f avi vim th daily nwwm ti.iy. BRINGING UP FATHERS i By George McM anui III U?T.-rirPI CAT HCAVCM1.' ABlC 4ClNa TO TM WHAT ITt) f0Xf.tNif ' f WOW! THAiT Time L p. rpi ' "igvrt ' IfEH v I YOU T-C 1 IT. r L-,j ' l THE SHOE of SOLID Comfort. SOLID Leather. SOLID Workmanship SOLID VALUE. "Invictus" iM i i tttwH tvt. iw: No oilier loc give (lie name satisfaction. Family Shoe Store handsome fare slopped Jack tnan Montgomery haft ever done Oempsey' mighly right al Jersey anything In keep down lb virion, Phone 357. I'.ily. ha lnt another deei-i..n expenditure al the city hall. Modern Classified Ads. (til fme in l.onl Ch.meil- Ha the alderman ever tried In Daily News lor llirkcnhead of Kngland. i reduce the number of employee Keeper nf Kin? Oeorge's sTon-J"," rH' overtime CENTS PER WORD IN AUVANCK. fit Aueartlsortvenl Tako for Ls than SO RACING BOAT science." The result of Ihe fiitlP Jra-4y1hal run n high. Laundry are recorded in moving .piriurH M tmlpoifiery i sincere FOR SALE FOR SALE film, ami Hi l.ordhip ha I he and not playing to the gallery WANTED ALMOST READY film. "Hie bnuf wa ff.igetl "!t fi.,,....f ti,tn. - ;HttT"e, he Will' WAXTHIt fmir few nmnlh, girl WOflK liOAT, iO h.p. heay Bplendld It wllh nalural bae- Service liieppe, France anr a l.oril try l.r mi in Naif Ihe expense of in lirind child of Iwo year. dnly engine, with all and loenl. Ililnl Aveuhe ami Kir.t Chancellor Hirkenhead relumed njkj..hall .and Mlle departments. Out of tiiwn. in.no ami Inurd. eiinipment. Price Iho mi SI reel, If.ooo. term. We offer Ut Frliied'a Ml Rupert II Fitted immediately to F.ngland In at Instead of that be think he see Apply llox SS. hally Xew lernj. 'Hie engine i wHtlh Two View lot See lion !. C0ft range of nervi, t. b o, 1 Out with High Speed Racing tend a meeting of Ihe flepara a mare' nei over al the ho. ttfflee. Jlrt the priee ate, for the Com. the jar. lie; Enplne. tion romniiion Ihere will Wtrll when under hi n.ie the plele outflf. le-rt 3, Hloek 30. Sec. wllh 3 Economy Laundry Sr?U no return engagemenl. The film 'people money i being .iund-won WAXTKII A woman In lake roometl houo, oi feet front-age. Damp Wathi oft l be bown either for right and left aii.1 he a care of baby anil do a little rintek. IS AFTER THE CUP. lnlj''d ? fl. x n U. pleasure inwl. i Ilfegar Place, !no Rough Dry, Dry CUml,,, liirkcnhead objecle.1 lo hi'l"r,y . ' holeworl. Phone lied 31?. h.p. Painter engine, ioe and IM Ah ami At. Mb-k I?. Sec. 1 Fretting and Dybi, Mrs. Munro'a Wayward Girl May laughter. Kleanor. joining the, I'erhap yon can ptiMWh lb OKXKHAI. ServatH Wanlei. Ap. lithe. Prtee ho. View Lot. Mj.ni) the nalr. and Carpet Cleanlna, nd rank of film player with Car- letter for it i the opinion of 3A.a Be Beaten For Flrt Tim ply Mr. Feiherlonhauh. 11 H. p. Sterling Marine Fn- the Regular U unary tn. On Friday HtU (enlier. an, he forreil Ihe fight. inMn7 peooie n wen a myeu Avenue. If 10 fl. t II fl. work Mat. hull ine. tce. r lo give up Ihe picture. and we want to lei the govern. only. I'tW ?.n. Imonrji TrUon. S6.10 Sterling. Wn can urry cr,i yci f5erjre Frlmell eel boat. ,inn , power know that we are FOR RENT 1 1 into, or Mtnvcli Fhn.lA.Sn When may Mix lliiiiert II, I Jill altout I no! )ifiei and that there will fl. fl. Itnffaln. BASEBALL plea mi re At, I b. Auto.Marine. 9000. readr for Ibe rare next week ilue to be a chuwe. year TO IIK.VT. Stim healed fur. I. l'..ilhoe. nicely anrahffed. MeiMe ami lot on y term. Canadian Steam Laundri there will fee another hnen of ni'fceii room, with or without asalnl Ihe Wayward Oirl, ocnied Priee 3W. lagging maehinery, bMla. en by .Mr. Munro of Anyox. There NATIONAL LEAQUE. Uixe added to onr already heavy feoard. Home rooking. .Nor. gine, el. Fhene I. Cbicaso. fl; Pitt. . hnnleu mml Ibe I folk Itooni. Phone Hlnek .!! nia be other enlrie for the hum. inillage will go ENGINES M. M. STKPIIKNS. Ned rare but mi far a known Xew York, 13; Philadelphia. C. up and thi we of u thai have)SKVK.N rwmoe.1 furni.hed houe kn h. p Frieo standard. flo. PlKim. SU. If. no iMial ha lu-en eefially prepared St. l.oui.. (1; Cincinnali. to. a bit of Uatet will either fcave to for rent. U6 Ritblh Avenue for the oeeaion except AMERICAN LEAGUE. pay fttwt pay mure or ete 1ne it. We.l. Phone llllte AI3. ill 10 h.p. Palmer. .10). Oil SAI.K-llu Im.ioe... with American Express the Mi llll.erl. Philadelphia. 7-3: loton. t-fl. Some of u workeil har.l fr our ne St iaeenger Ilu, one II Mr. Krize ay be hope ihuj Cleveland, 8; Chicago, 9. I money anil we want to buibtf'IO HHVT .Norther Kxrhange 11 h.p. Ferni, f?iMl. penifer llu: one an ta- Money Orders year to be able lo wret Ihei COAST LEAGUE. ....hme for imrelve. on our lot oarage, Hr.t Avenue, Oel. I. lioit: one oil siaiion. 3.?:n.oo cup froni Anyox. lie ha a new San Francico. : Seattle. 3. l.i., i .1 ' Ml. m WW M . M. M. Stephen. l? Also oe t pas.rnger ididll- Issued 3 h.p. Fairbank loo on high f-e, racine: engine In hi' I.n Anzele. S: Port la ml. IS. high we .hall not be able In stationary, lae gbUeelH ear ll.ooO.. tftal and a oon a one or two Sacramento, 2 ; Oakland, I . build for year and perhap not FOH IlKXT Fwrnihed bclrooni 00; one Odillac llu and "Norway, Sweden & Salt l.akc. 0; Vernon, t. then with lwanl, for genileman. h.p. InlKtard with eqiiipment Transfer I'jir, t minor detail are arranged he eapmnr up Denmark at Lowest INTERNATIONAL LEAQUE. A I not running for Ibe PbiMie lllaek 31?. .1 will be trying bee out. The am Ion. IIoo.ini. due Traffic " race exported lo lake place Jerey C.ily,. I ; Ilaltimore. . council thi year I hall not TO IlKXT Flat and wlfic in J h.p. Ferro wild clutch. JS, S loo dump truck, ll.5on.no. Current Rates r on Jfidrfy next and In Ibe Syraeue. J; Toronto. 3. ign my on me- and I am not PlaniU Itlfwk. Sept. 5. M. M. All with giMMl tublier and meantime lbei boat will be Rorlie.ler 3: Itiiffaln. I. looking for nolnrtely but wmmM Stephen. tli ready for the road. Oeneral Atente fees iMnl'.iiiiTafoJ VhoRlif lie ll in like in let the Council know I AUTOMOBILES. TranHrlaiion C. I'rineV Norwegian SimHw Iht , . readine for Ihe big event. am one of many FLAT for Kent in Hesner Apart FOItO lighl delivery, goo. tire. Hupert. II. C. Ill wealth AmrUi Um ' If Ibe Mi Huiert should In the Letter Box IHSSATISFIF.I CiriZKX nienU. M. M. Stepheni. If ami mechanically right. Priee eomJlnavlan AertMi FOH SAI.F.-Furniture ft . term. m Una. manage lo beat .the biiberto nn LOST roonvd flal--Second Avenue lealen Wayward Oirl Ihere will SOME PROPOSALS FOR Oliver Typewrttori DISSATISFIED CITIZEN. I 4 Ion Cadillae truck' I.1&0. ewreii Sixth and Seventh LOST.- Pair Safe be great rejoicing ,in Prince fortolehc.rirn. Cary SI reel. Can be ued Hiipert and lleorge Frizzed will FISHERIES CHANGES nied gla, between F.mnier-on a FIRE INSUIUNCt lie the hero of Ibe hour. Kditor I tally Xew: , Place and Tlilrd Avenue, 3) h.p. Slud'Hiaker ensrine, with rooming hoiie. Price reasonable. Alderman Montgomery i re. reeral lltock. Finder plea mag. and .a-le.. Price 1100, For aptontmrut phone porle.l a aying that the ue New Wetmlntr Association return lo luily Xew Offir S. " J13 Dybhavn & Hanson Draw Up SeHe of Nine 13 h.p. Sludebaker wllh larler if the city did not warrant tbej FOfl SAI.F.. Sailing Yacht In Chat Thleel Aveaue Sport present expendilin and Ibe city! Resolution a. live Aociatlin, of which l.eon. and huir. 30il. good condition, wilh nialnail hould get down to bra lack' anl pelternn, Annleville, i the ami Jib, alimi! new, and with Frlaee Rugert, B. 0, Ihe hair .orialion I gel. and live a a cily of ii thou.! xf.w WF.sr.MixsrF.n. sept. . president. .Nine re.olulion In All bronze Jeweller' I urn inrl Fvinrude engine in vimmI con. ling .an, bouId in.lend of a a -One fi.herwKin iM-r.i.led in ei 1 1 lo the itoyal Fiberle lathe. .. up an inlerejng program pre. ditlon. The whole thing fo of irt fir next week. Iiaeball city of thirty thousand. A heckling the peaker a in I three Coiiitnl.)on1 were drawn upr Coo. Pollen. Iiaily New fan hould be alified with ibe hole lot of u agree"wii the time tia.1 to iecend the Mir T1ef reoliti4in embody the Macey bicycle In giM jeondition. .nyox-lrinre Hupert serie a alderman that we are .(tending of Ibe Hart Mock somewhat for. following: l: Oppoilhin lo Ibe rice ym, , i, f , BOARD. HYDE hould alo lie the oceer pa oo much money but what we ribly. il i reported, at a meet. loittg of the Fraer lliver fir Iron.witli Ibe FabitiUioii final.. would like lo know i if Alder- of itje II. C. Fibermeir prole. fi.hlng; ? liphobting Ihe ae. Frlctb.n hojit. 33, . KOAHIt Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If TRANSFER There may a No be Mime inier- ti.oi of the aulhorilie in llnu lima fiahio lleene to uhile 3 narneV BBuaer Hat Mr, lib eting native baseball and fMt ORIENTAL GOODS B00OL EXFRESS AND ball game. One line thai ba and Indian; (3j afe.ibinent of each. ji.t t.een put n Ibe pro, trap ami cine of all kind; Japauese Kiinonas, Crockery, lay and Night Phc t gram i lacro... There i ( I on lirene - for alt II. ,0. I large plitfrfrrn ealc. fjap.v. Hambofl Furniture, Ornament. .at least one niore intereting water and Ibe ue of ga 1m. ity 5 Ion, (ISO. Ilaskrts, Children Hninper. Best Coal gam to be pulled off between wherever fi.hlng i jrinilted Toy. Ktc. Am it alMilhmeiii V-tne I Fairbank platform eale I.OWF.ST PHICKS, be of Canada and Ibe F.IU i, not of in Ibe Stork t'up ronfet and il then aboil.hluenl of eine df rapacity ?no lbi, .1S." F. K. AKASE Wood Wood P. O. Ilox A I Tel. lied J hould prove an attractive event Iricl It. C. ba SI -eine di ,a?.a Fair week feature. LUX dissolves instautly in IrVlii an. a lleene for each I Small runnier eale, IS.oii Tlilrd Avenue Stove Length, Bpltt. The hot water into a wonderful eo.l. t3O0 ; (At Abolibme of t National Ca.t, llegMer, co. WATCH AND CLOCK REFAIRS 111 2nd Ave. WL wre.tling match ched mnnery lieene fee of 4 son, lo tiled- for next Wednetday evening suds that inakes dainty be .tih.lif iitetl wllh a eae tax; Ann. wllh lalet improve Kxperl watch, clock and Fhone BSO. between Ad. tiu.t.ivo your (T) beiier inent. Prbre 1350, lerm. and Tint care of alioon fry . chronometer maker. Walker hoild prove a great at. things as fresh and lovely as and a "lo.l; of the'Oregon y. Watch and Jewellery Itepalr a An aoriment carhurel traction the leni of of nr, i .porting public reiainuig iwind; H), leclalty. lpeciall)T fthoiild thi be Ibe when you first saw and boar.) in It. C. lo deal wllh flh. magnelttc, deck iron, anchor Mail order promptly executed. Let Us Advise Yon ce in view of ibe fine exhibition erie iirottiem and lo pre.ent chain, colliding, proiiellor GEO. OIBB given lat week between admired, '.them. them to i lie inini.ler, with re 10 in. lo 30 in,' pew and sec 0pp. Pol tlfflce fp. (1. Hox 71 1 with a lifetime ti; ' OuMavo and Jack OUen. If any. roniniemhi'ion; U , ab.olule ond hand. Prince Hitperi. If ence In all branches v.t w thing, the forthcoming; match opposition i,, nn embargo on the lluilding Trade should be tauter than the la X,..rt .,f u raw fih. Some earoenler' lool and BEAUTY CULTURE FARLOR. for the men are belter malrhet variety of Ford pari al 10' Fhone Blaek M. Brickwork, in weight and lker it aid to ROCK CONTRACTORS off the 111. Ilalrdreaslng, Shampooing. Hen. Stonework, be jul a agile an. eluv a nalng. Marcel Waving-, Mancur. - Ou.lavo, who.e propeniliee. in ! OBJECT TO STRICTURE .Neverslip blowout ImmiI. Price ing. Face and Hcalp Treatment. Concrete, etc. thi regard are already known ?..V each. Above Wrathall's, Plan and tpe- ' R; Walker I due (a arrivH tumor ON THEIR AaiONS Third Ave. free lo all our flicnr. Plain boot. 3.1c in 75c each. row from Ketchikan on Ibe I'rln I ce Alice. The 'oniraclor for Ihe up. Inner tubes, Site lo 75c e.ich. Fhone TAXI 633 William Walts & Co. ply ..f ,,,,-k from Smith Nbind (Call Oeorge llos Contrast' and . Tomorrow will ee Ihe .open Builder joliject .Ireiniou.ly In Iriclurn 1nir of I he duck and gee.e iea pile. , ih,,, See ii for boat, engine am! Five-parnger Touring Car pjl), Ilox B3, Fhoee i,y I),,, Prompl Day and Xight 3rd oilier equipment. Service. nrri. ml) oii in (hi dUtriet ainl next Fri , of f,,-ia. They that while .av Standi Boeton Grill Third all K'"jj day it will be legal to nboot deer i hey iiiuv , , carrying out Avenue Joeelno Work of 'lb hunf allien will again be in the leiie,- of (he coolraet. Ibe NORTHERN EXCHANQE CLOTHES CLEANED their glory and ulready tb ,eiiy wa the firl lo break II and Fleet Avenue rifle and gnu are being lakeui liat the rock la being mipplicd phone A 10, (Sll) and t-reed by latest htkau Our Stock of lown front Ihelr numuier renting j a fut a the til y eruher will FOIl SAI.F.- Mallon Adding Ma pressing process. j place mid being prepared forj handle ii. Ihe eily fell down fhlne, wide carriage; Tided H ult railed for and delivered. Enamelware Ibe chae. fiee.e and duck ure kWH on tin' .tiooiiug of the rock and Computing Scale, new, Ap. Fhone 649 reported to be larling Ibflr a a matter of fact, Ibe routruc. ply fuller'a Orcery. I LING, The Tailor I now CompUI-Frlce oulliward migration earlier than 'n eif had lo priteciion AUCTION SALES. RlBht. uual;jlliU year,, and already lake FOIl 8Al.f--nambler" blcycl i ..ver tbetwork al a price fipnduMed in flSrk C. M.( in goix) eoinlillou your home. Sate largf of Ihrt roriner jia wilN-li fc lirolte men Uho Ullilerlook been keen winging ilieir way lo il earlier. 20 rash. Phone 142. rvery Thursday al 3, p.m. in our STORK'Slardwre toom. Semi ' in your good early. Ibejr winter bautiU. Sold only in italtd packages-duitproof FOH KAM-r-Otd newspaper. 3.1c OEORGE LEKK, Auctioneer, Limited Proprou advertising mean for large bundle. Unity Xew 23 Third Ave., Geortei CarpenlUr, wlio I Fhone Black 11V,-. rttfutar egoJououi dverUin. Office. If Fhoni Black 61S Red 1ST. t