pa ns.conn . ... TI!E,..D4ILY my' In Ulcer Lost RINGING UP FATHER By George McManus me 6 Months Patj JSiZ FATHER m r-AA.V 1 LEAVE HKerPErv.rire-j wor i camb to ce f too TO 0 tnOr-Lii. Ctt COLLN I MiLrD vlVM MB "Four years batV writes Mr. R. iV0 rf ViLR,OC W' HER.E ONTIU 1 OON'T MrSVE. TO ovjt when I tjLK you .' HA "jeWRD Mi Howard,of Bracebridge,Oot.,"a acratcn on mjr leg turned to aa awful ulcer. It REevO THEM It) JUtT ft A (SANK KOLt . I took ix month treatment to cure me, Va iOON READ THE and all the i im happy to "set while I was laid up, never V . OtCttrHMCsRv earning a cent." U TAKINC, UP SUCH "Kerentljr. an Injury started inflammation JJ f and ulceration on my ether leg I ;1 - v'i 2r Knowing about Zam-HuV, however. this time I acted very differently. I used Zam-Iluli alone, and not only was the ylcer apceriilrand Ihoronitilr healed',but 1 didn't . loaea da?' wor a while tbr car wai In prorf ,9" "" "ni healer to-day All Draiaiate and Sure,Wo.,or Zam-Buk Cor..Toronto. Oh ( Thai- I'd used Praia, (8) i I If 11 1 7am-," I Hi? txvt Fraruoi Srnvict. tC il CARLTON IMMIGRATION, INDUSTRIES WARREN VISITS AND P.G.E. RAILWAY DISCUSSED Restaurant BY MINISTER OF 8m LANDS. Daily News Classified Ads. and Tea Room PORT ON TRIP TIKSfR SALE X-iW, (Continued from Page One.) 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtl-trent Taaketn for Loaa than BOc SeakM tender will b r. .-Fived t llllre (.r.lrr. l-nn-e Uki- n, Third Avenue ilian iMsm en the tain iu i OF INSPECTION own department a million dol turf. hr the .nreh ..f t ,. . (New Martin Block) lars a year had been added by WANTED near ..ulli eflifr.lg l ake, i ti. . e nil 41ii.mid i.iant feet ..l i,..ijr reason of belter organization cured allbough the efforts of x net. lletHhira aiM llalum Afternoon Teas The I.IVF. Kalesniau wanted in Skeeua In Inte tear will lie all.,m. d t, t liquor revenue, eslimaled at Ihe government and brlier tnen i harl.itle Inland tjnrt MMrlrL General Manager of C. N. R. Noncommittal of llMiier. district for high class line of Hr.,nhM ti-irni .if sk'-rna. a. C, im Short Orders a Iwn and half ha I nrther ramriiiar f ih. . i, t Specialty but Favorable a millions, methods and iifcauixaf nm on the il ui.- i-n i lie Vet Csiet of Wurnlil calendars and Xmas Vleaira: Ihe (IMriel I .re cnnla. t, LUNCH COUNTER' IN as to Future. helped on I bill he did no! like part of Hip industry itself Coo.1 commission I'laml.Take R reitlre C. that CunUre Hearior rllln. lliiawea. n i ho CONNECTION this method of raising revenue wn greatly sljnnilaling Ihe cap of virtufia. n. : . oreiinaM.iei nianarM. In- earned hy right eii1 to aipl f-ir -rmlui4i Iii I MliagaiAL ACT. man. Apply pnwt-erl A. I'.. Wnrron, peneral inanafrer . No Need to Worry. - off shore Irade. The Umber in. I'w folktw-lna- ilet rlbefl lanfl for rl ami! UMm-M4tm .., Ilox 2CH Daily News Office, tf. Caetlflcata ef lieaeatamaau. D r -1 ,viri'-iiHi- .'Nwinr-m-m a ai ..wiii-iiiauu urcflUi ae.ea, l HO' inieresi anil oilier expenditures duslry was lo a large exle'nt pami pHiimi j of (ho Canmlian National Hail-ways, slsu ut half nellr t.uth easl two ami one Pastries, Jelly Rolls, Etc. j aflermtnn on the PXt.K. cost the barometer of Ihe prosperity! IvXI'F.IUKN 0 K I) l)renmlwi hair imlrs el frotn Itw alanr-tliiw of JOTICt .spent yofih-nlay wnall bar on llv Moreslty lltM M' Maybelle la. t Mineral Claim. lt::l n and ovfnins' in lh city in the three and a half million dollars of ihe province, wishes sewing al home. Apply i-aro a. ir-ort-e a eeoln-i Mirth, favor um Nreata Mima niw r rn I Cooked Meats Ham, Tongue i a year and the interest and sink Unemployment Cure. 5?.'i Sixth Avenue l'ji.l. n rhtin e. I Mire s rhalna u.iiih ftl lln luairtrl:mile lorwleit on I'm,.... r course of a trii of jnspnclion over 12 ineni-r an riwai eal In piilnl nr rM sie and a half tr m .- r , Beef, Mutton, Etc. iug fund on Ihe oilier hiMideil in Soiiie people i bought Ihe way menretoiii. rnaMatMaa e vm. imm or enatnrnre. I li r wcsle'rn lines, lie arrived aj. left. Take ajnllre that I, Mra. rirmrm II t J: 45 in the afternoon in hi spe debtedness of Ihe province was lo gel rid of Hie unemployment K ITCH K.N help. women nly. FI HTIcr. SITMoll R8TI.IV. mllr. I ree vtttrr' Ornneate Mi. a a.-1 a also la item. In of wanted. Apply Inlander. If 1 W roimrll. Agrtil. xtlr ita frn iim dale hei r i a rye spile was lo slop coming into Mellon Mowbray Pork pies cial car attached In lli way people fMIM Oelntter . Itt. t'i the Wining neenrrler f.r s ri this debt there was nothing to the country, said Ihe minister of libltentemenu, fir Ihe ptnT" '-f t. I mado to order. frripht and arrompanied west va WANTIIDHIrl , . for housework. a rrnwn fleaen ,f ike !.. .Inn from Kdmmilnn Iry X. It. Walton, worry about. He had noticed lands, but his opinion wa thai Apply 310 Fifth Ave. K. II MOTIVE. And furttier lake n-'lie llni .a' BOARD recently thai the de of the city the to . In Queen rjkirl4l- MkLada L4mi fHalrlri untie r SarlH IT. niui lie amnien i t BY DAY OR WEEK the local superintendent. After way prevent unniuploy fnr Ilea Kaoasre of oeh frllffa;.' r4 neenmmv inairtet ai sa en, b I' ami inakiiiK various inspections, he of Seattle was as large as that mem was to rirtng in more FOR SALS annate Ihe Vfl r.dl ui ttoTMO) lnnrnemet. The Home of Home Cooking of the Province of Ilritish Do Mjm1. n. i: etaie,M ali te nf sineemKer ' people. Immigration leads sailed al midniphl on I lie Prince In . Take nntlee tn.i , .m nrier ijmmii lltipert for Vancouver, from which lumhia. They had lo guard greater development. They iniisl I Oil SAI.h Mnirer sewing Macli. and iheri Srfiit !. nr n. C. SJ'ITP'.E MRS. R. H. SMEETON place, after holding conferences against taxation becoming too have people here if the resources I lie .O.UO. IMim Miop. I 1 1 ,""nM""rtermuainn U broker.,peeM-et intend ike fi.llnwhijjr! ptl) for lo Queen CJurVille Menda land M Phone 343 however. Third Avenue. I ifribel laul for e.! and prirnietMt: Nr,rdieig lHlran .f kt-eng. n high, II must be-Cfmie J not lo be Willi several of (he olllcials, he were developed. ..'....,(. il.. .il llHflm .Mia iinaie on I in We.I i..l if . will relurn east hy way of the higher than olhe neighboring Mr. I'attullo saidd he con half mite tmnli and one half iMW Mat turn l4and. R. C AUCTION SALE. Ihe thoretliie a aauall lv rm Miuv Jasper line. Mr. Warren was accompanied province's or slates. sidered Ihe Hmerson pulp pro Klaod aide of t aitne ea. Ueanre as rhalr Take nettiee I Ml J4in VW.It hy his wife and his Mr. Patlullo told of what had ject one of the bent pulp and AUCTION luesday January nnrlti. tbenre a ettam eiL ibenr ami ARiert Senlt Uirk. of Vkh r a. secretary, F.'Sfrnpson. 1 been done in the irrigation bell paper prospects m the province 17 al i':3n p.m. at 23H acres,f r,emere-e,,ni.mure or lea. and r,tamina - a'2221VT, ?t PT1L for mat,"; ,,""., where a million and n half dollar and If would daWI!afBS,a"aW If at I faMl ,lled alec. Interviewed, hy a Xews repre-senlnlive established, mean Sixth Avenue West, of the fol-lowigg: Jftll.l Wg'sitY COIVM. and half mile nulb ann inree ana QUALITY just hefnre sailing for had been loaned to selllers Hie aldition of Hit or three Oak Dining Sutie. Ai.nrriT scott lock, Apftu-aat. glee ee: nf Ike etMrehne nf a ia:i for conservation of water niei rvuber . mi. na toe Moreeby lalaod tMt nf ram I--Ibenee the south, Mr. Warren volunteered sup thousand people to the lely. Al Healer, llureau. lied. lUrpel. nnrih a etialn. inen.n et t little inforuation as to (he ply ami already, of the first pay Ifasl In- was vry anxious this Chairs, t:hes of Drawers, etc. MOTIOf. fbelo,go rhalna Iheoee pi nial tout a nf r.-mme-veoi.ehain. ilwne-i nt. f future intentions of the railway ment due on December I last, should b success and would I'hillw.ll-i:vill fi. Vai., Auctioneers. In Qeeen Charlotte ltaod Land tMtlrlel. lalolng )! aeees. mnre lee, Is amounting lo $120,noo, less do nrrnrdlng Ineinri ug jciiii wnsi.rv riifi:i.i. and Economy company am,pave non.-copimita! no anything be rouid to make it -j llmte on Ihe We I saeeoa.Cuatt of li. Korby and Ai.nrnr .tc. antii'.aBtf answers o several questions that Ihaii" n8,noTiad been promptly so. ltaitfi. B. C . . . i CAOnel., Agent. FOU RENT Tike nol Ira Utat AhB L!ndar. of Prlnre repaid by the borrowers. . . Iron The chief trial of housekeeping were asked him. arjd Steel. rnifei, II. C, orrepalloa tmuaewife. Intend Train Service. Mr. I'attullo said that the Speaking of'tlie possibility of lo epfriy for permlaaasai lo pempeei it .VITICE. today Is the Dally keeping ruJIeHtn Iteaerflied land for enal and iiown of expenses, and the Speakir)? of daily trajn service government, had 'expeeled do loe an tron and nifer industry being I'NDKIl new management. SI. (Mlrnienni: comtnenelna' at a tH planted In Oueeu Charlotte laland Land Dlatrt-heetirdina ' ldtrie: of H. : saeena, r I.ouis liooms. Mrs. P. ale Yalpy. Mil tote half milo ooelk aod tkre ami surest way lo succeed is lo to Princle Itiiiiert. MY. Warren iuonr''ori"!!aiiij eemen. The established, Mr. Patlullo said one half mile em from Ihe hnrellne of a finale iand, ! toe Weal l."al of M. , condition following Ihe war had he knew peirrdfr were feeling dub manageress. Hale 3 50 per Wnall hit tm Ike Mttmhi laland aide af H. C deal with Grocers of Quality, said that this was heiriV talked rf been .abnormal? and prices week and up. Also furniliei CT.I "h, iSona- r'Hf. 1 Take nnlere ihal'J. VVeater f were ious who carry nothing: but the now. Thoufili making tio deflnlle anoui suou tilings Mil it ,0 of Viruria. B. stalenienl on this matter, he was al Ihe peak. The money he con-, was men Mith as. Mr. Carde housekeeping rooms. ZSZmZ" VSd eSn'oyimn? 22I!2iS2 .T'l'Jl'eJ. ! . an f' BEST OF EVERYTHING. not unfavorable and said that' it sidererl had been well spenl and who stayed wilh the proposalf FOU HF.NT Fumisleed bedroom, nor or Jesa. tixnsy. 4ii4ieant. aeglbed landa for rl tho and follow fwiit.Sr ma ' ' tangible results would follow and who did more good lo Ihe province I. w. omneii, ,tefii. CasMoetwini at a faxi planted al the s w The Best Is Always the was very possinii that jt migiil he with or without board. Phone futed " A. ttfl eoener of TMJlre Ut .Vi. jg'op. the-mrth instituted hefmV Ion?. Any announcement now were in evidence. than any others. The in. Illack 317. 13 as chain, thenee el gu v Cheapest. reKardipK it, how I'liere was large expendi dtiKtry would m lif. established ) - lOTICE. Lkeoe ham- eootR to pnani SO nf rhalna.enmnienremrnl,thenee I ai ture of mothers' and FIIONT bedroom lo rent SLeam . . eoaiialnlag Alt arrea. nvee or lei ever, would hac lo corrie rrom pensions and II would mean an immense tit OllMN r-a.aelM4fl- OUMl aau t.1 a ai.1 JOMI WESirr ruvtr.1,1, ihe for Ibis had to he. healed. Norfolk Itooius. Phone RrrurOing Dlatnri of Skeoa h. C . aasi I " Ihe povernment. money benefit U-Ihe province. iotaie on ine vet rmi nr Uureeov AlfirHT H im I org, a.ft" Munro Bros. .Mr. Warren said that the rail raised from (taxation hill no The sneaker said that much Illack 329. tf i-Und.Take n.MMlre C. lhat Oeerge W. kerr. nf Paled Oelober T.I.Itfl.W Connell, if intended to keep the one regretted that. .o public ime was lo4 fiofh in the legis- rrltter Rurwl. B. C neriiDaimn aMermau. way company FOIl 11K.NI 3 roomed furninhed would dare lo advncalt the nlure and the in deal- Intend to apply fur permlaalnn to ornafieei MOTICE. man by public "The Quality Grocers" local dry dock in operation and flat, close in. Phone lllue the rutiiming dawerlhed land for nal ao.1 :trHeuin: ' tmmenrlae al tmmt olaaied tn Queen ChlrMI Manda Und DIstK revocation of Hie enactment. ng with non-essenlials. instead a Phone 88 Third stated that it was out for all the MS). tf. about one half mile aouth and two and one nerirdint- i Harriet or sena. n r: a- Avenue business that was olferins. Ques. Importance of Timber. of devoting loore lime lo projects- nair mile eaal rmen irte hnrrlloe or a atiuaie on ike Wet uial of Mr. Patlullo then told of his lo Ho- of the TO F.NT .Modern Mnall bay en the tjurrab' laland tide nf II C. tioni'il as to possibilities, he said: development II apartments, Canne Paa. tbeti'e SO rhaW north, thenee "You iii li t a well ask me if it I rip to the Old Country to Province. People lost sight of One furnl-hed. F. V. Hurl, tf go rhalK el. ttieatee rtMIn mnh, Take notire that John Wialey i. I hen re an -tiiln areat to gaolgal of rom-meneetfieal. and Alhert Aeon Lork, nf Virion. -oerutatK poinir fo rain tomorrow." He try to stimulate immigration and the big things because of their and ronlalnlni ie arrra. more briber, intend to ecr ' pointed out that al the present lo look up inarkeW for Ihe sale proneness to hxik al Ihe lillle HAtftDnCSSINQ. n les. or.oHnr. v. kimn. .nptirant. ptmulun rrtlied land In pnejperi for real I lie and fntbiving pelw of timber. Timber was an im things and magnify them. He Under New Management I. V. Cotlnell. AgenL ( ommenemg al a poal planted ai ihe w flail time there were seven small boats Paled (Vrtetier . Itf north go eham. thenee wet AO '''''' ttopole in the yard for repair, the con-j portant industry. Hanking in urged each member of Ihe Ilo-Inry m:x iiAnnr.n shop and iiatiis enrner of T I oilier IJrene ,n. ar.uP II-UieteM tract for the overhaul of the AI-' valuue to Ihe province in 1920 Club to take common sense 228 SUlh Street NOTICE. rhaine aasilh to point aa nf rhalna.enmn-enreinenl,thenee eat- I 1 for rent to lodges or similar bert had been let In it and work Hie natural Industries were as forethought and In build a solid O. Mr HILDA Y I'hone Hlun 78 In On Chartolla lalaoiU Land Malrkt rotilalnlu joirx aao vvrsirv arrea. more tuism.or leaa,and organizations. was commencing on the huildinK follows: foundation in order I hat the in. BOARD. annate iieMinr on oiainei the West oi vaeeaia.Ccaai Of M. Moreebg C... end ALIlF.nT SCOTT LOCg. Apnli'anl. :' of the Francois Lake ferry. rimher 9i.000.000 legrily of Ihe. slate might bo ItlalMI.Take b.notice c. lhat John ChrKllanton. of pated Ortte T, tag W.i.Connell, Ag OFFICE SPACE Coal Bunkers. Agriculture f51.ono.000 preserved. TUB new dining room at tho Prlnre nurrt, B. C. oeeuMlhsi rlakermaa, SOTICE, Intend in apply for permit ton to prwperi 38 hy 21. healed, suitable for The peheral manager confirmed Mining Inlander is now open. Hoard the following ttoaertbed taoit for eoal ami Dlntf"1. In Queen Ctiarlolte Itlanda Land belmlruni: Cmonieau-tng al txatl elanie.1 professional man, for rent. the information that the Cana I'isheries I t.O.'tO.OOO DISEASE CAUSED by the week or month. Plume about one half mile norm and three and J rteeenlioe plattlrl nf eheefia, It, ' From these figures il would one lialf mile eat from ilw ahureline on altuaie on the Weal Coal I of Noreu Agents for dian National Railways had ar 137; If a Hnall bay on the Moreaby laland aide of land. B. C. be seen how important wa the BY WEARING HATS Canoo pm. thenre north go rhalna, thenee ranged for site at this por.l for Norwegian American a Tike notire Ward, f ptr that Line Srptimaa timber industry. A good deal Fill ST class hoard and room in east SO rhalna. thenre eoulh go rhalna, ' lu.herl Swedish American Line coal bunkers. As to what the thenre weal go rnein to point or rotn-roenrenimi. Iniemleni, and Ward, liarter been private borne for two gentle, Virtorla. B. c... intend to apply f r - of business had already se- rontaitung to arrea. more nr Scandinavian American lessees were doing in regard to LONDON. Jan. 13. An epidemic lea. lolaalon an proaperl lite folium Ing dear .'-la men. Phone Hlnck 711. 0 Ihe .matter he did not knmv. He of hnl-hand skin disease jnn.'g f.miHTlBTSin. appiirani. ruli fur eoal and M'iroteiimi r.utnm-1 Line. J. W, Connell, gept ina al a pot planted on the liorrii : ' was of the opinion that the Al Was Troubled in Denmark is reported in Ihe MISCELLANEOUS. tuted iet'.er A, tti. Canoa I'aaa, about one nule aaulh n i ! Oliver Typewriters mile Wel nf Ihe A.VV. eonier ef Tuilx" berta fiovernment would nol Hrilish Medical Journal. The NOTICE. l.irene .lo. 0C, tlienrr aouth g Cary Safes build the bunkers here but that a With Her Liver disease is caused by a substitute SI.ADK STKVBNS, graduate piano e Oneeia rhSrlr.(i. lalgnria Land MnlTt iehalna,thenee eaal ihenee ao weal rhalna Ilienre to noroi nolo I ' private cpmpany would eventually for leather. In some men, only tuner. Al Denny Allen tympany's heonrillng plalrlri of itk'eena, II. c.. ani'''',""'"'nr',""'n'. i1 mntaimng Aio a FIRE INSURANCE altuaie on tho Vet f.naat of nmre or le. Moreaby take Ihe project over. u narrow strip of skin is affected, store, Third Avenue. UUnd. 11. 0. AFI'TI Vl.'l WAfiD nd In regard to the intention of the for over 4 months but more susceptible persons I'hone. Iilue 130. If Take noilre Vlrlorli.lhat fteglnald Herbert llolirilT V.lip, Api''n. Wright, of B. C. oirupatlon pro. Lonneir, & company as (o the. further devel get inflamed blisters round rooter, Inienda to atiply for lernilMln to fiaied October T. tgi Dybhavn Hanson BOATS FOR HIRE nroarieri the -follnwlnr deaerlbed landa for this Whcn the liver benom! alow, alurrlih the and moulh. opment of port and the line noe eoal and pelroleuiA: CoiiMiirnrtng al a kmI NOTICE. Third Avenue of railway, Mr. Warren said thai and lorild It li not working properly In some cine day's wear- I'ldllieu ani iii le'reiiiie tn i.aTHie I'aaa apl . . cases, COMING DOWN Launch "Nar-hclhong" about one mile luiulh and one mile we. of L ,n Queen Charlotte Und Plalrlr : this was a matter entirely lo mg me nai uicri.i- Ihe S.W eonier of Tlinlier-I henre So. """"" niytriea nr xaeena, u, Prince tip , H pn.ouces bowel fncl I Rupert, B. C. lUiroiirhly set on the cirry am not asking you r,g0P. thenee norih g rhalna, thenre weal I rl""" n Ihe Weal Loal of V.rr.l. the government. No appropriations oir the witic pnxlurtt or the lyiteiu, lion ol tlie forailieai, great swell- for a job, I am offering; you go rhalna, thenee aonth go rhalna, Ihenre , llnd, B. C. the henre the bowl become rloiired up, Ihe f and red rash ea4 (1 rhalna lo point of roniinriiremenl. had yet been made for jnff 10 facf a a service at reduced prices. mi i.iiine w r... nt'm. nmre oe leaa. Take no lira that Allien Icon tck and bile get. into the blood i eon.tlp.tlon eli , , ,, ,, John Wele Cnimrll, or Vbiorn, L ' railways this year and il was a k Phone Illack (00. BEonALP iir.nBMT. wniniiT. ' In and liver trouble! follow, amonr whlrli Applirant. rrikiallon broker, Inteml to gdlf diillcnlt matter, lo what would tiermllr,n lr the fnloviiir ne say are alrk or bllloua headarliea, lu-arlb'irn, wi Connell, Agent. proapert Box 446 Phone Green 610 LOST fted Oer.tier T. ttli. erlbed landa fur real ond p'-lr ' '" lake place. The new government v,tl?t brih. Jiundlre. Iloatlnt (peek before SOVIET OFFICIALS 1 roninenring al a poet plained about ' hud nol been long in power and the !, pain under Ihe riihl NOTICE. half mile aniitli ami about one half n; LOST tn Queen Charlotte lalanda Land Platrlrt. eaal, from tho rhnrrllne on a aniall bar ihoulder, rcaird tongue, bid breath, yel Danclig near corner If k future policies were not yet' WORK CONSTANTLY pump Ilerordlng plalrlri of hki-ena, U, c., and the Moreaby laland aid of Can" ''' outlined. low eyea, etc. Third Avenue and Sixlh annate on the Weal Coaal or Moreaby tlienre an iliaina north, Ihenre 'Mi'" MILBURN'S llland. D C. eat. ihenre go rhalna aouth, Ihenre Up to Government. LAXA-LIVER PILLS IllOAi Jan. 13.- Turning nighl Street. Finder please return Take notice that John Wealey Connell chain eai tn point of eommencemenl, an1 to Daily NevJs Office. and Alliert Scull ijnH, of Virtorla. B. C, rontalnlnr etn arrea, more or leaa. Though non-committal lo a de. qulrkly remove the lerretlona, Hear iway into day i slill the working nrrupallon brokera, intend lo apply for AI.IIHIT groTT LOCK gild "'.''"-irn the elTete and wane tnatier by acting periulaalon tn prnaperl the follnwlna de. JOHS WESLEY C'lNXELI.. AppllraH. n Mr. Warren seemed gree, very habit of mosi of Ihe officials of LOST Illack Agent dirnrtly on the liver, and making the bile Spaniel Flippy, aerllied landa for mal and petroleum: J, W, tCKin.ll, favorable to this port and thl hcc-iton put through the bowel Inmead of allowing lln Soviet government al Moscow, aged t months. Finder please Mille Coniuienring north of at a the poal aoothwrit plained rorner about one nf Haled Oetnher A. tfi . of the railway. Future de-Tlopnieiil It to get Into the blood. according lo advices received phone lllue 17 i. 10 Timber Llreuae No. la0l' oil Moreaby NOTICE. was, however, entirely Mra. Alice Mehill, Kipaiiee, Ont lilaiid, and near Canoe l-aaa. thenre north here. go chain. Iln nee rait go rhalna. Ihenre In Quern Charlotta laFii.da Uod l,l,lrlr.', up to the government. He showed wrllea: "I waa very badly run down luf The llolshevik Foreign Office LAUD ACT. on Hi go rhalna. thenee weat go rhalna to Ilrrunllng Mirei nf krena, H, :.. over four liiontln, I tried aeveral reme-dlea, point of and Norgd'J lyiniineiireinefil, rnntalnliig C40 lluate on the Weal Cogal Of a good deal of Interest in the re-ipiesis b'jt act' no relief. One day in seldom gels Into full swing until Notice tf Intention to Apply te Ltaaa Land, arrra, more nr li la. Maud, 11. C. that are being forwarded to lumband brougbt me home a vial of Mil- after midnight. Oeorge Chil-cherin, In Skeeua Land pininrl, Iternrdiug DU-' JOHN ALIIFIIT WESLEY SCOTT CORNELL I.OCK, Apphranti.and Take notice that Archibald Me Ottawa hy the local Hoard of burn'a Laia-Uvrr Mils, and before I had the Foreign Minister, Is khutl trli l of Inlet,I'lim-e aei'oiiil liuperl.Mali!M. from(.., and entrain-aituale on In rtater) Oeti.hee 7 J. Vf. Goiinell, gen, kechnie, of V'anrourer, B. C.,Jlarper orcupaliej Trade. uted half of It I waa inurh better, f only rat aliie. teal engineer, Itilrnda tn aKdy for Pernil;"'1,? reputed to hew In his daily work lo lanu' uted two rials and I am a different peraoti Take notice thai Edgar Harold Crawford, rVOTiei. proanerl the following dcacrihed a a today. about C p.m., immediately after orrupellon logger, Iniriida to apply fur for coal gnd ih-1 rnlriim: Cniiiinenelng iwiai tuantea at Hie s.w, corner or l '- With nut advertisement, this I ran aifely reeoiuinend. Lata l.lver breakfast. lie generally huls laud;prruiiiaioii CiMiinienrlug ia leaiie iih al foiHiwing a ul planlrd deaerlls-il In ihla TAkE NOTICE lhat after publication nf llrenaa No. gaaOP. thence aouth go rhain. notire fur ,one iriiHilh Ooidhlooina, L. O. LARSEN paper would nol bo as Intercstlnsr I'llli lo anyone troubled wlib liver up shop about 5:30 a.m., his the eaal seroiid aide of bight khutl rroin.Inlet, Ihe Ihrnrg enlranrMi o rlialna of Mmllrd, will apply to the Hi-gut far nf rhalna,thence weal thenre go gall rhalna,go rhaioa thence to north point trouble.'. Joint Stork Uinpnlea. Vlrmila, U. C, In rnniinenermeiil. and cnniainlue Dtp irr. lo you, because information nbout lime. oulli, tbenre o rhalna e,i, llienie 0 hale the supper name of the company changed lo In it, m 1 aa PAINTER .foods for sale in the stores is I'rlce, tit t vial at all dealer, or mailed chain north, thenre go rhalna went and Prince lluiwrt rue A Hide Co . I id. AnewiMLn iMnren McKt-ciiNitr dlrert on rerelpl of prlre by The T. Mil-bum remaining an a'Tir mnre m I'-- llOl lilll DOM- I IMITKl. Aiipinani-J. news Jtint that. Co., Unilted, Toronto, Ont, Advertise In the Daily News, Paled Knn.H Pen-inbrr la,r.iMwronii.101 Applicant Per Wllllanif Manun A nnrale W, Cnnnell, Agent. riolicltora Ptled October 1, ttfl