1 Monday. January ?i pAoe Foun ;,TTIE DAILY NEWS f, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, J ,OH! JAMCb-COtttl I'LL. THROW ME. HM erV acq rn clkd to -see you fDCXHiReOTrOUR j0vr uCAve UP HERE MUST HAVE HAT ANO COAT COM" OCT Of THC WINDOW AC HAPOf AT HOME' TALt-CM OOT THE VtNDOW THEK HERE. 1 I WANMAivr THCM ILL.WALK PVT ROT I WANT Ymv -rr WITH MC , ' I FOUND THEM tN THC MOO feOMCTHI jMACiie rN' CO OOT IN VTOO THAT WHtVTUNC. J JAMCV ii THE "XARO- )T ME. Hi rvt. r-Ovj73& Jl . HAT W I J w I 111 . ' COiT AH' BE ONME. WAY V"- A "l 1111 wnuur&ii who bait once had Zam-Buk applied rever forfet bow it suolhe aad bealt their hunt. Wise mother never nx anv-ihicf eUe. A touch of herbal ZanvHuk a Ucadajn made of almost any elfao CP raf no more tearior worry. Zam-Buk r ii -: U fa to pure and to refined that il provide the ideal healer for every tori of wound, 1922 Ihtx FtTurr 5vKf le abrasion or aorea. Ask For jSTEWART VISITORS a- USK CITIZENS I Mri. J. E. Birrwirtb. of Caniioff. ! ENJOY HUNTING TRIP i Sport Chat Daily News Classified Ads. Sk. write My little boy cot off tba end of hi fiajer and it teemed a OUTLINE NEEDS There ha esse for a doctor. However, 1 .applied Account of Jaunt of Mr. and Mrs. been- a great re. 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No ArW-rtlo-rrw.nl Takan for L than SOe Zam-lluk to nop (be paid and bleeding Grant Mahood Published viva! of Hie hockey game this ud.it gave the child tuch'Velief tbat 1 (winter in Ihe district liulli north continued the treatment. Uiln'g nothing Uurge Reduction of Freight Rates In North. and east of. prince llupert. On WANTED FOR SALS but Zam-Huk, I dresaed the finger each U) and tl wound healed.perfectly." Assembly Dock at Prince Mahood Observatory Inlet, Alice Arm and WHAT'S IN A NAME? Mr. and Mr. Irani itr.dl house, FOIl HALF. - Tug or flhboal, Rupert. Anyox are going at it hammer WAXTI'lf to rent--Small i'red Jauctiwski relumed recently and long in iniertown- game as I furnished pr'ferred. Appl) llox IflxIS.Crl. M X.' , S. Migine, In (hi rase, ti mean - : from a hunting trip down the uiv vaiiderhoof, Smilher.s nod Unity .New t if flee. Sll 9 4,01)0.0". l'he Hoard of Tradr haS re coast their ' launch Adorion, lire tmitailtllty MUal ' I , on : Tug- 37xl(ixl 3S H.P. X. A S. Hurn Lake iif the nlerlm Sun. ceived a cnmmunicatiifn fruni n says the Portland Canal News. On LAOY f"k wnitleil for small engine. aj.OOO.ltO. rare of the linen eiurn- , day gnmes- are I aged itr both IT ENDS PAIN citizen'., meeting al Usk urging leaving SlewaH Ih'ey went direct dislricl audjllie Vaiiderhoof country hotel. Apply llox 3. Cruiser ISxIl - S.'i II.P.. en. for laundering re,uelio -of, freight rale artd Haily .New flffice. 21 Ilelng a niemher of 'ft t ,s lo Wale Island, wheii they spenl gilie, I.&I).II0. player this wis-k made lour to M.Urn.t far t-U.AUSn4 mU CUmUll. th'er establishmcnl.'nrhn assembly a. ilryAwner" Xaio na) A-.m., .tf tieveral and then lo I'orl . days, Itlyrn l.aKe and Miullier where 'Thirty fool gvncrnl puroe boal, ilrtck 'here. The following Is lite dividing lliem, and. having nl our dip - u Simpson, arriving on election day, . . . i i , S(l or more pnlnl a ii.i'. .nte, uynnnio. storage resolution passed at n recent with the idea of casting Iheir jPrlncp last (fume(Je'orge were Hiere piayrii.is ao an in the only close one in standing elerlrie llghl, t8nd.flrt. expert ndjice of the Meii. ri tittle fif Indllrial meeting- (here; vole, but Oranl think that Hie amliiliou leani which hope al being Ihe Sons of Ktigland ami l'ng--57 ft. 50 II. P. Fairbanks VICTORY "Hard of Traife, lrinee Iliiperl, returning ofllcer must ha seen an early dale to nee the team the Vet who are separated by em.lieel engine. Power Pillsbiirgd, IM. ni,. claim wild Ihe full : II. ;. only four point in the average lliem coming, for he would nnl let from the thrt-e welerii towns. windln. Auxlllnries. ; 'We J he resident of Central cellar in Ihe series. Hal we are tin I.. (.' Ihem cast their ballots, l'ocket. w'rince lluiiert could niuter a for position I (ItfU.I t 4 I lll .larl t&'liMAl I COAL Skeena hiMriel, hearing of your ing llirlr tisapiointment, they good hockey leant also if eon-dilijiti eow. If) H.P. l.m ldler and iiilenlfon of 'iidinv: a ilelepullun prpceeded lo 1'rlnce llupert and allowed for il bill the BILLIARD STANDINGS winch with h.Hi.e SOvln. May inlllllle .me iif H in Ottawa, to the .dminilralinn mid IkI eiii;ipe.l l..ii i there joinftl a hunting p-ly weal tier is generally so mild Jtere tie 0(i n camp and donkey. there, for Che requirement of , Hie world for Hie imrt For Furnaces, Fireplaces made up by r. L. Kergln, consisi- and the skating periods are so Following i Hie Hi of in- I7S(). the Skeona I'lcetnral ililricl. , cietiliflr research. d and Stoves ing of himself, Oisirge Hryanl .nd spasmodic thai il iiliffietill lo lividtial nverages n far litis It I' I'nlnl.inL. 7 Ivru, Klallon. Guaranteed to be free from heartily ajifu,nv of ymir action lr. Masuire. do so. With Ihe third skating cason in the Tmll Club (tii ary anginl. With p.it.ip tw',l" "'"''" " f rock and clinkers. and wi-.lt In jriv you our co.op-ernlion Mr. Mahood and parly, leaving spell of (he winter now. al an hundred ,M.unds pra..,,rer"M'-'' "m ".V" "nl U"", al 1 ami and in ii(iiorl. doin; Almost Bootless and smokeless. their launch in l)r. Kergin'. boat- end little attention ha been paid ne Total .vr. gearerl up. i5tl.0l) r "f o would rejiecl fully point out ' ' house, boarded the doctor's launch to Ihe sport so far so il U no Harbour (T) ; I too 2(io Pile Driver and 10 H.P. donkey!'" ;i few reqiiirnnienls that would ! "I- J Small moisture content. Murelelle, a tl-fy.il boat with likely llrttt any of Ihe overtures Illylh" T, ; t ion .mo -1111.1 II. . affect this immrdinle-vicinily. result or nnnieroti $13.00 per ton delivered In. splendid accommodation, and llc oT outside tcdm lo meet a local PIIIbury Uii ... ii t ion J oo 200.no. "Firstly unit niol iinpnrlanl i evirimenl with iipi-i sacks. Iwn iarlie proceeded to .I'orcher aggregation will conic lo n bend. SluMkley iWi 5 i nod 700 38x0 (iHr Fa stencil hull; con I h nialter- of freight' rate, a methisls. nnd ad. i.i.-ery $12.00 per ton delivered In stand, where they found hunting Shakespeare (T) 3 con !no dition goixl, 41 i5.no. ' under liel known in'1 ! present pmliiliilive freight bulk. rales, jt is intpossilile to utilize gtMid, bagging in till twelve deer. Ilie establishment f a boxing Howe IWj ; mid iw H.P. (iitarnnlee marine engine, laundering without mjn.'v 3Srt)0.' ir rmiimcrriulizc fhe unlimited Best Cook. association in Prince llupert will W. Hainan.. (Ki.. I :oo too fabric. . While the island lr. Mn- lie Mclivoy ii 7 I3CM 1115 Olher Ihui and engine. natural resource of h tMiunlry. on a worthy institution nrovid. Kxperltnenls and ' S" PACIFiC CARTAGE "jiinee I he freight rale have ginre earnei fur tnmseii ine ing di i carried iitil alon proper, it. iirown en .... "i l3.-rt 101 M. M. SI KPilliXS. continually rnrried on. been rai-t'd, praclically every saw reputation of being the best cook sportsmanlike line. The object Scoll iW) .. (i nr.? . ma Foil SALly 32-n.,Lrtdler, 0-fl. fl- vcilh tut". ronservalloB f in Die north. He made a mulligan of such nu organization should Self my I '77S'' 103 . 1. . rh, in.ljerlal l)(iVerirtol ia li iiiiii nnu s miitiii iiHiiisir) ir Ileum, II. I, V ll I! fllilllll-. Limited, Skeena Klectnral District has of half a"deer uhich wn so good be us 'much or n,ore for.Ihe pur- Stephen (Wj .... d lUfi 101. Il.ial fully eiptlpie.I autl in of the scientist, and n f Phone 93 been forced in rlos. Until rales thai the party of si ale Hie wholj i"msi of iustrlicllng Ihe ynutli of J. Hfown trtA). .. i :ot ioi in. iiaro, (iih.p. Vivian engine. or cleansing atjenl i toieM'e are. sijljtisied, ..Ihere"will be very of il at one meal. Ihe city in the art of self de Wnugh (T) r n ih too cah. Apply T. ScolL "enisling," for ttc tinlean It eonfor nt ' little hope of resuming operation. Returning front porcher lo Tlu- fence- a fur Ilie purpose of singing Macdonald' (SAC. n ii.ti i ho. Cow Hay. ly In iheir slntidnrd. I'll is coiidilion has thrown perl, the parly divided. Tile Stew- ronlesl. '' The Milling till of Judge (T) ; i ft i tun Iion'i you I li i ii k it ti bout in piiMie be an inter, Davie (SA) t 3l I MH FOIt SALIv Single bed and fnal-lre.. ' thousand of people out of em are bunch, taking Iheir own boat, may menu something after 3 ployment and senerally retarded started on the return trip, run est ing side line nl various oc Iloberlsnn (SA).. 0 II0H IHS Phone ltd 355. 18 AIo, ihni'l you Hulls Hetropole Hall the development and business of ning up In W'nrk Canal in splen- casion lo li'ow the Work that i Andrew '8.j 1 7 in 1 85 FOR RENT bellrr iialifed to take Xelsi.u (Wl (i 1 1 i n I nr. the country. lid lime, only lo be stormbound tit m'iiik iiinie ami mspiay local tiii-enl your laundering than h "Kroni the luuilierins point of that point by a heavy gale coming but it must not be Hie oh. Kinghorn (SA) .. c IKtl IKI TO It HXT Large well furnlshetl d. nol Ji4ve the Imi.c:i! for rent to lodges or similar Mellmoyk. (Ii I 731 IHt view, the inauguration of an as-sentbly down I lie Nans. When tlii sub- jective. Then has always leen nnd well healed room. Suitable expert advjeef We ) organizations dck at I'rinre Ituperl bled lliey again started for a good deal of inleret Oikrn in Itoberge (l) i'i 1 1 00 IH3 for litre gefileten. Aiply consider this when ynu for the purpose of export busi Sfewarl. ihe tMixing game fn this city In Hill (S) A 111115 IH3 Mrs Smeoton, Carlion lie. In send out jotir mxl " OFFICE SPACE ihe l and provided (hi in-leresi C. Italagno I'.; 5 K'J!) 18(1 tf ness is a very important matter Picked Up Men. pas Inuranl. Phone 313. laundrj'. 38 by 21, healed, suitable for i fostered Inward Allen (SA) 0 inr.o 178 and can'nol be too .tronply re Al Hidden Inlet Hjcy pickcsl up promoting A phone call will i professional man, for rent. Hooper (W) .... 3 535 178 I'XDF.It new iiiauagemetit. St. physical commended, as il will permit of lhree men in an open gnhnal who development service al your lt-(n - Siideii (T) (1 ioi-.3 17 Louis IliMiin. Mr. P. Vnlpy. rather than toward witnessing Agents for the asembliu of a Kreal volume had been stranded there for two CANADIAN STFAM I A' M' VVakefieM (Ii) .... 3 531 177 Hate 3il Norwegian American Line for export trade, If- the interior weeks, and lowed tlieni into Hyder. bloody ond bruising scrap i! manngere. jter l.nnnderers nnd Dry 1 Hemming (W) :. 1 7H5 I7rt week and AIo fnrnlhe.l might well he given backing. up. Swedish American Line point are- pit en consideration in Mr. Mahood is firmly of Ihr Phone 8, McMordie tW) .. (I 1051 17' housekeeping rwim. Scandinavian American the matter tjf rale. Island opinion Hiat" porcher .... 3 r.17 173 Oouohoe (K) The Ketchikan. Wrnnzell mid Line. "Wp have the . natural re. should be declared a game preserve IIHDIIOOM lo rent. Hot and ro.l 'King IS) . o in;d 171 .New Meflnkatla baskelhall teams sources, artd we can produce the slenm heat. Norfolk 1 Oliver. by the government. lie water, Typewriters W'lk fimill, lti ! ft 1 11 171) have been tilnyin.f inler-lown natural products, in a manufactured llrsioi. Phone Hlaek If! Safes iases (hi on Ihe fact that Hie nel. Cary game and the taller team, r.ooilrick Vi) .... (t 1(101) I(IK ft"" commodity, providing wc iiLCTiai torn OSAIINO tlers who took up- land on Hie Tinker (K) . 5 8.18 Ifi8 are friven a fair chance to com which visited Prince llupert lat TO lyKNT Seven roru tiioerti UMDIS 0HA1IK0 ACT tlt- Island have abandoned it, thus FIRE INSURANCE winter, has been holding ils May CC) . 005 ICiG 8I5.IK). Double cab. apnritueni pete with other district, in.ltim- up tetUellMi tot peMnllf t" bcrin?, mining and agriculture. proving that il i of little use for end well, sln'iwing Hint il is one fi recti (lit . A 093 lOn in 48.00. Plume Hlack 151. .sk III. I rtiwtt ra. .' ...f t rt agriculture; and as game is al.tin Wearmouth (S 5 810 . 101 i,rjifie IM.lrlrl iif Ibe I'eirttn- of Hie hc h.'isk il bal) II 'Therefore we the committee, jtggresa. i oliUiilM iiitrm; ine rnn -l. & Dybhavn Hanson representing Hie -iliz-ns of IWk danL and Hie island large, it Iputs in. . lite f'lejTittr)'.j The Warrior (() ... f. 051 . i no THIUili room modern apartment blMl wllh rral"llw II'-'' IT would make an excellent preserve Fleming (O) . 315 158 to rent. F. W. Ilari. e.ier al William lake. rr-"" ., -t-m, Third Avenue and vicinity, do heartily endorse Wrauuell team played at Mella-kalla .tenrar. Kamiiai,. i .... ft 013 157 laiHistver.' Vein, nc witn , , Dr. West (O) Prince Rupert, B. Hie Hoard of trade in seinlin kisl week ttid threw a scare ; MISCELLANEOUS. .usirr rr omnia. tetrini ," ', thin ileleulioft In Ottawa. Slewarl arrival io Ihe city on into Ihe lioirir team having been A Silverside (S)i 4 0U 157 VWUMU. H. I.. u lt IS'U're IiAX McCI.AItTY, he Prince John yesterday morn ahead during several eriod of T. Silverside (H) 5 303 I5SI SLADK .STF.VIiNS, graduiile plann toank (rsi niion wbl' h ' ' " .1. I. MACI)OXNi:i.I ing included .1. O. Slenliraleii, W. the game. The Annette Islanders V.. Man sell (S .. ft HS'f . M7 Inner. Al Denny Allen Company' leirt MatH)s ltrelr ni al Is, II,.tiUlned almve 1'"';,m,,',, i O'l.eary. C. Hiinfing and II. I. won. however, a knowledge of Morgan 'F.r S ?7I 13 store,. Third Avenue. i.r from uie iirarinieni s A. A. STIAVAHT. Box 446 Phone Green 61 cj Cameron. i(l) .. I 105 '105, Phone Hllle 13ft. tf tleluiia. 1K, i J. I.. ISKTIICnKM, their own floor and hall enabling I'liompson ti .r.,m .f iiieaimk nn "' ' f.a Casse (i) .... I 101 101 raiire wiiIsmo wertnll nueiltiiic- Hiein to make a spurt in the W. .1. TIIAMS, ITSIIHIIMHN! HliMCMIIIilt!! Our liniliiMi.! ii law. niv last luilL The. score was IX lo liasson (Ii . I 00 - '' I.. IL MOODV, CONSTIPATION mehiue and hlacktulih shop rteniity Vm'.ie'r ' 1 s' ', It. Ii. OU.I.N, :5. The Ketchikan learn ha re ieparnisiil f l.a'M. Vl"t'na. We do and is open. vtiev repair Jalmarv . Ir. J. A. .MAOL'lltfi. cenlly received new uniforms or. METLAKATLA ATHLETIC BAD HEADACHES work in all line. Satisfaction ACT, J. I). .WKI.l.K. Secretary'. dereil from Spalding's in Seattle. MiNtlUL guaranteed. Xogtte , JOIIX V. WILLIAMS. CLUB IS ORGANIZED Certlflcata at lmrt"t. FAINT, DIZZY SPELLS Parent .(.. New M asset. Chairman The Wanderer and SI. Andrew's tabll .N. t'lner'i ailm, '"'V I meet loiiihl in a Trail BOATS FOR HIRE lis, Skeen Mlolnr lilvl.lou of rns" rmmtlpailon l one of thu eommoiieat Club Shield billiard fixture. The Concert Held La it Wednesday CO.MINO DOWN Launrli "Nar-bi'thong" isrl Imlrlrl: hsaled on riw, tie i.ltml. half ttm Night Band Will Play Hre im mile and a NEW DOCTOR GOES ill i'f mankind, aid ! orteo allowed maim win ui' nu imeresiiug our I am nol unking you 1'itMnmr. lli? rlnreflee lo r OnliHiked artrr. until sntnit aerlnu Next Sunday, tbhs noiira loai i. Me, , ' TO OCEAN FALLS niinpllratlon aet In, for both team have recently for a job, ( am offering yon tree Miner -1"7.uninni. ..u. .1.111, ftrM A frt-s motion or the bowels dally lieen vicing wilh each other for The Young Peiijile . Prujfless- a service al reduced price In Illy the.!.Minlns fPn Heeonler It date fur lre.I I'.'siin! lsnild be tlii rule of everyone, then thera ecoiii dace and at the sums ive Athletic Cliili lias been or. Phone Hlack 100. I.............!, ,i ,.,ip.ine rial"- OfT-AN FALLS, 11. C, .Ian. 23. Hill m no ronntlpatloa, ilrk or billon lime have been- creeping up ganlzed at Meilakalla willi the a rruwn And further Oram of lake the. nolle abe thf',tk4 Owing: In the resignation of Mm-II, dlziliw, heartburn, roaled tonrue. oil- Ihe flrsl- ilace position following officers: Pividenl, BOARD, umler Senium IT. inul U ?.""lXi trtin"1 aurh foul breath, aour ttomarh, floatlnf aperkiL. f.ire lli Usuanre of frr. John Christie. M.I)., silieiin. Is-fore Ilie rye, Jaundlre, water lrth, etc in Ihe standing held by llio Fred Parker; vice, p.a'tidciil, TIllv new dining room nl llio l'I'r""'!r''t. . .ur. lill. L. O. LARSEN lendeut of llin Ocean 1'alls Ho krep the bowel properly rrrulatt-d by Trail. The Wanderer, throuli Clinrle. W,;,-Auc.kliiud'.-ecrlary. ' Inlahder I now open. Hoard dial,, u meelinjc watt called by the Ilie ue or their defeat of lie Hon of ling, Ireaiirer, joliti llaldaue. ' by the. week or tuonl'h. Phone LAND ACT. . --i PAINTER Hospital Hoard last evening to lAXA'UVC"MILBUMN'S PILLS land lal week,' have slrrglli-n. Last Wi'ddwday Hie cliil). tin. i;i;. if Metlc ( lr.tte.ll- U At l?M?t"I In Skseu tlul lltoinrl, Iwa appoint lr. Christie's (Hiecescor, and yii will enjoy the bed of health. ed iheir hold on second position der the dirrr(inn of Mr. and Mrs. MUSIO. jrlrl i.r I'llm lluiiert. . b "Zu,rtf Mr. Ilnsleil, clialrman, pro .Mr, rrank Wllltey, II. n. I, Pelmont. and il will be a difficult matter Auckland, had a siiccesji concert ni, init. isruiiii kit hi freni Under Ne Minarment. posed lr. A. Ii. II. Hennell, of Ont, write: "I have been tni)ible4 Willi for the SI. Andrew's (o overcome in the village. PIANO SCHOOL. Tk nole-e that rtr JUrjh) , Vancouver be ';tppoinled, willed rnomlpation for nearfy two years. I bad live 10'.) point lend that lber op. On Sunday night next Iho Mel. Lesclielky Mrlhod. All grades oeriiilmi permik.n l.ilesi lutaer, inlHid'.'ll'j!y'nnl"l' iwrel"! had ln-aitartwa, faint and diiiy tpell, and taken nnd special allenlioii was seconded ami passed. ponenl have In Ihe aggregate. lulalln Silver Hand will put on n...... it.. i iii would blott terribly. -I nearly dl Term i". rrriHHl In bejrliuier. lupin Strand Ir. Christie i leaving Ocean rourared for I had tried o many thlnri Oil the nllijir bund, there i Ihe a concert in I In; W,'!li0jjii'e Tde. rati riue er kliuia iiiwi, ni"-;-.!,. i" tail sum Wiine iii April for l.on-don, tliat rot trie uo relief. Mr mother (ol loa likeltood ha. (be Wanderer will aire in Ihl rll. Charles W. moderate, usiin.rli.iiu north.inenee Itu-nee r rnain o chain .ri i Eiii'laiid, after a long lerpi a vial or unburn' Lata-Liver Pill ind defeat the. ciIk and then there Auckland will lie the conductor CIIAH. P. JIALAUXO. mnntninv in rre ".?..i.,," rxm of service al the local hospital told me to tivo them a fair trial. After I will Jie a still greater distance and a good attendance is expected. Hand Hlock, corner Sixth and rulel lrnilier II. Itrt had taken ona vial I felt much better n1 Ftillon. Phone Hltie 013 If Cafe Hi friend wish the dorilor the continued Uielr ue. Now I have no falnl helwo-n Ihtiit. Hold team ar' NOTICE. same, success in Hie futtirn that and dUtr apetl and am talninr nleely, I confident of winning but Ihere HAIflDRESSINQ. this vile unties vfiTir.for .li.,noe .fir ni"'iih J,,,,r,r"-:r i.i be ba eiijoyeij at Ocean Fall would not be without Milbum'i Lata-Uver is lillle rlianco of Ihe iesenl Olve Ihe preference, when you Under New MauagiMiienl llinlK-l. will annlr J. r - NOW OPEN O, Flower wa iioiniunled o l'U fur ttie world." slanding being changed whatever buy lo Ihe inercliaul who mlver-lises IIPV IIAI11IIM1 KIUM AMI lKVitl'V ..ll ftM rrlre, lie a r lit at all dealer, or mailed iiceed W. C. IInv1'f the 'fiur.Jeailiiisr team in Ilie dally frlitre Iiuiwrrt rnr HI4 All White Help on dlreel on reri-lj.t'of j.rlr by The T. Mil happen. Al) newspapers and 228 Sixth Street III II II I I II I v.S I iW'.ft.. jatlotpital Hoard. burn Co, LUulttd, Toronto, Out, ard alrunj.ijul prtiy wen wiui buy advertised goods. Q. M. KILDAY I'hone Illue 7H Ter V1lfuni, MinnB lollllHM'