I pAoRprvit BOUND FOR BASE NORMA TALMADGE CONFIDENCE - 0 &lllillMlllllllllllllllllllllllI!S "THE PASSION FLOWER" V&W MOUNT M'KIEEY IN PREMIER Famous Actress to Be Seen Here Tonlcht In Spanish Role. MACDONALD'S Frank Rogers, Pioneer Prospector Oliver Only Man to Lead the oti Alaska and Klondyke, ."rnia Irilnindjre, wlirt hnn Liberal Party In Province Again Turns Northward. h'en cnlleil Hie ,e dreeil ael-rein Says Caucus Chairman. on Mie rreen. will lie .een WAS UNIVERSITY MAN. hi miuu- noiel nrnl rhartiiinir FORGET PARTY POLITICS Cut Brier Wiaiii)i roWimm, .r lajot I'm So Tired I'milk linger, one of Ihrt )! Arielai(., irHt .Vtoiu, ttlr- knwn rollowinjr Ihe I.iheral cnien, prospector nrnl nilhtn pilipie 11 the rul( of poitont i hi the nnrlhlnud, lino vUlte ntlg tehiele. -Mie Paon' l low-er," at Victoria Ihe chairman, Hr. K. MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY , ibe UooJ. So when the kiJ-ry very mining camp 'of nolo whieh i, V,hnitie 0. Mclionnld, i-ucil a Inlemenl fail to e blood rme Iheaire Innfahl. lo Ihe pre hh foex: purity Alaska a n I Mir Momtyke and Und 15 f Ji ft t indicalioni ii unututl ''ii in l he north fur ? year Ml Tftlniai1e who for I he nnt "Tlilw eonfereiiee ha Im-cii of Packages .nA nrmrtrnl tired" frronr and without llavlnfc ever been sou Hi year lm ,eon the fn-lilmi editor the yronte( henefil 1.. Hie l.ih. I JilbTins 85 ,,iini in lf back. 'if Prince lluperl hiil In- in lurri if IMi'ilojil.-iy Magazine, mn jtit eral parly, and, I think II will ine(i unoilier yearn coiilrael prove lo mean a Kreat deal lo Nrgletled liJnry trouble lead iiik northward again. This nf- I" eonliniie Sli HrilMi Columbia " dial canai-ify. The ai u whole. li-nii.nn he sailed on the Prlii i airiimisre .icr lime alo ifrn-eda ald Dr. Marlionald, chairnian develop into ucli fatal ''' Mary rnrtiiifp In Mic Kulith ,j,m or ronlriiel with l.ucein Kelmitr. of Hie ranru, in ihe ulafernenl i Bright, diteate. mi gold field, itf Central Alaska 0 ulmtnU In ramniM I'arm roiiiurier. under lie i.ui"i nil. Hie work of Hie m Join Ills partner AVilh whom Tln tidnry' action h promptly he Will PI wuirit l.elona UftrrrnUi furiiinh eaiicii an. II rame In an end. the, SUIUIIIIT lfl. corrected by. tie of Df. Chase itiern with twelve, nindeu n year. "The enlire .olitic.il niruallnn Kdwy-Utr Pills be.l peellux n'l I'miMiib: over linlil 'IliPdP if'wri will he lhi i.iii ha heen diiauei inclndiiiK, I fi. ftim ssii aMwtjLtt inown regulator of kidncyi, liver IIIX nine WHICH IllPy Xlllkl'll some word in ullm chie advance ulyle. i li ink, .everylhimr of treneral 1m-tiorlanre year ago when lal I in J Uweli. Ihry and will he introdiieed ,, Amer. iv Ihe Prmince. , wri in Mini rrniiili' n-ln. Mr, lea eteliiiively hy llie Tal- "It ha. heen rTAcided lo hold Mrt Jdin Ireland, R.R. No. ItiiyiTp. lliat vftUt. I In- com. I niaileH. a Jrenernl convention of llie J.lh-eral Out., write!: plHioii nr lln IVntmil , King, Aliuka It make me eprpair hatuiy parly wllhiii Iwo or Ihive 1 m trftl tufeitr I tan rrt ll.'iilwnv tin nxi Mg ;rili rtixh U lo hate hecn ahle ii ,eriiri" The iiionlh, at a ..place yel lo lie tlxu I lord tritiiiK in Im into hi, (itonlry ntul l'aiim I choeii. The date and ttoVhrt lower," hvaue I have place will el teilir wilkcul oUtiainc lie haV iM'rt iiiliiinir aiillmrfly nlway wauled lo jilay a SpanMi he grilled hy Ihe Provincial ex. liKll Mid 1 Wit Sttd to KM l hank liU -I,iIi-iiiciiI. up tries lhal their flaK are hein Ci' Kir-LivT Pill. TJ nde, and Ihix i the firnl uu exciillve. I, ftKVfd IM ami ! M Mr. Il..?nc. rnl cftni)- in (he porlnnlly,- my SU Talmadye. "The caucliK ha tinre.prvrdly Used to pndecl stlMlSJ(Ie's.' Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 mirlli riitinlry in IH'.iil, then lie declared enforcement would a rm. I u fj n Irhate had lo throw mef inln reaffirmed it ?ood opinion of IWI la Dr. CAt iriiiliti (or Street! Kraililiilc nf Ihc I II tvTjt' the primitive emotion, or llie Premier Oliver and ferl lhal he lipiiceforlh he a much easier un-derlnkins: JAMES HUNTER if ! iIom for J von r Cliflli-nliaill. llliul.'lii'l. Dm for various m. t. reason, llie IV Latin rare. In my entire iiirlure one man lo head Ihe I.idem w Mr Itttrr far iit bra.It of lowii (if IiIm liblh; iiiiin- including' Ihe thai altitude of I lie eaieer, I have never jml ni)eir 1 Ooveriimenl In l!rilili (Ui. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND CAR BCDY Mm linir lie lm hnd nil the it nil.I w1iole.iearlldl Iiiinhfa. puhlir, rurlailiiis or source or into any pari Dr, Giate'i KiJney-Ljver il'iwno nf liicor norllicrn supply, rlosiv cfHiiieralimi of all BUILDER cvrry iik I have Into I) mind and soiil "There had heen report lhal one piir dote, 25c a bo. iniiiitiu iiiiki anil iimny ur- lt- of 'Ararla,' and I do hope the an effort was heins inade hy enforcement aerencic and 'Hie j Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggtes Trucks IPJli, or FUlmantnn, llatei & intcriMii itijf niiirlc iluil h rjin puhlir wilJ. like MiU nory n rertiiin ruction lo oiml Ihe Premier fioiniiiiou,'"tleatli dealin? char. Terms can b? arranged for purcliasrrs. Ltd., Torofilo. jli'll nf IIK i-vM-ry mluiliK field much a I, ni)clf, do. To koiiio from leader. hip, hut there arler of virtually all illicit Ii-j 'hi I he I'nr '.rrlh. Ilin Hrl now Ihfomarkel." First Avenue and Cow Bay quor extent hi Will he a rotumc really ha nol hern any urh oj Until l.i Hie knlisliii:iyi.. riclil moveinenl. Arre.l for drunkenness. m de-' , Prince Rupert, B. C. s play, and I have heeu freijui'iilly B in UH3 iM-fiire I lie Alii.kn lold hy exliihllorft thai llie puh. "We reel that lic parly will he clareit. Have ieereasI oil per ,lnlml Mnihvav w.ih imiiii ami llie (l'H- no waul uiliiine pliiy. Mronjier Ihatl ever a the reilll cp.'!f. liquor withdrawal.. . , have.. i i f i ; a !i n niii' hail In iniMli fun iiiileK However, I I It Ink the pediiluin ii or Ihl rinferenee and Hie ap IW-.-U ri-.iiii-.-u .to inr w in. miuh- . pTTP nf 1 ri VIX P Ttrrt U Dr.8t boll Foot Cotctot I i i'mi-Ii !ln" bilM ..f MimiiiI Mr. (wiiiKlnsr, and I he puhlie iloew poitilmenl of Hun, lir. Kinir lo lal year's imiorialioii of li-11 Nllfc dLALN WULt AffJUnto Ktdy far ry K i nl.-v where he i-MiW olllB. Ihe Federal of Puhlie quor was oue-lialf or one per want rout ii me piny that i p-irtfnlin WAS TAKEN AT NAMU rrairie I of (In- total of Travel by Doi Team. ecu consumption Work. pi n4 tffonlr dvk 'ii'if I he rhief reaont for the . btf txourbt toot com Ill Mil, lrii. Mr. HrigtTH will i.iere!i of. l'ittliti.' Anyway. "Silifly Ihl J a lime tvtien liquor in America llie year !- SOLD AT OCEAN FALLS ill I Ian to BillUon of poopU. a-i itii llie PrlitrriM Mary to I rjin'l help feeling a llenavenle 1.arly politic iniuhl well lie- for. fore prohihilion. p0j ke Wbtn Bitd by oar Ki'ii'hikiin. from l here mkinz an diM when.' tie ay, "I do not t.'oteii, if Iho hel jnlere! or Swear Oft" Army Grows. rtlwl rrt.lkty and ft wUlcorTMltb lmnv(lli Viliniril I.I lie rlo.lliier Id jSewnnl make my pluyit tur Hie pnlilir, I llrilih Oilnmhia and Weern Mr. Iluyne eslimaleil lhal 1.- Was Taken at Namu Sold a1 cauM f your t&Ocrmf. lh- Wililer ir nf llie) Alil'hdf. make Hie pnlilin for my play.' Canada are to lie j.eved, with Ooo.fimi drinkers have quit liquor. Ocean Falls. Pacific Brine yool loot trotiblM nire.KulrhaltkK Hallway, Kriun I'hat In the -way I feel iilmiit 'The a friendly Jnyprameiif -at Ottawa ? V IMS,xr.Moric.No cttf for Scwanl lie will travel un llii Paiim riower.- I 'made it he. and a minlMer nf Puhlie Work "rrtun various sources it is OOIUN K.M.IJ. II. C. Jan. 30.' ""I never have any desire Jo go1 I 'riillrninl it ililuni'e of tin mileit i-aiie I loved ii, and I feel llieri who lift' . maile urh a i(iPliilit eslimaled," he siiiil, "there wen On miiis a round of liis traps. hack to fresh milk for cooking-I Neiiana a:iin in fnnu there will he a puhlir that will like' repuluiion here and who may'-he 20,niMj,ooil drinkers in Hie lloi-leil Thorief llur.m, Namu, II. C, find Pacific Milk g-ves so much Spfecial liw ilnit e;i n illolaiiee if JL' i he i-fwlume drama." experteil lu do hi (ilrnii for Stales herore Hie country found lie hail sectiml a very fine heller result, lake. are finer mile or on III the uolil fleliU. liriti"h IVittimhia, Wf should ran went dryi Of this nuinher there specimen of n black wolf inea.-urin- and puddings hove a nicer, Demonstration lie eprl 111 le Ml the trail much heer 11010. are l,ioo,non who drink occasionally appnixtmalely seven feet flawir.'" 'Ilii is pari f a.lcllcr iherc hy Mnrcli I aihl will re-liirn FINED FIFTY DOLLARS now, and another 1,000,-Ooo from lip lo lip. TJii is a very Mrs. K. W. Pyde sends us from. oulh In llie fall. of old drinkers who imbilH' uncommon occurrence in these lir Srholl'i rxfMTt wilJ fk hrld DRUNK AND " - Ihe prairies. in I lit. xlorn on Mr. limner h heen in I he DISORDERLYjpjQfj(gJJJQ wlierieter Jhev ran. :jte. iL If H. Thi- makes the firth timber Pari fir Jlilk- is Jlne, fresh, FEIRUARY 13, 14 AND 15 rilj fur a fortnlphl halllK route Iherere 2,roii,ni(i drinker now wolf brought in this month milk -from llie fnmoiis dairy1, tnini Allro Arm ik:i:a. j-ai.i.s. II. C... Jan. SO. more douhlfiil then I"'i(mi,-OilO which I tifu npiini'ltinily. No hen llii Mine on bounty j. being- applied herds of Ihe lraer Valley. where- he (penl evernl month! t'p liefore Ma;ilrale Tyson, IS SUCCESS rormer drinkprs have quit--n for. Ur Almll Jm plnri wilh W. T. Miii Hie liwal roii-Irnelor Clia-lMifly wa fimil fifly dollar!' wonderful",mviAl. : Pacific Milk Co. -trfl ynii. nil the' roiiklrorlion nf and cmIh on Ihe raart'e nf "Only 15 per cent or runner I Maks a Note of These Dates PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Limited llie iii'W lloiiiiniun ioveriinient Ifing driimr and di-onlerly. So Says United States Prohlbi drinker are drinking now and ' PIILY SHOE STORE (lurk there. Wlielher. "lifHilli'K" or 'ona Hon Commissioner Hayes IUpsp sre or liquor foniiprly coii-stiined. Abbouront FtcUrlt at croj 32 DRAKE STRICT fide.' ChuHie HioiIhIiI ii wa ex. After Two Years Dry. While Hie entire drink Monday, January 30. LlmlUd VANCOUVER Third..A venue AdvrrliM? in the Daily .New. pen.hr. hill of the nation has decreased High i;37 a.m., 19.8 feel. WASHINGTON. Jan. 3D. Karl 2.nnn,ouo,iioo a year." 1 1:1(1 p.m., 20.2 feet. , Low 8:52 a.m., 7.t feel. and flaure. lojjettier ;willi an A POINTED QUESTION. 21:13 p.rn, tJ feel. dozen iiniueiinuahle even point ill proof that Ihe eighteenth Tuesday. January 31. Il nl college dance. The "S EDSON COAL anieudmeiil i lieiny enforced was a High' 3:J7 a.m, 19.8 feel. FISH FISH FISH FISH were made puhlie hy Prohibition young man had jul Ixnu iniro-ihiciMl 15:19 p.m 19.4 feel. lo hpr, and after a brief Low 9:20 a.m., 7.2 feel. ('iimniiion(r llayne in a hlale COMPANY andawkward silence he ventured ' 21 :2 p.m., 5.U feel. nieul on Ihe ..econil .anniverary Corner, 2nd Ave. and 7th St. "You are from thVr Wesl, i un-derslamU" Wednesday. Kehruary 1. nf the nnlion.il prohiMlion acl High 3:6u 1 9.5 fei'l. - a.m.. J'he 12 point cilftd a "o "Ye, from Indiana," she re 15:55 p.ni, IH.fi feet, iiiilrlandin? that no allernpl can plied, "iloosier jrirl." I.ow-rJ0:03 a.m.. 7.3 feel, Best Coal iif niado in denial." follow' lie slarteil and iflushed deeply. p.m. 5,8 feel. Twelve Points of Proof. AVhy-er-really," jie stammered. Thursday, Kehruary 2. TALK Disappearance of llie open I I 4hut's know that is. haven't- High' i:35 a.m., 19.2 feel, sale. I at quite dectdeil yH." H5:37 p.m., 17.G feel, Atialenienl of Ihe open drlnp- l,owlii:ti a.m., 7..feet. i is k in puldic diniuir lount; - Subscribe for the Dally Xcw. 22:18 p.m., (!. . feet. Lowest Prfces Pa.iinc of Ihe tn-atiii? evil wSiirti wan ' reio-nied a tlm (irealrsl rnntrihuting- aseneyof Order Now! Phone 58 Ihe of development n liipior np- pet ile. ('.IohIhk of whisky cure and The foundation of Canada's Eighth Kimilar lnliluliois. Night Phona J. 0! Steen. 371 Increased saviiiK aecounlsi W. Lonfwllt, Blue 270 ItPrord.hi'eakliis :i:iirllin'a!' Day Phona S Annual National liu.tllie.. , Prince ( Ruperts licereiised ilrunkpniip.4. STEENSLONGWItL Proliihitlve price otyfh''onded"i 3hc5t Works Metal PROSPERITY FISH DAY, liquor for liBVf-'iin.jt-f liisei. ' Daic'cmux IdiaradPpVif illicil Aeent for Mcvary Kurncaee is built upon the Wednesday, the whisky.KlIlTeplillousne drilikili?. of present wmw mm. Sanitary Heating and Engineer day , 6tb Street and Krar Street Wall nf howlius niinorily who Prince Rupert - U. C. Fishing Industry 1st of February vould mlniiiir jfit the to nonstilulloii Ihe length nf to under.nulll. fy mi amendnienl whlrli lheir nn- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS N8 liou deuioii sifntei i in aciuai AUOITORS i-rfrt-l.ChniiRed attilude.i of foriner RORIE & SMALL hostile stntpsuinn, political leader. Rctltfint eartner and llie pre. flEOROE RORIE, CM. i Predictions Lose Out. Otjr Anitltar riir rrlnrt Rupert '..V k V Mi', llaynes declared -flint the AntrM)riH Trutlee la Binlrnptcf pfohllillion amendment was 1h-f Auaitlet PiPtnerthls account FISH iik enforced lo ati even creator laalltatlM klqyl4atlna extent than had heen anticipated rinncUI WiporK, tic AulfamtiiU and predict Ions of opponents had rrl Bulltflnf, rrlaca Hurt Phon SS? In saa not heen homo mil hy ncluulillo. TJin chief fausH nf noneii- fofceiiienl," lio said, ;"wai Urn appointment or wet otiiriai ami IIS CATARRH i u 'hit U h'ehij; HiuuKtillnK. cor-reeled BLADDER The Royal Fisl Company, Prince Rupert hy Iho appolnlment .nf lrE? nlflclaU Who ue in Hyiiijialliy rVJK.'illBlBeV Cacb CaiuU tvllh tint law ami .by 'serving f lioe on our mdshborlng coun HtarriDo toblghl at the Vestbolm Theatre,