1 Monday, January 0 m , PAGE BIX TUB DAILY NEWS BIGGEST FISH MISS TINGLEY GETS Westholme Theatre, G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public ! SCHOOL APPOINTMENT WE ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF 237 DAY OF MONTH Goes to Ocean Falls Early In TONIGHT and TOMORROW LOTS IN THIS CITY which comprise the Tliorscli holdings. February lo Join Tsachlng Tin!re are many V--t-y desirable doultle corners, both business Staff. A Sydney Franklin Production, and residential, included in this property. The prices Three Hundred and Eighty-two arc riglu and easy terms can he made. The Empress Hotel Thousand Pounds: Halibut Offered M's I.uuia Tinirley of I'ori properly la included in This offering, as well as a line double Today 307,000 Sold. Cletiieui and furmerly principul 'NOT GUILTY corner on Third Avenue near the I'oslullice. l'riecs and 1 of (lie ilorden Slnet .School in terms will be piven on application to uur ofllcc. In quantity uf halibut arriving Prince Mils city, ha been appointed to and selling, toilay was the litk'-sei fatarat the fcuHiinK ulaff of the Occult and H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. duy al .he FIMi Kxrhanrre al I I' alls Ni hoot and Mill take up her Insurance Rentals Real Estate tlii port ulnro tin' Xew Y'-8''. new duties there utif In FrtHii- Three hundred and ei?hly.lvi g ary. IhoucHiid pound;! of lialiliul of. ISotel S K Mi;. Tiuuley left Hie local WATER NOTICE. -Dlterakin fi-red tif whieh nuufttlly. :i0?.(00 S Muff smile time uko lo look aftet and Uae, m nds Mild for unloiidin? here X her mother who wa Ihen in Lunch take aMIre lliai Jmrnv A. Itrowii, ttletkr and lupiiirnt Ihroush the port MAN-a.Dia. p failing heiillh, hut iuee he Special ai'lrr. purl K-iiiirin. n. ii mil apply to I he Iastern tnarkrl. The hiK mol her' ileal b find" it i .--1 1 1 r.n a lireurr li lake and ruble fori iht 'iw 'if wain ot of Hniwii Creek. 'lay.efmlfiijf durins a qulei period In ri-fiirn t" her pWifeion. Prioi lloull uIimIi n-Hu." I"nlcirt t N-irrl iiiih' mile"and from drain lituulll lulu ih neeounted for hy the facl thai In rutiiiii here lie laiivhl ul !li llieri'VUK u epell of fiue weather CHARLIE CHAPLIN liorlli utit'l ei-liool, Ylrloria. in Tlie water will 1h' illK-rtnl nn tin- 40c -iwaiH al a i.iil aleutl ST. feet almve tide. on the northern bunks ami. liu ilrt Principal .1. M. Camiiiirit alSS 4 Kalr ml will Ik!. ined if I.fr Ilaiurr imvrr 1. ijuol pnw Mi-trtrl,upon uoiiIh all went mil f i-lai nir al Jhr IN "SHOULDER ARMS" father of Hie local uper ii, itn- land 'rrtll a ll Itl. Kaiure &. saiiielimr. Tin prinvpaiij IimIuv plJliilp.il. i il1 IMMrirl. ai-ena Wire IMtlir. for fir.l elu! fih airmi'eil The Oee;ui Fafl pi opli n tin frJw ar.ll on tlie ground on Famous Comedian to Be Seen In TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 1922 Ur JSUi 5 of jair- ivff. . irouiiil the tile murk. he i-iui-riil ulitliil on M-i'iirin - A i'H') "ii- iV'lHtj awl an appliralkiu Return Engagement at the jalalalalaB9!SL SVwi. - rf imr-naart ihervt.i and ti Hr "Water Folliiv in;r llo lil of ureiv 'e)i;ilie a li'uilo'i. P Simp Illll." will be tiled Ml the utUrr of..the iif and the vny the eaJeJo"; wrre Westholme. HBHjC'w sQaaaiaHaaaHaa Water .iti-mrUer at IrHtif lluoeri, H. Spaghetti Soup t'KXa-Uuu tu IIh- ai-rll-alKMi niar be tiled Jiiipojii'iJ of: ' "Shoiilih-r Arm." Hip mthihI WIRELESS REPORT Salad man a' ail Wik-i li.rt.nH-r or wtUi tlw Potato i-.ip-lniner. '-r Water lllrlit". Parllanwiil l.iviiu-tlolo', fi.OUO poiniiN. Charlie Chaplin million dollar ti Choice nf tlitl4tmr. Vtrtoila. H. O.. within tltlrtj -lil In I lie I'acifie l iKherM'si al lur. to be cliowii al Hie VenU IHIIIIV ISLAM 'Ki'iiiu ilei alter rl a)-aran-e of tlin ri-eh inilheal wind; liur.uin-:. i Tenderloin of Solo iuv ih I""-! wwjqajiiw. 1 1.le. and 5c. liolnif Tliealre I'jinlil. pi-4uri.e jvi:s a. unovvn. ApitM-aiii. 2U.7N; tempernlure. 35; ea '" d Beefsteak and Kidney Pie Tbe nle if Um' llr-l lLJlalllMI of tul." skyVuid, :,ihhi .i.miil,' until his expel ii'iice.";iitI ilillletillir a ' Boiled and Mashed Potatoes ii"in lr Jaieiari it. ivtl In J he Sinclair riierii'n at t.0c an average! Ainerieau iIotiitltlHiy 'mil'; k iin. -ipuke Cmpi'iv. ia. tV IV X., I.8 i:. Carrots in Cream . LAND REGISTRY ACT. and 0e. from Hie tiiin lo'Hilerw (he nwikie pii-ili.m .. illle llllil. Rice Custard Pudding' Malamule. I0.UUU pouudi. and iuad until, i it'.liui.hed pnnlurl lib- cr.::7. r.e (LpnllraU'm No. Mol. .Vlinii' sold lil'.Ah TltKF. I'HI.VT Itaiiiin- Turk, lo i'i.IKMI pound, of Ii" invaili HkK MiTI(,C Mint amiliratlou In been military training, made t. rrgttlcr HtrtiKJ 't. :rrw. ut 1'niH-e I Iii Itiiynl HmIi Cm. al lO.He and lluiiland ami llir Impe Mutii "til)n'iil wind; buroiiii'li i Ihiti. H. i: uud.1 wu "t.k al Herda rapture lemiwriiliire. 35: Good Eats Cafe 'rrtaii llw MJwlor ut llw t.ilr ut I'nmf rial (iernian ilaif tvilh a method lliirrt. U-arfBir Ul- I!k- Itxib (lay of Valid, l.uco poiiiuIk; Normn, ui(Mlh. typically Yankee lor melly and .,n-mlH-r. 1I7. ir all aixl Unriilir that IU I.I. It Alt I CI tit Chunk, aim - lain i mi rr.! iif trai-1 uf lantl au.I irriuiia I7.0U0 pounds and Jle-icue. 2.1100 Kurprfoe. uiiai'- l.vniir. aiHt Mir iu Umi Oly f riold lo the Uotilh l'i"li (acomHcr, Slll.32: leliiiei-atuee tound.s i-inrti lluirl. HHira immrularlir kiuiwu Hi. feel get him into count! :anj di-x-rlbwl as u.t, Ibirly-iuM- (31) and tic uaiiadlaii 1C. al IL.ie-'auil J5; lirh( vell: U a.m.. poke Ad tlilrtjtwu I3i. Khttk, tblrl.v-Httit OKI 5c.' ' (rouble under the unympalliriic miral oivui hi Milbank Siiiimi anil l.'.i iiit "' 'f' ! lwnij--feiD . From the Farm . Uilli Inrltiilv. itliMk f'irly-lwo (If . I lallery. H.n.oo pound, and eye of hi drill fcrxeaul. umi even oiilliboUlld. N ,all in m-:Uihi rjrlil t,. Map 0t3. afli-r hi advent inlo the fitml the Table iiv an- rmiuird tu .imil IIm lialui 4if iti-vi-ille. 15.0(10 iioui'ul.. .told lo Noon. a to Um lax I'lif-ha-xT wllliili :ij I.i.h rrmn !-rtalr line Irt'iiehe he find new com- IlKiKY ISLAM llaininti. S. F (whlrii i In- Uaiiudiau Kisli and (dd Slur- "f (Iw wviif- uf linn U"Ura iiliav bi fOTifli-il by MiiMiiial 'wrvln iht h ire llo. al H.7c and 5e. The plexilie in Hie Inanagi-iueiil oX a xale: hiiroqieli'r. .tf.7U; lemper- ,ili-i-lil.. and yi,ur allruin ralMI l rille and havoip'L Following iiii- BULKLEY VALLEY Isr.-liMi G i if the Mud Hri'"v Art wlib Heveille al.o had 0000 pound of alure, 10; ea r-iunh. aiiM-iuliiM nil-, and tu tlii- rutniwlns extract!, Mark rod. mcroiiK experience in hi dugout IlKAii l UF.i: POINT- Itatniiij: i HjernrruiH: BEEF aixl in default .r a -aval or rertiflrate uf North. 10.500 pound anJ Hol Ji vulitnleer) for a pceial ikUI oiitlieul wind; llarumeler. !li iHUdiiii' 111: nird lfirr the rrltra- miIon. pying Caiiiotillared PORK IIUmi a. uwii'-r it thi fwrium rnlilb'd uiidr dall. 11,00(1 oUlid. old to (he M.;h; temperature, ;t(i; eU "iirii lax sale, all firriiiiift mi wrvrn wun a (ree, he liivmle enemy territory. hum it h. 5e. li.7e and MUTTON unliii'. . and Uni- riaiiiiini- Hinmrli Hoyal Ki.h lo. al VEAL r niMlfr llu'iii n lift all rxTKiiim rlatmliir Forward, 1V.000 pound, and A Hun wood-rhoppiiir? parly at Hfl.l. IIAIltlOlt Overeii!: FRESH KILLED POULTRY I!any uiiii-rinrrwl iiiipnwi In liiMruiiii-nt.Hie land li and vtrtiir all fienuina of alir tiraylinv, 1500 pound, sold lo the tempt to add him. iliL'uied a a lildil 'iii(lnul wind: baruiiii'ler. Charlie Chaplin laimiiiic iiiiv niter'-1 In t land by decrnl Canadian Fili and Cold Slorajre tree tump, lo It collivlion, with 10.t-': li'iiiicriiluii .'IH; i'u iii'nI. Skeena River Farm Produce li..-r lltla l um n-KIHTrd under Uir .IM 'Vl-I'in- uf tlil Art. tball br for ever U). nl 10.Be and 5. dirsu-tiuu reull. Charlie i erale; II a.m. p'ke Prtnri'- VANDERHOOF CREAMERY -i .pH a anil (b'barrrd rrmn rttln( up any llnnlly captured' in a- (hell-lorn! K.na off Ivory I-laiot i i-l IiIummiiI in BUTTER ii-lalin ur In n-iSpnrt of iim land o mid Scout, 1000 Kund; Hidsvold. fur ta.vi't. and Hip Itnrlntrar Miall rcilrr Kit no 1 1 houe. He make hi es tlii' immm rntlilMl uiirtrr aurh tai ule a lft.000 pound, and Harvester, NORTHERN INTERIOR I iMr Mid nf iirfa the land lpplicalkm u wild for ha laxea."bt-Mi madr 1000 pound. old I14 the I'aeilic cape hy turliiu? .the table on Hie PRINCE RUPERT TIDES "Shoulder Arms" : a ritiPralr of Indvrfatllilt! Title In Fiherie al 10.0c and 5c. Herman and. accompanied by (he aa444 4 4 4 CO-OPERATIVE IIk alxin -liieiitl'ilH'fl landa. in tlw naiiM of French xirl who befriend him, he lliilM-rt r.rrw. and wlH-reaa on Invrntl-aaltnir Uranu. '13.000 pound, and .Monday. January' Admission, 15c and.3c Phone 81 Uir tub- II apiKam tliat prior In Uir l,reidenl, 12.000 pound. Mdd lo t-eek rejupe in what prove tn-tie l ull day nr Oriiilmr. 191ft (the datr.on High- y-5ft a.m., IV '-' feel. Mi"b tlM- -aid laud vprr mild for overdue the Canadian Fieli and Cold Slo. I he headquarter uf the general 23:13 IC'.S feet. 'llMrr.if.laxe- . yun ur itlierw'4e'were Uir a bsmumhi elated lielow owner vivif Co. al 1 l.5t- and 5e. talf. The Kafoer. the Crown Low- 3:30 uJii..p.m.. i.H feet. Next Friday and Saturday Wallace Reid in "The Hell Hirthir lake nollre tliat at the lame lime Prjiiii- and on lllinli-iiliur ur- ''The Store of Satisfaction" l aball rITiTt rerUtrallnu In of Sitka, 30.000 pound. tdd to the 10:53 p.m.. 6.7 feel. punuanre Diggers" and Harold Lloyd in Two Reel hin'i a Comedy. ,mii-Ii apiillnilliin and lunue a Orel lira tr of Canadian Fih and tlold Slorajfi prfoe in aU'UlUirk on a tier-mail We have In stock a complete jtumie liiderea-illile of Hubert Title,II.tu Crew tlie nald nnleaa land yon In take the Co. at He and !c. ' oflleer, Iml Charlie ue the Admission, 15c and 35c of .aiwl exerute Um pronT ln-ixeodiiiKH to and lle- day for himefi mid the sirl by Hazel, 15,000 pound, range jitablluli your elaiiii. If any, In the aald lannft. ur vi jirerrni eurn prupusca anion lianee4 i'U.000 pounds, Mld lo tin- wearing (he tiiiiform of the un-con.ciou on in pari Vicliui. Mrs Allen HARTT ha tnl al tbe iJinrl Heirflry onire, Trlnee Allin, Fi.herie at H.7e and 5e liniierl. II. t. llm SOtli day of Urtuber. He recue hi drill seraenuL A.II 1111. Tatooli, 20,000 pound, nold lo Canadian National II. V. Narl.EOn, the lloolh Fisheries Canudian Co alho captured iy lluu. 4iinl loi Railways ll-Kltrar of Tltlea. T.. VM l. kKVTAt;i;il. Prlnre Imiiert. P ut 11.7c and 5c. Reiner lliey iN)ilpil-e lo eeape. Was SHOES '.. n-vl-tcred owner; AHTIU'II C. Their plan briiiK eomplele con mi ruihi.i.. iTinr. iiunrrt. H. rert. The Seymour. "75,000 pound, leri'd and aneenMaif owned: HI.W:l$ and le Hie ia fllMOII to lieadqiarler umi hhuke HiD?J otTiM-ed Be by IIAVk. l-.. ll. '). wa rare Crew. I'rluce Doubtful Prince tlie Oermaii lo it ut iitipi-n. n i... mortgagee. nadian Fish arid Cold Slorau Co lion. army foumlda Rupert bul not pal foiled, cleared for Se Mr. Allen lell u he hail allle with the catch. $12.50 For your next GOES TO JAIL never tineij n run f nillk unlil aboiil it uioiilh UK". She ule per pair. Children's Coughs a puddiiiK at a friend's Iioi'ikc Shipyards Shoe Repair Job Teller toon of Goes Royal to Bank Jail for al Six Saska and wa very much surprfoed Agent for Relieved. Nlpnths. lo learn Ihal il was made with Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Fioatlng Dry Dock Hobbcrlin and Seml-Rcady try Quickly Pacific Milk. Engineers, machinists, Boilermaker. Blacksmiths, Pattern Made-to-Measure Clothing. J. C. EMERTON It l bard fnr to keep tbe children from S'ASKATOO.V." .Inn. 23. Wil Ml. A. hied (he same recipe makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. taklnr cold; tbey will run out or doori Ham MeCdrmaek, Haviuv bank heercif wtth cJ-e.ain and il wu Champion thoe Repair Shop not projierly wrapped, or tiave too iinirh leller al the Iloyal Hunk of Can nol no nice Then she hoiitflit Electric and Acetylene Welding. J. A. hMoatri I'.mad Wrick, Third Avenue rloililt.g on and tct'overliealed and cool ada here, arreled In YVinnipcK a Min of I'aelfle Milk and ifo! off too auddenly, tbey ret their feet wrt, the mother on .luntiuiy 5. ti ii J who pleaded Hie rlirhl reull. kirk olT the rlolh'i at night; Out Repairs while wait" pliitil i,- equipped tu lian.ll. .1!. kind uf you caniKit vvalth thrni ill tbe tluie, so what uuilly lo Hie theft of i.3Kr..tr Now ehe ue I'aeilic Milk in l elie rolnr lo dot from hi employer, on urniiun all her coiikliiK. heruuse il MARINE AND Muibera abotild never ncgli.-rt tbe cMI menl. wa peiilenced lo nerve six pive IhiiiK a betler flavor. dreii'a eougha or colds bul ou tbe flrt elm tiiuiild procure a boltle of month in Die common jail ul Pacific Milk Co. DR. WOOD'S 1'rince Albert by Magfotrule I". M. COMMERCIAL WORK NORWAY PINC SVRUF Hi own. A liftik en eiiuKi'iiirnt II la pleaiaiil and nire lo lake, and between himelf and he Faclorlat Limited PHONES 43 AND 3S5 H.S. WALLACE LIMITED a (firl at CO., Mlevea Hie cough or rold lu a very abort Abbouford and S2S DRAKE STREET lime' and thua ireveiil 'lirourhltia. pneu hod left iu Ireland whom he tried LadMe, . O. noiila, or pcrhapa roinuiiiplKiU gclllug i lo forfe'cl by heavy drilikinu wa LlmlUtf VANCOUVER C. G. MINNS, Managor fmitUold on their tyateina. the motive which rcHiilled in the Mra, I., ainllh, m Victoria Avenue, theft, Pluli'il bi counel. Norlb. Ilauilltun, Out- wrlleai "I have lliree rblldreo who have lud very had Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main Office, Central Hotel cohlii, due to change of climate. I have NICKEL IN SLOT IS Pre-Inventory Clearance tried different rciuedle, but I leem to EXTRA Prince Rupert Coal Company vet llin tinal renulta from Pr. Wood'i NOT SUCCESS FOR .Norway Pine gyrup. I have no dimculty i: i lli'iu i- -1 i.iuJ r. , -LAOYSMITH-WELLINQTON, hi giving II lo llieui as tbey like It. I SPECIAL always have at least one holtle lo tbo NEW YORK SUBWAYS PEMBINA PEERLESS and bouae." YELLOWHEAD COALS Some Special Price. Sic and 60c a buttle, at all Ni:V YDIIK, Jan. 21.- 'Cana Co..dealer,Limited.rut Toronto.up only Out.hy Tbe T. Mllburo diaii I're The lulerboroUi.rh 300 lbs. ANOTHER REDUCTION Itopid TraiiHit Company, which: operute New York' Hiibways, re Attractions cently tnntalled uirkel-lu-llic-Hlol Alberta IN luiiiMlile uud Hie once funiillur "tickel chdpjier". 'disappeared from most of the uhwny eliitimi. Ladysmith F.nest Swiss Embroidered VOILE dr- CA Now ollleial of the coiiipuiiy are -Wellington WAISTS, values to $11.50, now JO.OU wondering whuther tlie new plan Dairy i K'dntT lo work. The lurnlile Special VOILE WAISTS, values to $4.50 do or-now have developed unexpected iiuiiiIh. Ton Prices VpaCuaCiO mutic teudeiicleH, In addition to hundred of leaden pIiik. they On Dock Delivered GEORGETTE WAISTS, these embody ure yieldiutr ati odd uortmeiit of Butter Mine Screened Lump, the latest styles and colorings, tQ 7C pltifCKed and uiieient coin. Wel-farp in bulk $12.75 $14.25 values to $12.50, now ipO.I O checks, iHsiieij-iii filnif HiitU WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED I'enitenliary, .ure.afoo anmnir the Double Hand Screened BOYS' JAEGER JERSEYS, grey, navy t0 C( II four car of lruiKlit Foothills papnr( upjwTiIch New Yorker 3 $1 Lump, in sacks $13,75 $16.00 and white, special p,JJ 'Stove, or F.BK-"liod haVe beejl.; taking subway lbsjor The Lailyiiiith-VelliiiKloii Collieries durinur the last f 1 " X Coal, Jul Hko what wo rides. yeurs liuvc been continuously miuinu eoul uud have esuih Ueud tu get. llshed a rejiulatioii for produelliK THE BEST COAL for all Dresses, Suits, Coats, Skirts, etc., at clearance School Imipucloi' Fruser lias liuutiiiK purposes 'whether for household use or steam prices for balance of this month Consumers Goal Co. Lid, been rnakiiiK an' official tour in Rupert Table Supply Co. plants). The quitlity of this splendid coal I'dimi"'' the Koulhern part of his district unsu rpassed. 7 Phone Phones 211-212 SEE WINDOWS J. Lome MacLaren, Manager vtstiinir ureanveaus, uuiiier ii- WE GUARANTEE FULL WEIGHT Hlld-Hlld (ifliejj'jjli.l. ' n