WHEN YOU WANT A nfcr THE NEW a . . xm im. k- .m. b 99 tfcutn YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY Phone - - - - 636 ALL NEW CARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. Xllt. NO. 115 l'JUNCi: HL'PrJUT. H. C, THL-HSDAY, JUNK 22, 1922.' Vteltrdii'i ClreuUUon 14 llrttl stlM 428. PRICE FIVE GENTS Field iviarshall Wilson Assassinated HARMONY IS RESTORED IN MUNICIPAL CIRCLES OVER UTILITIES EDITORIAL Chief of British Imperial CAPTAIN PILOTED Great Reception to 8HIP ALL ALONE WHY AN AT ELEVATOR PRINCE RUPERT? Staff and Former Military MO.NTinCAI..WHILE CREW Jmif ?2.8ICK Prince of Wales on There of abundant Captain Oeslauriers of Ihe is prospect an crop on the prairies this steamer lilen Allan bound Advisor Ulster Murdered Return From India yenr and inucJi of that crop will to from Widkei ville lo" 81. come westward if mere are ia Pierre. .Miqueloli, had lo cilities for handling il. In any navisule the ship alone cum- Ihe shipments west will bo LONDON, June 22. Field Marshal Sir Henry Hughes Wil- PRINfF RIIPFRT PHI P for .'(; hours following Ihe LONDON, June There was a great public demonstra I urge. Of last year' shii incuts n, chirr of the British Imperial (ieneral Starr, and lately inili- ""' "UI L,I I UL-r seizure of the entire crew tion yesterday when the Prince of Wales lauded at Paddinglon through Vancouver liulf the. ary udvier lo the Ulster government, was assassinated loday COMPANY........ AFFAIRS ...AT wild plomaiue jxiH'iniiu station und drove through the decorated streets to IJuCkiiigha.ni amount we ill lo the Orient, and i... .1,. r i, i .i in.,,.,, i .,,,.,.., t.,,. -w. from i-aling canned toma-loes. Palace. Hndless greal ovatiuns along the route brought the the Orient will he in Ihe mcr- upon Ihe Field Marshal as he was alighting from his automobile IMPASSE. IT SEEMS Fourteen men who Prince lo his feet in Ihe royal landau, acknowledging the expres kel for grain again Ibis y io.t inier aiienuing u war memorial unveiling wnere ne ucnvercu an; . were very ill were rusli.il sions of affection anil loyally of the crowd while his eyes shone The unioiiiil Ihcv hny will he address. Slruck by two bullets, he staggered and fell, dying al-! v Wi'.in vi n i., m i,,. lo Ihe hospital here when with tears of joy. larger limn cut for Ihe inerea most immediately. . annual meting nr flu- i-ih,.-,. m. Hie sluji docked. Iviiig (leorge, Ihe Oueeii, Princess Mary, the Duke of York. is sleudy. The two assailants fled, closely followed by the police who l(.,.t iu,, fl1 p.,IOI. ;0 ,as Prince Henry and llueen .Mother Alexandra met him at the station. Vancouver lias an rlcwdor .... .,-. Hu.iiu, . , ifiu .muimi.ii agujll I,,.,.,, aij01Jrlll.d for lwu : AJso Viscoi'.'A, Lascelles- was there lo meet the. Prince for which was workeil lo Hie limit ....-.. iim ."iW).,.Ks liecnilse A. 1- Sutherland, ihe first lime. Princess Mary hugged Ihe Prince with gay dis lat vcar. The Vancouver rail FIRE LEAPS iteen receive.! mai an aiicuipi ,.),.,;,.,,,., is the only man who is ROBERT KELLY regard of conventions and the King grasped both his hands and yards were blocked vvilh I lie iilu.li hi life. way w-oiil. likely mi willing In assume Hie responsibility shouted a welcome home. grain cars al least part of l'ic Until iim'ii wen raplm-cil, one of being a director after tin; Premier IJoyd (ieorge and many other statesmen were at Hue asl vear. I Ins year in EXPLOSIVES of tin- murderers, it is report.'.J Willi.hawal of Hie Kmersou in. OF (he slal ion' und expressed appreciation of.the Prince's missionary creased fueililies will lpm' lo he having endeavored In commit lerests. In inder to protect Iheir VANCOUVER work in Ijidia. provided liecausc Ihe iuTeagu suicide. They gave Hie names status as first mortgage holders, There was a big reception ul Buckingham Palace from which under crop on uie prairie i ANYOXTOWN or James Connelly ami .laiu.'s John Kmersou, retiring president, PASSED AWAY Ihe King issued u maiiireslo thanking the people ror their arfec-liouale larger than ever hefore. O'Hrien Willi no occupiil ions. says dial 30o.(MMI must be welcome lo "our dear son." Vlien will Ihe facilities be They are also being accused with raised this year lo keep the company provided? 1 Bush Fire Get Away Before an allempl made u few days ago going. The choice lies between the Wind But Is Thought against "Sir .lames Craig, premier Head of Prominent Wholesale TRIM AMERICAN RATES REPORT (wo ports, Vancouver and Prime Control Now. of Ulster, when an atlnrk was FISHERY COMMITTEE Firm Expires After Very llnpert. Prince Rupert is the maiJe on the offiHal residence, Brief Illness. logical place for a goveriiineiil ANYOX, June 21. A big Slormonl Castle. TO INVESTIGATE THE VESSEL CALLED DISPLEASING owned clevalor because liie-r.ul Id.Hi I til I i-li and Ulster bush fire blazing at Anyox VANCOL'VKH. June 2.2. lloberl road Is .owned by the guvern- 1 II 1 1 iimie nl .id j.'ii rued "Usfj, fvPa y SITUATION ' tiTirroiil.l naUVunnoafii lo have started Kel 1 yul'preWblJ n( itfi i". s ma h a gi l,w.t,l iftil I lul'A tffl te a.44f iw nj tpf h m ON WAY MANILA T ifiumgt-i i Premier Oliver yitrom the Jnclrieratbr'on i'the director of Kelly, Holjglas & Co Urges Members JiaiiUled.flug(erJiuieMtlclMi iniiiinn. Tus news crcalrd ft ()1TAV.V. June 22. A recom Ltd.. wholesalers and one of For B.C. at Ottawa to Unite ers. The yardage facilities ure sensation in lleirul. wind was blowing ' and : It mendation thai a coiuiuitlee Vancouver's, most prominent and Forces fine already here and there is a Hon. Claudius Huston, Assistant fanned the Harms.. It travelled composed of such members of ailies husiiiess men, passed dock. All dial is needed I an throe mllea In a few YICTORY'FOR TREATY the commillee as Hie Minister of way here Ibis morning after a Secretary Commerce, Making PRESS FOR EQUITY olevalor. Hero minutes spread along the nm ADITR TAIWDI CTrIAI!"'""' f isheries may deem veek's 'illness. Trip Around the World Advantages flats and then jumped the ULlLAnCU tUilirLniL adxisal.le, be appointed lo inves- "Hob" Kelly, as he was familiarly VICTOItIA, June 22. The de It seems perhaps inane lo high and low lovel railroad tigale the llritisli Columbia fish- called by his many The trim armed United. Stales cision of the select committee of keep repealing I lie reasons why without dolnj any damage. I.O.NHON. .tun,. 23. The sne-lerie.- situation is contained in a friends throughout the province coastguard cutler Mojave. bound the House of Commons on trans shH'l,'lK should go by way of It swept around and over cess of Jlie Treaty Coalitionists j report of Hie standing commillee was born in IK02 al Itusscll, On from Seattle lo Manilla with Hon portation does not please British Prince Ruperl. The port is almost the powder magazine full of in Ihe Irish c'leclious is nowjou fisheries which lias been tario. At Ihe age of 18 lie en Claudius P. Huston, assistant Columbia. II looks as if the plea.. two days voage nearer eiptoslvos. declared iiic.riitroeililile and Hie ; adopted for presentation to the tered a general slore in the secretary of commerce aboard, or this province ror the removal the Orienl than nny other Can Tho fire is travelling towards common-sense of Hie Irish peo- House of Commons town of his birth and camo to was in port this morning for a or discriminatory rreight rate ' adiaii or American port and the tho new dam site and pie in their approval of the California in 1888, Hie next year couple,of hours while Mr. Huston had fallen on dear ears. j grade on the railway Is Ihe best the railroad to the sumo, but treaty is the cause of much moving lo Vancouver where he was conferring wilh K. .V. Wake Premier Oliver said loday he there is. An elevator here would Is believed to bo under control. praise and enthusiasm here. Although HIS ARREST became a traveller for Oppen- field, ,lhe local United States hoped when Ihe question came mean bringing all the. grain lo Tho rain Is holplng some people claim that heimer llros., hiler opening a consul. The Mojave will cruise lierore Parliament, the llrjtisb it over the (Canadian National tho fire flghtors. the victory of Hie l.aborites and store of his own. His present up the Alaskan coast to Nome, Columbia members would unite, lines instead of sharing the Ihe Independents goes in favor KILLED POPE wholesale business was established then across Ilering Slrait to Si in pressing Tor the removal of I business with oilier lines. That inclined in I8'.)0 and, from lium-lile beria, south along the Cliina and ' of 1lie treaty others are a all discriminatory rates and lor is the argument for the Oriental SOLDIERS IN lo wail for future events before beginning, it has become one Japan coast and on to Manila. At etpufy or treatment, the Phillipine Island trade. definitely accepting such a iew. Another Insane Statement of Ihe largest and best known port Mr. In regard lo business Ihroiigh Huslon will leave the Mojave and Canada. Credited to Father eompanies in Mr. Kelly the Panama Canal lo Ihe Hasten! CHINA MUTINY Delorme. was also president of J he. 'Canadian will go on through the Suez' can- SELL SHIPS Slates or F.ut'ope, it is not - - Cedar .Lumber .Co., vice ai iiiruugn in vv asiiinraon, iliusj known that Prince DOCUMENT TAXES it making the globe circuit on offi generally MONTREAL, Juno 22 president of Win. Hickey Co.. Rupert is practically Ihe same Thousand norinern ARE POSTPONED Further evidence of Ihe Insanity director of the Dominion Fire ial business. He does not ex BUY OTHERS Fifteen lo be pect back in Vancouver. Washington distance from Panama as of Father Adelmd Delorme, Insurance Co., and Hie Securities The difference is negligibly. Troops Burn Proporty and OTTAWA. June 22. charpod with tho Corporation of Hritih Columbia. unlil January next year. In addition, there is u Slay ftosldents. 'Ihe increased stamp lax murder of his woalthy half Prominent Liberal. much surer milld to Ihe eu on checks, postoffice orders brothor, Raould Delorme last Besides, his numerous business KILLS SHERIFF That Is Proposal of Canadian here, and for Hint reason pilots QUELLED BV OUN30AT. und express orders, winter, Is being adduced as Activities. Mr. Kelly also look an Manufacturers Who Pass need lake the ships only five or provided rr in Hie budget the trial propceds. A witness active pari in politics and was a Resolution. six miles instead of eighty. Insurance Prosldont Sun Yat Son and Wife lias been postponed until at tho trial yesterday iiroiniuenl Liberal. At one time AND HIMSELF from this port should Are ncportod to Havo Been August 1 and Hie lax on Intimated that Delorme had be held Ihe office f Honorary ST. ANDUKWS-HY-THE-SKA; be less s well as pilotage Captured. receipts has been put off told him that Pope Bonodlct President of Ihe Vancouver Liberal N. H.. June 22. Tha Canadian charges mid this would make until January I. had died In a fit when ho Association and in 1906 was Manuraclurers' Association ih triiporlnlion ruins from SHANGHAI. June 23. Fifteen had heard of his arrest. recommended for lie Senate. He Farmer in Oregon Defends Farm convention here adopted a reso Prince Ruperl lo Ihe U.K. "I thousand norlliern Chinese forces also held the sf Tic of Vice Against Searchers For Still. lution Tavorlng Ihe sale by Uih least cipial lo those from Vancouver. inulined at Kiausi. I liey l.urneu President of Ihe Dominion ALBANY. Oregon, Juiie .22. Canadian (Sovernmeiit or 29s niueli properly and killed thousands Wholesalers' C.uibt. A farmer named West shot and steamers of the Canadian Mer Immediate Action of residents before gunboat Illinois Labor Dispute The lale Mr. Ivdly was. married killed tho sheriff and a. parson cantile Marine averaging rron'i III view of Ihese fuels, it is file "incited them. and had two children. He belonged vyho was acting art a deputy 3,500 to 5,500 Ions. They also e'ear that Prince Rupert should Mrilisli and American guuiioais to the city's leading clubs sheriff in an attempt to raid advocated Hie Ooveriuiient pur-. have an clevalor and should gel ire being rushed lo 'the spot and Acts of and was an Anglican. He resided West's farm In search for a chase of .four modern steamers Causes it this niilumn. The govcru-mrnt will stand by in case of furllier Horror; al lino Nicola Btrctl. still. of 5,000 dead weight tons to give wishes lo make thi section trouble. Mr. Kelly paid li visit to l'rinee. West barricaded himself ju a a weekly service for passengers of Hie road pay and lias Sllll Vnl Ken, preslileiu oi Iluperl. wher his company hits a bouse against the village mob and freight between Canada and promised that il will implement S.uilheni Cliina wuo,. iit.- Thirty Deaths Already brunch at ore, Ju-! a few weeks and fiiuilly sj.ul and killed himself. the West Indies on Hie AUantio the promises made by Ihe I.anr-ier W1.,e i enlly defeateil; is re...ri- ago on the maiden trip of tint coast. government to llio people , l aplilied and Ills wn is tiisu princes- l.oulsu lo uorlhe.ru here. taken. waters. PRESIDENT HARDING MANUFACTURERS MAKE t Illinois, June Sli. A check at noon today showed II seems lo us Hint it would IIKItlUN, he wise while Piirliiuneiit is BILLION SPENT that -'i are known lo be dead and indications uie that the total SHIPPING BOARD TO VISIT TORONTO AN ECONOMIC APPEAL slill in session lo again urge HALF will be more than ItU in the hostilities between striking Union through our board of trade mid ON SOLDIERS BY THE miners and noii-Union employees of the Strip Mines of Southern BOATS DESCRIBED Inllmatod That He May Accept'Do Not Want to Pay Taxos on. cilv council that the elevator be Illinois Uoul Company here. The bodies aro spread over un area, Divldonds Better Co-operation eieeted ul once ami thul the OTTAWA GOVERNMENT of fifteen miles square. Some are riddled wilh bullets, others "BOOTLEG" SCOWS Invitation National to Open Exhibition.Canadian Employers and Employees new dock here bo completed are beaten to death and some hang from trees. Desired. without any delay, so that it June 22. The fim'l In a road neur the mine, six men, lied togeHier and terribly "Pussyfoot" Johnson Makes De TOIIONTO, June V;' President may bo available for shipping OTTAWA, committee, on pensions mangled by bullets and clubs, lie scorching in the sun while hundreds nunciatory Address In New Harding has been Invited to .open ST. ANIMKS's New Brunswick,. grain. report of the was of men and women puss and luugh at their pleas for water York City. the Canadian National Kxhibitiou June 22. - A protest against Hid When Ihe people liere Heeled and wilhoul.c-eslaldlsl.n.cnl division by in"the name of Hod. When an Associated Press correspondent here and il is intimated that he payment of taxes on stuck dlviT Fred Hloik ns Iheir member lo adopted Commons ufl-r rushcjl lo a nearby house lo gel water for the dying men he was NFAV YOIIK, June SS. "Pus. may accept. (lends and an appeal fur increased of support the Mackenzie King ,!. House Ihe ehulrmu... slopped with u sword und pislols and told lo keep uwny. A syfool" Johnson, in a speech yes. co.opei'tion between guverumeirl il was on the understanding Herbert Mailer,the work or the young woman with an infant ju her anus placed her foot on the I onlay, denounced the United PRESIDENT OF BAPTISTS. employers and employees marked Unit this port was bad outlined the figure", of ex. mangled body of u man and said, "I'll see you in Hell before you Stales Shipping Hoard ror allow. VANCOUVF.il, June 22. Ilev. I lie- discussion yesterday at (he to be developed. The people commit whirl,and lota led 487.-ill2.55 yet any water." The men were, apparently dragged dowii a rock iug the sale or liquor aboard its 0. A. Ileynolds of Kerrisdaln was Canadian Manufacturers' Association here did their part and they now pHiditure soldiers benefits to behind uutomobiles. Their clothes were torn to pieces and boats and described the 9le liners elected president of Hie lb C. convention In progress expect the government to do on pieces of gravel were embedded in Iheir mangled flesh, a "booties scow'. ' Baptists Union. here. date,