring” so common when exclamations or musical crescendos are received. New G-E Tone Equalizer and Acoustic Orifices eliminate cabinet “boom.” New Improved Automatic Volume Control, Tone Control, Noise Suppressor and other up-to-the-minute features all contribute to exceptional tone and performance. Time and again General Electric Radios have been victorious when pitted against other popular makes in tone tests. So we urge you to go to the nearest General Electric Radio dealer and “believe your own ears.” : GENERAL @ ELECTRIC FULL-RANGE RADIO For Sale by Northern British C SOnew rree ruses: give purer lone qualily MADE IN CANADA =e in ae fi A p y} GE Console Model J-107 $149 Complete wuh 0 New Type C-E Radiotrons dlumbia Power Comipatiy Limited fas = =), ecaieall <3 ii = ir DA DN GENERAL ELECT RIO C°o'pimerred