TOE DAILY NEWS Ttinj'sday. .Tune ??, mji BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui CLOSING OUT tTE.wftO- DO m a favcq eftiN, we some trico sl'yiywT A S c??l?r9 A 00 n another T SALE TAKE Mt TO THE. OdSINC eACON WlTri PCR.K ChCj J OH: '-SlJ J C- O TAKE, ME. GJT We are closing out the THE OOT POT,TOEb AND STEWARD! )( Ch V J A "n ?v!t V-or Royal Shoe Store, and every TRY TO PAN -CAKE'S pair of shoes must be sold. EAT- YCU All our Whits Canvas Shoes, WILL. FEEL wilh leather or rubber r BW'tV4fc Hi: . soles, in high or low heels, all sizes In the lot, Prom $1.00 per pair. Any pair of the farmmr REuatL" Shoes or men. Values to tl5.nt). for Ss.75 Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes in black or brown calf, From $5.95. Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes, $4.75. Children's Shoes and Slippers from $1.25. 1U IM RoyalShoeStore Third Ave. TERRACE AND LAKELSE NEWS ron bent TO W'XT For July and Urs. T. H. Walsh nf Doreen i Making advantage of the Saturday Daily News Classified Ads. modern.riirnlstted Ccntr.l hniise, five r.,nt,1K,, visiting her mother Mr. W. C. night picture show, (twin? In bM ii.,n ' p Sparke.. jlherhanpe in Hie train rhedulc. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea than BOe ply Hoi 1.13. Dally News 1,u Be Prepared! people from tin the linn are able noon Clean lleds frojrt tt 5 II. V. Sharpc of the Forestry In arrive here Saturday afternoon week. Fishermen's Ue. p, Department was in lown last ami return lrome the same night. WANTED WANTF.D An exrfrienred nates, Pioneer noonu. I tjt Fire Risk is always week. - . GOVERNOR GENERAL Men lady for Ladies' mwiy to wear. fljjrd AvsK JWA.NTKH and women to Funk Phistalor of Ihe Terrace One that can d .literal Ion. FOt riFLNT -Two room with you Murh entertaining has' been IfMel left for a visil to Seattle GAVE ADDRESS IN learn method the llarher Trade by the Musi hae good references. alo large from room (,,,. only in the world thai lone in honor of Mr. I.a Zelle on Sunday. Hood wages pnid In Ihe right lnre. Aiply Waltaees. ir We Write fire Insurance who leave today for California CITY OF WINNIPEG will ave you time and money parly. Apply llenl Lingerie of Every Kind and fit you for a position Shop. Hurd Atenue. 115 I'll It IK room house for ri-nt A danre wa held in I.akee Let us quote you worth while. We Kuartnlee Third Avenue. Apply lirn. On Wednesday Mr. Darker Community Hall on Saturday eve. WI.N'XII'Hu. June 3i. Iraron steady employment at good flKLlAHI.K ayent wanted for Rupert ' iew Hotel. Agents for ntcrtalncd a few ladies at lea nlnjr, at which a larjre erwd of llyns of Vimy. (iovernor-eneral wave. Write now for beautiful District. The Sovereign t j- Norwegian American Line Terrare people were preenl. of Canada, in addreing- Ihe illustrated catalogue. Moler Life Assurance Company. Head I'OI'lt room riHHlern apartment U Swedish American Line Them wa a larye gathering .11 ttnailian OSnh and the Canadian llarher College, 311O Main HU office. Winnipeg, Man, Write rent. Apply Sniilh Mallett Mr.. Keith's home on Thursday illen rtaeh, in rharse nf oil- Metlical A'oeiuHoii al a je.hit II. Chas, A. Pyne, Prince Scandinavian American Vancouver, C. (Jeorge, Line. iflemoon. Mr. Munro ami Mis Irillintr oeraon here, left on luTieheon, Bppeale.l for a rei.Tl manager for Northern Itrltieh FLAT for llent in Hesner Apsrl-menU. Mar.1h s.1n7. Among those pres. Sunday fnr Anyn.' of war idenli-m and unity. WAXTFD In rent furnished five Columbia. M. M. Stephen. tf Oliver Typewriters ni were, Mr. I.a Zee. Mr. tico. roomed house or small furnished Cary Safes I.illle, Mr. Wm. Utile. Mr. Mr. K T. Kenney and lilliel uile. Apply Hox 33 FOR SALS BOARD. ANNUAL CONVENTION FIRE INSURANCE Ilnxik. Mr, Orieg. Mr. HIeeker, l.iiiirtiler returned on Monday Daily .News Office. I IK HflAHD Inlander. FOIl SALI I roomed house, two HM Sernail Mr. J. II. Younjr. Mr. Parsons, from I'rine It ti pert. TRADES AND LABOR j'hone Avenue, If ynu are leavlntr fcjr a lots and all in garden. 11700, 137. tr Mr. laover. Mr. Dnnaghy. Mr. Dybhavn & Hanson II is half rash on 1500 all cah. holiday well to keep in Marsh, Mr, (iilherl. Mr. Marker. Mr. and Mr. Slanjrer, who CONGRESS MONTREAL SUMMER RESORTS. touch 7 roomed bouse with additional with Prince Third Avenue Mr. II. Chandler, Mr. Munro. moved here from Kdn. Alia.. Itupert by having .1 copy nf the Daily News 5 room apartment, on cement HILL FAIIM. Terrace. Arri.tnunt. Prince Mr. Wilson of flenio. Mr. M. have been compelled. Ilir- u-'h B. Rupert, C. nilloXTu. June ..' The annual mailed piles, balh, trellenl Hall an.l Mr. F. Hall. Mr. Al- Mr. Slanper ill heallh to -!( In you every day. If eo., run. dalliui for aummer iHianlrra rnmniliMii "f llie Trade dillfin and irriod lorsltuti' lous, Mr. While, Mr.. F. T. out. and return to AlluTla. Terms moderate. Si-parsi Ilos-s, Mr.. MrOregor, Mr. and I.nnr Ooiyress of Canada (JttEM CHMILOTTE LAMP MVISIOI. 000 on easy payments. huts if deri. A,,rT will lie hetrt in Montreal rnm-inenHig Ttko nntlre Ihll W. O MrMorrl. nf I room house, lot in trarden. fear, and Freneh. if ami other.. parked many PRESIDENT OF NAVY on August -'I. Vtncuuirr. B.C.. tnlivr. Inlrmts In ipp'r rhfckeit house, e near King 10 lli Mint.lrr nf l.nd fur Itrrtww U prmiwri rur real, rvinileum tml niiinl Kdnaril ScIkmiI. $100, terms THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Friday afternoon Mr. F. T. LEAGUE FOR B.C. i urrf ami iumr in osinmini dM-ribel Trollers ! I Iloss had an enjoyalde lillle lea. NEW YORK BANKERS Urwl. lliul nn Skiitrile llOl. r.nlwin It 3. block .10, seel Ion I, with MsssttL UltiHt. B.C.: fUniHM-ini al a ll Maate4 01 fl. fronlase on lllggsr Often July I. for IV.iiri.t.. Those prckent were the Mes- IS VISITING CITY tt 1 iv nuriri rur of smM It. i URGES RECIPROCAL tirvQ.niu m: uienr i ClUlfis: inenrs Place and three riumie,) house Sjmrtsfnen and Holiday.makers dame l.e Orieg, Oen, Zelle, msi Hi as rhains; Ihenra ru as rltslas; Fishing, Shooting. ami !..itms I.illle Hrook. Hover, Marsh. Major W. H. I.ansley, president imw nnrin s rnains la sni or rur 4IOO0 cash. We give you Munro, Keilh. Donaghy. Ilarker, nf the II. C. Division of the Navy RELATIONS CANADA luw-rfiwni.Urlrd Xarrb ft, lff. Lots 31 and 35. Illock 3, Sec Picnics W. O. MtMoHHIS. Us-ator. 2. Mew lot on Allin Avenue, Rooms from $1. Meali from tOc A. fto., ,!l. Chandler, ; Mises League of Canada, is in Hie cily Service Coum and Marh. today on his return to Vielorra I.AKF PI'.ACII. June 'Jt. QITt CIHRLOTTE USD MVIMO.1. A perfent hoinesite, 750, half PHvaU Sultta. 4 frnm Montreal where he allend-c.l Thomas I. Mr Adam, president Tak nrrflrr Hue W. O MVnrru At easli. ne lot nn flench Place J. C. S. DUNN, Proprlrtor. All your little orders receive Tueday aflernovin Mr. Ii;er Ihe annual meHin? of the if I In AiniTir.m Hanker' .so-'ialion. VaiMTMir. B.C, rnlwr. lneod 10 apply 'for3J5. a beauty. Lola AH nnd TAXI the closest attention. enlerlaind af a family tea in Dominion Cnuneil nf the N'avy urged rloer reciirocal prmperi 10 the MinlMrr ror niai.of Land fin.irum for a am tkmrt luisril 10 Cl, block 13. section S, 70. We handle only the best honor if her aunl. Mr. I.a Zelle. I.eairue. In view nf Ihe fact that relations between Canada and Ul,ass ovrr situate alul uislrr nn HkfcWal llw rollovliif InWl.drtrtiirH Or ham terms or 75u cash. M. M. Phone 653 of Prince llupert was looked upon I'nited Stales a the Stale Hank Uland. B.C.: Cuaiimnrlnt at a t-utt nliniMl Stephens. (Call Oeorge Hs but if everything you al lh nnrtbsr.l Kjner of la, want something we haven't Mrjs. Walker nf Copjier Cily as an important point py tne ers" Convention. Tonblp 4: thenre rati t rhti".; thrner FOIl llaby's crib. ii.urt: Five-passenger Touring Car viiiei Mr. Aldon on Tuesday. Xavy I.eatnie, Mr. Iinpley decid usilb llirnra rtulnt; irienrr l ?j rhaim: folding Prompt Day and Nlchf SerMcr table, north (0 riltuu to noinl or root- $5,011; wd pot-Hell us, and we will get 4 ed In return' IhV way. He said CATTLE EMBARGO iiiriirrntrnt. spring and Stand Boston Grill. Thlrtl Avtnut mattress; .Morris l.-l Mtrrh ft, ff. it for you. Anion? reeenl Vancouver vis that a renewal of the activities W. O. MrMORHIS. Lnrtxor. Chair; I'wrfrvilon oil sti1 itor In Terrace were Clia. II. nf the league here wilh increased BILL CANNOT BE rilUtl.OTTE Lvnn v1ih laree oven; all in first CLOTHES CLEANED Our Motto Hurand, I.. A. Palmer. C. K. viynr was something which the DIVISION. chs condition: cheap. I In and pressed 'by latest ST FAX council desirnn nf BROUGHT IN NOW Take noilee ihii w n ... Snell and l. S. Harper. was very see- A Square Deal Always anmuvrr. nr. . mlnrr. Intmdi 10 ,Sixth Atenuc llol. Phone pressing process. It the Minl'trr of rr a Iw-riwi li Illue 217. 8 ulU called for and delivered. peixperi for rl. prindrHm and natural Tuesday evenintr Mr. Illeecker "The prospect. for Xavy I.eo- LONDON, June The biH va ovrr ami umirr ilw fnllovlna drsrribrd 649 Inyerness Camp Hilerlained at w" lald nf ?ue anil boys' brigades throupli- for the removal of the embargo I.lands,land. slinalr Sl.: Ctmunennnw on SkMraaie ai Inlet,nmi nranam FOIl SALF Furniture of three LINO,Phone Ths Tslloe liridye, thP ue.l heinjr Ihe Me, out Ciinada are much more hope on Canadian cjrtlle il is declared al its. Atuhra.t mrwr nf srruoa It. roomed house, complete, everything Dundas. ilaincs I.a elle, Keith, Munro ful for the reason that it is like cannot lie introduced in the uorili Touhip tu rhaiu;f: ihenrr ibmer wrtt la ran Hum:as rh.m.-thrnr ilteluded. For 1100. ORIENTAL O00DS F. Halt, lireip, M. Hall. Ilarker ly that lheir scope will be widened Hriliuh House of Common be. nienrrnirnt.tnmrr sou Hi so raam to mui i,t ni, you walk In and I walk mil. and Dnnaghy. and jrninl.s are raelUxilly, fope nexl 'autumn. Lurausl Marrb fl, lff Alsh gramophone and fifty re. Japanese Kitnnnas. Crockery. assured by the new irovernment," W. B. MrMQhBH. Lorair. cords. 10.00. Apply 1203 HamlKHi Furniture, Ornsnenit. . .JUSE. . F.. II. Jacob nf Ihe Hank of said Major He had in-lerview 01 IXH CIMHLOTTE USD Park Avenue. Haskets, Children'e Homprrs, in Ottawa with Hon. FISH ARRIVALS Montreal, Prince riutiert, i re- Taka Kte. noilre that W. 0. Mr Warn, of FOIl Tnys. SALIi--15 foot varnished lievinK Mr. Wilkinon and Mr. C P. Orahani, minister of mil Wiiir, B.C, rnlbrr. intmdt to lowf-st pnintw. Shamrock Hrook during 4heir holiday.. itia and defence. Premier Kinji. Catches Arriving During Past pmsprrl for mat. petroleum and natural clinker built ruwhoal wilh I wo P. K. AKA3E Hon. Kewilt I to slock .and Capt. a oir aiul under ltM.r.llelna- daTUird pafr of nam and row locks, all Two Days Lighter Than land. male on in 'first class order. P. O. Hox A I Tel. Red Mrs. C. A. Waile and family Hose, director of naval cenice. Usual. B.C.: Ctanmearliir al a nui r.i.m-i Cart be Third Avenue " .tT1"" !' " " "ilrrrrllit i.f llw seen al Ooverumeni Wharf. left Monday for Ihe prairie", and cfi-operalion between- Ihe p BACON 011 '" i ii na um mrai iim or where Ihey will vtil Mr. Waile's sroverninent and the Xavy lapue Sixty-five- thousand pounds of tlieor I. Tovnalilp MMtllt a t; ihenrr rbunt: Ikenm r.l a flam.;S Station.Apply F. T. Saunders, Marine WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. I HAM parent. was assured. I lie government halibut wa marketed al Ihe rhains: Inriwa txrflli id rtiam. It, burnt tf 4 was taking up Hie mailer of 'ish exchange during Ihe pal of Loraleu rofnmrnrrrorat.Mltrti f, lift. DIXINO room siille, fumed nak Expert watch, eloek "! BUTTER I.en Hell of l-'dmonton wa naval defence In a sensible and two day. The arrivals and s-ale W. U. MrQBBia. IM-alor. rnii.i.iirig of dininu rMm chronometer maker. EGGS a recenl jrnest al the terrace effective manner and if preyenl were a foNows: VIEEJI CIMflLfJTTELASD DIVIsIOM. chairs, table and buffet, nn Walch and Jewellery Hepnirf s Hotel. plans carried nut al Ihe end of Yesterday. Take nnllre t Ka i w n ii.u....1. . sale at the salesroom nf specially. LARD I len year there should be ready Caygeon, K,.'()() p4iiinds, sold to Vannriitrr. B.C.. uiinrr, Intrnda 10 apply Oeorge Leek, Auctioneer. HJ.l Mall orders promptly M'"'ll,ftl 14 I be Minl.lrr or land, for iLr-n.i t! The Sherrah, enlerlainerd, put for naval service of any kind the Sinclair Fisheries at IJ.te pmiri fur rrl, twiruiruro and natural Third Avenue. 1 17 QEO. QIDB on their fdiow in, Prngra Hall, several thousand well trained and l'-jc. . . ...irr simj uiiurr ine loiiostior flrarrlbrd 0pp. Pnat Office (P. O. I" 71 The Empire's Standard. Thursday eeninsr. Thi was followed men. S. ruli, U.0UO pound, sold Ui l.laisl.".""l B.C.: Cttiiuirlirlni 00 HhWale-- Inlrl. Oriluiu ol.ntH T)lt HALM Furirite" of four Prince ilnperi. if by a dance. Ihe Canadian Fish and Cold al IM HHiilnoi rorwr of Herllon tt. rofimed flat. Cost 500 P.BURNS LTD. lomn.nip ; inrnra north ao rhalna; CO., Storage Oi al 13.2c and t'4e. Inrnrr rail 10 'hnn iirm ttiuih mi Will sell for .100. Or would CYCLE REPAIRS. INTERIOR SKIPPER rham; ihrnro writ e rbalns lo pism of Aimilin 4hoe registered llii Tramp. II,(UK) pound, sob) to rent In suitable tenant. Phone i.j week nt the Terrace Hotel are: DIED AT NELSON Atliu Fisheries al 1.1.2c and uiraiod Narrh W. tl.. MMIlHHIS.ltt. IKllor, Illue 273. Xo. I Clapp llnllding. Cycles and baby of oil carriage makes re-l""eu repaid .1. K. rtrmheim, fur buyer, Prince I He. in tmc sueetMC couatr or British FOIt MALIC Sixty cord hemlock Cyols Accessorial. Wh en in Terrace ftujtorl ; A. C. Knight, of Kelly, NRI.SON, June 22.Capl. L. Today. COLUBSIA IN PROSATCl and cedar; cut fine, 11.50 per J. OAWTHORN lunula Co.; F. II. Millen. Van. McKimiou, for 25 years iake and Norma, 8,000 pound. and III llie .Vallrr rf 11m Adinlnllratlon Art cord or 15 f.o.b. W. Hints, Jap Has removed to rear of Prlnf comer: l. C Mcllae, Prince Ilu- river captain in the Koolenay I Vela. 1 1,000 tiouuds, sold to the f iu o- aiiirr or IIMl t.llla of stop at rawua Ounrau Ik Miimv Inlet, Porcher Island. If Hnperl Music Store perl ; H. F. .Mel.end, district and Fraser 4raffic for IJie iUin. I Canadian Fish and Old Storage TAkK .VoTli'i: IlLit IK- kii. ii.. ... registrar, Prince ftuperl; A, adian pacific Hallway, dieil sud-!cn.. at JO.7c and ic. Julie,U'..1?.""yy. ''l-li.r.r of tranird A.1,(iini,iriii.,ii lo Jolm FOIl HALF, One fifteen fool and Thlrd'Avenus Tourist Hotel OoodeuoiiKh, Smilher. denly yesterday, aged 53. Id-had Xulia. 7500 pound, -and Mali itoperi W""',,, A'""l,u,r. frinrs one sixteen foot cedar rowboat; HYDE TRANSFER a distinuished war record in ."1.000 pound, sold In the sln- ALL I'l.BSOSS barloi arnsinti analnal also belt tent. phone Illue licit Koomi and Dining Room Mrs. F. M. Whitlow nf Usk F.Ky(il and McsnHlamla. i flair Fisherie.s (it 1 1.5c ami ic. Ike h.'"1?.rutalr ttt rrquirrd niiliin to arml ll.lny Hie saiiM day 308. 1 17 Phons 680 Service in the North spenl Ihe week end wilh Mrs. ALL mi0 dale lirrwif. BsagsQs and Express on( iiHinia lo ihr FOIl HALK Two fresh oowsj Koomi from $1 00 up Clia.. itiney. ai.l rtatr arr Iwrrliir ri-qilln-.l to rijy Im and Meal from 35c up l,m umlrroaiinl riiritiwlili. milkers. W, Sims, Jap Inlet, Ooal and Wood. i".JTf!.' ! ,h" Hrlnre lluiwrl F. OUBORD, Prop. Al Die lliueltnn Hospital last ICED" '."..I11.iiu umj i'riw 01 juiie or vu,Hriti.n Ifff.i;-.iumt,i Porcher Island. tt AKenl llupert and Dislni't r"r week a son was born to Mr. jun- 11. mi; Ml 1.1.KX. FOIl RAI.K Piano. American aiobs Airless Tubss. and Mrs. K. R. Chandler. Hrlnir IIUirrl, B.C. make. Phone lied 51 I. 1 17 Kecond Avenue m Vi?..!i?f.W co"'r or BRITISH in rnvaaTKI KI.ITF, Cafe for sale, furnished BEAUTY CULTURE.PARLOR. Miss porter of San .lose, Cal. Seaview lo ,hJuiH"f, ,h" AilmlnlilralliHi Arl complete. Phone 173. tf Is visilin her sister Mr. C. It. r. . "77. mm"'r 01 in r.ia of 625. Phons Black flilberl. TAkl. 011r1: ts.i .ik. ... LOST ",,n" "SALADA" iunr.. ttff. Lrtlrra of Ad idm.ira i ..i Z Ilulrdresslntf, 8hampoolnir Storage & Transfer uhm..'' ,,u, rramrd to Mnrcel Wavlnut? Mn,ur: Mr. Weir and Mrs. Percy Uuptrl AduiiniMrator. 'r!u"r LOST H.l.irh of keys, between' . J V ik.Tmenl Company Skinner of Usk were in lown 011 lH,0: hAVInc armunli (filnM I osl Office and HevriHI, Ave.!1" L ."""P Phone 777. Ite rslalr ar rrnmrni 1.. Abo re Siilurdaf. nue Fast. Finder pcg leave Furniture Crating a Speciality '"" nl Daily News Office. Heward. Third Avs. T DE3 jZL. Milt ALL Pl.llSONS i.u.lnm .. .... Joe Tlelway nf KiUiinikalum aid ratal ar; lirrrliy rrqulrrd to pal FURNITURE CRATN F. BROCHU,Express Delivery Proprietor. Lake is In town,4 is so good as a refreshing summer FOUND- Key FOUND ring belongliiK In by experienced men. iiUa r-n-' Many out of town people are drink. "You Really Must Try It". II. ..7 SI. ......Ml I.I t. a mason, Apply Dally New II II HFMMIVri.-Late Princa fluptrt, o.C Office. Hudson's liny