Saturday April 1, 1022, THM DAIET JTIWS " rxat TTTM nipo ilhl not prime up lo his the waves took advantage of hpr e.xiieelnliona afler Ihe final over- innocence after meals, and had l Maul, he would hire Ihe cnhmar. been 'Hie reult of her losing a me ehaaers of lhn lee and deal fif weight. An idea struck snipe ,her inlo loollipicU. Flossie for the culinary depart, The nnie O, Captain .In, fir. Ihe nienl rnneoclion,when nn a if sea successful,voyage, will and 45 KILLED IN RAILWAY WRECK, CANADIANS AMONG DEAL ' fat, arrived in port front Port lie called "Anchor Pie." The Simpann on Thursday morning idea is that with each piece of (licago-Toronto-Montrcal Flyer lavOTIMW mummTmiJ2!0s Willi a (rood sized rargo of pie, for those wio suffer with oolnchans, wlileh he has marketed seasickness, a suitable weighty lo local retailer. piecn .if dough, termed an an chor, will be histig on lo each The Emily, (',., Caplain Mi mouthful thus assuring tljal. 11, Scott., left for he.Dominion Cannery sinys pot. on Thursday. Cap has heen ruga-red for the-season at the Captain Moy Ross of Ihe Iroller cannery. Sam Hock it leaving for Ihe Hat . ' moral Cannery ofer Ihe week end. Captain .lack Carl, of Ihe Irnl- "I'm So Tired" ler Carl, left porf, ovi'f life week Skipper Joe Coin of lh l.ydia end for the salmon trolling K, Is suffering from a poisoned la such Miss grounds. hand and Is under the care of a a thine Amy L. Metcalf, R. THERE loonr. I.vorylhing is in frood temporarily It. No. 3, Arthur, Ont., The- MilTord; Captain W. as a result of hard Ilohh.s, shape aboard for the salmon season work. This condition in re writes : is undergoing an overhaul In and Hie skipper will pull out lieved by a good night's rest. "f hv UKd Dr. Chast'i Nrre her machinery, at Ciw Hay, and stn as his hand will per Puoi with the iiium favorable remit. upon completion of flu. work will mit. But when you are contin Otic aprlnr I wa very proceed to Ihe halihut hanks. uously" tired at slight exer Tvran mu lun-uuwn, ana aid not l-ep well. I wan very nervoun Ihe MaifruerMe, Caplain tion and feel the ordinary Mor daily' tasks' too much for Aly uiiu heart wuvia nu cry weak lor any aud little my'thine.head Caplain Mahoney of Ihe llali-aeo rison, arrived in port early on the toll taken by death from friends give ached aim out constantly. The had an accident aboard during Ihnrsday among your you mornjng wilh it is time to consider 0,000 you, doctor' medicine did, me no rood, his lasl trip, iiiadverlenllr pounds of Every Day cause to think of what might happen to your wife and the condition of the nervous and flnrlly I began to take Dr. halibut, and reporltd children, should vou suddenly Dass away. What would Chajie'a Nerve Food. After dropping a rigarHte end Jnlo the a very successful trip. Can will system. uafnr do for the income have provided for Home, for food, they regular always alx boSMi of Ihla medicine 1 felt eliileh which put the, whoU machine be leaving Tor the you a You, una yourself easily " I. fvf never uaed anythlnr the high spots clothing and othe incidentals? End the anxiety That news of a death brings to irritated and worried, you which has done me aa much rood on blink. As n con again nver the week 'end. your mind by taking out a Manufacturers Life Monthly Income. Policy. It will u Dr. Chtw'n Nerve Food, and sequence 1 1,0 crafi i undergoing not the and have energy I have aim, found Vr. Chaae'i give your wife a definite income every month as long as she lives. . ..... strength to carry out your Kidney.tJver Pllla ao excellent maclilnerj repairs lo the home The Cape Spencer, Caplaip Dan usual daily program, you do remedy. port. - l.arsen arrived in port on Tuesday The not sleep' well and get up . T'Thla la to certify, that I , morning wilh 11,000 pound tired in the mornings, you know her MIhj atatement Amy Metcatf.mith and regard b-llexe lie "'ole" port was agog of Hie best, ami staled Dial th,' mANUFAGTUR ERS LIFE may have headaches, and to Dr. Cfuuw'a niedldnea to be with excitement on I'riday inorn- trip had been O.K. AfTer overhauling you feel down-hearted and truthful and correct." A. K. igg when Hi,, mystery ship was gear and machinery lie discouraged. t-'printer.Out.)MethedUl Minister, Arthur. sighted, from the land batteries, left for Ihe halibut grounds last INSURANCE COMPANY Your nerves are tired. making for port 'with I'l.issie night. weak and exhausted, and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, I'M it, the Admiral ami the Ad- ' Head Office. - Toronto, Canada. you need the assistance 50c a box, all dealers or Ed-manson; mimic-! aboard. In spile of the Captain "Knrickson, Alliance R. E. HARRAP, which is best supplied by Dr. Bates & Co., Ltd., fact lhal. Ihe epre service had No. 1, will be in port for two or Supervisor for Northern British Columbia, Prince Rupert. B. C. Chase's Nerve Food. Toronto. been locked up il somehow got three days overhauling machinery. i broad thai a certain boat was Without nf eblig&tioa.will 70a kindly furnUh me with full pirtituUrt Of your Guaranteed Monthly Income Policy. I arru ........ responsible for litis excursion. yean of ate, and am ,inrie. ' Name- -Addreea- and sonic crowd awaited its The; HaMcri Point, Caplain docking. The first to set foot Sheehan, is. being fixed up at Cow Waterfront Whiffs oo the gangplank was the hero Hay prior lo her rirsl fishing ine nf Ihe trip, J-'os.sie Flirt, trip of Die season. This craft, tan, l-lorence of Seallle. Hold. fi. clad in a suit or oilskins, and has been laid up at Seal Cove Seymour of Seattle. but for a black eye the lady was all winter. Doings of the Mosquito Fleet Which Is the Chief Source unrecognizable. After much We are sure getting inlo lhe Six Rules pf or Making of Prince Rupert's Prosperity handclasping and open, mouthed Th. C-madian Fish and Cold strides of u metropolis. A brand) wonderment, it was possible- to Storage .steam trawler Andrew new fish irTuseum is in our miiUtl ge a slight account of Ihe trip Kelly, skippered by Caplain David where specimens of the ampbib-. GOOD COFFEE Tli(. Admiral of tlio .Mon;uitn sometimes a dozen boats before fro 1,1 ""' ('ow ,a' Amazon. II Camlow left port on I'riday night ion man enters .and bait eaters Fieri report that with littler a ladder can be reached, With n "Pilars that alter three days out, on Ihe independent lay. rt of Die deep are displayed in weather provailiii? (luring tlir light swell running Diis is no " ""Tcalion took place be-easy tanks, cases, and on boxes f outside. w.'ek thi ll.lifnr tins tniprmril task, and lire is nflcn en. ,W0P" Flossie and Ihe Admiral? Herring fishing operation It lake a nervy man to nml rniHt'iiufiilly tin iik'I'rIi iifj dangered. The few ladders now regarding Ihe attention paid to have been suspended by (he. Cold run a show like this and the city KEEP YOUR COFFEE AIRTIGHT It USE BOILING WATER Moil your llu" cri-w lui InkfMi nn upward affording. . passage. . wav from...the i.i..l,,, f""'"r 1 b Ihe 1- guy running..t.i n..f.Storage,. a .sufficient "supply.. . be is fortunate in having a daredevil ejposed ln.sea lt.4 Mmiirtlv tq air. anil Keep annua It hi when an don't water.lei Mil ihe dim't waler twill ami your Ihe Toffee:rrniind ircnrj, ,m? twenty carln.nd.Onf iop-orviiie wiiarr to Hie ilecks'ofl" hjii-.A n"' iimi inn mg on iiami. trainer within call in the MEASURE airtlrht eitntatiier.CAREFULLY Experiment mliei Iiean liolt log-ether after they are ficli havr hi'on inarKnlPil and boats un In had fomlllinn ,.,i Anniiraiess was jealous liecause, person of.lim Macon. Jim would until yrni llnd just (tie proportions SERVE AT ONCE -Many a pot or Kliipiii (o I'.alorn jminU, which need repair, while they are too D1"' genneman 111 (uesuon as- .lames, manager of the just as soon walk inlo a cage taxte.f onee Then and water slirk-Ilia I to suit them:your iM-rrert leltlnir It HolTee cih.I. ll.n Jf yon been lnu-1 riiinetl wnil,by i mtirli in excess cif Inst vej'k's far apart. Additional ladder are isf"t,d her to remove a halibut Atlin Fisheries has resumed hi nf shrimp eating devil-fish in (.ieiiiir usually menus a rior keep ihe ci.nce pipinR Nit. but or Culler. eup never let It IhiII. Ite-eooklng; III-jure badly needed. For a fisliintr oorl hook which had paughl in her active role in the fishing game his pyjamas as he would serve USE GROUNDS ONLY ONCE Oon't ihe navor. I leave Ihe coffee Kroijurts In ihe SCOUR THE COFFEE II U of importance, arid the pracMo- r,n,k'nr- 11,0 r,,"l,,t wa "" after a ten -day flu n'tfack. out a pound of cold cl'atnmy pol Tur the nest meal. IFseil eiioufrh to Kite the POT ml a hurried not Tlin oolacliaii. oreaii(lt fixli ally .small outlay necessary to won is arose wiin ine and sausages. II is understood Jim ilulTee around are of no more rinse and set It nw.iv to ilrv. Brour value In inafcinir mrt Coiree iiiaYi it eVen moil- rarerully man other a (hey wnre nrilnnlly railed on remedy these defects, Jhe fisher-1 1 '""sie becoming enraged grah- Ihe irginia, Capl. W. Ci-een is training a catfish, which he nh.-s In building- a lire. iMokinir ulenlls. 'lie I'nrifir Vn.t, lian hi'on fiKMi consider thai something "pi alienor ami inrew 11 ai arrived in port- on Wednesday has named..Snappy, to wag his . . USE . . pli'filiful alfinjf Hie Onvr-riiini'iit sli7iiild be ilone along Ihese lines "", Admiraless, which struck the with a goodly load of halibut head to the tune of .some banjo wharf dining I lie week, llinfirsl to aid Ihem in tlieir calling. enemy on me neau i.ui renounu Lap reports,, splendid wealher jass. II has been a bPI of astrain ni'i'ivaN thii eaoii. A jrood eil and raughl Flossie in Die frye. prevailed during tbo trip am on tho banjo, lo say nothing of ' ii 1 market hat uffeivij for IliU A sew load of fish boxes for hence Die blackness. AI this every lillle thing went off fine Die si rain 011 the oil fish, and s UPREME" lam nf fit, nml the reslaur-nnU the Canadian Fish .t Cold Stnr-1 juncture the Admiral intervened Jim has fixed up some special have been working over age, ami a scow load of lumber Willi a couple of gals ami quiel 1'he strings on the instrument, which Maeve, Captain Carey, is time rooking Iheni up. The for local consumption arrived ed the combatants. all fixed some would call hawsers. Ihe Done Yard Kinmn I , Captain Hudoward, ar during the week from Ihel . Flossie slated the trip was a up, ,n Creek, Cow Day, for the rived in iiorf.'im Wednesday night (leorgclown mill. most enjoyable one, but for the salmon ironing ready The question lor the advertis BRAND FRESH ROASTED COFFEE season from (lie Xafts llivpr with sonio , fact thai Ihe darned hooks were ' er lo consider fs how many peo seven Inns of noaehaiis. which Caplain John Olan of'on la hloomin' nuisance, and us u a 1 ple read the paper. You can't The Coffee that "Has 'em all Beat" were snapped up hy the nolachan Harbor, arrived in norl on Wed- eonseouence most of her ward The.S. S. Ileatriee arrivcii dur gel results without circulation. King, In Ihe person of Hill nesday lo take on supplies priorfrobe had found its way into Ihe ing the week wilh coal and Shrulrsall. Hill has a hunch of to leaving on a salmon trolling! sail chuck, and that if tier en- shlpnicnl of lumber for Alherl the IUh already parked for east exprdition. (gineerlng friend bad not come A -McCaffeiT. A scow load of STEWART & MOBLEY. LTD. Just Received lumber i ul present loading in :: ern shipment. The oil therefrom 1 through with a Mil! of oilskins, will he hnllled' and shipped to The Wigwam, Captain Claud pants and all, that Ihe police Vancouver, und ts expected In CofTee Importers and Roasters, Prince Rupert' have allowed her to arrive early in Ihe coming week- from .the East an eastern metropolis labelled Kelrhuui, is loading Iwfi donkey would not Sold only in 1 lb. Airtight Cartons "Shnihsiiir.s hair nil for .shriili-les engines on a scow for Jrnnsport land. Among the fish captured Ibis Is for local ronsumnlion Large Shipment, of f I j 1 Latest sealps," and Hill pcuarantees to SUrf Inlet. These engines nre by Flnssie were sexeral -splendid Slyles in Ladicx' und Misses' hat i t s perslslenl application lo be Used by Die .1. II. Morgan specimens, of octopus, devil fsh, The While .Star is undergoing Logging and fish, several of gear oveijiaiil, and Will reiurn to will prow hair on a hilliard liall. Comnanv. 1 rat....fih cat .... r which had tieen loaneii 10 an Die high spots over Ihe'week end Spring No arrivals nf fur are repnrted Caplain .Newcombe has com-Mi town fish house in display for - 'hiring tlio week;; pleled the overhaul of Ihe Dixie Die benefit of Ihe.public. During 'Die Jeo conveyor is updergrt QUALITY CLEANLINESS ,rf. llupcrt, and everything is in good Die trip the wealher was ralrjy ing repairs jit Die flonlh Fisher Dresses "It's Better when Baked by Electricity' nrinf salmon 'hits put. in nn shane for the" fnrthcomimr sea. igood but Flossie llioughl that ies. V- . aiuieararieeJ.JdiiriiiK t)i week, in . ' f f miui) Was Troubled Caplain A. Swansnn. is fillini SPECIAL PRICES quaiiUtie.s, caught niny Get Rich a new engine fii t'tie I'rnvineiHl Quick around J1(rid point, M.'llakatla Captain "I renchy" claims lo and Wrfrk Canal hy (rollers. have the only uiisinkable craft With Her Stomach at his own dockji Tjio nddltion Is $15.50 to $47. Willi I lie -advent of the. spring on Mum Pacific coast. The craft a mw Alias, ir ;li..p. engine, salmon season Hie owner of claiming . Ibis distinction is which, snccecus , uie old original Call, See and judge for A $5 GOLD PIECE will be placed in our colli up- ,oaU are husy pulling known as The Snipe, and is at For Five Years :'0 h.p, engine. I M antfeipaled yourself. QUALITY MILK BREAD on FRIDAY or Hieir iioalril in .iriler for the present moored at Sail Lakes, the work will be completed in SATURDAY Mr. Samuel Ward. MllUnUl. S?.. forthcomiiiir 'enon. nml a 11 urn- Ihe skipper states Dial, be hn writ: "I feel tint I must write to you about ij week's time. TRY A LOAF and TRY YOUR LUCK l'i' of, boat. Jiave already left tried hard on several occasions ueftue nuiiier day iae 1 am no imrry BENTS port on salmon' trolling bent. to sink her from both ends, hut and ureteral 10 your splendid medicine, I'ho following bnalsmarketed Ask Your Grocer for Electric Bread. . ' lhal it would never work. If she "" '? ''''r for ,r"'r ,n "",04 fish during Die week, tbo inaj Third Avenue Note We will give $6.00 in cash for the There Is nn undercurrent of gels her nose down first it comes , UulM9 M 6), 1 could orily of wliich left for the high return of the Gold Piece. lipen dioiAlisfarlion among Die up again, nnd if her stern gels n,)t j,ear ,he meii or iaie of food of spot'.: ilierinen ffencrally, ..wjth regard Klibiuerged il is only for a few any kind, tml not o tliln ind weak I Sun Wing, Jlryan, Nnimak, It will pay you to buy Electric Bread " the Inefficient ladder IC nmi.llioi wi, 1 naa iur uwiur. aur. u llrolhers, llln accoui seconds when lip S conies, Thelma, Tyee, From the Farm "lodalionliind the lack of artifi wilh Die V best or 1 114. . I.;.i ) no me.piln tut b1 Ihey rrlt did,a ine, 110 M k"Ood.lm ,I ,hntirll,n leader. D.C.F.. W. A T.. Iris, .N. rial lighting, along the government also claims Ihllt her engine holds would die, In fact, ill my friend were F., Fisher, HI fin,, llennel. Hose, to the Table Electric Window Bakeries wharf; Willi the present Hie record for turn ug nil liouesl Uuie I could not live many rnontua. point, .Voriiep, Tom and AI, Florence, rondilion-boats coining In at head of black hair lo a diver ru' relieved"n lait of year ntuiinch I w trouble ilm liy Bur-grey w Osunii, i.ancing, Vivian, BulkleyValley "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" night ami lying up on dark in double rpiick t rue, lie flo.k ,I11(1( mnt.rii t Iliy blllilmil,i ro, Fiiiio, Sampson, .loliauna. Dull-ford, idglilH, it is, practically Imposs!-blo has recently come to the con- tle two lioitlea, but I liad no tallli In II Tramp, Virginia, Cape BEEP VALUE Phone 6G7 SERVICE fur' liioin fo Hen their mooring elusion that the only way to pi'"- after the diHereul medlclm I liad taken, Spencer, Cora, Oonuh, Jlosespil, lalon, nnd Dm luck of vent engine Iroubln is to throw iever inisted. and arter the first two Timber Wolf, Evolution, Yaknliik, PORK dny I mint y I l)ean 10 feel teller, and MUTTON lighting facilities nfleu menus Die engine overboard. Itntu . ,0 nmrh bMUr .Allan, Arctic and While Star. VEAL damage to ; Iheir lioa. when Ilowover. Iiaving liad the erafl h went out unto every day. but could noi 'the following boats are at Hearing lh whurr. The lack nf for some time he tidies to part alone I waa u weak, but I soou rot ao present in port: Annie, o, Johanna, Skeena FRESH River KILLED Farm POULTRY Produce THEO COLLART, LTD. - - NOTARY propper lad.fers, leading from Dm with an old friend ami after ' onu"" d . uv ut quue Unity, Laura if Seallle; PUBLIC boatn to 'jhe lop of the' wharf seriou-s consbJerallou has .decided , '. ... ... ..J Lastt'rn Point, I'ug, Cub, lteula, VANOERHOOF CREAMERY is a real sore" point, ami Dm til V'ivJ I"'1' n"""'r I'I'aiiee. Willi ft.i belter than I have for jer, and!'1'1- Atlas, Arctie. Tramp, Selnia, BUTTER Six.roomed house for sale, close In, $1600, terms. fisherineVi Ach ununlnunu In the" thin -object In view (;api leu low can ui an uiy isiunewmk. lornerg, i.uri, .limn, Jieaver i;ove, NORTHERN INTERIOR "pinlou thut udJIlional laddei-H Hay 011 Thursday morning aboard Vou may make use of tun letter if you 0y , Lnura I',, rtilford. Mdb, diriuld lm cftnstructed. At present tlioMuurilaniu with a load of ".' i'V. , .k,Dli"a'iy- i.. Hanaco, Dolphin If, CO-OPERATIVE Rentals Real Estate General Insurance wlien .anyniimher of ImalH are lumber and xeveral iiisirumenU B, Bi B. u nmnufanuied only by riiJA"iur,cn l.AVIilln Star, Wan. Phone 81 Phone Bluo 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 69 'led, one has to scramble across of torture, and said HuU if TIumt. unburn Co., umiied. Toronto, oni. derer, Uryan of Ketchtkan, Ylv-