fiss Alice Moir’s light, flaky hicken Shortcake BT always use mA and recommend i ; Baking m I er,” says \ Alice Moir, in of one reals I partment- rgurant Magic come ency ynomy to st degre’ fesides, it al- es depen lable results. le-hearted agreement majority of nd cookery se Magic sively. And 5 ar 4 Canadian housewives CHICKEN SHORTCAKE « because 1 gives CORe at , results. 2 cups pastry flour better » outsell (or 134 cups of bread flour) pnaer ie ; 3 teaspoons Magic Baking Powd combined! oy ee aking Powder “4: y2 teaspoon salt with Chick- 4 tablespoons shortening with Magic 1 egg iS cup woeer Note its deli- r lightness! cane Sift dry ingredients; add shortens ing and mix in thoroughly with a steel fork; add beaten egg and suf- ficient water to make soft dough. Roll or pat out with hands on floured board. Cut out with large floured biscuit cutter, or half fill greased muffin rings which have been placed on greased baking pan. Bake in hot oven at 475° F. about 12 minutes, Split and butter while hog, and fill with hot creamed chicken, Makes 6 shortcakes. “Co NS NO MEM"Thinstate = Free Cook Book —When you ere euee = bake at home, the new Magic Cook that MagicBaking Book will give youdozens of recipes poner $e tree for delicious baked foods. Write rey, bacmitul tagrer to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser — Ave. and Liberty St,, Toronto, One. eae Ss = _——— coWARPSB Up, f Own BRAND SYRUP A Treat for the whole Family- an Excellent Food. for GROWING CHILDREN amen Try it ,} To- dary! | C4 ‘Kenzie $ Furniture rstmas Gifts For the Home Christmas Gifts for the Home iall deposit down, we W ill de- for you Christmas Eve. Watch This Advertisement For Suggestions ind Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. ION STEAMSHIPS {CIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER ROM NCE RUPERT $32.00 RETURN ' SIMPSON $35.35 RETURN Vancouver also apply from intermediate points am Tickets ty Sale Between November 10 and February 28 Helusin Good to Return Up to March 31. Children, Half-Fare ER _— _ LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ARR. VANCOUVER oe TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. THURSDAY, P.M. TURE 'HURSDAY, 12 MDT. SUNDAY, A.M. k . and Aji Information From “ert Ageat, R. M, SMETH, Second Ave. Phone 568 T Pursere §.S. Cardena and 8.8. Venture 4 c CANADIAN PACIFIC Falls and Way Ports PRINCESS PRINCESS NORAH ANELAIDE ry xv, 20, Dec. 4 RE ROL N, Nov ANCOUVER Vickers (SU WINTER EXCURSIONS TQ VANE “' stile November 1 to February %8, 1938 : ; | return Imi? March Stet, 1933 I ; r wri / COMES ¢ rite , prince Rupert, BE. ) ns ree ” You read the classified advertinemonts? =e wil) be THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS Wrestling tomorrow night. For day and night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32, tf C.L.D.L. Dance Nov. 17 Exchange | Block. 266 Louis Astori sailed this after- | noon on the Cardena for a vaca- tion trip to Vancouver Fresh killed Bulk *y Valley Rab- bits 25c. and 40c¢ Dreteatite Market. 264 | Just arrived Leather Jackets in Biack, Brown, Navy. and Green. $9.95. Annette’s 264 Buy your Boys’ Shoes at Cut Rate Shoe Store where the dollar has the greatest value in the city. Don't miss the Oddfellows’ Gance Friday, 18th, Venetian Orche ra Good refreshment Admission 50c 3t Will the whose Dlue or grey fox fur was exchanged ac -identally about a monta ago please phone 239 264 Hyde Transier—aAl! coais are in dry shed. See adv. for prices, $1.00 ver ton lower than any other com- vany in town ti Unpainted Furniture. Very suit- wole for Christmas presents A nice selection to choose from. See ow windows. Gordon’s Hardws Mc Bride Street The wrestling bout Wednesday i big show—one of the big- gest events Prince Rupert has seen After an illne of about two weeks in the Prince Ruvert Gen- eral Hospital, Mrs. Frank Clapp has been able to leave the instity-} tion for home and many triends will be glad to learn that she is NOTES error Basketball tonight Anditerium, 7. ——- -— Marr’s’ Messenger Parvice, Phone 290. Rate Shoe Store and get sible values, Reserve seat sale Grotto Cigar Store for Bout Wednesday McLaughlin vs |B, Diekson, 19:30 this tt Bring your city scrip to the Cut best pos- now open ai Wrestling evening. —-. Jack Leo Jensen. Union steamer Carcena, Capt. A. returned to port at morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern pojnts and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon |for Vancouver and waypoints. la Tee EL Give him the ki of body build he*requires SCOTT'S EMULSION ya la as Te) zy D> Cod Liver err (F ! atta tt pA Rickets Preventing Vitamin D ee et E. Morrison who hk it Anyox, arrived in the Cardena this ym his way back to River Northland motorship Norco 5 o'clock f Claxton cannery is been visiting with friends the city on morning, being the Skeena Transportation eS arrived in port at yesterday from Ketehi- =— doing very well kan, and, after discharging one colina load of frozen salmon for Father B. M. Leray OMI. of insshipment East over Canadian Stewart arrived in tke city on the| National Railways, sailed for Van- Cardena this morning from Stew-|COUver and Seattle art and will sail tomorrow after-| Sg Fp inoom-onm theP#ince Rupert for! " Anyox where he will minis toi the parish for the next month Announcements ‘Any and for iMtle effort little work News. Get ers to the paper One Dollar per for 10 weeks, get to work! oll by s against Leo Jensen ber 22 Liver, 1 lb 25¢ aor Bacon, % Ib T. D. Pattullo, Leader of the Op Elks’ Bridge and: Whist Novem. Pork Chops, 2 Ibs 50¢ nosition for British Columbia and| oer 23 3 Ibs, Apples ; Member of the Legislature for : ~— Shoulder of Pork. 4 Ibs Prince Rupert, was the speaker at Presbyterian Bazaar, Noy. 24 a tke, Avaiian today reguiar weekly luncheor -— be of miek 4 Ibs 75 of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club in Mo Hard ‘TimesDance Nov. 25 3 lbs. Apples c the Boston Cafe. President William | - - Raeae Veal Cruickshank wa 1 the chair and United Chureh Bazaar Dec. 1 ae Ne there was a large attendance of} — ; ; i | ose bridge whist Der. 2 eg of Lamb 20 club members and guests Moose bridge and whist D 2. Ss c Stanley N. Boyle. for five years! Moose Legion New Year's Bye ¥ 95¢ xaccountant in the office of the Ca dance co »S sachs 7 Stewing Vea nadian National Telegraphs here, te 50¢ has been notified of his transfer} 4 Ibs adn ef sin Vanennver t the _ ihe ad to mai! 111ce il incouver a i ( ns bbe Sapam an ane an 957 — Phone — 957 end of tl month. Mr. Boyle has become well known and popular SSS in. Prince Ru will be re- during his residence and his ceparture friends pert eretted by many “essor has not yet been named . SOUTH Winter Sailings From Princes Rupert Ocean Falls, Powell and Vancouver, Thursdays, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling at Queen Charlotte Island Ports. Fort- nightly service. Particulars on requost. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednes- days, Fridays at 9.30 a.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Passports arranged for Old Country sailings. Fee mation call or write tor B, MoEWEN, D.F. a Fa. Prince upert, B.C. for River V-100R.-82 ANADIAN A 1 ON TIONAL His suc-? We need the money the goods, and at now reduced and make saving. Nabob Coffee 5-lb. tin Spring Salmon - Sockeye, 1-lb. tin 2 tins Asheroft Ketehup pints, 2 Pure Jam—-Strawberry berry, Gooseberry Loganberry. 4-)b. Robin Hood Flour bottles tin 49-Ib. sack Peas—No, 4 per tin We deliver all orders $2 Cents” P. O. Box 575 Daily Specials . You need Our stock is fresh prices a substantial $1,99 Equal to $1.29 MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store “Where Dollars Have More 18 — Phones — 360 317 and 319 Third Avenue Buy 25c 25¢c Rasp- 49e 12¢ or oyer ——— | es | Phone 657 a», FOR RENT—Unfurnished six-room | house, 239 Pourth Ave. West. | Phone Green 89. 275 | Per FRESH LOC AL MILK Permanent Wave SPECIAL from $3.50 up For November Only Call for free booklet giene. What every should know Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 on hy- woman RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. } | Phone Red 608 or 953 LOST RT i nd DOMINION DAIRY |LOST—Ladies’ white gold watch. | 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Finder kindly return tq Daily = = AUCTIONEER FOUND ai at ed oS ous : List your goods with us—Prinece POUND—Ladies’ Kid Glove, 7th, Rupert's leading Auctioneer. Street near Post Office. Daily ste __ G, M. HUNT aren sentieaitigeinp wrssietncerereneninmes | Sal euati Phone Ked 637 FOUND three keys on ring: with | cash register labels attached. | | | Daily News. DANCING The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping earn and General Furniture Repairs CAP DANCING taught by Miss El- List your goods with me eanor Tite. Phone 20, t| GEO, J. DAWES—Phone Black 128 ‘TYPEWRITERS | ag | For Christmas Baking ' For Sale or Rent Rawleigh’s Best Quality Ex- Rose Cowan & Latta tracts, Spices, Baking Powder as Phone 234 | Phone Black 623 *LARive weiter i> * ;*