' 'l . L . . ' I 'J.....!1 . '. . -rr " ' ' . . - ! The Daily Nevs ANNIE BESMT pmncb nupRRT - nnixisit Columbia Published Every AfWnoon, except Sunday, by The flews ON ATROCITIES mm Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. IT. F. PULLEN, Mnnnging Editor. If you vrere told of "7 - Apposes Gandhi's Plan for Set a oe w dicoTf ry for the treatment of couefct. tlcment with Maplah's of SUBSCRIPTION RATES I cold and bronchitis, at rerUln in ita Malabar. City pelivery, by mail or carrier, per month , . . .$1.00 action on all cbrst troubles ai anil IJy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States. small-pox.toxin U on wouldn't d!phtheria,orTaccituticn jourt I liiegirlcr on Mrs. lleant das made a enislu in advance, per year $0.00 it a trial t injr reply lo mi 'iipnenl" Issued To All other countries, in advance, per year. . $7.D0 Peps is the discovery I ny .mi-, liiinuiii in .ioiieraiei as Peps are little tablets, containicr certain medicinal ingredients, which, well as nin-cooperators In TELEPHONE 98 when placed upon the tongue. Immediately compel jne (inverniueiil to sus turn into raponr, and.are at one pend hosiiiriips in Malabar nhd Transient Display fl.iri inch each insertion breathed down the air passages to the Advertising per lungs. On their jouroey,,thcy soothe Issue n promise of freedom fur Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.fi0 per inch the inflamed and irritated membranes Hie Mophih depredators, upon Local Iteaders, per Insertion. 25c per line of the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls their undcrtakinc to surremlfjr Classified; Advertising, per insertion. .2c per word of the air passsges, and Dually enter and to permit nnn.co-operalors 10 and carry relief and healing to the lungs. Legal Notices, each insertion. . ; . 15c per agate line In a word, while no liquid or solid e'nler Malabar to p'ersuadc Mnp-lahs Contract Rates on Application. can get to the lungs and air passages, lo surrender," .ays the l.nru All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding these Peps fumes get there direet, and dun Times. . their work of t commence healing. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. once, Wliili adiiilllinsf lhat the for-r-ibli1 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. FREE TRIAL Cot out this conversions "are lerrlhle," ovmmm. article, write across It the name and dale of this paper, Mr. Uandlii says that Die Mophih DAILY EDITION sim. Friday, January .13, 1022. and mall it(with Ir.stamp to pay return iruv-rv in n I iiiinmnnd admira-finn: postage) to Peps Co. Toronto. A free lhat Ihe Mnplnhs are fislil-injr trial packet will then be sent All you. New Council Have druggists and stores sell I'epe,50c box. for what lliey rontider i religion, Hi and in a manner which 1 Important Work. Miey ronaider is reli(riou: and The ratepayers.of the city have endorsed the policy of Mayor that Indian qpinioii musl not lj 3 . .. T- .....,,iulrCiillM M Rochester in no uncertain voice anil have elected a good council. peps "permit t tin extermination of LU fl PVW, W W IMPERIAL lOJKWUJMiwiw im such . There .Is no reason why effective. W0fk should nut be accomplished. bravi'people.'-;' Tlil Hn-wKr'oi Mrs., Ilesntil i There is much work hi? be "'"OCot doije. only are wc :tin more effective since she has expecting- a revival of interest here in railway and other mailers, 'teen visit injr Ihe disturbed lii-irlcl. which will bring promiiienl.peoplc here and will make it desirable SUITCASES ,lle says that Moderate also for iis to send delegations east to confer on development ariuOl reiid!id to Mr, flandhi's rnnlWrs, but. we shall have to do things ourselves. . TRUNKS ;pea sinrp their sympathies ' ' nwl with "Hie..murderers, Hie If lh'6 eiiy'is to gel a new lease of fife, it Will he necessary lo a 1 CLUB.BAGS lers. Hie ravihers, who have ' J keep pace in the mutter of improvements, and yet there will be ;ul iiito praclice Hie teaching the necessity of keeping within our income. Mayor Rochester has Large Stock on hand. if paralyinpr the (loveruuienl of had some experience along these lines already, and oil account of Prices low. ihe non-cooperalnr.4." Men who lhat experience will be able to deal with the budget intelligently. very eniisider il "relljiious" lo murder, rape, loot, lo kill women This is the time when expenditures for the city are arranged. J. F. MAGUIRE ami liilte children, ctilllriR down The annual budget is made up early in the year in order that (lie Next-the Prince Rupert Hotel whole families, have to he put tax rale may be .struck, and it is I ime to think about what shall be' under restraint in any civilized oj7 Tobaccos ffl I omitted therefrom. society. She says Hie misery she . lias Witnessed is beyond tie. WAS FIRST WEDDING ' Farmers srripfhrti. I Support for Liberals Real. IN PRINCE RUPERT Girl Wives. Nk or Pipe "(Sirl wives, prelty and sweeL There seemed some doubt in many mind as to whether the with eyes half-blind wilh weep. Liberals would get the real support of the Farmers in the Captain and Mrs. Roberson Were in?, distrauitlit wilh terror; f DbjiiiiOii .Parliament.' Apparently jhe'y have beeiiLpriimisei it. Married Here by Bishop du women who have seen their husbands according lo the statement made by their leader, T. A. Crerar. Vernet In 1908. hacked lo pieces before With that big vote behind,them, the. Liberals!will be very strong, Iheir eyes, in the Way 'Moplahs but 'depending on thit big vn IV I hey will lo some extent loe their Captain and Mrs. Iloberson, consider as religious; old women independence and the" legislation jhey introduce is likely to be who long;are were to Ihe leave'llrsl the couple cMy before to he writhen loitering witti whose iiusuish faces anil liecome wlu strongly influenced by the farmer vote of the west, 11 will have married in Prince Huperl. They -r" al a zcnlle touch and a kind nital fpnm....... thi. ...ltf.fl, .......tttitirt J. I.--. . . . . 1 nrr KXff to be. Happily the Liberal ami Farmer ideals are practically the W married hy Ilishop I)u Ver-nel look, waking out of a stupor ofl been rlireed un Willi runner in, same and there is no reason in the world why they .should not in St, Andrew Church on misery only In weep; men who front. The triad become so THEQ COLLART, LTD. - -iiSZt iwk&'cll U?hJh.e.r(ag lo,ug.aii,j)eUy -jealousies do ;iot creep in. June 1, 1908. The account of Ihe have lost. alt. hopeless, crushed, routrh thai several wayons hiive -niirtrtiTliatehregis those human" Trails "which slime wedding- published- at that time ile-perale. I have walked ainonir bem broken. rhee ha heenitio VOn SALE-f-Su.room bouse with balh, I1P00, half canb follows: thousands of Ihem in refugee' slelghlns yet In the dilrici. Ninth Avenue and Mcllrlde street. times, causes them to .consider olljer things than policies' and camps. . . , - , I lie llrsl man-rape ceremony . ,. A . other things than Ihe public "we'l fare! The announcement of .Mr. performed in I'rince Itupert look at r.yes iuihoj til. i appeal,' or& axon.- -n,p nw ehitrtU , iaiHlon Rentals Real Estate General Insurance Crerar is reassuring, however-ami. tends lo make for stability place in St. Andrew's Church oil iiea orspair m nopeie. en- wi, ,- formerly opened on Sun- I Phone Blue 63 Wetlholme Theatre Blocs P; O; O91 6t of government. '.' Monday afternoon, when Captain treaty, of helpleA ansuish. lhou-,lay pV,n?r. January 2:' when' Harold Lanshorne lioherson, for sands of Ihem camp aflej-camp. ,lie Hev. Jauw lvans of Smith- Settle Country u.yriy oi jiayioru, i.nsianu, am Shameful ibhumanlly- lnlee.l,p wj Pn(IK., Hie service, With. White People. Miss Marian Unpen llurlon wrousthl hy Ihe Moplahs, andj . . ( ihee are ihe viclims, saved from Tie iiiakioc on Ihe w-t 20 per cent, discount on .-nrewMiury, r.iiKluml, were mar -iid-of The-interview given by J. F. Harm a following a Visit lo Japan, ned by Htshop llu Vernet. II. tt 'rxierminalion hy 'Hritth and Ionian the river at I'sk Is held up 20 All Wool 25 in which he urges the settlement of Hrilish Columbia with a white Monro was her nutn arid Misses sw irds. Kor, be it remembered, owios lo Ihe ilaneroiis i-ros-jnjt population, is very interesting and timely. .Mr, llairua spent J'illbury and Hetty Harrow tin- Moplahs besan Ihe fr,ilHiMi, Ihe rier 110I yel liav- Mackinaw Coats several months in Japan' and he saw a good many things. He made very pretly bridesmaid whole horrible business; llie intf frozen across, PER CENT. 25 cent, -oft PER CENT studied conditions and as a result of his observations he Miss lturton, who arrived from tiovernmenl Inlervened lo save ' per urges Iheir victims, and these thou-! Afler an absence of three s was Riven All Raincoats settlement. o( the province by K.iropeans. While Mr. Hnnna has'T' i'n'n- afro, by The bridal sands have been saved. Mr, i months visiliiijr in the east, Mr. noming out admiration for the sturdy Japanese, he' is opposed lolnnriv nn,i invit..,i (iandhi would Jiavc 'hnsiilllles ia"d Mi s. Win. How have reiui n-suspended' Have received reduced prices on "ART CLOTHES" the alte'mpt to mingle the races, a system which lias not worked teriained hy Mr. and Mr. Barrow so thai the Moplnbs pd. Mr. How is usain in -liaiy. to measure to the advantage of either. 'at their hoiiM-boat. in which they may sweep down nn the refiifree "f 'be deMi nl Sj.iiIIi llnnelu.n STEVE KING Mr. Hanna convpy''d in launches camps, and finistivtheir work." - - - - THIRD AVENUE is quite in line with popular opinion today. It Ulw1'" gaily re.n r.ed evervwhe.. . llml... white immlfm, i.. ti.:., : . "'" iMinnnK Flflhtlnp In tha Hills. PRINCE JOHN IS ,,,, .-v uter the weddinsr breakf.nl. Cai The lalest jiew cnneerninir the desirable and anything Ihe government may do to bring it about iairi and Mr. itnberson left for Moplah rislns Indicates that the COMING NORTH TO ui m: Biciuj .iiireiiaieu. r'ossiiny mere will lie. co-operation ihoneymoon cririe around Ihe rebel are belnp driven to the between the Ottawa and Victoria governments working with the!i!,an'' the launch Constance, hills in Ihe .North of Malabar, TAKE ALBERT'S RUN COAL! COAL! COAL! uriiisn ifovenimeni to settle up Western Canada with selected of which Captain lioherson is where they have divided. One of these Fallowing tin- n-ct-ni mishap-to -kipper." paiiffs apparently have immigrants who will help change the natural potential wealth raided into (he Nilgiri di-lriel. Ihe I'rim-e Albi-il and (he of Ihe country into real wealth; where they attacked a oolire subsequent decision to jrive Ihe : post, killing Ihree of Ho police Vessel a complete overhaul, (lie 1 Edson Coal Premier Brland Company Ten Years Ago and wounding five. I'rince .Kin n is 10 lake tier place Has Resigned. In' Prince and will leave 'Vancouver tonight It is loo early jet lo.comment on the resignation of Premier Rupert ) on her wuy lo' Ibis port to resume Phone 58 Hrmiid. It is sometimes dilllcult for us to understand the Latin INTERIOR NOTES ihe service. The John will 'Ve are in a position to give IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by the. temperament, but we are becoming better acquainted, Possibly January 13, 1912, come up Ihe coast direct and ton or carload, of our famous EDSON COAL, which Is known it will take years to understand it. For centuries we fought the i lie real estate market The annual meeting of Ihe will arrive here on Sunday. On to be Hie best value of any coal on tho mnrkfU trench. -Now we are endeavoring to live peaceably beside them jrrnwinjr firmer every day and Vanderhoof Hoard of Trade wa Monday she will leave for all BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRI0E8 and endeavoring to co-operate. Allowances must be made tor eomparUona pWoen prices of held recenlly, and birf rev iew ijue.i Chui'ioile Jsiand point a ORDER NOW PHONE 58 II the FrrncJi viewpoint on the relations with (iermany because of loeal proieriy of loday and a of the work dope during Ihe palahd, reiurniiiK on Thursday, will 'the fact lhat France was invaded whereas Hrilain and Canada year apo show a steady Miffen. twelve months w'as read by the. take up the Alberts regular 111111 Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. were immune. inn. , iron doinand for president, Ilnberl (J. MrOirkell. table. Corner Second Avenue and Seventh Street', honsoh i prediiled for the com ihe officers for IB23 are: Dr. ins suiiuiier. V. boss Stone. nreidenl: K. C MclSeachy, vice-president; Ueo. The new Morse Creek pumping Oston, secretary-treasurer; Jos. The Way to Save srauori will be in operation hy 11, Armishaw and fleorfje Mal-tliewe, Lumber & Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main Omfce, Central Hotel ine day arier tomorrow when exeeuiivei committee. ' It the :wnlr from there will he put Into . Prince Rupert Coal Company is systematic regularity with which you me ciiy mains for the first lime Hockey mulches have been make small deposits, rather than the occasional arranged to lake place between Exclusive ItepresenlalvP4 ucuiivuiii consmeraDie amount, that steadily Hie S, Andrew's Kociely lnt the Vanderhoof hockey Hub and Shingles LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON, PEMBINA PEERLESS and buildi up a substantial financial backing. YELLOWHEAD COALS instil ejected officers as follows: the teams of Hunts Lake and Get the habit ot definitely depositing. Three Honorary preidfnl, !cnrte V. Smilliers. The formation of a ocry wtcit, wnn inierctt at ia Kerr; presldenl. M. J. McNeill; In hockey Vanderhoof.team is a new venture! A new shipment of Fir PEMBINA PEERLESS COAL rmpct-ntk-d perm-cnnually, in five years will first vice president, deorjre Sutherland; Dimension and Shingles IT' second vic.ev president, McDonald & Foreman have Lump, In bulk, carloads, f.o.b. our hunkers (8.50 per ton Thorna MeMeekln; seerelary, K. completed their contract on Hie has just-arrived, bought Lump, In bulk, less than carloads, f.o.b. hunkers 8.00 per ton UNION BANK OF CANADA f). Macdonald; treasurer, I). C. new Methodist Church at Hazel- at the market's Lump, In sack, f.o.b. our bunkern 8.76 per ton Sluart; chaplain, Ilev, F. W. ton, -v : Furnace Coal, In bulk, carloads, f.o.b, hunkers. . 7,C0perton Kerr; direeiors, J, II. Kelly. ,- Lowest Prices Furnace Coal, lesM than carloads, f.o.b. bunkers.. 7.50pcr'ton Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager (ieciTire Seolt, V. 1. Kerr, Mal- V. HIackstock, noveintnenl Intense heat, free from soot and no clinker. oom Mel-eod and W. 0. Dennis: Ask for quotations. Particularly Milled for telegraph lineman ul Hazeitou Is cook stoven and ramies solleilor, A. M. Mahson; physi in Telkw-a i 11 hi ul I i ti(r a new me We have Just completed our new hunkers for the storing: cian, Dr. N. M. McNeill; piper a. tallic 'phone (irciiil. The work Alberta coal, thus enaWlnn us tu deliver dry coal lo our E. H. McLellan; warder, J. McKeclinin: Shockley customers. will reniiiro about two weeks to Advertise in "The Daily News" niack.auditors, J. II. Mikle and P. complete'. ! Planing Mill. Please note that the prices quoted above are f.o.b. our bunkers. Oustomere can arrange cartage to suit themselves, oTTf preferred Tho Paper that gets Quick Results TllA Llflfim. Mill II Iminln,III Mil .trlilnli iii, 11 ut nui a Prince Rupert, B. 0. we will attend to the cartage for them. hrouahl into Telkwa lo haul