IT-; PAOE ICC SV1 VklLt I1WB . i l CHINESE LEARNING A Lesson ADDITIONAL FLOWERS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public AVIATION; FIRST I FROM AT FUNERAL YESTERDAY WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE It carefully written by ua In reliable LESSON ON PONTOONS Ancient Rome OF YERNA THOMPSON Tonight, TomorrovMatince and Night companies. W are permanently engaged In the butlnaas and Ta tbanaaad lk tklt The follow inn- i- an addiUoiial our record are accurately kepi ao that when your policy expiree Oriental Making Remarkable titinf mn ti f th Romas llt nf flower -enl to tin- funer Ths Mayflower Photoplay Corporation Presents will notified In sufficient time to Progress at Esquimau School I re shi., taraaarfaperdt k.altky h. you ba keep your pro I 'fit. al of little Yerna liionu.oi QEORQE LOANE TUCKER'S PRODUCTION, rr, M ti Ion at t4 perty protected. Wo solicit your business. of Instruction. anafxal karkaj .) ,4 talma. Mr. It- ewell. Mr- Me- H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. Tali.f a . jrm Aint, as Maler. Mi S. M iJirl. Mua- VHmUUA. Sept. 8. Willi t.-n aiia..ltria of a.anafattan ekfmia belh Arkley. Mr an.l Mr- m 'Ladies Must Rental. Insurance. Loans. '""IMl a Live' t:iiinej alintHl that rch t rrrr lira leal popil.t al rta. C.rta.a rkfc ata) olt aad Keith. Mr. end Mr. A. t lapper- lage of their Jrafttln? in thf Kerr. Mr "ft at ta) ...- and a m loit ami Willie. Mary air where .they will be abh l" Me i of fclaaif aad ri( nd Mr.. N. ttunirh a ad fannlv A? I'llot a machine nf their own. I latin Aflaf oat 4nirf. Shaaeroek I'alrol Ktiide. Mi-e- lik aad caatl irriat a Hie Chnee tkHtiHMretal .Mnn! tar balaa ralv4 kKk taaltitt Hvelyn and Aama iMNay. Mr. K LADIES Srliool at lXjHlmaH la making I Ik atun krbl ar llirnie and fail Mr. and Mr. TIMBtR. SALS X41ST, fml tie r the exMllent flying . rv rfcl Ik fotna,nana Ta tarn tkx kvl.a ta aSai laeVatt every Ik a II. W Kerr, Mr- It K. Weli.ler. Bflled lender mill b rd tj to weainer. njin in uual m- k tkm ackxvrnirat maj4 la Ik Mr. . J. Kirkpatriek. Mr. and POtrtcl FoPfHT, I'rliK-e rtuprl, not lairr IruetiaHi in I he early tiittriiing't kalij art Mr. Jarne HaNinton. Helen Attention! an nova en m airnia oajr or Ser-trraber, and again in tin- calm bef-wr Trtatmrai d ttia diat aad ijnt Ir and Mr. II. It 1 11. for the pwrrha or l.lrrnr k III? kat -Brvl.H kr ki tta II a nipt on. I am a specialist In Ladles' nr nariequin ruin, c.ft. , t rat duk the iiiii4 ha- made rapid kaahvf tad aatitrotic " tarn n mkaiwrd Uraal. Ml l.oraiitr (traal. tonsoifat requirements and If. . k 1 "ra , or spruce, cedar. trklrit under their iitlrutl"r. J I k ceaa plait abvac W r id aiwaa at I.adir of l,r"hterian I'.hurra am the holder of five French I jmmal on .f(1 umber.1 tear iu t urd for r W. II. Ilr'wii. and liae nuw a fait kat areiaar talirt. Mr. a ad Mr. A. Akrrfeer. Mr rnrma. Medals and eight Diplomas ftirthrr parllrulart of Ih r.kl.f Inrra cliuol aerHe nf five hiiurn dual paea4 nafoavm.rtiWt,,pit, and Mr. Ilnwunl He, W. a ler. Victoria. r lb Mtlrlrl lureairr. Their lime in I lie aiiee. air for Hairdressinu. i rrinre itoprri, mjL. ekar. ckilWaaa fkildrra aratp llarrie. Iriire Hnert l.txlge I ranpe from 7 hun ft Ihe trMMn, aa yli I M. BBBBBBBSBHtVVsBBr i Llrl My"specialities Include Marcel ripuUr iam II. . r. ajreHty Slvlr. ami Tines SALE X4114. more in 3 liiKIr-K Tit Waving, Face Massage, t .nilvanrej I'alema I'.aaieron. Mr. and Mi-Muxalleas M liHlr will N" rerrlird by IN Mr. I K-i Shampooing, Singeing, Hair Minllr of al VKiurl nul lalrr ATTEMPT TO KEEP H. ii Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and Uiaa mun oa tlx Slat clar of Septmbr, Tlif rhH will ?lirily lak i lMi .Marjraea'l Kersrtn. Mi J an ISf. ror th pnrcna ar Urwi X 4111. Ihe (Minim.n iff the J .N. 4 Cur- Violet Ray Treatment. to rul t.l, In) f CMar, eprur. ORIENTALS OUT OF itiriexe. Mia V8i. Marion and Mrnil.Mk anl Ralam, oa to art Mutated lis ui fr inlrtelMal mr- Mr. Itntab. Mr I konaht llyan. an Toupees and wljrs for Lllrralia frcn-tlenien al Bit Lake, Channel, llanr I. and transformations t (i Land PlMrtcL f0!H r) ruIae tliee wilh I he CITY CLUBS FAILS r. S. K. I'arker. Mr. and M - aBLBLbVw aBB k I J ' Tbree .i ara will Ix (Honed for rt-moral lanjlmr wheel fur wound "f- for ladles. Switches made of timber. iJ I Vena Me., Mia. V. TU-ut. rartnrr partirnlarl of the Chief Tana- ratioii. After a few mure hour Mi Mat llelll.r Mr. and from ladies' own comb-Ings. Victoria. 'or CammU.1.... ..r ...... up tr, BC DlMrlct reretlrr. rnnr nupert. e.t. in llft air, and sxMite practice in llttby and Vh-twrta Knki-k lakimrtitiff aihl landins frtMit and Recommend to the City Coun M J. McNeil Mi Mr. Mr anal Am at your service any time in tmc sueaiai .court or British In the ftnmnr Ihe .Mr Ministry ell That None Other Than and Mr. P. l. Iiawxxi. Mr. ami by appointment. Phone C9I. COLUMBIA will akel In Whltea be Allowed Te Uply ttn ei. IK rftOBATE. Mr. M. M. Stephen aii.j fannlv -T rVrixmnt Vaixn-lxiiut Mutt, rv- auiliier In take Ihe puplla in Chas.LeClercq la lb Maittr or tlx AdmtolttrilkMi Art. Kalberitre and lhatt Irvine. Mr and Iheir rehminar' flyinz teU Viiitiiiloner S. MarlMnald. Mr. and Mr, ft. V. Mr and 320 Sixth Street. IS la Mattar of th Ettate tr Wnrs fnr vilnla' rertif irate. A atiit. at lal night's meeting of the featuring :rm.x imatbtr. (rrad. latrntat. Mr W. fl. Vteker. Ml I'.velym la (.lamlifn Brfnrr Ilia Honor f. MrP nlile nile a an aenxIroHie fnr police bvard. w un.ui-rrrut in Vouns, Tburaday. lb tllh day of AatatL Vicker. Atei Yule. MU. Kathleen tt. land !JrtMte I mtw taeiBs an altematt to have a reaolulmn .Mitrriaon, Mr. and Mra. a t POX th prUtma of I. H. MrMulHn. might l rotnptele thi part of from tin eommiaaion plaed be. i fTfirlal Adnalnialralor; p.i rradin lb . I.artin. Mr an Mr. II Betty Compson 'Snappy" arfklarlta of th aald J. II. Mr.Mama. of Ihe lnlrurtHMial proaram. for tire rity fttuftril rerotnnaefal. Alnrt ldard r Alitvr lnaa Miore. imiL V.. Ilrrnnan. of Andr 9; nd uraxi Daiia Mr. Technical Lecture. ing that oe provi.ion be made V '. raltnn of Omaarl fnr th Ftitmnr: to amend the newly marled muni-elfaal IT IS ORnr.RCD Inat th dlh nf Ik After the reenl uiil hate alm-iuiiil Uir Cror.k twraanty ahalt keen pJt thrwush their full bylaw- wherel.y lir ne. CAMERON OF AUCE The Sacred Films Inc. presents the first of a seriss of Printing day I" rraumd of Anil.In A ha D. 1(11.nrrurrrd at nn Svn tn tlk Mil nure ihe m'Ii.miI will enroll womM b refu.eal to any applKanl. ARM TO TAKE POST Biblical films entitled "Creation." wholly unbiased and non-sectarian. 1-nnt. firaham RrlllOi fnlumbla. who dal nut agree t emnlny none it is rt nriiCR oupmrn iiui tn aid Uil fr Ihe Winter whirh will adds to your business preside J, II. MrMullln mar apply fnr aJminlitra-lino e eii in m ifri f lorhnieal other than white laln.r in the CITY POLICE FORCE BRITISH-CAN AD I AN NEWS GAZETTE. of th aatd raiat and drrtar la th conduct uf death it haunt nrrurrd ( th aald lerturr dealing with the theory Iheir ftreiirtMHt. Admission 15c and 35c dal apnn rtibHthln rnpy nf thi nrdr A lOfljr diMion al tended the It Is ths keynote of success In nrrTrr iliahd and '-irretatint if flijilii. I in.' the lnklp l'ro in, ml tU.iiiall- ll. ei la rrlnr Kurort. B.. tor prrlod of oo que I ion. tiiitt(t.toner Mar- In all modern business. lland floating hangar the f!ttr lnieron. of Alice Ann. ha ac -rented iiKnii at tirraij invrtaia. You take no chances when r !. T( O iia aeroplane ha made exrel. iMnald exvrraing hi fear (hat a Klliin Ihe city po you trust your Printing or-dsrs LJ.Si lent ue of ihe farilllie nf I lie erHf4n)iitett uf Oriental lire force, a wire from In III to to us. F(tiiinalt llarhttr a an air wduIiJ make a very grand op nine; IhU effect having awu received W have the finest printing raft harbor. Thai the harbor fnr the eldlin2 of drug. by the e.Hi4..1) at II meet DENTISTRY! equipment north of Vancouver, i ideal for thi purtMi't i I He Mayor itnrhastrr aire will. ing la-I night CotM -a i- . III. lafitU4bl NU.lii.lltaJ I .1 .IaImI and can handle anything . 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ..f nlrurtar W. II. ' 'r"- - - rr HI will arnxe in the city a Ili'.wn. who hinioelf ha a m. lira I Ire IM nel IMnk auch a men X-RAY Service In the printing line to your - . . . . . a. n'U a he ran lie rlaed al Modern entire tatlsfactlon. al'l.' win rd in the lluyal urT wtma w prariKauir. 1 1 naa i . I-lying O" i .. already been before Ihe city roun- .pdlcali.Hi. f.r taaaailhtn nn TO EUROPE KnHH i i'oniaraliiely mall ell but had been dropped mi a re. ,,,, rwriH. rrvehed fnam DR. BAYNE Rose, Cowan &Latta I art til-- i:tnio-e tMiimereial l-wrl Uelng recerve,, from the city Uasul V.hi and W. R. Arkrtd Roome 4, a, , Hslgeson Block Pae IM .olleilor that the emtncil wi.nt.1 .ialtnn SeitiM.i ha grown to a ,lf , rrty later Limited 1U iULBIUBsS wr. (inte) Mornins. B-L2. Afternmm. t 10 k if be ultra vire, in f Prince Rupert, B.C. venture I hat snw prowiUe of IrriHglng toward wu. nP ,.r the ttarfy t.f glih Kvenlnae. 7.9, Phone 24. M-rmaietl and pmritiiHe owr such regulation. aellter wm. arrival a few 0UteCC-O1tRS0U)a-0UTMAiieT0N. at ion it i aM. Ttie Chinese, if The rraulution failed lo ..Main MIM a, mg . lake up Ian,) n uuavaa in staled, nrake eieellent tlf -tMing e seconder. (iiimiioiier rhork- jiee, (ytarMle .all. lie S. IS Oct.IT Nar.1 af ScMland 'Ort. SO-cU SI tinaM Sraaaa eaily In their perforin Icy n. I bcin .t-eenl M,i po further than Prince anee and remarkably retentive 'Ituperf. hiiweter. He wa form- H.-SHOCKLEY Thsre Will Be A Coal Shortage OMTMtAL-SOUTHAajrTOa-AMTWtR of all they are laught. Ur,g E. ORGANIZATION WORK 'V' "If r,T Thla Winter Ba. 1 S OcC 1 1 Ma. S Staliu Planing MIHsi Cow Bay. Wharf: Nsil ImpeHel Oil Pt. f St.IT 0U tS Rat. ti BllnM Rnharrih fnr ihe ailv New-. OF NEW POLYTECHNIC Hev.l,,W pl.n. in K,,gland le.-l, Phonei 3S3. Be wise: MONTHCAL TO ListarooL CANADIAN) NATIONAL MAILWATS. r FIR OIMCNSION, FINISHIKO LUMBER, PLANKINQ 0 wcsTtna LINKS. IS WELL UNDER m B. IS OcC IS Nat, IS VMla TIMBERS, SHINOLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW!. Order Your S.t2 0i.MNt.1T MwiUalM TCNOia roa TISS. Agent for: S.IS Ort. IT N.24 MMUIar! .Mmt u, th atk4r Numbee of Instructors Appointed CHIEF OF POLICE llobertsnn & llarketta Paw Mill. Ltd. Ort. Nat. a BlMtr aimed tad n4ir4 "T4r fr Tla" mill imi rerrltrd al Ifct ufrir until tt at Anyoi: Opens on October 2. REPORTS FOR LAST J Kyfe riinilh a Hardwood. o'rlork !. Satardaf. Itth day bf rp l ainatr-i" 3 ply Cottonwood I'anelllna". ONTRIAL TO OLA MOW icaibrr. lri. ror t. . HaJimar tie Coal Now Sa.ts Oardcaa f t auaau Tartord fncu limtxrr nt b- J. I'imler- !, lrectnr nf I lie MONTH TO BOARD fiarland Company, Hoofina" 1'atnt. la tMt4r. lfl. ami Mar. li. too 1 Ba. S3 Oct. ti n. IS Mataiama dllerd brtoera iHPrrtutjrr lt. It(. and Northern I'nlytecliHrr lntilute. Krnaibr. ii. on Canadian ta- announce that the work nf or-1 .., ,, ... n.. .,.rl i.,.. Don't get left outaio to Liwsaeoot. nl Unr Wrtl uf Arm.I runt and Fort rtbr. la arenrdanr mita li aueetflta. aramiation i well uwler way atxl fM,,k, ,T ,(,, .,, ,.,,., S.1tOrt.10Na. T Ia f BrlUI Uua o lit dald' Marrk lain. 11. It I t I ... a. a We have arran?rd for delivery I. . lo M olitrd uo taadlaa an Mrjiu rea.iy nar me ohii. U, lhr ,M,lre r.,,.. of 3,000 tons of aa4f t AU tffk, J. A. and.latiMur Wlnnlcrr.unri Mtarra Araulroai Iitir n Ocloirer 3. .cWenan t u,t lir ,, roasTta. ! aat. arjt. suti, I.v la Ur dlltr4 na Canadian ....... ....., ,TUITC .,.,. . . , , ?(j .., Itefore "I National Line brtaera fort Arthsr Nanaimo-Wellington 2SS0 ?. Ttlaanaa Saiai aud Muaiir. acludin( brat la prartice aiuj eiuiiiertnir anu r . liiaaiatrale lit tin- poln-i- r..iiit CANADIAN eACITIO a AIL WAT Mninta. Hibb a rla in print iiik. (JuHllT the iii'miIIi coiiv i-l i-o - Trrri ak t ue.eee u b dtlirared oo Csaadlaa -? Coal NalHmal unt In Minurwl A it)ox intrui'tor o far aii. ami four iiiniaU re.uitn.s SM.ttv u b dlltrd mi Canadlaa DOilitetl J. K. I artorthaa! Natlwial Llnr Waal uf Wlnolp( la are -It, eolili..i. Include It 118 Manitoba and Saikatrhrnaa. mU Dnewrilii-j,; II. . hiIswiii. 4rt.aeiea of Hi. riiliienf l.i Phone or 564. . lo tie olird u Canadlaa .atiuiial Llnea In urtnra Alberu. :iiflih for foreigHera; Mr. Man- lw,r 4et f,,,,.. t.aasr lianl t Albert & McCaffery Silversides i a I ta Unr h dlird brlaerq un Hrd Canadian rata er. high w-h.N.i aubjerta; llobertaMl.B afK rvur ,.niMit t,i,. B,,, janriMA ana rori Mann. rnn.r. aieam eni:itMriH; . to b Vlirrd on Can M.,U hrouidit lT the al LIMITED draikAatloual l.lna brtarea H4 rtf J. ler. neeJI wmrk. flaua.lli.1. Mutinied . unit, . ! JunrtSMi and tndako. i.n la b Arlivrd nn Canadian He tipiuiu and .-xarcoiM- iiiux Bros. ! Nalkaial Trrrar. B.C.l.lnea bclaera Lndaka ad CITY POUCE TO Art. line and collet-lion made Second StreeL I T.iulrr rvraia and Siirclflratlona ran b l.w I I.A .Im..:. ti.Mi.I .llifinu II..- The Man Who Sees Is Tho ,buiid al Uua orrie of lb unrl TI Edson Coal Co. Atrnt, HMn fit rw Ink station. To- HA YE MOTORCYCLE "" Man Who Believes, rtaib. i H erln Mstrtrt Tic Axrct. OIRECT AGENTS FOR (h-iii? S.MIH.IK l.e-l.l. IUe winnip, ian.. or c. Labri. parrnaa-Mif jcouiil Atral. VanrMirr. B.C. Trndrr lll Man Who Wears Is Tho The l,-r"" not hm ruo.tdrd nnlea mad oa form Commission Last Night Decided uHhrd by Ih Railaajr Oauinr. to Purchaae Man Who Knows. Famous Nu imir for quantitlra l I ban I, HarleyDald II win b runaKlrred. aon Machine, Second-hand LACROSSE GAME IS Th limat ar any tndr not aerentrllr rreided. foe $250. All the things we can tell you atwut the high quahty ARRANGED TO TAKE Arranrrnirnla UI b mad Ibrnark In EDSON COAL blilrli'l Tla Aral J. B. Parkin. Winnip. and the diatinetive stylo ol Liberty Shoe, aren't nearly jUi purrbat tir prudwd In atnall cjutn-litira The polio. i'.Miiiiiiiiii. ul it llauda. by actual Srltlrr from tbalr o regular moiillily nieetiuy lat PLACE FAIR WEEK a convincing as a personal inspection. Nuw is the time lo gel i W II. 0KAST. night, leiii.( to iiurrliuaa a Cnral Tl Ant- At a Joint meet IH2 nf the econd.hand winter Canadlaa Rational Kailaar. liailay - lavWon your supply. I Kirt commute of the Fair Toronto, three .-kohIhUoii apeed imxlel UU A SPECIAL PRICE FOR Toronto. Ausuit Sib. tilt. molor. and repicaeiilalMe of cycle for Mie n.e of the ferca. AUQUST DELIVERY. ctRTiriCATi or laeaoviMtMT. The. inai-iuii.. Ihe .aeroe l.eaTU lal iniihl which ajso For further Information. llioii'M HBV.",kF, Nn.U'0l,"I." SMual-IHOM IJl la AK"(.'III nd K will he brought from eoa Vuin i.uver. it wa decided lo arrange a la-croe I'lione 58. CIIIKI.OTTK MIIOO lilVIAIIIl, sltLXA irame helweeu the Soil of It . 1ITHII T, hiraled on Luula laland. i aid t he in fiml ela Office of Prince Rupert Peed Tak Niitlr Hut I, I naa. I. HntS, t-oiiditiun. t'.auada and Ihe Ktk in Ihe Slork Liberty Shoes will appeal to your U.te, youll hoy a Co., Cor. Second Ave. and rra land autv Mlnrra day(crurical.from Ih no.dal IITI brM.f.B.. In lo Cup aerie to lake place liurlnif pair, and then youll know how long they wear, and to th Hrurdr trlirirat Fair week. The malcli will Seventh 8L Minliif for m of ImprmriiK-iiia, fur lb puriM bf ubtala-lu FOUR TRAINMEN ARE how well they keep their shape. PAINTS a i:i ticanl of In abut rlu. played on Kalurday afternoon. RAMSAY And furtive lake nnllra I hat rilM We make them to impre particular men like you. liudrr Serlion SI. uiuil b wtnuirnrrd b KILLED NEAR SPOKANE in TMt suensMC eouar or aaiTiSH' TK KUTT PA1KT T0 FAMT RICHT l"r In laauaor of tur crllflrl of coLuaiaia. hninininta. in raoBAT At Leading Stores Everywhere. It Will Pay You to Get Our Prices. paled Ibl ftrd day of Autuat. A n. tin. la In Hatlr of In Adinlnlatralloo Acl C. t. tWH, PACIFIC CARTAGE Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. csaTi'tCATi or iteaov(MSNT. . Mvr mrw wo i.iaii, iTr..., -iHiti Jabour Ltd. m kt .. i." "ihos ut kr No. TttE iiiiii a inat on in vtn nay w Bros., I maiiiK rrarii.m" and "flthnriic hurt Auu.l, 11, frolial of lb !! Will M Limited : Mineral rUlnia, anual In Ol I Kt ui in-I Tcalauienl nf karl lonaa Altralad. itd, ' 'TTK MI.M.MI UIVUIO.H. Iktr lA HS- furmrlr of rtrrbur, Alatka, a (ranted Phone 93 innT. ijata ua i.ouimi itiaud. tHlK,M'.. Ki'iil. H Knur Irulll. i,. k.u4 r nniMiieim. or rniM nuiwn, . oUe that L Ali. hri, rr I Mi ALL rihiMia hatlnr rlalina atainal Ilia Mlwr Oriirical Mo. l?aB.. Ilud altlr, mru r" killed all ll Injured uim , ruird lo fil tha aaaua Furniture, Piano and Ladies' and Gents' daya fnyn in dau brrnrf. to lo Ih wln;i a, Northern lin.-irir with in uiKlralnrd llhln thirty rtayt: Safe Moving Tailor. pratrnieaia. for In MirniM of obulnlat iiyer itruea a i lleJi cnlne at rmir to in .aid iat r rq.iird in We have a full line of Ladlaa'. Men'a. and Children e .... ... . . ... . iwan jorani or lu ui i laima t.. 1 - k ' Ssa w llaas aaiaaa las I ISM SJIk.Iat'aJ STfiaXl risTID. ' a I. a inf And forth tak lurflr thai ati.' rftaier. I n otyy caaiiuities Vf,Ih."' ' " "Dominion Maka,, Man's Rubbsr Boots, anhle, elfln. men., Coal Central Ca.rtag M. T. LEE under tlkva IS, aiual b (aimirnred b tor laaaaiw or iucb uruncat Sand and Cravat P.O. Baa S77 fa Red 134 luiurtMMnaU - . iwruyeti orina un br 11. Palad tiU iird d of Asiruit, tiff. Iliurt. A 1)0 1 r SUNDHIIM ALEX. koOCPS Kuol ilutel. t'rlut ln,iri, '