PAUZ TWO the vKicr mrws t The Daily NeWs MODERN CLINIC , Published PMNCR Erery IUJP.ErVT Afternoon,- BRITISH except Sunday,COLUMBIA the Prince IN MEDICINE Vitamines Grocery Friday & Saturday Rupert liaily New. Limited, Third Arenue. i II. P. PUM.RN. Managing. Editor. Dr. W. T. Kergln Tails Haw They! Do Things at Mayo Bcatnars I Are Indispensable to Uf. SPECIALS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Institution and Health. Specials J City Deliyery, by mull or carrier, per monlb .11.0" All Grwan Vegetables are. By mail In all part of the British Empire and the United State ' Hkh In Vltamine. BENEFIT OF EXPERTS or ! ft .-lean and in tfl.Oi MEN'S CASHMEfllNO HOSE, adtanee.per jear fresh and the i.riee are St. Charles Baby Milk Rrinforred Heel aiol !. : H ark H . To all other countries, in adranre !?.& dot. 0 per year riM. 3 foe 25c, pee Four to n?a Hundred Doctor to ti special, 3 pairs ronti w New 'arrnl. good site, i K TELEPHONE II ConMcUd With Big Institution for 2S. Panshlne Clsansee, 3 foe 25a SILK LISLE HOSE. MEN'S at Rochester New 1taloe. fswal site. T ItesnMsreeal Beet and To. I le Ma. . "transient Diply Adrertiine; l.0 per Ineh per Intertio lb rue nc ia It for $1.00 Yacht Brand Norwegian Sardines, Tranient Advertising on Front Page ?0 per inri. The teehif,iuest or the rlinw New labkOge. I Mj for 1S. 3 for 50c, 7 foe $1.00 SfECIAL, 3 PAIRS fOR Hog in meiciie wrih ftarlieular rf hoiking; Onion. S Ih. fr XS Local Reader, per insertion 25c per line BIB OVERALLS. lerenee 1 liie rre iittitutHn New IWtoch Heeta. largf MEN'S t3aifled Adertiine fer tnertion 2e per word taMbhed & Maya Ilm4ti-c al Imiirbe, t far tic H: 1 Chkken Wheat Made id esse Mcmhe quality ilensm ibothle 53.00 Sack Notice, each insertion . IRc per agate linr fUtcbeirc the beel nf an Head Lettuce. 10c, 3 fur 2S. 100 lb. lobar I late, and Ittwr iU St t k. SfCCUU, 11.25 ptia Contract Rate on Application. inters lift aSMt tiriie4ee fel- N-w tireetl Bej Wel. rHn yetenU at tbe - l-al . I Ik. far 2S. Boyal Hcsisahold riaue MEN'S OUTINO SHIRTS, AH te New advertising should in The Unity OfTIce on day pre 49 lb. Sacks 32.25 laty Iwweiieon by le. . T. Ker- Nw i.reen Pew. 3 Ik. for la ftrlpe aatrf Plain irey Hanrlletir. with -t, ceding publication. All advertising received nbjeet to approval. fter tellins; nf the rn1h 25c. ndlar attacked S.. MS lo I H SPSCIAL, S1.95 CtCn Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. of lle peaetsee of meilieme frotr ouliknr ttsrosaber arrtTtHi Combination Special: Ike erjr early are, the prarti-t Krlay. I for t&c Tiaaara laM Pore Jam. BOYS' JERSEYS, 100v PURE WOOL DAILY EDITION Friday, July 3. I9t1. MsrtteffT mmmnx tb livyptian- r.-en (Hi ton and RaMhe. I Ik. peii. aseorted In Plain and !tri lir.nrii. fo i.. u tae ytetfiatitinir of medirin-smW 3 for 10e. per dot. 3Sc 9tratkert ao4 lUsfafeerrir SPECIAL, 52.50 and 52.75 CaCH HfMerate awl Ike palhrr- Kreh Mint an! ParMey. Sc. 2 fee $15 Tendency Of Governments of Wtvup aroMIMt nerefn aHhfVwr. 20e, 2Se. 30c, BOYS' SHIRTS AND SHIRTWAISTS. To Cut Down Expenses. Uractilniwer aM leaeber and I If 3Sc, 40; pesce aeeoedtSMi Be Brand Jelly rowdscs, In Pftlk WBUe and Kancy Hnpee lit.,. The tendency of all government lo1ay i to rut down expense. rra4ual devetofimrnt of tke to sue. a(1e4 flaor. 2 foe 154 SPECIAL, 95c taCH .llal rliftic. Ike tuetr nl mi l . Hfthote ToeMtHes, r Ik. There Tnay hea few'reception in the. genera) rule. IihI Ml t the Rochester idMiluImn 2 Sc. Campbell's Soups, assorted: keening down the order of the Thi CURTAINS, SCRIMS AND MUSLINS. eipene j day. applies m lr. KenrM ait ke Isad viilel nidooc Tomato arttvsi luawato, TeoeUkte. liewn. . While and Cream aad Iwkry Kffrci. vi. . i , federal, provincial and city rnvrromcnt. The period of ere Hitf-fcevter oti a itumlxr f r - rroiay. t lb. for 35c Pea. tlasv inswwwai . Mora In )WiHr. SPECIAL 20 to 50c PER ys.o nr -nuins; seem mi ne anotu over anl il i lime. II we go Ue firH iMf tfiaa Xoor lreerisir Cfcefrte TwHIe. ta Tail. Mutton on at the rale we hate been moving for the pal few.year we can ear as. A I ikal tise ke iiMtut arriviaft KrwSsy, pec h 20c or Jwlieansr ton of PMir tr tt aba Meson, per Ik. 10c 7 tins for 51.00 PONGEE SILKS. end only in the bankruptcy court. There are already a rmmher In Xowy.lsM no. AHee IHoe. I.iabi Hlwe ami .r. thMiand penle tere Ioctir Watermelon, pee KV. 7c Limit II IHi t eocks-ws. of bankrupt ntie and municipalities. Thcc place cm ho iM ami tJiarle M.. werr -in- i.rmftrr SfTtMng Wekd?. SPECIAL, 515 PER YARD Ion rer lrnrw- a dollar no mailer how Iiadly the money I needed. ttodlH? a clinie. Tkeee wa in market price. They can only pay a they go. tke asaee am ermotrv h4H anl a Canietopes fansnw Tnrtoefc Combination Canned Vega-table TURKISH TOWELS. " The tendency in Pnnre Rupert i lo spend monev rather kHlal cttntturl-A kv tlx shipsHeal are ramisig , t Special. lo a gasnsl bewvy ajsMltlv fjHt.n sroaranieeo f-i i-ter of charity. A few 4ieUf for 25c If 1 lt" SPECIAL, 25 EACH freely. Thi i. Uie tendency of all elective bodies. A 'fflkw of I Tui MeJAsn Het Tosm- Ute Vtlle4 the clinic. N.w Oeen Apple. 2 Ik. foe the people ak for improvement and they get them, no matter tM. JS . ' The last vmit a fMM rerrnl. 3 Sc. LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES. at what coL Then there i always a reluctance. especially in a liy wtten ke fwM munernw If lUMiett Pear, market price. h Tin joasrr aUI lfa-.. ymr i SMMre of In all Ibe latest style r Fn ia and Hal.n i .v mall place, to apply the prnning hook to department in order let, koaitak. ave anl w il I'raehe. plum anl IH i'.in. AT COST PRICC Ui keep down expenses. It i the eae here a elewhere. I littler) leeet. MI Ike iui tThernes. alo Rapnerrie . H1v Iw-aii-. Phone 37. UMnl mr ifuailcuH'd m M"t'ili . from Terrace al hiwel lion. The iMrea! nfn4a'in Pec dot, 52.25. Must Dan To Keep . i wa ahVMMt entirely MiMrted bv A Business Basis. ... Mav. clinie wbiek hart tteronw Hh Municipal business'gnust ! run on the same basj a a pri famoai all over Ike worM. Prince Table Supply Co Universal Trading Co. vate, concern el.e the city J losing! money. Tht l epeiaM Outstanding Qrtatnass Rupert true when puldic utilities are being operated by the mnnleipallty. Tire Mayo ha4 prnwn up ph 376 tkeir bmrnif own. Their fatlie r 1 Phones 211 one The bai same a a private concern l neccary. If thin can- ' a ' A- 11 I. a - . vs a doctor: died a few yea,..1 ni w uonevmen ine ia. argument in lavor or pulrilc owing airo at the ajr of 9t or 5. He' the utilities is gone. wa a roan, of oultantinir areat. , tMMito Naiicmivr irot slef into financial diffkuHie- from ne. He rave the ri1 a steal ' t.iTv w-t k i l in the (soorat'jry K..spi Hoi. .i- i a i i wWch it is Iowly recovering only by mean of having the affair deal by hetpWiT lo ttieir present lirase a4 H- ' . - it-ations; loition two ch n. Thi wa Many Doctor Thar Canadian National of lh municipality conducted by a commissioner appointed by wnh lh-r pna' tali i u- y Railways not unMkal (or PMIlp of .Mace.! The ltorheter w..r, had :vn the Provincial Government. It ha been.bankrupt fr a uumUr ll.lll II . -If ll'l' - ton. be atway entilrreL i a an iui4tu I" the rimir wrk of year. "ohly soon jt may he in, a portion to again take t-realer roan ibasi hi vo Aletan. There were loO i.i 5oo . -Iocs a charge oMU own arrar but it will he unable a borrow for Jer Hi Hreat in that he orranif ed rsmeclef with Ike Mayi. Prince Rupert yean to come. " " the expedition anl lauxbt hi t.linic. Kjirb nf litose was able Ten Years Ago So lo Will Mayo senior wa make kim-elf prufieresrt in hi In P ncs Hiipsrl Lumber Mill Cleanup le much of the occe of Hie pjarticular line as a msII. He DRYDOCK Mayo clinic. wtrke regular hottr with a itay Waa Welcome Newt. Jaly 2S, 1912. The secret of ueee wa . If each week in aildllion to AND That there i W I a cleanup of the lumber mill affair i hard work done' inlWIinetitljr. iays. somethtOK which the cn-1 The IhMk of Mmlreal ha welcome new lo people who would like to see the local institution Many tl-rlr were coatent to e. try praei il toner dul not have. aarwed l ihe sale ..I eily Irra. wry kamdo kss kas adviserf that SHIPYARD on it feet and once more producing. The notice of the cure their di4oina and then ret Thre were now many eWnie. eaulmn ! everriet im isworrma; published yolerday, prrved mot welcome new, for unlit the on their laurel. To the Mayo tboe near here being at Kdmon-Um. folwre IsakllMlea. affair of the the diploma was jul the rmht t Vancouver and Peal tie. The a. Opacatlng O. T. P. 20,000 Ton JlesUng Dry Dock concern are put on a good financial basis nothing . .. . . . ... ieofumenee work. Tliey ere still method allowed a better anal more Pstlars 1 I - I .It.. IL. v W. Mri Ma.MS wa today Englnaara, Machinists, Bellermaksrs, Blacksmiths, " ur umr. i-riiiMiijr nir iiirriiaer 01 ine propcriie will ue of ap. tomplete tHilrnt and worker. The la- analysis a case ant Eta. IMtinled rily eiifikeer Wllk T. mikin, Foundere, Woodwockaca, them and it i even poible that the pulp mill may yet be erected titulion wa built hp gradually along thi line he felt sure there H W. I'arker. In assistant her. lep by lep. Tlie men wirkel would be great de vetopfnenJ m JolinnM- ws ei hl. Electric and Acetylene Welding.' bard al their anatomy doinjr di f'rture. No man contd hope to te-' ly injured liT when ke fell Much BulMing In ecliaK ami materin(r Ibe intrie lowte proficient in every line, especially off Ike plank roadway nenr th Our plant I equipped to handle all kind of acie the as the knowledge nf tke of human body. Once U.C Coast Citiat. newer nf Kttrkr and Hays t' the concern wa poinir it almMi human hod increased. Wlnl Marine and Commercial Work Two coal citie. Vanroiiver and Vkbria. are experiencing .carriei) iloelf with it own mo the comfdetene nf the analysi dull time and )et building i going on at each place with renewed mentum. wa in favor of the clinie lb ere PHONES 43 AND 345 energy. Evidently the people have faith in their town When aked what i the se. wa the disadvantage of not BERT WEARMOUTH AND I or they would not build. Yet each of tbn.e place are comparatively rret of hi ocees. Will Mayo knowing the family hilocy and MISS MURRAY WEDDED launb and aid it wa beaaue eiperienee of the patienl. The, suffering more fnm buin coolitious than i Prince be went away oflen and when he enrroonding far I often helped in' Rupert. eauie back people thought they ifeakiiss a dtagmui. ,Caramon? Took Place QuIaUy at E. H. SHOCKLEY While the present here ( not very glowing, the future i had learned nouiething. They did Itactocy Last Etsning, Arch . bright and there i no reavoir to be the lcal morried oer it. Lat (to away and they 4 earn. Dr. Ker- daacon Rli Officiating Planing Mllltt Cow Bay. Wharf: Nit Imperial Oil DetL autumn we worried a lot about the coming winter and really there (rin Maid. Fa cry year they went The Man in the Moon Phonet 333, to koine of Ibe het surgeons in i Mis Margatei I. Murray, late FIR DIMENSION, PINISHINa LUMBER, PLANKINQ A10 wa nothing to bout. The awful worry thing did not happen. Uw H-wrhl and iarilnl somettiinjt 8AYS of the ieneral Hospital staff, and TIMBERS, SHINOLtS, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWt. bo it will be in the coming winter. The probability i that next new. - " si Herbert F. Wearwouth. old timer i Agsnt for: winter will be much better than lat. Mathod of Diagnosis LAIflll of thl rity, were quietly married! Itoberteon At Hacketts 8aw Mill. Ltd. and Ih w. rid ira.te A bcal merchant yeterday spoke of th dull time but alo The new clinic building lined with yon; and at the Her lory yesterday after,j J Fyfa Kinith llardwuod. mentioned that after eeing what the buinemen in the outh wholly far diascnniti and not fort your good. weep you keep noon at i o'osoek, Yen. Arehdea-i "Lamatco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling Iron ii. a. mi orricuiing. Mrs.) Oar land (!ompany, Hoofing paint operating. rol half a million dollar. he are doing remarked that he would not trade hi hoine for The patients were treated Illltf hillMHI atlenei the b"lde.j any of thoe in Vancouver outside of the big departmental Mores. i:o.VN IxriYLK say. he like. Following ibe M.r in the various hoMpital.. baebaH but lie never attended a eereniony. and; In the clinie from 300 to 500 rout like lhal seen .( ruybt at Mr. Wearmouth lf t for their, people would be ern wailing summer home near Wolfe Island.' Seech of Success from eiiiht o'clock in the nuirn-inir Aeropoli Hill, Mr. Wearmouth t a well known! BENT'S : LINGERIE Modern until 5.30 in the afternoon. YBKTKfilAS headline at.l and popular pioneer of the flty LADIES' READY TO WEAR The patienl were asuigned to a 'Workmen anil district anl I a returned o. 3rd Habits Are hhort of Kee,." Avenue. formed In childhood days uoctnr and then dier. having been in srvire with usually had to If they are why not e then guide our development in later wait a day or more for their turn eooie to Prince flupert ainl get the Kiiteentb llatalllon. Mr. Laundry tears. A thrifty boy usually i The doctor went thoroughly inti some Prince ftuiwrt brand Wearntootk was on le hospital Big Reduction a successful man. he cae and gave him sii toLsinoked black col. laff for the past two year o.v Your Interest In your child's eight card which admitted him Service future ia shown when you open to secUlits in different depart, IOI.MIK aud Pleven are pre.l The newspaper with tAa circulation Spring Suits, a Savings Account for him while inent of nfediefne. After posst. lenilwg they iio not want the Is the real advertising We- offer thn Ts::if he is in the habit forming age. My a day of waiting; in each department lealerhip of Ih ConservaUve medium. 1 'ft. ' i of rrr jtn One dollar will open a Union the examination wool I parly ami range yet s.i attractive i a In Bank savings account te complete and then the patient leadership even of a forlorn Coats, would return to the SUITCASES Economy Layndry "tT first man ami hope that I hey will either of'ysoft UNION BANK OF CANADA the diagno would follow with them aeiepl it If it is offered TRUNKS o.m Dry.TJry CW-JJ Rough nil the information on bund and them. Dresses, and.'Dyslnl, etc. possibly in ronollation with CLUB BAGS and Pressing Carpal CleanloB. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager other doctors. About one third CHOPS look good and soekeye the Regular Lan'F nf alt patients were turned away ore running. Why lie dWma) o far a surgery was concerned. even If I lie fotf ihtes crowd down Large Stock on hand. ylca. surely ""'. r The value of the method was n uT Prices very low. BENT'S W can ' ii j ..i. i j a j i , jihat each patient was given the When may a w , . .. .culylca of a specialist on oaeli liiilTAIN ha decided lhal she J. F. MAGUIRE Third Ave. Canadian SteamlaimifS Advertise in I he IIaiIv NaiA7" mui ftfhu Th, ha no jurisdiction oulsid the j Nest tka Friar Rupert HoUl 0pp. Bank of Montcaal. - mmj - J t had II h time and opportu- ibrea mil limit. That is a new! Phone S. ,at