Krld, ( f am TWO TTTB HATCT imVB j j .ad iMnfft rmlit lr The Daily News APPRECIATION sT4BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB.Oaaaaaaaaaaas PRINCE nUPRFlT BRITISH COLUMBIA Ihe - .iwk in trad f Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince AVIATOR PREST wimikih I el'l'mt lf wmfita, kHl Ihe Rupert baily New, Limited, Third Avenue. th,.iinH, enrfoali to large i . , a -fL. mm. II. P. PULLRN, Managing rditor. Fairbanks Paper Speaks of the hosiness man jeaioos. Daring and Skill of Former SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Vlsltoe Here City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.0ti Ten Years Ago By mail to all parts of the Hntih Kmptrn and the United Htatrs, ialor Prel who is with H in advance, per year $0.00 Ihl evening may truly ! said In Pt'ncm Kuprt To all other countries, irf advance, per year v .$7.60 ! tin pioneer of aviation m tin- North, anil will prnbaldy l thr Setmbe I, 1911. TELEPHONE 0S flrt man to ienelrate Iiy air h.-; having dad charge i I hp North by individual effort, f-.r c " A n Ilea ii ItllMrch Transient Display Advertising. .,$1.40 per Inch per Insertion lint year he will make it Si f... ,..t sit vear, lliahofi Do transient Advertising on Front Page. ..',... I2.S0 per inch leria, says Hie Fairbanks News. V. rii. l will liesl week -1iai,l the Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Mincr-OHIien in a recent numbci . ii..i..ii .ver i Hrv K. Hurehj Classified Advertising, per Insertion. 2c per won S the Hlark Wolf Souadron who will arrtvr in a day or Legal Notices, each insertion . 15c per agate lim beat Mr. Prest lo this roiinlry In i i'Ii'H arlioii inn-! I'i't'tiriliM from Winnipe. He. K. 5o. j Contract Rates on Application. i wo yearn Intt Ihls was a de lme Ihere is the timn wdh the new IIsmi wilt I- In unnnrei nf Ht.' All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding trip, with all the difficulties t""-j iwotiirlHtal wti-i tll- yHi alut peter'. Sent I'M'. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. sible smoothed and varnished forj how she start on the first turn i - Mimbw of Audit Bureau of Circulation. them. They had no advance agent. f the fly who-1 and iHcre is C.vl Sn.lers "HlnMMi" aiv. who went ahead and arranged for the man who tt- and My H . K. ItttsfctH-ook'a "Nor. DA1LT EDITION Friday, September . 19?3 ami hail evrry necessary I Ming, or nothing bl whose face l k llieru ;rss" are the Ulesj eerining inai woiii.i n ncccs- nent when ytm tell a story. to the local HH.juii." ry if it was, on the ground when fleet. IMIli are tml"Hf and Time To Consider ihry arrival. They had the op-ulatlon THK shy nfan is the one who .emoiabiHis ereftt Daylight Saving. of every limn en rmite cannot ne the wor eoMl na : 4. This i a frond time to consider the question of da light nv work'lng for them, creating landing tion without tdu-hlng Mr and Meg. Arthur 1:. I.uiie and tnr lh leave on the Prince Hotter! I., in F in order to determine whether to adopt it next yeor or not place lu-epnring arnd o hnmpiel afterward. They hail tie-government tosip nes mornnv rnorning enruie t.. II ha been given a god trial and there are many argument for of the United State 4u4cftts fft litltie pea tnal Warner. New Hampshire, wher. And against it- Possibly the city council may see its way clear hMfcttf I linn, the command of A tnatttIMtSt elUi w ako- they will simrtd iwn ntontli m to hold a plebicile at the annual election lo decide whether to telegraph lines and the wrathei lutely utWeeessary Ming the I'd,I home. This, will have it next year or not. v' htireau doing nothing hut keep 'nr Mr. Ulilr's firiH hntaay aine AFTKfl tin ring your fHmt foe Princr llHrrl them advised a lo how the roos- emitting to Those who favor putting the clocks ahead point to the great few tnnriifti it is Mf ta settle Irf on the weather-vanr was suctcss-oi me looinau, itasenati ami lacrosse game this season, "ftevlaling" at thai partienlnr wa M Wl si. ea-y to etle GOOD CASH PRIZES something which would not aave been possible had Ihere been hitur. Kvery pilot hail a wfeehan-jrtan. P. no daylight saving ordinance. Many who have taten the evenings anil r ery mechanician had NKXT wrek Heiolitm wtM k FOR WOOD CHOPPERS off for swimming are also enthusiAstic over the measure. e imp. anil life was just one glad sill nil In Ihe nir. Hefeeeaee tsi t swvel to them from start lo Taken as a whole the yoi(iig pcoplp of the city would seem lo song to tbe atrntone of that name 1 hi t.u: iai! i:::uunre the Miih of the trio, hut al that they favor daylight saving. -- (alt tmeni -.f l in ? and l all had more trotildes of their DANGINO I poing out of Vast, fir.t. seeonsl iM On the other hand Ihere are the parents of children who own than did Mr. I'ret on W turtle, vnar mm inarryliit 1 eminii rrsiwrtlvrly. for thr wismlchop. are difficult to manage and who want to stay up till alout midnight rip. in. 11ie etvangrs are antong pint ronlrst isri wrek kh eon. at midsummer because of the long light evening. They Gambling Chance (he vnaarie of fahion. ore I hoi with I fee KvhrbtltoM. Jahni Mr. Prel left New York all object to the change. There are also the people who have lo do " I Murray will w iu ehargr ami a With the railway and telegraphs where the hour do not conform lone hi in a own Standard advance machine,agent.lie THK woe Is thai ntran leas in ,amdly mHHrr of entries are Ccncrol Cior Co. Limittfc was Prtner ItHperl than in any nhre;PV.Mk.ted. w'ijh local conditions l.iit with the standard time the Controls ci adopted by ineenan Irian and weather prophet pliaer in the worw ant "Xart at opre par whole system. On the whole, opinion seems somewhat divided He took every gamhlin' elm ore 8 sharp." p.m. Tobacco Co. of Ginada Limits iii regard to the matter, judging from opinion heard on the there wn on the way and flew to AIYANSH BAND IS Imperial utreel. within I HO mile of Fairbanks WHAT tas. haPpfte, l tnr COMING FOR FAIR when n fool little sparkplugwefit 4an (nie? There are some who advocate having the dajlight saving for pelnt and landed him in the tun- July and August only, the months when the children are having Ira where the niggerheail were Imi.VT esMMetHH Hie wooian A Wire was i.-i.-ived vr1er-day their holidays. A compromise of this kind might solve the difficult four feet high nnd there was no too tniirkly. It b JJt Hihle afternoon hr J r Venables j NOTAKT question. ttible chance to get out of Ihere she ha to wenr that kind of a fair manager .i.iiui Dial ihej THEO COLL ART, LTD.-- PtJBUC In order to get allbe. facts the Daily News will be glad lo by air. Alone, with only a bent hat. lAlyansH native liaiwl wa leavina .f rarllMiu for company, he strip. - I iiMnorrow for lriner liirt and We are now Aganta fee the New Yerh Life Ineuranta'Ceatau;. publish borl letters from any who are affected by thi measure led his tutor hine and started to WHAT a h-Wy IHIIe town lhlwnMld I- bene on Monday lo takr) The moat literal and eleongeat company on the eeaUaaiC and.wdio could give their experience in regard to it. Surh letters park it to someplace which how wottbl he if If wasMt tor ..ur(part in Hh KvhiMtton native Aaeele, 551,32,13 0. Let lie ahew you how U ;' wiMiliffpnke';jiislruc,ive-and might aid The civic authorities I sign of human life, and he ieoobte. ' iltand eotilest and i.r-.M.Ie eon- money. ' . . . in solving, the problem of what to do in' future. would have done it if he eoold - jrerts during the week ' PjO.'smU. have lasted, but Jte foul th WHAT n awful lot aorr..w fhone Blue 9. Weathelme Theatre Block, Other Newspaper Owners wood full of Nortl6rner wh III.- W"Ulil tic in itl W id f Adwrrtlsr lo It.r Hail News ) were out searching for turn and Than Northcllffe. they liMik him into ramp. In notice in the United Slates and Canadian papers referring Mr. Prel i of the stuff or lo the death of lonl Xnrthrliffe it was generally taken for vhieh real pioneers are made granted that he controlled more fiewpape.j-,tuJiu any.uthcr Kng-lih He will in get by, any flight If publisher, say "Marketing."" As a matter of facL ImiIIi in umlertake if spark plugs and Weekend Specials Walk Downstairs number and in total circulation, Ihe newspapers owned and control other machine contraption don't led by .Sir Edward llultou greatly exceed hoe of Ihe late throw him down. And, if they do peer. At leat two other control more uewsrt(Mrs. well he ain't afraid. and and in ImiIIi instances the organization has been built up within Friday Saturday Only and Save Money the last few year. They are Sir Charles Slarmer. who at the outbreak of the war owned but a few obscure provincial dailies, LADIES MUST LIVE and Sir V. Berry'. whoe first rung on the journalistic ladder was MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. Boys' Twaad and Cord Arriving Saturday New i H lb SAYS BETTY COMPSON " our Knglih contemporary, "The Advertising World." Sir V. Bloomer Pants Made of ev.. N.-w II ti m il Wt Man's Fine Fur Felt Hate tra giHMl ipialiiy and lined Itadishea and i.rr. n ' Rerr)' c' ha been almost breathless in it rapidity, but hi, 100 Boiee Oanulne name i little known outside the journalistic world. Lord Itiddell !Th" ,Ur Show How In the Photo in t lie lateat te and throughout. Site ttt I.i 31. fur So. color Miles 0 5-H lo 7 3-8. Special $2.75 and $3.00. Vusima ftutabasoe !! with one newspaper having a circulation of over three millions, j P' Being Shown at the and the ouput of the house of George Newnea atifP Son. and (I I Weatholme Tonight Spoclal $3.50 each. Boys' Cottonade BJoomee tal Ian Prunes . 2Se. Panla in a good heavyweight nr.. Turnip a lb f .v. rearson, i.ia.. ihiiii oi wnicn ne cotnrois, pmimldy enjov a Man's Pullover SwaaUrs It is conceded een by wouuin - Ijirge Hreen I aae with lii.vernur fastener greater aggregate rirciilatiott than do the Northcliffe affilintions. hater that ladle uiiisl liv. be IL-aw weight, all wool. Juiii-t. For Preserving. ; on bottom. Hires ?t to lor 25c. Like Hearst in the United States, Northcliffe stamped his 'hey rich or poor, or ambitious or k.n.1 with roll collar. at. $1.15 per Bo. 'olden Itaniain m personality on all hi newspapers, arid, consciously or um-on-ciouly. i:.i..i. otherwise. How some of 'hei Fawn and ld;ual, Special $1.25 and $1.50 Oah. large wen fipedt- pale. H.M.k Your made them his own personal advertising media. The Mai .Myrtle, Orders Now. n and and to do I iiVinage o adequately 6 for 25c. prominence universally given -to hi words and acts, and the "hnwn the late Iiane I.i own and Myrtle, sues .it fv'i hy fieorge CHILDREN'S WEAR JUST Oreen Tontie i' bill unique wiwer he wielded, are Turllier confirmation of the lo t. saying. It Pay to Advertise. . lucker in hi screen iiiatTpiece. ARRIVED. ILBERTA FREESTONE d lb. for 25c. - . " Ladies Must Live," which wnl h Special $6.75 each. Chlldron'e and Dirts' Pleated Large Oreen Pepper Hunter Beware shown at the Westhnlnie tlit-alr Man's Swoatee Coats Skirts m a fin. quality for 35o. Shooting Too Soon. tonight. In this delightful and avywpght, all w.m.I. Jiiiii-t... serge, two style of pleat. Peaches Choice Jiweel f The hunting lomormw appealing story, lietly Compson. hie to 11 year. for 25c. season open with Ihe rit to shoot knit, with sliawl collar. gVese and ducks. A week later deer will be legal game. . From now' a Paramount star and thr ijior-( MnriM.n, Itrown and Moderately Priced. Slilpmrnt arriving every I.arge While Cih'" v flint time on for several months the wood featured player in Ihe picture Scarlet Flannel Mlddlee-all from 25c t 35c i will .e full of hunter rey. Site 38 to 12. named, ha Ihe role of boat, pee Boa $1,45. lb for 25. a young Parknip. oii Sunday, and holiday and the greatest care will be necessary win.I trimmed with black girl Who ha been reared by her Spoclal $8.95. We do not look rur rSnttking onion. tb IS any .to avoid accidents. When a man is looking for deer, he see n military braid and nicely prospective deer in every moving thing and the tendency among rich brother-in-law and wiiosi-I'ehnilfK Men's Fine Wool Pullovsr finished. Hues H to 1 1. lower price. ttutdurtl'Toioal'.c the inexperienced i to shinit without making sure what i ahead. father plan to marry Saalar -in plain colors Moderately Priced. '250. In that way many people have lost their lives. F.very season off lo aoide rich man in order mid fan. y stripes, with .l..u-i.le Girls' Sorgo Dressee -in a Per basket. 50e. that his hi H-28- income, derived from It. crate Per Is) there are casualties due to the extreme ami roll collar. engernes or Ihe hunter !iie line -quality navy serge and nud the neglect to make sure what i the target. In order to son-in-law, may te Increased. Itiii ' it. homespun. Newest design Preserving Pears Pnuipkiit. er lb . 1 Cc there is another woman who has H.juah. ' avoid such contingencies every hunter should have it on hi mind Special $3.50 and $4.25. and colorings. ll siie. IJuhhard 1 similar plana to obtain an easy which we had promised f.,r V-..,-.-KIs Mm rii w I)' :' all the time that he must make ure that it is a deer and not a Moderately Priced. living and Ihe two clash with irr 7e. man he is firing at and that the deer is a buck and not a doe. inure! Man's Ribbed Underwear-- Monday's bout were overripe I'.Hron, lb ing result. Then there is Ttg.'r Iliand. Heavyweight, Infants' White Coats--In and our shipper had lo Large Head ivtert waif whose tragedy, plush and white akin of ei-tra 1. ovr prove a Kuaianteed all wim. and un--li 230. and other character all of riiikable. good quality. All site. disappoint us. but we expect (Uiruiiilieca. ? for ? whom are component part. o 1 Moderately Prloed. they will be along Kalurday. 'r $ n Spaolal $3.50 Suit. ,not consistent story of modert. Babies' Bonnate-lu lambs per dm.. 2. 0a nJ 6W Convert Your Bonds Mfe. Man's Khaki Wool Shirts wool and silk poplin. A according l sie Victory "tallica Must Live" ik a pi.lur-izatlun Willi . ..liar attached. Miule splendid aelection lo choose EXTRA SPECIAL. -Plrklingllnbin. 3 lb. for of a story by Alice Duet ii'v and roomy and double from. 100 tacka of Porridge Rolled ifi.B..i..n ner th' Miller which wu published In the throughout, t'nion Moderately Prloed. rmab4 Melons per H The klloiater of Finance offer to boldtra of Caaada't Saturday I'.vening Post. It la 11 tnaili- Syes 1 1 H lo IH. Boys' Flannel and Serge Oate. Cantaloupes, lamr lie Victory Bonda Usurd in 117 and atattiring Dectmbcr 1, dramatic and tipfiralfng picture. Special $3.25. Suits in Scarlet and Illue While Ihey last, em li 25c, atraight. 1922, the privilrga of cxtkioigioK U maturing bonda fur and Light lllne and Navy. Flour Purity, lloyul House. Musk -Mejona. 15oepd0 nw boodi, Uaruig Vy per cent, inUraat and maturing la Man's Wool Work Socks Iteaulifully trimmed and well hold, Mobiii Hood, or Five Honey ew .Mrhm J 1 6 or 10 ymn. A boou of a iall nwath'a iaUrcat will te The Man in tk Mom r i dark grey. All alies. made. Kites 3 to S, Hoses, 350 eoch. ... glvrn to thoM who avail thmava of the unrion sJAYHi- Spacltl 3 pale foe $1.00. Moderately Priced. 49 lb. Sacks, $2.10. llartlelt Pear. p'r a'" privUg cut laUr than SriUmUr 30. I WILL AkBANCK TO IWNVtBT voce wjmm w it bolt cmakcb I II t: person who makea aloui persona thin may he said to Universal Trading Company The Rupert Table Supply Co. Union Bank of Canada "live on the fat of Ilia laud. Till! golf feid i not Ihe only Phone 376 Phone 2.1 and 212 bore, in the world. There i the man with the amarl kids whte