! - rvrt w nitt M - FA01 TRUER "kr I Local and Personal ? .....rv.r UNADLt 10 WALK A FROM TALE OF RUSSIAN SUFFERING DOCTOR Wat 4: - - ,1 i. ,. -I.,, , i , U1, .g erman YEAR LJYING MOSCOW CITY U. O. Uncertaler. Phone l. tf FORJ Life of Beat Declare Eminent Harnera. Undertaker. I'hone iD 1cacl thc wor,(1 There is a SSI. . tf Paralysis Entirely RellevBd Phylcln Chang of CHS Pcn to fit hand. And "fruimiyes" Ideal. I every Cah for Victory Hond. Thn by . every user ot a Waterman is MetJIymont. tl Til Woiiertil fall Uticiit LO.MM).. July 27. Palhetle 12 booster. rllera are rrcelveil here every a for raralyd I a krnl !oa of the day frm u prenerving frail proniinenl lltin.lan. in Bounteous Nature are in a class by thomsolves. ii r..re you ,y. OHy MaritL tf Krrrou Hyvtrm an l ffe!U the vie-Urn Mutcow hihI otlirr larf Soviet II S USK NONE OTHER in in virion ki. SomMimr, renter ileptetln? the plijflil of your main itt'lf kvm try Aytl l ii'-y I land, Huiniay, Xar-I nsrvotunrlt he imputation under IIir pre. Has supplied tea for the pleasure fountain l'cn. 'll.-.H. rid, Uuomma. wult hrmdarKn, or 11 enl reylni. Writinir to hi. I'nmm lllaefc una of that I and refreshment of mankind. my be to one rrtilly on. he I.oihIoii I'rofe. Just received. Thin i76 ronipWrty brlpiM in win prt loa.paper or Pencils r Cliri.tr ilrli. an emiiH-ni phy- When pure and fresh, it Is a most leads. of the body, Jast a Mri. lrirok Hard rubber rrH lllffofl hIM cHi lite. sieian, .ay. Ilral everyone in delicious and beneficial drink. It handle. I.ikr nil nthnr I'n.ir,. fieorre for Vancouver lt WM Pinr t XI , 0t, anxious lo rome lo Kuroi or Kilt. "Whrn I mi twenty-right America lo ee how human be- gently stimulates in winter, or Waterman products, they lead. The nicest 4 of (, my doctor !riied ni to yrar htr dig. live. cools and refreshes in the heat of to use, besides they are beautiful. Kee our whIfw fur prleai In an oporatlen, hi-h t did and II 'We bee liviiiK a life of summer. Tea is always so refresh. ur (;ilnfr Out Sale. Iloyal Shot proved very arrhxin, Itoting m .t lwa.U," say the latler. "and $1.00 $1.75 $2.50 "tore, f uni imUi l lk ff m J'l'. 8inf w think only of wood and fooij. Ing. JUST TRY "ICED" your "Frult-a tlvrt" adTrrtiird in We are cut off from all civlli'ij 807 Mhm Vhlea. iled on lira the ptprri, I drcided to try thrm, life and aytiipaltiUinir peoiilr. i-Mi.,e (irore la.t HkrM for I eontianed to n them rrguUrly You cannot, erliap, under.land Vancouver. and UxUy I am able to to iboot mj how heavy life I. wttliHlt in. borne dutlr and rare for my family". telleelual iinprr.aion., wilhout "SALADA" Mr and Mr. F. II. AtoMKlrr MRS. J. W. HEAroCK. iRMik. ami newnpaiier and " ! rt.imililrr Ue4 laet cvaf7 Any form of KrrvontnrM U oftra friendly coover.lioa.. eauxNl by, andltalwayiatrrivitrd Hardened by Suffering. by, C'onitipatioo, whirh poloot the "Jur heart are m hanlt-mi) M .jt 1.. IhtHoek-Webeter re bfood, IrriUtr the ki.laryi and la-flamrt hy ufferio? nml loe thai 'I ' Vmlarla on (he Ichiro the oti. "FnUtitn"ttim death of frteiul. and relaUon- l.t nlghi. Utrt tkt ariion lirmi Lovrli,itAnrji - , n4 tkiH tonri tmj ntrtrnt ttie lit niake no more imiireaion m SPECIAL! SPECIAL! r i her men. AH oar rubber mark irrn ik Uaojpur, vti imiUt u than trivial event. .ev-r- Ihele. we continue lo hofe lo Fresh 1 - are urn aale at OchI i'rtee up lk rntirt ntnvul lytUm. ha he human hcinsr. nuarn. In I In- Ia a word, "Froit-a tivrv" Bho loyal Star, Bargains in tf protl that It I the moat trirnXltte old Ciaril day. my wife ami I the worM loused for wtltca1 frreiloni. Today and effrrttre remedy ia I. H. Warner, ,,f mlt -!. for SVrvouinra or a diaordrred my wife. Meal i Im have a Toilet SOAP a paaaemrer for Vtetoira. condition of the nrrvon i yttrm, pair of .locking, al 2,000.000 FLAT mi lUv Prince (kwirsrr U iiikM Rupert 4. roc a box. 6 far V W,trial tlf, 5V.. ruble, a itair. At dealer or ent poatpaid by Fruit-a-ttvr "We are all alive. That i.j till a fw pair of Limited,OtUwa,Ont. the principal llnnz lliee ilay. j 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps hil DifonJ, ami Ihtmpa lft We .ohj all our tinny, in f , I itm par pair. Itoyal liofw lo bviy new one. when w-inarvetl Brand The folliwlnii toot to clear at tor. tf Mr.on. FISH pa.oaai- fnon hrif for (hr nt1 li from Kaian to I'el mjirad, : on thr MrinoFM l.oiii.r llil bol we ale all oor money.. Wei Mr.. W. C. rHiar4 rfvJrad 2 for 25c. lo tb eltr' a I dm lriurro asorniiiir: li. frrtoiirkr, for Wlillr are very rii-h now in llui.la. hul Horwe, ami K. M. Antrrll ami only in numeral.. You e that l.'Milw MtH after having m'nI a mnrnimt frw vinliin MUa 1.. KdBit.oii, for the .tamp upon thi teller ro.t now available from the vcaa 00.000 ruble. A loaf of bread ORMES LIMITED ia Vaaeueivrr. way. C4L three time thai. local retail stores. Hon. V. It. Motbrwrll..Mral "We live, and we are nali.fied (f CIaH anl l.aaV Tuuurr 3rd Ave. and Cth St. P.O. Hox 1GS0 ainialrr wilt Ibal we live, aud that the win. e of Vaartr. vrp IHr agjrtcullure, r. annnc ler Ua Canadian Fish & Cold Prii8r on ihv Prtnw rlv a Utt tqafrttw ofi Ihr a.ed. I fear lo six-you Storage Co., Ltd. Phone 82, 200 and 134 all iHainor I'rine HuimtI. 'Ilia the new for II i kim-Ii I ii i.,. I Ki- mom i iijt makinfc Ibe THE PIONEER DRUQOISTS TWO REXALL STORES rou ml trip to hi airway. niiii.lpr i. amoNtwiniHl ly Mr a lonz lit of dead from maladle PRINCE RUPERT and ruin." Motlirrwidl. Mi. Mollterwrtl ami MonttMr S. AaejvWa'Wajitnly, Miaa i'rwajdfiM' ft(ry i .li.-- Auilftary mm4 frtatMl Tbrv will ba ;s. Hoard l Trad HOTEL ARRIVALS Iwnrhon at I oetoal hM i xiii i lurani baael ttemkr m of Mr. Motherwell. Mui..ly July J. Iloata lta Prlnc Rupert. M.'-4a The w Hay V-.m a.m.. to II a.m I.. K. Harri. W J. Henry. It . . Uil. t. 1 1. '.Neajrowl ii- Kirn mi i .m i.m. and a.av Hramley. I.. Toomb. H. S. VwloHa. ntarln ufxrinU-mnt 'rhoiiip.on. Norman I., llrant. II Silo Solution I : P. H of ibr i:. P. II Uoat SlHihii GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY -IrafHrr Piinrr. K. FrrJerlek.oii, It. M. Slewati. Swrviri". wan a IhrouR pariijter I.mi. arrvM tliU morntng Jame Hruy. . W. Smith. F. K. it. PRINCE GEORQE AND PRINCE RUPERT vu! aa4 Tbur-cr IxxiikI from vanrmiwr In iMiiMn- Ihv rlly boQiMt iHMlh ihi Hie Mirk, and T. I. Lake, Vuocouvei ; I H.imlav -. I H Mn M f..f Swaneon Bay, .a-iTii laka. kail 1 iai Prini-.w l.ouiw toalay. I dipt J. M. Parker, Mkhhran; W. II THE "HOARD" SILO. Oct in Pall. Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. nifi-r- MnMtf rum hrr arrom-iolalion .w4iroulM. on Iravtny hrrv, CJejrs, V.. I. Allen. Toronto; T. "A Silo On Every Farm." 1 Anyoi ti.p..iav i " l" Stewart, talurday. 8 p.m. In mparily. 'I'lir niimt was uiolwbb'j whether he .lomld Cleirz. Winnipe;; A. I. Hakcr Ai w !! X hoops No attention Svlf.adjusting. "f I Ur in rrr rxnid Irlppern. Mkiilliiue the tup north t Hi and It. (I'lliHirke, tidtooMlou. F Anyone can erect a HOARD SILO In hi par time. I. S, PRINCE JOHN l I t Northern and Southern Muie in- Iraii-for lo llir Prin 4 II. Purvi. rlly; It. U. (Unniiiu-baot, Tin atHantase of the llOAKi) many over the Hoop Silo ar Qn Charlotte Uland, May I Mil and S7lh. June lOlli and Mr.. J .P. Wal.h. who r Alif a) K'ti-hikaii looialit ha lH-t KiHZfoH: Mali Toy. explained in their catalogue. . J &IN aud ltti. Sept- J ml, ICUi Hid ami Autin.l w iy ..-ml. omn i.iiiua wiili hrr mil. pa Port K.insto(i; J. H. Haldrr.lou. Write for Catalogue and Prices. r.a l. and Mr. K. T. S4unor BASEBALL Iial?r: It- Warner. Sntillier.: Train Service Maby Utaia. relurnml lo Van- A. M. Misol and M. (i. Simp.on. Pattenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 8.4S p.m. -ourr on lb l,riar Uorr lam t'Jiicauo.NATIONAL?. Ho.lon.LEAGUE.tt. AiOii: W. It. Penny, Victoria; A. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. t Pmitlirt. I'linn Ue.irge, lUlinouton, and Winnipeg. ntvlil. She vkia arroeafaiMied b I lea I on. Haielloii; Mr, h. llour- i tl v -. i iiiiiirriiiiii for all point in Katlern Canada Iit kI.Imt, Ml Hliofia 8und Ciiiruuiaii.SI. .oui. : New Philadelphia.York. 12.6 ael. Surf Inlet. P.O. Bo 745. Prince Rupert B.C. Phone 350. I- I l Mfn lUt.- rr. Central. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME a. Wa.hiuiiion. V; I M roil, . A. Campbell. Shame; Uordoii Mr. iirttrwr l'fk xailrd lal harliitii. Yanrouver, Mr. and Mr. Agency for all Ocean Sleamthlp Line Ilo.lctu. :i. l'.li tea so, t. Clt Ticket Office. 628 Third Ave. Phone 260. hikIiI for .Nw .laiiiil,r ar Xew York, li; St. I.ihhm. 5. s. . i.iurk, oily; I. lioirfin. imii iitft Mi-. W'aliMtii, of H. T. P. HbihadVlplua. 1 1 . Chnelurhl. 2. milliri.. wbo l lo rulrr Ibp Coast League. menial hotpiUU. Mm. Wnlmn - DEMER'S Sat-raiiieulo. 15; all lika. MM liioHffhl brrr by Mr. J. S MAIL SCHEDULE Lou Ai.jiele.. :i: (lakland. 6. liray vlio will rt'luru to the San FruHriM-o. 0; YeriHiw. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY iiiliTior tbi rriiiiiti. Por the Eai. - 4 seanie, 7; I'orl la nl, 8. len tinting.. Voiidv. Wednedya and Sat Great Clearance Mr. Pttltutlti. iniiiilr of land B.C. Coast Services INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. tirday al 0 15 p.m. mi lirili.h uoiumuia. i rfuorlrtl . Newark, o: HeudiHK, S. -TV to bar Irfl ifi-i-iitty oh a aia Iluffal... IJ lorouto. 1 1. From the East. Sailings from PrinceRupert iiIhih I nil IIh oukIi Vaiit'ouwr Halliinore. ;. irre ily. .'. Monday. Wednesdays aud Fri- - SALE U m llmil ami uloim iln- inainlanil Hit'li. lay at 7:15 i. SyrjuuM'. 3. p.m. rep Ktichlkmn, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway i-oH.t. AnollK'i ili'in hImuI Mr JUNt 12, 18, 2a. JULY 3, 7. 14, 17, 24 and 2S. I'allullo from Virtni-i h Ibat Por Vancouver and South. Por Vancouver, Victoria and Satll lit' Irft for Kiiii!:nnl l;il ("Bi WIRELESS REPORT Sunday w. JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, S, 12, 19. 22 and 29. ll iilay l itfrloi irivineHU ttau p. t. PRINCESS BEATRICE For BuUdal. Swanton Bay, (.I piai'iiiK .iiIhi'. on thr laud. 8 a.m. Tue.day p. m. I'liiiritday p. m. Everything at Cost Eatl Blla Blla, Oeaan Fall, Namu, AUrt Bay, Campbell Mi. I'aiiiilln i- - ii-iill) a hmih IIIIJUY ISl.A.Ml Oven-aL Saturday m. p. Rlvr and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. nf ariion j i i aw.i :it i.-ti aim; baromeler. 341.1 H; lxiiir for all Staamahlp Llnaa. alui-e. ii; ilea iiiUi. Agency Prom Vancouver and South. MKAH THKK lOIVr lUeur Full information from Sundays ..." p.m. W. O. ORCHARD, Oanaral Agent, PERFUMED aim; Uaromein. SO.lu; tamper. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. Corner jf 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. lure, 5M; ei imoo(i. rlday p.m. hi l.i. HAiiinut (ivwrea.l: SPECIALS Just Arrived! Saturday I0 :t0 a.m. - POTTERY barometer, jo .'n; leuiperalure M: i-ea amiHilh: H:S0 iun.. nook Misses' Patent 2-itrap Shoes. All nuc. 1 1 to t f 3.35 UNlOrl STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED learner Ileal nr. in Uuevn Char. Poe Anyoi and Alice Arm. Women' or Orowlng Girls' Patent 1 Wld Strap, Low Heel-All r -i SAILINGS SOUVENIRS totta ound norllibeuiid; 7:15 p, Wednesday V p.m. u'S. 5H to 7W $4.78 Vancouver, iirran Kali, ami Kwansnn Hay. Tuday 3 p.m. Something New, m., i iwr .teailier tiriiiM, iiImuiiii These are a special purchase and will move quickly. Call Vneouvr, Alert llay and I'orl Hardy. Saturday p.m. I.,til,' I ill I hr II Jul . Willi till) SwainMii Hay nrllilMJund; U:?o Prom Anyoi and Alio Arm. and get your sua while they la.t. Sea Ladies' window. p Tuetday fTtliiniBfci ho Alice Ann, ort Simpson and Wales Island, Sunday Canadian "at "t ui in. on otta p.m. .poke .learner llullierine a.m. Sal Agency for the "Invlctu' Shoe, No better shoe made. 1h 314 mile from IKlliiiKham, We guarantee every pair. r' N. a,.... ..idit and li-Utfd I'niiru Hu-pi-il. Por Port Simpson, Arrandal, Mill ll.i'.. ooulbbomul. left Ocean Full tf Bay, Wales Island FAMILY SHOE STORE Hi,-)' huvr ;i l.i-ltllK piM'fUllie p. m. ouUbouoil. Sunday 10 p.m. Third Avonuo Phone 3S7 Third Av.nu. v!ikIi -u ;i1 all over tint Noon, DENTISTRY! riioiii. i.i.i u.r iii iiii. niHHY iSLAMlManr. i-ui: Prom Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill liuroiHeter. 50.11 Iwnptruture, CI UK VIA si:, Bay, Wal Uland ea .lliiKilh; a. in. .poke SSo to $1.50. I'ue.day p.m. Jdodern X-RAY Service learner Prince.- I.tuie i-n THEO COLLART, LTD. - NOTARY John Bulger, I'niuHi lluimii lo u. m. north. PUBLIC tMiuud. EMORRHOIDS Wo an now Agent for tha Now York Llfo Insurance IKAI I III-:t: I'OIXT- tUeur: H DR. BAYNE Company. That moat liberal end tronget company on vrtl taint; Uaroiu.i.i. SO.IM; lenmor. IM not aull.r astb.r dr Itchlns, iullac or IToiruai.f the contlner.t. A.aeta. 90B3.B32.1 3H.HO, Let us show n! H,0ron Block Phon 1M ITOIFTS THAT LAST alure, 7j, n,.a xin..olli. 1MU. ar It.murrhalJ., N you how to save your money. UI"oJlour: MornlnK, 9-H Afi-moon. ;30.6:30; Ill I.I, II ftlll tit Overeaat: urtlcal i.r.tloa nxiiHr.J. Iw. Oi..' UvenlnE. '- Iltv.e.i wind; liaromeler. 30.- .Hunt Utln bvnoflt too a boa; att Phon Blue CJ Wtholm Thtr Block p. O. Boa M IMmaawtn. UatM Co.. " dulra, or iiipt-nitiiri- "O- ..-n ,m ..i Uuitnl, Tor ui.' m; 'c