WHEN YOU;WANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA in a hurry 99 CAFE HOME BAKERY Phone The Beat of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our service ALL NEW CARS Phone Black BO Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIII. NO. II (5. I'MNUR IIIPF.HT, It. i'.., TIILHSDAY, MAY 18, l2: YMttrday't Circulation 1611 PRICE FIVE CENTS -"aiw. Daily Trains to Operate Permanently FARMERS WANT NATIONALLY OWNED RAILWAYS REORGANIZED Leader of Progressives PRINCERUPERT B.C. BONOS TO BE ? MANY MASONS General Manager Warren Says AND KETCHIKAN; SOLD IN NEW YORK COMING HERE Intention is to Make Daily Outlines Railway Policy NFW YOltK, May 18. .Notice has been given that Train Service Here Permanent Delegate Sutherland Tells Business I he province of IJrilish Fully 300 Will Arrive on Prin Wen Fishermen Will Columbia will bids cess Charlotte In June for OTTAWA, May IS. Discussion on the railway estimates oien oil That the daily train service to Prince Ituperl by the Canadian; last night brought furlli lion, T. A. Crcrnr's stali'incul tliul llic Have to Bo Satisfied. May S3 for a two million Grand Lodge Convocation. Nulional Itailways had heen put on for llic benefit of the people ruilwuy policy of the Progressives advocated the closing up of FACILITIES dollar bond Issue with interest and there was no idea of taking il off after having once started OF that part of llic Transcontinental lines in llic wilderness along the PORTS TWO at five per cent. from I'ully .'100 Masonic delegates il was the statement made this morning to the Daily News by A. ARE (hi- south will COMPARED arrive in Ihe norlli shore of Lake Superior anil the unification of all nationally K. Wurrcn, general manager of C. X. H. western lines, before cily June on Monday morning, owned lines wilh a re-valuation of the- entire system on u- re-placeinent lie left for the Kasl lo innliniie his inspection of llic road. Mr. KF.TCIIIKAN. May 18. Musi- 'ti, lo attend Ihe annual convo basis. . said far he knew (here for the Warren thai as us was no reason t liens men of Ketchikan week cation of the (irand Lodge of as Mr, Orerar urged the setlleinenl of newcomers along the conferred wilh Delegate Dan HARDING STILL HOPES British Columbia which meets daily I ruin .service not being continued all through the winter National lines and the adoption of such policy of preference in and the around. i : sulhcrlaiiil it ml In; secretary of here on June al, Si' am S3. year TO I regard In fa rni i ntr and mining as PAY ALASKA VISIT The policy of the Canadian (lhe Deep Sea Fishermen' union While here (he delegates will live A MCflM lould throw traffic lo the Nation- National Itailway was lo boysl mM !wild a view o securing the co on board the steamer. operation of both in gelling WASI(l.(iTo., May 18. The (irand Chapter Itoyal this northern route for 'tourist , .uuiiii,ii...1....1 railway were I i. .lurncu over through congress legislation President Harding told a dele-wallon Arch Masons, of which l. II. traffic, Mr. Warren said. Us SEALS TO U.S. ON ORIENTALS iu iri niuc uwncisiiip ai any price, which will bring he fresh fish from Portland, Oregon Morrisi-n of Ibis cily is Orand . scenic beauty was fast gaining Canada would lose the notentiul Ihal he slill favor in the of the trav Industry from Prince lluprrt to hoped to visit III" will no-jl al 10 a.m. on Ho- liisl opinion Millie of (he roads without escaping Alaskan purls. Tin- business Oregon, city ne. (Ins summer al Iday, Wednesday, in Ho- Masonic elling public, and he looked for FISHING BOATS Actions of Japs Warrant the liabilities involved. men gave (he delegate the follow. the same lime be able lo carry i Hall. I'he (irand Chapter of a good season in tourist travel Says Drastic National Hon. Walter iMilehcll, Liberal iny wrillen guarantee: out his plan lo make the I rip i II. (.. will meet a to. a.m. on over the route during Hie suiu- Action. meiiilii'i' for Montreal, opposed "We are informed Hull your lo Alaska. Thursday morning and continue mer. the. American Customs Officials Advise principle, of public, ownership until enlerlain-ineut, Satisfied With Fish objection lo tin- legislation now Friday. Special YICTOHIA .May 18. Hon. A. under which he said the public Hsliing Canadian Authorities induslrv, (be pending before congress, relative prduels including a bauituel and The general manager expressed ji, .vniiisun, uiioiiiey-genenii, to This Effect. llelufl paid more. lo the Alaska fresh fish business of which are consumed in' Hi;? ball in the Auditorium, is being real satisfaction wilh Hie Ihe Merchants' told association Hon. Ail luir Meighcn said (hat is due lo the lack of facilities, I niled Slates. The eupaci!h" of planned for Ihe convention Avhicb amount of fish which had been yeslerday Jlial (he Oi'ii-n. Mr. Milehell had no rase for such ice.making and cold stoi-air-j VICTOI11A, May I8 United and last held here in 19i:i. transportation between was Alas, hipped during Ihe and stat lul iui-liiiu was one for all year Slates Customs officials have- an argument. The National lines ka and Hie rail terminal al plants are estimated by the compressor W. S. Terry, of Victoria, is ed Dial last inoillll UU caiioaUS Ol Canada lo solve rallier than for warned (he I'.amulhm unllwiriliiw had not hern eouxliiirled as commercial I'rinee Ituperl, It. C. capacity inshilled; an I (Irand Ma'sler of Ho- Lodge of II. handled rish from llrillsh Columbia only. He hoped were Prince,al (u. ndjulls are .selling their propositions and no private Facilities the meusurcmenls of thai of !ne C. Among oilier prominent citi. ' Ihal I lit' visit of the Federal Compared. kiiiii't't. Mr. V;ii'ifii ciinLfiil. . i ....i,.t. i.. t : rz.t.t could make Ihem Canadian I'isli and Cold " ai u it it;ii iu ui(-i luaij nonius company "la Storage zeus of Hie south who order, therefore. I hat this Cabinet minislers lo I lie pm. is "ayj plalcd ihat ut the present rate uf j V(hsWv vhi:h curry tiin iicUs.iu pay. ohjeelioil ! and company 15(1 lons.i tier day. signified I Itch Intention of at may overcome iiicirast1 in .fish sliipmetiU this vltive I lis -summer would ruin. The Aiiicrilan imrtsi and filiu- irf Alaska receive ils full Canadian govi-riiinenl. bus lending Ihe, meeting, pcre arc share.of quantity would be,doubled U'u(ive wJ ish Hie opportunity of roiivinr- higifelprif T.be, Indians are 1 - j 1 r - l-.Jh ...... I:it'. . . IIiul- beuiilRiwVraiiiafriMiiiyUy Atlorneyt!'iuii-al.'A;itM'M,'iiis"tt4 - In jnjf lnTif tji winoi;oioiiiioiin ,xor( IN- shetfs in which fisli ;miv b' years;- .iiA-&Mn0rtis'hfcLUi; -'ROBBERIES fi.shiiries operations along I hi' Major (w K Tisdall. of ancou llic fishing ground in Mi packed in ice for imniejit-'i' ship, II. ondilious generally flieaid that scas iTijile? the Pelagic' sealing North Pacific, coast and to eon. vcr, lion. Or. W. Sutherland, Sleena where unluralixalion menl. the ice being- supplied by provincial miuisler of public things were picking up very treaty. serve this industry to Ihe Amer. ccrlificalrs are filed away hi LONDON CITY the above cold storage p!an'. well inded and he was optimistic lean instead Canadian works, Hon. J. 0. McL'-an, min ' safes, afler 1 Ik; fishing season Is peo. fur the future. ' "The above are Ho- entire fa lei- of education and provincial over, for the use of other Japanese pie, we, the llinlersigned, whom cilities now in existence at . He said Ihal il was Hie present GENOA PACT you know lo be financially re secretary and many .others, I he next year. This practice, Valuablo Sliver Tray Found on Prince Ituperl. through which The Princess Charlolle will iuleulion to go ahead with the (o sponsible, provide,, he warranls drnsllc agree upon Usual maintenance work on I lie said, Detective's Doorstep. Hie of tin; suggested they handled during the past year leave here on her return lo Van. iialional action again! I In- Japanese. legislation,passage satisfactory trans, L'5.(ion,DUO pounds of balbut. coiiver at midnight on Friday Hue and thai a programme is al IS ADOPTED t.ONIHJN, May l. The most porlalioti facilities for all shipments nearly all of which were caught nighl, June S.'l. ready drawn up for bridge and aioa.ing series or robberies thai oT fresh and fro.en fish off Hie shore of Alaska, and cm. track repairs to be immediately LIMITS WAREHOUSES London 'ever knew culminated bclweeu Ketchikan, 1 Alaska, ami sumed in Hie Culled Slates; bul. undertaken. Nations Pledge to Observe Eight last nighl in tin discovery' of the western terminal of Ihe Ihe Canadian port has reaped llic BAD FLOOD In speaking of the future wel month's Non-aggression. FOR BONDED LIQUOR loot oil the iloorrlep of a de-leclive (iraiitl Trunk Pacific railroad, al benefits of the Industry, while fare of the Canadian National inspector 'from Scotland 'stagnation has ruled in Alaska. Itailway, as affecting northern (iK.N'OA, May 18. The eight rale which shall not exceed Hie IN THIS PROVINCE Yard. It was found lo bo tr a present Mist of delivery, and we Al Ketchikan two substantial AT NICOLA Ilrilisli Columbia, Mr. Warren inonlh non-aggfessjon pact was valuable silver Irjiy draped in a offer for cousideralion the cold storage and fish packing said what was needed was lo gel unanimously adopted ul Hits your VANCOIVLII. May IH. No big I nion .lack. herein allaeheil .statement of the plants have been constructed more people in (ho northern plenary meeting Of Ihe political wilh American capital-- one of VANCOUVER, May 18. ouiilry. Thi settlement of all sub-commission of the (ieuoa iiiiiic periuils Tor llu- csjahlish-uie raeililies now available al Ketchikan u L of bunded liquor ware, FORESTRY SURVEY for he economical and expeditious litem built cnlirrly by Kalchikau A wall of water many feet places tributary lo Prince Ituperl conference today. The pact is houses in llrilish Columbia will handling oT (be product cilieus, wilh no government aid. high swept through the little was imperative lo the rulure not signed but has been adopted lie graiilcd by Hie lion. A. M. PARTY ARRIVES ON of these fisheries as compared as nonpareil Willi subsidies town of Nicola this morning. prosperity of the city. In other in the form of a resolution by Miiiis.oii. Kiiiphnlic aunouiicc- wilh those at Prince 11m-l.crl, amounling to .:iOU,ooo. which It Is not known yet If words it was most important lo each slate pledging itself to respect niriii in mis, I'licei was maoe jiy WAY TO NAAS RIVER II. C." have been given by llir Canadian any lives were lost In the increase Ihe backing of the coiu- il. 'lie Alliiruey-Ocneral while in Statement of Facilities. Lgoverumenl to foster this in town or further up the vat-ley. muiiily with a greater number of Yaneouver last week. Work Started Last Year to Be In addition lo Ihe foreuoiug dustry at Prince Ituperl.- All government roads settlers. TWO GOLF STARS There are already loo many Vliaratilee, Ihe commerciid club Ketchikan Facilities. .and bridges In the vlolnlty Finishing Ocean Dock Com-pletlon Carried oT Ihesi- establishments in the Through to prrsenlcil the ilelegale with Ihe The compressor capacily of were swept out in the first Mr. Warren staled thai- the TO MEET AGAIN province he said, and I hope we This Season. following slaleiiienl of fact relatively the New Knglaud I'isli Company mad rush of water and at barrel conveyors fir Ihe new salmon shall soon be clear of llietii. lo Ihe raeililies ' at the at Kelchikan has been increased least three houses were dock were on order, and Miss Joyce Wethered and Miss C. H .Oiehard, of Hie roviu-eial this lo Ions, and that swept way. It Is estimated Ketchikan year Canadian port and al would be installed as ,soou us Cecil Leltch Enter Sandwich nniTiun piininiiciv forestry departmeul, wilh an for Ihe handling of Ihe fish: of the' Kelchikan Cold Storage that the water In the Nicola possible, thus completing the Finals Today nunumj rumuuoLi advance guard of his survey "I'm- the-purpose of giving you Company lo I7u tons, making a River rose thirty feet In dock, II would be operated us parly, arrived In Ihe j-ity on the Hint there is total 'vompressor capacity al less than 20 minutes. The IN BELFAST, IRELAND positive assurance soon as sufficient 'business was SANDWICH, May 18. Miss Ce Prince eorge yesterday enroule now at Ketchikan, Alaska, ade-iuate Kelchikan of 110 Ion-,, us com. flood came when a dam forthcoming. In speaking of the cil Leitch, champion, and Mis,i lo the Nans lliver volley where facilities for icing, freezing pared with 1 50 tons at Prince broke. It Is feared many salmon dock anil the dry dock, Joyce Wethered, Fuglish eliallcn'-. Five Seln Fein Gunmen Said to limber surveys, which were i - In Ketchikan will be damaged. and packing for shipment Ituperl. addition, at crops Mr. Warren said thai the Canadian ger, will compete for t(ie Dritish-women's Have Been Killed Yesterday. iiienced lasl year, are lo be carried the entire amount of halibut, we have in existence 1,-00 National Itailways were open golf championship!? through lo completion this salmon and sjible fish that is feel of wharf frontage set aside METLAKATLA MAN right after business for both und botli having won their seini-finala 1IF.LI AST. May J 8. Furious summer. .Most of the work this now being handled at both i the exclusively for handling Ibis Ihal canvasses were being made today. fiuliliug In I In; Marrowbone dis-Iriel year will he done on I be north, Canadian porl of Prince Kupert class of fish business, and our ROBBED IN SEATTLE al all likely points covered by the broke out again yesterday eusl slope of Ihe Naas lliver be- facilities are sufficient and I hi.' American port of Kgleh-ikan, existing including Vancouver. system and five Sinn Fein gunmen arc tvveeu Tsca and Cranberry Hi v- j Alaska, we beg to give you 10 handle four times the volume YESTERDAY'S f ISH "aid in Machine Last year Ihe limber, was have Indian Girl Relieves Herbert J. Itegardiug the putting nil of a have I i killed. ers. Ihe following figures, showing of business wo bad lo guns, rifles, revolvers, and cruised .below.. Aiyansli and for the capacity of the refrigerating handle, or than wo can expect to Murchlson of $250 Bank-roll. trans-Pacific steamship service One Hundred and Eighty Thou- ham grenades, were used all day Ihirly miles above on the west plants al Prince Ituperl and at have, without the enactment of a SKATTLi;, May 1 8. Herbert between Hie Orient und this port, sand Pounds of Halibut Was long between Hk rinlers. and side of Hie Naas lliver. The remainder Ketchikan; and wish to stale Ihal congressional measure which .1. Murchlson of Mcllakalla, Alaska, Air. Warren said that this mailer Marketed at Exchange. Ihu miliiary. of the parly 'i expected at Ketchikan during Ihe past will In erri-dt brhlsr U Alaska enroule 4o Des .Moines, to did not come within his jurisdiction Al least fnur men are deud In arrive from Hie soulh In the year, an amount running lulu ports the permanent fishing industry allend a mission conference, re und he hud nothing to stale One hundred and eighty thou. following las night's and litis near Hi lure. hundreds of thousands oT dollars which we have permitted ported lo the police that ho as lo future mlenlioiis in tins sand pounds of halibut was sold morning"s disturbances. . Mr. Orchard' present paj-ty, has been expended to provide Canada to lake from us." walked a few blocks along u connection., at Ihe t-'lsh Kxchangc yeslcrday, which consists of seven men, will facilities for bundling fish take.n Deleqate's Attitude. licet with an Indian girl chance Mr. Warren and his party left llio arrivals und sales being us UNITEDSTATES IWLL leave tomorrow morning on the from Hid Alaska banks for consumption Delegate Sutherland said that acquaintance and when sho disappeared by motor car speeder at 0 o'clock follows: Ycnlure for Mill Hay, travelling in the United Stales, he would favor the tariff on hi wallet with S50 this morning, and will travel us Kodiak ,.'15,000 pounds; Laura NOT BE AT THE HAGUE rrniu there up the river in small which we believe, would, through fresh fish provided a meeting was also missing. far as Jasper in this manner, to and Margaret. 8000 pounds; sold boats. a jirolecllve tariff measure, be could be secured wilh the fishermen make u minute und first hand inspection to the Canadian Fish and Cold Sir handled at American instead of anil llieir approval be secured. MADAME FAHEY SINGS of road maintenance, Storage at 8.8o and 8c. Edward Gregq, of British JAPANESE CHAFFEUR Cauudlan ports, .where this He also said he would bridge repairs, and other vital Forwurd, 13,000 pounds; Delegation at Genoa, Makes Alaska resource is now centered. 1 1 o I, iiuter any cireumslnnees, WESTHOLME THEATRE matters affecting successful oj)-erulion. Itoscpoiut, IjOO pounds. ,und Official Announcement. RUN DOWN WOMAN Prince Rupert Situation. agree to an embargo on the importation lliugo, 5,000 pounds, sold lo AL "At Prince Ituperl, which is of fresh or frozen The Toronto isuturday Night tin Fisheries at l.5u and 3c. (IKN'OA, May 18.- Sir IMwnr.l risli from Canadian ports advocated on her appearance Democrat 25,000 sold In now Ihe headiuarlers of the big us said recently, potpids, "rcjf Manslauflhter Charge ROYAL HORSES WILL announced this afternoon Faces Result, fleet fishing on I lie. Alaska banks by the Kelchikan business in tho Kusl: "Madame Fahey revealed lo pacific Fisheries at Vo and on behalf of the llrilUh lb-legation Vancouver as a tlmt there is loculcd bill one cold men. u maslery of dramatic, NOT BE IN DERBY 3o. further advices, received 18. Hirai slo":age, or flsh-freeliig plant., He accepted Ihe guarantee of effeel that enabled her to sweep Carrulhers, S5.000 pounds, I'-oiu the l ulled Stales Indicated YANCUtJVKIl, May has and'thls luislmcn subsidized and Ihe business men , and said it the emotions of her audience." sold o Sinclair Fisheries ul U.8o the that II did not seem likely Ihat Ishl, a Jannese chauffeur,manslaughter fostered for Ihe past eight years vvus perfectly Kood but he said Maduino Fabry sings tonight LONDON, May 18. King and -3q. United Stales wolild participate been charged with of uu unidentified by the. Canadian government for Hie fishermen and not ho would in the Westholino Theatre. There (leorge is not to be represented iu Scaudia 05,000 pounds, sold (o In The Ilaguu conference following the death run the purpose of usslsllng the development, have to be satisfied that it would are still a few reserved seats Hie Derby on May 31 us his three Sinclair Fisheries at l.3o and at least who wa unlij the. scope of the woman at her port of thh being about the desired results." available at Ornu-s Ltd, horses were scratched today lo. iiK'ttinf was better under,tood. dtmn and killed la t nteht-