V v.. p. n. TAXI For 99 FISH Market Phone Third Avenue Fresh White Fish and Fresh Alaska Herring Srlco RUPERT PRINCE not Fresh Local Beef not Cure In the City Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone G71 vol- XI" ,H' I'lllNCB IIUI'KllT, II. C MONDAY. JANTAHY 2IJ, 122. Srtur4r' ClrcvUOon 1,773. Strut 4. PRICK FIVE CENTS Storms and Intense Cold in the East Famous pioneer missionary - passes away at kincolith Terrific Storms WELL KNOWN COUNTESS OF CRANARD GOES HOME. Venerable Archdeacon Collison ! WATERFRONT Passed Away at Kincolith, Nass Great Lakes Sweep FIGURE SHOT m'"":: River, After Lingering Illness JOy, Al Kinci'lilli silliiK'e on lln- Nua Iliver, tlin Scene of lift Edward Parsons Met Tragic Fate Cfiristian iiiinilralion aid cndcaMjrs amoijg lh? Nfslika tribe of on Saturday Afternoon While Indians wliom, lieideM tfie Tsirnpseans of Uic mainland, and the. WINMI'Kd, Jan. Wolrrn liioada Inim the Hnrkie lo Handling New Rifle at Jap Ilaidus of llir yiiecn Cdarloltcs, lie devoted bis lifu to converting i, l vf Hi; Ureal Lakes is siillcriug fnin (lie n'lfiol Inlet. fmrii HavaRery and liarbarism lo Cliritianity, there passed.uway.at . . ii sel eiprrirnccil lh winter. Al Calgary IuhI night the H o'clock on .SaJnnlay evening. the Vcneroblo V, IIt Collison, ;ntinrlfr stood 22 degree below Zero, the hfglieid tenilier- I-Ulwiird I'ar iiiK. 11 wll kimwi, Archdeacon of Mellukulla. Intimately kiivwri to the natives from r ported from IbV Hiri'i" province. II wiu VI below al.Th lrajfr. firtli'Tmaii mid lioal Hie Miirrn Gha(lotte I-ilands lo tin; Ilulkley Valley and from Oupc IIIHN lf I III' liN'lll W IltTfrillll. uc-ridcHtllUy 11 ,il miillli'iul ri'luirtu if ill' 1 1 t(l ft 1 1 1 1 II 17 lil'lnw Al IjlllKHlllill Modpc lo the Alaskan boundary, his passing will his the cause of I " I n - - li"l uinl killi'd lilio-wlf ' v b'ow. a'l .lni lnli'l. Iorchrr ll -lid nrif and sorrow anions tlieni all rr he was Ilic rtrran of the!by Hie title. "In the Wake of the NOllTII HAY. J1111. 2'J. As a result id the storm,. wii h a n nlurtUy aflfriioon: Cliii'f A. N'orlhrrn Hrilidi (ilumbia miss- 1 War Canoe A brief summary . niwi lotfiil in history. (In TeiiiiMiiiig and, Northern i:. Millly and lUilioiuhle Al.-x ion field. With no less a feel- ;of his career has been siven by Sainl, "f Hi.' jtrnviiirial pi'lici'. 0: j lladwuy entile- traii-jMirlalittn )tim w lied up. Iiarinu riwidvi'd a rail, went ! in? of rrzret Will the new come Arrhbishop Vcrnei who, as Vlotanl Weather In Ireland. the ci.'iii' of lli' Irajicdy i-arly lo Hie white- people vt the coun-Iry partner of the work for many Ul I J NK'I OW N. Jhii. 23. -A violent storm raaiiiK here made yrclrrday imiridn and i-oiurnrd rnr lie was known by many years himself, is in a position to and the thrilling stories of his tell the story in intimate and l" Hi' lia'lior duiiKrroil. Tin- litirr America ilid nut rail lo lln rily wllh Ito' ltuily in Mn-ifli'niiMn. accurate ilirrna adventures and iudi-fa- ii-rm. " . i tnliHs direct lit Xi'v York. Several crall foundered 11 ml OirniH'r J. II. Mc-Mullin Ui?able patience throuli the Archbishop's Testimony. v-f- dumaped. wan nolifiwl and Hit' rr. early - day or the north lias "In the passing into the Ureal iiiaiii wi-n- plaeeil in Hit- liandr-of reach'1'! all ear. Heyond or the Venerable Areb- I In- II. U. IjrnfrHaki'rM. an in-lir-l TEN CENT CLUBS deacon William Henry Collison," DRYDOCKS IN i tUvt dwiitrd uimwosnary Children with Him. The death of Archdi'aeoii Collison Said Archbishop ,!u Vcrnet Metropolitan OUT OF BUSINESS Ii I'XHminulfoti of I In- wiiiii'!. Bishop ot Hrilish Co-(CooUoncl ' came after a lini-rius- ill- I,m-i'bii wiik a )"Un man SOUTH MAY BE : ulioid 95 yrw at aar and win-a itei during the last fortnight of no Tire Tbreel. Incorporation Canceled by MliH f I'iorida. A iUIit width he' was almost entirety ill) Attorney General When wlm ri-id in Xmv YnrV. i Ic-riniiiiioiilmili"! a stale of uncoii!ciousiics. The'LLOYD GEORGE INVESTIGATED! fiii-rtdiiiKl rlnl ums mil nnexiiei'lril unit al Law Wi Proved wllli. A n... ii..,.. ..r I,;- n...n Broken. onMnlijifid of yuuiis luan In mm I.. l'srHi Wll wrll kllOWtt wrrr prs'jeut al the lHilsfde, H'-v. CABINET WILL rrahihl Wflrk Maw Ba SLoDDcd Jan. 23 The ami liisldv ilcpmi'd liy many W. II. Collison and J. M. Collison, Until It It Known If It It VICTORIA, of this city. Mrs. MacdniKjld. wife Incorporation llcentea of 25' irn-iKM in nir cu " w'liI'j Necessary. of the to.Joln.U-ber -rei lo JrurjjuX Jilc uWvii aud fr.rtir- KtrtFomrr"f.rfysTctan; iieV. CONTINUEWORK H?iLcnt "'clobt of Vancouver fro air drioi .'' Archdeacon Henry . Oollison. ut Shot Through' Head. Wife of Ibe eirhth Yjlt of Granard and her dtuchter. Lady Korea Vancouver Island, Miss Alice pnili'v fruui llovcrn-in'.' have been cancelled by the Bralrir Forbca, returned to Kngland oo the Olynpic They came over trfillixoii, of Kincolith, stint Miss II lati Saturday infill al OIImwii tiidi- Attorney General a a reault whi on for a vIML Before br marrUse the Oountess wis Mbi Beatrice Milli, F.Nie (Collison, a returned Report From London That Thero ' nurse. mIimi Ihr iruiiiril (Hiliro rr I ''ilrrnl of the dry aquad having ioblr of Osdea MiUa. . v iiov''iiiwiii ri'iiil nil iiwnl rail frmn Ids children. Iiitermenl will lake Will Be No Appeal to the llw miMaiiioll "f bartenders breaking 4' caught 1'nn'ln'r l-Uin inliiiiiilili HihI place al Kineotilh and I he veter. Country This Spring. "lily Mil I ft Slimier the Government liquor law Burned an' Pardon- had shol hliiixdf. Two Prospectors missionary will be laid to,resl 1 k ill- K'liuilM'ill. Ihi" by atllln? beer to members. the beside his wife and partner ins nrly y-ilorday nioriiiiis u OPPOSE LABOR PARTY. V'llll.ll'l-lllli.'lllHII Each bartendor forfe'ted Ihr Inonrli it'uii'aii in Ids lire-work ho jired'veased Myfanwjr When , 1 It ul Yanrutivnr. Tlt- $100 when, the cae was To Death at Hyder ii-d ly Mirliad MrKaddi-n. frirntl him some twifcyears. Arehbisliop I.ONIMIN. Jan. 2.1. It j under I Hie f.ltWH'f f It II 4 called. of lilt' drraril. wlio had roiorl- I u Vertiel weut north last night stood Dial Lloyd George ami Aus niiii'iii would review nil lv -k- llnW brillK llll'I'T- rd Ihr rriiiiiL ilo-y rrarlo'd Jai Cabin Totally Destroyed on Hie etilurc to conduct Hie ten Chamberlain, supported by the AGREEMENT lilll. Mrl adili'ii .laird Hud ! serv ires. Liberal and Amservalive leaders, 'ln 'iil Willi si view hail Ihi-ii villi 1'iirMHi al Archdeacon Collison wa 75 hac decided not lo call a general 1 i '' told of John a Minium ilir- really i"",ii- Arrivals frMu Stewart on Ihe Prince. yesterday years of oire and was born In il uVli.rk on Saturday aftrriioon ir election this spring but lo continue I I'.piiienl of lli Pacific Ihr lallri'M ;ra hoat, f. A I' lire which occurred at Iljder al noon on Saturday shortly before Ireland. Hesides Hie sis of his the coalition poerumeut on t - I'iir-'in- had JumI Irmlrd an old the Meantcr left, in which Iwo pro?peclors known a "Slim" children who were with him at the basis ot economy, remission it .11,. ijriliM'k l private the time of death he leaes to ' "hi. under Hi'- suMJdir riflr fr n ik'w lli-iiiinsloii ii' NeUon and ".Shorty" Madden were horned lo death. As far as oT income tax and u campaign 1 'iliiiia ! iii with Cralq and Collins Srtlle Boundary i.il auloiiialir. Iln had I''ft liim could'he ascertained, the blaze started in Hie cabin in which the mourn Herbert Ills and loss Arthur,Iwo or other Vancou sous. iiKaiust the Labor party. aftrr and Pa rums was oi - -Iiiiivjiii). J. ,. Couffll-A"-- and South. sliorily the alarm had been made and The Conservatives have aban Between North Dial limr etauiiiiinu and rxprri- men were .vlrepiiifc' and hy the lime ver who served with the Canadian doned their demand for reform of -'Tini'il Ihi- contrnM iio'iiIiiik with llir kuii. WIhmi hr people reached the scene the place was burning like a roaring KxpedilJonary Forces, having en the House of Lords and. Lloyd .-. i.ii'if , iiiiiiiimI ion THE BOYCOTT IS LIFTED I'Kiiiriird at t o'rliK-U ho found furnace. No one Mtspected (hat there was anybody inside al that listed in' Prince lln perl in the postpones some planks of - I 1 1 fuiu. iieorge 1 1 u 1 1 1 u early stapes of Hie Ureal War. him I) ins on hi".. hark Im-oiI"i lln, liiue of day, and il wa not unlil Hie lire had been put out that the Miss Collison. the who attended the advanced Liberal platform. nurse, VISCOUNT BRYCE- Rush of Commercial Travellers i'Iibiiii' "ioi had uiroiiaii aiiaividly i ii ii'mu,Ihmvi Kruesoiiie di-oery of (lie Iwo charred bodies in the bunks was her fattier in his, last illness, Into Irish Free SUU from Th wfaMiu diMdiarsrd ami ttae made. They had apparently ben sh-cpiiiK, and the belief is held that was the third member of ari'idiMilally DIED YESTERDAY Ireland. Imlli'l had rnlrrod tin iik'uIIi am: the tire started from the explosion of a coal oil can. the family to seno the country BODY OF POPE IhroiiKli Id liiad and Tim eabin was located on the tide Uats at the lower cud of the in (tie war. Former Ambassador to United Id HM.N. .Ian. Suliefnidion brain koiii' lodulnx i" Ilic rrilitit of Mmlcborg homestead and lowtisile. As It was a considerable dis Archdeacon Collison reached LIES IN STATE Stale Dies In London. 1 iiii-i.aim Dial nil MuriTIHi'llI Ihr raliili ahovc. D.-ulli had lirrn tance nuay from Ihr town and other buildings, there were no other Metlakalla with his wife on Oc "'Mmi.V Juii.Tii. Itlyhl Hon, boon ii'ui'iM'il hy Mii hai'l i:jl-Iiiii iiiiliilllaiH'ou" and In had vvi- Iruciurcs burned. tober 14, IHT;l, to commence his Sir .Imin1 Oniia. wlu Mniri'd lln .pl fall- work of Christianizing. Hera hq ' Jllllll . 1 1 '. best kllOWH inn diMdly on Benedict XV Passed Away Yester iilrt u IiuvIiik been fur a hui' iiii ImmI ul 11 KidllriiiiMil iivit iiiK t' tli .floor from tin? ural FOLLOWERS OF ONLY SWEDISH WOMAN was met by Father Duncan who day Morning Pontifical I Ulir ahd had established here the lirst ambassador Ihc lHiinilar- Im'Iwoi-ii wldrh h had im.tiiI-iI iirur llir Britain''lir llii' I'lilli'd Hindu tri'liunl. Tin- irrdlrliiiii l ii'iiiif wliwl and t'liiriup. lb' AVIATOR IS KILLED and only mission post within a Mass' Wednesday. u niiiili' lluil iiiid uli iilon an- rnn niirlioii'd in Jap Intel radius or rive hundred miles with boat wa ill' il lii'i i- )i'enUy, asri'il BANISHED KING HOMFh Jan. 22. Pope, Benedict inadr Inward Ihr iinily d Ire- Elsa Anderson Attempted Make the exception or one lonely one in Alaska. Here commenced a XV died at 0 o'clock this (Sunday) M luiiil. Parachute Leap at 2000 Feet Hi)' c wan fur mujiy ywiw PROVINCIAL POLICE it is olllcially announced 1 lll'.l.l'AST. .Inn. - Mn' ait- and Device Failed to Open. wonderful career of devotion and morning, ' ! "f i il law ut 0fonl CAUSE TROUBLE heie. " ili of Ui hoyii'll by I lii lrili LOOKING FOR faith -which, triumphant oer win! lalur Jii'M KuviTid ARE STOCKIIOI.MrTan. 23. Slain afflintl I'Atit'v riui-'o -FJsa every concelvaiiio hindrance ami IIOMF., Jan. 23. Ill tlin Hasiliea - 1 1 -11 1 iiMMiiiiH in tin' llill- Kii-b 11.... Andersen, the only Swedish woman has resulted in the of St. Peter's historic churrh the ISLAND MAN difrieully, mm i' DIGBY Is r miiniiH'n'iai '" ' ,v a riih Hungarian National Assembly ai i'i niiii'iii ax uiiili'r m'l'rf- In Hk' Mii iotis railway ia- Premier lo hold no aviator's certificate turning ur absolute barbarism to body of Pope llenediet'lay in tdute in today Prorogued by foi'i.Ku dffulrt ami killed at Jkr-rlund yesterday ioini" was civilization and Utter heathen today while ast throngs passed I'ouli' In various l i' "Hoi of Hie Duchy or I.UII- liiul.i I'll i"iilli nf Ireland, unxinuti , ri'iinrl wa madu lo tlo' pro-vinrial Bethton. when she attempted to make ism to Christianity. reverently before the catafalque. a;''1 llir He wan uWn priMliliMil of in I httitiuiK wliirli Hi" polii'i' on Saturday thai IIUIIA PKST. Jan. 23.- -Premier a parachute leap al a height of His Missionary Work. Karly in the day all that is mor lt"am of Tradf, wliloli is a (0 irmiiiU'rliorkt'd. Anytl. McAskill, attnl 10, li'iiin llethleii ha decided to proromie 2000 feet utid the parachute, fail, tal id Hie late PoiitMV whoso 'uliini'l in.illioii Ihto. liiiyi:nll at Ihi' UiKby Ulaml ed to The tact thai he was privileg " Kiininn-r the. National Assembly. The oe. open. death during the early hours of 'i 'i' n' ed to be Hie pioneer missionary i.u,.y f,. ireiuiui and had diaappoarrd iiiariiii' station, linn iiikeii because'of the ex Sunday plunged the churvh ' "' i'jiij jihiuu uiii- THOUSAND iiIkIiI. He wa sqld us TWO WERE KILLED of the Queen Charlotte Islands ll'"- (Uill ' SHIPPED on Friday, cited atmosphere in parliament . both at Massed 'and Skideyate, throughout the world Inlo deepest III Jin, I t,S I Kludx to bavi brrn acting utrannely A and Hie proocative ntliltide or Hie FIRE the Skeena lliver and mourning, was carried to St. mi uutlior Vlnrouiil lliycn TONS ORE TO TACOMA for soma limn ami on V1"'1' IN MONTREAL as also on friendly t" the aspirations ('eter's and immense crowds Im "'"- inyli. Aiiioiik liislori ill llll'liOII pill Oil III K'H'll deputies al liillaub, ut the head of Gardiner's of (ha former F.mpcrbr Jan. 23. Two Canal and Tongas, in mediately begun enter!mk the vast wniinag ure TJm Aiiii'ilcan Valuable rlolln-, look )ii cheek book and MO.NTHILM., I'HIIIIIIWI'allli Steamer Anvo Carried Charles. killed and property Soulheaseru Alaska, has Imparted edillce and Ming pat thu body. 1111.1 'I'I... II,,lv lli I-- ut.. .1 left, iinlliinir having b.een sren firemen were Cargo from premier mh additional interest to A meeting of the sucred colk-ijo Kiniilrc. or braid or blui uluer. The case tlauiAiCC cMifnalrd at half a mil. an '"M).. jal,. 23.-Glviliun Stewart. i briny lnvi,llKaled by tlio po-llr AUTOMOBILE OF LORD lion dollars, resulted from an explosion Arclnleacon Cotlison's record. A in conclave to elect a. successor "ffnial Ci.KlninJ an- today who hold the belief ttial Jin and firq which started great measure oi sueoess attend to tin) late Pope will, open on "ui-iniijr STKAVAIir. .Inn- -'',' -Slinmev IS SEIZED ed his efrorts (ho Tslm-pesans; February t or 2. . '' dndli of VUcouiii. fr Taconia polbly cuine to town and went FITZALAN in u laundry on Sherbrooko St., among li.'iilli, .Miyox Irfl lul wrrk and destroyed a couple of apartment lludas, Mslika and W,r, caimi atid-'"y- a..roxl-mali'ly out on a iruiu or boat, of u unrx.ccU'.l. It wiik rarryliix a sIiIihihmiI DUItl.l.V, Jan. 23. A paup of houses. The,wall collapsed Oalliksheang und 'remnants of Bishop lluuoz stated thia morn- UUI u lieurl failure. I0i0 (on of ore ami Mini'.con-rriilrale CARDINAL DIES. men armed with reoivers iat burying two men. other,(riboN In their evaiiKellzins lug Ihat there would be a solemn from llio l'"''"il.T iiIkIiI hiHied uu automobile, be. before Hie. Inruh of new popula. pontifical ma on Wediiesday The funeral of the late Nlcho- Thl U 0110 of M10 InruHM.oll.lo 1'-imMiU MAIlltll). Jan. 23. Cardinal loiiKing to Viscount l'lUfclan, formerly net your tickets for the llurn Hon. The story has been left In morning In Hie Catholic. Church f-m, inuilo. ami wa Santo, Aivbbi.-liop o! Toledo, (,ord Lieutenant of Ireland, llauuuet, Central Hotel, Wednesday. length in the uccountof his' experiences for the repose or the soul of the "nfr Tueeday, jan. 24, from IIi-oukIi Hip oporatiou of Hir now (lieil hi re ial uifcilil and disappeared with it Jan 25. Tickets 12.00. published and known lute head of the churvh. wros, ehspel. ut'Hnl Irauiwuy ,