Thursday, June 22, j922. ?AOE THRE1 THE pAILY NEWS ff r- 11 s;11 lujj-na- ,-l h,, H. If. Scliultz, uf .Suhus, ar-fiwil In town on last night's Local and Personal train. ! ., I FI,KS I Heinember Decoration Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548 liay, Juui! -'0. Leave the Home - -.4. al Z.-JU p.m. 1 17 nUlIlllMIMfiJ H. H. Undertakers. I'hone 41. tf jF A' "ft Mr. and Mm. Hail Omfslroiii Hayners, Undertaken). lhone rami! in on lanl tiiglrt'g train 351. from Cii rlNle Cannery. . Il.i'i'liiill tonight, (lioiiu v. Mystery Trips. Every week-evonlng Oil's. ?:15. at 7:30 "Narbelhong." Fare 51.00. Phone Black 400. tf 2ah for Victory Ilonds. Thos. MrfMrfliTaTTTniTtiliUlliimil McClyinont. 1) G. M. OifrKpy arrived from Genuine Black Morocco Trhracc lanl iritil mid in regin-Ita 'Hire- dozen eng. for nt ed 11L I he- Hotel Prince Kupcrl. LOOSE LEAF MEMO BOOKS guaranlecd. Cily Market. tf. 1 The Natural Wealth of Canada ivii ;.J l' 1). Joliiinon, deputy mliilnlcr Vest Pocket Size, ij x 2J, complete $3.05 J. A. Creaxli orriped from y fiiiiim-e. who I here allcnd-i'fttt Pocket Size, Gj x :jf complete 4.60 Mayi-ut on last niahl's train. Hie (Irand lod?e Masonic Sources Open End Size, 81 x G, complete 4.10 iVimrmiiiiciilioti, in aeriiipaiiiei A. l-'luk urrhoj in he city by Mm. Joliiinon and bin nccre-Inry. Solid Cowhide Price Books fniiii prince Ueorae on hml .Minn Wilkinnoii. FARM produce that can be developed in sufficient eieinug'a train. feed lumber minerals to an Empire, vast tracts, Open Side Size, Gj x 3J, complete $7.10 Mother (Jeneral Vleloria, of Ihc in abundance, deep-sea and inland fisheries, water powers, DFNNY AI.LF.N CO.'S JUNK tinem of SI. Jonrph. who npenl facilities these the rivers,Iiarbours, and transportation are HALF.. Willi every $1 purchase a week in Hie cily vinilinsf Ihc natural and fundamental sources from which Canada draws C a cnaucc 1111 our 120.00 Tea geL local eonvenl, left 011 lat eve-injrn tr train for 'Toronto aeootn-paiiied today, and will continue to draw for many centuries, the . by her Imvelling com- wealth that makes for the strength and greatness of a nation. AS II. (I. OImmi. lu.-ili.-iirpr fur Mm panioii. lLlllen When this bank was founded over a century ago it had Tie A Timber Co. ul - the future of Canada. Today,with hundreds confidence in Snililiern, reached the cily oil Mm. Coombs and Tom Ander-non 1 -rfrr ia-l iiMliln train. were urrented l Ilirar of branches -throughout the Dominion and widi a complete I'lacM mid were charged wilb in banking service suited to the needs of every locality, Will OfnpL F.llls W'alnon Ui.vii'aliuu on Bptieariii? in the the Bank of Montreal's confidence in the future of Canada V riolumunirate Willi rriiinin. (Irare )iollce court lliirf morning, llolli is deeper and stronger than ever. O. I'arker, 125 South ililiillii- i'leailed not guilty and were re-nuiiidcil Columbia fon Aeuue, tlmliMI. MaK. If until 'tomorrow. The ar-ronln were innde following com- llot.erf llniiril. inxm-clor of plaitH of neiybbors. BANK OF MONTREAL muni' i;ilitie. arrived in llio Records i-ily from Victoria yenlej-day and BRITISH HOUSE IS Established over IOO years n n-i-lered at the Hotel I'rinte llupi-rl. DEFEATED COMMITTEE! F.. F.. Orchard mid J. Maou LONDON, June 2-'. The government Adamn arrived lani niulil from 25c. 50c. wan defeated on a finan Southern lit attend I he (iraild cial amendment lo the National Lodite of I lie Mamtlln. .Mm r- Health IiiMiram-e Dill in commit- 5fcA5UN 3 blHtUULtl) eliard is here wijh licr husband. Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Record le' today by 20 In 1 1. I he committee adjourned lo allow the FOR JUVENILE AND A iiiiiiiImt of i"iliiu Holuriaun Fresh iroverument to consider its position. JUNIOR BALL LEAGUES ORMES LIMITED deli-valion wrre nuel today 11 1 Mil Hotary Club luncheon tit the Junior League. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1GS0 SI. Hejrin rufe. Ttie local speaker BRITISH EXPERTS June : Hoy Seoul v. White Phones 82, 200 nnd 131 was Ihonra .McGIyinoiit. LEAVE FOR HOME July 5 Tiinn vn. Ily Seouln. FLAT Rupert THE PIONEER ORUQQISTS TWO REXALL STORES Mr. and Mm. F. S. Clement July 1 2- While Sm vn. Tim. liur piirt'lufpil mime arreajn' on Hague Conference Is Now Defl July Ill lloy .Seouls v. While Hie Inner llarlmr of Sookr, near nllely Organized so Experts Sox. Virioiia. and nn now rt'idiu? Are Needed No Longer. July ".' 'I'iius vn. lloy Seouls. Brand fln-rc. Thin i near hrc Uapt. Juvenile League. FISH Holiernon reecnlly lulit u home THK HAiilK. June The June 22 Falcons vs. . lloy lle. . llasue eonfereiice having been Seoul. definitely orvranif cd, Prof. I;. June 27 Hoy Scouts vs. Mid- MmxI proiniiKMil timoiig the Mold Mxiilpcl il. of tiuada, with llril-ili jsel.n. now available from the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ry i-ilorn )u4rrilay and Hie expert n liae left for lioliit'. 8. S. PRINCE CECROE AND PRINCE RUPERT will bail Thursday wil mid life of I lie narlv wan ANNOUNCEMENTS local retail stores. nml Sunday al I - o k MkIiukIiI for Swanson Bay, Tom sirwtiri, an i:n?linlnnan GERMAN COMMUNISTS Victoria and Seattle. from M Kid lc-liolo, who kept ev- Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, 8 ervlliinjr j;oin-. Willi a I'rir..' NEARLY KILL FIELD (iet ready for a preal lime on Canadian Fish & Cold Ltd. Anyox W. Jii - lay. II n.ui. For Stewart, Saturday, p.m. HupiMi i iiji he offk-iully wideoni-) July I, Canada' birthday. The Storage Co., 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN rr nil point- Northern nix Southern Hie .New York llolariuii- at llo-meelliis MARSHAL MACKENZEN .mi of (uiada have cbarire of PRINCE RUPERT Queen Charlotte Islands, M iy I4ih uu 27th. June I0h anil In Hie new n.talioii yes-(rda.v exenln. illi. July Hih a 14 J J.imJ. Aiusunl &th ami tWtti. Sent. 2nd, lUtli unlil r.ilk'd down by hin IIF.IU.IN. June Field .-.. lienny Alien sale for fellow I'liiliineii. s Rreal and .;ntli. Marnbal Von Maekemen was al- . bar?aiu. W hat Train Service 4 about winning Laeked liy a mob of Couimunisds u priie there. Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.45 p.m. Tin' r!nenl underlmidin diiriuu the MoiiaicliUt officern For Siniili'T. I'niM f tiforjj'-, Fdmoiilou. and Winnipeg, here i Dial Hon. T. 1 1, l'allull... eeieiiralloii al l-.venln near Wentlodme nhow starts at 7:30 B. & K. Poultry Mash niaViiiK dirrt 1 iiiiiirci iixi for all points in F.atlcrn Canada fur (lie ilintriel. iierniii-piinicil SI llin yelerday and narrowly ins I cud of 7 every evening- until li Hon. Ir. SnllierUnd. uiid I uited star. eni-apeil diMlh. further notice. tn 1 11 1-1 of pulilir wnrki. will he means OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME ALL TRAINS AND BOATS - 111 Hie cily on July fi wlieji Ihey Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines will iifiiei'l Hie new !oeninienl EMPRESS OF CANADA Fverybody 011 Hie water every City Ticket Office, 628 Third Ave. Phone 260. loilhllllv. Il i pol!ilc Hial rveiiiup wlnle its fine, (iel next More Eggs ARRIYES VICTORIA Hie boat house or one of the ; no- inaiier or tinral plilihe work pam-eiijjrr launches. win in- iiiTiixH.eil Willi !ie vii- iloi iarlit:iiiarly Hie New C. P. R. Transpacific Liner propo-cil This is a balanced Laying Food. read to Hie Meena. . Mado Passage From Orient TERRACE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 4 In Nine days. Each sack has attached a tag giving the ingredients A lii-aeli Kirly wn ri -n lal and guaranteed analysis. B.C. Coast Services MCIOIUA, June 22. After FRUIT LANDS rciniu In Jioitor uf Mles I;. ... having made, llio run .from Yo . i Weller iin.d F. Helnlen, lionprtal kohama lo Victoria I I "i urn's u 11 1111( 1 ord land Hosr in nine days Sailings from PrinceRupcrt Miir-c. who air Jul rlo.iiii u and two bourn. Hie new U. P. to nehool hotiM, one mile from THE BKACKMAMER MILLING CO, LTD. line,, week al I lie town, Holiday camp II. liner of xii K'kmI road, tiood soil For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway lieiir I In null lake, loaned them here on hiiiprenn her maiden Canada trip with in and water on the land. Prjei' P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 JUNE 12, 19, 2G. JULY 3, 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. hy Nonnan llri'llnir.-l. The parly orr 1 Oil paseiik'em. 7.'i(i ciisli, 01 noil 011 terms of For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle went lo Wolf Inland where nup. oiii' iialr rash, halaure one sear. JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, 8, 12, 19. 22 and 29. per wan nerved mid 11 bonfire AdvrliKM in ,e llailv Nows. Tin nls a oimJ tmram. S. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Infill. Hie par4y iimcIiIiii: Jioiiio GET BACK ON THE FARM East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp nolnewlial laic. The parly re. KENNEY BROS. & CO. 160 Acres ' mile from Morlcetown. Frame house and bell River.and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. porta haintr cpent u mol en. SPORT STANDINGS Real Estate A Insurance Brokers, two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and Agency for all Steamship Lines. joynblu lime. TERRACE, B.C. Spruce. 60 Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. Full information from Senior Baseball Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent, A fine pholoimtUire pt'uiv of W. I. A v. a mountain neene mi Hie Micen'a K of C 2 I Prince B. C. 007 Rupert, Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, II 1 xer uppearn in Hie illiitliMled i:ik 1 t SOU I -1 1 1 1)1 1 cm -n I of a recent number S. of C I 2 The Beauty of of Hie New York Tribune. II In Intermediate Baseball. LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON NOTARY u fine nccne and will do imioli W. I. THEO COLL ART. LTD. l(( adM-i-line Hie ilUlricl. Il A v. PUBLIC wiin Hil's 2 0 I noo Cut Glass COAL plai'i'd Hi iMe througli (the North, S. of C 0 I 000 Five Rftomed House and Bath For Sale on Ninth Ave. K. went Touril Anxoi'iatioii. (he ex-eeulixe iroo 0 I 000 II' is impossible lo describe -ei-retary of which two mid three years. Junior Baseball. $2,000 u00 mull, ImlaiK e II, when il is IlerlieH CuHilierl. Willi it are W. I, espeeially cut- Av. Hial IS ut BULK on Dock $12.75 per ton neene from Vaiieouver. Victoria, Tiny Tims 2 1 Ii(l glass t plass. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance and iliffi'i'i'iit purl of Wii"liiu;f- White Sox 2 I 00: We liue it. A new stock BULK Delivered $14.25 per ton Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Bo 66 lon and OrcKi'ii. lloy Seoul n II 2 000 just in. SACKED on Dock $13.75 par ton Juvenile Baseball, llenulirul Howls 0.50 to SACKED Delivered $16.00 per ton W. IT $15.00. Fa Irons Av Whiskey Sels U lo J23. The Ladysmlth-Welllngton Coal has been mined continuously .1 I) I 000 Little things $2.50 to' for the past fifty years. This splendid coal Is unequalled .Mldyels 2 S DENTISTRY! POO $0.50. for all purposes Steaming, Household, and Furnacos. lloy Sr.utn .vi4 j9 3, 000 Senior Football. '' You're weleonie to only Modern X-RAY Service A lTlletil sellout Minn iiintlltldii 011 imuu wblcli tie U W. l. I.. PI. look. Prince Rupert Coal Co, liter, kidneys mill ImiwcI; iti S. O. 0. 1 0 ' 7 John iii'liini ly r lii'T l'r. tlmsn'rt S. O. F. ' r 5 Bulger, Fxelusivo AgcuU for Ladysmith-Welliiiiflon and Yellowlieud J'JIU JUiluvy.lJu'r (irntlo I 1 I The Jeweller lUjllS.,-... DR. BAYNE tallies .0 0 4 0 1'liunu in your orders any hour, day Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helflerson Blook Phone 109 GIFTS THAT LAST P. Phone 15 or hijjbt, there will ulways bo someone Oirice Hourui Mornings, 0-12. Afternoons, 1 :30-5;30i W lien you buy advertising you at the desk to receive them. Evenings. 7-0. I buy CUMULATION, uud see that Peter Black, Agent. Main Office, Central Hotel. OU i(t! it. tf