PA0E6IX 1 i Idrt.v, January j iiy s THE DAILY KCW8 PATTULLO "RETIRED SIAMESE TWINS G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public SOUTH LAST NIGHT BnMk,efnGrng DA?y WESTHOLME FIHE INSURANCE is n hnfohy of os,rs. Wo tako keen pleasure ri: : may separate THEATRE In making sure Hint all policies arc so written Hint they cover Will Be Returnlnp to England 1UC WII1CI VI IViU KiOi IV Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Night your properly exactly ns you intend. If you entrust your lire Soon to follow Up Work he colt! in existence. ertnr iiiriuruucu lo (tireless, inexperienced or ignorant agents you Started Last' Summer. Will Be Known Tonight If Suc imiy llnd, when you come lo collect, your lire loss, that your Tbehont haJ ttrnfk! CoiiRhi,1 coldund cessful Operation Can Be policies iiro so worded (hat the insurance company is not llufi. T. I. I'atlutlo, iiicmlie of broDchitia frt bottle tnuat of surrrndtr Buckley'a Thou.aa.nda llronchitia Performed. linhle und so will not pay the loss. Why tako chances? for I'rinee llnperl in I he levisla. Mixture will prove to aufltrera vry. The Affairs lure mill minister of lands, re where that it 'ia the uioat tucceaafnl CIIICAlill. .lull. IX .losefm turned to Victoria Inxt nihl Dirtliod ever diacovered for combatiaf H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. ilrspatp Rprnu. To convlnee you rap It nud lima lllan'k. the "Siamese Insurance Rentals Real Estate iiflcr huvlnir spent Iimi ihiy.a vis that whit over 200,001)people ire fjing Twins." will know hv tonight iliiiK ariiiti.i parlK of the 'north bontthis remedy ii abiolntety true, whether or not a Clueaifo sur- .Mr. I'iittiillu timy he li'inin nchtnge the coupon below it iny of iilmiit tin1 end of tln tiiinitii for the drug store. listed for your bottle. Keon ean effeel whieh an will operalion of Anatol You ao irreealily aurpnaea witn Upon them nepai'iile Advertising is often expensive, luin'Iioul to follow the work lip the tet that you will proceed, at onee III.'in siieees.Mfully. Tlipir aUlir it is nothing liku us expensive lie slitrled Inst umioer in re wtth the regular sue in order to compieti JlUyeurs iiko asked for the vxx an empty elore and idle Kurd to tin lit i'tot ion from Kur the miraculous work of totally destroy Lunch ii in t mi t ton with a view to mi Special rks. tf html lo Ciinaihi. He will iiIko in tb i coupon. operulimi for she feared thai pro fni'ttiiT into the eomlilioim of died it would the and W.K. UCKUtY.LImli.a.yMaiarvia)taaMa if one mean Fox News Comedy Suhserihe for the Daily New. InifinesN lielween this provinei Ut anil Umi ltMi denlh nf the other. .Joelln hns .LAND REGISTRY ACT. mill Hie United Kingdom. COUPON son II years old hut Itosa i Admission, 2.K nml GGc. 40e I dr r.:,:n. Mr .'illi-all.n So. f 1301. tininarrled. An X-llay is hein rrpp Irlal MuPklpv'a nrbtirhili Viils.a. I AM IVoTlor thai application ha Lern CITIES RE-ELECT Taia rouin will tint hp accpraed If taken. iimln tn rncMlfr IIiiIhti o. i.rrw, if I'nm'C Iit child. Vrcpnlpt a lui-rt. II. i... iMnler plitlit Tat Sale liffd Theatre , Uh' 'tnllwior nr Umi i;iiv of I'rliire THEIR MAYORS FOR I Empress l0Vi!rIpAAvNu SATURDAY, JAN. 1922 IiiiimtI. Iiionnf iI.Up the stsili day or LLOYD GEORGE TO 14, Nnwiils'i. 1 0 1 . ill all ami aluaular tlul nam hi'i ti liarl ir laml ami invnil.e THE PRESENT YEAR siiiulr. lym. anil Ix'lnir In Hie i:iiy of Addfp., CONFER IN PARIS ISoup I'rlni'i' llnpiirt, iiioiv parlirtilurly known mil ih-srrits-rl a I.mH lliirty-oiifl (31) anil ETHEL Cream of Tomato rmitil'i t CLAYTON thirty-iuii cii., II lurk Ulirly-rlrlit UH VANCOl'YKIt, .Ian. 13. Three N.lmp I . Pickled Beets ami !.! rnlj-lo ( in Iwrnly-M'vcn C.ANM'.S. .lull. CI. I.loyd i5 . Imlli IimIiisIvo. llliM'k forty-two (IK1, rilies hnve re-eleeled their may Choice of all In Sc. Il.m el Kill (S, Map 043. ors. HpveNloki', Naiiuiin'o mid Sold In Prince Rupert by iii'iiriii' tuts left here foe 1.on Von an' iriniiroil In -ihiPI Ilia claim of IN ion. He will stop olT ill Pans Boiled Halibut, Egg Sauce iln lav piiri-iiai-t' ullliin :t"i ajv frew iiiv .i'l.on. The honored hend.n of W. J. McCUTCHEON Beef Steak and Kidney pie ilalr of ilir -i-i-vkw nf llils noiia-n which o fiiiif,'! with Pee si thill I Millui- lhe.e iiiiinieiutlilies lo-inrii-d are: may y iwr-MHial nr u Boiled and Mashod Potatoes ill;n toil i. ni"t your allriillnn l I'allul In HoyHsloke. .Mayor Waller iihI nod Pi-eiiiier Poiueare wlo. "SHAM" "i rtinii :in or llir Laml Itenm-v Ac: wim Boiled Cabbage aiif iMlniilil-. anil lo llii' fuliowliig extracts ISewM. DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE s fnriiiniy a itus i-iiiin-ul o stir Rice Custard Pudding Ihprprrofii ee(l llial of lli iainl. "anil Naiiuimo. .Mayor I". A. Jtnxhey. In iWaiilt of a paveat nr rprllllrjlc of li- i-nilMi iM'linr lllf! iHT'irv nip res Ii Ira XeNon. Mayor G. A. .Mellarily IN CANADA PLANNING 2 Heel Scnnctt C omedi' end "11 e Branded I our" lion a owni-r nr 11m? iktniii piuiiIiiI i.mi.. '-ii'li iihikt.tav. ale.. ami all uiose mtiiii rlaliuluK mi nerved Illinium Willi GIVE HANDSOME GIFT PROVISIONAL DELAY Admission, lGc and Jlac Good Eats Cafe n lliidcr li'i'ln. and all iM-rnim rlaiinliiir INVITATIONS TO BE GRANTED GERMANY an lnlerr.r-nv I hp land liy lrliie of any iuiii'(iurcKi iwttrnrii.nt. and all ner-ioii p'atin'iir air intci-( In I lie land In ilirtn SENT FOR ECONOMIC Will Present Princess Mary With iwhiiM lllh- In not rfnltrl under the CANNKS. Jan. IT Al n con. IpmvMIi.ii.1 or till Art. shall l fnp .., Set of Furs on Occasion of fereiiee here lodav it derided ii- ..prn d anil ilPliarrptl rrom neitliiir up anr CONFERENCE AT GENOA Her wit l-i.ilui lo ! In vpw of llw I mil o -ilil Marriage. lo Kranl provisional delay to i.ei -aiany I for laws, and the lt-rlirar uliall ri'KiMei Frcm the Farm iili- twr"e .-iiiiipil under siirh ut sale a on the reimrnlioiis a tint xviM-i' of Uh- la:id o old for late." CANNES. .Ian. la.---The Allied MONTH t:.f.. Jan. la. - 1-lve 'DEMERS' C 1 to the Table Mill rliona tat Un madi f. a i-til!iai' ut liirirpalble Title to Supreme Conned has deeitled li thousand women of the Imperial i!m abovc uii'niii.iifd land, m Hip name,of -'ml invilalions foe the- (ienoa Order ItaiiKhters of the Kmpire In THE COUGH llnlHrt O i:ic. and wherea on line-ll-ir.illiiir BULKLEY VALLEY lli tltlf ,1 ippear ihal prior lo IIjf liciiiiiiniie (onfereiiee to the var-ioii Canada are uilitiilK to. presi-iit Great Slaughter bJ jL JL C whli-h 1.1 III day llii' nr Mid I ULiOnr.laihU I OH'.wild(m lor dale uvprdm-ta)1. fin natioiiK wliiin' pari ieipation I'rineess .Mary with a iiiatdiilieeiii with that you w.ik Uh utl ownr i. .MHishl. set of furs as a present on the BEEF llieivur. or othfrU'i an ulalprt tMlim--, TicklishSensation Kiirtlipr take mnirr at I bp samp limp oeeasioit of-her wedding lo Vis- to make -"(w m for new stock PORK I "hall pIThi i reumtralliHi In purananre r otinl f.asi-elle on l-'eliruary l'H. siirh app!n ili..ii and Imnip MUTTON a Oriinratr nf lmlprea.!liii; lit!.- tn IV ald land.' In llw( I'he kind of furs has nol yet been A IIIIIp llilflllia in Uh' Ihrufl li"w ami VEAL nanip of iin'.i. t n. i:rea imlp vou takp Walk Downstairs IbPti a ilr. lurVUMC cuurN. yuv UiluV II EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! and "twiii" ihf pmppr prwrpdiiin- In eeided upon, .lull I hey will he the FRESH KILLED POULTRY pslalillsh la Mut bail puuuatl tu bttllMT alseil. but v.ui I'lalm. If any. lo the aald best that Skeena River Farm Produce land, nr ! j rcvpnt siipIi pnnxiscd action and Save eau he ohliiilied in the i.m liark uukM a urrarli In lite inv part Money Dominion. Irfu, alralna I bp leata awl prrturra Ilia , Kalpd at ll- I and Ili-al.Hlrv VANDERHOOF CREAMERY Office, Prince BUTTER HniwrlR. i... ihln. iltn day of Ortobpr. II. C. Fresh L'ullet Ksii- way fur many awrr Isirp rtuu Irooblp.lurr lunt a aissl in COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS II. r. Marl.F.on. Per dozen . .' -55c ONGRATULATIONS iilaiil'a ml by llolinily. llPkimr. Irn and all Ladle wrarinc hpparel ptllnir of Tlllc-a. NORTHERN INTERIOR ro W M. I KI V NAI illl. Prliipp liiiurl. B. llifjlie.'t tirade Creamery Uliiia piwalWrii In liip Ihrual? TIM; dry. MIHIIM.I.n fi,"'r"i iwipt: ahtiil'r c. lluller in hulk 3 lbs. $1.45 FROM POPE BENEDICT barti nwrli krri )mi awakp. awl wlirii Everything n the store ruJuceJ. CO-OPERATIVE I'rllire lluprl. II. f pprl yisj pI U In Us fixirnllil u trrl a If IpppiI sud owPd ounpd; KIIANC1S I.ant in hulk. . .2 lbs for 35c IIAs. Kan..- rare II. o. trrw, Prince ARE WELL RECEIVED mhi liad bad ihi rest al all. Call and see our prices. Phone 81 IH'tMTi. B i;.. inort ra . 6 lbs. for $1 DR. WOOD S I'aeitie .Milk 9 tins $1 NORWAY FINE VRUP Limit Irl tim I.O.MiON. Jixl lis1 rrlwily nu nauln lo !( "DEMERS" CHARTERED Jon :i. A eordinl iJrd Ave. Phone .27 ACCOUNTANTS AND Ibal irrilatliK. nmim( ruurli un amnjiit Under New Management. AUDITORS Ilaiionx llaeoii, lh....37'zC telegram of eoiijrrntulalinn to r lt unllimr. Iipaluir aisl PU"-'riit llarlon'M Itaeou, than Kins; CleoVe upon the roiirliiiioo .niirrllr. ROM & SMALL xide. per lit 39c of the Irish lrely was reeeived Mrs. I'.' J..lniull. fori .Vllstml. II i:.. Strand Raaldant Partnar Marlon s llaeoii, sliced, per from Pope lleip-diel . ami rln:Ml.- -"I llli lia a Urklmir tiiffrml ruiiiii.for yrar.I mulil iiff D A J'T' (Jurlroxeii herring ball i conceded ly flaherincn OEORQE RORIE, CJ. pound 45c The KiHB ri;pljei expressing wit Ipti ultlii and bail lo alt up In Is-il , f)next iruciiruhle at nnjr I'acllictiwust Ul. Auditor for Prince huprt POTATOES-, will have .-iiueere Kiatifiealioii at tlm lu rrl rrlief. In fart. I rourlHsJ to I UpPt Port- uud it is ' Tlshy." Price. 130 per ton. Auihorli-d Trnap in bankriiplcjr in mirk of Sand.4iil SpmU lope it Kod will. lu tunill. I Irlpil ilHlrmil diH-lur' prr fI7 The lies! vvuy of InsiirinK n RiimJ liiullly trip H Cafe crfpU'Si- mull I hrartl of Or. WipkJV Audltipg tlii- week. Thin i Partnarahto Accaunta arriving to liuvc plenty of our liuul froieii ice. I'ricr I'lif I Irii-d It and fwund ,nray Sjrup. Innaatlqatlana Llauldallsna Hie lliiesl jtotato sliiiicd into INSANEllAN was"" SI pur ton. financial Rrporlt, treat rfliff allrr I bad Ukrn tlx- rlru ate. Aatlgnmanta NOW OPEN llii town. Order jiiru. uutllr aiHl liavr nii brrn Iruoblpil 4lin-I Olltfitu "ur w,'"-r,lu'lped nior can oupply flshliip pear faderal Phona 87 Building, lrlaa Ruparl(4 Terrueu CarroU the Iieit' CAPTURED AFTER A tlull alwa Ippp II m tlx Iwv- ' nsheriiien'H clothliiK. fctroccrie uud provi-loiis llr aim- and trl "Ur. VS.p'- HIwk All White Help G lbs. for 25c uud hiirdwiire. ' a.k fur 11 I'rirr j;.. aim a Terrace Turnip the FIGHT WITH POLICE Imtlli-; lull ne nij bv TlK T Mllllliril I .. . C lbs. for 25c 1 - ? I inilli d. Tumiilo. Out. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company For your neat ARRIVING. WEDNESDAY ! VANtlOl YKIt. ee. :;. J..!ii. Katohlkan, Alaska, Branch T. LEE 100 boxes wrapped BOAT apples jCorwin. believed lo he insane, The Store of Satisfaction" . Shoe Repair Job Per box 2 iwas eaiilui'ed with it wound in his Hhoulder ufler harrieadiiiK Thiri upple I worth L'.50 per We have In slock a compute Ladies' & Gentlemen's himseir in a shaek on the international try hox wholesale today ua we range of have paid that priee our-teveri. boundary and keepinu Still FURTHER REDUCTIONS TAILOR J. C. EMERTON the Canadian and t'liiled Stales II will he worth your HARTT Champion Shoe p'oliee at hay for hours. Fit Guaranteed Repair Shop while (m Kel here early on Kinad lllock, Third Avenue Thursday ami neeiue n lmx. in the jjreti t Third Avenue, opposite P. O. Navel' Oranges nrrixiii ALLIED COUNCIL Phone Red ,138 "Repairs while you wait" Wednesday. Extra pe- AWAITS PREMIER SHOES JABOUR eial 13 for 25c This California line is Grape iiiereasin;.'Fruit in Ad'oorns Following Resignation Stock Sale sale every year. Here Is (i ' of Head of Fronch Government. Reducing speeial Unit will help make $12.50 H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED II -more popular. llemeiiiluT that lhee are lare sizes. CANNKS. I lee." 1.1. The Allied per pair. lleail till- nil, and tflhe iohalllaui: of ln- ooU eiletilei; i, nil C. G. MINNS, 10o each. By the dozen $1.10 Hupreine i;onri yeaieiday adjourned Manager .Marmalade Oruiifre. do.. 70o imlf finitely owintr to the Aaeiil- fyr ev.l. .oo, ovr I he Item- u liou lino l'Ml, hit! the ooil; Hobberlin and Soml-neady Iheiiiselvi-.-. I If I All-: IN and not.- (he llAlldAINH Green Stun arriving Wednesday reiiiilialioit of- I'r.umii'i lli iainl Pre-Inventory Colery, No. 1 Cabbage, of I'ratiee. Nolhiuu Mill Jic done frlade-to-Measure Clothing, NINE FIVE Parsnips, Cauliflower, until a new pre'niier I uppoinleil. SALE CONTINUES Our ore Lettuce, loaded etc. with WIRELESS REPORT Ladies' Coais Ladies' Suits to clear at to clear at Rupert Table Supply Go. Ill'l.l. ll.vllllOlt Clear, calm; TO THE END OF THIS MONTH haruuteter, :ii).-.'0; (emperului-e. $25.00 $22.50 Phones 211-212 3i ; sea smooth. on all lines of Coats from $10.50 calm;Iii:.l harometer,Ul;THKK eu POINT smooth..'10.00;Cloudy,lem-perature, -just like 5 Ladies' Tweed Coats 1 110 MY ISLAM Clear, ealm: Suits from $15.00 harometer, 30.0H; temperature, new if to clear at ,11: sea siiiootli; II spoke $5.00 Brushed Wool Capes " $ 1 1.50 at jU'diherR'iiikuiir.'8 p.Hi. Moothhnuiid;'l:t!left Kelehlkan a. in. Mow often have we heard lAery housekeeper i ntVereil an opportunity lo share in the ' spoke I'rinee lluerfleft l'rlnee Mile of household staples Much mi exclamation from Hiipei'l ul iiiiiliiinlit southhoiiml: SHEETS, COTTONS, Raincoats COMFORTERS, BLANKETS, from $10.50 our customers when they !i:ir spoke Vleloria IP.'i miles FLANNELETTES see the result of the Dry from Ivelfhikaii, soullihoiiud. anil scores or other lines are sellluu at a log reifiielloii. eteauiiiy nml I'resitlntr we Silk Waists from $2.95 Noon give tlioir garments. J-'ill your requirement at these '.prices. HULL IIAIIIIAH Overeasl ealm You'll wty it too. when WHITE COTTON 5 yapdi for $1i00 Skirls from $3.50 harometer, .'lir.iO; teinienilnre, you see the work you ask OREY COTTON 5 yard, for 1.00 JH; sea smooth; II a.m. spoke SIIEETINQ .HI inches us (o do for wide, i'eulai- IHl.00. Sale Cc At lust have 'f.udomiii you, we I'rinee off AVlndell lluperl lioinl Dresses from $7.50 lumpy coal for healcri and a KMU.'j ii. iii.-soiiIIiIsiihhI; 1 1 :0.r JAhen Shall We Call? SHEETINQ PILLOW TUBINQ UO inehes III (p.,wide.-t reKUlar in., j.;t.25.per Sule yard 750 0o fiirnaeuD. Cudomin carries u.m. spoke (Jaiiiosiin left Surf REMEMBER that our Sale continues week. to the end of this lilvhcr heat tuiiU than uny Inlet at 11:55 u. in. soiithhoiind. Canadian Sweaters, all 33'3 off other coal sold here. OKAI) Tltlir. JMMNT Clear, Consumers Goal Go. Lid. calm; Jiaromeliir, 30.;i(t; tijinpera-l Steam Laundry Jabour Bros., Ltd. u if. :i7: ea sjiiooIIi. Phone 8 Children s ss Dresses from $3.75 DIOHV ISLAND (ilear calm; J. Lome MacLaren, Manager Phone 7 harometer, .10,Ii!; temperature, Third Ave. W Prince Ruport Phone 645 Third and Seventh iHi! T in i i , j 7'.'; stn -iioNilh.