23, 1022 vmndar January. THE DAILY .NDWfl PAOE THBEB -aSSi SkliiW".-.. -- . BOXING CLUB TAKES VENERABLE ARCHDEACON COLLI80N PASSED AWAY AT Local and Personal OVER DINING ROOM KINCOLITH, NAAS RIVER, Kodaks AFTER LINGERING) COMMERCIAL HOTEL ILLNESS. mm For u Tni, phone 07. (Oiiilitiued from P;iKe - 11 Will Be Fixed with Equipment George Leek, Auctioneer. and Conveniences and Made lumbia. "Northern JlriHsli Columbia uown Again a Headquarters Charles has lHt lis veteran iiil- . L. UiiGcrtakera. Phone 41.. If Weaver, Secretary. sionary who for over forly-eighl BACK TO PriE-WAR PRICES year,. labored . steadily (u . litis Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. There was an executive, meel-iiiff return. The oiilllne of-his iife 'I'lic iiilimattnu in dial Kodaks of the newly formed prinre Is ulekl"rjtiv'enSbul It wunl.J have How rft'lie,I (lie b'dloiit. Nu nayuers, Undertakers, -phone llUfierl lloxln? Ax-oM-ialioii at IJie I aim ir volume fo nil in the de 351. , u irfMiiinereial llofel ye.ierday. II tails. fin (her reductions likely In come Mas dwidod'iu lake a leaw: yi "Hii' wn borli over seventy tbi jenr al leul.- CtH 1 towels, lltllb-. City Mar. Hie (filling .rovin from Fred l)u-boanl, five yiirs ago In Ihe Xorlli of kei. ; tr tjie.bw'rter "f Hie Commercial War Price Price Now Ireland. .When In; wa. a yoinr '. . Hole!, aiVd thin place will be man he lieeanx; a eliool teacher, Vest Pocket Anas Lons 7.7 tl'J.SJ $13.25 I i Henrlng, P. 11. Fish filled, out as Ihe lo.-adtuarlcrs of and wa leacliiHL- In tUtrk in I No. 1A Auto-R.n. Lens St.S3 15.00 Market. if Ihu orviill.atloii. l'Uiiiimeul of Ihe sMiith of Ireland wln-n In-heard ft Your . No. 3A Aulo-n.n. Lens 31.6 1 22.50 the necennry tiature iiicludiiip Hie mlKfiifiiary call, lie ianli for Vletury llond. Thos shower baths will he pul in and I,(mii went In Hie rh'orPli mi(oii- hm D i, ' i.mi' hodak now iiinl have il use for Ihe full year, McClyiuonl. it Hie plaee shoubl be in oeralioii Banking Account i in furinl&lllV lime DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND CNLARQINQ a prepami ior ine miiou in-ill. Fresh Herring, 3 lb, for S5e. lliere wei f?hl pereoiiK pre. !ein told in I Hi.) thai it'w BtMBj For class of Account j I every 1 JdUi Meal Market. 18 flit al Ihe nieelilU iiirllldin? Ii- Im-kI for him not lo i alone t.. reclor Fml fcimlxe. tlueii. (he .North Panfic. he married Commercial Accounts, 1 m i:. II. liltlieft an-fw.l on lal I'i It. Havidx'iii and Cliarle-i -Iil-. ill Auyill of lltal trained year a nixlil' 1 1 xio from' Terrace. WeHtrr. Ihe last iiiiiiliotieil hf mre who had done -heroic . v -ire-nil mmil Household Accounts,Sav: ! i I whom ban Jieeu aioinleil per- Hie baltlefieldK of France Accounts the facili- I j Mr. ; nil Sirs. F. Folom r-i niiMienl Kwrrrtary - Ircaturef. during Ihe Franco-Pruian war twWt m8s i I aV in'il v-i-t'day; nioi-nihg from 1 lliere will be aiV'llier full meet In le. than four, weeks with! Ml tics required are provided- s i llyd.M. , in? of Hioe iulere-ti'j on Wed hi bride be lit-1 yoimr waa on in the Bank of Montreal. neiolay niw lit. way wel ami ' alter li-avellinv j '! Market for .Meal. Uualily ilmo eonliiiuoii.ly for -n 'x'lll.iii, price right. F. V. Mocr-rh. if BODY SENT SOUTH nioiiiti- arrived ut .M-tlakalhi arly. in Ninemlier, 18J3. . FROM OCEAN FALLS At MetUkalla. Uir utrinte lock of Linoleum . . RUPERT BRAND . . and carpel ha arrived, Ilarrie" "For three year lie labored mi l-uriiilure liUe tf Remains of Late Dr. Simmons derMr. Win. Iiuacali, Hie pioneer BANK OF MONTREAL Escorted by Members of uiiiouary. - On. November I. and Bloaters J. "if I ma ii, manager of Hie Masonic Order. IN7G. vvilh hi wife ami child, F -AnLISHFD- MORE than 100 YEARS Kippers Kb-uua Mining ., arrived la he landed nl Mae on Hie niulil from Uk.' OHJIAX FALLS. Jan. 53. The inrlh end of liraham llainl remain of ir. II. F. Simmon. which i one of Hie ijiiei-u Cliar-!o(le Prince Rupert Branch: H. ST. G. LEE. Manager. Ainitiitl MeeliiM N. II. C A. Anyoi. who pnel away on board ro(l. off in Hie Pacific for Sale at I.. 'Fair An.ocinlion, City Hall. the leiiiitliip Venture jiit prior te'ilU, aikl became (lie pioneer H ii.in.. Tuesday January 41. IH to Hie 'vetoul arrival al Oeeun miionar' Uie II aula ludian- ALL RETAIL STORES . Fall. Were ithipp., lo Vancoiixer bolh a Maelt ami Skidczali- 'Arehir li'Miaghy. Ihe Terrace on Wednesday. The eakef ua In IH1V be was recalled lo Mel-lakall.i The Most Tasty Breakfast Food barri.ler, arrived in (lie rily Jnt i.iiixey. il on l,oard the leaiiilii a be w:i one of tin-few uivhl and is rrgMeri'd al t Veiilure by palllwarei-H F. It. Slier who could work without Obtainable Hot"! Prince lluperl. bourne, o. A. IMfeuv, F. II. Hcn- friction under Mr. Iiiincan. In loii. J. McSwan. W. W. li. M Hie interval he had lnen nr. J. H, Lambert. I loiniti ion ftuv. Alli'ler and A. iloliiiion, inem- laiiieil firr deacon ami I ben GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY """ Smoked Daily by eminent pulilie w-n-k eiiitinecr. lwr. of the Maxoiiii- Urder. Oilier irie.t by liilioi. Ilorpa wlio S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday for returned yelerday moi-miiir by niemlwM- were pre. tit. made a xpeeial trip on f. and Anyox. Midnisht Thursday for Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I lie I'rine John from Stewart. Cormier 'l on decided that an by canoe Ill arro I8HII the he ititeky o.m-iii-iI Mouu-laiil. the Powell llivi-r, Vancouver, Victoria and Sealllc. initie.t u uune4-e.ary. a from Mi-Jiim Ifazrlliui S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all point on Nortlu-n. am PRINCE RUPERT Charlie I.oClern). (he lliiir. Ihe evidence avuilable r. Sim u golns uj Ihe Southern (Jueen Charlotle Islands January 2 and 16. Skeeiia Itiver bv ranoe hut ,liij di-cer. Marcel waving and moil' death was due to ualutal 5 and 19. Stewart, January !-alp lrea;neit. Puju Jlolel. cau!ei not remain I here lonjr. H.-l unt-in? Iln'-lii C. Pliaiie lireeh 510. If. JO Mytlakalla be rouliuued Train Service. lo labor there until lfs: when paHe.er MONDAY, WkDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:16 TWENTY SCHOOLS with i. m. For Snrlbcrs. Prince Oeorge. Kdmontou and Winn growing .family he lin-al!y He.erve February 3 for Ihe 1. wa leg. makinur mreci connection for all points i Eastern (MM: MWMnUr jM-rttaL in.nie. located -at- Kincelilh. an In-, ' Canada and United Slates. Stocktaking Come? in 2 Months. ilini iiv. uwd UMtcL, i:erlily ON G. T. P. RAILWAY; lian village at Ihe mouth of the Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. eouie ami tisip W .MmI lime. IH 1 VANCOUVER ROUTE N'aa Itiver w'here after oyer City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260: IblHy-elBhl yeari u'f unelfi-i T'ii,i.- for oerliul nud ,"e-iair loil Tor the benefit of olheVn Ii." Until that time we will offer Jju (fie ;uyi;.l.it , nHHe III reply lo a re.tiel frwm the laid down hi life." " are l.emj; Ralle.1 for by I lie llo. I'ryicr lluperl I loan I of Trade, the Hallowed Spot. Specials in Several Lines minion Ki'ieriimeiil deiarlm'iit iUerinleiiileiil of eiluealion ha "Three year. beTore him the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY of itiiblie work. oi-warileil a lil of new M'hool beloved partner ofJii uii.ionai-y .... oHneil lal year aloiifr the line of "nre-r reaed her devoted cffoi-l B.C. Coast Services CHOCOLATES The Slllloel Mnuajrilie Ik Hie Ho fi. T. P. iH-lweeii flii city and Tor Ihe uplifting of the naiive French fiil lo eliminate tt,,. ntra jmiI- JaM'j and between the niinic .vomeu and clilMn-n. ami wa nzi' r.ilf uxaiii! Inada. II Minl mid Vancouver. While and buried in a .heHervi ie. on Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert IM.inU out Ihal Hie rale In liii tuenlv were opi'licil on llii ra.y lope of Hie cliff above ana lo eiieaper I linn to Mime brnncli. only one wa otw-iutl on KiiK'oliih. This wa a grenl For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagwsy Ivory llll of the I'lllteil SUIe. STATIONERY Hie Inn; leailinp to Van iver Mow to the veleran miionary. January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. The followillK ai-- Ihe llllllli' of uffered by Hie ItiMiop' an ea-hr W. .1. I.eule, Hie weolerti ri'ire the m'IkmiI dilriclri: pol, he reolnley ileclincil a For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January These will be sold at cost to clear. lor enUllne i.iimoiii,ui of MeUil."ii lln t.illliied, left in Hie IS. T. P.: llulall. Topley. llioii-h weildeil lo the .pol hallowed 7, 21; February 4, 18. iiiorniiiii 1 1 a nail. I Iran ye Valley. Kvelyu, by so many aiM-ialiiin li.iin. II,. foil i til luineN fairly lilleymoiluL I'rMtt, WillowAale, of Ihe pal. Agency for all Steamship Lines. ijiliel Inn look- for Im-IIit eoioli- Ouiek. TaUilrtme, Alera I-ike. On Hie rugvt cliff Hiere i ORMES LIMITED Hoiio when lie iiKiket. Iii.nxl Full information from . Trheiuktil like, Hear Head, Kii-wausa. now mi longer a lonely grave. tuarleiiy trip lo the Uuast. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ilrnsay Plain, Sluarl Slu-lion, Such in brief oiillinc i the siry TlnPjoncer Druggists The Rexall Store I'ucli a Valley. Webber Iike, of ii greul and noble life lived Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, Tin- ice w fairly s;imm1 al tlie Meadowilahs and Penny. amongl much crluion.! Sail l.nlei yetenlay and ovisr look On the C. .. It.: Copper Creek "The church honored him in! fifty iieople ndvoiilae of SlnUon. Ihlll by givini: him the rank whiil Mieiueii lo Ih -Jhe likely if Archdeacon, but neither in I UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. la-l .lay of kaliu?. Tlie Oil Knlcrii linada or in (irenl Ilri- Sallints frt.ru I'rlncn lluperl: llaliy made wo trins each way FULLER'S SPECIALS For Vancoutar, victoria,rallm al sno!i nay,ocean Fall.; Tutvlay. S tin. Cakes Order. Iced to A eiijiiyahle lime was spent t a in and Irtdund wax he fulllvj For Port Simpaon, Naaa ni.ar, Anioi and Allta Arm, Sunday, culilulaht. ery rei-oguited a-no doubt he will lo-1 Calling at Ocaanle and Naaa Harbor ou sailioss Oct, ii. o. S, SO, Dae. by all for Hie sellier wf ih-I I, 18, Jan. I. HeiHikriclit llulter, 45c. in lime, a one of the' n-all Calling at Somartllla, Kumoon, Mill Bai on sailing I Oct. I. 10, Not, tt, Individual Mines Pies, Pumpkin Plei, Etc. very cobl. Corn, big tin. 3 for 50c. .,r ii,., vili.oi t-'iMiii vv.! 23 tacond J7. lic.Afanua II, ii. JACK BARNSLEY, Agant rrlne Rupart, . O. Specialists In Birthday and Wedding Cakes Two in I polish. 12'ic. are glad thai he ha left u lii: The errelary of Hie Stewart OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED Slieed Peaelic. t?r I in. 25c. book .entitled "In ihe Wake of Ili'lird of I l-Hile lllellilolIK in Pure Olive Oil, sal., $5.50. Ihe War (Jaime" but we shall j "The Home of Domestic Bread" eommuuiealbMi enl the local No. I. .lap Itice. 3 lbs. for 25c. iii hi fervonl lrih eloiineiicej liniird ihut con-uiiiei-. tin-re are CUT PRICES in all Merchandise F.MpriinK.Coeon. M lb, 25c. and hi yuiialliic Clin.-lian fe-i BAKERY ili'iie! willi Terrace olalocii THE LACASSE Toil1! paper, 5c. lowshlp. Xorlherii llritili Co-1 tliiil liave reeeiilly cmie mlo Hi Phone 100 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 H.,0. Fii.h 'Kaitr, 50c. lumbia salute. il. veteran mi-! market. He ii anxious lo- learu Oiitnrio . Illieese, per lb. 25c. "ionary. "Soldier of Christ, well YOUR DOLLAR Wiiere rime Iliiperl it able to .New California OrtiM Fruit. lone." . I eiiiiiiiele wild Vaiii'uiiver in the each 5c. D A IT Our frozen herring ball is conceded by fishermen mallei- of wholesale iuic iiui- refiilac (Uli- Tea, 2 lbs. for Gets Quality and Value. In ,c tin; fluent procurable at any Pacific Count 95c. I'n.-t ami it is "Fishy." Price. 130 per ton. Kitiprc'M Coffee, tat., 55c. A Certain Man Phone Green 418 ICF ,,,3 ",esl way of inur'"r B H001 quality. trJp Is Armour's Uacon. Sperial. 37' so HART BLOCK , , STEVE KING to have plenty or our hard frozen Ice. Price, j-i'ii I. Kiitiiioi! t i v.oiire, ,t II...li"yl in This Town THIRD AVENUE I" ton. for $1.00. Otltfirc "ur U-equipped store can supply fishing gear, and previsions Needs Watching! lsheruieu'e ilolhing. grooeries ANNOUNCEMENTS "d hardware . Ilo may be your falher, your COAL! COAL! COAL! NEW lint lluiile Chanter I.O.I).F ENGLAND FISH Company Annual Children's Fancy On'ss brother, or your son. Who-vsoever ho may be, we will Branch Alaska . Ketchikan, Hall, Fiiijay. January 27. "watch" him for u very low-price this week at our watch I.(1.1 i.l'.. Midwinter Carnival, sale. Edson Coal Company I1BAUTY OF THE SKIN February. ."I. Kef some prices in the win. DENTISTRY la lb DAlur diir ot tTfry voui.n, Kiiiahfit of ColiiinhiL Annual ibiw. Ask for any other I Phone 58 nil la olulu.ll. tir u. ot Dr. kind of watch. "mi1 loolh Cbua aOlntiurBI. IIioWm,lilarkbiwria. I ance, February ;'3. Wo arc in a position to givo IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by the missing ruuKhiwM ami rxlnvaa ot tlia akin, MgU'd yur (cel,t on decayed or irriuulnu an.I awavuia diaaiiifar. and Ion or carload, of out- famous EDSON COAL, which Is known lowers vitality. Hi akin laMtaoll, aiimoUi and vvlrrlx. LOVER. John Bulger, " bu best value of coal tho your .Ill rtiwlara, or diuaowa Itaht A Co., LAZY to (ho any on market. Lliuiuid. Taronio Kampln rea if yon BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES ineolloo Ibla iwr lilady. I love yi.t'l luiiu'l The Jeweller DR. BAYNE ORDER NOW PHONE QS live widoul yu"! I- " . . "ooms 4, 5, o, Helgerson Block P"n 103 "Well, llli-gm.l Ijiwd, liianj" k'GIFTS THAT LASH, Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. illi,,. Hour; Morning, 0-12: Afternoons, 1 :3l-&:3li interrupted Mis i.ladys nugglc. Corner Second Avenue and Seventh Strest tin Kvcnliipn. 7-9. "Iinexu't yo' linn'' nliii to no ivoik a-lall?" K-. a.Olly. (jlttr.