Friday Bplmbfr g, Mi Till DAILY I1TV1 1 1-.1 T REMINGTON (BLADDER CATARRH Local and Personal PLAYER" U. C. Undertaker. I'hone 41. tf I'cache and Pi-ine arriving NAVY CUT PORTABLE i hi week. Price and qualily upr Ml ii-ndei Hie right. City Market. tf ' iiy Ni'Wi-ll Or-im- '''" -I I .1 HI Ii, Kan U-t This is the Preservlngr I'Bai-lif- CIGARETTES only portable typewriter I'ltf III till' iimimI enjoyable tlm Saturday only. Per Itek tlltii. Lynch UrtW. made that has a standard keyboard. '"lllg el. & It is built throughout of Remington McMetfcftiy rjp-, Tin- ii. T. !'. -Lamer Punic materials, by Remington workmen, Itupcrf I do... in port from l or fall cleaning, try Uie Ileee Ymiroiiver, Victoria and Seattle l'ii'irtnatte lHpm on ymir ear- f 111 u itt-niingiun iaciory. ill I ..'Hock (ril lim" tomor pel, lireliaul A hatuii. . tf In speed, lightness of touch, strength, and in row afternoon. Kxhlfcltloti. Vt. Chopping the surpassing quality of ite work it is a true Remington Mali lift, Chinop, charped Gun tent. Ilirtva inlr. $10. l!o .For personal use the REMINGTON PORT-ABlrrTs with bavin oniiirti in hia una. and 110. Bnlrlei 4. now otn. If ideal. " by the lloyal Canadian OUK FAMOUS STOVE COAL Mounted Police wan found guilty Only $75.00 Cash by MHgl.iral MrCtymnt in Itt i. if anything, belter this , police r.urt thi morning W1 er. Cuntuniera Ual Co- Ltd ii it enienred in fine (,f jh) I'hone 7. tf n or Aiso soiu on easy payments. ! ix Im ni Okalla Prison, in Chue. lv Choenr .Ml KlayritM tjanaon. of the and King l.oi.. al. rlliJldride4,B,", bw,fttial staff, returned Ial ni jli 1 frt.iu .njr.u where etie A. 1 v.. r. rrmiHHW nnlH Hl,t, lMa with fier parent. I '! II'HIII. BIRTHS. Ma nwllntr of all Careen- ' ' " born at I be tta tcra (Uawn metnber or not .. M..-i.ital tiNlay to Mr. ami will be Mi fn the Carpenter M - H-.i.- i 1 Arthur, Jr M Hall HabinUy erenln? at 7 In l u ll c1111e Imt, a ilauaihler, mate naai decieion on wage V " born tintay at I be rate. 210 n.iUl H.iia Mr. u4 Mr. Ii'"-- I'Hlk. Itobert IxaHittaHtR of HateitoH. ad hi daughter Mr, l-e ami HERRING CARD OF THANKS. Mr. .VeMlek mel ui latt M 411.I Mr. V. K. Thomu. aivbt' trail from (he Interior and Miled by Ifie I'rtiter (leore "ii .mil anii llnrl. wiIi Iti et 'ml 1 Ii.-mlf'-ll I hunk In ror Vamwemef. .4... llii-n mailt fi ii'iiiN fur the .in. --BAIT r Mia M. J I WW, vhn Mnl iin-.i.n rniMibr 'Superb Quality h'-viii ! ili-in 111 their reeenl ek in tft. efly ti.itiag itli al In r'M 'iii'iil. aer brother, Wnahl Ilrown. fl- of IU- 20 iiiw trtli l Alaka. a re ' Ton turned to VtmexHtver mi Hie . 20- zs $30.00 HOTEL ARRIVALS per Prine iteorye Ul night. . re 100-tl.75 Prince Rupert. Finest on the Coast I. lt.-un and J. A. tlrraarb l. H. Hill. vtM ba bn her Najrrt: M. Korrm' K. I. for eeral Hioailh efiifioyel a Ilnn. J. i. M. TienMn eterrirln am. life new prtivln. Obtainable from i-rge i. le-y ami ii. Kind rial court feuw btriMifig. re. er Vancouver: Jaino l.amb, turned to Vsaeouver on the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. i:iai J. K I inl. Ni.illi Pa- Prince lieorge Lat Ml?hL Haynert. Undertaker. Pboue 4. if.. I'.arl i.raf-lroin. Oarliale 161. tf SPECIAL! SPECIAL! PRINCE RUPERT M .n.l Mi H.'iil II K.niiiian Memlier of the lllhibilion i-.tnlti . Mi K. I.. Kerguwtn, Hoard hr Weu 'Hit collecting KotHbali Tonight at 6:3U harp ... ,:!,,.. I In I I l hrel.-r for the fair and bate keen well S. u. c v. liallie. it Bargains in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa receixed. will lake i.,, H.nii.t H Witt. K4- a i' Itiiiia. '...e. Victoria deal of ntooey l run I lie Kalr Preserving Peaehe Saturday 'htli'. Harvie. n.; ttrrefully along the brwa only. er bx. l.i5. I.yneti llro. and H. Haiiee'li. .il; tine laid out for thk mim & MeMeekin. Toilet SOAP Miiili.-. and n. Hartley Mia ftarbeau 'all Millinery T. Slientoii. mine iniector. Central. 0oning Friday and Saturday. aailed last night on the Prince 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY I s i-iii 4iid aniil). . Cor Cboiee elee4ion of the latet Ueorge for Swanaon Hay. III.IT. SH f t. ini.l. Van model for tSU mhh. Ladie to clear at 1. 1. PRINCE GKOROE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sad Thur-CIaMT fcunday at I. .. !. k Midnight for Swanson Bar. p.iuvr: John Sltkji. M. M011. ar iavtyrd f ftov Uie Im.w-tog. Full atock. of 3-ply Cottonwood in a...I I M SnkUii illy. Mi lUrbeau, Sixth Si reel. Veneee la now being carried Ocean Fall. Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 2 for 25c. 1 Anyoi Wednesday II m. Fr 8 taw art, Saturday. 8 pjn. 210. by Albert A KlcCaffery, Ltd Phone 11S or S4. tf I. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY u4 at it II Club S.TOINCC JOHN ait pomte Northern and Southern alary Qum" CharlolU and 2:th. Juno and luiH-heon eterlay were Y'. Island, Mar t3lh loth ili. . Ii. l.. Ai- Mr. II. Jor?enen. of Kightb ORMES LIMITED I I I 1 1 i .ill J y Kill and i'Jnd, ugut 5th a Ik I9lb, Sepl 2nd, 16th . I.iett, Sr., ami 11. OuihiIh;:-liam Avenue l'jil, left for Vancuver M S..111111..1, yj Hay of the l,lrU.CuniiiHghaiu I In. Train Srlea 1 ,1 1 1. I'll.ii.. Hl.n-k :. of Vaoeouer and Charle on the I'rinre leor-,' last night 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 for a two inoiilir viit. JIJ Mill., of I'rTltre ltuirrt. Mr. Phones ZOO and 134 "Passenger Dally Eioept Sunday, 6.4S p.m. 82, I.iel4 poke airelathaly of l or rum here. 1'r in ilwrjf, Mmonlon. and Winning, tin- iniirtneiiieiii here. lleiuiremeiit for H xhibilion THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORKS t a 'ig ilif. . t i .nniTti. ni for all points in 1-ailern Canada SUITCASES - lloek llrilling UtMileal: lloublc a::J I nited Mate hammer, 7-HHi drill; ingle TRUNKS A letter from the lied Cro ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME S.Miely read ill the llotary hammer 5-H drill; toot Agency for all Otean SUamahlp Lines CLUB BAGS hnirheon jelerday, aked Hie U.died by Ihe driller. 21 1 r A inr Our frnxen herring bait it conceded by flibermen Cltr Ticket Orrico, 621 Third Aa. Phona 260. leraliou of the stub, iu rals- 1 to be the finest procurable at any Pactfle Coa.t niii fund. It i plantml to ex. The regular monthly meelins-of Port- and it la "Fiahy." Price. 130 per ton. Large Stock on hand. 1 n, the heating 1 da nt at the the (M.lire rommiiHi took IfP The beat way of insuring a good quality trip la Prices very low. geiveyal honoital to the oerating nkire laL night in the city-clerk' to have plenty of our bard frosen Ice. Price. room Vliere ii will be uU for offiee. Mayor Iloehelcr It per ton. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY J. F. MAGUIRE jlrrjliiing purtoe. and Commi4oiier 8. I. Mae. Outfits "r "'"-"'('Ped atore can upply flabinR gear, N'eit th I'rinr Rupert Hotel douald wer. ireeiit, Comiui.. flihermen'a clothing;, yroceriee and proviilona B.C. Coast Services A letter fruMi J. I'inder-M inner K. II. ShiMskley beinjr ab-eut. and hardware. M-aiihier of b o it hern I'ol. W ' hiii' Iii.tilule, uggetliig that NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Sailings from PrinceRupert 1 he club ohouhl gie a medal for .Mli Ubwia Mcl'heraon, who Ketchikan. Alaska Branob for Ketchikan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway Have Your miHiiiiHi in roniieeHoii wh ha been on Ihe local i-,iw.d the clae now leiijf formed. leaching staff fur a few uioulli. Sept, 4, 15, 25j Oct. 2, 13 and 23. read the aailed lal ui.'lit uli the Prmxe Per Old wh- al Itoiury lutiebewn Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Jewellery .'tertrt and referred to the !eorge fio- Vancouver. .'J'he Sept, 9. 20, 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. executive evdiiiiitle. hcIiooI board found thai the ex llttgtrson Block, Prince Rupert. Phnt 686 S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Buledale, Swanson Bay, Remodeled peeled numlter of pupil for (lie Eat Bella Bella. Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell A fwrly wlto hut fjoiit Ihe receiving elar did not pre at 1 Dr. E. S. TAIT River Vancouver, Saturday p.m. and every V.'iii old-tashioued wkle uiumer at Hie 1'ort Waller can. sent themelve and that Uie Agency for all Steamship Llnea. bund w.-ddiug ring oau be iier, .l4Kku, oailcl a.I night erviee of one teacher could full information from made into a handoHie new. by the Prince (leorge for Sealtle Ih dined with. Mi Me- Dental Surgeon W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent, tle Tiffany ring ut hmI1 after having oeni a e.i(de of Pheraon voluntarily resigned Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. exiteime. lay in tb city'. They included and will take a position in Van Office Hoars, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. Your oll.tle diamond en. Mr. and Mr. N. Ari'iiliteu, Mi couver. Sunday by Appointment Kttgeiiieut ring run be made JolMitHii KnuUoji. M Ollle uer into a beautiful fill, Sarfloten, Mi Maju l.tan, Mi. It. V. Me.Nauglilon. C.N.It. dt. greed ring with a xetliii? Jahma Win I her ahd Mi trie! p'aengcr agent, leave on B.&K. Pastry Flour that will how the diamond llaiidl UtckVe. tonlgtit' train for Jasper Park t. greater advantage. e . . to Attend a meeting of Pacific Your old earring. Ireal-lin. S. J. (irmly, u former member (Mial offieial of the paenger Back to Pre- This is fingr ring, etc.. on a of the rily indice furrc return. department which wilt open Ql Ih reHitwIelletl intu the Uleet I'd to town tol.iy. having arriv. next Monday. . A. McMclioll. lle of Jewellery and the low e.1 from Surf Intel mi the Ven. uitanl general freight and War Prices in OIIO6S 11. t of the work will urrio lure ihi morning. II U een paeuzer ugent. who will alo Your and Our )OU. year liie Mr. Urndy wa lal attend, will arrive from Vanoou. We do all kind ol fine re. in I'rinoe lluitert ami .hu-e Icav. ver, whore he i at prcent. by Insurance Guarantee 1-sir work "ii wuli'he. jewel-H'M. ins here he ha tried hi huiul Ihe ovcilaud route. Mr. McN'iclu EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. r...-k. elc. Hi oroell!ig. logging and bar. oil and .Mr. Me.N'aughloii expe My Closing Out Sals Is an eye-opener, and you cannot afford CONSULT US TODAY. voting in variou part of Uie lo be back here toward the end to pass up the bargains I am now offering. et, Imvlllg al. aerved two of next week. They are ,'Oing fat and you'll need to hurry to make a John Bulger, year- with the Senllle (lolico of Quality Goods force. He will Ut' in the city urtiiMnu Tn t bo election while the sues are complete Tha Jawallar ami lilrtet for a .wk or o. rCZEMA i I w a Yo should hay tha Uat, You get the Heat In "It K" tt tu Ur. Man) old friend are welmtiilng ;iiM'a Otnt. M. McArthur, The Shoe Man him Nek. I al fur Xim 4 skin lirlue B uuaa. Ii rrllava l ooa ud ara4tt- ?Hf BACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. " ally haU U Ula. lUaipl bo In. llw'l uniiMai irta u yw aiaaoua Hart Black, Third Avenue. l'riuc . Hupert Kxhibillou Sep. paf oi oaU a,luuap lut(ua, a TBoa 745. PHnce Rupert B.C. Phone 350. .iiiber II U 10- If 1 1 kll Ualr t Miaaa. H.U- (K. le