r JoJinnu's Touring Cars i. i For I Taxi 660 TAXI Phone 99 I PRINCE RUPERT Beet Service and J Day and Night Servi I Best Car In the City j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIII. NO. f. PRINCE IIUl'EUT, ll. li, I'll!DAY, JAM'AH Y la. I22. r!trrf' Clfculillei. 1,61. StrMl Ctltt pbio Ktvj: cr.vo Citizens Show Confidence In Mayor IliORTMlllMMENTS ARE MADE BY H0N.ID.PATTULL0 Immigration, Industries and ! REPORTS SAT THAT SHE WILL WED KAISER. Rochester is Elected P.G.E. Railway Discussed by I For a Second Term as Minister Before Rotary Club! Prince' Rupert's Mayor . ,.- I "It 1 iiihItrIimmI Hint Hi ItriliMi ('overniiieni will at lln-r Tlir civir clerlors Jit 110 uncrrluhj voirn r.vjiri'ssrd Ihcir rioii of I'n-HaiiH-tH .Hhl!.li r.v .iiivminii somewhat PUBLICITY "ati-farl'mli willi llir administration of rily aitair during llc past and their roiiliduiici in llir udniiiihlruliou for Um car F-jime miliar ! IIm', HrHlHli C.ilnnjlnn I.ami Settlement Hoard In work 'umitig wlirn Ihcy retained Mayor ilurry II. Horhcler -to FOR TREATY year pinfutwlStHi :in problem of ii'Mii llitii i-.iuiii'i. and llir vmlsU-' llicc with Hie liuiidome mujorily uf 2U2 over LicnL-CoIonr S. iiiiii'III "f llii" (Mini wll wnik inn i.. Hie ii-inrit nf llrltiitli yjB .Mc.Mordir, D.H.O., In yrlfrda'. lit tnitcipal ulrrtioii. Allliutigh I jiiiMii ' -aid Hun. T. I. I'iiaKiiII" in ,uf iuldr" Hi" lltlur l 'y Britain Pledged Aid France il wn! iiiipurenl through the cumpaign thai Mayor Hochvnlrr wui (.: i..nlin "TIm- xi'iiithI ifhni'iidi-it nf mi i-ntiralion oelicmr In Case or Unprovoked lie favorite, not even hi niot eiiUiiiia.lir supporter; "cxpecled v -- w ii.-(l i'Ml lv IIih lirllUli I'itiiikt in ruiifvrit-i. wilti Duller Ausresslon. lial such a -tplrndid majority would he rolled up in his favor. in 'Iimci . i.I tin- iMMiulrif of llir Eliiiir, ulmul I In' llnir I It wa thr liiirxr! .urprir ot i tit- - - - - - ,wiib in llrnaJ lliihiln Willi h !-) PARIS, Jan. 13. The text wiiolr I'li-ctimi. Ih llir iIIhII ln'iiij wurkrtl mil of the proposed Anglo-French' All fiJr lll.-llllirr? iif lat -;:r -ouiiril DECIDE ON 1 1 flu dirfrrMil ffovrrnriiinit treaty brought ty who wouhl Tr-rlrrl inn riiiii'i-riicij. former Premier Brland from were rrlumrd for anollo'i- in-in. ll wn.nl ln- Hill'- I In- linn Cannea was made public today. Aid. 0. t'.. Perry ln-ailinj Hit. GRANTED BY RAIL STRIKE i-Iit nT land ofrfM'd llii" i'l-llriiM-iil It provides that Britain poll. Tlir new iiiriiilirr-i of thr of llir Hluarl ImKi- iIh-irlrl shall come Immediately to (Idrriusiiie board i;!i.-tu w-ri'l wlili II MriH of Miliirllilui; the aid of France In case or Itoderick A. .Mcl.rod. Tlii-f;li'r I JUDGE YOUNG IN IRELAND j I ike ;tlii.lHMl in'!' if fiix cln direct and unprovoked aggression Collar I and NV. II. Mont 4riiJiry. land Tor .Mlf nirtit iiirMi' in against French territory Ihr two fiinmr 'inakin'r plrn-liii " ' I'niliiiM-l ii'ii with llii wiirkiny mil by Germany. un und 1mmk rlrclrd in third Proceedings Started by Colonel EtcauM Manaqers Refuse to DIs-cuts if llir fclifiiic. Hi; naiil ll would: and rourlh plan-. Pock Will Commerce on Revision of Wagss nd lii" iiimlilr of uiHirliii lw. In Ihr ronltt for thr "polirr Monday or Tuesday. tliouaild fanilllfM. Mr. I'uliiillo.MORE VICTORY Condition. roiiinii-.iiiiirrHlili. K. II. Jfiltin-k- , . .,, ..rT.TTT i.. 11. r.......i ni. il tin him imliiiiiii Hull a! l.y wa elrr ..d l.y a ?,! ,aj- I IHIll.l.N, Jim. 13. A Ki'iieral IMlllCJ" of llll' Mill rouiil Im- irilv and imiIIi-iI iorr voir Ilia 11 for Skvrna run- FOR TREATY .. tllUl;ll" tui Kiunt.:ii JiiilHf io- WOtkHl wut hvv tif of ull railway t llir two othrr candidate. ,eor-,-o v ... ... . . .1 :? ' M. thrrland siid "t me paiiinuy iiiHiuipm msoi. ,4.in,,eV.-K-l.e rfun).ln tir M'llimi and wnuld be lie r.-ftiiil uf the railway !!.,.bi,r: r? 7 fapp. &k K; Vlili tfie a arml niirliiv1i in'lMiy"!!! hown' In icfectlon Sinn Finn The I."i,(Iimi incineralor liy. arrd on brlialf of llir iiortlirrti jrf of jirt-vliusr. Comrn'tt Prisoners Being I..... ..-., 1... ....... .....r un Peek. Y.II., the ilrf.-alrtl raudidale. lit: Urdlll III'1 llireallicd .u an u il u...... T .... ..Ill -,.,...,. -il...r vt illrtrlrl Unit il tit ohI working Released. 11 ''.v,o-,,,,.UJ. wuj-e would Mi'iorl iiiilliuif or MH- ul Monduy or xueay, bul the ill ions judire lias not yel drleniiiiied Ill I1I.1N. Jim, The rlre- f'rau .Uii Kuchow, widnw n h uif cuiuuoi in tile Danili Husuirs. Winners Congratulated. whether iPwill tUke-.the ronn ir a liiiiiiiMlli? llir .uli und Hir lioii of I lo- sIhihIiiu roniiiiillr.' now IItIdc In Doom, Holland. wHerc thn uxKiusrr of Germsny is in Thr whole cleclion wa u ipiiei riiMiunt' PRINCE GEORGE !ir.Mif-l of tin ihiHIi Mr. I'.il-(Millo exile, is reported tn be the fiancee of ex-KaUer Wilholm. Tbe report alTair. luit lljrre renerul or not, Av. ''.. 1'i'ili ortfuiiixnlioii Iiik iievei-hrleit. of III)' Sf tin Pwtf iMke f lln- I'riiw-r IIii.im1 utdt Umt they will marry before Ion. Kisher" will ail n. (ad. rmtillltil in n virlory for I'r.-Hi-ill-ill wax a rood vote reiiinh.-d. H 111 agent in the uf the I'lilp and l'inr liiiii.my Ph-iikm: course prtjV Arllmr liriffilli and ln- perMin. rritiseriiis their prefer (piJinn, which nhould nut tute lo Ink)' tlir IUiktwoii inlr. ovur ELECTS MAYOR if mid tin- I'rinri' iiwiran ui-r imrly a w.-ll a flirllirr nmlnr. CONTINUE TISDALL ences in. the mayoralty ckiiI.-kI in.ire than a rouple of days. lilioii for llir Auvlo-lrili .'ac' Soon afler Ihe poll. rlo.n ui I null jronil u twi of Jin' fin-i"l o'eliH'k the Tor had irraly. Uf tlir firtiMMi iiii'iiiln-rit voe?i mayor Turnover In Civic Situation at iiili and nirr iroHi'fl In .'li'i-lcil l llir tMiiiiiuilti). only WARSHIPS LEADING lieen counted. Hold Mayor llo- POINCARE TO llir (oHrtiiiiciil Interior Centre Johnson ljn proviiHM. iliri.. i.!tii.'d lln' nil ificat ion of rheler and tad. MrMordir were wmld ill r"rylliln ionihlf lo Mir HtfiTriuiMit. preiteill ami when Ihr result was1 U Mayor. liidp get I! indiilrii'K voin' rirleasn Prisoners. Vancouver P. R. .iiown. thr latter ri.iirtitulaletl BE PREMIER mid if tliry rrr iKlMlilllifl tln-y English Councils Say That This Using System Hie and wislietl him .risoiurs uievor a ioliliral PIIINCK (.Kiill'UL Jan. 13. J. would liuvr a woiiilirfiill)' llin-iilulin? Korly-llin! 'Should Be Done to Mitigate Delayed In Getting vtrrr ndraid from Irifli iriiui' n n ful year. The rouutiii' Eelectlon Returns. II Johnson, a prominent hotel rff'l on liuniui'HK in lln- Unemployment. !'f vrnJcrday and 87 air lalrd for .f alderiiianir. police roiimiision Former President of France May 1llUMll.i li t'f Itjflll of I III' JttiUIl) nonii. Ilriliili i.o.iiniio.i wuu Kivr tiuiidrni VANCOUVER Jan. 13". .ml liy taw Iheu proceeded and il ri'lru-r lodiiy. Trade, proprietor nf Ihe Hlrxun-dru nf ( I.i 'Mil X .Iiiii At n ron- , Succeed BHantJ. Imtimiii- onr I'vi-nlnully .ind fifty Milii:r uiuiliuriri and The count of votes In the vu aiioul tl::ll wirn ull count-wz and. Ji-i in- (Si'iirRv. holds fi'rrnrr of llir tniiyurs of Xorth-rrn. an-ul'-! iiiiiiiiirinrliirins r'iilii'r i'iii1'.- will I vurtialrd froin civic election is still proceeding, was finished. I'AHIS. Jan. l:i. Former Pres. li'M-i'. wu fMm! li'Hr yiwlcrdiiy in llir world. Hf iinfd llrinli hiitilin loiUy iiiarkiii? tlir rr-liiKuiliina r.n'lUli towii jrntriday. il there being much Intricacy 'fhr .Irian.'d fiurej were a id.'lil Poiurart- ha hern asked to by a nuijorily r II over Oe.irpe Ciitiliiitiltm lo ki'' Hirir was drridrd lo urjte llir llritish of iiolirr ruulriil. Tin. and delay under the follyws: fot-in a new cabinet and has AliimlL. chief locomotive engineer lo prowrd with the nd I" piiv;:rnui"lit llii-i- iU UiHtui nl nu will proportional representation For Mayor, aarrerd, jiendhi(( 1 ttjnlulively "vrruui imi r llir army ouiu-lll.'lirr ii Hi.. :. N. It. nmunluin ill v t.-.Ion- liuiidiiiff of liallli'fhips in ordrr worry irr inin-iiMiltil. in a f.-w dayv. plan. Harry B. Rochester .. 520 eonfrrence with hi rolleasues. The iiIiIimiiicu rn-cli'drd arc M. Hiiwkins f I In I'- l; "" 'j jnilitfiilr iini'iuploymrut which C. E. Tlsdall Is now leading, I'. Mc.Mordir 3IK .Mr. Ilriantt leleCuphed I.loyd ' und A. M. I'ullrcsini. wfl lirouhl uhout liy lln- su-it'iixiou McKay id Hie onrrn nl loinUliM' h Aid. J. J. McRaa is second, "Ijioilej 1.1 'eore. r"irrelliiis hisi juuhilily 'I'll.' new aldermen nrc Or. II. W lind 111 mind nexcrul proJiTt- Tor of waiiiip oViIrr. II l MEIGHEN IS ex-Mayor D. Taylor Aldermen. to continue 'convei-K'vlioiis at A I mi ri I, IVimI !. Tuylor, l-'red j.'llin rid of llml milwuy. Wild wu.. diflar.'d thai I'nltrd Slutrf Kirk third, T. H. fourth and . C. Perry 532 Qinnes nnd expresshitr a hope Hunlnn iiiul J. K. McLean. Hill off lln'ir liniidn lln'.v mld Ullll .IllpHII VV.T" I'OUlillllilltf to Leon Lotx gar Is bringing up John Dybhivn .-r.517 thai his successor would lake up Puller Cniniutioiicr Kduurd di'uitr iniri Hun' and rnmsy I" NOMINATED laiilil kIiiiix ami that lliilain the rear. . A. McLeod 516 !he conreceiiee't iniliiediulrly. Opie Heltilie ih'ojiIi' into llir irovinn'. nhould do llir hulin. The result may not be "heo. Collart 492 Causes Reqret. Alex H. Mof-fnll School Trustees Stoblllllno IFInanena. known until late today. 5eoroe W. Ktrr 40 I'.MIIS, Jon. 1 3. -Preiiiier l-I-nd's Alex niiU MiilTiilt V. J. Pltlmnii.hrndrd I In- "ill In hU iiddri' Mr. I'ultnllo Will Be Opposed In Granville TWO LITTLE GIRLS T. W. Sllversldes .... 43C resitfiia!i"U a'Cins to luixr snokr of tlir nrruaally of kIuWII- K. Patterson, lHALF STENOGRAPHERS J. H. Kelly 334 cuioo'd re'jrrl aiuoni; Ihe eeueral A. v itli clear majority jT 07. tlr Riding, Ontario, by u IxlhL- 1h riiiiinnv or llir world. Progressive. BURN TO DEATH AS A. H. Mentfromery 355 publir and in many political cir. 1 n native imi nf old nnrihoo, Mi or Tin' IrUli iiw'lliui wan jiroi.-Wy j PASSED EXAMINATIONS .lauir lllark 3111 ei.-s. l'ittinau In Um' proprietor HOME IS DESTROYED 309 :ii-ihr:t 'hr inusir slorr lo-rc and whs ni'lllrd mid much tiroifii't liuil IMtKSt:i)TT. Out., Juu. ia. llainjilon tifcmerly in IhihIiii'mm In I'rlnec l.i'i'll iiindr Willi dlHurinalnriH ul Hon. Arthur .Mriyhrn. rx-prrinirr ; vitrrouiA. .tan. 1.1. -out r a? Mrs. K. C. Kirk pa I rick .... -'37 PRISONERS hupcrl. llir WNiHlilniflnil confrnMiw. uf Ittiliada, wlni wiiii di'Tralrd ill UANSII. .Ian IS.- Twn little irandiilaTrs in Ihr recent rfteuos:-irapher-' .Spoiled The cleelion niarkw n new era 'I'lirrr wu In lr unnllirr roii-rrrt-iire- I'urlustr la I'rolrie in tlir rcrrnl tfirld, a'red .1 yrain and I yrur rivil ervire exaliiina-illnilh Pollco Commissioner. I" pniuiclpal politic. II U H In llir nirln. In liriua rlrution liy Harry l.rudrr. llir were hurnrd lo ilealh when fire i.nlv III pn-i-.. Kxainin-llllioils E. H. Shockley 425 3i:i! WELCOMED complete liinwui'iv ulmul iiinrr aluliillly 'f rooiininir I'rtiKri.fMiw'. Iiuh lirrn uomiiiiilrd deitlroyrd the timne of J'red Johli-Miii AVrrr ll.'lil III I'l llir.' II U 'ieor;i. M. .Sulherluild 1 iniditlitlir ilinl it WU inwnllilr for (irrnvllle rldiiiK in Mil pin. near lirrr last nijfhl. jnert and oilier eilie. ienryr l.eek ff- ' i Dial an Inlrinutinnal riiiivncy villi'". lit will In. opp.mrd !' SpoileU 13; Demonstrations In. Dublin and OBSERVER HAS may I"' llu" nUlrpini. 'I'l"' n-plr A. K: I'Hllrrxon. 'nn:rriiivr. Incinerator Bylaw. Other Parts of the Country. lirrr lir mild mIioiiIiI br v II tally Thwr U no l.ilirral iioiniiirii. For 4S9 inlrrritlrd in world Unur br-raur Mayor Rochester's Thanks Against 137 lit UI.I.W Jan. 13. - MalerlaU-nalion 37 oT the unHirly fur political f Hn' rrfrcl llio iinuir Spoiled liuvr totally. RIOT AT MADRAS 1 irisonrrs J11 Irrlund rllciled Mr. I'allullo ,kiii a lot uf ln-fnrinalion I.adirx und (iriitlcinrn : SUPREME COUNCIL more oulwuiij i-iillaisjutiii here in n't-'i"d tw Um work Word.i fulj to rxprrrii my apprei'jalion of Hie splendid than any oilier development ot Went on Mud Flats In Discovery Ihe HdlvitW. It lit re-inurked I'nivliirlal linvrriiinriil PRINCE THERE DOES NOT ACCEPT peace Passago -Is Not In Danper. of llir '""I aKldiiil'"'". iiippnrt you have triulered ine in. 'ye.dlciduy'it .Mayoralty in passing that lh choien nnd nf IU nl"'' told wliy II lil ""-ni'Mitiii-y cnnli'ftl. OFFERJDF LEAGUE or thr phrase "udt or oldiiioir VICTORIA, .lull. Tin- finii-ndian Mr lii iiimraM' tlir Iuxuh. Armored Cars Used In Quelling My loiideil hopo were wnovved under in Hie uvalanrhe of rather than "act of clemency" In OiiM'iniiiiMil Mrirliunl Wlillr tlir rxiriidil"i'' liud iil-rrraM-d the Disturbance During Milm you piled up for ine in thi. my luit upM'uruure in OKNHVA, Jiin. 13. An orfcr the announcement of the am Murine xli-amcr I'.unndiiin (III-rrvrr ulmntl douldr, tlir rrv. His Visit. public lire. . lias herji made by lb' I'ouncll iiesiy reeosoilred 11 i bappy dip-lomalie U nlinrr nu lln Hind flult , or the Lcajfue or Natioun lo the strokK Iniblin' cill'cns In llUeovrry I'unhui'. 'I'IiU rmir luul In !' Inerruurd llirno 1 ..iiicerrly liusl and pruy thul my uclimnt may warrant deinoiinlrutiomt Cannes In Allied Supreme t'outicil al iudulKcd lively ir Hir I'olul Ik in Um hmltii. pummiiri'. tiiura to inrrl il. Iiffiun.r .MA DMAS. Jiin. IU. I'll" uirival your roiiliiiurd conlldeiicr throu-ihoiil my term, or olllce u to co.opcrale In oiTauiiiiK (he last iiiiilit, the crowd outrldi 'llir laok nf rrvrinir wlirn lliry of tlir I'rinrc nf Walt's wun uo-rninpanlril ' veHrl Ik mil In tlunper. each dri'lnok Ihr dullm t linvnrn-incnt. with rallirr M'llmn. Mayor. . Ui-iitm Kconoiiiie Conference. The Mountjoy prison welcoming' Vessel Floated. 1 ; Hinrerely yoiir. offer ban been derllned by the successive buleh of 'liberated Murli luul in irvriul riiK-ualtW'M. lintlni;, rritullinif MCTOIUA. .lull. III. Tlir r.mi-udlun. nf Hi" j 11. 11. iun:iii:sTi;it. Supreme Council aclliur on a prlsnirri'o. Similur scenes were rfflcirnry In-tcni llir Iliothm lircuiini rn Olmerver wu fluulctl on IncrrasiiiR . In lii January !U 'HI2S. I kukkchUoii from Premier I.loyd i-uuclrd iu other part, uf thu iin'ixt with uitnurrd Oio liltih (nl,. uudaiiiuurr 8lio oullrclinir tl'p "t Unit llir pnlii'u -.'Wiit of L'.itr'lunO y. from Tatfe two. it iicoic'e V """ilntf io t. IhiiiKiv- (CoutluueO i-,i'-- iiitrrfri"