THE NEW TAXI For mxxbj YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY and The Best of Everything. 0et Service PRINCE RUPERT Try our service J " Beet Car In the City Phone Black 89 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XIII. NO. 11 IMUNUH HIM'KHT, II. li, HATL'HDAY, AI'IUL I, 1022. VtttMiltr'i Circulation 1892. Strut (t'H 413. PRICK FIVE CKNT8 No Good Effect Yet From the WORK AWAITS jNEW MINISTER Fred Stork Tells House Irish and A. M. MANSONi COMING NORTH; Commons About Problems Treaty Agreement; Arrectmg I his District Attorney Oeneral Was to Have Will Visit Interior and Decide on Left Ottawa Wednesday for Location of Terrace Hope is Tempered with Fear Prince Rupert. Bridge. In Hie spcedi in (In: House of Commons on the address, a sltorl mention if which Was telegraphed to Columbia Aecordinx lo word which VICTOHIA, April I - H i lindei-loo.i recently, Fred Hlork dealt with the railway problem, Willi the LONDON. April J. Hope tempered by fear is tilt keynote of MllDTUCDMCDC ieaehe.1 Ihe I.cgislulUc buihlinps tlial ) in (he siimmer Orieiilal ipieslion and wilh the resources of (ho disiricl. According yeslerdiiy, lion. A, M. Malison, Vz pew ih'iiUIit of jiublie works, Uic morning newspaper editorial comment on the oullook in Attorney.(leiii-ral, wjiii has been D' Sulherlund, will aecoinpanv lo llaiisard lie said: Ireland in view of the. passage of the Anglo-Irish treaty and the in Olli'W.i ror llo' pusl three Ihe member for this disiricl on a Mr. Speaker, "is Ibis debate is ntming to a close, I sliould like signing of IJie agreement btilwccn Uiu governments of the Norlh RETURNING weeks, will leave fiir the Coast lour of Ihe iiorlhei'i'i und iioillo-i u lo lake up Ihe lime of the House for a few moments in order lb mnl Sou Ifi for co-opciniion in llu puriiicniinn oi inn country. tomorrow and is -egiieeleil , here interior counlry and will jierson-ally make some observations in coiincclioh wilh tna Hers pertaining lo ' Nnnc'iif Ihe. wriliTS (.-Xpert thai I In.' figning' of Ihe documents Iovvmi'iIs Ihe end of tie.xt week. invesliaali' r-oioe of the pro-ioi',l Itri tl.-ti Columbia. Thu constituency which I represent H, I think, I oe Vicloria Cvhoiisl. 'flie w irks und need', or p-'I'Mc say Princess Had" 1 ' Mary List Yesterday Big of I lie laraesl in the Dominion: - - --. will bring'nbonl immediate pence, wliicli, it is remarked, has tnuny minister, vvho has Jiol .been in Ihe people. II will lake him a one enemies.' rli'i'Mtiiii'Jnsliuices it is conlendcd thai Hie agreement Alaskans and Klon-dykers. Victoria since he was reliirncd short lime i(o kvI rid of the aceti- of Cu inula, and in view of the fad MONEY FOR is ipile likely" fnslciul lo increase the trouble for a linn by aeclamalion for his ridiir,' of iiiuleli'.iis of rmiline work lice thai,many members, ,whose -iNO Dmioeca, w'ill reluni via Prince and to familiurize himeir with tieolar conslitueiieies: are not so IlKbl'AST, April A. I'll'? MltfU-wa The C. P. H, sleaioer Princess Ilopi'i l, a deleyiition . froni the .work of Ills department.' It lyrire- as mine, ha"e spukeii all NEW DRYDOCK itnij agreement ofiJjie treaty ABUSE PRIVILEGE OF Mary hiol a full lis( of passen-i;ers point he aetfouipaiiieU t Ottawa is also his wish to visit the -in-'trreal lenjilh, I will .trespass upon l,H iirlli 0yv way. stopped flu' ''oin nurlh yeslerday. Tin' lo ore iiooii lhe (iovernmeiil lerior at a time when he can ilrivelvnii. generosity. May I be pcr- program' lr 'violence. A train VICTORIA CITY RELIEF tuosl of llieni vyere reliirulnv certain jo'ed .of lhal ceplre in lo ililrcrcul points and inuke a'milled o slate Dial my conslilu AT ESQUiMALT ItcHa! to Dublin wan held .fr.iu Alaskan und IIhtc were also a Ihe way of port fiirjlitic.s. l!no"h i:vesix,i' n nl con i-lions. ency embraces an area ot Ifit.GUO iit nt-Huhh-cr, Homily Loulh, today One Man Has Accounts at Three few lor Ihe Klondyke, The l.iller , Whil,. in Ollrwiij Holt. Mr. square miles, and, with the possible. ('forty men wearing Ireheh Banks and Sailors Secure are not conilii lit Jarirc numbers Mn'ion ha been Inlerviewiox : During Ihe visit oT Ihe iniuister exceflion of Ihe honorable coals, ItfgBiiiS iiml cap, who cn-l.Mi-il Spendlnq Money. yet for Hi,, lee on 'Ihe Vukou Ihe "Federal aul lioriJies reh'live the location of Ihe Tcrryce bridge member for Ihe Yukon .Mr. Order Received From Ottawa to (lie mall coach ami removed lliver will he liciikiiii.' very soon lo l;rilih Columbia's- rrquesl for is lo be decided uixilt, Hlar'k', I travel perhaps ihe longest Close Down Contract for nil Idler iiij'J parcel frinn lid- VICTOHIA, April I. - One of and Iravcliinv coudilions will be fedci-Hl legislation prohihil Wi' distance of any 'iieuiber to . Construction. - fn.t. Daring Hie mm me iiain Hie men who ha been receiving bad midway between (he winter importalioii of liquor into Ihi nllcnd a session of Ihis House. crew aiiiyht'flhiiUrer lnlion staff nncniployinenl doles in (hi city and summer .methods of Irans- province by private inleresls. io IRISH FLOCK My const iluciicy is larger Ihan VICTOHIA, April 1. J. P. ww rttorl.iWoleirt. is reiiorletl to have accounts nl portalion. The vessel carried J Die end lhal full control over Fiuland, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Forde. disiricl engineer of the Ait uitsuccJiil attempt was three different banks in Hie city. quile a nuiober,of soulheastern j importations miiy be lunl by Ihe Denmark, Holland and Iti-lgiom federal public works department, laaJe lnnfihlp;lt set lire Ui a Alaska cannery peojile as well. TO FOOTBALL has received a telegram from Holes have ul;.o been handed oul provincial iiovernnii'iii, unii also all pul together, so Ihul I think large engineering -l I f inn I Cliurles I), (iarficld, superintendent the department at Ottawa instructing lo men working on ships bul who pressing fur a reduction or Hie such n territory alone should justify on Hie cast stde. Two unexplodcdi of fish butcheries for him lo immediately arrange want spending money when tiiey ellminalion of the heavy Federal my being given an opportunity bomb were found on I he prcni. come ashore. Cases, of men Alaska, was ouMioard eiiroule for lax upon imported liquors. Twenty Thousand Attend Match of voicing, ror a few mo. for the shutting down of ise. . welling their meal tickets.-and of his lieudiiuarlers al Juneau, lie Sunday Closing. In Balfast When Ireland Plays incuts, the aims and ideas of the work mi ho F.squimall drydock various other fraud belli;? practiced bus been al Vancouver conferring When Hon. Mr 1' lllOtl re. Waives to Draw. people- Who have sent me here lo contract. on the city are being tin-earthed, with Dolnlnlon risheries officials turn lo Victoria lie will be eon represent their particular in- The reason advaiiced for this EMPEROR OF "on ititernational niallers. fro n I ed wilh Ihe preblcin of Sun- lil t.FAST, nril .1. Peiiti'''"'Uciies Is. action Is that no provision -has Jack J. Illllard, eollcclor of day closing. Already Hie city of; trouble do nol seem lo Jiave Fell Evil been made in the estimates for cusloli's ul- i'.HSle, Alaska, was Vancouver ha represent alives lerierci:xllli the cap.-icity or lie on Days. further expenditures. AUSTRIA DIES BOARDS OF TRADE .'inolher passenger. He has buen awaiting him on the .subject, fol- people of Ihis city lo enjoy Hieiii. I nut, perhaps, a little laic in The Government's action deprives CONVENTION CLOSES spending the winter in San I'nui- lowliiV Hie decision (if Ihe board sebes, for no- less thuii i'O.000 arrivimr here. In Ihe year 101" Victoria of a five, million tisco. of oolice commis.iohers of' lhal spectator were oul lo the football Hie. people of the consliluency of dollar project and one of the Old Not Long Survive Banish lack -Donald, "lie of Ihe Daw. cilv lo enforce tin; law, and match iere today. II was an jiu Skeena elected ine by a "hoioe,'' largest and finest graving basins ment to Island of Maderla. VH.TOIIIA'. April l.--The eou--i.iilti.ii S'MI ICill SHIM IIOIILIII, in IClllIll-t bv Ihe time he is here Ihe Me- li i 'i.ilioiiMl event, .b's .phiyins majority of something like WiO; In Hie worjd ,and aggravates the i.r Hu iisiieliileil lmai'il. iu' from a holiday trip. Tloriji Sunday closiiiV queslion ireiano, uijji tin; roine was very but due lo lhe coudilions under unemployment .Hitualion here to IMlVltlttl (.. !..I ft....It 1 Alv iinik Mrs JJii)oes'Oa!idiit whichthe election .look place, a considerable, extent. va riTTMTvTrsirss'-ii t;u m,r i h mrmn ic - A l-urincr r.mpcror i.uarir oi .vu ti r.trd rotu jtiifi r ' 'nevl Somliiv local no li'ia, who wu recently banl.slied chosen us Hie nexl tiieciin place, lurninK w. inieiioiiv vie- ,Iiim- in!tll.utfljn!, r ,e police overseas vole. I am' not here lo In Ihis iland under unnervision A resolnlion uskinir for improved loria where they spent the win-L;,,,,,,,),,,,, w lake ihe names BUILDING PERMITS hold post mortem; we have had LOSSES FROM of lln- nllicd powers, .followmy'leleiilione service between Prince (er. Mr. Oolnlin i port cnuincerl lf nU ocrsons w...kliur on that FOR MONTH MARCH sulliciciit of these tip to Ihe present and Vancouver was for Hie White Pa and Yukon . Hine; I wish merely to say sin nll'iiii ID revain the crown. ;'iere day. and from names specific and to Ihul I regret lhal I have nol been S. A. REBELLION I'luil wa li second attempt passeii. Steamship Co., isoiny eases vvill'be put up b Ilo: TOTALLED $12,085 Imlli of which (Siioiiiliiioosly fail. el the vessels ready 'opain for Altornef-Ceneral. who will be able be.'ore fn lake my .cap in Ihis I'll. Ihe season. asked lo Kiunt his Hal. permil-liny House, for the reason that a grial v, JUDGMENT IS HANDED The farmer lllnperor va born Oeorjre lleid, who has been a proM'cul Ions uii'der Hie Ten building permits issued in deal ot misrepresentation has Premier Smuts Makes Statement in 1 87 and was hiarrled in I'.'ll DOWN BY MR. JUSTICE foreman wilh Ihe Premier Oold Lord's Day Aet. Ihe city during the mouth of taken place in connection with In Legislature of Losms on Mininjf Co.. al llyder. boarded Ihe March totalled 412,085 in value. the (irambTrnnk I'acille . of Itailway. and the enfoireinenl of Parma lo Prince .II a Opimsiiig Either Side. li.nj Several children. GREGORY IN OLD CASE vessel liere. lie is poing io Ihe ncl. Ihcre will appear be To re. The total for February was .I8,-ri85 I do nol believe the fortunes of and ror March, H'2i, 2.V It was in October HUH lhal .Mayo. Ihe Ailorney-(icneral a delega-I nny put licular individual are an LONDON. April 1. Premier Hie Aulrlu-lluuyary ion rrom the llefail Merchanls' o;r. issue in Ihis Dominion of Canada; Ihe enquiry known as trum Sniutfi slated in legislature, Sealey vs. Stephenson In spile or Ihe fact that building break into MORTON WILL MEET Associalion, which orsani.ulion but owing lo the fad lhal, since that the began to up Case Decided in Favor in the month of .March was according lo lleuter's, iiiili'pciidcni national jtilt;. The of Plaintiff. is awaiting the reluni of the lighter than usual, the total for 1011, thai branch or lire Canadian oses mi Ihe government sub" iiiilipeiiiiiil Slav slates were GLASGOW RANGERS minister lo lay Iheir arguments the three mouths so far this year National llailway system, known in the insurrection wn fit) killed furpifil, (Jieclio-Slttvakla was before, him. at Ihul lime us Hie (iiJiiiil trunk and S."I7 wounded, while "on Hie .Indsioent in favor of the plaln- is .Hij.:tiU as compared wilh I'acille, hits foniird. iiii'l Hungary heeamd it tilf ill Hie liinvf-slauillllB Mipleiiie Thirty Thousand Pcoplo Watched ;H,I8U for the corresponding more or less fallen rebel sido II was 138 killed or ibeil evil I have regretted separate en lily. Charles was Court ad ion between .1. iv. Game Which Decidod Who Hi ice mouths in 11)21. The big upon days; and 287 wounded. Mnely-eight deposed and had to leave the. CAMBRIDGEWON exceedingly Ibui. prior In tlie Indians or natives were killed or Sealey of Smilhers iind Hie eslnle Would Play Final. , factor was the one permit, for Ihe present session of Parlinmeiil, country for Switzerland. or Ihe lale II. C. Slephenson and ocean dock superstructure. The wounded. Former Kinperor Charles ' wa S. Ij. Criim or lla.eon has been DFN.JKF. Anril I. M orlou THE BOAT RACE permit for (he new station has Mime there has member nol been to correct,in ti e Mouse from The authorities euplured UMi taken ill slightly more than a delivered by Mr. .lusllee I'. H. allied Ihe rixhl today to meet nol yet. been Issued. lime lo time, misrepreseiiiulioiis rilles, 2;il shotguns, 740 revolvers week ago. ll(, Wa fir.l said lo PlainlUT receives costs and 13,000 rounds of rille '.Irearnry. (ilasuow Itituers in Ihe tiual for which have appeared in Ihe liitvc been ad Bering from fever press ammunition, as well as t:i,000 of Ihose Tor Iml Inter il was announced lhal wilh the exception Ihe Scollish Association Football PITNKY. April I. -Cambridge BRIDE TO BE IS and upon many platforms rounds of revolver ammuuilion. it fever with cerebral coin-lilii'alions. written argument. Cup when (hey ilefealeil Aberdeen won the annual boat race against (Continued on Page G.) was The case, which was heard al by a sei re of Jl ilo t. The alleuil- Oxford Fniversily totjay over Ihe GIVEN A SHOWER Con el Assizes Here BLACKEST MONTH IN Hie Supreme anee al Ihe nialcl! was .lo.ouu. Pnlney o Morllake course on the in .lime. IHSI, before Mr. Justice lliames. Oxford leam was not Hall Receives Many OFFICERS FOR Miss Georgia HISTORY OF BELFAST of promissory out a (iicoi. arose STRIKE SCOPE note for f'JOO Issued by S. II. CUSTOMS DUTIES ARE strong this year and Cambridge Beautiful Gifts In Honor or was Ihe favorite. Forthcoming Marriage. in. on belialf of the Mini oi LOWER THIS YEAR The easy win of Cambridge ASSOCIATION DFLI AST, April 1. The roll of Slephenson & Crunr of lla.ellou fatalities in the disorders in Hal- IS NOT KNOWN over Oxiord in the big boat race A delightful' miscellaneous in 11117. Willi ncciiinulaled lu-leresl today was Hie lourth win for the In honor of Miss fast reached a total of 01 for the shower party und taxalioii Ihe total OTTAWA, April J. 'Custom and mouth of March. This is the light blues consecutively. The. (leorgia Hall, who is lo be married Boards of Trade of the Province 1 excise revenue for the fiscal year 130. reached claim blackest month in Hie city's his IMHA.NAI'OI.IS, April I. Con-fideni SiMU(l,27 distance from Putney lo Mort-lake shorllv lo (i. P. 'l inker, took place The defense was lhal the itole ended today was Approve Requests Made by tory. that the suspension of .108 is four and a quarter miles last evening ut the home of Mrs. had not been legally signed for computed wilh $-'9 1, 107, for Prince George. work begun nl midnight by the Ihe previous and the Oanibridge boat was four A. T. Parkin. 815 ltorden Mivei. defenduiil llrin by the one year. Ihe union c)al miners will result to-! member of Hie llrin, Cruiii. In The excise taxes on liquors and a half lengths ahead murk.when There were llfleen collides in ut-tendance VICTOIIlA, April 1. At Ihe MOVE HEADQUARTERS . in a eoiuplelo lietip of I he Hie course of Ihe uelion llev. I". I.. decreased by more lliuu half a she passed the winning and Ihe main enlerlulu-uienl closing session of the Associated, The 'official time for the race RAILWAYMEN'S UNION iHiiilry'd tililonUed eoal field, Slephenson of Vicloria, brolher million fit Ihe same lime. was ihiiirliiK to music provided Hoard of Trade of llritish Columbia "frieial of the Hulled Mine was IS) minutes, "7 sccoiuU. by Mr. Oawllioriie, uf the deceased defendanl, appeared the following officers Workers of America nwuiled report Blviiisr evidence In the. course of Ihe evening a elected: ' Change From Winnipeg to Mon in court, were tdiowlh,' the erfecllveness IN NON-UNION MINER WAS lollies basket was brought into Tor Ihe defence. PluintilV is a MUCH CRIME i President - W. T. Muckcn or treal Officers Elected. "f the frhuldown. At least 000,-""t Ihe parlor and into Ihis were Chilliwack. and defeu-danls members, 100,000 of thent farmer formerly ut Smilhers were in business SHOT GOING TO WORK dropped the girts. Ihe purc-ls Vice-president V. 0. Ternan WINNIPF.ti, April 1. - The "oii-unidn lucn, are expecled to partnership in Hiiellou. This NEW YORK CITY were opened on Hie spot and were of Jlossland, V licailquiirbTs of Division No, I of lie enrolled M io walkout. case aioe oul of u new uole HI.OOM.SnUllY, l'a April I. round lo contain many hcuulluil Hon, Secrelary W. Ii. l'ayne. Ihe llailway Kiuployies' Union will siLMieil in 11(17 for the balani-e of A non-union miner uuiiied Vagiue jiirts ot silver, linen and kitchen-ware Kxceulive Thomas (iruliam of lie removed from Winnipeg o .CRICKET CAPTAIN IS a former loan or I500 juude by Record of Violence In Which 37 was shot and fatally wounded tor the bride-elect Cumberland, Nleol Thompson Montreal It was decided by the pluinlilf to defendunl.. Tim action Persons Were Murdered. while en roulo to work in Ihe and J. N. Harvey or Vancouver, convention, which elected II. J, GIVEN-FINE PRESENT was heard al the assizes here in mines where a slrike is now in RAIDERS SEIZE CARGO C. P. W. Schwcngcrs and J. O. Tallon president for another term. lOi'l and was then adjourned so MAV VOIIK, April I. .March progress. Cameron of Victoria. Frank McKenua Is vice-president ''Mmi.n, April I. lleuler' Hial wrillen arkrument miyhl he was u record monui lor violence EXPLOSIVES FROM SHIP Prince Cieorge asked for heller and Charles Dickie, errclriry. J. II. Simmons, lieud of Hie telephone and telegraph service r.llileV I Iml V. V. Ariiislrontf, presented. in the city. Thirty-seven per 4v Ioj i'in.iiiiw., Mm .Australian A. M. Miinsou, of .Williams, sons were murdered, among them Simmons Construction Co of I.ON DO V, April 1. Haiders through the co-ordination of nickel leuiii wiiieh loured I'htR-'uiiil Alanson A Honales, appeared in three, women. In the lust 18 Winnipeg, which is jusl finish, seized Ihe cargo of explosives Ihe (iovermjienl Hues, Mayor J. NOTICE. last s'uiniiier. was presented eotirl for Ihe plalnliir und C. V. hours one. murder was committed iug the superstructure contract from an admiralty shin off Hie II. Johnson explaining Dial Ihe and eslcr,Uv wjjj, Hieipie Tor ri'SOO Havie or Vicloria, represenled by by a woman, four baudilij on the new ocean dock here, returned Irish coast and have stowed It in present system was inadequate Prince Rupert Rowing Limited. hud cuplureil in attempt to Hast on this morning's and costly and could bo Improved Yacht Club an "" the oci-'ailoii of his retirement I,. W. Pal more or Ihis eily. were .some unknown p'ltice, oh construction s train. by u small expenditure. Tin " for the defence. a company ll.ifJanie s a llrst-elass the ease approved, All launches will be request Wits pay roil ana iiiree men snoi unu BADE FAREWELL. e'liyer. KILLED BY BOMB. seriously wounded. A depart Ladies' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Prineo George's resolution moved lo Ihif Dry Dock IIKI.FAST. April I. A hoinh ment store muuuyer and three, Society Suly of work and homo OTTAWA, April I.' Coniinis. usklng for the coniplelion of the during the- eop.slrucion, of A BIRTH. thrown iiilv Ihe home of a laborer bandits clubbed a wdlchinuu and cooking next Wednesday front 3 sinner A. II. I'crry bade his usso-ciales P. Q. H. railway to Prince Ilonts on Sunday, April 2, duujjliler was born lo 51 r. killed one son and guurd und took a thousand dollars to 0 in St.,Andrew's Hull. Wblsl farewell,, having resinned fieorgc and lis further extension A. MoIlAKo Secretary. i"id named Konnelly ,'- '5li', .Mao Qbsleina. or Third of Drive Dance In.tho evening after rorly-two of active into the Peace, lliver country was 77 t... 1 .v. . 'a t it ....ii.i wounded two children und Donnelly from Iho office a dully and years "vnuo ai uiu ueneiut nospuui today,' hiuiM'll. newspaper. commencing at 8 o'clock. service. approved.