W TffE nAteTJTEWfl IT pkfir. nvo i . EVERY LEAF PURE HOSPITAL BALL Th Man in the Moen PLAYER s 9AYS- Cleansed Packed In by spotless vacuum warehouses.pressure. USUAL SUCCESS THE bet xiivrrneil country l Scaled in air-tight aluminum. the ten.I giivprnixl. CUT Women's Auxiliary Annual Hal-lowe'en NAVY Affair Flttlnq Open THE tim. nf year eowlnir to Winter Dancing when the reekle ami Mriy j Season may Iiiim m om. a kalc CIGARETTES T'.- mnnal HaHw,-''ti Hall I WISH here and now ! notify licj l 'i Hi- l.adie- Amiliary of all my feleml ami relii T3ES H373 Ht iH'tiil Hii.iiital in lac Au. w den i Miy are wnsxlerina what Is). i ln-i ntuhl. . a n- Tt af a UiWlia pceaenl is sweetly clean, wholesome, delicious. ual. an inii-mnilins MM-ial ue. ehrMMe fmr. Hie that I tike In buy BUY A TRIAL PACKAGE TO-DAY -e- Hint a fillina iie(liii ! the uy own nefklfe. winter daiicniK ean. While in.. Hiiemlini f nVotil li& YHS4 tll tt i lie hunting ea- The Daily News ci.iiile nmv nui have been quite on, anil ierliHi be wa jui lanre a in iaue year the lookiHK for fool li''M ilb t tint I'HINtiE HUl'KHT - HIUT18I! COLUMUIA itaneiim we very riiinMrtntily Hiun4erUM enrbine of hi. . Ihe finnnelat tie- enjoyeil and .4 I'ubllihed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince roM nf tin- aflah wa granlie " THE aoMen aae I romlnie llupert daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. roai'ealile ailvanee aw by a witesi the poor will all he hond II. F. I'ULLEN, Managing Editor. of tieket. AH .irranfrntenl ami Ike rteh will all he srrafter iere welt earrieil out and llienM and then ltll e lht dianioml SUBSCRIPTION RATES: wa nothina- In be de.lreil i..i .In the i ac wben Hie n. li will all -nd City delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. .$1.00 way l neeowwmriiiiBir ii"- Ibeir TlWtiey. Mewell' n(linemei nr- Dy mail to nil part or the British Empire and the United State. Kiiei. $0.00 rhelra uiulieil mulc oi n tiXB f the tiling that won't In advance, per year elMirater ami Ihe uiiat Buimlar i wonderur: in advance , $7.6" Bel Jn llnywll'-re To all other rnuntries. per year TELEPHONE 88 floor wa tn the at f eomli- how u male iMmy with mt tion. Many heaiillnri ami haml- worktfir foe it. iiiip irnwp were wra hy the Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. aWe. ONE "f the IhhWr likely to The iteeoratton of the hall ml a man eraiy l evclinjr a DAILY EDITION UiTDW .,n. ..Uy. Nov. I. itt'i. rerp a feature and a lnly woman, to be iih laie. eli.nn had been earrteil mil. England Fighting Kla and fMlriotie inl(rnia. Ilt'll.m.Mt a new aattow For Lowered Taxes. Mallow-n hanin lmnit like hutldmg the lower of I MM. England i fighting for lowered taxe a well an Canada. from Ihe rpiltntr with blue and Anion 2 tbe UniruHinM I have RicLsfc of JO" 20 Some people from lite ltritili lle leave (he ctHiiilry and ensue, white crepe paper ami auiuHin nolieeil In OnHanVi are Senteh. to Camilla In lake advantage if (lie heller condition with tbe fnliave were u-1 in Hie main l8o. Otielie, Oirkney. Turk. SO - VOf idea thai taxe are lower her and fewer olntnele rml in the hall and IN upoer balrtwy. hlre French lUnmHan. Sve.lih, lOO-fl.7S way of progress. If Canada ae!ed taxe enough hi lay her Hallowe'en rao, whtefc were on YlrvlniaR, and IIHitrolaml. debt a he went Uih taxe would e nlmol a liigh a Ihey i re ale. were worn bmti hy ladle 4l in Hritain. hut the atari Ike and irenllemen mm lenl a novel CONSinWUNU the numker of Am we are hanking on (ulitre ia meantime 'REAL Imieh l the w-ene. 'til, ball -a cigare(f(? landing our raiatal on nirrenl expetie. thin we are iek of. M I a n'eloek ami wa The railway i slid the great Imnlen in Canada, hut it i eommenee,in irwre at until after J in III" womler w are ever well. hoped tlii burden wU) tie lifted mmiii under the management of morning. Supper wa erve have a real botemaN awl with a directorate, the rmliry of wliirli HOW HttRy peoM ever ( three n. from NiNlniahi on Will he lo build up (.anaria a a whole. It i pmihle I hat the een a worm nirnr rerowaiiy. halettay. lime in Ike uMaire I am mai fntereio) in wem railway may even heote an aet In the country, peeking were Mr, r.. rhe ilroee ami b not rare whether they turn from A purely Him n rial point nf view. It may pay dividend and V. Kiraert. Mr. J. A. We!. Mm. or Iraifftil. Tkt lima keep Ihu help to relieve Ihe las payer. , Mr. . I. herjrla. I. p. f4Mle, would he a t.l 4ae foe lura-ioa Mr. I.. W. Kerria, Mr. II. K. worm becan.e hej mm H' Lower Taxes I'remayne. Mr. II. U. Stewart bard In ki-en Iraishl here. In The Cities. and Mi r.harloltr Itlaek. 4- nMtor.lieaeral of Traniirl i- The lninn of Municinalitie i making an effeirt to get th Tlie roinmiltee were a fl- MlW that autumn i here liu, with the rank of inaj- i -iin - provincial government to take over part of their burden. A Uie ow: haiiilkercbief m- auain eomina eral. la MHtn to Hi- Kill.., Ktnie people have to pay the hill whether Ihe money he collected hcorlon: Mr. Prinyle. Mr. into fabion In Hi- luejmtfnte be w awanbNl the t.-n if You stand a chance bv the province ur ibe city, (here i little advantage Ut lie gained s. L. Warrior. Jin. V.. K. Starr do the hei.yinr can with the HiXMHtr, Ike American .fb.nn.i from that If the municipal father wtiiihl look rather to raduc tnd Mr. W. L. samlinon. iii-aii ;il vmfr dt)oiit. utbl Service me,tnl. ami tbe ing expen-e. inleal of gelling koirjcone ele lo pay Ibeir bill Muir and Hall: Mr. S. liar-ton. Itelalaa) I Inter of I.r tMitl. win il would he niurh more; rmUtablc, We are becoming toe ex Mr. (.. K. Starr and Mf. i rrtD It I rrwbable lliat li. I.. Wedjt. to a $135 leuive in nir tale ami nmt call n halt. larvi Mrl.eo.1. ; wimmI. itrneral maaajrer nf Ihe In every deparlmeHl in every city If'l foil ml that there i llefrebwenl: Mr. Paron. OCTOBER SHOWS .ortb-tUtera Hadway OimiMny, grumbling over department. llmpitaN run in debt, rhool are ami Mr. .Morriey. will be rtwen a the nutnaavi at Diamond Ring .ail to l a burden, hhrane In winie place have Iimi free Advertiaintr and tlekei: Mr. INCREASE AGAIN Hie rilern (iroi.n of HhiIw). Jiand anil nmniriMil laff keep arm mutating unlil it i difficult Samliin. For aouie linn- the choice (ih- lht DOLLAR. . FOn ONE lo mm work for idem lo io. I hat 1 the he lory in a kimmI manv I'4ii were oi liy Ml llnclie. v. it bit lieclV r-tranled a l"t-in cilie. A a mailer of fact the management i at fault. There A. K. llazell.Jone wa. ioaler Halibut arrital for the month if lietwccn Sir ilenrv lln-rnlol 3 DIAMOND niNGS AS PRIZES i o little real management that in ome eae the provincial government of rereiinmie and A. w. Ilealy of I r Inher totalled .titi.ouo and Mr. edHWoml. On View In Window. ha hal to lep in ami appoint a rmniikiner whn.o wa in charge at the door. jMHiml aeeonlinK t" fmuri TICKETS WILL BE QIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY rwred at tbe waterfront work it h been to get the financial condition of the rity hack eerday DOLLAR PURCHASE, afleriiiMin. Had weather raue TERRACE CASES TO to a ound hai. COMPANY INCORPORATED tbe total lo lie Miiallrr than ev- Finest Selection of Jewellery, Silverware, Cut Qlu. BE TRIED THURSDAY Ivory and Ivory Sets, Umbrellas, In Northern B.C. la choeie im lnl Iml ti the rrrord i uimmI PURPOSES Something Must IMMIGRATION pniCES. and eireed (Iclober t0l when from. RIGHT Happen Soon, tlie total wa l.fiji.nnil Hiud Harney Ull.i-liini and I'ad.lv wHl have In ha done Something soon eves here. Owner Tbe I'iinailM iiai-11- announce of property are hetag 0ueezed until it i found that at the tax Hint tti- I'.auaila ijilniiuai'.oii ami OrlnUr lUjn. l.ittJinn Kiltuartiu. who wi i- an. t-it ia-t Max Heilbroner Pound. Tlie flu ure i lirhty week ale there i little bidding. With ir!creaJ taxation next year .iM'iatli-n I.1 lieen Branteil follow init "iM ialioii- of iin conditioiAvill lower than sepleujier tin year erniuent ilry (nad nicn will far tin he accentuated. The road wrk wa neeeary b-ller- iati'iil under Hie lniu when the total wa ?.tl,tnu trial at Terrace lie. Jeweller. Third Avenue on lliuiiUy While the work i not exactly of a permanent nature M will inaku oanie acl. it i aiimMinceil here a good he for later iirfaeiug ami will erve a it U for a few I he incorporator are Sir John IwHlIld. fore Mavotratc K. I . Kenny. I'bey Tlie diiHnv the month year. It i what the California!! rail a "good dirt road." The WilliMin. M. A. Itmwn. W. W. priee are rharitcd with unlawfully cll-UIK wa hetwevu tie. anil 17.ir. inr next problem will be the nad in the re.ideutial district lupior. and Evan. F. I. I.. Siiiilb and A. E. 'irl rla. fib, th( bavin been (hit work will have to be done gradually, n little every year. Mek'eaxie. nUfarliry to the fihcrnien Ruber rib for the Daily News. There will aUo be Mime newer work necoary hut o fur a Ttw aiM-ialion i In have a I be hiirheiit prio. 17.lc wa pan! poible expeHf will have to he kept down. II i all very well capiial loek of tun bare nf neither t'J. Hi to talk of progre and advancement hut we mut learn lo pay no nominal or par value, pro, RED MOUNTAIN our bill. viijed that the abl roiHrniny I -hall eiMiunenee il ttinevt SIR HENRY THORNTON " ' Is City Manager a iili u capital f fSnn The Tin- mine, now pi'mlm ing gold bullion nil Proper Method? n-a.i ottbM of Ihe CiMlijuifly i to London Times Glues Short Life profit making -' al-. lia- ore reserves kuffieirn' When a city gel. into financial iliffiritHif", it inally applies ie at Wiaulpa-f. Sketch of Chairman of Railway to i re milling operation- fur everal JCftC. K-'f to the provincial government for akl and Ue giHcriimeiu The irtirprt nf lb. aoeia-tion" thi I'riivin. and apart from the fact thai further ' npjwtiiiU a coHHii.iiner to undertake Hie fuuetiono of mayor are in part tn ail in Board iliMelopmeut prunuae a at increae in re and eounril nil general manager. The retlll always thai brinvinx aUviU the ellavtel ( tonnage, we are inclined to regard Houiulary He I gtMMl reult are oblaiueil. If jimmI work i nut done. Ihe com-uiia.ioner yacaut land in I'-anada; tw aive Sir Henry Worth Tlmrntor.. Miaintaiu hare favorahl) al prevailing ipiota i lei out. nlvirc ami direetioil lo aettler K.U.i:.. M lnt.C.'. 1 iiol.-jble a I Mm tMMie. .There lire many who think ome miih action .hoiihl h -iit-rinn or now located In itlU the flrt Anierleon Imrn and Hxpcrl it 1 1 1 1 1 1 k oMniori emiflrin it in taken here. W e ho4iM apptnnt a managur who will undertake U'la. to, ut a l oca ure. direai trained raiU'ay evpert to he eio. belief and the hare have deiiioimlratcd the nn b nui the city h he wmild any other commercial uudertakiiiK. inler-promeial '.iloniialinn ami ken a Keneral manauer of ii TEMPTINQ. derlyiug worth by an advauce of JO per cent i" 11. II". I to ail on rrat KjikIiU .railway, Iba a-livi-lic. nun jtci rr.ini". tir muhiiii my lor reiiu. iiirv av. i we ih in carrying nay Every loaf of our Electrlo Bread the Vancouver Hlock Exchange in four weeks llo do that we hnll have to follow the example of South Vhii-i'U.iic nf national ibvnloineiil. Iunbin Tiine. I so lemplinKly to look at and other niiiiiicjpalitte and axk Ihe provincial government Horn in Indiana in 11. h that it adds test to the appetite September 26 - 49c bid; 50c atlced to conduct ' .iff.in- ii.r n tune. went to roo at Oineiird. New SEVENTEEN MINING and makes for keen anticipation. ked , llatupliire, and then to the I n. Electrlo Broad t made from the Yesterday - - 65c bid; 66c PROPERTIES BEING verily of Pennsylvania....... bent selected flour, baked In mod. Ii. I .,i,i.. ..-III. ern sanitary and electric oven, WOLVERTON AND COMPANY "There Were Many Things WUKU Al OltWAKl J'en.iylvanlu Hallroad he and is mixed with the purest In. .ae,l thrnuuli varfou piMilloiu gredient. It i taty, wholeanmft Limited. Which I Could Not Eat" j S'ri.WAHT. Nov. I. Seventeen in Ihe eiiHineerinic dciarlinnt. and Juvl a wood as it look. (Member Vancouver 8lock Exchange. Iiuinuik proeiiie are actively and ulUiirulely' beeauie veneral Ask Orocee for It 704 Dominion Bank your or Building. Mrs. IL Robert Well. English Harbour,Trinity Bay, ju or'unit in the ditrict Hit faUsuiieriiitcndent of the Uma Ulaud Phono C67, VANCOUVER, B.C. Nfld, writes! atraint three or four in IJ)2l.llllioad a part of Ihe lvnny. "I wi troubled with nervout j'tliey are a follow: jvania liiii , unit made a con- Electric Window Bakeries j Salmon Itlver Premier, H. C. idrrable renuUllon III ap. dyiprpua to mucb, m tlut there Siler, Indian, Hi? Mi.m.url, Kih piiinlmenl to be Keneral manairer Third Avenue. were a greet thiogi many '('.reek, Titan, ltivride, Halv Die Ureal Kakiern Hallway wa I could not est at all on account AVika and AUka J'repier; Heqr annou I in February, lull. of the diitreitrj feeling after jlllver - Prince John," iMinwell.l The wjir broke nut not long af-IpKtulilne. SUITCASES R A IT ur ,n"'M "'ng halt s eonoeded ty Pibermin werdy I uted nuay differtnt un4 lo be the finest procurable at any lgelB C" ter he hi bad diille. Mlinicii, Mobile and taken up rtmtditi, but tkry did me little TRUNKS I'orU -and II is "Fishy." Prle, f 30 per ton. and it with Sliver Hell; Marmot llher, Idaho, he threw himelf into good Fuully tried Do Duii'i 1 hv wf quality Ulp good IPF inaurlnaT a and the Ouljatider wJileli is lueal. eneruy. At flri he wa fiepuly CLUB BAGS IVU Nervs Foo4 and Kidnry-Liver l have plenty of our hard froieu Ice. Frlca, director nf Waterwi dies Inland ii tlie inlet. ya Pill, sad wsi lurprited at the II pr ton. la addition to tbeee neveral and lork, and then lie berauie relief this combined Ireetraeat Large Stock on hand. Outfit. ""r " "HHt'l'd atora cap supply fishing ' Itlriid di) have mu made ftallinic for MceeivHy AiUut r-wek gets ave in uch s iKoit time.' VUUU8llliiriii,.ii', vrovl""" Price chdiiing, groceries and on teieriiea wirly In theneneral nf Movement and Hll-priM. very low. and hardware. DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD ways, Willi tlm run' of minuet, J. F. MAGUIRE "ib-puty 1-4 IHreclor Oepcral of NEW (ENGLAND 4V0 Onie a tas, all tlrr. or I'Iimmmi. Hl A I'., U.. Tueunia Persiilent advirt.lng is gb. Moemeni and rtailwuys with the Nett the Prlnee ttupsrt Hetel FISH Company aotutely uecesiary to sijcceee. rank of hitgadler-rieneral, and Kelehlkan, Alaaka Branea .-