PAflE FOUH THE DAILY NETT3 I eWo .ANNOUNCEMENT! BRINGING UP FATHER By George McIVfanm T "laSftlAlV rL J I VONOtS IF H I BY OUl.Y THE MEN AE j 8 HtTI OLD o0JT- 1 0ON T I TCl.u Yo j ir i xnUH Thinks There' e J 0eim' njMNiCK Thau I Vi n wave ttxj OT A t " iWM Cwjht rr,i, V3Bnflc l ba COLr LINK; OH r-1 THE! WONCH TMEP.E'S Ml III CMCW Of TOBACCO? I KAkfSf" I f WW. J A" ' ' Ws can offer the genuine "INVICTUS- Shoes for nun from 110.50. No boiler shoe mad a( the price and every pair fully guaranteed. All shapes and sizes. ' "The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." iwwi.ft rrM hiKi, ic lo ll ' I Family Shoe Store'elephant understood nnd nnnarentlv had her In Mm. -,r- . .' hM ?ikt P.O. Box 16CS.' TREATMENT OF MAHOUT? Tau.d" H.ndu.uni. Modern Phrases of hi admonitions. Daily News Classified Ads. Would Not Work and Was Sulk, 'TTl Yh', V M1 RED 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. CLERGY Until Colored Man Arrived ...... ;. . NuAdnrtlMiiMfll Takan for Las. than HOc Laundry oni, nun win inn work; It'jj ' . il wrong; Allah enjoins on us! IN RUSSIA LONDON. Iht. H. A Ma ff all we my.t work if wel BOARD. WANTED ORIENTAL GOODS mad' Indian elephant that wrnl i would e. Ynw are rlieslimrli.Mini, Service i -- 830 Second M AMK easily rtm.le in the iilo Japanese Kimonas. CNekery. ! nn strike at Die .on lai spring your masters, ami il Is unworthy Avenue. Phone 137. tr iiiioni-v. I tioii.Miol' of in.-n Hamboti Furniture. and refu ed In drt what all MgjntjiW. I hi M)I a hWk Ornaments. First Congress Held by New Or-ganltatlon 1 rmii,.. neri!e ., fH lat-reaslfHI ,Je. Itasketa. .Children's Itamfiers. j We affer the f j elephants ai the 7.ttn are required a ml yini hihI nnl miiul me. I'M! FOR RENT lf Formed of Young maml fur laMUffeurs. MeelHin-ics. Toys. Kt. j ran if e i.f irvo o t 'iv In ilo earil money liv cart-vino- fcir iinl of. VHiir IiiIsmI: lake M Men rhildren hip m IIKNT. S chumiiI Hal with I alter? aM IirnHian Kt- !.OWrT PIUCRS ! lie around on her back from ynor heart, and throw bath. In pert and ynu can iualily fnr r. k. isitr ' hai lieen f i r.I Hia ahIL. .n.l ii mil. gnm r..nhli. m. Economy Laundry Servlcs-. MOSCOW. I tel. it. The r' I lainoa by ihe seeming magic Ilie elenhant certainlv seem. mediate possession. Cor. I'wl. nne nf ttM-. Ilia oyin trades P. O. Ilot fit Tel. Re.) aa Damp Wash; Soft Flnl.h, clergy." led hy a group of young Ion ami Seventh Ave. tn a rew .usaii Third Avenue Rough ,real merit of an Indian mahoiil. e o iinderstanil. ami now obeys Apd Dry, Dry Cleaning, men. nei.i its nrst M. T. le. Phnsie al Hetnnhitrs g Auln ami congress here Ilnl She wias 3U. If Pressing and Dyslng, R , I presented In the ftint every order. The mahotil was WATCH AND CLOCK early in Aogusi anil discussed RHtneertn srfctmls l til REPAIRS ,,, aie and Carpet Cleaning, ,,y Maharajah if r.ooeh iiHariers in another narl ane plan In establish a new "live Itehar I wo years agn. She had of Ihe gardens, hut he obtained effnrt is being made In turn Oranvilie I II I. Street. Vancnrver. Kpe watch. atnk and the Regular Laundry See. church." It . contended that h, Wf, lra,n acted al leave to sleep in the elephant their alterilftM litis war. Xnw chronometer maker vice. Ihe rhurrh nmsl Ie nearer In Ihe II limes like sensihte Wll. is Ihe time Wftteh and ! W. .-an surrfy ser. a hinise, as be say that he wishes Ihe whn are ami Yntir Jewellery lleaatfa j masse, and that Ihe "newJH.)ave eleptiant ami nbeye.1 or. lo talk In Ihe eleidtaM durlnr willing to aMfse are In nuny Xame sneclallv ii.-n ii t . .1 rhurrh" shnnld he a "simple and iiers properly. Hh ilevelopeil no Ihe night. He has not yet tried eases, Mr. Ufnw ull The And AsWress ..Z,,ZZ ".. Mall orders ornmnllv eiwHl as humble a wan Christ himself. tiees beyond that of nicking In saddle her. a lie wants t Jimmal, wetl-tii... Iawf.w iters QEO, OIBB Canadian Steam Laundr g Owl The aim of the "red clergy, pockets for edible dainties, lint lake tilings slowly, but he s eon with erynnah ree..y mev In nnl and semi lotay la Opp. Pest Office fp. O. IWii 71 Phone S. so railed because of its arknnwl every elephant with any sense fideni bet will conquer all .I. i !"triw-.- ....1 1.....ii, n ii iri J mr twwr ,file.i . iH. I . ror Mg f.iMer ami Prince Rupert tf j nlpemenl of the social revolution at all learns in io that in Ihe fens.dtid make Iter nertnsnenilv iwtia isiiul.l tuii.l lik-l. i.k. and Ihe Soviet Internationale, in obeilifni. TAXI Ismail W.WTKI). market farms near Ihe Pos4ian a ear ar elude liquidation of the stinerinr Would Not Be Bossed. truck Phone (93 Canadian tnwh and cities, ami driver, ilersw eiaer. American ily of the regular clergy in fins- Then she ilmk it inln lior Mtr thus 'contribute materially NHb cure. Apply H.. 01. (iaiy (Rail (ieurre A.s Express sian rhurrh affairs: doing away heii thai she would nn( suhniif MOWED PEOPLE ito the jHltalin arvl deseMft. News Mre. Prve-ftassenger Tourma Car with the reactionary section of Prompt I lav uitd Nihi w-n.. Money Orders In being bossed any longer. Sh, 1 mefrt of ihe dtMHinioa. They are higher OIHI. Wan I est for StanO Boston Drill Third Avenue rlerity who. it is claimed. general House. declined to stand between the leaving England becaMe nf Ike are slill hftpinp for d'etat LEAVE ENGLAND wnri. Anply Mrs. f. C. Oil. Issued a coup new riding steps that had been - nnmtr entHMtlnii. there, fintt. CLOTHES CLEANED on in sweep them into power again, fixe up for the oonveniemv f nit it imiMMslMe tn hi.i ll.ii- nsdy. tf Firm Ave.. Ve.. f Norway, Sweden & and preparation of an all Itussian Juvenile elephant riders. When 1 - Icmintry estates nn.ler tne et. WAXTKII.-OiH f..r isweral and pressed by lalr.t T AM conclave at which a successor in Ihe o,l woiHiet sjens were sub Editor of "Canada" Say This i-iinu Mgn iaiatin. hnsjsewnrk. Apaly Mrs. Q. J. Dressing omeeas Denmark at Lowest Patriarch Tlchon is to be elected. slilued far the new noes he Country Not AUractlna i 1 "M by snmsi Orme. Westviaw. f 8 uils railed for and delivered Current Rates The red rlerpy" group, tieaJ prove.1 equally obdurate. In the Proper Share. f the landlinldar in KnaiaHd," Phone 649 en ny ArrnDisimp .nionin and, 4 end she deelinefl to leave Ihe, Mys Mr. !4rorf "that Iheir JAPANHSK wiiotan wants il LINO. The Talloe AgenU for number of young Moscow anil elephant- yard'at- all. FOMOVTON", Oet. --efc. liates'. and uiicAlaves total to by the Iwistr. Phone lNninn AUCTION SALES. Norwegian American. Use il'elrograd clergymen, came Into As (he elenhahl is n fl ne Ani file Willi lliunev m nearlr all setenteen shillings'- iw the Hotel. . jig Swedish American Una existence as a reulf of a split mal, and quite giMMf temrereL 11 parts of rural Kngland are ready pund. II ls. iSerefre twl In FOR Conducted In vnur hnma Scandinavian Amsrissa among lh Russian Hrthoilox was .Willed to obiain a mahout to leave for the ilnnnniniis ami be wniHlereil ifiai many of SALE rvery Thursday at 3 pm. in our Line. clergy, lirouph mImhiI kimhi after from India, lie was cable.i for. manv of idem are already gn lliem are han nm. or that ansall. HOATS. Engines and engine fit rooms. iend in your roods earl Oliver Typewriters confiscation of church treasure and arrive,I in due He er proprietors with U giMhl GEORGE LEF.K, course. ing." says W. Lefroy, publisher tings; Aulas ami auln parts; Auctioneer, Cery Safes a started by Soviet government was taken to Ihe elephant bouse of "Canada" the well known ial nf niMiey at Iheir command. stoves, tools, anchors, chain, 23 Third Ave, FIRE INSURANCE fficiats. He al once entered the enclosure weekly in lindoa thai tells the, are hmkttfg far sime other place blocks, nrwpeiiors, scales, and Pnoneei Black 818; Red 1ST. Church and Stat tn live where I and formally salilleil Ihe n Iheir animal, Homey Knglisii iriibli all afxHil this a variety of miscellaneous Ilecause nf the opposition which standing first at her head and country- Mr. Ifn.y is nw tn noni mil Ktnger. ll is '4r. fittings at low prices .Wth-ernKxehaBge. UTV CULTURE PARLOR Dybhavn & Hinson developed among (be ruling then at her Tail. Next he took dlmonlon in the eexirse of a tada's tHMiorliintly In bH some Phone HUrk church authorities, a numer of of his shiies, and knotted rope tour through ilaaada, a part of f this highly desirable immi. if RS. STEPHENS.-, Third Avenue the clergy were prosecuted in loosely round Ihe elephant's III. ...I luktn ly I .1.- grot nm. and am urging that HOI'SHS nml hits for sale on above Wrathali s store. Prince Rupert, B. C various parts of flutsia, even neck, which be afterward uei immigration Mssibi(ltles. someihing tn- done alMtut il easy terms, lagging mar hi. 'Third Patriarch Tlchon himself having as a kind of slirrun. Unfortunately, says tlie I.mill' w it In ml further delay." nery. boats, engines. ee. M. Halrdreasing, SbanHiooine-. Men. t een placed on trial. Many sen. With little ilifficiilt he ner. n publiher, this ibMuimon is M. Stephens. PWnnc 11. If naing, MarrH Waving; Vi.dct fences of death were imposed, suaded her In kneel and mount Inoi aUrarlitig lis nnur share iTOGOLANDERS ARE Flllt SAI.K: Five ItiMNnetl llmi.e Hay Face am) Scalp Treatment some of which were carried info ed her neck. In less than two of the settlers from Kngland. wMh balh, Hrttt Manicunnf. Xwitahet made t HYDE effect, and various other archbishops, mimili-s, soothing, pa.ting, and Australia atul Smith Africa are A RACE OF LIARS rash and moalh.Ave., soo M. order bishops, and clergymen talking vulubly to her in Hindu. per get Htm- large ,numbers of them, M. ftone; wiere given jail sentences. Healii. sta?M. he had got on gmul terms 1.1,1 U I .n I T. Ill I 1 1..1 i.,i, I I t.II.. . Stephens. ttt. tf CHIMNEY SWEEPING TRANSFER in if that the conflict between the with Oie animal. Mien he look background, with no apparent ,,nUrUn0 While' Paper Deals HlH Ml.ft Ktening suit, nearly rnune uu ami k for tate and the church threatened her round to the cieAhant ride. reason ejeept that no adequate With Backward Race of new. site III. Ca.a OLD NICK a- EXPRESS AND BAQQAQX 'ihe very etitlenee oj the church Mandated Country Wrila lm SJ. luily Xews Chimneys of , w ry .les,-, ...i,, Iuy and Night Phone Zt? .itself, the group of young clergymen ttllee. f WPL Work guaranteetl. took the initiative and da. I.O.MMI.Y is. t. l -The natives Kill! ll V Kitrl,l..n f..i ..i landed the abdication of Patri. of Tngoland are a rare of ltar. .. V v. " ' ".r- . m. eaoa.T. Best Coal Errli Tichon. The Patriarch yield-ed "By George, -avs an official reort on thai urr imwi, new engine. i'.lieap,il TKt Suesswt cooaf or sarTUN to the and immediately Apply !.,., w. of ... demands, fju-ea-h. Urili-h uwndate.1 sphere in Afruvi j , Wood Wood afterward the movement of That's Good Cake!" wiiii-h laken over from Her-iiany. the "live church"" was inaugurate.. Tle r-Hirt ha; just beeu Stote Lengths. SpUL MAIL SCHEDULE feiHf issueil as a ' V hile Paner." T- 'K- - The pew movement, first of all, Ever hear a man say this? Sound aidaud was at one time u tur. T-i. ..Ilr" '. lui r ti,ss-smi en. 119 2nd Ave. WssL is apalntd supporters of" the old .nan I'olttutai messio in West October, 1922. Phone 630. !!' rJT tm uM Hizantine Church service which good to the woman who baked the. Africa, ami ha- a ppulalion of From Vancouver inm' m deniand splendor in all its glory. cake, doesn't it? Well, there is Sumlays , p m. :X.fii r7fin zzrrr:"." ' ." Miff umit-.h sn pr It is contended that the costly The, natives have no letters, Wednesdays 10:341 ii ... Tk. " sr. rratmm In mitres of gold studdeil with jew. something about cake baked with ' arts or science. .ays the renort. Friday .. i iHI H. NrVl'l.U Let Us Advise You els, the magnificent vestments, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Umrealinent tlesjgn is the Saturdays 0; A. the priceless rugs are loo eignif. 'irst Hement of safely, and as P. IL, t. 13, -.3. , nsiee imi ma f ori,. i,fi w I' a lifetime's npr icent of aristocracy. "In all this that always brings out this expression I lu auoui has been consistently To Vancouver- . i auensac"WST.couar or aatvi.u n.-e m all branches of lf eplendor." claim the ynuntr of appreciation. It is hard to wrrted out for generations the Sundays. Mall closes p. M i. coiuaieia II iiding Trade rlergymen, "little room is If ft for mtlte chararler is slmnvlv Tuesilays, Mail olasea 3 . U ' ,nj 'f lh AdnilaiMrsUn An the light of Christ's, mercy and define, but it's,there, and you cannot inarkeil by duHi. ity. I-Uen in mat. ThuMlay.. Mall rlo., P.M.i 'VL,?.?,?. f Brickwork, love. The church must be the result with lers of iuiii. momeiit it is rate Saturdays p MJhJJ'' is seaer r Stonework, get same quality lrougltl nearer to the masses ior mem to sMuk the truth. tl. P. H.. fl. 17 ?: It should be "proletarlied. And any other kind of baking powder. 1liey are unstable of nurnnse. To Apyos, Alice Arm ; na iMwiiily. dmsMdTatMl n JTrfcl' Concrete, etc. it is on these, grounds that lie dotniriMleil by impulse, unable to v Miiiesatays M Plans and "red clergy" have recognized Ihe For perfect results in baking ealtre the future and restrain From Anyos, Alice Arm-Thursdays I. ...if... . 1 ' " io Sm. Lilian. f" I- all our Specifications clients, revolution, its result, and the K"nt tlesire. callously imliffer. . ii Internationale. always use lit to suffei-ms in others, but To Alaska Points ," ; i niair ar. rruuii-,1 ... William Walts & Co. Against Celibacy profuse in protestation of affer. t. 13. ?3. imi II MrVliUJ. The "live church" proposed: also non ami goo. inlrntinn. after. From Alaska Points Pill Ihll Itlh Hsir of Builder and Contractors to clear the rliuirhes and ward wnefully belied by actions. IS. 17 27. ttrUAmrl is.. P.U. Ilox 13 Phone parish councils of counter revolutionary Dr.PRICE'S Like Noise To Naas River Points- LASJ0 ACT, "iftre. 1017 3rd Ave clergy and tn remove the The nathe . attracted irresia. Thursdays p. M. sotici or IMTISJTIOM TO aeetv to Jobbing Work of all Kinds. Vow of celibacy for bishops. 'ililv From Naas River Points la rnare S.iirt taiul tii.inrt . CREAM liy ii..i-i. and uproarious Saturdays p. M. tot Kl.lrlri. Q hlhZ , , IZ .'.1 aiey; In ioVe music, rythmic First To Perl Simpson, Alloc Arm S-ios IH.IM.4..I.I, ., ,.t o . ly Safety T we HAVE ! oljtnl and lllolmn and lias a nro- St HruUlta 1,1 k.u..,Kl ... I f'e Bakihg Powder uouueett a ei -ion lit alienee and Anyos- jrtwr. nf sum an." ' Sundays p M.'M.I', ."- I. erl Splukus Old llenpeck d'tesn't Militude an I'Vi easive eteitabililv. rMrn n...' au . Ammunition look as down-hearted as be uel ami tiller lai k of reserve. I ' Alice Arm to. m MAOC M CANADA 'There are ii.i pejfrc grounds j Tuesdays M and Shot Snells have he doesn't to Sputiklis listen It Jis o, wife talk any Thtpm;wholton Cream of Tartar Baking Powdtr. fonlivort Ihe e. . .H,tii.Ue Ihe re-irt. To Stewart, PremUr-l ia All Si... aad Caisr ntore d'-mcnr.alinii of uun rnore. He hs A radio set and Send for FREE Cook Book-'TaM of Ihe Saturdays P. il and KitcUn" imrlie to rpnttniia Ilia From the Stewart, Premier slr axik la wears receiver around sil ef llnri'l at II- STORK'Slardware 149 Notre Dam East. Winnipeg, Can. tsm sun in warrani house all the nine Xew Yrk lament HUHilaya J, P. M ftvarstf Aiau.u.. T- sanMrsj ibj a -."T Radio Ha being Ji..,ed, Mnral las. To Queen CharlolU lalana sai.i ,Msi, eusuinint T .TZ? J a tilobe wssa is Hot unprevalcnti It. Jg. Jt flittir Llmilad 1 I Phone Blaok 114. niua. s.... ...ik .ZV? awiksi.1 - -vmh I r I r s