pAu nix THE DAILY NEWS 9. 11.1 SPOOK GIRL SUFFERS STEWART WE OIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGEMENT RollintKHirown u OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted lo our care. EXTREME HYSTERIA i'..,.k line. At rl from If you need tht. services of an agent of known reliability lliil" it In lake up a new saving monea tor fhe and experience who It a good collector of rente, thoroughly Profeesor of Psychology Says Shj mii tin lueni IIAlit conversant with rental values and leasing conditions will Is a Moron and Unstable e'atT Hp w a.4 form, r li other fellow - iS . attend to repairs carefully, pay water ratee and taxes when Hubert ami T' trai e due, tee that Insurance pollclet are kept In force and who XI'.W VOUK. Oi l. :il ! tiAere you AuyieM j - will remit to you promptly and render you detailed statement, Canadian l're . Tl i Immediately after v '' fnll.-i and W consult us. from Halifax I list Mmv I roast(n.j. coffee If ,f :" k the Itaminiuii lUi H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. made fationia lanl eprniK I -"pKHk" exposed toair.begim aniinal mm lanl week, Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. invenlia-Hlioiw :il X l to lose ib fri Jmc ' p,.-:ii,nt f 'U'tomii anil Spend n cents po!iili. Nova Keotj li.i-plaretl llh-.T smith eoat on a in an inaan.- aKii!n k There knoatr in the V i it.- i-tanmiai Kii packet of factory made not proxe a urpti U li i cioaf cttes and LAND ACT. 9 ijou ter Franklin I'lor. r. irro. . I NABOB I : II. V.. ! It. fnl'llierl o( NOTICE Or INTtNTION TO applv TO ul lit.- Ii'll) ar X05pcndcentson LlAkS LAND. the Anrerh'iin Koi n-ly for i j Thanksqivinp Day IB rnnee Rupert putrid, Heron! cnl lleoenreli. ho .wnt kaaaaaaaW CDHFrK M I il lte' 'iii. Iia ar- apackac of int Dl.trirt. i.otil Ranre I. B.C. and nt Orinoco it! tl miH- ein rmro Prtrwe fmpert. lime in Aittiroiiih ii l-, vacuum tin whuh M v 'i.' In lak' t-liarui- of Hm and MONDAY, NOV. 6TH. at jinr niouib immeoiatei)-uf ft.nieyard eau 01 creek o.T.r. briar borib rejjartfn lhi tiilln i ;i a ' preserve its strength U l! ' s'' m i uerecdina II. I.. IUI- ijou jct lo jour chopping i-ail,v tins nr Pkeena Rter. malioii of hit ohitiin Hj r initiator for all time. liil hern AplMMlltrJ a. Take Motl.a that I, Berl Batter, of IUrrt, B. .. ix-rupatlon farmer. Intend liryvlery. iipct ilit.'tiib'iil of Itoe Which is the better lo arrJ roe prrmiaaMia lo mi. tne rai-kmin( Nabob is not sold in If u mine near anrHier. bug HowPVfr. he udil-. Mary I n. dearrlbrd land.: ommenemr lit Bulkley Valley Beef feet weal of a port planted at lb aotith- n fay not be inan' in the ii . bulk. Always fresh. - - for you? And"RoI!in? ea.t rorner of lot III, Rant I. Coa.l ni.irtrt b.i ., thertre in a taealeriy di ene of the term. Many alnni-he kw new ' i ii aaaaaaal M -- Hj''v 'm arrivmj fr' uourownith Our meal dept. ha liantileo tino tee feet tionr fl.T.p. Rjr., ibenea m lake rharve f Orinoco a aotitnerly dirertkHi to low water mark wnark, lake eawn of eli rm. instiling H.- for the at Ibenre In an eatierly dlrer-llon alonr low Ii)teria ami Ihe like, ! a Jul ImN e.. ives you the best in Hirer month. water mark to a point direetrjr aouth of the I'l pnmi or rnrnrnenreinrni, imk id a nor Ilifir ar no propfr Innlilulion-for IMHT. a Virginia cigarette... LIVE TURKEYS FOR therljr dtreriion to point or rornmenf .ment, ccotalninf t arrea mnre or leaa. I real!tiff MX li Hilnn-nl THANKSGIVING. I BERT BL'Tirn. After lir. Pieree hal i YANDERHOOF We of Jiame of Apprttant. Roll eliipiiient eipeel a with ratd ant um. mi three nialil in .Mary Mien' Ihmim your own Live Turkey from Hie Interior LA NO ACT. lal Marrh, with a u in im l.-dittoiai anal lsae lhi week. i down la Iheir Hi. BnwprTTyTT?lHaal Qrsen Stuff Arriving This NOTICC OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO n ilk' ouret " -i"'"--. ItaratHl with IM tlo-ft PROSPSCT LAND. thotly manifelfllMOii. he -elarrd ORINQC0 Week. la. Atiua f K -... I l.l.u. n. ..I. 1 . leer from Joint II Reeoedinf DiMrlrf nf Skeena, B C... thai Mary Flhn h.-t -.1 1 ' iMa.Millaii. wvrr found irnlltt California Head I.ettuee. annate uo IM nl cua.t af M orttbj ltl.nsl wa reieniWe for tiiem all. Ila-i Wfek leefnr.' Jtltlife Hotteri Victoria Cauliflower, large MAY BE REPUBLICAN Take Sotlra that Barer Mrlfann. of Mary KllenV -ae. . t -Its .f tl.IKe tfiM..etr. 1 1 I WmmJ easy head. Victoria, B.C.. orrupatloa miner, taienda lo apply for prrmlMInn lo prnaperi the I'ierre i wliat he wouM etill PRESIDENT IN 1924 - r .p r Crl Large Celery, well folloalaa dearrlbed landf for Coal. r-etra- and iifental iminalnrily ami nerxon-inlabiltly. Inkalla and Jime. lo. ItpatllM. lilearln'il. jlem Natural ': CcfRtneiwlRr al I .ei pinirti l"'J ,1,1 l." HMfin Ul M She i :nlelleeliiall )lolhoue Toiiiatoe. a eM forner of Timber Lirenee or La Beverldge alio In the Running lioft altr oTtler.!. To. Sit P., tbrnr went rhalai; inferior wtial l railed a "nun Should Hardinq Decide to . 45 Hothouse liiruiiilier. Itirnre aoanh IS rhiin. tbrnre rati Cranlterrie for the Turkey rhin,; inrere nnrta le cnalna lo to on. Ill Alllivoni'ti. he , the.. Step Aside Four NtiMMtn Ikhiii ears sr. pntat Dated of rnmmrarrmrnl. (ell many l!lnlly laleo. I'rith-ably Hv"tl tteee ll wr erte.l n I,. I)inner. Aurual I MX. Itft MAHRT M-M1. Mary Fllen wa morii i-xciiei WAfillM.iO.V m-i. 31. By Fori Ml. Iaif wferre lliev will California Alineria nil-. ame nr AppllranL .oailiMii lre ioertior MIU Ciaiettes and afraid in llf ly tliee, wi head, Pr dirt. rin.iaMe. rn. Im Iraitoferred to Stuart lake . Cabbasre. large green 'it. ..f York, iuMirlr le. dark. Her nr i- hysteria was i mm i'iv -ebly Two million are. for Ibe hst'-lirt CCRTirtCATt Or tatPAOVIMCNT. hpaniolt Onion", imjwrteil tnniiiu to roiiiiiiNia.1 national an objeeliftealri" f the and I If reitiaiawlr w ill af plant - Vaar" lew . Block. -nERBT," "tPSnM.- -1ROX DrkE" aiwl mi! H .- u ltr io...- ItomilkPe IRo' ritkE n. f," Siiaaie la OI'II lorien lie had Iteanl. and if- into lhe atreatiia ranniHa nii l'arnli. Carrt and Turnip. cmri.otte DIVIMOT. allCtA enaelmenl of tin-tit by Iter in a of t It. repiildieai. party f-r lre. Sluart Lake. DISTRICT, laealrd on Loalae lilaiul. mIi-ul in 1 1 I. If ti.ieriior Mil. Take Mour that I, That. I. Benxn. rt of nomnaiiitiulinlN' tale. (ioldetf Ilanlam lUtrn on the Tree Miner Ceriirirata .n. Illtl R la-lend ler t rf-elerleil .111.1 i ble fn (hi. Ihe notor inn day Imn Hie dale aermf. to And In eap all Frmi Wlivlo, f FJIUKy. ! oi Oh. apply lo the Mimnr Reenrder for Ornrtrau iety wliirli Ih Kained waa v-ry eoiidur) ttta at-It.1 1 1-1 1 al ion of irlt aHeotni a aMiee lo I lmpremrnti, for Ik of nMaln Florida lirai Krttit. purpoce alatr afTaira f..i- tin- io-xi lot a Cromn Oram of lb alw rltim. bad for Die utrl. year rilllkil Orailgem A Ieuoll. And runner uk noiiee thai an ion. and a half but. .-.-fn'ly. Ilo-re ia nder Soetloa Mre. Harry Hall, of I'm,., II, mutt be rocnnmMwd le Apple. Katinic and Cuoklng. fore the iMuanct of tuck Cenifirat of ei-ry iiiiltealion thai a moi atrlndllHI bw data leeorire. la a al lriee ranging from Improvrmentt. foriiintalde ni.. iii.-til for hi bated Ibia tlrd day of Aarual. .n. int. In larwn with hvr rler. Mrs 1.50 to IS.HS. C. I, BE.1H - for l'r'itpnt will M A. el It. Hubbard rMjuaah and l'uuip- CERTIFICATE OS IMPROVEMENT. rvHuir.Hl Tlii. will fte the eae lin. TIMBER SALE X AITS. IT ri.'i.eni Martlma eap.i-ialiy "IROX Mil o. I," "tRo.f Dfkt Mo, i.tartlon H. (iiMer, M-h.M.l m Lowest Market Prices. I." "SlUCcit rrarikm" and "OARriELit etM Tender, will u r-,.,,ed b) Ike aaya bp will not aei-ept another WESTHOLME THEATRE Mineral rlaima. fltuate In Olrft CM.R MmUIrr uf lnd. at tiiiri t4 later Mfor from I'rlnre ii-mii U'TTE MI.M.HO DIVII'. ("llFli Pl. I ban nMua ua I be tnh U ..r .rtmrr. term lit like hit.- Iloti..- It Ike most of last week ir TRICT, United on LogiM Itland. Illl. f' IM IurrlMe ..f 1 lirnre tITI. hi- Ibe in-.- .l- of may reaai Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9. Take Mi.tK that I. All Rurerl Fr Ul l reel r HcMjrk atK lh,. dialrtrt an iitere. all the Rupert Table Supply Mlnrra Cernrirale Mo ll?lB.. Intend ilityjprrr. fl.UMi liueal ri r i edar e.ile. I'rrai.t.-iit Hnrdllta. eliiwd knit two. u.j irn torn one iwmn in apply m ine 'tr .ei u, "r r hin1e Rottv There ttai.l liltle Minlnr Re,order fur a Certiflrate of Im-1 annate wi a area tbe krao Rrr. i itte Phones 211-212. protrnieai., lor lb parpoa of btalainr ar Tefrne. hanre pp.Mil ion 111 Pi i lent Hardin if ..nn unnt ni i Be aonvo nairna. Mfa. M. MrlioiMM ln ftr And fanner uka tic thai atloo-l Two t teara mill be aHum4 far ee iti hia own parly and 1! ia tfiiite Nell trader Sectloa II, mail be enmrnetwad before awnal f limber onrett raMe fltal if lie aeek Montrewl lat wok. Hae waa Shipman tbe Itiaanc of avek Cartirttate of rortber nra)lara ..f ike i-.btof aH-r.taMANtaled lay leer 4aa)irHler i Improiremeflta. ler. Vlrloria. B.r ur (Mtrel - another nommwl ion there will bv I baled ibia tlrd day of auruM. nil. Mr-. W. Ittaaa laHte. amj HUeee LEX. RIViERA a fliflil mer it. Willi.-, if hr itrofw Christmas csmricATE NOTICE.op improvement. ..tit and ieaea lh- field wide Maao W IMiaotrf.- is ".VIMHtL arniMJ- Mineral Clam, attu pen. (here will Jm- the hotlrat 'lie In the OITIE1 rHRLTTK MtVI.Nt; Tfca. "U.Yj." hsI H Hal. Mnl0l of OIIE HRUTTE WS- km.I of a Irtntal.. Siii are Red Mountain I TRICT. lurated na Loajlae Ittoad. not wanliitK I hat the MaoPBapiil IowvVm rtioieerl M Muaaday nijrht The Girl from Take .Vrfiro Uul . DniM-an rraaer. Free II waa a ery aiaartnafal enter-LaHMMaiL Mioer'a oriirirau. ,Su. anna. Maevd. for i.M,rii..r Miller. rrtriatf h my dirt fron Ibe daw hereof u appl 'Iter itrutwtla are Im. Greeting lo Ibe Mutlnr Keeejer for a rtirirau of la ".-..'lerled, Will Im- rreae4 Ins ttible Mit the r.hurrh TIih t-t"'-k, ha atcadily IniprotrtBeiiu. tor tk r 4uia lint.- reKnrdh-a of the plana uf udtan. d fiMdi 50r to GX tar t.romn Uranl uf Ibr al- . rinm and Ibe IWfninunily Hall building And fortber ukt Druiro Ibal a.-tn Mt-or Mr. Ilardnitf. God's IH'r vliai'.' in the at 30 ertloo kT mu.l be . mitneii'eo . f.e I i to rfkle Ibe Miller booNI faHad. Country 'the laauo of aick Cerufu-alc if Itutir .ve tiay a ii' f over 25 trr ,raente hi,.I lh.- Heteriilae b.eom for l.'l LAn ACT. Cards t't-nt without a eetbark ani fitted Ibli It lb day of Septpuibc!' lll. ii.- in- ioimI eoitanit'ioua f the .11 1. ., ruamiiT tkut nr order to buy alightly below Pre-,.ten I,.I ittovenee,,,.. .. far I SVJiuaar. I Ta, ,..k Comedy and Gazette the market liaie failed vl Hi - 1 .'iniblieaM ranin la eon. lor and Parkkiv y. lid., of aJo Weekly Printed In our own office. eie.ution. . rued ,.er Pepper of rVna.'fS IPTJu,? Admission 15c and 35c. Phone for Sample Book. Mueli hiylter pri. e ar.-beiiitc frtely prrxliel-'d. and II..W111K. aii'l there will le- aup- iiaaaak ea.t Wiener i,f Lot 1 fs. V I br Order early for Foreign we teliie urehae.4 made 11 tor Jolmaoii uf ltliforina. Iwanee abalaw uiwhi lo bra aaier mark t... Malls lit now will ehuw' a handtomo alt I'laho. and Former ,aaar Mark: llMara avoih I rkaina lo buk TO EUROPE .1 rr wars; iwtae in nwai auuia-ttaalarry profit within a elwH'l time. ienal". iim.ii of Iowa akwni fciah atrr tuari in pui, lM-oMH-tti and detail oaartaaaaar ISO aeraa nmn ur le.a & Laita Cowan Rose, t4lRt IHIIIVJ U I'KkltO tiaapit will be matted on re-gii.'-t. HUE BESEBftTtCMS kCW! PRINCE GEORGE COT LTD. Limited b4 Sept. I Ilk. lilt. Prince Rupert, B.C. QUEBEC-4HERB0UR0 SOUTHAMPTON. l lie Sum . me IMli t aUea LAND ACT. & Gloves Nat. 14 . Eaioeaaa of Praaca! tklEKt I Al lattkli l M4IRJIT t Hosiery Phone 234. I leere ealeila Mr iul. f. ZT tatoraaa or Briuia m Ol tl CIURLOTTL C. M. Oliver & Co.Ltd Nat.MONTREAL S SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP.. MallU ir. preoiallltii. 't here are Take aad AulVo Parkwr Ibal Cu.e. tbe Lid I.aaiara f rub-kav a.ea Nat, 12 Miaaaoaaa three i-ritiiinal eaae. ajaewn for lltrW, rraaiei4i i.aaner. Iai.-l. I-. 430434 Rogers Building, r prruttaetai tu bae tba tultum MONTREAL TO aiASOOW li.-m iiia : Ke m. tl Hum. aba ilaare laial.. l..auneo. laa at a "HOLEPnooF nosicnr" The House or Better Values' Vancouver, B.C. Nat, IS MaUama alia 1 liaJke 1 . eharMi-.l with ful.e it Baal ad abotil .bala aaertb ,.r IS. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL norkb-ea.l eurtaer ief L4 111. 01 I I heat. 1-i.oiiu 1-., Mciiiih'i'a Vant'oiivrr ti" k Nat, 4 . Tvaialaa ilelelM-eB Ult.ler tw 1 iKIIll -:,auetb I rbalaa lu hi valer bark. then., JUST RECEIVED, I' V'-hany. Nat. IT MaaUalat M.-v ,4 eatrijr ak bra taaler auark. ' line v h-1 v. J. J . Harry, to! Not. 24 taoaUlara aery III t4wo a rbaka ta bltk oaler akark Ibew. 1 . New rhipmriit f:!! (.lie Last I ialuili"l IW; ST, 40MN TO UVERPOOL. .-ndoi-aiiiy a eheck. ov rnaiaa ra.ierir aaair Mva atrr auark -Illl .lllil ko pael. rwtunaaa no arm mure ar lew. N IM,.,- I 1346 and 3118. !0a.1tPab. MoaUa:m : .- of LATEST Phones Sey. -too. LA0AHk ItilllMi kUb P4Ckl0 Pak. SS MaaUlara 1 Urn. Iltnll' Moateoaa At a meeting held 111 th. home tald Sepl. tilt). Iltl.ruv. LTD. ST. MHN TO OLAkOOW. k. t. .no! 1 f Mr.. Wualieil Uka w.-i-k it waa BK.IIJI1 liau aiMaa.m. LAND ACT. Fall Styles Irak. B Mar. IT ToaTaiaa decided lo fo a Hriliah-laraH kk It'll Mill IHtTKICT MfTKJcT Of 1. vthil.-. ii " ST. .OMN-LAt00eV-tlVERPOOL. pioriely 111 lieor)e. Fifteen Olll riltHLOTTt .ii '.t jr tla- 1111.I K Oaa, S Tuniaia Piljee Take SotVo thai e. the Uaaara llak-f akd Parklba f . l id . of ST. iOMN-CMEABOUAO-kOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP. Ui't-aolia Weri pj-eaelll. llarbar. aeeiH-aliua Laanera. Inteuda aden t; PENMAN'S M FULL Silversides 4. 111 fur prutfU to h-aee tba Mlu. FASHIONED" II Oaa, S M.IIU . III of Mr. and ak daatrtbed labda rM.aueiwtar al a itu e Victorian infant aiin ... lM4 Hasted abuut 4 rbaina avirlk of tba 11 o k auui l.lotv -' in Dresses Mae. B Ape. 14 Miaaadaaa-HAMBURO. Mr rllinr I.eilb pa-.1 away '""rih-oaai 1 eterner f Lot o4, O.t j ST. iOMN-CNERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON. . I".'" "ama w ara water tnara, lla-ura Holeproof ..IK I lie.illn 1 - laa Bros. r ruju) iiMirillOlt ai ruaav rati aaair Ki oaler auark-Miatira Pries from Baa. tT . . Mlaaadsaa una Ik rbaina lo biib B.t.r nark Hosiery II ".eiarhi- aa. to Mar. 24 MallU Ibeuaa I AO rbalaa ae.t a U .. . 75c Vatnli Thursday ikue for Second Street Pafc. 10 Vlctoeiaa :in-k Viit. .Nlt-k Noijali aad "'" 19 ll. euolalnlna no arraa auura to $1.75. Aaatt lo Aaaata ataetaihaea, oe i. 4: further annnunrernent. EONtTER. Baaaeal Aiaat. O.PJt, kiatioa, keiniii X hi lli.-sum. Mioiel woman I..HMH1 riantiii au raralO "KAYSER HOSIERY." DIRECT AGENTS FOR Vaaaoatae, Talapfcoaa Satraoye 203O Agents for The Yukon Fur CANA04AN eaeirio aaiLWAV Itav Im.'ii i-liartretl with Imm.i. tiatad IfPt, I Ilk. Iltlf1 LTU" llie .leiiiuiiil Im l( Tratria AataC leniiiiiw i.lnef of Holii-e r.arlaw II... Co. IN PROBATC. it-i i im re.i-iii.a haa -ia i.-.l a fleaii-op ram. IN TNI SUPRSMI COURT OP BRITISH - pe. 1.ill) vt Io n 1 ' ' Ladies' Ready-to-S Ladies' and Gents' paign In llM-Maller OOLUMBI4.f lua AOualtilnratloa Act; lit ul heel -Ait- ihIi'imI- utir lloaieiv Ilejii. Bent "K.,,.,-1 lliiMi ix v. .otilinu. i" ' Wear Store in Mae Mailer of llie l.atala of fraurll Tailor. RUBBER BLOCKS FOR lanir. W alab. lieee.Mrf the high-at Irtel ul ...,erv i...,i,is prCe from $3.75 to Third Ave. Tkt; MiTK.I. thai la order i,f The $5.75. M. T. LEE I0ND0N STREETS SSMWrS! Opp. Bank of Montreal. F.O. Boa S77 rko Real tS ik- l..... . . irrwtela iamea Wal.h. .h . "PERRIN GLOVES" l.liMMiN . I h reel a iT i: ? ta aaid are betel repaired 1.. fvrM.b aaine. paie. Willi unUI were a IkrllOII iteiai ftfle.l I In awe. tai 1 bef.-e ilw A alileililul vuriel ul liiino" ORDER YOUR CAD0MIN A FOOTHILLS if"! t'rteoiber. All. It, abd all kK, t-upc t'ttUiUOl. t 111 Ho ,!.,. ,,f iiteA WhitlithsiUMi. Vhih Carlebtad U, Ibe relate are rniwlred iitiBd, fliaHltoaulte anal Mie.l,- in h ler at (wtpiil.ti 1 ImiiIoii . in t.ortl Mat lUltlJ W ll aiaaatbl tf Ibetr ItHlebladueaa -t nr. W uU U for tU "i ltiw lua fttkltk. guar.' on -r wir. Tlo " ' Thanksgiving COAL at reel patei willi rubiaer are JOIM II HrVII.IM, OHlewl to tia ami lietu Offlrial AdiMUilairaior e we guraiiU) theiH I " il.lili.l poaailillltiea of Ihe near ' IM 4a, yf tuAmr. Ikf a totnera. TURKEY flllll. .. Ilest Coal luiiifd in AILwila. ' . TIMBIN SAL! XaiAJ I.-.l 1. tieiliK loaili' III kMiiad 7ealra in be raoeneJ by Ibe NOW. Cleuti Little Ash More Ilea. Ma...,, . i.i.Jk. i..,. WiUl tunber zj' Fresh Young Turkeys, RAMSAYiS PAINTS YOU'LL LIKE IT. i 11.1 U.I ..r .. .....I u...i u.i.Lull tka fiar Ilia bttarbaaa ft I li-Mu- Jabour ' " K Ltd. a.. i'.i 1 tbj.laW feel uf tee. txiar (n.i Bros. traigut from the: farm TW HCHT PAIKT TO FAINT RIGHT Phonos 7 and 311. ami iall li-.titfli Iha- loi'liM'i- ia Ui Heaabak ailuata ua aa area .a trie t,.i Cleaned, ready for the eu It I a hp-i ll ,r ".J. l-SiutT,r' ' MU""' "- it Will Pay You to Ost Our rloss. Atkins Heat Market Prions 22. P.O. Bos 120. Consumers Coal Go. Lid ".III U-l .Ti ttfi a- anaiti--! I . ', ! V'LVIT W U '"4 tut ra- Phono 645. Cor. 3rd and 7tfc 1.1 1 r..r wood hi.a l pa- rurtber tuiillrul.r. .if ibe . I.i. f r,,, r TlrWHa. t C w liaUir Waaler. -Wtb' a a, v at