PAfTE TWO " ' 1 111' "'' TTTr! T1ATUT ITTrVTS M ... i r. i .. f The Daily News DEBATE ON BEER then lil nt ent frne on aavt-M'.take eteeptfctni He PHINC.K nUPEIlT - BRITISH COLUMBIA to rutin if ihe ehwtr nnd al I Piiblthed Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince IN LEGISLATURE S Liberal wa nraMnlialmn.11 niter control I I Rupert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. Mr. .Inrlpnt) ifwMRileil witli. Steve Here ihey II. P. PULLF.N. Managing Kdltor. Hou. Tat,., on Aspect of Beer 'T"? King's go CartJ.n With Dl.ocd.H, ,?, 1 w "r!?4. T at 25 to 50 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'Hiiminr rr.xrnnK'nl memhr. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month f 1,0c VM'ToRlA. lwv M. Wnr niven nmee tniitnsle liaa cent. mall to a)) of the Ilritish and the United Stale per By part Unpira im4 wnnt tmr hM ari Mie lllcprrVf. Me. I ih In advance, per year Sfl.OO want it nr nadtv iiiHinc , ,1hrrw n' .uiHfird hi wiiii- REMOVAL SALE Discount To ail other countries in advance per year. . . $7.50 iv iti'iMiltv 1 f 'he ihali k) drwwwl n.t tM-a.ra ibc incalenl inV Lvilafnr' wli.n in tMitil tetoed the .IciMity peHer Via! TELEPHONE 88 raw uiiiioe d-uiii. rrr m threatened .-all the enrenH -at 4oH tirno the HiMie iAohmI -arms and the sneaker had WORK SHIRTS and TROUSERS, All advertiing honld he in The Dally News OlTlee on 'lay pre i "Ct canted, a minAW nf inj ealtod an decide the big stock ceding publication. All ndvertiinjr received subject to a pp royal. t(W fi1t! Mt ncv nant ftatt. must be reduced. Odd Blue pants, splendid Local Reader, per inerthn S.V per line fHH lefit f?hrman M. II. Trust the People t2laified Adertiing. er tnertion ?e per Tford JackHtjnet'wi for Che lhnrt. Hn. Williaeii ba col omnia, quality Legal Notice, each insertion 1 fie per agate line wast, a .temrt apeaker. pre The deNale nn1 that he Ui.nighl fjontrarl Bale on Application. inv nrer 110 rnfmnitiee of the fraan Itie bevnn4na there ba4.l SUITS in Tweeds and Worsteds, all in reliable transient Display Advertising per Inch per insertion P" Hte have beaa liberal regnHi-ton Transient Advertising on Front Page 2.8Q per inch! '""" tmUnx Hwr had been In resrard ( the 4 . f makes Member of Audit Hnreno nf nirnlln liijuwti mn e a re-nnn inn ler. Tlte .oeeenl net a " iiore roe nnue im nm-tirwi hwi in Hie Inlerct of tew temt"-anre. UNDERWEAR and SOCKS in well known he tremler had fmmied them Me tM-lieed in trwttwr DAILY-RDITION tTt- Monday. Ikt-. i, fj. an nfarramr to 'tivM It. In Ihe oeofde. makes at really cut prices r lMer t" itom M Use matter Fred nlern. meiAter f-.r Four Candidates and altow the tnetife the op KanshetH, aat oH fdace For Mayoralty. jaMartasMijr aki. M vr armniml wet iHer4mmalel agaasHt. MaH Here is a golden opportunity to get real bargains in worth il J. It. OseartHoe. member trie lrtm wstre md m lite aa while Christmas Gifts The pat week ha eei a splurge of activity in Um municipal .L.. . .... 1. ""roil ela a Mfiritoiai Hiitete. The "m "'M penicniartf as far (he mayoralty i ctMceraed Ha derlarinw the lime mopr re.ijaOnsi ra not vH eon4-1 rrmr ctuzen have ignified their intention of offering for Use ! tn cefere sahsm mt Ifie reL II w moved snr pera I chief nvagiWracy and there 1 reaan to believe IImI i0jer hit now. Ife urs-ed kaal wlwt'haal md a very v4de ei-penn. A few Suggestions for Xmas fiiihfenler. Allluu.ffli r ikn .1 i . . eighteen month iiiJi,"-, , : .7' ""' " referendum had been token a, Imm MeKenHe drew attenst.av r. nniminn, in prt-ll' air III 1 n 1 uirrr win of ai ieai mat Ik whmI totmm made at the linte of imir eatanJelr-. The 'Ir. Uc will havr 4ent to i-rxwe from. " b"f" r'n a (air 4 rial H Use aSeeiton chat if She prevent Neckwear, Mufflers in silk and wool, real Irish Linen fitch it i, ami with iu-n an army in the fieW it will be a dif- !elnne4 tnnt Mm. MiHnftled c-t law wa nm a nwrmr ' il wtuld Initialed Handkerchiefs, Dress Shirts and Sets Socks, ficHlt mailer U fie. ,.t wlo i gomg U. emerge froi (be "f " "fr'v"n M ehaged. veMttt he wa T" lhr" " Mn ia favnr -a Vie rerewnluni: Kittle of balhW. of Arm Bands, Garters, etc. !nprrment in In prtninee 1., nf itoseraaaeai but , .Mayor llitehenler. afler two year, f what i genemll) am iin nmmr in 4has way wtH.M NeasivM fche sctrfv n aoer' reiu 10 nave been giHid -en ice in (he nwyur". chair, aniioiiiH-r- ,""' NsM hrtsat .tow the bill a uiai ne w-ni mil .ee re-ele. (nHi. AltL Dybnavii. whs ha. served 1 Mr IMrrfiiic rrmhMVit the ttoveaninent meaaure. Watch Windows for Daily Snaps You cannot afford to miss th em fl Ihe eity OMinril for many yenr the !( two a rhairttMui ,f new I hat I hi- cr iriirp Ihr Qulhrts Sat Down ine nuance comniitlep and wh i known to have been cbe! ie ! iai w to !am Osnhrte Haamed thai in Jhc rHiHcl r .Mayur ltacheler ilurtug hi mor-lHi. i f- 'H "r TUm, w labr favoced a referewhMW tit fering roHhngenl on Ihe imminaUort nf MiilaMe rMinril ui-ivi M, oe'f'l" in vnn hr Hie her le f tbe lime ,M STEVE KING MEN'S FURNISHim In metier of municipal pxprnenre. Ahl. Dvlhav-n U a well aiiali. !ln f""""' "sen-unr. Ihirhvr I ttejr were amnd by the - - - - Third 'lrhltrHM flic at A d. Ave. rrnmmir mum uw mat reaeon lie Will iIimiMIm. riu u r.l bar "crtcd wsaneiM eery fifant. meaMire of wipfioH if he finally allows hi name lo mt lie for ik : tule then aroe oatng ! ihe elertor. FHi of the other three eatnlMnfe hare alM. had mor "m"v ,,n'nr Tb pce-eaHy menner . a.hMs t i-ak n ur ! experience in (be council. II will be up Ui the rlrH.-. tul"" IT' h " ' arestou rvdias of tbe peaker ifeile if (heir work of the pt h ,WI of nffirient vl,ie to T '"' r""rn rf bar pajraHttag nrvlar. He wa ririe.1 h' of ateiter and hema ier-fl-mm my tiwi.- .. i ; their a Wrejit Mng ebvfaMl lo ptbit the HTfair- of Mm eiu for Ihe Je,r.I0. It i. u important matter ami IImI .hl.uld he!fc,,M" "tT ftrewaiad fnan iewk- hobl "ii i. 'i. - " jwtged imtronHv. 1 1 Not Buyers mg fuetiter lit ...ii ' a- ' i FURS FOR CHRISTMAS I IMf member for Virtitriii Ml The HiHi hawei tttat aH reMml i h- -u nir-' ' AT 30' LOWER THAN EASTERN PRICES. Re-esUblithment Mutt :Kn toy ihe Mter he be nsMrlaera sneweber voted for e Had rereUed. she deosand for Ihe a br eeVeeatM. a N a I HK 111' 1nltf lll.ll .-ll l-re ther g. vcry fur o tnir M-ie -the Accompany Ie-c.tiihmciil Reparations. iiaht to HI beer 'eam from three bvtMtr member, twa tn-1 mi anywhere e. lrHii I. ino.i beaiitit il sete. lion m Ihe iinrdi a-This nint come before repAmttna jtm tlie (. wtoi wihed lo e4i and not 4 mm - . la I i. , ii. IbmI I. I a airiure wilb a mrt.-h. price i S0i lower than ratem jtrirr-daacfipisnsi mOioii who niiffcred Ihe Ira-t in Ibc (lret War mut rosne U from enw-MmeriK. Ilie l.iaor aal ibe re-t OberttK laah I're- of fur is included in this b a the tcrnrorr ailancr of lhoc that were rrfpl") if wlrmM fnlml Art w Nfncuh to en-lrre ndee filiter an llwn. V. J. W HV.S S na"h ha bwi hi. am-tMStoa ami make your choice Thi offer holds g-- v ecnonik- coikIiImhi are to be mlhnil fn b w4rbl im general Hil wnatd a snore dim. lwer vnle unrairv! and e' M Sme for hhn Kv only. and Knrof in riinil.r. Thai Is w1y Unilcl .sU4e loday t curt if ntaewM Mere 4aened. fin rex neb she wm-M' tsase dock W. G0LDBL00M looked to for a rcltral d.Hlnr--anl-rel otulitw rf (lie rMtra-lion l ac kttor he fani received wrr facthe taSat Uoe. difficulty in Rurofe. "fura of Quality." United SUtc suffered Hie leant of ad Ihe AWe in (he vieny none mar from frsvm bate eooMHiter.keefr. hot Ten Years Ago WOLF AND KID and, allhoHgh towartJ Ihe eml of the slntggfe .lie participated IV ammwewi w. oajen ad-aneed 0 in Pt'no Ruptrt any evlrnonlinai exendilure. tlwt (he war might hate rot bi that the an of eer in I i(Ur: tor Upon a Itme tbeee UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. iwaaie of b itamer. were far more IImh balanced off by Ihe grel pHifil UmC Iter in-diilries malbr itiianriM miuM leen December 18, 1912 acre a St'.r fre rii- Kor-r made before he enleml a bo did mdhing bol llf w. Ce Vuiwie, Vkurla. rtiumg ...' ai ami afler. rhe annaiM of eftirM eHiiHtHl. Thiana Ihmu t l.-atimi Ihe i'i ami elka riqi' I- itm rr rr Imm. a Due, tv s m. -Cailtaf Two ciuitlrie- thai were reHy aripJcil by the He dk l Owm nut nfkr M m Mt. - i war with were ip airree that, lie ity li..nly witb hi fanidy FaMc.. France and Oeraiaiiy. tine w victor an.1 Ihe other w Ut. aid la4tUr had -huwn ran-Olivet an lliego where h- wdt siuke CUI . Swivtlll, B , m4 tr.n Bf oa MM The ocr owe Ihe VM-lur rcratHiii nnd t himMc to My. The rhM where She -ale of hi li.toi.- Mr. I ton n i uu- of Rubscriha f.r ihe tiiil N'ewtf. S2S liml 1 Staaii.J I, III. ica aaaasLir, . victor, on account of Mlernal oiiHlition ami her own nbligation beer wi tarae, la ae of she nhleat resilient of rhi dty mut have that money ami, failing it delivery, threaten unto' 1iril wa nfNKWMiNHy birse and iw il snniiSh from itn en. ward action that may result in war again. leer drinker nimreally h1 irineer rtwfi. It i apparent nwwvthat future eveit in reiralioii negitUa-tb.ii drank uantHie of n-tt. will depend much tn the ltiiP, .stale. If l.e make e It. J. Ilunle. ittemlr tor l-berni. The nr of the e(ttr hU Io loan io nermany mat will enable that country lo mct France', onnke w-Mb mueh eHhai he ueed h Hie (Uina.lian Frh A demand, the treent crii may be ovrtkleil. "if he doe noL the Utoclaalna Itsat Mte treeiil act Odd f)..mue l. re.vche.1 IUr itnalion will become more ilangerou and myy have .erkni force,I a man 4n mtr a quaatMy hnrlMtr H.lay from .enttte. The That XMAS Gift reHlt. of Steer if be wtinied any. II boat I Mft feet batg ami will .-n " !real Britain aniiiMin.c her innlhtfity (o salify Prance in furred a man Wt tte a bm. In,gel aatre in herrioz fi-liUnr. the mailer of extending war credit. The United Stale 1. undoubtedly hi f.air feel into Mte .w-ill Mi. in a pmitkin to do o. Tim a o1uIkmi k the ju-e.nt lie Ktke ,.f the inlh ..f lire 'Itie rrly fMtacH lai mailt problem may readily le Item phi about by the United Stale. beer Mejr vd ijs Franee. xi were .4d that a geanl ib-a of You want to select for your friend can be chosen to your a snii ibmmeefid drink. II.-rnaVI power wa ulill available for 'i-here entire satisfaction here United SUtes Must tuit Ml it in ftarliametWary anl was akcvl to vde S7O0 Come To Rescue. laMnovMis:e what il toled like. (or 4nve.igalton. The mailer II i grnlifjing (0 note dial Toiled Slate i at ieat taking vm no wvtnder toe ode there referred to the finance i-.nn- SILVER PLATE. preliminary -lei t biug about the much .Icircl Htlution tf drank wiitkey. He datae,t there msttee. huropeau rriratiou 4thttanltis. She i. called upon to fcjnk a wa more drunkeme in Kn-hiimI That wears almot a Ion; as total dvci , great de .( money in relief to Germany and it in but proper durtoc the wvir.wlwn beer Ilo- iiraa.1 Tnak facSfb- we keep. that tiermany' condition houbl be investigated before she doe wa caree. Xo one ever beard baviiiu a lestHtomry rif toi on! She 1 ju.liried in injuring her advance. There i little to f a bear drinker iiinHluMr tbe I'rtsa-e Ituftert Ian fomeAinc OUR ASSORTMENT i very eompUlc ami im be gained b) I'alted Slata in iich n iuvetmenl oul.fde of th.. murder. 1 1 w Hie man who lite fire eral .Uiyv. the latest patterns in Tea Hervices. t:j-" service to (lie witrid in wlakey k. rttuMiuMieil general. AtthrfMune time, the L", Uiiiled Plate.. Hull Tra. Handwirh Plate. r'l.-i rder. lie SlateiS b n crtnin mural JJirui;... I.. 11... ..n in: . I'lannnl there were J. Wbrielww llei.1. I'mled : ,, " if"""" tnr "inrr mile aim uiai H.. tHnlignnt vrobmMinni.i in rtato antliaaiKir io linmbm. and I'latware of all kind. ,.,.i. mn ur inrt Huvanciiig iiiiui to Mcrmaiiy enabling her lo fli.- Liberal eaiteu. lie.I in ijigtand ywerdiiy. pay retaralioii. tiermany will. dojihle, be unable to Chatlsnoss pay until he i rehabilitated. Prance Clsarihos need (lernvmy' pay in I'li'Mlia I'ptirN. inemtier for LADIES' WRIST WATCHES. her own rehabilitation which include the meeting of war de-ld IVini, cbmHentriil ih- latiineat 10 liifferrni Htvle to choose fnim nod every one gnaraMlcesL nation(o Britain.Heud It all on revolve a circle, and the well being of one J of Mr. .'.lenrilxi.-. Hie li.W.Y.A. The Man in the Moon LEATHER BAGS ARE NEVER OUT OF SEA80N. ' Pmpcrily in one Kiimpeaii nation ;(.! yNM. ,i trd in NiMtc of SAYSt- We hiive h very fine line of Swnrirer IIurs lleauty f!ae and HHcle liferent .run. .i,,M-rii. io iiriouirr iiuu i nueu .ifiie cannot remain l-.-r. Mr. 5leur4lHie "Itiey ouUide looking oji if he i to live up to Uioe principle that iic-tuated waul b HI il." -haive. and leather. bcr in entering Ilic war in Ihe firi pline. Mr. t liliill i-liiirin-d lall.lic II lllr MIOW COIll I 111).-. We'd CUT GLASS. mmiii have to nut Ihe fowls on NVc can show on a wonderful select! m seleellon of Oil fllafi, IV' nw idHM-S. rmbrelltt. Hterliiiff Silver, .Manicure Hts, IXgarclle p9H r-SANTA raoasi auast TIIIXi: ara Ibe a. .lay. Hmde CLAUS when he eac our wonderful lo k of Holiday 01f IhM nwle pe-'i'l' 3xit Hupetrt 'Hie MWiiy ilay, OUR JEWELLERY Wlteti vhe are on the billil-tner. Seem., to ,me caught lh very esencr of the Xmas spirit JMijI the whole like one iig lovinir run filled lo the br in and oier flowinir with rtreculs Hi i T)oe are dhe day, -aaiST-Oi aaaav k 'llbe fnwly day convey your love and thoiiKhlfulness to your friend. lien nIM i(.r. 1 Hie ftlimdier. Thar ara no Lower Prices than ours consderlng the Quality. - - - - BEN. F. SELF, mor IT aouJ tie, a wl idea to $50.00 IN GOLD 8-i e Mane kliioker a taeke of HOME OF GENUINE MEERSCHAUM ANn AMHFR JoiaMie f, Xtna, There i u. To be In the swim we ara staging a Grand Drawing- Every customer gets a chance OHlb ne Infernal inuu-li Imr- Don't Foraget Your Ticket. Drawing will take place December 30. SMOKERS' SUPPLIES i r.a-ei iii mery home or oiik-e. I W K liew af a man who made PRTNPP niTPPRT n r AGENTS N, &. S. ENGINES AND SUPPLIES .-...... a b.l or HMHicy JhH. lie iiutd it. rr. LAlYlLKUJi ueb alnnn oh of it that be ts It's not the name that makes the store but the store that makes the name working for the KveriMiienl yet. The Jeweller Third Avenue . WE CASH CHEQUES imlmmm I iienileinan to li"Ui t.oy ain. i,i. bis mother Well