1,"V I 1-' the pAitT nrrwfl I For Acidity or Bile FISH DINNER Itocham's Pills act aa a splendid tonfc to AT ST. REGIS the digestive organs. They remove acidity When and fermentation and excess of bile from your the stomach and bowels and promote the Alderman John Dybhavn Pre stomach secretion of the jrantric juices. In thus sides at Annual Event: correcting morbid conditions and itimulaU Several Addresses 15 Injr the digestive processes Beecham'a Pills Olven upset naturally have an excellent effect upon the ral Inlrrcalinv ailili'i general health. If you have lost your appetite wir a-lvfn al th, nuniial flh Take or are suffering from nausea, sick Hnnr rolenrnf last r'l-h ly al headache, constipation, or giddiness lt Al. Ilg r1 U tmiina. Willi" ihr Km.UhI ilanm Inlrr- rtffil Mmwfmt with iht allml. Beecham's w, II vf an lHoint vini anl ll iiwlf wi infiirnm. ihr. Iiihn l;hnavn. prr'nlonl of Sold 26c 40 pill. 1 li Halirrirs AM-laliin, who everywhere Pills (it boxtt 50c 90 pill. lirpahlml. WPlt-Ofiw! I hi arnrala. Ho all thai for ovor KlUU ymm ho fl-hcrlra nf Ihla rnntinnl haii boon intiftoralinn. .ir aiHl l-.rlrii hail mm In fh. ronl in- nl ami raught ihr finny iloni- 4 r 'V Ten Years Ago rn. Fit RuntlrMl yanra lalor 3 ply In Pi'nee Rupert Knaliah. Frawh. Fpanlh ami I'niiM rtplorera rrjiorlfi: November 1, 1912 that Ihry aaw niinwriii fihtn rrafl on lhi rwaaj nrl gam of t! newly Tim flnrta of llanml-a rank f .rm.-.l Itaikelhall leagur will xl lhlr.1 in Ihr wnrl, brlnt veneer iaae Hre Mil evening in Ike Staling lltns, bel ween lit lUntiM ralM hy only llrilaln ami lh I'MImI Hlalo.. Kiic liroiherhni, ynr ami ike Tiger. I hi- arra valur uf tha ralrli I iirrr are five Imkk In the lea nail I tH.inm.(H ant in thr panelling gue. ntolry n.WM unsr worr om. iloyH. T horr wa !Ml.fMW,ftMl Iimpean M,Ur, A.F. ,.M. raNlal inftl In lM hiilH Beautiful kehl it. annual beM in lit,. Mr. QlMt a Interior 11 Ihr fithorir wvrr eaiaahlr ul UlyTe Mall lal night. Thtna Effect and Can be Applied U aHortiMinia lUrhifMnrnl. T n r MM'.lyrooni wa malr f th Walls vary Rapidly and NtHMe ami Mm Miliar wat jwn- hAMqNol thai nlgnl wa Ui inIii-t IM oeie lu Ike nreily Caelly. wi by irnfrew lul hanff f eallna mtuw flalt. iiami a nreheatra. " a liable l'i rail Fred Stork ' Fretl 11..rk. M.I'. hM that In A knj el Hie iif gb nee li Albert & McCaffery teen male at kitaetaa uernrilins nnmrina Ihr national flh ilay i Fire Wartlee) H. A. Kerr wbo M a fit anl nrofter that an LIMITED arrlwl Ul mud I fr"l MI "f Ikia kllNl nMM Ukn Phones 116-64. inlerbir. Yak rvM a litslt a. ;ilarr al the premier flh pK ;m inn, ii . nM. f Cttnaifa. The flalieriea were ln mwaleal nl rlnel natural In ethikii ..f Vnribrrs IUI reMwrre i!h aaunl ry mmm tn wa uitwnnt in tae miml .rr al the re fir aHraet. Edson Coal Co. .I in u-h attention. H. . Ilrown of Ihr il.nemnaenl when il wa f ihi. riiy. we in rfcarg 4Mileil tw BMetoini a f Mh ilay. and Canada are abb- t nip - .Mr. Hlori referml o the enan. ServingYou The irawler Oanaila arritevl al iHikwt whirh nat. recently 111- Hi.. i iHirnl inlo le fiaheriee. Hr i..raa Hani yraierrfay mM Ihr romanieioaer fca.t hrn afi.-i afirr H....II htng made the Famous with Ike I rrnieiMl.iii lantK) mite front Kng tMftreaaeal Hi paage lend in Iimw nMHtlh. Tke HUM talwe f ike iawiaMry ami tkev While Life Insurance stands watch over your home to cover the Mt il MH in it in. m only EDSON COAL ..f erl a iiirm alHwi eft llattk mhiL In Maud the lury and faney Altai naaMe of veenl ! ..a mortgage; to provide xt fund to caTe for yoilr wife and educate your the r.Mil rargo hail In be thrown; tleiiieari. They hail retMHii. children if should in old rrwaril to-fore Mr r.Hil. pnu atemleil anions .rfher Iklna Ikal you die, or to support yourself your own . jwf y by the ton there hr nmttinjt for fal er .-xl. if live it is aiding Canada's industrial and commercial age you ml. lie' v.nir oritur ring with a 'iew i i utilirint Hit. y t avou (he ruh. flk. Miarli fiii al present prosperity. f hone 6t. ! WHIST STANDINGS wnlel whirh miehl kv ulMifml. Office of Prlnto Rupert Feed flier fmrliHfer plant al llti rily Co Cor. .Second Ae. and i Mi. -UimImiu i.i itat.- in Ui Uail reeenll) bwn rekaMlilaletl The trust funds formed by the payment of your premiums are Seventh 8L l.a.li.-- a It.I Mhii m-lhiii uf li anil lir urtiril lhal all n behind rral-THal W'liul laiiiir rnw il and lr lo make it a uree. invested in Government and municipal securities to build schools," .el in.in f.ir IU illiitn I'.up ar IWiir flk weye irlroyin more a (..iw: fih than any other ewentie in roads, drains and bridges; to provide hospitals and welfare institutions; Ladlt Section I lie aeai aHl il a ratiinemel to establish justice, law and order as well as being invested King, George Cafe W I. I'll. thai a Imiihi of lan an a half H..yal Ptirpf t fl $ er threw iWlara a Uw ke iilarr.l in mortgages, agriculture, transportation, industrial and Ii o K S n 3 n llil rili lo anettairasr IN NEW CAFE iVhiaii Hllr I I 4 leal melton. The iaxlu.tr)' wuuM other enterprises that go to develop Canada and make it a better fl-lH-kah. j.. t I he eiiiHlHteiil fMiermen. in which live. W Valltalla I f I Mr. Sltirk referrnl to Ike .luly place to setrc the nst CHOP st. .nlrw'a 0 5 A mi lonal halitiut qn ai the SIHY 4nd NOODLES (l.. il. II. Men's A. Section 0 3 o iiMller Ihr fftrrMHenl.wa being CjihmiU taken np hail by "Life Insurance serves as it waits." Car Stk Slrtal ead 2a4 Avaaaa ki. Anlr" 3 0 eltargetl a iluly of mm per eenl Phone Blue 471 S. (. f. -.. 3 n nnl Ihr .nterir41w bii.l now none Buy life insurance tor th service it will render you individually, mnd them one belter. I'll I the Ynltialh. I the national service will fallow. Seek the service of the life insurance tel Uk (itwH iui the eoHlinenl s ii. K. I representative, and he will advise how your life's program can be ml he Ioihh1 to are Hie imluolry K ..r l 2 built carried out even in the event of your premature death, . V V. t Ul. J, W. Nlcholls K. .if r. t DENTISTRY I n. a. J. V. Nieh.HU apuke nf the NEVER HAS ANY POLICYHOLDER LOST A DOLLAR' -THROUGH hUli Intra on Ihr aalmon fiah- , Ip.lka lHIl 3 erie. Tit i wmilil hate li e THE FAILURE OF A CANADIAN LIFE IN. reeiifie.!. While all in.lutrle I LAMP ACT. I1U1I lirMi I he "llbjrel uf lrgiU. SURANCE COMPANY. Dr.J.Maguire site wmict mstwct or liuil none hail keen ao eiteuiil. T(m Sl.rtWt that h Ltntirt Nth- Itereil iy iw u lh fiahrrie. Rooms 7 nr aiHl raiklni '. I.M.. In roimertbm Willi aeinina for and S Smith Block. ll.rkw. rrflltai i4imf. ''"n,,1,, Minimi Mr. NVIiolU I H '" a. t.lH lur Kni, I" i Office Hours) 0 to 9. Mit lrtrtir4 Unci. i mmimrtiit II that Ihr Mai lav antounli'il lo UFE INSURANCE 5Rr'C, HI .l bKlW llaml I" chllM ! of Phone 575 Lady Assistant. akan rvlnl. Onbtm IUimI; Ihrnr noriA 37 rrnU I'HIi of I hi rlMHK la ki lf lrk; lhrlK ! 0 IAU rlMilU fciw M" niv! llo wp taVrn hy the llviliiininii a nil .uih I rlMin m 'fL pari hy Ihr I'ruviuoe in uiiimm .1.1 i A rlMin tkitif hub ' 14 !.,,(, rutiUlitinr ! I'M! wr T"- form. II. I'. aaliiiuii hail to miniiee with Hlterlau where PACIFIC CARTAGE Mt4 SH. III. there wa a very low wiue aeula LAND ACT. nn.l wilh AUun where llirrr ftteatiier to Nim, liare fur cargo I'nlilli- kaMikiUg rliii will meet i iTthm:t -jiitwct or wire rrurrely ny lue. If gml he llmuylil 1 lie 'I Internment III Klllii FlwuM Sb-hnnl tm A eil-in ECONOMY COUNTS Limited SKEEJl aonirlhiiik wua iio ilopr w il It in iiiiTt'liiknl ma. in lioui plure ilay iittrtit. Phone 93 'tni "ul l.iklnr :Jf I.U.. four year (he inlnlry would hoiita mi tin' "i iui-e from lirri' Kleetrb'il) and Knglih for tiVly fr lrttii..lue '"J.,?,,: liar ilwiiiilleal to oiiiall pr.iMir-linn. llliil ih'e.iii' Mi. buxitie. K "iviglier will aieel Ml the King Eat Good at the Furniture, Piano and Kilwartl Si'liitnl mi lniriluy in Mr. Mrholl urufl llml fUui-aila Safe Moving ihnira. n..rih rhin l k ',t,,".r llliil the Hnilr.l Slalea Kit. POLYTECHNIC CLASSES hit lire.new eta m (imtlnxy for( Good Pnnl Cenrl Curtitgo ,(tr iMirw mark;I no rlMin llM-nr uria-Mlrly twain .h.iM.ln"f'';; uparuln iii tiiukinir niiifiirui re-HUlal KING EDWARD SCHOOL Mmei ami I'mnpeeliir will Eats Cafe Sn4tnil Crrtl rtinl.inllif H I011. The fith mkiMi hy 11 1 in Ike King Kdwiuil Srhn-d lo pol, IIM (trr reahleiila frmii either able I In n Umi-MUya. AT LESS THAN PRC-WAR rUCCS. line wrre the juiuk, llii'y wim Tlif following I'laaaea linve Ibewilai( i.iue H9 in'en Good Food. Qood Cooking Qood, Service. , liaitil fi. Ilia. I III'. , raufilil in I he 'Bh way u"l tla been iiium-iI limn Itie IhmJIt mmeii frtun V'rf'I.O' Thursday Private Boxes. Phono 301. Pre.Vr Prices I IAN ACT. ituilerlal ur in llm imlunlry N-loMd uii Mill m fulnrvi, inert and will meet in the IbMi.lh .iEt iiriIicT nilTWCT r anir from tlit aine plarea. ul the King Irflwafel 8flimI. Kflinol. . JL i J L "Launch , oiikm i:imkiti llirrr wua tin icu.i.n why Hie re. MiukIu) : Kugli-ll for Fnrelgii. t'iUiwr. giilalliuia ahimlil im he iiiiiforin. I'm uiiil Milluirry. HIS CONSOLATION THEO COLLART, LTD. . . .ggfty lUrlwr. orruiMtlimi Steamers Here f iniluy a I look keeping la "il .Uull .I! 4 rMinl awrlli of (iliitiiir Mr. NU'luill (irgeil haa been Hint i'i er In Weilnea. M..IHri.VV. it look uir FOR SALE. Narbethong' iwflb l wroM- ul lu4 0M. Ihr ieiraiilHy if IimiImik Ilia lay ami will 'i tiilure meet in ui. nil -i Uar work In T l ir nu'll .. Lot on Third Aveuue, only seoO.OO. This Is a fMJ ihX: l ?i.ialTnJia-Mii.riy ''!' aulunm ami oilier itrmliu'la mt Ilia MUg r-iiwit'" rninni. I. .1 11 li ne my machine. CHUISINO HUNTING Sil'r iir mri n..i.,. Ihmra tUrura 1 UU rliala "Kr,' J11",! alraiiM'ia right In lliia ivrt niul lUltiuaaa l'Mi;h-j um Arilli PeiirMiiitn And wll have buy for soinaltody. PLUASUKK ,i"ii huh iir m.ri Ve in.!, liij'inif uwuy ijireei. lie ImI luelie alllilmla Ti)l(ln .,u i") y-'iii ruiwat Pltona Black 400 liet'ii ttliinml .iiiu'vaafiil Una lit (hat tln-ir i la iiula mi Vel-ueiduy, Mi.lnn.l l.lnlHienl 1'aeiflo Phono Blue 69. Weslholm Theatre Bloek. P.O. 4. summer in mdui'iug a lurge King ldwurj School. . ekly i Di4 III. IHI.