tit-r In.' , TUB DAILY NEWS pid You Ever Try order to overrnin the bar press BLANCE ' TELLS of Hi exhaust Hie ehafge most b prp-rnmprcsd In H to 10 Ihs.j per square Inch. When Ihi I ABOUT ENGINES don in Hi crunk ra ft rpiirr a considerable amount of work ' MACDQNAUTS whirh ilecrenses Hie nvallat.le "SALADA" Describe the Working of Internal power nf the enirln without gv! Combustion Motor For Boat ing anything in return, except maintaininpethe eyrp of ojwrn- ! ECONOMY Or DIESEL linn. Th" In of iMiwrr in rrnn- rpinir Uip'rharirp I usually IS natural leaf Green Tea? It Has proven Qrest Development of Varloul o 50 wr fpnt of ihp lotnl wvirk a pleasant rcVclation to thousands of Types of Modern Power onp hy thw'pnplnp. those hitherto used to Japan and Machlnaa Anolljpr lo I diip to Hip Pt'-' BRIER Greens. haunt and Inlet makp lPinir China Ik- Hillary f.tul. yi.tenia) cn- nppn nl Hip ame limp, as inp ;i y'd listening to an interesting of the npw- rlmrpp pap out and ar nn Internal fVtintiii'llim eti- onfp of llip.liurnl bp remain uiw and Ihefr evolution l.y It. n Hip rylinder. Iilance if Dip Odd hi urn bp slnff. I am not piling inin prrHiuepr n vow of the farl Ihnl almost all Bn enSlne a I think our inlei- Ladies ! Ladies ! lii hearers hxd ermines ami rn. I lie iiKi.lly wilh Hip sra en- unie troubles I(f ,fir own tlil jrine a an aui In lilpplnfr and particularly appropriate) Mr. fihine in particular. Internal I.lance said roiidojstlon motor ran h nir.de A gun i a motor in which I lie o work wilh any riplnaiv rriii- GRAND nrkme substanep 1 Hip ga re nrp. Mlvtttrps of air and yapu TIN EXHIBITION sulting from Hip romhoslion of limild are naturally nml ennily I ho powder, and in whirh work i inadp and ronlmlM. Mitturr h; 85-t linn- on in project iip ulilnn il MIBitaaCHLra X aT of air and liiiifcl furl offi-r fpner-ally kmi-ttr rnrray. irli a molnr i no part)cfflar dlfflrully. MU- Packages 5 ml i-nntiniioMs in it aclioti 'hu( ii ten of toal iIimI ami air hatp Fall and Winter I fr ii.il,iifiM of a prftrliral n tried full are not praetiral ... . . . . . 'nam' if Hi Hivkdr rhar i : .- I I i ft l it.. wiiiic in Mir ami ipii ill tin qoiM ihmH and lh pioton i rr.iriolcil ler whirh rapidly rut it to i hi ii nmvi-iiifnl. 'Hip rarlut in. deep. TIip linuid fuel willed onto Hip roil and -tl.e enfne ,Onp inUnep of f?nn,onn pspp COSTUMES & COATS i' run rninliiialliin iiiiilnr. nr lire rniiiniprrlally axailahlr an- tun thi way until thp hnlh I tor a 3,50 nor pirwer ship is i'.ii rnlJ to h pun powihr. Th riulp pelrtdpuni and it ditil!a(p hoi pnoiiBh to isnitp Hip fuel n1ien,on record. In anothrr hip Hip lnt w har rM-ord of wa hiib- and alrohol. Crude oil i prner- hr roil I nwilrhed off. Thiv'np ip Hip rol wa 212 ppr ni -i.-il l.y ,,h llanlpfiriilln in ully nol ftuitahlr for internal hrina u tn Hip rin.iee and renl in pjpp4 In pip of thi I'.Mrt and a folhmnl dy riianv ronihiinlion iHolor a it contain l)ieel enpii-e. rxlra capital charpp.lhp firnl shipj In the Very Latest 8tylet (no two Material! llirr. In 1 1 non1 iif tliio roiihl . alike), and Inn many olid and leave Iim Thp Seini.ipe i really mi- at i ntimriij inn r-nrii l" i I Color Just received from New York. Im inal prarlirahl hy tti lair niurh deM.il in the cylinder. named, a it due not iip Hip cenl motp npt limn it teani mm. if m-Ii antra I art in lliop day Proper Mliture Ihpe prinriplV at all. It i an Jietitor amf with II naehinpryl THESE ARE THE GOODS YOU HAVE BEEN WAITINQ Il not until MimliK-li di. When liiiuid furl wa firl ordinary two rvrl enine Wilh thn weiifhina- a Ihinl hvrp thanl FOR AT PRICES TO YOUR SATISFACTION. ,-..m r-l innr Hip rnd of Hie ISlli HioiiKl'l of in mnneviion wiui hip i rferenep that only nure air i iram pqmpinpni. riMilury thai a rntnl.iMlll.lc sa internal minhutinn riinln tlip'rninirppd in thp crank rap and nnniderahp advanop ha hprnl Mini k i Inn l.trge lii lil .mil f extend tn nu h i-iiulil hp oMainitl fMirn roal thai lirl pmlilem wn to get Hip fuel ,p fw . ppraypd into Hip hot lately mad toward compounding! ps iIkImmi tn i ill hi iiiil in' I mil I'Xhlliil, a praHil inUrnal Pnnjliiilliin iiixpl with Hip rorrppt iroiMirlloii ,u, t,y A pump at a cprtain iwiint Hi iupp. I riai in pxnaui moior lnir poilip. of air to pivp iiMmnttim rPulU. in Hip rexolulion. TV incominir V on leayinB Hip firt cylimlerU GLANCE AT OUR ELECTRI0 We are Agents for THE YUKON FUR CO. A on a prKrli" and Hii i one detail of a p rnginp rti.irae of air i admiltrd wliPiiiar pae. into n ptind one" BREAD method of produrine roal sa wfiieh ha hown wonderful ait-.,e piilnn i at th hottoni of (t.whcp they rxeml IUp reniftlmler wij ij you ai one that.it must Iwiim iwnrally known, nunivr xam-p. TIip first nn lln-1 Hierrly lrnkp and the Pthaut paaB'.'f Ihetr nrBy. It thi I sue ooil, A last of it wilV IpII you RCMT'Q Ladies' Read-to-DILlN ou allPhH'l rr lrvad to uliliii IravtiriB Hip air itxpra mmiI of Hip .jng Mten Hip hurril paC ar t"ful It will V a jrral an ad- (l ia evf.n i.-n- uMn n hNikt 1 D il in ensin. I'p tn t8"i0 many f'lel and vaHriinB a rt of it drixrn oul. ixancA a Hip compounding of the lWhich I savinx a loU Why hother Wear Slore iih -t iWiBrwsl ami ialrnt a it ed Hip riehnp nf thp The Diesel Ulpam rnin wa. Thr i nn wiih horn hakinir whn yu can ......... .. .. . ... . .... ... ...... . .. .. . Third Avenue. rtl anl In a frvr inlnr 1 : - I I u il.nl r-1 .1 1 .1 I I I I I -.. a .... l run I'UXlMre ihj-iiim (inmiru uj mr hip I nee cjne wa iiaiemeii .mi" .T.r, r. .Midi WoniieriUI Iirean Itr '1 Opposite Bank of Montreal. iruriH Mil nn vrp a aivrrpn. iip of tV ool which wa con- hy Or. Itudolf lipp in IR92. Tha IV I '( rtiKinp is hre to ta '.itllf. limine Inn irrocrvilar and lfnl Irolled mechanically. Itapid frl enBinp wa r merriaiiyi ri-. V ti.-l IIM. J.... B-l. I. .in fitl. tride ere made fmrn thi. pa pnnlucp.1 at thp Anpdborjt wx.rk'at anythinir except esorhilanl cot ib OPin P UUI nnW KriKPr K , , 1 ur innir nirin whirii alxp. This 11 1 I Ii a lianaMl iuimap lulav. w m - - -ikU I ap. imt fMini Hip inlxinif in jHyrt after four year nf rxperi. if s- s P " f - " " s i Il'ar-d in Mftrt Hip firl rrall lill uip1 on rntiie modern en- mrntinir. The difference between A hearty vole of thanks waslTn'rd Ave, Phono urariii-al mgir. Srvrral Kin, nn of your J.inrnalin the lieel en?lne and prartically extended to the speaker hy Vice.' Ail ,liiin.inn of ihft rnsinps wrr inenilier want to ell one now.'a other internal contlutHin uio. president Duncan MrFUe. lrei-sdent M. nxlly In Hnsland anl not on account tif Hi mtvinR valxp tor i lhat it I in reality an in. Johnon heins ahent. Quality Dominates Our hul lie iliinks UUt'ocAkulary is ternal rnnibiitinn enpine where Government ;. h iram rnaiiM. havinar onlinary lieromiiiB loo evtenive for par- oilier are internal explosion Inlf v.ilvcn and linff dtHitdr H-inr lor up. ; naine. The differencp in oper- WOULD CHANGE Auction SALE lhi nn an et oion nn TIip present day carhureltor jtmn ran V uppii fnim th follow. Women s : Wear ihr ido nf Ihr vllnn allrr-lalply. Hip reult of many years nf study. ins ryele of oralion. In the BOUNDARY LINE! of Lot at th . Thi pnnlnc pa ( ron- and i III lieinB imiroxed upnii fir. ,ownwart stroke of the iiT CITY OF PRINCE OEOROC , iWahlr Imtddi" in many vay Ignition . ton air I sucked into the enaine i hut thr ra' rr)n for Us Iwinr The ignition of the. charpe I ry tinder direct from the. atm.i. On Thursday, Sept. 14th. . . . u 'i ii i I. .... .. (In Sinn- dmpjip,! frm hp wa ll havy anothec point which ha hen ini- pher. At thp end of Hip Mroke KsUhlkan Writes Boundary Com.; rnnnm.hon of pa, atioul o In lrneit wonderfully I understand the rylinder is full of pure air i mission Asking Foe New i Acutloneee P. J. tstore.fl. . . il its i iOll mil t lill- Ml-UH'l. ' a 1 1 1 in n i Division. , JO nil-ir fl r li.p. hour ThU an tanilion tem ha been in. ready for compression. In the i,i.ilii- ri'tiilMlmn t tl.i I I): - K I B ni an va alMMit fiHir limp a murh a vented thai will isnile even leal nr stroke tlie.air is riiiiipi-e-e. AImiuI Twelve Hundred Iet. ipm I.. I I- Ii iini' much worried t I Ketchikan is Hir nMprn ravin and rnuld ihh dllillap now. In the Parly day lo approximalrly 300 lh. per with valuable iniprovement!i, Quality la always uppermost In our present display of roiilwtr wild th lram maim isnili) n was ranpd hy haxinirthc square inch, the temperalurp ri. over Canada. Al on lime she will be offered. Inneie thai fonnda is get I ilia; WomIVrand Misses' Suits and Coals. Values that give you n mnnine rl. otnpresel mixture come in con- ing to t.mio to l.l0 degrees V. . ! 1..-in.i.- n m trtt I.a Aft.I nl 10O'-oinhe dollar. Discovers Compression larl with ftome suhslancp hoi During the early part of Hip third another lUnada is loo big and TFRMSt-Lou up to fSa.se !l raa. :ff 4. Ii.mw nm.. I. nf nnl slmwii in windows. In IRA! it tKiiiil.1 out hy i enoiich to lanite it. Thl wa iroke the fuel oil I injerled in xerymuch in Hie way.' Jnl now Lais vr M snd up lt.sa htir Frpnrh pnainpr. Han il llm-hp. iiualty dune hy a hot tuh con- to thp cylinder either hy a hlat .. . .......; ..,I,1S - J' " t""-r- MsTl Wo receive the latest models In Hats every week. III rvernis.ll errmi '. , ue deterred psymeni. IM svvc closed thai thai in onlr to act hieh rron. m-cled to the cylinder and of air at higher preMire than Our stock I a therefor always up to date. at it other end. Thi wa kepi in the rylinler or hy a fuel pump I concerned because a direct sioa.se quarter rh, Ulaitra In , iq, in a s rnsinr rrrlain rnn-ditlnns 'aim oHy cable cinhnl V laid lo KetcbV- the rr ua luurM al s. I. Coats. at hmh lcniieralore hy mean Thi fuel is not shot in all nne 0Usf RECEIVED. Sample Chlldrens Winter f oprratinn wrrr neep-sary. a -at kan fr.Mii faille; wilbout pa-p,,',r'frTt 1! t ,or " ' The rnont imjiortant of of a ltunen burner. When the hut gradually oxer about I-1(1 of rl other tltaa Ibe person . ii m a nil vnw mm .! m stales in Kur Coal a in I lake ing through Canadian territory. tar Ihft rnndilion 1 lhat Hip pi. explosive mixture was coinpre- the stroke. Combustion To get rid of this inconvenience' lor full paritraUrs aifly la the Ooj ed into Hip tub it Ignited ami ilace at thi point a the air jh .oalp mtttnre milt he rnm-prenspd the simple expedient of changing rrww rui. MMita F'i ii. or lMfnrp iinitinn. In nnW tired hark into the cylinder ignit- the cylinder I at a higher point Ihe tnumdary line has been ug-;rrtsseai u und. vietwu. a.c . jtn arcomplih llil hp prnpord in the main charge. The timing than the burning unl of Ihe.nil. gesleil. and .a communication ! - Miaw Mrs. R. Goldbloom that Ihr rrp of opraliiin (dimitd wa governed by Hi length of th Thi last a long as the fuel I has teen sent lo Hie Boundary ' - lorupy fiur lmkp n tw rom-li-lptr lull and in conjunction wilh fi being injected lnead of being in. Commission asking lhat thl be.. Third Avenue. rpolulin f Hip rnKinp. during valve . slantaneou a in a a engine. d one. i Th Branch of The Rachslle Style Shop, Vancouver. 1'hi ryrlp of opprallnn wa nol A great advance was made when The fourth stroke Is Hip exhaust A nn alternative it Is sug Popular Restaurant. artually urd unlit t70 whm h'. eleetrie ignition wa Introduced, when the burnt gases jr jltt. gested here that kelehikan -move Hli. adp(pil it in hi rnitinp rfn-l 1'hi is accomplished by bavins out to make room for the next' Iipc cily ovpr to Hi Canadian! The Boston Grill thprphy prtHlurrd Hip iiUHlrrn pa an eleetric arc occur At the in. t barge when the engine is r?adY siite jut ais Mellakatla once; 'rnBiiiP. TIip four utroks cyrlp i stanl the explosion is required, to recat its.cycl of opralii-.u. moved to IhP Alaskan fide. Can.' Third Avenue. now umprally known a Hip HIh Many appliance have liecn dovel-l Two Stroke Diesel ada would benefit hy imbibing , IVelicious Dainties which ryrlr . Oilier ryrlrs wliirh shall ied lo car for ibis most ini- The DipspI principle ha. also some of be pep of lb Alaskans will tickle the palate of the-mot Canadian National Railways l iiientinni'.l latrr worp inlroj f.ortant pari of Hi engine. ibeen workel out In a twx slrk and. Kelehikan would Ihen he a particular diner. Innliircl hut an nprwhpmn SsmUDIessI jcyilc. Thi necessHaie a largo part of lh great Dominion of Private Boxes for tallies. majiiril of f nirinpft upt Hip Olt) Another inelhoil of Ignition is air pump as the charge of air t Canada and part of Ihe Kmpir ,lyrlr. Hip hoi bulb- This necessitate used to clean out th exhhust on which th sun never sets. Open Day and Night, Prince Rupert Two Cycle Engine ' lb preheating of a biilb which ase. Thi is not to he confuse! All Whit Help. I had hpttrr at till tlmp rffcr i really the explosion chamber (with tho ordinary two cycle hot Persistent advertising Is absolutely DRYDOCK in Hip Imu )H i-iiiilnp. In thi-intani,r before starting. After Hip engine l tilli engine. TIip two cycl necessary' to success. Hip wholp oppralion i has started Hi ueeeip ex- Diesel i the most likely style, to arrii'd nut in tvu tnkps. A Hip i'losion kep Hip bulb hot enough be used for marine work as al. Ladies' AND iioii iiiop on it upward otrokp to lanitp the charge without any though it i about six per cent Xtprnal heat. This the efficient it i much lighlpr d draw a a mUtiirP of K and air sys- ies Ready-to-Wear SHIPYARD inlo Hip rrnnk rap. On Hip pi. tern Used on the so-called S inl-'and does not lake up so much Tisjaui sail lets. Diesel engines which are herom-! Practically any kind ol ton iMuninp 4lown thl I rnniprp. room. Sealed lender UI I. reeeUed by lh Lowest Prices. Hip pilon npar Hip ing o coidmon tmlay. An elee-oil can V used in a lleel, al. MlaUier or Land si Yirstria. uui later and Operating Q. T P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock ii.p'lioltmn of a it lrikp it uncover trie coil is now being filled lo though in practice it ha been lhao lit f.n I. the est IMirclMM-tol lite SIM day JJrMU-o ol Sepieiutwr,X 4ISJ. Advance Styles Bollermakera, Blacksmiths. Patlsrn Hies engines eliminate Ihe found that what is usually called la ru yt.swt Tlei. slluaie on an are t tnalnaird, Machlnlala, Hip rxliaiml and aln a p;naK' utile .lortfe of Oerker Lata Statlnn. raa-ailian makers, Founders, Woodworker, Eto. from H'p rrnnk rap l Hip ryliu-dpr. pte-heatiiift' of Ihe ball and en-wide f lift oil, lhat is the oil used to,fire .Sauonal Rallmay. aiul acljmuinr U Mrs. R. GoIdblowH sail and salt and .norta or Lui s7 Thp inittui-p in Hip crank the engine to Mart froir. Imiler. i not suit able as it dp. Hants S. Cnat Land WUlet. Electric and Acetylene Welding. ra l'inK undpr preiur rulip cold. Th fuel u sprayed direct insit l'M much solid matter in omral f limber.year wilt b alisved for rt- Third Ave. On tlu "" th cylinder which wears lue tanser partiruiars u im imer ncn Ih olinder. up into ler, Viriurla. .C- kr Plinr rorester, Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of Kti-okp tt i fniiiuprd and fired cylinder walls and pUlon- Diee fHuv fcueeri. Sc. 1 when the rrunk pup Hip top (locomotive are no' llng ex- Marine and Commercial Work rpnlre. On nparinjf IUp iMdloin ,ierimente. with. PHONES 43 AND 386 h hulli Phaut and intake pa- I Great Weight Dr. Geo. L Barton I The grvat fault of th IWesel rtxdiimr in drlvp Hip hurnl ae 'engine Us trreat weight In. the Tisjacsi ssti X4isi. (Palmer) nut. large sites, at although; they 00- Sealed lenders w ill te led br IS I than engines and Mlouirr i.f land ai VKlona. uul laurl union limited The slmpllrity "f Hip two ryrlp cuny les siwun tlua aoua eu lt 1 1 ! tty at Sepieuiber,I steamship company of-b.c, i offH hy ll l" or er-liHntry. holler IV weights are a little in ivts. fur is purrsate ur Lirenr a tiai.i Chiropractor HtKlii S eu ItU.uOii reel J Mr. Ileuilork aislt SAILINGS In H Kan enKtue a excess of Ihe boiler ant engines. 1 Jr, ua n area on IS ll aid of Sun III Vanoouver, Ocean Kalis und Sanson Hay. Tuesday 5 p.m. ..priain aiitmint hf iiPfrati work Tsi Stastara tsmi.y far BkY rtVH The weight is not Ihe only diffi. keuunrt Ana, aaut S, C Laud P-irlrl. WALLACE BLOCK J Vh,UMr MvTl (iy aild iori Hardy. Saturday p.m. tiunday ha to he dn I" arHIng- Hip sal tsutaa. (i J all fssd UrsMlsts. fully wilh the large engines una or tii lmihr.iw IU ps aUuwtd tut fa-uaval Phone SS0. Alico Ann. I'url H.mp.oii ami Wale Island, .i.,,iU Into the cyllndrr and rf r r Trial rlisTssipKisss.TsrsBte however., for they cost nmre. than Suaiiwr paroeulaca T IM nur Sara. w )t.qlBj,L driving the burnt gases out. In old by ORMES LTD. steam equipment of equil p6wtr. rnots.tar. Victoria.Hvslti, a.C.c. . ut Dtasrtn lertiur. Ns -Rl.sr Oannsrlss, Friday a.m.