PARE TWO The Daily News WHAT CAUSES PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Two Met) in a Gar Published. Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, (he The Princo HEADACHES ? A short account of. a Trip to 'Hupert Daily News, Limited, Thinl Avenue. CAlifnrnta In m PnrA Plivver ' ' Editor. By H. F. Pullen - II. F. PULLEN, Managing "Frult-a-lives" Prevents i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Auto-intoxication Near Hed Jtluff. California.- The makers of Lifebuoy Cily Delivery! hy mail or carrier, per month J 1.00 as I am wntimr Ibis we are By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, Auto-fntox ication means self-poison-,' whirling alontr at about 3. tulles guarantee its pc rfect PURITY. in Advance, her vear ... -f 0.00 log.' Many people suffer from jwrtial mi hour aTler behur pulled oul n $7.C0 Constipation or insufficirnl action of Ik snnd bank by a Iractor. Il was To all other countries, in advance, per year manufacture llicir should They own unbleached louU Waste matter which Ihe Hrsl Incident of Hie trip paas out oCtlio body every day, worth reeordin? from a news RED oil in Central Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. remains and poisons the blood. point of .viewj rot- up lo this Itu'ie palm An a result, there I.s Headaches, we tiave )een ilelaye,) -very" little. Africa. ' t daily edition t Tuesday. May !). H22. Indigestion,disturbed Stomach,Pain ItejnK stuck just now costs us In the Hack,Rheumatism and Kczemu half nil hour of valuable time and other skin diseases. and a lot of bad leuiper. However They test every other Lifebuoy ingredient Improvement In "fruit-a-thes'' will alwoyt rrlicve Ibere, a number of others in Canadian Exchange. Anto-intoxiauion as these tablets,joudn for purity and quality. which l.egan to be a similar plight, and they were Thtt improvement in Cuiadian exchange, from fruit juices, act gently on tho not a 1dl polijo'in regard lo the earlv in Iecembesr, has brought the do ar bowelj, kidneys and skin and keep California aTTthoi'ilies hloc.king Lifebuoy is the most wholesome autumn or HUH, purest, Ihe since -the nearer to par than has been rase the blood pure and rich. . . the road and pnividinif so poor .- t - .1 ni. rniA moill I Will llfl VW. n tuvr A t,.r " VI trial lft-ViC. detour. that cum be made. remembered, began during the crop-shipping season, and proli- j At dealers or wat postpaid by soap Iiick is drivinsr now. He i ni.i., ..'. 'i.;jpW hv nme. anai lan iinnnriug m km., tnum-utn uidihm, movement on the pari of the Han-adian ib-vclopiii? Inio a prelty gioi Maiiv reactionary preiileled'n cbanffio-r and, olber tlilntfs failing, of those, factors had subsided. influence dollar when Him with occasional SUITCASES should be able to lake it up Purr, unbleached, ThIoi Oil aod This however, has not been realized; instead, as a calling. W Uki1 lurus in Wtrrtalde Oil arc ttted American fund l(i Canada pradu-nllv iu Ibe of fluctuations. :the premium on inaklu( driving and in Dial way keep decrease through the first three monlln of the year. TRUNKS from gellinir very tired. IJfrbuuy ' wliich affect the dollar There several factors area CLUB BAGS Lizzie's Fan. these is the influence or tlie'prieui lime. Prominent among al I.izzie. has been acting well ex the pound sterling. The recepl phenomenal rise or the latter cepl for Ihe Tan. The belt has hnii. intod effect. Anutheiv.factor, winch undoubt Large Stock hand. n ii ni a on a?ain taken up the habit of slip. edly ha weight ill Hie same direction, is the. expectation of considerable Prices very low. pin? off al the wnms lime. That financing on the part of the, Dominion government in has delayed us so that in order of the funded debt which matures J. F. MAGUIRE the iifnr future. Thai portion to keep our schedule I have not lhi far amounts to iHi.OOO.OOn, and, in addition, other funds Next the Prince Rupert Hole) had I line lo write.. We . have secured. This financing will have a favorable influ-eifce have to be ('.'imped out every evening since whether the flotation is made at home, or the exchanges on we left Portland Iind we have no in London. If an issue is place. in Canada, there in New York, or lijfhl except a flash so o o bed will be. always', a largo amount of the stock sold to American soon afler dark ind ris early investors; ir our government should decide to place an issue The Man in the Moon in Hut morning. 1! js good-fuu with New York bankers, the etfect would be favorable to the SAYS:-; hut does not provide copy for the Canadian dollar, and the same result would follow should we go Haily News. to life Loudon market. Anticipation of this financing thus Jinx There have been a lot of a favorable influence on Canadian exchange. One mut, or TIJK man who .picks up mjily Ihihirs wliich luisht interest course, consider also the gradual improvement in the Canadian matchboxes On the. street is ah who have not been south. trade balance. During Hie. eleven month eliding February Mi2l, niilimi-d. Oregon is a very fin aKricultiiral Canada had an uuravoraMe halatire-nr over seven million dollars. country, as everybody knows. H7 w m m Mmtm The eleven months ending 'February 1022, however, showed a NOW that we have mure daylight Also its scenie features are liTil favorable balance of 2i million dollars. ' lliei; will be less "moonshine." at all to' be despised. lie fore Perhaps. - reaching, jhe mountains "in Ihe gE5 'European Situation extreme soulb we IIioukIiI il one Generally Improved. A NEflHO wns raught with a of Ihe finesl eoimtrie.s we had The political and economic situation abroad has some fav-orable pint of liquor cached in his ever passed Ihroiih. There are aspects. The annoulicemeiit-nf-lhe-Hrilish government wooden Iff? .11 js quite evident large fruit orchards in some relative to provisions 0r their tvrtr dentr'ifa's-rinrt a buoyant ef-rei't ft he had no hollow.'teeth,. , districts " and in others sloek' otr sterling. A settlement of the Titrktvin2idirficiillics, forms or sheep range)). which is al feast leiiUilive.has its effect in the gelfeYnl improvement. If A, HA, lloop pets yoti soon In the Mountains. The rescue of Austria ha, been definitely flh'rt.Kt&rftgf'-ou-ly 11 er Or Inter- In Ihe soiilhern part o'f the held out that the Henna . .,d. in fdai Hapid.s-llenuhlican unde,rLikcn. Some hope is conference i.'ir nnop slnle- the road passed Ihroiwh result. It is of little siguifiivdire. ........ lnnr.M. will no tJnilej-taker. low mountain ranges but the was very wrlriime about half Hint many, of tho Eurojiean countries, with the notable' exception road wer(. ;;oid and the grades way. of I lie Central-Powers, are reducing their paper ciirrcticy ill easy, so that we made good lime Narrow Escap. flOU',,I i'.i,if in IJ trnni-ii ii outstanding. never having lo, let Ihe car into Sign posts urge drivers not to and uiiJtl.disease. Lumber Lath Avhlcli nndouhtedlv assisle. jito hciroo( Among oiner lacjors; l.w ill Ihff; & until the gear way exceed the 'fifteen mile limit on :io ir. inriitirr ;V. v,.r.-V.ieL- ihe- imnrr.vnment . hrillvh I WaJ .all day and talk v v. : ,. .... yhfjiil H . all .ntebJ, MsKiyoii range was reached curves and to kcei io Ihe right trade uniajire. vnoiner ineior is ine grauuai niijiiMineni .-insiug where once or twice il becamo lime. In sple of thai as, out of Hie fact that sterling was nut or line with ilsi'puFchnsiiig i,.,.. -V we have a "clean tip""week ncc-essary lo make 'the change wv were driving up a bill close ! Shiplap-Boards and 7ower parity, caused ny im; mikhi rise in jiricr"iiiiin:.. .. . .. uiuieii duess .the,, police will lake .lust beyond the summit of the lo one. of the sharp turns n''bi' Stales, and the fall of British prices. 'prpiiiinent ,art. pass was Ihe California boundary car suddenly appeared right In ! line and good roads passed iulo front of lis a i ii.1 travelling nt Dimension Anxiety About those not so good. , from twenty to liiiriy-rive miles "I IIKAIt he driiiks somelhin Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Hover German Mark. - . California seems to have ne an hour. It swerved lo the outside awiiu. A point which causes anxi'ety";ih" he Eurrpean' sitiialion is "yes, I Insled it."; glected Ihe northern pari of the of the road atid missed lis the failure of the Herman rrihrk to respond to the general im stale and spent Ihe money in the by inches. Dick was driving and' Kiln Dried provement of the exchanges., iAUuig with sterling, which roc to THESE are (he days when .Ma .south. I ho roads in the north lie stalled Ins ear in slopping Flooring, Ceiling, Siding a high point of i 3-8 in i New- YtMVi-oit'.mrch 1, the franc and can't find Hie hijr shearsj Pa has are rather poor but they are be suddenly and it was a .few mi'n-illes the lira also have shown niv'rtfYwifriKtehilency. The mark, however, Ilieni ti Hie garden making boles ginning to do sonic work irl Hie before we 'rOuhl recover fnd Finish has continued to find new low levels. for I be spuds. , . ' north and a few yars wilt prnb from Ihe shock of the close es ' AfipUuiatmirpf Jhe cillapse of Herman exchange is found able see a great change. p. cape. As a rule,- linweer, peo SPkUCE LATH in.llreJuHAyonihie financial situation in that country. An nn-balanceo I'AS LAMENT: minds one of lirilish Columbia ple observe the rote of (lie road. TnidgelJ fresh issues' of paper currency, the sale of Ma does nowadays, in that respect...... I'hosc who do liol, are not onlv Manufactured In Prlnoe. Rupert and telling at Lowest Prlcai marks by fierriiali.v desirojis of placing their funds in some stable ' no-im... great aurariioiv m nor a danger lo themselves hut til all country, gnd probably liquidation of pari of the world's large And the 'wasteland's ' on - the thern California is Shasla Moun who travel. . .' : speculative holdings of ,marks, air have contributed lo the decline, bed, tain and.i hot.. springs.. J'or. alinnsl We are now in the level ooqi) PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. (iermauy contends that the burden of reparation payments The tMblo Sl')nis ouis4de Hir iiiiys ine moiimalll was III try, passing rice fields, alfalfa makes improvement difficult. That contention is not door," . ., " " Isigti at limes, a noble peak env and fruil orchards, .lust a lillle 8eal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 3S1 without support in many quarters outside of Hermnuy. Qcr-infkiiy And my besf.siilt is in the reii won perpetual snow. We way back we passed a flwek. ff habitually bad an unfavorable- trade balance prior to the shed. passed quite War it at Slsson what seemed to be several boit war, so far as Hie import -nnd export of commodities was con-curned. In faet hoiii'o": life It aln'l a I where Inurisls make, (heir headquarters sand sheep. Al (tedding we.saw1 Invisible items, however, such as the returns from investments home, and thai night wo our firsi palm Irees and we have abroad,," payment for services, especially carrying And 'the house is on Ihe hum, camped close .o (he Kbasla just passed Hie first ,ornnce'.;ori charges ami remittances rrom immigrants, resulted iii a balance I'd love lo bftntr the witly tuy, Springs Hole), chard with the fruit (in the (reeit Htlginon Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 inrlier fovor. Now ill that is changed. At the present time, Who composed "Ain't We Hoi Lizzie Won't Start. We feel Dial we are really rj flermaiiy has few- invisible items to"reckon with, in fact they nre Kun." i When I purchased the old fliv I lie south. If we have luck we Dr. E. S. TAIT albbiil negligible, ii,f. taken over a long period, her imports are ver that is carrying us south, one should reach Sail I-'ranciseo j(V far in excess of her exports. To make her reparation pavnients, WAYS OF WOMEN. of ihe adnilrub!" features was morrow evening. Dental Storgeon she is compelled to resort lo the sale of marks to secure the' the easy manner in which she high necessary intrtriml exchange, hem-, the increase in paper money, and the -i'Jolin, your wife looks cold In slaited. Two turns of the crank HOW MEXICANS TRY Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. prices of goods and labor. The government deficit I hat Hi In coal." and we were away. The riirlher ror the fiscal year ending March, 1022, is now estimated' "tlan'l help it. She's saving up we gnl on Ihe road -the more TO PREVENT DUST Sunday by Appointment al 1 80 bitloir marks. paper difficulties for some summer .furs," we hail in sliirlinir - until Ibis morning we could not Planting Clover and Alfalfa In nidge. We had anticipated Irou- Dry Lake Bed Close By City ble, however anil rnmocd .it Mm top of a gentle slope,- We start D A ur frozen herring ball is conceded by fishermen ed l.izie iown Ihe bill and then MEXICO CITY, .May 8.- -After Oex 1 t0 ) ti,6 nne8t procurable at any Paciflo Coait . . vcars of experimenting in ef, ii....... i an iii-'w iii i in. ears ami away we Port and It Is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. rort to the dense slop clouds or went. lipp The best way or Insuring a good quality trip J' LiMADIAN Ma. All this morning dust which sweep down on Mexico to have plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price. Cily at certain periods, flm De inroiign ine mnsl wniiderful $4 per ton. BAKING POWDER partment ot Agriculture has de scenery. Sometimes we drove Olitfif 0ur wfi"-em'IPPpd store can supply flehlng geafi cided lo plant cldver and altaHa along the hanks or stream and flsbenncn'g clothing, groceries and provlslom in the bed or I.fke Texncco, again we were hundreds of feel and hardware. lake near the cnldlal which has Ihe, up side or and threading our gorges been, dry Tor sevijral years. Ag NEW ENGLAND FISH Company 3udrarfeedx fo be fbe puresf sides or snow lopped way mountains'.along Ihe rieiillural experts believe well cultivated verdure will Invite . Ketchikan, Alaeka Branch and best baking powder possible ing cw trees into and view plants but everywhere were com moisture in greater quantities fo produce.fteceiuse of the purity were oaks wtiicti were just coming and will prevent the dint rrom into lear. rising in Hie driest seusons. DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "pft" YOU fcpdjb Qoaliiy of fbe iDredienfs riiine wiijii It n Is was impossible an tike,o d-.but NOTICE. SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK . . pr mic 'Baking 9owder ifs some or the road was good and I lie I.NtTIIE itnif nt MATTKIt frch or rernrira an innllritlnn t or title MEN'S DRESS 8H0ES, light weight (welted), black pair we enjoed the drive immensely IjI ID. II lock 41. Sfftll,ll i. f.llv r,t lrlnr We have jilst received a shipment direct from .Knglond leavening Qualit-Tes ni'I'rri, v..I. 5re perfect lillhough wn did not make very .to ni t ii wrruy rivn mat it i my ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR for rien, made In Northampton, and it to therefore economical- good progress. iHix Intuition mniilli in lue from tfiir llwi toe lirl unirnion nutllntlnn of Kntsland. Mndium loo, nil sizes, To inlrdmice thl I'"4' We bad some bad curves on Imriof. a froli rerlllli'ile ol tin m ih special price of $9.25. uuuve iiiriuioiii'u erurrriy lo.iiift iiame o! the E.W.GILLETT Vancouver Island roads hut J, Arthlll HomtlfV. wlifrli rrrtlflr.i COMPANY" LIMITED on the road through Hi Nafional title it iiatoil Ui iri Mircti. lt. iiui u FAMILY SHOE STORE WNhUPtO lUKUNTO, CANADA, MONTKCAb l orem neerve there was mile iiuriiberert 7344-1. Our Foot Comfort Service Dept, s rapidly gaiulng approval J afler mile of curve that made tbe public. If you havo apy rnlnqr foot Iroublfs al all J1'0'1 one giddy to drive, and a change I'lliii'p ltt diy liuiicrl,of March,b. C im, fail lo edit In and see us.