sa' ,02 un,ly Jitney- TIIE DAILY NEWB pAoe five I a i 1 . -- ,.,....,..,,,. .ripjfiinT," ve Kiirrtppan .mmmarrp, poll I Ira,' I) In the Letter Box ( T ',h81 "rc'fi,,,,inr nrre- Ibotiithl, 'nnd n,iiiy, allhotjjrh fefe11)llliHHrailIl!l!l!llllililjl)li.;g t , M'mly, lay atKpniBbl. baYe raphl- nrliifllly rainlntr forp; nnd I'd-rrptn i- " " Jly Iherrrt'cd In miifihr. II Is f-onnpriiopa, alllimpji ni4-lually r i it (CLOSED SEASON FOB HALIBUT -r.f.,rr. safe t nMId, Hull hToiiiiiiK morp ifiinnl. I, houb1 U.U flMlTfiff $rn o llnii- will iipvoillup-aa relnilwly ajnk i.mior nauy .'New: Irri-ujili'il, for Hip UpjI li-n yi-ara. III liiljilanfr, wliilr Hip pjiz-irir MACDONAL j That -oott. ((.JM should ;,i nl Hip aainp a'pil, nf nl pirapnf. tlppaii, (la afiirpa, ila ilnm and Hip lialiliul wuiiM Haml a fair Hip vaal l-pyion l.ryiuid will Iip. I Italilml. I. .if vilnl pliniM-p, of liiwuniiiiia- Ptlim l. Viiii romp Hip rlHpf HwhIi-p nf pmla nml fully uiiifcrMrMul liy Hie vi. may unk nny fl-lnrmwi, ami if Iip In Hip world fri-.ii Iicfp-afliT. M'l 'wniT nml fioliiTfnfn allk'. i aiiipi-rp. iw will p you llul At Ijiai Jim iuri waa no rail Cut Brier Hoi lip inn. limn ni-vT. Imf ft. far, Hip fji. ja iarrpa)iix o ranfilly wny on Hip IMcifir apabnard. un .! MiU .PHi'in i- r.iiopmi.i ii.. Inil Hi- Ualiluit fi.tiiiiy rimy oppan ali-amahli for rt-aular 'liimnv li nlrr-nily ilorin. n. II u nam ppaf. to Iip'ti rir.iriiHl.l-oiimilii.n. lr.-ulintr with Hu Orlmi. Alnka Got No Sleep u wi-ll kjumn tiwt llial flu- mal. waa mi iliiMiYiWii land, ami China Ml MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY .my -.I nil- nam,in urr, ii'iiih. Must Be- Triatif. r aii-f l.i);iri wi-riprai lh-ally ap.ilvd flut row the nrtirslw lui rone. Iiry llii-Jr .:uvn, l.ciwinn 'Dial - i..... ..ii .':.i i nv. imiiHIiIii? iriiial Iip Ioiip HKIIIIiai jl Olliaiorra. the peini rwtoffJ-ve na L n tl wrvoui writrr nili'T l anil ll ilay of lo .(irpvi'iil I Iip rxlfrmiuaf inn of Wheat A on Pacific. . Packages 15 lytirm Hip fi.ti la i-vl.tal, ami Ilia only A pi-npfaHnri f iki L-ltrr D rtf ful If Dane IliiHii ll jiorln.1, apn Cliauriri'y IbTins 85 n.fUh rpfiiMly i. winch made dim a fclrrtfi-il hpuann. Iliit lipppw p'-aklnff. in Cliipan aaid: U ll nKttkine riniuriMic niNiri Hip iawnlriir n narppiopni tiPtwppii Hip v-aa.' "'IIk o(.i-ii maikfU of Japan ami well. HAIlkft (II iHfltf flllinluT, HlljlP ownrra ami filiprmri to ra lUiiua will $brirli not only all Mr. Jcfcn WowW.l. P.T.O.. Hi fililnjt iriw mi, lrint fin-UiMially, ojippalion for a am-rifl" ppriinl Hi wp;it grown on Hip I'arifir Luceu. Cot, wiitrjJ ilay mid nlafii, until (! of Hip year. wUI adwiliriily in A 5oCl, but - nil imaaibly 'f' illP ill 'Il r mt Until tJMtrr la iko vim.J ai-fi fill!. ovi' I he lirolili-lii. No.U inuat Iw produri. Tlio-pjiiarki lo will Iip ( rMf k WCMACDONAtlXteGV JW$ MfrMf'BStmM if ft$A JJr, (leae'e Banda-iaea. m-mW KUtliux lioatu nf all liii.f nn. li ak-i-ppuiPiil IipIw'piii Hip fii-o ao Kfpal, aUo, for our atwl raila. ran ln-rr i t.,!,, ililPfpRlPil iiallin. f.pj Hip irnv-priiru our madinpry, J-i-lriral af.pji-ani:r. anaaie IW eVel . and tried ait Kiiin au.l rooiliiM, in all JU-re. i.u of VaaJiiiit:t"ii ami and n2ri''U'nml implr-iii.-nU Jan af ni,lr jrt ftrrcr enraai V !. jcrr-at many rolmriiriK to Ollnwa poiio. Ii.'HIht. and i-iuipi Hial wild a iniTclianl rnar-Ihp Urf- Al Ul r tKHi tu4 hji ulili JuM tfukit ttnmfl w tray fx.rl il'rl.iaU, a law ur frruty al.olol'ly f.r-bi'ldina- nu Ihp IfaPifir, Hip w-al-rn if d.nmiJ Ml. eUa la cH nt tart 'Hii At- liil4-i (do liarv-.! any fialiinj ir tialllitit or lalra frill in a Tpw yara bp I a 1 1 S at Iri ' ni'M for wo. iirk Mf i-n- fur Hip fi-lirrfiifii, ),u( it fuarkpliiiir of annu'' MWPn No-pinlHr aiuonsml Hip ri-li-t and iimat ., - . -y dr fr-7iP mm TSV fT -p I'll i i i aim Hip -ai.ii hIk-ii Mi rt. firai aftd flral lav of prm.'uHixv of Hui I'uioii. nnd Iip ilill!llIlll!llilil!UitIlllIIlllllilifS aW f.M. ' M tnnrM ft Inl l.ri.iiiiuli.n of Hip IihIiImiI ln.i,-iiy l-Vliruary pnr-li ypiir.'lind if litis ia Wheal of Hip l!arlTir l' will aqr u aw I W law ia'bnL wwua aeaia Alnwrf m jtnufiti 4 it i In full kwimr. not arri.uipHatiPil ji Hip upsii- fu-lurp no In Hip (liii'Ml juMpad of In Eight Million Pound. tfip lialirtut -4ltp inoaf iIpIIp-linix Liwrimul." , Dr. r.Wi Narva Food, arkiti I ait Tin-IP ia not h. 'any l fiiiip of fiti inaf oou Iippiiiiip Ample Confirmation. prjaleneaa to llriliah Columbia MJ tlx Icllaf twealy I Uiae flyiTrpa availalilp, a to Dip only a memory of foruiPr fti TIip fulfilment' of lli- on tbe I'ai-ifie. Apr! alaaoil aottaal I aha Lv "nl." A l-ISIIHItMAX. pr..p)o-lio Prince Rupert's Hope, aiiiiniul .if tialiinil ui J Or. CltMc' kJn.l.iW Pale rtiiitrlii liurinx 4apmi-ula of Uti-i-p non of via. There j no !il on Hip Ha- a keed, ead" fx eat year I ata Mu-. llJI-lli?Z a.awninic aa.i.n Uin would aepiii tii have Iippii rifie, Coat for uliich Ihia ".New Lumber & Lath to njcy my eaal UralA."" Mil I liap Iwfurp hp it lafsip PRINCE RUPERT AND dptaynij, but their aerurary la at I Treat ion'' rontairfa aa miirli en. Dr. CW'i Nrm Food". 50c alniHiiiK total niitiilx-r of PACIFIC COMMERC! Hip iaenl moment rerpivinjt rourajrnnrnl. npfmrliinity. and i loi. l! !alm, of EdiuDnn. wtlina caiiulil in Hip rorrr. ainjde ffDifirmalion al Kan 1'rnn. ground of ronfidem-e a for and Dilrt & Co.. lJrj.iled, Tore,to. Umiliiiir jMTi.xl of at pnr Ki.ltor lially NVwa: riaeo, Cortland, Si-alllp ami Van-eouveT. I'rinen llnpert., Ha Iran-ronliri- Shiplap-Boards jii-iKiiix iiiu, 1 pp f,. An PiuliiPiit wrlJpr on lon-omjca '1'pii ypara aan Hip ad. ental of railway unrjuejonet In pHiiinp, that Hip .iiiI.iiu-,I. Iki :ili Hial. "if Hip voealea of win-tit eletaiora for Dimension "uperio.-ily In all otber. ila MiKTicnn anl !anlian fl-lilnif Afili ia primarily for iip of Vaiieouvpr were na "vnit-ea ry-injr hinleriand nf wealth aluiol unlimited . SYNOPSIS OF -LAKDAGTAHENOMENTS Iwiau, liatp tiroiiiitiMii to varioiin man Iip apa i primarily for Iip jo Hip wiMniPaa." imlay Hie in variety and eii.-nl. it., Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover ; imria, on I'uspt KiHiml an.l HtiU up nf tiiuniPi-pp, an.T aa airri. plevolora that hae lieen rrerted harbor - 1 admilledlyv one of lite iti Columbia, on lea Jliaii Haiti piillliro ami indiialrial' ptirAiiiU duriiis in. nppii yejira are rjuile world's best from every point of million iMiiiinla. of tialilml, fjli may, Up aiJ lo poiiiiui- iu- t' ly ailp'iuale for the golden bnrvpal view, ami rta elor pruximily to Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding 1)1 al ial no rliam-p of .IriMtsiilnc Miilir of a nation no rilmiipr-. airenmiii Inward Hipiii, while the lluia of porta China, Japan. nipir p(hiuii. nai an puinoroiia ia flit Hn l.looil, iiirli YaniMMiver harbor i freipnently ind Alaka than any other east and Finish tl'lr -trp rrl of flrwt '-! mA Ill .li to ttiP ful 11 n- i.f Hip fiat! in. HiTp i lilllp iifp or pmarpaa." r.inueated with oeean oins -it.. 4 It ern I'aeifie irl, pive it i plae- f i: Hi.m.ib-n'T mw rurip4 10 ur Iifualry tlif ".ill raur U atiri'ly ilililorila in all t:t- levialhaiiH loadilix and unloading in the rare for irana-l'aeifir SPRUCE LATH tt r4 ofitr l-on.t liiimaii pornirrlo-n(nn. ilr-plarpil. "ponimaud of- itu- :Iip nalural ami lll- iiianufarlnrr.i traile i-ornpared with which ali ur4 -u't.l for rrttnlturl trartrpM Itiprp wii a IIiiip allll in In li-. of firat importnnrp for pmihwla of tleridpui and ttrient. rnmpelin? porta are heavily Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices r4 whM-b In non iioilr In4 fnfinor of iIip fialiprnipn of to pvpry lialion oiul tin poapaion The New Pacific. tiandiepiieil. II ia the italural. kal H" not nior limn four nur (Jay wIipii I Ik- tmiika of tp ro.i. of it a fijliivalPiit to Wiirld-rtpr. What hn bi-eu nml what i. i Irf-eaiu-e Ibe neareat, enlrapol un'li fur 4iDt t PIkMK nf Xonay, wppp j Hl)nv liotinii. and- !. on IIip MMilPrranpiiii. ii nullum; rum.and to tliat Cnr the expnrta nf (lnii rnun- PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. wwMrr rwTint on rprtl fully, lull lianralp.t In Hip amp Hip Atl'antip. and Hip Pariflr in whu'ti ia lo eoiiie. We now Sep friea to linailirln or Kuropean f-r-raptor mnM ermpr J"w I iiamirr aa lirrr. Sn oiip Ihmiglil urpinn, paln,' Holland, Klip- Put Hip liPfioninK of ilie Jreat-eal marketa, and similariy advanl- Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 ritt 'w. (ImI mL iaipruTfrni u of nnv tl't-ni ppou to (irolrrt land ami Janan lx'tutiK dominant and most rapid flxe.a for their importa. tft 11 .ti-4 cultltaUon t' tr eT.ot at iMtt ( rar t Hip fili. Now Hip lialititit ia al- iMiwpra wttilp. and lpraup. llu-y iuleruathi'ual roioirierrp the Look to Dominion. 1-? n, rcrttrin Cri 'Srafit moal psilnrt npr HiPr-. wprt aiiprpinr; iimn tin- ofpan. world ha eer cxfipfiencpd. Thin kr f'tmpor In wiriiki iw The Hoininion Oo eminent Irm U4ta I r. w tiaa Ma4 rw Grand Bank. Commercial Supremacy. ia tjiP ili.veiiH3liiII of Hip Dra SAILED OVER now nwn our Hallway, our Port. t1lunat lmtTrtal. hm mar. In vfpw of irppiu day. inter, I'urifir, the irrealei.1 tf Ibe liMMlth, ar otkar r. Xnl ao many rar aii lh annual and our Mercantile Marine nf rtx'M Ilrtnw4laia cwilflrala o4 tta national baprtPiiiua il apprna worlrl'a wAtera, on whine pold-rimnieil Arwd taafr hla rtalm. ralfli, on Hip craml Hank eixty modern ships nnd it ia Hie SILVERSIDES aafp In naaump (hat "Hip. vpvpn borilera ijve ihrep-rjgdr. id! without mBnni r SEA OF BLI in IIip not Atlantirf wa pry plain duly of that sroveruinrn! In - ywt l lauJ, rrftrhM an41-aturi pa"' inaiiad f lipins I Hp Hp-alrp ier of Ihp worl.J'a iiopulaion, imnrrnnu ( attaal f far IipIiiw any ypar on Uip laf if If e-dahliah a Ihorotifrti aervii-e ta and rararda Md. naval for iindiurl with thmisht and BROS. air aiutuni aauM of wnrHirp, will, now at Fa utr 10 m lniivtnaia In ironrtlon ( Hip ntunhrr of from Ihe AHanlir In the Orient iw"4 asm wia Hrl aa fo nortip )var. In enifip, ;t( any rat-. piiprjry, atioliahinir the .barrlera'of Second Street rap diKaBril. via Prince. Itupert . wiHmul .1 Gold Coast Commissioner Tells b'n TT1I iart ba buin4 In In- Dip iiaUlp-aroiiml of (hp ua- the iirph and Ihmwiiu.' all their ihta a rra, and Imiwrnaiax Arronlinir to Hip "lfifi moment'x avoidable delay. If a Marvellous Story of !) 4 fr am. Iajru4li. I aria liona, rtatillnc pparpfujty but doiir.4 wide open for inlpnniirp 'i4 tn4 rltlraia4. and raaldaac ruhTiiian" I lin liatllml lanrllnR Ihia route were ulllued" as il Dead Whales. Dpaiere in antl trade wlili the whole world, kppnly for romiiM-riual T u-i f aja t trqtalrad. at iirim-iiip. AHanlH ixirt for tiio could nnd should lie no oilier p; ll'jltt nrpinai-y. and no wIipi-p will Hip In Canada we hap bppu ac I.ONIK)N, Jan. 2t (Canadian WALLPAPERS ajai atMbar t-aatstluu If h IViO ufiioiinlPtl to Hip inalirnifl route could rnmpele with it mu;- te-ii.I?'. Unit 'm nm)nrnm !( l rani total ilri rouiariaon with challiw ml ifn? ojiporlunity fur pualornt'd to call our territory reaafully, and il would be of im pri'ss. This is not the season PAINTS -.i.nn n OA) errunallon, 10- arral achipvpnipiila b' oa mrtpn- on Hie Atlantic r a board the for flsh stories, but a whale story t"t '.lulnry lninnw ajUda fornipr )rra-if only 3,h;?,. mense benefil lu the whole second rlt"4 fttnt land rnajalalttad l Crown lf,T, Ilia. lou.a aa nil I hp I'a.-ifjc Orpan. : Marilinie Provinep. but henre storey of the Il uiliiiinii, Hie may .ealliwed to pas.. It is the WINDOW GLASS i.ur..M airMdlnr J Aa Ions as" an 1H5? William forth the saftie tteaeriplinn may story of an ocean battlefield not araa. Not any.louvrr a to tlian 1013, first storey of which i so wvll arm. Mar ha laaaad aa noraMillaa, II. Srward nid: lli-nrpj.irlti Ik- appliei! with eaiial aiinro. FRAMED and UNFRAMED '' i avolMd Tir rjVu7r( iral-ritji Hip Mi hlminpr UIp lli "Zap. aerveil by the Canadian Pacific strewn with dead and dylnjr monsters rraunr iM hPkmHnMl and Uda4i nalllliM uJ .rarpnr intra.'" Hi" "Mlar" nmt Hip "t'.lil- lUiilway and Steamship. nf the deep, Mipposedv Hie PICTURES ' krviah(- arrra mar b royn w.oilil Ipavp SiniIIIp oil a ur fate ia al present hi Hie result nf a fierce encounter Between i wt bv Ma vtmm c cMnian). JOHNNY BUFKT WINSOrt & NEWTON'S Mill, fattior or ipduMrtol aliaa on flhinK lrii, ami- rrigni wiitiin WILL HE SUCCEED hniitls nf the labioel nl i,!t:iwa. swordllsb. and whales, the n.i.w.f ta UM rrhad:4 airMdirf wMMrfia Inctad araa a rnrinimu wuri raitaruy ioai. Let us hrinr immediate ttild, If latter beinp the defeated army ART SUPPLIES af aiumaa. II wu not nu iitiuii:il tliinn necessary, persistent pressure to or navy, l&pl, J.vereii j'ooie. M ttunl imi. har,rd.m1ow may IrarraaalbU puiHiaatd Hnp ilajra for Hip fi-liint hear upon them In siwire reen. a commissioner in Hie SPECIALISTS In SIGN and """l uta'n4iatrw4lon of a r4 rliorni-r -.iflcr arriwnn on Hip nil ion not only of Hie claims of ttold CVTasI Colony, is Ihe author SHOW CARD WRITING ifm lalia r awat of cwt ot ralla hall of iwrelUM Sonltiprn Itanka, only a f'- liour Ihia dislrlrt- for "suitable transportation of Ihe story, which is contained in ndtd. ouif'li or Uanf I lallrry Irt facilities but of the a letter received from him by hi t tMPTOHi' rSt GRANT ACT. Phone 22 P. 0. Box 12C Ti Dfja'ajf ,ta AH la nlargrd w arruro full rarrpa fiiaitlp of tH unii)ue, opportunity exhlins for brother, (1. K. Poole, Southampton. "W' all brraana tololnr Slid r limira. the establishment nf a trancnn- Here is the story as" related by 'wiw'! III which MaJ.tya tha halra Auroaa cr d1a Tba imlil, lllf fjfll WITP tinenlal und trans-pari fie wrv- Captain Poole: 1"la lUraafcrd mtr amJr lilpfiliriil Hial it iliii not ai'i-ui I., ice. through Ihe Port of Priuc "On Ihe voyape mil the niost adar I ha Act U viiandad " for na roar Irm Ika daalb U luallrr iiiurji wlirrp tin- fi.lii'r-njr-ii I'lufH-rl. exlraonlinary phenomenon was Jran,lha ria rmnrlttahm frmarl.of until Ilia ftaat' ona iiJaiilPil llii-ir iniwl. a l"i' if Now ia he lime fur Prince Un Witnessed by us all. I let ween T. LEE , .Thai phrllaia la alw mad ra- aa lli-y lial IIip riulil ipIIi ;tml pen lu advance, or perish. Sierra Leone and wu . faaa ratailac t piawiMiana ra iliralil loMim. Tln re ,uitp Your truly, steamed lliroiiph, for over an tMfabta r-rrdl tr aflar atldlrra J"a on t, Itll a-..,alaa LiallltiH nliiio't tr'T. J. I'. M.vr.i'im:. hhur, a blood-nii'aea, ami saw Ladies' & Gentlemen's 4il ,4r flH f"T fla raara. Tlmti Chanced. some hundreds of .whales dead or ,tr rauwa of nxmar C-I TAILOR "J? 00 of Paid Mnca Aul Hill tiinca Jiavo fliaiiKfl am) il SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE ityinir on the surface of Hie water aopotiai parmaaia. .ara " 'In ,rttln t-.nitltor. liaa not lakffi ! Imr- "' Some wern just nble tn move Fit Guaranteed . ini'rw m Uu armantK Mi hr t..merohara.urrla iliiirk trip ami Hip full Inula i Meeting Accompanied by Wild slowly along; few, if any, could fc!Tl..or. K'walim from n imillpr of llir jtal. nijlajtlc of Strains of Banpipes Held in moe uuii-kty. Tliere must have Third Avenue, opposite P. O. (o ilirrh II. :o. ' Hip aiaori wlirn 1 fili London. I wen n samcuiuary bailie, sup, Phone Red 130 IU."0lCMAerl OF CROWN apHWiilru;. 'I Iip noarliy liauk an posed to havo been put up by LAND piliniiatril. PrhiHioPr Ifnvins: LONDON, Jan. ill.--' Assoeiu- swordllsb. II was a iuol appall t-;10.fwi frania niaia to aub.nurf f. lam.anr l.aaara of of Smttlo for Hip wi-xIitii bank pil Press.. .- Now ier- i- an ing stxlit, ami Ihe extent 01 ine Kn?"". Ko arnulrli. rl.hta oowHaia fruin havf a imirnry of flflpi-ii liun- Uatilalioii for Ihe imlependenri bloody expanse must hate repre-srnteil CHARTEJtlD ACCOUNTANTS AN hnr' ,,B'l'"r forfaltura, on ful. irpl In two lliouaamt mil' alu-ail if Scotland. Flirty inciudem nf the death of many more Auorrons UnlT'if "" of puubaaa.HU..uraa. of iIIpiii, nlllioiiKli ir Haiaiu-f Ihe Souls National League, which whales than were -visible. No one la raf im'i rUlm hol " llal pal will vary, an-onlinn In Hip mr iiimls for complete separollmi ot) "ur ship had ever seen or even RORIE & SMALL anil inar l..l.iirlbu,t1 "id laiaa oar ki'l. wIhtp Hip ouli-h may !' U fmm Knirlaml, recently met in heard of Hiiythinir aptrnarbinR RaaMaal Partner r iaj tlfi,'p,,,:"tIo,' """ (k'(l of. London mid, to Hie wild strains such a spectacle before." OEOflQC RORIC, CJi. Iiurlnif Hie arinff ana aiiiinnrr of lb- haapipes, affirmed their Clij Au.lllor for friore huprrl "J aavIKiS.AeV VZ' Uvaatoek.' ' rlm.ll in flli if i?anp. Haimr on.-n If termination lo finltt. if need BARITE CLAIM TO Anlfiorlinl Trut-e in Hankruptr M!i.?Ll,rj2i1' 5tria and'raViaa afli'r a Ioiik trli. wuhi Hi- vra- lie, to ruin complete and absolute MaKlrf fartaarahlp accaunte d"d ."Jf! Commlaalonar. 1 tvlvin, Un cargo win ni independence for Krnllailil. BE WORKED BY THE rinaaclal laiaatlgallana RaoorU, eta.Lleuldatleae AeeleninenU nrr puwiifo. Kl III, llipff nc Speakers recalb'il thai 111 I70fi. inrn. who will li'"ll thai Hn aii- Scotland wa a free -ouiili;y wilh ALASKA TREADWELL Pheae Federal JS7 BwUdlag, rrlace Rgpert Sal S4S rnlcli Iih iml iiimmiMii-ii vi a national debt nf only one tola baai't "T ,n"'"w- D any pH'iil for arwial ypar. hilling; and seven pence per head KKTCIIIKAN. Jan. 23. -The ihia U In a way enrrm, inn nt Ihe population. Today, every laska Treadwell nld Miniitff -i-irofrrrirrfiiiiiojjjjijjjilj r" 60ME SPORT. iIipv fnriret In rousiikr Hie pev. seima(i owes 177. Scotland's Gimpaiiy has applied In the gov. Kljht ftones J. 0: Htn, S71 ri-Ol ri-asoiia wliy. IliU I Tli- contribution l Invation last )eur eminent for jat. nt of a mininft- n . aana;wiii, ituw sin JVi.y.. 00l lflp,Ml b ,,,, rui.tnir f ppI l& Jr-are airo r P". uinoiipled , lu l'l3.lrl7.flrin, but ealm containing a deposit of Day Phone S fw 'f n win.l-JuinmHrp inly nne-iiuarler of tlii waa de hnrile, accmdini? r word received 11I11M nml v.. lin.!.t potialaipd m-ri'ly STEEN S LONGWILL a fl rlfl . nnd Hinc r fnur voted to Kcottiah purinses, they Uero lmlay. It m localed on the uomplaineil. Castle Islands-in Duncan Canal 'W-VyJ Yt frlfUIIKT. . Shent Metal Works ,op,..,)..rT slurp lin. a nuu'ir'-f MltJitt Smith U looked upon by many follower, ot ttie ijur4 The threat of a Sonllish secen near Pelersbui'!:. Uarlle is a bulll, lr-r urn circle th probable locceaeor ot Johnny Butt bAStenwelxbt cbm-plop sion Jias, hi'wever, failed to while, very heavy mineral which Agent for AlcCliry Fumcsei lmv n of the world, Hmltb'a recent victory orer Tete Herman, former musu uuylalns-. tnrp tliaij ta;,ll! is used principally a a rUb.sll-tute Sonllary and .rnr.j.lri. lie only wi. ckawptou, vii a complete eurprUe. Bmlth U not ee acUntlfle a ftibter Heatlna Englnessra Vnn erant pnule. from the Keiieni for while lead In painl. Hie l.uritn onuin-gninaj v.: ll Hcrmin, but ii routb end ready bUlr, ptln rod patcb in eltber bind. In kli bout with Herman be 414 net even fer public ' ' company's plan for Ihe develop,! 6ib Street and r'reier Street "-odi breetb, but kept Uartnc In at tbe former champion. Baft U ot the uuue inpnl of the properly .are jiot. Prince Kupert ... C. 8ucrlbe atl.lcl. Npw nnJ iiiipr'-'i adoplod uewi ype ei amfUi. end ibould tke two meet It will be I lf had Pit- WU Subicrlbc for ttie Dally s'ew. known. for Ihc Dally Nwi, tuv beon