IA03? TWO THE DAILY NEWS . Monday, January ?j, n ii The Daily News COULD HARDLY PREMIER MINE ' PnjCE RL'PEIIT - HHITI8II COLl'MMA PuhlUhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News IS SHIPPING! IE HER BE Printing am) Puliliihinfc-Oimpany, Third Avenue. II. ITU.R.N, Managing Editor. -D- PLAY Manager Dale Pitt. Ta'la of Bo. ( -FRUIT-.VTIVES EIJ1 valopmenta at the Stewart SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cofnp!tclr Rl4 Hr. Peopartr Oily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mould $1.00 Hy injU.liwdl isrl. of the Urili?u Umpire: amltho tinted States, KKTCIIIKAN. Jan. ?l.- T'je 1 4 NAVY CUT ;;tn,luire kt year. 9fl.nn new trsimway rM-iMi!ly eouipleted To ail (Slher1 coutltri, in advance, per vear. ST.Jiu for ln- Preiuirr mine is n w handling D0 ions f ore n day. CIGARETTES TELEPHONE 98 areordiug In Hate J.. PHI, ?uier- intendent of in ,uine who Jiaa Tfatisicnl DNplny Advertising :.t.in per inch per insertion lieen H ii.llll a week in hturhl Trausieht Advertising on Front Page. ... $2.80 per inch kan tranae(Iiig bii,tnes( for Hie Loral Headers, ner mertiim ner line ouiiiiany. Claitled Advertising, per insertion ? per word "Later we plan to increase the I.rgai .Voices, each insertion. . . . lite,per agale line foiinaite to doulile th aiiiount tieinK delivered lo the, doek "in nonlract Males on'Application.. All advertising stioitM be in Tbe Daily News Ofljcc on d.tj- pre-ceiling Stewart, when we shall ship ire of n lower grade to Oraliliy'.silld puliliealinu. All advertising received siiliject to approval. MADAM RICHCII Mr. Pitt. The eoinpany'haNjtUl Member or Audit Bureau of Circulations. Labette,T.Q , April l?th, tCt ciniiletet a J.ig ore bunker of "It limy duty to tell you fuUitli t!i00 ion. capacily al Stewart DAILY EDITION Monday. January 23. 19??. to alt Lat )our rnuly "JVait-a inln v.liv,U the re. is dtiuiiied tiTes' Las done for me. from tlie tram. It is then hiaded Special Attention sufftrri with RXtumatim for Ira onto barxe. hy a belt eOnveynr. Overseas Shipping. DMiJb; could ktnlir moia ia het; In addition to the ore being idiI x tnuerat! Alt llw time.I tried hiier, the 1'iviuier I seintiiu Without neglecting anything elc, it is. very desirable thai all tetentl phyicUa and took mtny ool ion Inns uf 'iorerilrale a Prince lluperl eitiren should initio their etTorts to try to secure rrmedies, bat Uiey 'eft nie the mouth frufii the ulauip mill. overseas shipping fur this torL The big ilock will lie completed Mme j'Uce, tn Nil and tuRerin, tlw Rlnrji treat (ill), ton Of ore a In n few.week, anil then is talk, of coal hunkers to handle Alberta KbeonutUm i to lud. lay, and ulo jiuM aud tiher roal here fiir.holh ship hunker and .for the industries along IfutmnrtkvtrJi laligrraativi' bullion wtiieh i wut In siucller and ruotlaurd the treatment rr.u-Uriy at Selby, natifiirnia. This bullion the coa-t. ." i . at I found bytelf jettiue better. it iiiaj frorn tb tullingK. of the The hiiMuess of other jwirls is developing rapidly and the After uxiar eihtlioirsof"Fm'.t 4-titet" C4inernlraira whirh are rniulid business here should heglu soon. With the splendid" railway (itbleh rmt only J4.) I am rfine and Hiibjecte to ereatment conneclion lietwecu thi orl and the east and wilh the wealth of completely well without trave of with pyatiiile. Rheumatism." The Tramway. of the north heing steadily developed, overseas shipping will he MaJam J. IUCIinK. Tbe Irani, whirtt i eleen and the nest move. The letter oh this suhject hy J. F.Magnire Is very one-tialf mile in length, of 50c a box, 6 tor J20, trial site 2Sc interesting and should he read hy everyone. Some untied effort At all dealers or tent postp&id oo J wiurii ten miles u in .iam, is should hriug results along thi. liuejn the near future. reeipt of prica bJiTruit-a-tire the li.nirei tingl cable drive Umitd, Ottawa. tram in the world, said Mr. Pill, Prince Rupert Busier li lias 153 lower. Ihree anjjle tuli-inx. arwl tweUe teiisinusi and Than Ever Before. SUITCASES lnurlinr and ia jpjuipped with the Superb Skialvty Prince RuperJ has never heen so luisy at this lime of year as jlatest dcviee ktiii in I rati ma y Finest she it.today. Tliere are inure jteople here today than lias leeu the TRUNKS leuD tmrtji.ji. The surveying wa Workmanship case in January of previous years-. Following the completion of liloiie and the tram eonifdeied in Greatest Value the hig ships the fear wa expressed that people would he leaving CLUB BAGS Mes than a year, a feat that will Island as a record in the eugiit-Jeerlnjt - in World town and thai the houses would he left empty and there would he Large Stock on hand. world. The train wu a general feeling of depression. Nothing of the sort has happened. coiiklrucled by the ftiblet Tr;ui 0 While mnny or the workmen left town after the ships Prices very low. !t:i., under the surenUion f T. 10 forlS? JlTzd itz tins - were finished, the houses are still occupied and it is almot J. F. MAGUIRE II. lirahanu 20 " 559 ofSO&IOO Impossible Jo secure one. There are mine, vacanu Neat Uia Prince Super! Hotel The work that helps keep people busy in addition to the llsh PARCEL COLLECTION biisine-s is the construction of the superstructure of the dork, the RUSSIAN RED CROSS work ori the. station, the erection of government buildings, the Onw flay improvements and the other building work that ft- The Man in tbe Meeo I About MO -Article of Clothing STEWART LIBERALS j - proceeding here. In addition to these, anil much more important 1 SAYS.-! Donated for Starving Paople. HAVEREORGANIZEDi thati an), is the work being done at the shipyard, where onei The local cosninttlee for Ihe FIRE OR THIEVES vhunijred.meji are.employed. The- railway shops are also employ AN onion a day will keep ev rebf nf the famine ylrii'ken in Howard Campbell Is New President ing a !nrgejnumbe.r- - erjnooy away. . Soviet Russia annouures; Ihe col and H. E. Scovll, It is confidently expected that in the near future the mills eelion of i-oine firio arllrle of Secretary. May rob you of your valuables if krtit A 'it AN" Is knwn by the poni will.be. operating and the. Tniners.willJie coming north. Logging pany tie keep;: a ?lr ,j the an or wnirii iiave neon ml at home ramps win ie. in operation anil there will be all orts of work to cornpuny sh dixniissey. despalcbed lo Winnipeg from the STEWART. Jan. 23. A well be done. I here is every rau-e for an optimistic feeling in the city. followinit donom: W. Orinsbaw, attended and enthusiast id reor. A SAKKTV DHIOSIT IlOX wiJI a Iahlh Avenue Wesl; Mr. J. ganirafion meiimv ttun held by hhhP on bumming, but don't Pioneer Missionaries do it in the t&ealre. Waller, Mrs. J. Itank, V, Itain, the Liberal al l In- home of II. Y.. pve yott tArr jirotrction. Auutu! . Did Splendid Work. Mrs. Taile, M. 'XnArl bur, Aenie Seovil. It is Hielr inlenlloii to rental $S ami upwards. . The pioneer missionaries who came lo Ihif coast along with I .KM) -ti runners ibat IriifHirter. Mrs. V. tao Hurt. hae a real live orVaiiizalinn. trie early traders are deserving of all praise. Their work frlands never jsej out nf'hreath and could Mr, V. Sendden. Mr. R, Itury, that will be naiiablp of dealing out as a to them, Mrs. W. V. Ilyne.4, Mis? Oleasmi, with any eventuality. The following. iminiiinenj leader these among pioneers was keep on day .and, n i hi without THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Mr, a V.. offii-er rriiuearon Muuson, wtiose cieam is nnnoiinri d today. Impelled gelling- wftiry, i n'hey are i.rf' Ling, Mrs. B. Dawson, were elerled; a i iy me spini oi nusionnry zeal, he and Mrs. fillison risked their Meijjli. -. , Mrs. !ilveridei,.Mrs. W. Wieks. Honorary president, Hon. Mac jive to carry H rtospel niessiige lo the natives along thii coast; Mrn. . .s. nainmond, Mr. I.ind kenzie King; honorary vlce.pres. land, Mr. Hart, Mrs. I'ederson," blent, Hon. John Oliver; president, Long before h?ir death they aw Iheir reward, for practicallv all fiMll.Hbnyn sniilhul b care the heathen practices of the Indians were given up and mot of fid not to ). it ; at Jttif wn.ni i:. I,. Kdwards Mr. Wbalen. Howard Campbell; vice-president, Mrs. J. Jarobs, Mr. D. 4 J. Hpw, fSranl Mahood; serrr-tary-treasurer, mem mane at least a profession of Ihe Christian i-eligiou and time. ... art. Mr. M. Krook, Mr. C. C, II. H. Seovil; et. uiau in uiem ran snow spienlnl examples In. the white neonli' on this roast. YOI' luve heard.of. the I'erry, fi. tl. hell, Mr. Direelnr, wuljve, William lraer, l-Ulgar youna Mrs. Ilaney, II. II. Ilurrniigb ami Harris, Heji Lawrenee. Harry me pasMDg or Arhileacwn )llison marki! the elose of the wile wno sain atie ner uUh 'DEMERS' C 1 her husband Miss Moffatf. tin well as several J'tioiney, Jake llawklli..n. j ' ""is tor iiiiji.iiij-.. .wi--iunary wora ncre is uo for money bwausc panels from donors anonymouN lunger pioneering as was iiuMersloo.! in the early liny. tie !(.fot like n dariinz all njyht long." Parrels of medical supplieii THICK COAL SEAMS ate Great . Canadian Club Is in wisre given by (iruieV. Ltd.. W. Slaughter Met.utebeion, and Mrs, S. Daw. NEAR CUMBERLAND Somnolent Condition. niLnp js goins In be rather and food by Mrs. W. son, H. ,.. , A,Jp,,,r wa received by hf edilor this morning from JL ( niii;th ainy.jn the Iinfiijmnn cabinet, Ilau'imoiid inl .Mrs. K. Dawnn. to make room for new stock ii.h.iN managing c.iiu.f m in Victoria Times, sugge-ling the uielhTnkn. for a itfnWratie Pulur! Drilling In Comox Valley Highly parcels be left al may ............... ... ..uiaoiuii iiiin nr mis rity. .Mr. Nicholas is tin- country 1Iih( wfl( Jiol -evm Jake Ihe Acme Importer?, Third Ave. Successful Six or Seven-foot i1ce-nresiderjt of Ihe Dominion organization for British Columbia title. r Seam. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! line or will be called for on re. . and it is hi duty In make the organization effective in bit territory cefpf of rard lo a post the Sec. Diamond drilling off ibr fiur. Prniee- flnperl people will see the humor of the situation! FHi:NfiirdreSiig mean tak retary. Hot 833, city. There is a ch here, but it might almont ing off more 'Hollies- tenay.Cumberland road and ulT In COATS, a- well not exit for Uie Ihe SUITS, DRESSES, HATS Royston road, just outside ralue iLiai la the . comnumily. .So quiescent is it lhat - n M i i i the j-oiiIi d t,t i.yen know that it existed, the people of KAI.IJNfftJn love 1 like lak y Cumberland, ban ml nit and and all Ladles' wearing hpparel Mr. Aiciola.- ing loo much .liiuor. You will Ten Years Ago seven-foot seams of bigb.grade sjaks of the value such an organization mighl I Everything in the store reduced. bav a bad lime coal, says a s-ila be to the after it.. drspateh lo rainnuioity in developing th nntimeul and malerial in f Tin cm Kuprt 1 welfare at a place like Ihis. We agree wilh ,im that it might 1 Ml ,-. l X Ihe. Province. Call and see our prices. bid tl ik not, 1 fiiriTl.VO marriiM W -aid In be This is In all prohnhiiiiy a ron- like going Jo school. And av. January 23, 1M2. liniialii.n of No. 4 seam, ubirh ia "DEMERS" how we did look forward to The municinal Hoard of Work a lower level o'f No. 0. and it the 3rd Ave. Phone 27 holiday. i gellinv doHii lo biifcine and best nnalily of rnal mined In Hi The Secret of Good D. W. Morrissey. rhairmnii. Iin Health Oivnoj distrjet. It i, of eonrse. prctcnled lo Iho council -A MAN'H word may be Jaw bul a co;n- fiuite impossible o stale that it When Nature hi name is reiiiiit preljeniiive report on civic works will be Phone as 743 requires aisistance, she if be doen worth the while of the pt o. Box anil ihe Assist will not be slow in conveying to you not do as he n old in hi nwn eteclrlc scheme.Woodwnrlh Mke hydro. company 'in sink a shaft to take Nature an intimation of the fact. Decline of bouee. nut this coal until many more JAMES HUNTER The city couneil has derinVd lo boles have been put down. Imt back energy, inability to sleep well, headache, nY a proce of elimination 0)spene wilh lh service f good .ik'l of (iplimiafa PXm GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY to biliousness, constipation, a general i.arpeniier in Irj'lng lo ahow hrneM I.ne, jHiperinlrjident of pressed in" Ihe town al ihe di. BUILDER normal sluggishness of mind and body and thai be In (he nroner man lo Ihe leephoie syslcm. and lb e.overy lhat the seam in or such any sign of digestive "unrest" should again enjoy Ihe pleasure of be city engineer ha reported that good qualily and width. Agent for Trafflo, Day-Elder and Rugglee Trucks action impel jou to seek the aid of a reliable Hna beaten bp by 4ack I)emp!ey, ie will be aide lo reduce Ui laff The coren so far fnV.n aiiI ihvM Terms can be arranged for purchasers, medicine without delay. There is no AS A RULE. ropping ihree men from Hie sit 'or seven feet of flood eoni First Avenue and Cow Bay Take better force on March I. There in The company is aln installing aj Prince- safer than no .surer no this ClerJi (at an employment bu. Rupert, B. 0, trouble brewing in Ihe lilephonn new anu up-io-flai fan al their t proven remedy. rami) fiomonn ba sent for- deparlme;it. no, i mine. yardman, ir. , 7 - Manger- have'l any yard. Mrs J. Jahour U recovering THE IMPORTANT NOTAKY QUESTION Beecham Dien at pfeaeijir from one of: Him mo.i serious Old Mae (In youna- Kiiallkhmm THEQ COLLART, LTD, - pontic. S Clerk Then hall I .end un operations ever performed In Ihe anxious to marry Ins d.iualil-r Ihree foolmen. lr? - fVraii Vrinra ftunert Deimral Hospital, e neak al great Unn, W have 237 lots to sell far Ihe Dominion Government in oil Sold Herald, r'he romplimenls pr. N. M. Mc. yer honored name. Noo. what 1 parts, of lh city, Jncludlag ?ecion I Terms lo bo arrnprJ. vtrywfitre Pills 2Sc-40pHU reiij and vt. u. A. Kggert on want to ascertain is, whalna For further information fall at our oUtre- Z. II. Fplcr arrived on .lb (heir ability an lureoo. bank "" honors in boxet S0c90pllU Venture lat His fyo'in orf irnirb . It. tu4 fur voo Rentala ReajlreUU 'General Insurance Int.t. l.nvttr,H Weekly Tele, Phone Blue S Wsethebrve Theatre Btook f. 0. 0 w Advertise the in Daily Nw, rraph.