Hy y 8 ~e a’ ty f fe 7 ee Tg lav. November 15 929 . PAGE TWO ; THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, oe 15, 1932 ey . ena —= saeaincianea elie Co OE ny y r mii i i i 7 ; 9k gag gm AR Rg mm A a oom BA Sy e ay THE DAILY NEWS. The Letter Bo x: . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA i : ; ee pS . r.. , Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert CHIPPING IN AS USUAL O e ort or ' iow Daily News, Limitea, Third Avenue } > % H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor A whole lot of people are already © af i } discussing a debate between Ald. mm) m0) A A A AR A A “ig Casey and George Murray on the Fi, SUBSCRIPTION RATES subject of adoption of silver as the yy; | j L Il | _A , Zity delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ..... 5.00 medium of exchange with a view bn i ING fel ows Hok American Foot a ATR] "for lesser periods. paid in advan. per week sac 14; of facilitating a business recovery. é m ; *8y mail to ail parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and I well remember reasons advan- ‘ Le d In Cribbae aa Sie Navy 30, Army 0 , f, United States, paid in advance, per year 3.0) ced by Ald. Casey last March when a ge Texas Christian 14, North Texas "ay mail to all other countries, per year 9.06 he introduced the subject before wor M M in: ia XaS Onis ' ’ . nil s . oy tmpress in Second Place and Mus- ; na . ic a ADVERTISING RATES the city council some of which were j, 04 MeLaughtin to Meet-Leo Jem- | yeyen soa Mages nee pied Duquesne 34, South Dakota 124 Tournament Under Auspices of PT ad F , " cheapening of money and enhanc- sen of Winni | nefeere: ane Magen Are Figd Ger rel 12. Clemson 18 Central Association Gets ** *Dlassified advertising, per Insertion, PE WOTD -.......ccrmccecseerseee cee GO? J ny ui curiency. ‘hese two reasons, vr i wer yan Ut : A 1 ao , 12 Under Wax WS ah > : : ar li bree y ; : j ghee ae Itah Aggies 13, Colorado 12. ‘F% “cocal readers, per insertion, per line ashi Ldiihaeds nog 25 reality as factors i | _—— . f P P . tif brought into reality as fact es Jack McLaughlin of Vancouver, | ag, ninete Primaa University of Idaho 17, Montana 4 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ... pf spipshiens the financial structure of the iddl soli savas h t Resulis in la nin Prince , ‘i The Prince lead Badminton » Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion | 1.4@ country, would produce a condition oN ee ine champ Of | uper: Cribbage League play were Miners ul zy a CFs akicta acinteftnlibelaniier mania | | ‘ ; Canada, arrives on tomorrow's boat) ,. ] Whitman 12, College of Idaho 0, Association's inter-e amen > Contract rates on application. usually termed “inflation of cur- as follows ; 7 AMG ‘der ay laatnent f . 4 ° irom the south to meet Leo Jense n| ee a si cial University of Arizona 13, Univer- got under way last nignt. iq? Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........................ 98 rency.” Cans dia n Legion 14, Oddfellows . : ‘ : AL sion, Canadian National ya” Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 86 It may be well to observe in con- of Winnipeg tomorrow night in ten | 113. ity of New Mexico 6. In A Division, ude t i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations et en ; rounds of wrestling under Austra- | Seal Cove 12, Eagles 15 —— Recreation Association defeated : a i pration.-sith oe a lian rules. This will be the sporting’ Giotto io Fikes 15 BILLIARDS POSTPONED Ske: ‘lub 9 te 6 and Prince Ru- Bice eg ng of tnis 2m- ‘ os “? 2 Vast } > Py 34 event of the season. ; , sain ; Oi efeated Rupert East NI" { } ‘ar : lislocation,” re Empress 14, Swifts 13 oe DAILY EDITION vais gre i seve ty Bere a8 be eo ee Jack is well known by many local! ier " sh? Seasleritiets 12 Deferred Junior Billiard League and Anglican 10 to ‘ Sidaae eee WOS and still is a strenuous struggle . | MoOOSe 10 iV ce Cee : a a ; dine o6 ’ . wrestling fans as a man who knows|_ , nes from last Friday night’s fix i Canadian National m4 jraging between two sections of the ; eague standings to date are as 5 er , i 7 : his stuff. Leo Jensen is also well’, ire betweer Jewele ind Co Recreatio Associati made nine a ; {p ‘ Hine ali ‘las rer the contro! of follows: 7 WAR DEBT SI ARRING i on a agp Pap ; ae versed in the art of clutch and grab W I rp Stora wert further postponed point evening play, Ru- a sneer prc Saeed, i eens. not, and will make the champ extend 6:4 f¢6119w: eee 1% from last night unbil today t East poin 1d Hillsicie hs Now that the U. S. elections are over it is possible to dig. "aduabrielicts, fam ne ® ae himself. nately | a eee eet Moose, Prince Rupert and United Ht, ‘ debts t fe ieee ae vee There will be three boxing pre-+,,,,..,, a ~ 1 Catholic, six each. ‘, are the We det ots WV "the UT fear of some Ameri ican poli financiers. such as insurance com- aco € & p Musketeers 71 64 4. tician raising a hulabaloo nave it. For a year or two the panies and bankers who have in- Moose ye ie - oe S. executives will be in a position to discuss any subject vestments in the farm mortgages, Switts 2 AON RT te ‘ wane ati Eagles 66 69 YI LS : ‘in a sane manner. demand deflation. B hi thal & Hi Ri ae nibs f ’ " vhf T Js bi +; As a starter the British government has asked for a re- _ However, my contribution to the asketball fecrcrs com, Ee... oS | re 1 of’ th . lel S citat ,. Solution of this problem, viewing it @anadian Legion 64 1 = (64 a %y ) newal of'the moratorium on war debt interest and a re- fom what I think is the rational se Elks Oh AR: te il satin ahaa fiw } dvision of the whole war debt situation. Other countries standpoint for supporters of the lien i 33 nent », Grotto eM Wie dniek: Callllibh<: Sablon We op . . . . . t Vaca ove +-Geende . ai ‘ WS, é ‘ al 210%) 5 ee a a io . me , doubtless will have their say and it is confidently expected capitalist economic regime to take, Ynoey (12) Z| Grotto: Bwift vs. 1. 0. 0. B: Sons Pont ee , - man " ie ‘ ini a er = eet “<3 Pt : age Circinnati Reds © ‘that a new arrangement will be made which will mater- is that the Dominion Government Ratchford (CE) cencceencenepyrmrneam 41 BASKETE A Li, f : rway vs. Musketeers; Seal Cove ; eastedh| Lanse iy ially reduce the burden at present imposed on the nations S20uld issue a Reconstruction Loan gmith (CNR) “} Bf vs. Empress ; of Eur ope. guaranteeing, instead of interest, a D. Gurvich (G) 38 Ni ber 24—Fish Packers vs. CINCINNA Ty Nov. 15 The own- 7 . complete satisfaction of one’s Pa- Irvine (K) 35 November 15—Panthers vs Grot *"| Swift; Canadian Legion ys, Sons of orchiy of the Cincinnati Reds Na- Me a sepiratens (give until % Kelsey (CNR) 34 to; Cardinals vs. Comet W arriors Norway; St. Andrews -¥s. Muske- tional Li ague baseball club an- LEADER TO SPEAK urts!) and amounting to the total Gross (K) 33/8 Merchants; dovers vs. Scouts. | teers: Seal Cove vs. I. O. O. FP.) nounces thi ppointment of Donie pense sum raised for the conduct of the gtijes (CNR) 29 November 18—Panthers vs. C. N.! Grosto ys Empress B ‘! 1 . f the t um on a last war. A ‘ vs. Cardin f T ixis Pe ’ ush as manager of » tes m é . ie Mitchell (K) 97, %. A.; Amazons ardina j RES ioe ee aye ge da ivtee sik) ela aalaae y Tonight T. D. Pattullo, leader of those who are opposed This loan would be distributed yyorvison iG) 9¢| 7s. Warriors; Japanese \ SPAIN Fae at ore - een aire the Pittsnure’ Pirate és won § to the Tolmie administration, will address his constituents, among needy people in the follow- ja mpie (CNR) 15 arpa “tee raza te yet ph naa res. fib we : ing pro rata manner: All the unem-. y;; | Seal Cove vs. Grotto; Canadian Le- §geries in 1927, announees that there He will have a great deal to say because a great many ™ po pate ee ae Wingham (K) 12 3 atin va. 2. 0.0. 82 Mina MM Celt ad toe’ dices Gilaaiaie wort ip} things have happened since he last spoke at a public meet- Po") ne who have v ae oe Pierce (G) 12| ‘ ia sie ads’ Yoee-ur, for tuk 1000 dbaben ring in Prince Rupert. Since that time there has been an carnca ices than #600 oe. wens een Cutie (G) 10; Menasenes: | December 8—Fish Packers ys, I ] . . er garned less than $500 per year 15% | potmore (CNR) 4| Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. |} December ish Packers ys, Bi abortive move on the part of his opponents to oust him and those whe have earned less D. Stalker (G) 4| Seal Cove vs. Empress, | 2. O By Musketeers vs. Grotto F TB Al L *from the leadership. Doubtless he will tell about how it than a thousand the remaining popey (K) 3 1 0.0.F. vs. Swift. Seal Cove vs. St. Andrews; Sons of ; happened and what has been the outcome. Following that ee ‘ive what 9 Nakamoto (G) 3 Moose vs. Elks — at eye Senor ‘avanntinaiak ohaasils ile - Se ashy visué né f . olec vs } sketeers S JMpress Novembe ; rae vs rn. move there was a big gathering of Liberals at Vancouver , “P® San casily visualize what @ Morrison (CNR) 3) Bagies ya. Musketers : tremendous era of capitalist pros- ’ . in .- <0 Se NN TTT ee and-Mr. Pattullo was aeclatmnal as the leader of a united oye r NGS A Py, B: Stalker (CNR) 2 r . % : : perity would be inaugurated by dis Menzie (G) 2 es 3 /party. It is probable something will be said about this ev- tribution of these reconstruction Ladies! Jeague ‘This morning's train, due from, F Pent. It is possible that Mr. Pattullo may give some inside dividends, What a good time will owe (card) ° o6 tatiana irae ae Lowe’ (Card 28 this morning to be one hour late eee ots " information in regard to the political plotting that has we eee re eon r down Morris (Am) 98) wich ‘would Meine ‘ee fae © tl a ( S 2 no 8 as why ‘¥P Wrehh Pockets FUt OF WANES tevine (Cam) 27 | | ee Bit ¢0; fe ing on dur “ pe Ah wv pe om an tate i hy and spend it in the most patriotic Boddie (Am) 21 _— _ it failed. At any rate there will be a great many people at fashion while patronizing home in- Ra. tka) i¢ _ wi the meeting anxious to hear at first hand about the con- dustry right at the home market. McLeod (am) 6; = — ) duct of affairs at Victoria. Merchants would get their stores Giivieh (Am) 8 KF quickly emptied. Wholesalers would Gilchrist (Card) 8 : , “pubis f rer Cope TNs Gey " send numerous orders for more and Harvey (Am) 8 LON DO | tay better goods to the manufacturers. gigne (Card) 8 a : yse tba ed el rm oor Maer PUREST (GJ[|N] AND BEST ; ; , y Brochu (Card) 4 : GN of the workless workers, leav-| yonncon (Com) 4 ‘ na ing the ee gf - eee Smith (Com) 3 ef unemnloyed duc to the technologi-| pinpens (Com) 2 Ex ‘ tee a oo oe ttn cal progress and our generous Intermediate Leards ca . after This advertisement is not publistwa *. displayea oy the Liquor oy ; bankers would get rewarded by|nNopamoto ('P) ue = the game Control Board or by the Government When you can’t sleep, it’s because your nerves won't let you. You need not spend a sleepless night if there's any Aspirin on hand! Take two tablets, drink a little hot water ~and go to sleep. It works like magic. This relieves your nerves of any little nagging pain or discomfort that keeps you wide awake, and Nature does the rest. Any day you have a headache, you take Aspirin and get immediate relief. Remember its comfort at night, when you can't get to sleep. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA to ” ~ SHOOTING SUPPLIES All Dominion Ammunition has Super- Clean Non-Carrosive Priming — Por Sale By — THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. bieger and better interest. Well, Mr. Fditor, I hone some bright mind will send this letter to the Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett and that it will engage his most serious con- sideration M. ANDERSON. Sieseil Sets New Record For Trip Across Atlantic NEW YORK, Nov. 15:—The North German Lloyd motorship Bremen arrived at New York after setting up a new record of four days, sixteen jhours and forty-three minutes for ,the Atlantic crossing from Cher- baurg The Bremen chopped 23 min- utes from the previous record which was made a couple of years ual by her sister ship, the Europa. haan Walker Off to Europe Betty Compson, Nealon Picture Ac- tress, Passenger on Same Ship NEW YORK, Noy, 15:—Ex-Mayor |James J. Walker of New York has sailed on the Italian line Compte Grande on another trip to Europe. |Aboard the same ship as the colar- ‘ful former mayor is Betty Comp- son, moving picture actress, whose /name has been linked for some time ; with that of Walker. They are headed for Paris ———— | ; W. EB. Brake, local manager of | Edward Lipsett Ltd., is at present fon a business trip to Ketchikan, jJuneau and other Alaska points }whence he will proceed to Vanou- ‘Morrison (T) Wingham (W) Comadina (W) Forbes (W) Pierce ‘(M) |E. Dingwell (M) | Hunt (M) Moxley (T) |Ross (M) iSmith (T) |Santurbane (T) {McNulty ‘M) |Gillis (W) Steffansrud {Burnett (M) Hanson (T) |Hickey (W) |Windle (M) Fitznatrick (W) F. Dingwell (M) Junior League Santurbane ‘(M) Obata (J) 1G. Willisecroft |Morgan (M) Viereck (BS) Nelson (BS) Novies (BS) Allen (M) Gillis (BS) {Kishimoto (J) |McMeekin (R) | Palmer (M) | Patmore (M) Mhristisan (M) Suehiro (J) Greer (R) (Ww) (R) + ~ hentholatum “The Healng Cream for Bruises, BITES, a 2) Curs TirEDFEeeT Etc. 20) MADE IN CANADA 19) 18 | a ke 15 | 13 i 12) : Prince Rupert 4| |, DRY DOCK 2 2 | AND 2) 1} | SHIPYA 42 | 25 | 14! Operating three Dry Docks 13 Total capacity 20,000 tons > Shipbuilders i and Ship Repairers 10 for Steel and Wood Vessels 9 Tron and Brass Casting , | Blectric and Acetylene Welding 6 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts 6 | 5 §awmill and Minirtg Machinery 5 Repaired and Overhauled EO NEIOAS IEHOT NE IMT AT ANT iow returning here next month, ws s - Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnage coal of British Columbia oR ap eee. Do not sell your FURS Until you have seen the Old Reliable GOLDBLOOM You can always be sure of fair treatment from him. tht ae OIL BURNERS ESS DIRT — LESS LABOR f ‘ONSTANT STEADY HEAT “WHITE FLAME” For Hot Air Furnaces the burner moderately priced and absolutely efficient led with tank, $85.00, For Hot burner, ee or Hot Water Furnaces the “SUPREME” forced draft ie most modern and satisfac tory burner on the market at a low price, $125.00 installed with tank. Let us give you full details Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. | en eo ee | aauvanann a Trappers and Buyers 2S ee wis —5 natural draft oil Price instal-