PAG ity For ) Sy n » Un Sy un DAII thi ing abe fro hay mo rant pa rent inf hee itt the luc ~ _—s . Ee EE OeeEEEEE—— = PAGE FOTR Protect the Child's Feet This is the weather when parents should be careful to protect the feet of their children. It is “Influenza Weather.” Good footwear is essential at such times. Make sure of getting the right shoes at right prices by buying from us. BOYS’ SHOES LADIES’ SHOES Boys’ Heavyweight Shoes— Ladies’ Patent, Kid and Calf Sizes 11 to 13% $ Straps and Ties, Cuban or it $1.95 to 2.49 Spike Heels. Worth double the Boys’ Heavyweight Shoes— price, at— $2.95 Protect the Children by giving $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 Sizes 1 to 5 $ L them slippers. We have a large j Ladies’ Slippers—Rub- 59 assortment, These are eS very special, up from a9¢ ber Heel, Special Patent Lea- $9¢ Ladies’ Slippers ther, Cuban Heel Special MEN’S SHOES Men's Calf Dress Shoes— Reg. $5.00 $2 95 RUBBERS Sell at » Ladies’ Rubbers- 75¢ Men‘s Panco or Leather Work sizes; Very spec = Men's Rubbers All Sizes Boots- Reg ee 95 Sell at Heavy weight 85¢c Men's Felt Slippers— Up from Reg. $1.75; Sell at 99c Children’s Rubbers— 65¢ Men's aos Slippers—Reg. All sizes; up from $4.50 Ladies’ and Misses’ *4-Leneth CUT RATE SHOE STORE Good Value Allowed For City Scrip sizes in stock j | | | Her Five Children Had Heavy Colds Mrs. M. Arsenault, Kensington, P.E.1., writes: — ‘*T am the mother of five chi dren, and last winter they all had heavy colds. I tried al] kinds of medicine, but none seemed te do them much good. At last I got Dr. Wood’s Norway Pise Syrup and their colds had soon dis- ’ appeared. I consider it the best cough medicine Pine I have ever bought.’’ Price 360. a bottle; large family size 65c; at all general stores; put up only by T*se TY sitters ( Oo., Ltd., Torunte, Ont. Dr. Wood's Yes, There is a Differ- ence! And You Should Hear— DeForest Crosley’s 1932-1933 Latest thing in radio sup- ported by eleven major de- velopments. “Your radio for years to come See The Montrose 10-Tube them now at KAIEN HARDWARE BRIDGE TABLES XMAS CAKE TINS Not more than three to each Set, of three 95¢ customer $1. 75 per set _ Special, each ws Icing Sets 50e Phone—3 We Deliver per set KEEPS YOU FRESH SAVE WRIGLEY 5c WRAPPERS—Write for PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE .. Hotel Arrivals ‘4 Central H. V. Wilson and Pat McIlroy, C. | } | | Fire TO CRO CROSS | the } + . States, it is officially announced in ja Fascist THE DAILY NEWS NEVER HAS INDIGESTION | ATLANTIC Fruit-a-tives a : make : | Flotilla of Twenty Italian Planes to stomach Visit United States Next Year like new ' ROME, Nov. 15:—Twenty Italian | government seaplanes will essay a flight next June from Rome across Atlantic Ocean to the United wood newspaper organ. The “I had always been in ee h eat anything wit! discomfort and c ually had heat severe gas pain headaches. Ica completely restored me to health. health uatil I be- h. Icouldn't but thfully say ‘Fi Fruit -a-tives’ aeria] flotilla, according to present plans, will visit New York and Chi- Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores jeage, ROOSEVELT Banking Holiday — TO ALBANY) In Nevada State President-Elect of United States to Resume Gubernatorial Duties NEW YORK, Nov. 15— Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic president-elect of the United States, after having been here Since election, has now returned to Governor dered State Albany to resume his arduous gee | Pere and Ge |bernatorial duties. Governor Roosevelt was accom- | ™&ay | panied here by his mother, ‘and children. They have been | RENO, Nev.., for another two ‘banking holiday menced November 1 has been or- }central figure wife | the reopening of the b Is Now Extended Nov. 15:—Ext weeks of Nevada's ension which CC by the governm so that the state banking de- Wing banking, for orge Nevada arrangements inks in complete | Staying at their home near here. Pill b Is s ury $ SCHOOL IS DESTROYED | Snell ia.iices sek Sa No Not racsex MOSCOW, Ru | Soviet » Has *palgn Intention of Ratesten Field For Mayoralty Wipes a Large Renna Catholic Institution in ae | illsbur ho has be | Saskatchewan Ald. J. H, Pillsbury wh has been { = prominently nfentioned for some pelle Roman Catholic Indian School REGINA, Nov. 15:—The Qu’Ap- time as a possibility for ma honors at yoralty the civic election next : . € ary nounced this rning at LeBrit, one of the largest of its oe ' 1} ” : at he had no intention of being kind in America, was destroyed by a. OP ae eIng a *, Candidate for the chief magistracy fire Sunday at $250,000 pupils. None were injured the loss. being placed The school housed 225 Senator Brookhart Is Seriously Ill mary CHICAGO, Nov. 15:—The condi- ‘plan tion of Senator Smith W. Brookhart | sentat was so serious yesterday that it was impossible to remove him to hospi- tal. While’ paying a visit here, the PARIS, Noy. 15 ference entinciates a ;continuing economic and financial relations wth an age NEW PLAN OF FRENCH An official sum of a new French disarmament prepared for immediate pr ion at the Geneva arms con policy of di ressor natior veteyan senator was stricken with ,pheumonia a few days Ago. TODAY'S Prince Rupert— Snow flurries, light easterly wind; barometer, 29.73; temperature, 39; sea smooth. t 1 S WE ATHE R Dead Tree Point southeast wind; emperature, 40; sea rough Langara Island—Overcast, ng, southeast gale, Raining, strong barometer, 29.64; rain- sea rough. | | LOCAL MAN WAS UNABLE TO READ WITH COMFORT ! finest trains— Limited”. | | | | | ONE of Canada’s the “Continental Fare-and-a-third Round Trips to Eastern Canada. Local man recently found that his favorite. pastime “reading” was no longér a pleasure. He had to stretch his arms to get the print far enough away to be able to read at all and even then he December 1st to January Return Limit... Tickets on sale cth . three months. Stopover Privileges found no comfort. He decided to call on G. F. Davey, Registered Optometrist in charge of the Op- ! Low Fares to. Atlantic seaboard tical Dept. of Max Heilbroner, | on all tickets to Europe... Jeweler, who had the proper | Effective November 20th. glasses made after a thorough| For information call o1 examination and now his read- | write local agent ing is a real pleasure again and H. Mckwen, D. F, and P. A. besides his friends say the glasses look well on him. N “TILLIE THE TOILER” CANADI ATION Prince Rupert. B.C. A A N L (GERMANY’S | British John Simon in House of LONDON Ca: ;}Germany ing Germany natiol1 settling EQUALITY View Is Presented by Sir Cemmons John iking Nov. 15 Foreign S House of Commons equality of arms provid- will agree with other to resort to force in the of international disputes Sir retary, spe is not John Galsworthy Is Awarded Nobel Prize For 1932: Secretary of the Interior, STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 15: The 1 been awa rthy ny 932 Nobel Prize for Liter ature | rded tO « tinguished British novel “ SOVIET TO Betwe ly gover ECONOMIZE = en 25,000 and 30,000 “White Collar Workers” Are Given Notice Sia, Nov. 15:- -The | ¢ has commenced a cam-, to purge the government of | AR ve employees by giving or-| to discharge between 25,000 | 30.000 “white collar porters" | nent departments | lasses C Necklet fate rystal And earrings to match. This makes a wonderful Christmes gift. Everyone seems to want crystals just now. Not the imitation but gen- uine Rock Crystal, priced— from $3.00 to $10.00 JEWELLERS THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK (ROT weN me Oul Bulkley Pri COAL! COAL! n, Alberta Vall y Coa to give LmMot and guaran- Satisfaction. Try a Bulkley Valley. We Timothy Hay, Wheat nd Barley ls are Oats a ince Rupert Feed Co. 58 — Phones — 558 Heavy Duty N.R.; John Gregory, Haysport | OH BOY. “THE i2e Gauy We im COT mee WHERP: MAC’/_ay