PAQE TWO TITR DATEY HEWS " Iteer nf fit own at the fiemmrr-"PTal 1 The Daily News llije. He knew accused very "5 In the Letter Box well. I Id writ tlieir room was pniNCE nupEUT - nnmsH Columbia sitting room In which he pave .-two Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince men a drink. Wilne ti.l ABOLISH ROAD TAX Itupert Iially News. Limited, Third Avenue. that lie always went lo Hie hotel M FULL POUND I II. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. in the momma fur a drink anil if PACKAGE .1il..r. I tit 1 1 - News: lie was short borrowed whiskm At tti' insent lime when col-! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: from Colombe. The men he met Chock-full df ihat lecloi's ure husy in the c,ly eol-i were dressed as workina men. lectin Ihe iniquitoos ra. rich flavor which andj City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 "The contalle say they lime lht the, .oil iHXi-s is i not By mail to all part of (lie British Empire ami the United Stalest, bouaht lliimr and paid Cnlomlie has made I of these iWrect imptiSilions , In advance, per year tfl.00 for it while you wer there?' h looked into unit the ald taxes To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 questioned Mr. Hnnialr. Witness NABOB .iiii'ii-hi'il l i .-i-nl a miiii TELEPHONE 9$ denied Hint lUIiiilte was sleep. i i'iiima a Iiomsss pas all the nron-. All advertising should be in The llaily News Ofllce on day pre ing at (he rime and he jrrvt the key TEA rt inyi on Iri- aM htHie in-I ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. lo Hie locker from underneath hi "the choice of ti!-- Iv Ihrotivh his rent. W hy Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. pillow. They ilid not pay him for thoie -who knour .Ii.ri iminate upnn him hy makinx anything as he did not sell whis. turn pay aiMHkmal taxea of t'.oO he. DAtLY EDITION it$$2fitt Saturday. Nov. I. 102. key. W hen Colombe t arrested TEA as it should .i'i year witness hal file liollles . f I In' .t.ilensenl Dial the lenaiil Early Interest In wlilskey and nine heer in lli-riMiin. liny- taxes iii) hi rented prqerty Municipal Election. indiK'itlv hut siirelv thrtHigh his Though Ihe next njiiniHjl election is slill more than two Mr. flonale: "hid son so-Harrison mi i. iipMrled li Ihe following month distant, interest in it i alr.idy manifest, ami the cub around there ai any i ' i n an i-ue of Hie To.) ....-I - . I r ., ., .. 1 jti i i run-in himi- oi iiim-ii!iou. ror tne mayoralty some other time- nl.. liiin aii or MlttifiMl He. definite niiiioiinrements have been made ami there are manv ru Wilne.: ".iv sir." I l li Th is. Ilradshaw, lalej mors. Major llochcster seems to be studying the Held and ho Vitnes aid that he knew iM -omie'i.i.sioner of f usance uf has not ye! announced a to whether or nol he will Mouth for re-1 well and bad taken ipilli' eleelloii. He announced Mflcr the lat cnmiNtign Ihat he would not a few drinks with him but be had it - not iincomiiBin in aMinf run again, but it i understood Dial circumstances may induce neer bmisht any lipior frm, ii.ii no- ih Imnlen msvlnlv tails, mm to reconsider that deci-tou. him. i Ho' well lo to ami mil upon' Qav Man Liquor 'to- wiihi' earner. A mtmenl'st Some Reasons For In reply to rros eiannnnin n ..ii-.i.raliriB will com were any- Stimulated Interest. by SoHeilr HiMier witne aid join- Dial il dislrMMilfis ll-rlf I'erhap (lie uiniiial interest thai promises tu feature Ihe that accused wurked around Hie, lilno.iMh .ill llviaa - it! 1ULM election CMmMigii i doe lo the fact that civic hotel doimr odd Job and that he ibougliLanv i .appear in Ihe rem. in I lie fo bii"ines lias been more In the limelight during I ho pa! ynr did not know either of the men i,hiiu at the h ii Hi- llll stn.l in IKe i.esee a,f I than has been 1he rae for several year previous. The increasing wlilch be jinve n drink when heil'Cival room N. tth' i"' In- I tuna that the poor as well u thel taxation i making ilscU keenly felL The lloolh Memorial met them. The two men had cpt n Holhi-s .Hi.l r.Hifn rich must huy. Trie landlord andj For Infants dainty vests .School affair has been in the mouths of the citizen for months. walked into the hotel first but .No. 3rt. which was lo nlair. in lite merchant are -monidpal with the downy softness of Ilelrenchmeut in the city ball staff ba been recommended ami could not find nnylwidy in. Wit. Mr. IhilMinl's ahseiice. s No. 4 i.ifi nls for Ihe roHectlofl of taxes,: the very finest quality wool threatened. .Street work ha caused rsunnieiil ud I lie fj. T. P. nc had gone inside to tet himself was lip-lrtii .. II. n it? yen if tln-. or their IWishIs or they cannot irritate the taxation agreement was, early in the year, a point of difference. a drink and Hie n-n followed Hioin l i lH-i'iiiie room .HI was cisloiier. do not recoame the tendercst skin. Each of these items have been warmly discussed not only in the him. He not the key of the locker pi Mr I M'iililale, and No. ;it ha1 laet. Any man who hHieve thai city council chamber but generally among the ritixen. As n i tn.m underneath CdomJe' nil. a large window. There was a tie ran' live in a city ami mil eon. They are unshtinkabU ami suit, there has leen a good deal of comment on civic administra- low. unlockeil the locker and Krte locker iir roowi 3fl in which to- li ilmli lo il reieiiite 4 Hm'er a retain their shape and soft "feel" lion. A keener tiilere! has been awttkened In the government of the men a drink. Witness aH Lepl lMer. Wlilskey. VKtallea. dehis.on for he Miy hi quota, after many washing. hip coy. .Many wno never oeiore women nimul municipal irov that lirvlomlw snmelme .lept in meal, etc. Mr. Couture at" kept either mrowHNisly or unennj Tie-over style. (n buttons, eminent, are keen on getting into or around the ring if only to his room as it was a better room liquor in there at lirtves and hv - -lv snii onHtM"nlly, eeey. ' no pins) or roai-style buttoning nie exiem oi preparing lo register their conviction at the poll having a lamer window and thus often iKimiwed miiiic of ln whis me o'oHikl he interested in effl.i down front. in January. irivins Iretter venfllalion. key. - lent u-o ernntenl at lis lowest For oldtt kiddiit underwear ( Saw Harrison Ach4 sold Ihat Hie three I osiidn -n! " I of the same famous Mercury Definite Policies I. Sesuin wtbs the next witnea oe of Irftnu John wttiskey ami Hen ia Prince Huperl a man quality. Will Be Demanded. called. He identified Constable the fie bodies o Henry SinS. with a large ifefsnene livtna in bis. We also make infants bands JHtx:i :: It i generally conceded that the craft of munlrlpal affair i Harrison but did not reowmlr son whltkey itftaluceH in court wn h'OJse Is exerHfit fenm these and ties. appniaching dangerous waters, w here sortie careful pUnling will (Uinstable llixon. He reuwtitteredi beonirei lo him. He had boiiaht taxe. hut awnritins nsan earning for Comf. irt -ak for -s be necessary to bring it through silfrly. a doteti hollies of whiskey froen Itelreiichmeiit. wheever seeinit Harrison at the corner of ay khJ.oo Mr month or in mha' pos.iiue. appears to he a neressily. in Tart. thl would almost I'lrsl enue and KiRhlb Street the liquiH vendor a few lUys pre- s . Iiyiea in a renle,! seem to be the keynote of future successful management. How utside the luiHuereial Hotel v urns la his aerrei. lie riad f. l.ou" Is in snite of him ayin this retrenchment Is to be effected is wliere the turned two of Hie to Couture dicnioii will ahoiil 8:30 in Hie itmrninir. He byllles hi jut shire i f ti-s lir"iali arie. To decide this is the duty of the councillors individual!v wait talking to (Unit tire when liar to repay huh lor twe) Ke hn4 ther wtlllHed to Ihe Itine of I'.lHl and collectively. It will be necessary for candidates for office to rison caims alonjr. with aimlher horrovted am! th rewiaiaanK two his rent anal uroeery bills, fur-per have definitepolicies to lay before the electors. Citizens will ufcin. Ilolli men tril the doors of the ihwen )MlMrj)Mmk H. year. I look for these now more than jnsi fromi personal or friendly I iiie imiei mu eaol ihey wer.- sofue Irirnsls.- i0tty akl thai. Ak.ltie enmias invinieipal elee. standpoints . It is well that the public should show a definite in locked. wltan.JJie roistatls sxvmv to ar- t on il I up la the Trad' terest m. civic affairs mid require constructive pntgrnms. The U itiieuM told Iheni that there ie.t hui. Oiey r4. tl wareaiit o Labor O uhcsI ami all sutlers tnl people Will never gel any more than Ihey expect or demand. should be somebody a'"ut at that Htm in the isallinsnm as it wa- lhritv to vet Ihelr eandiilje In! Undeiiuear Therefore, it is fitting Ihat (heir expectations and demands should time of (he day and on Iryinir the dark nl the lime uiu the ! pletlfie UtemM-lre. n Ihe abolish, be a little greater than have been Iho rule for the past few years door found it opei. He .li reeled was the nearest room wiUi a llnkt ween I nf the unjMt. preiilortc JllercuryJUIljJCjmifcdfliVnihen-CanacLi I hem ( fen down the iassflre iatn in it. H denied ihat he had .ool lirssj-i laie and ee I bat, in fu. s msis or r3Silrr ano usjotavwtaa Labor Said To Be two rnumls ton MSH.VVOMCN AND CHI VOUCH the back of the house. Witness of driaks Ui ijiii. lure we tenant do md bate o Out' For Control. said Ihat Ooiture went inside with table Harrison and Uixwn. pay the lamllord's share nf the That labor is to make a bid for the control of city affairs them. Accuse,! aa id thai he was not a taxation of Uie eity n well a our in lO'.T has been a common declaration during the past two . examine.! I.y Adieitor rwgt-Hr hotel rletk and 'ie had own. months. It is even reported that organization is well under wnv HrMer witness said Ihat Hie iie-n only taken the joti hi until he XK OK Tin: VICTIMS. ami that a labor slalfc is all ready In get into the field early In the mentioned Ihe fart found MNMelhinc leller. He had Ihat they LAND ACT. DA IT ur froien herring bait Is conceded by fishermen jramc. utoor canuitiaies ror the mayoralty and the alderinanb-Imard wanted a drink and he told them ner beefi in trouble before and IkEEXV ton (l STRICT fU STRICT Of Orl 1 mentioned. bad Beyer sold whiskey heer HI OlftM ClUhLOTTK. 0 be ,h( finest procurabla at any Paci0e Cosat are being frequently While or they be may a lo pro lo Ihe end of the paa;e Take links IMI . Ihe Lwifir rik f'ort and It Is little slower in preparing, it i very likely Ihat the business interests Witness anyone at any tiii lie hd seen la im1 rsrkuis- Cnr. Ltd.. tJ .) "Fishy.- Prica, 130 per ton. not in the was hotel At l(rsr, ormpsiK I mwr mirnd. t, Ilia beat of ii way insurlntT a food quality trip Couture Ifp will at become oiiimmI mi organized for the campaign. A good 3:50 p.m. on October II. He said oiery murninic P1t rr nennlMH to lre Ik fulln mixture of the two without too much predominance on one side that he w j a chum of Cohtmhe UrrHiiMl the hole Accused wa.' .Uw!...-hm i 14 - ton. to have plenty of our hard froien Ics. Price. so Ihat all classes be represented should make a good governing r.oi aiwiiy uh when lie eaui s tiw ii-ett cnenrr of tee, o i: I per and that Colomhe did nol drink. body for Prince It u pert in 10 2.1. He had around a be hail lo stay up late !wo tea bwir-k.i.rnsins nnrta-eeoerir I i.w iir i.f I..V Ollf fife f),,r mH-e1ulped store ran supply flthlnt vesr neyer seen whiskey "-"""nuiirnnn when he had been in any Ihe bark of 3l ntafil on his dutie and did not Ji"',?-!1 'OZZ ??MrK"L"li "TT ana nsrdwars. i elotulnr, troeerles and provlii ne f Lohk John and five bottle of the premise with Colombe. rise very eany in ine murninir. e-'. "mmsme ua arres EVIDENCE IN Henry Siiitpnn whlnkey on ex. Drink of Water LAXQARA niHIXO ASt PArKIXO NEW ENGLAND FISH Proprietor's Evidence Company CiT. LTD. Iiihi! as the one ui.en from ac- Cross examined by SoHeilor txted -r. S4pt. 1 1 lb. Itf. Million!, of the proprietor cuxed'i nuHil, The MUle had IIimuhii nn 11..1 -aLI lliul 1. .Ik.1 KsUhlkan, Alaska Branca LIQUOR CASE Commercial Hotel, said that Cot ... i.. a.. i .... . ... 1 iam acr. been initialed by the ronlahle on mm mi) luol sem IIU'OILI, Lsll IIISTHII T nUThlf-T f) oiiiIm had been working at the ho cod Hie dale bad len fMil there. twxi men to the hack of the prm- Ttk xJC. IUhLOTTE tel since Sept. 15. Accused inal r. the Laaear riib. on. wns ie net a dnak unless il wa'?? rrki cr. ud.,, r s4a E. Colombe MipHed lo sleep In room 3rt lfHH THEO COLLART, LTD ff,T&y Denies Allegations of Couture' Evidence for a drink if wale. He ha4 ity TmmtiMi i wi ihe - - Provincial Government 1 Oilli O.iilure jrave etiilenre when he. Iiulxinl, was not in lown btmirhl whiskey hy the case hut JX, .WiTKrWV Detectives (. Uie defeiwe. He .aid Ihat he and slept in room .No. t when he dbl mil know why S.-inn had !l,,'wrL",n ' tn. c i,- FOR RENT was in town. Hoom 3A was Jwt. i i nisi nnria K wai lr had a room at the Commercial said he did nol drink. IhU- lie Ihwra ice mams twin i.irly akmi b.V The takins of evi.nce in the Ilotet. He identified Provineial ter for accused In slay in as it bad kmiwiTXeuiun- for uinu ......l...:. 'i.aler "SVi-niark iiitu.rT m rhiiu! lo..-.i.hira 10 Room Furnished House. $55.00 r.rnet whikey telling 'iHiUhle Harrison hut was not whs nearer the 'phone and mors) he did not adHMt that Ihey wer ahia biik aaier mark lo set. eontarnlnr convenient for attention lo lie arres aeire up Irss. rae was continued ve.lenlay af- sure of fkntahle lixon. He first riis. Ii il ins. Hit the inorniUM in iiiii-h- LAXOAHATtSHixa axd rfkiso Phone Blue 89. Wsslholma Theatre Block. P.O. Boi ternoon in Hie lomers. ln October t?, the day COT city Mliee eonr' tion LTD. iuiw llarri..m allhe imiiyreial :ie was in IhiI asleep l.ul Dated spl, m, before on which Colombe was charred Magistrate MeOlymont. Hotel arwurul Oel. 10 or I J about wk up on lo'.irina meti laikniu and adjournment was inade nnUI H..10 in the iw.rninjr. He reuwm. with selling liquor, he wan in Maaislrate MrClymiHil ailjoiirn- Notemher 7. t-red that llarri-on and Dixon Terrace. Accuss'd occupied room el the case until November ', af i BiBiBiBiBjBiBBaBJBJBaBJBJBBBBBBBflBaBaHBaBaTs Serneiinl Merdinehy. in nivinc No. 30 then and Mr. Couture had ttr bearinn bbbbbWOJ had lrie.1 to jt int the Vminer. Mr. (loiuale. .lad bis evidence, .aid that be went to rial Hotel hut -aid they could not room No'. 31. lie bad seen Con- Ihe case for the defence and S.. ii the Commercial Hotel .,n Oef. jfl rind anyone around. They came stahle Harrison for the first lime licitor HiMiier for the prosim-tion. armed with a search warrant. Ac. on Or toler 3l when he bad raided mil asain and witne t,M.k them INVITATION cased was there Hl the tunc and in. They said Ihey w-re looking the place. Witness said lie often to LADIES tf.k the .on.tahl.M. to h,, ,oom for a drink and he ave them one. drank with Couture who hail room Witncs i.ienHfi.Kt ii,.e i.itie. Itc aid (hat he had whiskey and 3t for which he paid II a month. In reply to question put by Mr. Our Store lionales, witnes said that be Mrs. Hent has had seen Coloinhe drinkinit mnny just returned from a ImviiiK ti i. We now have on display an absolidi "I Had Terrible Backache tunes with his friends Ami had rvclusive raiiKe of neer seen him e any liquor m at door From Kidney Disease" any liue or form. He identified your several glase produced in Evening and Semi- Mrs. M. A. McNeill, Ca oiirl as Klasses ned in Ihe bith. Our New Catalogue naan Sta., N.B writes t room, "I wet troubled for year III reply to cross eiainillHtion showing with terrible backache, mulling by Solicitor Hooper witness said from kidaey diieatc. At timet in , that he was in Terrace on lues, Christmas Gifts-is Evening Gowns each month I remained ia bed. day. Ortoher l, and Thursday. 7 the pain wti more than I could October 13, and knew nothing of ready to be in sue raoRfna from Hie 3t to il. 1 ear STW land, and to walk wai almoit actual occurrences with which Send AT VERY REASONABLE PRICE8. mailed. impouible. 1 uied about $50.00 ai'i-UHfd was charged. for Also an delusive Line at L au.i worth of other Accused on Stand We cordially iv,u to metLcinei, but you Inspect it today. our - k w.thout br,n,r under oblln.llon to buy with little result. Now I am !'.. Coouie, (he accused, then any completely better, after uiiog w.'iil 4llto Hie box to jrive eidence. only five bosee of Dr. Quie'i He said thai h bad been employ, BENTS LADIES' Refo-t-W- STORE Kidnry-Lver Pill. ed at Ihe Commercial Hotel since Sept. n. In reply to quest Ion pUt Dr. Chase's Kldney-LIver Pills I by Mr. Oomales wilne.s said that "Th House of Better Values." be hail never aeeu Constables i Opp, Bank of Montreal.Thlrd Avenue. On pill a diHMs Strta. boi. All dreJrrt, or Miismim, iUU A Cu., Ud.. Torualo I Harrison or llixon until the day be was arrested. They bud never